Finals Smogon Premier League XIV - Finals [Won by Team Raiders]

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Tricking Raiza first of all thx for drafting me and thx for believing in me after my initial sv performance. Winning this tour back to back just shows how good you are as a manager duo.
Serpi really glad for you. Your consistency and overall performance in rby is only matched by very very few players on this website and you are also a biest for how many players you guided into the tier.
Raiders you guys were an amazing team and filled with players that really deserved the trophy. Had a really fun time with all of you.
xray thx for carrying me so hard in oras without you I would have been completly lost in oras. I know how invested you get when helping your friends and sorry that I could not always live up to your standart, but I still had a great time learning the tier. With that thx for every other oras player that helped me you know who you are.
In general not a huge fan of these posts but just had to say a few words.
first I would like to thank all my teammates, and also thank you for the opportunity to be part of this beautiful team, I had great pleasure in being part of this long journey together with you
I learned a big lesson: always believe in your teammates. and that was the most important thing!
Also thanks all the helpers who helped my slot and some friends who helped me from outside: Mashing, Rriv, kibo, walter, pietro, nicholas, corpish (and also for sacrificing kibo for the last two tiebreaker games lmao)
I would also like to thank the best coaches I've ever had in all aspects: Raiza and tricking
Now, I would like to S/O to some people who somehow, some more, some less, positively impacted my life in Pokemon so far: kingsloth, woolf, shakurr, V. Davi, kobe payne, Lord amir, paolode, pissog, tenebricite, Halfwaycrocks, justrandom nick, nowh, lpz, wesley, hyperium, enrique, Herv, Caetano, sr. Pataozinho, TDNT, Bea, DEREK, otavio, sky dust, myjava, stormzone, ade50, Juseth Sepulveda… (I know there's a lot more but I can't remember right now)
S/O to my braziliam mates: teta, tama, askov, get becker, retorno, zana, GAMA, hyoga, rewer, lusa, elodin
S/O to my friends who always accompany me on my servers to prepare me for individual tournaments: Beraldo, Pedrogreg, siirin, loege, Century express
And last but not least, my best friends for a long time: Cocoon evolution, Sahki, Typhlosion08, Ske, Thiago nunes.



law of fezandipiti
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Championis a Past WCoP Champion
World Defender
congrats raiders, in particular to my main man roro, didnt join if u werent gonna, so many shitty seasons made up for the trophy dub at long last

im sorry it had to go the way it did team, best draft ive seen and amazing chat, much love to everyone :sphearical:


two slow dancers last ones out
is a Pre-Contributoris a Past SPL Champion
GGs to the Sharks, and great job to my team.

I would like to shoutout two of the most influential people in my SPL experience:
Thank you dice for the team carries weeks 1-7. Your teams are top notch as is your meta knowledge and there was no way I could have been as prepared for my opponents without your help. From my perspective you've indubitably shown you're the GOAT at this tier as it's reflected in both of our performances.

Thank you Tricking for believing in me even years ago when I was shit at the game. We've had a lot of fun together on various teams, but SPL is different and I'm glad we could succeed together even here.
My teammates and I worked our butts off for this win, despite losing players and many people rooting against us. We got better together and I couldn't be more pleased with the journey and the end result. I was definitely a doubter at many points including the finals but we demonstrated great resilience and I am very proud. Enjoy the Red!

To the helpers that joined up, THANK YOU. It's rare to see a truly self sufficient roster out of the gate, and y'all did a superb job of filling in the gaps of knowledge, preparation, and morale that we needed.

Thank you to my friends for the continued support and see ya next time :heart:


is a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnuswon the 6th Official Ladder Tournamentwon the 7th Official Ladder Tournamentis a Two-Time Past SPL Championis a Past WCoP Champion
World Defender
This season was difficult: we spent a lot of money for a few players, we needed our paid picks to perform well and 3k to steal some wins here and there to perform properly. Power rankings seemed to believe in us more than we did at the beginning of the tour. I definitely thought playoffs were more than doable, but we needed to improve a lot to win the whole thing. The improvement I was looking for did not really arrive, we lost our most paid player and one of the players I was looking forward to teaming with at the very beginning of the tour. However, our results were convincing at the beginning and, after a tough transitory period, we bounced back and closed the regular season at the first place. While we played semifinals quite well, I was completely unhappy with most of our games in finals. I think that we should have won the series without a tiebreak considering the generally good matchups we got and the few lucky breaks we needed. Similarly to last year, that did not happen and we definitely robbed the ORAS game in the tiebreak. To those who lost their game in tiebreak (Skype, jon, mind gaming) I want to say that it's a honor to play a tiebreak, and that you shouldn't worry about your loss. Losing a high stakes game sucks. I have lost a SPL Finals tiebreak to tamahome when I was a relatively new player to this kind of games, just like you all. I felt really bad, I definitely underperformed, but the fact that my team trusted me to start gave me a huge confidence boost and extra motivation for future endeavors.
Now, moving onto shoutouts, it will be a relatively long post, I'll try to keep it short and essential, but you all deserve more than some few sentences at the end of a long journey.

Raiza è stata durissima ma anche quest'anno ce l'abbiamo fatta. Snappata?

