R-N-G Vexxes Me

I'm back everyone! Who missed me. What it's only been a few days? Well that's a shame because I had this really nice warstory I wanted to share with you...It has pictures and numbers, percentages, indepth coverage of every turn including the opponents name. It even has a props and slops section! It's everything you wanted and hopefully more. It's bigger, it's better, it's a tougher battle; and it's always Vexxing, it's it?

Lets get down to buisness. This is a battle from the other night using a team that I've been building and fixing for quite some time now. The build it's at has brought me from 1160 up to a 1398, back down to a 1199, and now back to a 1350. I have my ups and downs, I know. I really enjoy playing this team a lot more than my last and I love the pokemon I'm using. I don't like using cheap pokemon (sue me I think they're cheap) such as Doryuuzu and other similar ones I won't mention. So yes, Doryuuzu would fit great on my team over some members, but I do not want him around.

Now, without further adieu, you have a lot of reading to do. It took me 4 hours of writing and formatting, I hope it takes you at least half an hour to go through casually (although you'll probably breeze through it in 5 minutes...) So lets get started!

Battle between oppo and Vexatious started!

Tier: Dream World
Variation: +15, -16
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause

Vexatious sent out Genosekuto!
oppo sent out 百å˜æ€ª! (Ditto)
Genosekuto's Download activates!
Genosekuto's Attack rose!
The foe's 百å˜æ€ª transformed into Genosekuto!
The foe's 百å˜æ€ª's Download activates!
The foe's 百å˜æ€ª's Sp. Att. rose!

(100%) VS

Ditto leads are, for no surprise to me, incredibly underused as leads. They seem so useful, being able to become the opponents lead pokemon and counter them with themselves, but in fact it's the opposite. Using your opponents pokemon as a lead leaves you incredibly open to prediction.

Case in point, I lead with a Choice Scarf Genosekuto which runs U-turn, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, and Thunderbolt, which leaves ditto picking from only half of my move pool. The reasoning behind this is because you can't predict a team from a lead, in most cases at least. If it were a Politoad you could assume it was a rain team and strike away with thunderbolt, but with a neutral lead like Genosekuto you don't get any information on the type of team the opponent is running. This leaves him with either Flamethrower to roast my bug or U-turn to catch some momentum.

Unfortunately, as much as I just bashed Ditto leads, they do serve as problematic for me. Since they, I assume they must be as Ditto carries no other item, are using a Choice Scarf as well as myself the first move is going to come down to a speed tie. I know he has two options, and likewise, he knows I have two options. Well, that part is a lie. There are three options. U-turn, Flamethrower, or Switching. Since, to me, the first turn in situations like this can decide the momentum for the remainder of the match, I need to weight my options carefully rather than just swinging away.

I'm going to look at U-turn first. U-turn is an amazing move, especially coming off of my 252 Att stat. Things get better when I get the download boost like I did here. More importantly than damage is my favorite word in pokemon, momentum. With U-turn momentum can shift either direction.

Using U-turn there are a few situations. Worst case scenario is he chooses flamethrower and, while winning the speed tie, roasts my jingleberries over a warm open fire. However if he wins the speed tie and U-turns as well, I gain very important momentum. Next, if he loses the speed tie and chooses flamethrower, I gain momentum and can switch into my heatran and get free setup of rocks. He can also lose the speed tie and we both U-turn, but he get's the momentum. Lastly he can switch as I U-turn which gives me back the momentum. Three of these results are great for me, one is alright, and one is horrible. I give this a 3.5/5

Next is flamethrower. Like I said before, you can't really predict the opponents team before hand so I really dislike using any move other than U-turn or switching first turn. If the opponent wins the speed tie and flamethrowers, I reiterate I'm screwed. If the opponent wins the speed tie and U-turns, I hit most likely a resisted pokemon and lose momentum. If he loses the speed tie but stays in, I win regardless of his move choice as it will easily OHKO. Lastly if he switches, I lose out as I hit a resisted pokemon and lose momentum. This is a 2/5

Lastly I can switch. If I switch and he U-turns, I lose momentum. If I switch and he flamethrowers, I win momentum. Finally if it's a blind double switch it can go either way depending on the switch. This is a pretty neutral option with 1+x/3 with x being the undetermined variable of a switch.

With that all in place, flamethrower is easily out of question. It loses out to both other options and can potentially cripple me. Converting to percentages, switching offers me a 33%-66% range for success where as U-turn gives me 70% (shocking I know, but the math adds up). Being a poker player, it's far to early in the game to play a bluff or take a risk, so I play the odds.

