Smogon IRC Channel Directory


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Smogon sports quite a few channels on SynIRC. Each of these channels focuses on developing a specific part of our community. They're filled with knowledgeable users and resources pertaining to the channel's purpose. Furthermore, each channel has a unique culture; you'll be meeting plenty of characters in every channel you choose to enter! We encourage you to try out as many channels as your heart desires.

  • #battlespot is your one stop shop for talking about the battle spot metagames, the offical ladder gamefreak uses on Pokemon X and Y! Talk about 3vs3 singles, doubles, triples, and rotations here!
  • #C&C is a fantastic place to go if you're looking for some in depth discussion on competitive Pokemon. All of the Contributions & Corrections greats meet here to discuss optimal sets and share their opinions on their respective metagames.
  • #cap is the main channel to discuss all things pertaining to the Create-A-Pokemon Project. You can expect lively discussion on the inner mechanics of Pokemon here, from how to create a legitimate movepool to writing realistic Pokedex entries.
  • #capasb is the channel to go to if you're interested in Smogon's Anime Style Battling program. Run by user Deck Knight, this detailed forum game is for anyone who's interested in something unique, intricate, and exciting.
  • #competitor is where all of the hard workers of Smogon's The Competitor meet. They work on updating the tournament's news page with announcements, articles, and updates. Join this channel if you're interested in working on the Tournaments scene.
  • #doubles is a channel about the interesting and wacky doubles tier. The doubles community is relatively new, but the channel is very active.
  • #grammar is the official channel of the Smogon Grammar-Prose Team. You can use it if you want to request that someone look over your analysis, are curious about any changes made in a GP check, or want to ask about learning to be a part of the Grammar-Prose team.
  • #insidescoop is the channel where Smogon's badged community members gather to discuss Smogon policy and rules. You will not be able to chat in this channel if you do not have a badge, but you are more than welcome to view the conversation in silence. Check out this channel if you're curious as to how our staff operates.
  • #littlecup is the central location for all things related to the Little Cup metagame hosted here on Smogon. All users that have mastered the art of using adorable Pokemon in competitive battle gather in this channel to discuss common threats, underrated movesets, and anything related to Little Cup. They're also a friendly group and would love to have you chat with them!
  • #lol is a bit of misnomer, since it's the number one chat on Smogon to discuss Team Fortress 2! This FPS is adored by many of Smogon's regulars. So whether you're a scout or a heavy, make sure you drop on by to join this fun-loving community.
  • #mentor is filled with all sort of Smogon people that are willing to help you get integrated into to the Smogon community.
  • #neverused is the best place to go if you're looking for in-depth conversation of Smogon's Neverused metagame. This diverse metagame features some intense competition and all of its regulars fight with pride and creativity. Check out this channel if you're interested in one of Smogon's most innovative tiers that has created both an enjoyable metagame and a lively forum culture.
  • #orangeislands is one of the most relaxed channels you can find in all of Smogon University. Here, many of our casual players gather to discuss in-game experiences and events. From battling Bug Catcher Wade in Pokemon Silver to watching Pokemon movies as a group, this channel is all about enjoying the culture of Pokemon. It's a great place to take a break from the fast-paced competitive environment that Smogon is known for.
  • #othermetas is the place to go if you're itching for something completely new and inventive. As the birth child of Smogon's Other Metagames forum, this channel is for discussing the delightful potpourri of newly-invented metagames that Smogon users create. Here, you can discuss metagames including Balanced Hackmons, 6-Move Battling, Middle Cup, and a host of other metagames.
  • #pokemon is essentially the general meeting grounds for all things Pokemon related. Usually, discussion about competitive Pokemon takes places in this chat, but conversations can drift to pretty much any topic. This is the number one channel to join if you're a newcomer to Smogon.
  • #rarelyused is the most relevant channel for discussing Smogon's RarelyUsed metagame. Christened as the "perpetual middle child" of Smogon's metagames, RU has an incredible amount of diversity to play with in its tier. It has a unique flavor for a metagame and all of the RU regulars are as intellectually intimidating as they are helpful and friendly. This is definitely the channel to check out if you're interested in a metagame experience that differs from the norm, in a good way.
  • #ratemyteam is the best place to go if you're eager to discuss all things relating to Smogon's Rate My Team activities. If you're looking for some specific feedback on how you are doing as a team rater, you will certainly receive some meaningful feedback here. This channel features some intellectual discussion on topics such as teambuilding, team syngery, and team goals, among others.
  • #ruinsofalph is the hallowed grounds for discussing our past metagames, which are all hosted in the Ruins of Alph. Don't assume that these metagames have dulled over the years; competitive is still intense and focused in these metagames. From old school RBY to the highly acclaimed DPP OU/UU metagames, you're in for a blast from the past if you check out this channel.
  • #showdown is where all discussion of Smogon's official battle simulator, Pokemon Showdown!, takes place. The PS! development team meets here to discuss technological issues and bug fixing. Feel free to join them in discussing the inner mechanics of our simulator; you're sure to learn quite a bit!
  • #smeargle is the cultured art chat of Smogon; all of our great artists meet here. This is a great place to get feedback on your art pieces (whether it be Pokemon-related or otherwise) from Smogon's most famous artists. You can also pop into this channel if you have a general art request.
  • #smogonwifi is the optimal place to discuss Smogon's popular Wi-Fi forum. If you need some help on RNG specifically, this is the perfect location for you to ask such questions to Smogon's top brains in the field. Don't be fooled; this isn't the place to ask for requests (do so in this thread).
  • #smogdota is the place where the Dota players of Smogon hang out and form stacks upon stacks to pubstomp.
  • #smogtube is where you ought to be headed if you're interested in Smogon's YouTube Channel. You can chat about recently uploaded videos here, as well as get tips on how to upload and create your own videos of competitive Pokemon battles.
  • #smogonvgc is the featured channel for all things related to VGC, which is The Pokémon Company International's official competitive video game tournament. This is a great location to request Pokemon for VGC-related events, which can also be discussed in Smogon's Wi-Fi forum.
  • #TCG is the spot for chatting with Smogon's wheelin' and dealin' card sharks of the Trading Card Game forum here on Smogon. Many of the greatest minds in Pokemon card play meet here to discuss their decks, strategies, and newly released cards. Check it out if you have any interested in the popular TCG.
  • #tf2 is, as you may have guessed, the place to discuss one of the most revolutionary games available for free: League of Legends! That's right, Smogon's League of Legends crew meet here to discuss their undying passion for the game. They're a bit of a fiery crowd, to say the least, but you've got a good shot of fitting in if you love either of these two games.
  • #ubers is the rambunctious home of our most boisterous brawlers. Smogon's Ubers metagame is packed with powerhouses, and this channel follows suit. Come join the fray by duking it out with the most powerful Pokemon Smogon has to offer in this channel full of larger-than-life personalities.
  • #xyqc is where the OU QC team and other contributors talk about what changes need to be made to OU Analyses. Every contributor is welcome to participate in discussion, even if they aren't part of the OU QC team.
  • #xyuu is where all discussion of Smogon's Underused tier takes place. The highly competitive UU scene gathers quite a crowd in this channel; make sure to frequent here if you have aspirations for getting better at the tier; you'll get to hear plenty of detailed thoughts on strategies and playsets.
  • #yugioh is a great place to go if you're interested in the popular phenomenon that is Yu-Gi-Oh. The locals here are obviously very laid back, so swing on by if you want to get nostalgic about your childhood cartoon-watching and card-collecting memories that you hold so near and dear.
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now available in lowercase
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
#orangeislands is the place to go if you want to talk about anything pokemon that doesn't relate to a metagame. This is the place to go if you like to play more in-game pokemon or spin-offs like Mystery Dungeon.