Behind the scenes helpers from day 1:

Kibo you carried kebab in SV OU with your epic ladder sessions and your EVs expertise. You won us another tour by getting banned from our Discord on the 0-1 during Tiebreak. TALISMAN and great friend. IRON JUGULOOOOOOOOOOO

LuckOverSkill constant presence and BW carry of the team (no forretress once again :pensive:)

Sahki thank you for your scouts, the teams you posted and your chat presence during the tournament

Clementine thank you for the epic avatar, your SM help and your chat presence during the tournament

Fakee thank you for playing a lot of tests with jisoo and for trolling me about Lukaku's performances

and then other epic friends who have been with us and have been helping here and there, although being less active, since the beginning of the tournament: avarice FriendOfMrGolem120 Corckscrew

100percentpureheat for doing absolutely nothing, but that's exactly why we invited you

Other helpers who joined during the tournament:

clean for completing the core with Kibo and creating a mythic creature (IRON JUGULOOOOOOOOO)

Excal for being very active and helpful across multiple tiers since you joined in Week 9

Hachimaki for your help and test games in multiple tiers, and for joining kebab, kibo and me in our ladder sessions

procorphish for joining the epic ladder sessions and providing useful input in SV

Mashing thanks for your help (except when you suggest SV Ubers teams in OU) and test games in various tiers, and for keeping Gtcha under control

njnp for your precious SV input in finals, xray for helping Raizen, Santu for some extra ORAS input in tiebreak, BIHI for joining 1oo in doing nothing :toti:, Xrn for some extra SV input, Dark Eeveon for extra BW input, Fakes for some DPP help

Now, onto the players in draft order:

Gtcha as Akaru Kokuyo would say, "a la verga blicc". You wanted to play with us again, we trusted you and you clutched another tour after a great performance. It's hard to put into words how important you were in these two editions of SPL and how impressive your record is. Once you win a team tour, you are usually less hungry for more wins, but this wasn't the case, you were amazing and won a lot once again. Bueno, y la camisa de Prada?

McMeghan you weren't in many of our plans, you probably had less than 30% chance to be with us if you ask me. Despite being busy, you gave your input across the various channels within your competence. Your season started in a lucky win, then it was a crescendo and you became unbeatable. Then, like Bleach, your finals game wasn't a great showing, mostly due to the bad matchup. Then, with another bad matchup, you got us a lucky tiebreak win in ORAS. To sum up, lucky vieux père, but jokes aside I am very happy I have teamed with you, got to know you better, and that you enjoyed the team environment and the tournament.

Skypenguin I have been trying to team with you for several tours, but never got the chance to. Now, one second after you didn't get retained, I wrote to you and I welcomed you to Raiders. I like your approach to the game and I think you have had a solid performance. However, I think you can be much better than you showed. You played a solid high stakes game in tiebreak despite it being your first tiebreak, so making a couple of mistakes happens. Your record is nice, I am satisfied we won together, but you can be better.

bbeeaa I wanted to buy you because I didn't want you to win on another team and troll me. It turns out that you have trolled me in a way I did not imagine. Well played. However, thank you for your contributions before the incident, you will always be a good friend of mine. Have fun with the appeals :toti:

Serpi we were short of money after the first 4 buys but we wanted a solid RBY. If you are good at RBY, results will follow. That's why we wanted one of the top RBY players available and we got you. You finished with the best record, with some great performances in some games. You did sometimes struggle but you were one of the carries of this team. You didn't have much support, our RBY channel was full of your introspective monologues, but you did extremely well and your teams were on point. Great job even if I still disagree with some of your RBY openings.

zioziotrip I wanted to buy you in SCL and didn't end up getting you. This time we got you and you had the perfect approach to the game, possibly the best approach I have seen from a new player. Your two wins weren't random at all even if you kept trolling most of the test games. I was particularly sad about your ban because we warned you and you were being very careful, apparently that wasn't enough. That said, I would have liked to see how your performances would have evolved throughout the tour. I am really sad we won without you.

DAHLI having to replace a player is not nice, however, you did your best and joined with the right mindset. You also brought some innovative ideas to our SV OU building department and you became very solid at the end of the season. The fact that we were debating about starting you in tiebreak meant that you did a great job and you should be proud even if you joined in midseason. I am very happy we won together, VAMOS DAHLI

DeepBlueC another amazing teammate and chat presence. You probably were less active than usual this season but you made an efficient use of your time and I liked some of the ideas you came up with and how they translated in-game. I think you shouldn't be satisfied with your record even if we won because you can do much better and you know it. You were 5-3 by Week 8, carrying us in spite of your low pricetag, but the tour didn't end in the best way for you. Now that you won your first trophy after getting so close last year, you can improve a lot if you care and if you are motivated.

Aliss not your season. Many things went wrong. You were significantly busier than in the past and that certainly didn't help. However, the Raiders staple won again :toti:

Baloor You were very useful in the first part of the season to help our players get familiar with SV. You had a very important role in shaping some of the teams we used and I like your approach to the building part of the game. Your games were pure disasters, but when it mattered you bounced back, prepared well, and brought some wins to the table. Your Manager from Centocelle Crawdaunts aka your biggest believer said you would clutch, and he was right, contrary to everyone else's belief. As I have told you privately, I hope this experience will be a great starting point for you. Still more sheet wins than Enzonana.

RaiZen1704 nice job bouncing back after a rough start. I know you didn't play your main tiers and you had to fill different tiers for us given the circumstances but I appreciated your effort and you played some quality turns in the games you played. You surely have room for improvement and the right mindset to do so, good luck!

Kebab mlml probably the first time ever where you were active and cared about the team and the tournament. Your results showed your effort, and the long ladder hours with Kibo were really clutch. I am still very sorry for making your finals team worse.

false I think I have said that so many times in the Manager chat, I think you are much better than you show and your results could be much better. My idiot opinion is that you should be more humble, but I really think you can do great things with a slightly different mindset. That said, you filled the tiers we needed without complaining despite going through some hard times and I really appreciated your effort to get a team ready and your positive reactions to my malding.

