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On a Psychic Terrain team, should Deoxys-A run Extreme Speed or can it be replaced with another coverage move? It's been tough choosing between Ice Beam to handle Yveltal or Knock-Off to handle bulky Psychic-types like Solgaleo and Lunala. Psycho Boost already OHKOs most Dragon and Flying-types under the terrain boost, so it seems Ice Beam is solely for Yveltal. I assume that Psychic Terrain will be up most of the battle, which would render priority useless most of the time.

Thanks in advance!

personally I think terrain teams are more of a gimmick, kind of like trick room, so I wouldnt recommend using one

but as for the set, I'm assuming you're running LO instead of focus sash+rocks, so I'd probably go psycho boost, ice beam (more for mence (you shouldnt really be staying in against yveltal with deo-a), superpower, and knock off

you could also substitute knock off or superpower for extreme speed, you might want some priority on it if your only means of speed control is psychic terrain
What is the best nature for Solgaleo? I don't need any specific type of Hidden Power, do I?
Solgaleo doesn't really run any sets that warrant the use of Hidden Power, so you don't need to worry about that.

The nature is dependent on what you want Solgaleo to do. Jolly is preferred on Z-Splash sets while Adamant is preferred on a set running a Choice Scarf. Meanwhile on the defensive side, Careful is ran on SpDef sets that are used to check Xerneas and other mons that is resists and Bold is the one special attacking set it can run while using Calm Mind. No Hidden Powers are necessary for that set, in all honesty.
Solgaleo doesn't really run any sets that warrant the use of Hidden Power, so you don't need to worry about that.

The nature is dependent on what you want Solgaleo to do. Jolly is preferred on Z-Splash sets while Adamant is preferred on a set running a Choice Scarf. Meanwhile on the defensive side, Careful is ran on SpDef sets that are used to check Xerneas and other mons that is resists and Bold is the one special attacking set it can run while using Calm Mind. No Hidden Powers are necessary for that set, in all honesty.
Thanks for your reply. Is Z-Splash the most common set thus far?
What's the best way to deal with Z-Geomancy Xerneas? Particularly this spread.

Xerneas @ Fairium Z
Ability: Fairy Aura
EVs: 248 HP / 200 Def / 24 SpA / 36 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- Rest
- Ingrain

I've been using SpD P-Don and SpD Solgaleo to check standard Geo-Xern, but neither can check this set at all in my experience. At +1 Def, Xerneas is bulky enough to win a trade against SpD P-Don (because it lacks recovery) and also SpD Solgaleo. Sunsteel Strike doesn't come close to 2HKOing, so Xerneas can set-up Ingrain and then Rest off the damage.

0 Atk Groudon-Primal Precipice Blades vs. +1 248 HP / 200+ Def Xerneas: 112-133 (24.6 - 29.2%) -- possible 5HKO after Ingrain recovery
+3 24 SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Groudon-Primal: 168-198 (41.6 - 49.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

44 Atk Solgaleo Sunsteel Strike vs. +1 248 HP / 200+ Def Xerneas: 152-182 (33.4 - 40%) -- 27.9% chance to 3HKO after Ingrain recovery
+3 24 SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 212 HP / 252+ SpD Solgaleo: 169-199 (36.1 - 42.5%) -- 94.6% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

While +3 SpA Moonblast also fails to 2HKO Solgaelo, Xerneas can easily outlast it by alternating Moonblasts and Rest because Sunsteel Strike and Morning Sun both only have a measly 8 PP.

Any suggestions? This particular Xerneas set seems to be increasing in popularity, so I'm wondering how to prepare for it without sacrificing too much utility.
Heart Swap Magearna is the first answer that comes to my mind. The fact that Z-Geomancy still has the charge turn means you can even see the move start up and have enough time to switch Magearna in on the second turn of the move, threaten to steal its boosts, and eviscerate it with Flash Cannon or a switch-in with Fleur Cannon. +3 Moonblast from your Xerneas set doesn't come close to OHKO'ing an uninvested Magearna (~76%), but I like to invest in Sp. Def anyway for more standard GeoXern sets and/or Z-Geomancy sets that run max Sp. Atk (slightly modified from Grimlock00's set in the main Magearna thread; I move 4 more EVs from Sp. Atk into Sp. Def so Magearna can survive a +3 HP Ground after rocks without Shuca Berry as well).
What's the best way to deal with Z-Geomancy Xerneas? Particularly this spread.