For future reference this is what I do in every Ditto/Genosekuto lead match. I have a friend who always asks me why I risk staying in, so this is my long drawn out reasoning.

Anyway for those who don't want to read a massive block of text, here is the tl;dr version: I'm using U-turn.

Start of turn 1
Genosekuto used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
The foe's 百å˜æ€ª lost 32% of its health!
Vexatious called Genosekuto back!

Alright, I hate breaking into the middle of the log entry so I'll keep this one brief. Also, from now if I ever break a log I'm going to be using this font color to help differentiate.

I smack his Ditto for a good chunk of health thanks to the Download boost I go before he shifted into Genosekuto (pretty interesting actually how he got the special attack and I got the attack, I guess Download activates before Eccentric. Good to know.) This eliminates switching as one of the options which leaves him using either U-turn or Flamethrower. My answer here is one of two pokemon. Heatran would be the most obvious as he is immune to flamethrower and 4x resistant to U-turn, but Tyranitar is also resistant to flamethrower but can get crippled by U-turn. I know what you're thinking, "Then just go to Heatran!" The problem is, my Heatran carries a balloon for a helpful ground immunity and Doryuuzu (without Brick Break) check and I really don't want it to be popped. Unfortunately, I lose momentum if he uses U-turn and eating the hit on Tyranitar is much less salt in the wound than losing my balloon since I have other users to wall hits for me.

Vexatious sent out Heatran!

Heatran is floating on a balloon!

The foe's 百å˜æ€ª used Flamethrower!
Heatran's Flash Fire raised the power of its Fire-type moves!

(100%/+Fire) VS
Brilliant, this was the best case scenario that I predicted up above. Utilizing, perhaps the best move in the game, I got some early damage in, a flash fire boost, and all the momentum I could ask for. Like a kid in a, excuse the cliche, candy store, I have so many options here. Heatran runs Lava Plum, Earth Power, Stealth Rock, and Substitute. The best part is, every one is viable. Lava Plum will roast ditto if he stays in and runs the risk of burning a potential switch in. Earth Power can hit pokemon like Tyranitar hard who resist Lava Plum, as well as many other pokemon trying to eat a fire attack. Substitute can ensure I get either a Lava Plum or Earth Power off safely and if I really need to explain Stealth Rocks to you, I suggest you stop reading because I'm going to lose you along the way eventually.

Since Ditto is locked into flamethrower, (unless this is some very strange ditto lead, whereas my Heatran has nothing to fear from my Genosekuto anyway) I'm free to do as I please. He won't stay in making Lava Plum not so great, and even if he did I'll just take another Flash Fire boost and Lava Plum next turn. It's too early really to take a sub out to me since I like a team of nice healthy pokemon with big red balloons on their wrists. This leaves me with Stealth Rock or Earth Power. Stealth Rock is so obvious here it's disgusting. So obvious that if he has an Espeon I'm losing out here. I could Earth Power and hit Espeon or something else hard, but hell if I'm predicting something like that I might as well go all the way. I see either an Espeon or a Tyranitar in my near future so let's get a little crazy, and just stay with me for a second, switch back to Genosekuto.

Like I said before, I love momentum and nothing screams it more than a free U-turn. Whatever he prepped for, this will unravel anything he wants to do. It's time for a double switch.
Start of turn 2
oppo called 百å˜æ€ª back!
oppo sent out ç*å‰æ‹‰! (Tyranitar)

The foe's ç*å‰æ‹‰'s Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Vexatious called Heatran back!
Vexatious sent out Genosekuto!

Genosekuto's Download activates!
Genosekuto's Attack rose!
The sandstorm rages!
(100%) VS
Did I call that, or did I call that? My ego is riding high right here and that can get dangerous. It's not Espeon as I was afraid but this makes me pretty comfortable in thinking that he lacks one which will make Rocks much easier to set up later. Now, I'm not entirely what set this has but he was meant to scare off Heatran. To me, that can be anything. Band, Scarf, Dance. None of those Genosekuto can't handle though. Most Tyranitars these days carry Stone Edge, Pursuit, a fire move, and filler. If he's banded, Stone Edge can possibly destroy me as will a fire move. Part of me wants to believe he'll run scared from my U-turn (especially now that it got a nice boost) and switch back into Ditto. With my ego high, I really feel tempted to flamethrower and take an early knockout, but the risks are far to hefty if he stays in and kills my Genosekuto. I lay my pride down and take my momentum I wanted in the first place. U-turn away Geno.
Start of turn 3
oppo called ç*å‰æ‹‰ back!
oppo sent out 天èŽçŽ‹! (Gliscor)

Genosekuto used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ lost 18% of its health!
Vexatious called Genosekuto back!