Ash KetchumGamer another player I am happy about despite the various games thrown. You alternated some solid performances to some disasters. You were also busy in the first part of the season but you cared a lot. That's really important and I have enjoyed your presence. I think your results improved when you stopped building. Jokes aside, you were new to this kind of tournaments, that's not easy, but I hope you continue playing and have some individual results, too.

Jisoo last but not least, right? Well, I had no doubt you would deliver a decent performance, but I really couldn't imagine this kind of performance. I suggested some years ago your name when I was helping the Tigers and Gama said something like "this guy isn't even good at his lower tier and you are telling me to buy him for some OU?". Now, Gama was absolutely right, it would have been too early. But you always did well in minor tours with me and I am super happy that you went from pasting your ADV NU replays in my DMs to destroying the BW pool in SPL. You also played almost the entirety of your games very well, too. I am really proud and your contribution to the final victory was fundamental. We obviously have to thank dice and all the Raiders BW boyz for their help. Your hatred towards Lechonk is unparalleled.
By the way, you are the MVP of this season in my opinion all things considered. Well done!


Gman thanks for telling me not to give up even when I didn't believe anymore
hellpowna thanks for rooting for us every week since the beginning even if we didn't draft you
Enzonana. ACR1 fran17 the Argentinian goats...
Punny for helping me with some SV ideas/teams we brought even if he wasn't part of the team/tournament, much appreciated as always
Niko for brainstorming some ideas for finals despite we didn't really listen
All the other Italian friends who rooted for us, as well as the few other Raiders fans on the site.
vakatalesau x te. sempre.


This tournament was incredibly challenging for me and I still have a lot to learn, I wasn't the perfect manager but all I did during the tournament was for my teammates. I will take quite a long break from tournaments, I'll be back only if/when I will have the motivation to do better.
Thanks for reading.


Edit: super shoutout to H.M.N.I.P
Quando il mio pushy (abbreviazione per pusher sono un ragazzaccio ) H.M.N.I.P aka "Fava" mi passa le delizie di Sinnoh 4️⃣ devo ammettere che mi sento davvero inebriato Non è un utente qualunque, è un FiloCampione le sue creazioni ️ ⌨ sono molto richieste perchè H.M.N.I.P è davvero brillante quindi è solo normale che finisca per essere protettivo verso di esse No sharing ❌ ❌ è il minimo che posso fare per ringraziare H.M.N.I.P del suo altruismo (grazie H.M.N.I.P )
Last edited:


Sun God
is a Tiering Contributoris a Past WCoP Champion
World Defender
Just wanted to share a thought (sorry Troller): imo seeing Raiza and Tricking winning this tour back to back is a lesson for anyone wishing to manage in the future or to improve the way they do it. while this year i really do believe that their team was one of the best, i don't think it was after the post-bans nerf or last year. i think they won because they have a good formula for building a winning team: they are capable of creating very good environment (despite little dramas that are usually entertainment rather than real problems) and they bring out the best in their players. Tricking believes that he and Raiza really do predict which players are going to overperform their price, and maybe in part it's true, but i think they are just good in making players perform at the best they can. because of the environment of their team, or because of good advices they deliver, can't say, but it really shows up in the results when you can win one SPL after getting ranked last by most people and one with a team worth 40k credits less than the others. so a big congrats to them and obviously to team raiders for winning this, and to sharks for getting very close twice in a row. unfort i did not have the chance to play this tour this year because of my ban but i hope i will still have the time and the involvement to play one of the best tours in this site next year.


is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis an Administrator Alumnusis a Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis the 5th Smogon Classic Winneris the Smogon Tour Season 14 Championis a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Big Chungus Winner
I'm really happy to have won this tournament again, it's been so long since I was on a challenging SPL Team, I was missing this feeling.

I was very hesitant to sign up due to my temporary lack of activity on the game and my IRL situation allowing me less free time, but it turned out that participating was for the best. At the end of the day, there is no tournament like SPL even when it goes badly. This edition was particularly captivating due to how many teams were involved 'till the last week and how close it all was.

On a personal level, I'm very satisfied with my season all-around as a player. As a teammate, I was probably less active than ever in a team tour, which felt weird as it's usually the opposite. After all these years on the website, this is probably my best individual run X final result ratio, and I'm pretty proud of it.

Onto the lengthy shout-outs that nobody cares about but the teammates and the few tagged people:

Tricking Raiza Thanks a lot for buying me and trusting me with a 20+k pricetag. I know I haven't always been the most reliable big purchase in the past, and that probably turned off a lot of managers before. I'm glad I was part of a solid draft plan that worked wonders. I managed last year to a very disappointing results, and a lot of the purchases you guys made would have never crossed my mind. I know SPL drafting can be a crapshoot but I probably have a lot to learn from you in that regard.

:whiscash: Tricking, I thought you were a formidable player support. The amount of SV you played during the tournament and the precise advice you gave to our starters as a result were amazing. I had big confidence in all our SV slots partly because of that. I'm glad that the approach "practice makes perfect" was made true in your name. I also appreciate that you tell things like they are, both good and bad, but you could probably be more constructive when things go south, you know what I'm talking about ;)

:reuniclus: Raiza, the same can be said about you and your BW support. You played a big role in Jisoo's amazing performance. I also liked how you were always active and present in the good and bad times, helping some of our people navigate the hardships we went through. Thanks for also being around during the crucial last hours of the ORASPREP.