Xerneas @ Fairium Z
Ability: Fairy Aura
EVs: 248 HP / 200 Def / 24 SpA / 36 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- Rest
- Ingrain

I've been using SpD P-Don and SpD Solgaleo to check standard Geo-Xern, but neither can check this set at all in my experience. At +1 Def, Xerneas is bulky enough to win a trade against SpD P-Don (because it lacks recovery) and also SpD Solgaleo. Sunsteel Strike doesn't come close to 2HKOing, so Xerneas can set-up Ingrain and then Rest off the damage.

0 Atk Groudon-Primal Precipice Blades vs. +1 248 HP / 200+ Def Xerneas: 112-133 (24.6 - 29.2%) -- possible 5HKO after Ingrain recovery
+3 24 SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Groudon-Primal: 168-198 (41.6 - 49.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

44 Atk Solgaleo Sunsteel Strike vs. +1 248 HP / 200+ Def Xerneas: 152-182 (33.4 - 40%) -- 27.9% chance to 3HKO after Ingrain recovery
+3 24 SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 212 HP / 252+ SpD Solgaleo: 169-199 (36.1 - 42.5%) -- 94.6% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

While +3 SpA Moonblast also fails to 2HKO Solgaelo, Xerneas can easily outlast it by alternating Moonblasts and Rest because Sunsteel Strike and Morning Sun both only have a measly 8 PP.

Any suggestions? This particular Xerneas set seems to be increasing in popularity, so I'm wondering how to prepare for it without sacrificing too much utility.

I have had luck with bulky Xern sets using an assult vest max attack max hp solgalio, it can at least force the rest to let you try counter set up, and it OHKO's standard Xern after rocks and is also a good pivot at times.
Even though they are very limited Celebrate Ho-Oh, Celebrate Rayquaza and Happy Hour Jirachi are/will be available. Would sets with the Z-versions of said moves be viable at all for these Pokémon?
What's the best way to deal with Z-Geomancy Xerneas? Particularly this spread.

Xerneas @ Fairium Z
Ability: Fairy Aura
EVs: 248 HP / 200 Def / 24 SpA / 36 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- Rest
- Ingrain

I've been using SpD P-Don and SpD Solgaleo to check standard Geo-Xern, but neither can check this set at all in my experience. At +1 Def, Xerneas is bulky enough to win a trade against SpD P-Don (because it lacks recovery) and also SpD Solgaleo. Sunsteel Strike doesn't come close to 2HKOing, so Xerneas can set-up Ingrain and then Rest off the damage.

0 Atk Groudon-Primal Precipice Blades vs. +1 248 HP / 200+ Def Xerneas: 112-133 (24.6 - 29.2%) -- possible 5HKO after Ingrain recovery
+3 24 SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Groudon-Primal: 168-198 (41.6 - 49.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

44 Atk Solgaleo Sunsteel Strike vs. +1 248 HP / 200+ Def Xerneas: 152-182 (33.4 - 40%) -- 27.9% chance to 3HKO after Ingrain recovery
+3 24 SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 212 HP / 252+ SpD Solgaleo: 169-199 (36.1 - 42.5%) -- 94.6% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

While +3 SpA Moonblast also fails to 2HKO Solgaelo, Xerneas can easily outlast it by alternating Moonblasts and Rest because Sunsteel Strike and Morning Sun both only have a measly 8 PP.

Any suggestions? This particular Xerneas set seems to be increasing in popularity, so I'm wondering how to prepare for it without sacrificing too much utility.
the best check I can think of is regular defensive pdon with roar. switch into xern the turn it geomancies, and then roar. you might not want to have that as your only check tho, since you'll be using it for other roles too

When will there be viability rankings for Sun/Moon Ubers?
probably once the meta "stabilizes" and the new toy sydrome wears off. Maybe a month or two?

Even though they are very limited Celebrate Ho-Oh, Celebrate Rayquaza and Happy Hour Jirachi are/will be available. Would sets with the Z-versions of said moves be viable at all for these Pokémon?
Not likely.

Ho-Oh is base 90 speed, which means that pretty much anything running investment can outspeed it and ohko with stone edge. The main reason that Ho-oh is so good is because it's a good xern check, not because it's good in general.

Ray kind of suffers from the same problem, although to a somewhat lesser extent. (remember, there's a reason why swords dance ray isnt very good). It boosts turn 1, opp switches in scarf xern or waterceus, and ohkoes. It does have priority though, which means that it is somewhat better than celebrate ho-oh. I could see it as an "eh" physical wallbreaker, but it would probably be outclassed by the band set anyway.