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to all of you suggesting channels and birkal too, make sure that the channel owners actually want their channel on such a public list beforehand


is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Top Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
May I suggest adding mibbit links to every channel? And add a link to [URL="]this[/URL]. Thanks :)


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to all of you suggesting channels and birkal too, make sure that the channel owners actually want their channel on such a public list beforehand
To be frank, methinks your the only one who holds this opinion. I'm attempting to add any IRC channel that can be found on Smogon's forums so that new users can easily pick and choose which communities they'd like to be a part of. I'll leave #grammar out because you specifically requested it. However, the goal of each public IRC channel should be to encourage discussion and to share knowledge, especially with new users. If any other channel owners would like their channel to be left out, I'm fine with that. I don't really see the need of hunting down each channel owner just to ask for permission, sorry.

May I suggest adding mibbit links to every channel? And add a link to [URL="]this[/URL]. Thanks :)
Yep, I'll be adding Mibbit links for each of these. In terms of an overall plan, the directory's gonna be placed under the IRC table of contents on site, so no need to fret. This isn't going to go under articles, haha. I'm just going posting it here because there is really no where else that it would go.


acta est fabula
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To be frank, methinks your the only one who holds this opinion. I'm attempting to add any IRC channel that can be found on Smogon's forums so that new users can easily pick and choose which communities they'd like to be a part of. I'll leave #grammar out because you specifically requested it. However, the goal of each public IRC channel should be to encourage discussion and to share knowledge, especially with new users. If any other channel owners would like their channel to be left out, I'm fine with that. I don't really see the need of hunting down each channel owner just to ask for permission, sorry.
all im saying is, i would be upset if a bunch of strangers was triapsing through my living room on a sunday afternoon, all because someone stuck an OPEN HOME sign on my front lawn without my permission

Mr. Uncompetitive

She had a habit of meeting all of the artists...
is a Contributor Alumnus
Don't know if it counts, but there's also #shinx, which is basically the random socialization channel for Showdown! users.


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Alright, the channels for this are all written up. I'll leave this open for a few days for any corrections that need to be made. If I've forgotten a channel (highly likely), let me know and I'll get it added in. We're on the home stretch!

Don't GP this yet either; I need to add an introductory and conclusion.


is a Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnuswon the 3rd Smogon VGC Tournamentis a Past SCL Champion
Uhh I just want to say that the description for #vgc is far from what the channel is used for. It's only been used for the past 6 months(Before that is was just dead) to facilitate the giving out of free vgc pokemon. At least that's all I ever see out it, and other than that it's just dead. Just something you might want to fix, nothing to really worry about though. Good work putting this together Birkal
as the owner of #tf2 (and by public demand) i'd just like to say #tf2 is not relaxed in the slightest.

feel free to keep it on there, i'm just warning you.
to be fair we could make #tf2 relaxed in an instant, we just have to ban a few users but we love them too much to let them go


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Added a bunch of stuff mentioned in the above posts. Thanks for the corrections! Let's here some more.
#tf2 only talks about League of Legends

#lol talks about TF2 (new channel, you should add it.)


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Worked it out, RBG.

Any other thoughts? If people want me to change some of the descriptions or add another channel, let me know!

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