:hawlucha: Gtcha En su mayoría callado pero siempre listo para jugar un gran juego de Pokémon y hablar mierda en su idioma nativo. Temporadas consecutivamente fabulosas para los Raiders. Gracias por clutchear el torneo para nosotros!

:latias: Skypenguin Amazing tournament all around, I was very confident whenever you played. A fellow member of the #schizoprep gang. Thanks for stepping up to play in the tiebreaker, that's a heavy weight to carry. Shout-out to the Ruiners for not retaining you :^)

:gholdengo: bbeeaa It's a shame your tournament had to be cut short because you were an amazing teammate and player. You made the chat active and funny and I would have liked to share more moments with you. Hoping to see you again in one way or another young goat.

:tauros: Serpi Same as Skypenguin, both for the #schizoprep and the amount of confidence I had in you. I'm glad this year you stuck to your preferences and let your skills play, didn't try to be too fancy for no reason and it paid off. What a difference for us compared to last year, I hope you enjoyed the change of pace :)

:sandy-shocks: zioziotrip You were very impressive for a first SPL. Like Tricking said, your prep and plays showed a lot of maturity and you would probably have had an amazing tournament if it wasnt for Reasons. Hoping to see you again because you got a bright future here.

:hatterene: DAHLI I will not lie, when Tricking and Raiza said they wanted you after bea's ban, I wasn't a big fan because I felt like we could have used some reinforcement in other tiers and also because of our only interaction before (as I told you). But again, they knew what they were doing and my theme this season was to let them do their thing as it was clearly working. And they were right. I liked your presence in the chat, but I also had high confidence in your SV skills. Your final game in particular was the culmination of everything right you were doing this tournament and you had a masterful display there, which was much needed given our situation. Insane that you were a midseason pick. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll have a good career.

:jirachi: DeepBlueC Aw man we go way back ! You were the only close friend I had on the team and it was funny to talk about what was going on there between us in the beginning. You put so much effort into every one of your games, despite your busy schedule and sometimes your disdain for the tier. Compared to the past, you grew a lot as a player and it showed, but you still need to trim your prep a bit. You had the funniest looking imports with sets that could have been imported from the in-game Battle Frontier at times. I know you wanted to do better in playoffs, and I hope you'll keep striving to do better because you're very capable of just that.

:suicune: Aliss I found you quite erratic at times, both as a player and person. It's a shame because you showed some very good things in your games but then you got unlucky and it affected you too much. However I know it's not always easy to deal with one's emotions and I hope you'll find some satisfaction in this game/community if you stay around. Thank you for playing an entire afternoon with me when I needed it too. You were also great for keeping the chat active during the down times. IM SO SORRY FOR NOT LISTENING TO YOU IN THE FINAL PREP :'(

:roaring-moon: Baloor ROARING LOOR OMG I loved jerking with you so much during the tournament! You were a blast to be around and your activity/prep in SV really helped a lot to get our team going. You had some very rough games but your win in finals legit saved our asses, and I was very happy for you and for us that you got such a crucial victory. You should keep improving, NOW!

:thundurus: RaiZen1704 Admittedly we didn't get to catch each other a lot with our schedules but thank you for trying your best in the gens you were slotted in when we needed it. Leru and Felix sold me your attachment to the game and I can only hope you keep having fun and improving in the future now.

:toxapex: Kebab mlml I liked how you'd randomly start calls all the time to ladder in SV with the italian gang. You poured a lot of time in the tournament and you were a big reason why we kept performing in SV despite the two bans. Not gonna lie though, the timeout in finals g12 is something I will never forget (and so will you I bet) :skull: Enjoy the scudetto both IRL and on Pokémon!

:raikou: false oh my god false I could say so many things about you... At first, I was quite shocked at how "cocky" you were, although I'm not sure if i'm using the right word, but you seemed very confident in your abilities as a player and we also had some disagreements in the post-game analyses or the prep. However at the end of the day, that ended up saving us because your win in the final right after my loss made me launch the fanclub. Not only that, but your words of encouragement and support for me during the tiebreaker selection and prep were greatly appreciated. I'm sure if you had the time / mindset to explore the game deeper you could be fantastic.

:pelipper: Ash KetchumGamer Solid tour overall despite some rough games here and there. You did well given the nerves you had to deal with and your busy schedule (and dealing with Tricking). Super wholesome guy, keep doing you and good luck in future individual tournaments :)

:keldeo: Jisoo Jisoat.... I already told you a lot, but you IMO had the best individual showing of the tournament. What an incredible pick from Tricking and Raiza there. Your prep was always down to the point, and you hadly made any missplay during the tour. I'm even more proud of my win vs you in BW Cup now hehe. I was ready to send you in the tiebreak given the level you had showed during your games. You were also fun to hang out with in the server. Def one of my SPL teammate highlight of all time and I've seen a lot!