Jirachi has the same problen as well, considering the fact that virtually every decent team has Pdon on it.
Why are Arceus-Ice, Arceus-Dragon, and Yveltal so high up in the viability ranking when IIRC the former two were unviable and Yveltal I know was good last gen but I definitely don't remember it being S?
What is generally better to do when using Zygarde-Complete Form?
Transition from Zygarde-10% or Transition from Zygarde-50%
What is generally better to do when using Zygarde-Complete Form?
Transition from Zygarde-10% or Transition from Zygarde-50%

I think Zygarde 50% is the better pick. Zygarde 10% is way too frail for this meta and it can be easily knocked out before even managing to transform.

Sure, you could try to run a gimmicky setup set with Focus Sash, Substitute or something, but I don't think that having higher initial Speed is worth the cost of 50%'s good bulk.
Zygarde-Perfect can actually tank a +4 Adamant Precipice Blades. With zygarde on the move, Primal Groudon might just feel the rocking of its crib as the staple of Ubers. The metagame is pretty young so none of us are sure to what might happen.

Yeah, Zygarde-P is going to be a HUGE part of SM Ubers. As you said it can tank a +4 Adamant Precipice Blades (Not to mention STAB). It can block T-Waves, take advantage of a S-Rock turn to set-up, or use that S-Rock turn to inflict huge damage. Zygarde-P, however, does need the right conditions. Sash could be possible to allow the Perfect Form to come into play. One thing is the Will-O-Wisp from the P-Groudon that will inflict a burn. The only check for this is a Lum Berry (Or Aromatherapy/Heal Bell) and the use of Lum Berry would leave Zygarde open to self-confusion from Outrage, or even another Will-O-Wisp. Not to mention that for Perfect form to activate Zygarde needs to be at less than or equal to 50% of its health. Also, P-Groudon outspeeds Zygarde-P 90 to 85, and even a D-Dance for +1 Speed would either allow for a Will-O-Wisp or a Rock Polish for +2, for the P-Groudon. Also, as Zygarde-P is an obvious Physical Attacker, it may be difficult to break through the wall that is P-Groudon's 140 Base Defense. But we can't forget, under any circumstance, Zygarde-P's INSANE 216 Base HP. In my point of view, Zygarde-P will DEFINITELY play a huge part in Ubers, especially as a P-Groudon check, but it will have to overcome certain obstacles to do so.
It's important to remember that with correctly applied offensive pressure, it can be difficult to transform Zygarde vs boosters such as Lucario or Groudon provided they're played well and backed with appropriate hazard support. For example with some chip both Lucario and Groudon can muscle through Zygarde-50 at +2. It's also important to remember that a lot of the time to help it to transform, Zygarde will be forced to Rest almost immediately leaving it passive until it wakes up itself or a cleric has been able to wake it up. It's a good mon for sure but it certainly can't be played recklessly initially and like everything, has flaws which require good play and building to minimise.

I think DD and Coil are a massive waste on Zygarde too, it should stick to defensive duties and requires Rest to function throughout a game making those sets unviable.
Is Solgaleo good? And what kind of team support would he need?

I felt like his offensive utility set with toxic seemed pretty good. I don't like Z-Splash Solgaleo at all though.

I was just really wanting to use him since he is one of my favorite mons.
Is Solgaleo good? And what kind of team support would he need?

I felt like his offensive utility set with toxic seemed pretty good. I don't like Z-Splash Solgaleo at all though.

I was just really wanting to use him since he is one of my favorite mons.
He's not on the level of the likes of Mega Gengar, Xerneas or even some lower rated ones like Rayquaza but I think he's still fine to use. Being able to check Xerneas reliable while also having some offensive is always a great thing have, and coupled with his good ability and his signature move that has a Mold Breaker effect to bypass thing like Lugia and Lunala means that he is for sure a threat. Also, he is itself a good support mon, so some offensive ones that fear Xerneas like Mega Salamence and offensive Yveltal are good to pair with him, but Solgaleo itself also appreciates Pokémon that can deal with ground types, like Giratina-O and the already mentioned Yveltal.
I'm also wondering if White Kyurem has gotten any better this generation? I love Kyurem, so I'll probably use it anyway, but yeah just wondering how good it is at the moment if anyone knows.
I'm also wondering if White Kyurem has gotten any better this generation? I love Kyurem, so I'll probably use it anyway, but yeah just wondering how good it is at the moment if anyone knows.
It has Z-Grass Knot now, which I believe increases its viability somewhat, and it also threatens Zygarde-100 decently. Another thing is that with the Lati nerf, webs (which is usually the type of team Kyurem-W does the best in) as a strategy in general is more viable. Other than that, it hasn't really changed too much from its position in gen 6.
If kyurem had grass knot, it would be much better than it was, but it does not get it. Kyurem is still stuck in its rather nasty position of allowing Defog from certain support Arceus types but not having enough defensive utility to justify being used on anything but hyper offense. It's a really sad story.
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