------------ Helpers ------------

Thanks a lot to you guys who helped us throughout the season! I hope you had fun in the server with us. Some quick mentions:

100percentpureheat useless but hella funny, #draftmindset gj on that win
Mashing thanks a lot for the activity and scoutings
H.M.N.I.P hella funny + always down to play + lucked my ass in tests (actually good player though) + toptier chat activity
LuckOverSkill another funny italian gang and good chat activity
Sahki MY BRO oml thank you so much for doing the scouts exactly like i wanted them + football gang + GOATED music tastes, hope we can keep sharing bangers
Santu ORASPREP gang, thank u a lot for helping sort out the mess that sunday and coming up with the reuniclus idea
xray ORASPREP gang, thank u for helping us in that slot during the season and in playoff, appreciated your help even if I was probably annoying to prep with

------------ Outside ------------

Excal We go back now. One of those encounters where I knew immediately it just clicked. Thanks a lot for supporting us in playoffs and giving us your capping takes and your time. Actually part of the ORASPREP gang too, maybe even the most active there :madpat: Cant wait to see you PLAY now ;)
Shitrock enjoyer My fuckin guy! It was a blast to play with you all season. I had a ton of fun and look forward to your tournaments, you're gonna be amazing.
Raptor ORASPREP gang, thank you for being there when my teammates were sleeping AND pokepaste was down :skull:
Heroic Troller bruno TDK Already told you what I thought about the final in PMs. Sorry it had to end this way you guys made an excellent team and had a crazy good tournament, despite not believing in the draft at first.
@ADVDiscord: Home. Always love discussing and reading this sanctuary of competitive Pokémon discussion.
Hola. it's me, kibo. The PILLAR of the raiders (without me they would be NOTHING) and i mean that ONE HUNDRED PERCENT TWO HUNDRED PERCENT EVEN. Today i want to do a little POSTING bc i need to EXPOSE the reality the raiders....
Let's do a bit of HISTORY... it's 2022. I just started playing. My brother Devwin yeager ( Oops! We ran into some problems. | Smogon Forums ) wait he blocked me? Who i still thank for accepting me for who i am. wallahi. he Invites me in the raiders as an helper, here everything STARTS the kibo difference will be seen. My simple PRESENCE makes an insane DIFFERENCE in the team. in 2021 spl i was not there. and what was the raiders record? 5th place. only when i started helping they started WINNING. this is no coincidence. the proof of this is that i helped again this year and we won AGAIN. in 2021 i was not there and they LOST. the kibo difference is real. not a coincidence keep this in mind. when last year they were losing and i only i belived... i got BANNED as a sacrificial lamb. but what they didn't know was that simply the simbolism of my immolation would bring them to VICTORY the sheer luck i infused into them was CRAZY, i am the amulet of the team, and without me the raiders would be NOTHING this year i was banned again when everything seemed against the team, and... when it mattered the most the kibo DIFFERENCE was felt... my sacrifice was not in vain as only thanks to this were the raiders able to win. some may say that it's bc Raiza | Smogon Forums and Tricking | Smogon Forums are good managers or that it's bc we had really good players in the team this year too but i DISAGREE without me, i am sure without a shadow of doubt they would have LOST miserably as my simple presence is what propels the team to VICTORY. as i have sayd this is no coincidence. for this reason i think i should be given this year trophy and last year one too. as I WON NOT THEM I DID IT. NOT THEM. IT WAS ALL ME. it was me. and i should be given 2 trophy for this. now i will do some shotouts for the people who helped me archieve this epic win 2 years in a row!

1) Tricking | Smogon Forums the 23 of october 2026 you will suffer from instantaneous testicular torsion on your left ball (this is actually a joke! he sayd it was fine! don't ban me!)
2) Kebab mlml | Smogon Forums it's like kebab is walter white and i am jesse pinkman but it's pokemon
3) clean | Smogon Forums clean nuts
4) Raiza | Smogon Forums thank you for not banning me week 1 ‍ GODO O FELLENIA?
5) LuckOverSkill | Smogon Forums WALTEEEEEEEEER i think he cool VERY funny man
6) Sahki | Smogon Forums shaki
7) Clementine | Smogon Forums thank you for letting me steal all your sm teams (i actually never received consent)
8) 100percentpureheat | Smogon Forums free his ass
9) Hachimaki | Smogon Forums
10) procorphish | Smogon Forums SEMPRE PIACIUTO....
11) Mashing | Smogon Forums hola belesa....
12) Gtcha | Smogon Forums BLICC happy i was able to schedule fo u heheha
13) Skypenguin | Smogon Forums thank you for letting me steal all your sm teams (i think i received consent? not sure)
14) Oops! We ran into some problems. | Smogon Forums HOLY... he blocked me too? (it's bea) welp! at the start i tought it was quite funny u got banned twice LOOOOL but UNBANN HIM NOW!!!!! or maybe after wcop if you wann be evil
15) Oops! We ran into some problems. | Smogon Forums UNBAN HIM TOO.... HE IS NOT VIOLENT I SWEAR....
16) DAHLI | Smogon Forums thank you for letting me steal all your sV teams (i actually never received consent)
17) Edit: super shoutout to H.M.N.I.P
Quando il mio pushy (abbreviazione per pusher sono un ragazzaccio ) H.M.N.I.P aka "Fava" mi passa le delizie di Sinnoh 4️⃣ devo ammettere che mi sento davvero inebriato Non è un utente qualunque, è un FiloCampione le sue creazioni ️ ⌨ sono molto richieste perchè H.M.N.I.P è davvero brillante quindi è solo normale che finisca per essere protettivo verso di esse No sharing ❌ ❌ è il minimo che posso fare per ringraziare H.M.N.I.P del suo altruismo (grazie H.M.N.I.P )
18) Baloor | Smogon Forums thank you for letting me steal all your sV teams (i actually received consent)
19) please Finchinator | Smogon Forums ban tera and shed tail NOW
20) LTG very cool dude LTG | Smogon Forums (low tier god)
21) lechonk Lechonkenjoyer69 | Smogon Forums
23) tagging Merritt | Smogon Forums to give me my deserved trophys

the order actually means nothing i copied tricking post but this post is getting too long and i don't have the energy to write anymore. thank you for reading this post! also kinda wanted to mass tag ppl without you guys i would have never been able to win two years in a row! thank you all!
I imagine it is not customary for people in positions such as our own, being the Sharks, to make big posts after the dust settles, though I'd feel it negligent of me if the efforts of people on our team went publicly unnoticed. I also want to shoutout them out anyway, because they deserve it. I'm not gonna tag people in case they don't wish to be bothered.

TDK/obii - at first I didn't see the vision with our draft but sure enough with a little rebranding we came into our own. You guys were there for a lot of slots and your effort and care wasn't unnoticed. I realize complimenting your yearly consistency won't make the result feel better, especially given how the result came to be this year. Making a reassuring announcement speech nearly asap post-loss really shined on TDKs maturity in particular, to me. I don't know if I would have had the strength to do so. Anyways, I feel it is admirable that despite your busy schedules, you were there for the team both socially and practically. I'm not sure many better social managers exist on the site. I'm still unsure if you guys ever watched those movies.

Troller - I did not envision us getting along for some reason but winning makes everything easy. You know very well you could have easily been 10-1 or so if a couple moments broke better for you, and your consistency in playing is exceedingly respectable. I think your consistency this season could have been unrivaled compared to anyone in any tier, save maybe anti. You were essentially our 3rd manager as well, and your energy definitely propelled us, in part, past the early hurdles that plagued us. What people probably don't expect is that you were very active in other channels too, and not in an annoying way. Your advice came across as someone who knew what winning was, and overall I don't think we get over those early hurdles without you. Sorry I never used the worm.

mind gaming - You were insanely vital to our early/mid sv success. I appreciate the seriousness you brought into the atmosphere of prepping, and your efforts definitely bore the fruits of success. Save for 1 or 2 people, I don't think your innovation was matched. You churned out inspiring teams for any heat idea I had. You were always on point and 9-3 is a great record to reflect this. I'm pretty sure if pablo bombed we could have put you in gsc jail with ease. I'd tell you it's only a game, but I'm no better, haha.

bruno - you know how I feel about you as a player and it's absurd that 7-2 would actually lower your SPL winrate (38 games played btw). Amazingly you're somehow an even better person than you are a player. You were for sure a key cornerstone of the Vibes, and definitely the heart of the team. Thanks for being you, hope you stick around. Good luck running and bunning.

I don't want to write 20 paragraphs so I'll shorten the rest. jon, thanks for continuing to be a model of consistency. I'm really sorry to see you get robbed, but I don't doubt you'll be in another 3-4 finals in the next 2 years, yet again putting on majorly winning performances. Borja, thanks for turning up and playing your best game of the season when it mattered most. To robjr, pablo, & raichy, you guys had some insanely clutch wins for us, whether in week 8 or playoffs. el gato was surely pleased by your showings in these tight moments. To rob especially, I hope you're proud of yourself.

Thank you to both wata for enduring the role of punching bag (yet somehow 6-5 btw) and sadly for being our friendly cat presence. 2 banger presences I don't think would be easily replaced. Gondra, I know that finals game was probably very frustrating. Luckily your attitude is almost as good as your cats are adorable, and that is invaluable. I'm glad we got the chance to team up. Tio, you went insane crazy mode and it's hilarious you went from w1 loss & 8 week bench to being legitmately discussed as our tiebreaker option. I hope this opens doors for you in the future, should you want them to be. To the rest of the sv crew, I appreciate your efforts for sure. SPL is not easy and I hope your first experience here won't be your last. Thank you to ABR as well for the amazing help in finals, giving our SM/ORAS a winning formula.

Obviously, I am pretty jaded & bummed given how this series transpired. Nonetheless, I am grateful for the overall success. see you in wcop with a broken on-paper roster that will maybe perform (me included) (has to win one of these years)
No hay más que decir, Team Raider queda fuera de la Smogon Premier League. Tucuman Bleach, uno de los chicos de la guardería, está llorando. Y desesperada, en lágrimas Raiza. La responsabilidad de los jugadores es fuerte, pero es relativa. Frente a las responsabilidades que tiene la gestión del expresidente Tricking, verdadero culpable del desastre del Team Raider. El Raider queda excluido de la Smogon Premier League tras diez años, escribe la página más dramática de su historia, abre un agujero negro del que salir será francamente difícil si no casi imposible
:roaring-moon: Baloor ROARING LOOR OMG I loved jerking with you so much during the tournament! You were a blast to be around and your activity/prep in SV really helped a lot to get our team going. You had some very rough games but your win in finals legit saved our asses, and I was very happy for you and for us that you got such a crucial victory. You should keep improving, NOW!

:thundurus: RaiZen1704 Admittedly we didn't get to catch each other a lot with our schedules but thank you for trying your best in the gens you were slotted in when we needed it. Leru and Felix sold me your attachment to the game and I can only hope you keep having fun and improving in the future now.

:toxapex: Kebab mlml I liked how you'd randomly start calls all the time to ladder in SV with the italian gang. You poured a lot of time in the tournament and you were a big reason why we kept performing in SV despite the two bans. Not gonna lie though, the timeout in finals g12 is something I will never forget (and so will you I bet) :skull: Enjoy the scudetto both IRL and on Pokémon!

:raikou: false oh my god false I could say so many things about you... At first, I was quite shocked at how "cocky" you were, although I'm not sure if i'm using the right word, but you seemed very confident in your abilities as a player and we also had some disagreements in the post-game analyses or the prep. However at the end of the day, that ended up saving us because your win in the final right after my loss made me launch the fanclub. Not only that, but your words of encouragement and support for me during the tiebreaker selection and prep were greatly appreciated. I'm sure if you had the time / mindset to explore the game deeper you could be fantastic.

:pelipper: Ash KetchumGamer Solid tour overall despite some rough games here and there. You did well given the nerves you had to deal with and your busy schedule (and dealing with Tricking). Super wholesome guy, keep doing you and good luck in future individual tournaments :)

:keldeo: Jisoo Jisoat.... I already told you a lot, but you IMO had the best individual showing of the tournament. What an incredible pick from Tricking and Raiza there. Your prep was always down to the point, and you hadly made any missplay during the tour. I'm even more proud of my win vs you in BW Cup now hehe. I was ready to send you in the tiebreak given the level you had showed during your games. You were also fun to hang out with in the server. Def one of my SPL teammate highlight of all time and I've seen a lot!

------------ Helpers ------------

Thanks a lot to you guys who helped us throughout the season! I hope you had fun in the server with us. Some quick mentions:

100percentpureheat useless but hella funny, #draftmindset gj on that win
Mashing thanks a lot for the activity and scoutings
H.M.N.I.P hella funny + always down to play + lucked my ass in tests (actually good player though) + toptier chat activity
LuckOverSkill another funny italian gang and good chat activity
Sahki MY BRO oml thank you so much for doing the scouts exactly like i wanted them + football gang + GOATED music tastes, hope we can keep sharing bangers
Santu ORASPREP gang, thank u a lot for helping sort out the mess that sunday and coming up with the reuniclus idea
xray ORASPREP gang, thank u for helping us in that slot during the season and in playoff, appreciated your help even if I was probably annoying to prep with

------------ Outside ------------

Excal We go back now. One of those encounters where I knew immediately it just clicked. Thanks a lot for supporting us in playoffs and giving us your capping takes and your time. Actually part of the ORASPREP gang too, maybe even the most active there :madpat: Cant wait to see you PLAY now ;)
Shitrock enjoyer My fuckin guy! It was a blast to play with you all season. I had a ton of fun and look forward to your tournaments, you're gonna be amazing.
Raptor ORASPREP gang, thank you for being there when my teammates were sleeping AND pokepaste was down :skull:
Heroic Troller bruno TDK Already told you what I thought about the final in PMs. Sorry it had to end this way you guys made an excellent team and had a crazy good tournament, despite not believing in the draft at first.
@ADVDiscord: Home. Always love discussing and reading this sanctuary of competitive Pokémon discussion.
Lol "i loved jerking with you" SERIOUSLY dude??? A little bit on the nose how is no one talking about this.
I'm really happy to have won this tournament again, it's been so long since I was on a challenging SPL Team, I was missing this feeling.

I was very hesitant to sign up due to my temporary lack of activity on the game and my IRL situation allowing me less free time, but it turned out that participating was for the best. At the end of the day, there is no tournament like SPL even when it goes badly. This edition was particularly captivating due to how many teams were involved 'till the last week and how close it all was.

On a personal level, I'm very satisfied with my season all-around as a player. As a teammate, I was probably less active than ever in a team tour, which felt weird as it's usually the opposite. After all these years on the website, this is probably my best individual run X final result ratio, and I'm pretty proud of it.

Onto the lengthy shout-outs that nobody cares about but the teammates and the few tagged people:

Tricking Raiza Thanks a lot for buying me and trusting me with a 20+k pricetag. I know I haven't always been the most reliable big purchase in the past, and that probably turned off a lot of managers before. I'm glad I was part of a solid draft plan that worked wonders. I managed last year to a very disappointing results, and a lot of the purchases you guys made would have never crossed my mind. I know SPL drafting can be a crapshoot but I probably have a lot to learn from you in that regard.

:whiscash: Tricking, I thought you were a formidable player support. The amount of SV you played during the tournament and the precise advice you gave to our starters as a result were amazing. I had big confidence in all our SV slots partly because of that. I'm glad that the approach "practice makes perfect" was made true in your name. I also appreciate that you tell things like they are, both good and bad, but you could probably be more constructive when things go south, you know what I'm talking about ;)

:reuniclus: Raiza, the same can be said about you and your BW support. You played a big role in Jisoo's amazing performance. I also liked how you were always active and present in the good and bad times, helping some of our people navigate the hardships we went through. Thanks for also being around during the crucial last hours of the ORASPREP.

:hawlucha: Gtcha En su mayoría callado pero siempre listo para jugar un gran juego de Pokémon y hablar mierda en su idioma nativo. Temporadas consecutivamente fabulosas para los Raiders. Gracias por clutchear el torneo para nosotros!

:latias: Skypenguin Amazing tournament all around, I was very confident whenever you played. A fellow member of the #schizoprep gang. Thanks for stepping up to play in the tiebreaker, that's a heavy weight to carry. Shout-out to the Ruiners for not retaining you :^)

:gholdengo: bbeeaa It's a shame your tournament had to be cut short because you were an amazing teammate and player. You made the chat active and funny and I would have liked to share more moments with you. Hoping to see you again in one way or another young goat.

:tauros: Serpi Same as Skypenguin, both for the #schizoprep and the amount of confidence I had in you. I'm glad this year you stuck to your preferences and let your skills play, didn't try to be too fancy for no reason and it paid off. What a difference for us compared to last year, I hope you enjoyed the change of pace :)

:sandy-shocks: zioziotrip You were very impressive for a first SPL. Like Tricking said, your prep and plays showed a lot of maturity and you would probably have had an amazing tournament if it wasnt for Reasons. Hoping to see you again because you got a bright future here.

:hatterene: DAHLI I will not lie, when Tricking and Raiza said they wanted you after bea's ban, I wasn't a big fan because I felt like we could have used some reinforcement in other tiers and also because of our only interaction before (as I told you). But again, they knew what they were doing and my theme this season was to let them do their thing as it was clearly working. And they were right. I liked your presence in the chat, but I also had high confidence in your SV skills. Your final game in particular was the culmination of everything right you were doing this tournament and you had a masterful display there, which was much needed given our situation. Insane that you were a midseason pick. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll have a good career.

:jirachi: DeepBlueC Aw man we go way back ! You were the only close friend I had on the team and it was funny to talk about what was going on there between us in the beginning. You put so much effort into every one of your games, despite your busy schedule and sometimes your disdain for the tier. Compared to the past, you grew a lot as a player and it showed, but you still need to trim your prep a bit. You had the funniest looking imports with sets that could have been imported from the in-game Battle Frontier at times. I know you wanted to do better in playoffs, and I hope you'll keep striving to do better because you're very capable of just that.

:suicune: Aliss I found you quite erratic at times, both as a player and person. It's a shame because you showed some very good things in your games but then you got unlucky and it affected you too much. However I know it's not always easy to deal with one's emotions and I hope you'll find some satisfaction in this game/community if you stay around. Thank you for playing an entire afternoon with me when I needed it too. You were also great for keeping the chat active during the down times. IM SO SORRY FOR NOT LISTENING TO YOU IN THE FINAL PREP :'(

:roaring-moon: Baloor ROARING LOOR OMG I loved jerking with you so much during the tournament! You were a blast to be around and your activity/prep in SV really helped a lot to get our team going. You had some very rough games but your win in finals legit saved our asses, and I was very happy for you and for us that you got such a crucial victory. You should keep improving, NOW!

:thundurus: RaiZen1704 Admittedly we didn't get to catch each other a lot with our schedules but thank you for trying your best in the gens you were slotted in when we needed it. Leru and Felix sold me your attachment to the game and I can only hope you keep having fun and improving in the future now.

:toxapex: Kebab mlml I liked how you'd randomly start calls all the time to ladder in SV with the italian gang. You poured a lot of time in the tournament and you were a big reason why we kept performing in SV despite the two bans. Not gonna lie though, the timeout in finals g12 is something I will never forget (and so will you I bet) :skull: Enjoy the scudetto both IRL and on Pokémon!

:raikou: false oh my god false I could say so many things about you... At first, I was quite shocked at how "cocky" you were, although I'm not sure if i'm using the right word, but you seemed very confident in your abilities as a player and we also had some disagreements in the post-game analyses or the prep. However at the end of the day, that ended up saving us because your win in the final right after my loss made me launch the fanclub. Not only that, but your words of encouragement and support for me during the tiebreaker selection and prep were greatly appreciated. I'm sure if you had the time / mindset to explore the game deeper you could be fantastic.

:pelipper: Ash KetchumGamer Solid tour overall despite some rough games here and there. You did well given the nerves you had to deal with and your busy schedule (and dealing with Tricking). Super wholesome guy, keep doing you and good luck in future individual tournaments :)

:keldeo: Jisoo Jisoat.... I already told you a lot, but you IMO had the best individual showing of the tournament. What an incredible pick from Tricking and Raiza there. Your prep was always down to the point, and you hadly made any missplay during the tour. I'm even more proud of my win vs you in BW Cup now hehe. I was ready to send you in the tiebreak given the level you had showed during your games. You were also fun to hang out with in the server. Def one of my SPL teammate highlight of all time and I've seen a lot!

------------ Helpers ------------

Thanks a lot to you guys who helped us throughout the season! I hope you had fun in the server with us. Some quick mentions:

100percentpureheat useless but hella funny, #draftmindset gj on that win
Mashing thanks a lot for the activity and scoutings
H.M.N.I.P hella funny + always down to play + lucked my ass in tests (actually good player though) + toptier chat activity
LuckOverSkill another funny italian gang and good chat activity
Sahki MY BRO oml thank you so much for doing the scouts exactly like i wanted them + football gang + GOATED music tastes, hope we can keep sharing bangers
Santu ORASPREP gang, thank u a lot for helping sort out the mess that sunday and coming up with the reuniclus idea
xray ORASPREP gang, thank u for helping us in that slot during the season and in playoff, appreciated your help even if I was probably annoying to prep with

------------ Outside ------------

Excal We go back now. One of those encounters where I knew immediately it just clicked. Thanks a lot for supporting us in playoffs and giving us your capping takes and your time. Actually part of the ORASPREP gang too, maybe even the most active there :madpat: Cant wait to see you PLAY now ;)
Shitrock enjoyer My fuckin guy! It was a blast to play with you all season. I had a ton of fun and look forward to your tournaments, you're gonna be amazing.
Raptor ORASPREP gang, thank you for being there when my teammates were sleeping AND pokepaste was down :skull:
Heroic Troller bruno TDK Already told you what I thought about the final in PMs. Sorry it had to end this way you guys made an excellent team and had a crazy good tournament, despite not believing in the draft at first.
@ADVDiscord: Home. Always love discussing and reading this sanctuary of competitive Pokémon discussion.
congrats raiders and good run sharks i hope you get it eventually

also want to echo tricking's sentiment to the tiebreak players and general finals participants - i've been in that spot too in big games and it sucks. you feel like you had the chance to do differently and it'll sting for a bit. eventually, you get over it and realize more opportunities come down the line. you still stepped up for your team and helped them get there in the first place. learn from the past and live without regret
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