I was right not to over predict a flamethrower. If I had chosen Ice Beam though, you would all need to start worshiping my premonition ability. Rather than eating a high powered U-turn, which was just as obvious as the Stealth Rock I denied him (and myself), he switches into a Gliscor. My team really hates Gliscor to the root. I have ways to stop each variation, but I always end up using the wrong solution to the one I run into and get punished for it. My two best team members to handle him at full health are Nattorei and, my newest team member, Nidoking.

Nattorei is great and I love him. Running spikes, leech seed, thunder wave, and power whip, mine is meant to be a bitch. Spikes is ever so helpful whereas between leech seed and thunder wave I can hinder any switch in that comes at him. Power whip is my preferred choice to handle water/ground types specifically. Since he doesn't really stay in to fight anything else, I found Gyro ball useless on this set.

Nidoking is possibly one of my favorite pokemon. Not due to his ability, which is amazing, but I actually loved him ever since RBY and wished he would get better. Boy did he get better. Encourage mixed with life orb gives him a 60-66% boost in firepower (not sure if they're 30% flat or 1/3 which is 33% so there's a small range there. Please correct me on the appropriate number if you can, just out of curiosity.) Mine is the standard King (to my knowledge. Also just realizing I can abbreviate him to King, I'm so naming him Stephen now.) with Earth Power, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, and Flamethrower.

Gliscor is a huge pain in my ass and I would risk even my precious momentum to get rid of him. Nidoking and Genosekuto are my only pokemon with Ice Beam and my only ways to OHKO him. Luckily, Nidoking outspeeds most variants of Gliscor (mine has max speed, but is modest. How about that?) and will take him down. As for Genosekuto...well if you need me to explain why I can't use him to hit Gliscor right now, then you really should have stopped reading when I mentioned (really didn't) what Stealth Rocks did.

Vexatious sent out Nidoking!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹'s Toxic Orb activated!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ was poisoned!

(100%) VS
Now that we're out here, Nidoking is ready to start his days work. I really want that Ice Beam, though Gliscor is most likely going to switch out. It's disappointing but I can't just tell him "No! You stay where you are." Well, I can but it just won't work. However, as a consolation prize I see he's a poison heal variant. Since he lacks roost he needs to make up for it in bulk, losing out on either attack or speed (or both). This makes me pretty certain this is a Gliscor I can outspeed which will make him a lot easier to deal with later. I can do a switch, but the only pokemon who can safely do that are Breloom, Nattorei, and Heatran. Heatran is a novelty that can only work once in a while while Breloom will get killed by a flying move after taking hefty damage. Nattorei would be the best but with poison heal and most likely taunt, Nattorei is going to be futilely slapping away at him. More importantly, it's best for him to switch rather than risk an Ice Beam so taking out Nattorei on a blind switch can mean utter ruin for me.

Out of what I know, Earth Power can hit Ditto and Tyranitar for SE damage but cannot hurt Gliscor. Flamethrower is resisted by two thirds of them, where Thunderbolt is null against two thirds of them. Ice beam, as obvious as it is, is really the best option here hitting two thirds for SE and one neutrally. Since I don't have enough information yet, Ice Beam is still the safest move.
Start of turn 4
oppo called 天èŽçŽ‹ back!
oppo sent out 人工细胞! (Rankurusu)

Nidoking used Ice Beam!
The foe's 人工细胞 lost 34% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's 人工细胞 restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
(100%) VS
This...thing that I have no idea what it's supposed to be, comes in to eat my Ice Beam. This little guy is pretty annoying on his own and tends to run trick room, which starts me worrying that this is that sort of team. Some run calm minds where others are specs, but seeing that he restored health it's definitely calm mind or some other bulky variant. Another little tidbit here is that I've done previous calculations on this particular match-up thanks to previous matches, and I did very little damage to him.

Nidoking's power is a lot stronger than most people think, and this meager hit leads me to believe he's invested in his defenses. Seeing Gliscor being a physical wall variant with poison heal, I assume this is his answer to special attacks. I might be getting ahead of myself but I see a 252Hp/252sp.Def spread right here. While Nidoking might not be able to do more than 50% with Earth Power, he has a team mate that can do much better. Knowing now, by my own validation in my mind, that he has no defense EVs spread about I can be assured Tyranitar is going to tear a hole in him. Best of all, since I resist Focus Blast he will most likely go with the safer Psychic option which Tyranitar doesn't believe in. He thinks Psychic's are phonies and so do I. Jelly ghost man, say hello to my very large friend.
Start of turn 5
Vexatious called Nidoking back!
Vexatious sent out Godzilla! (Tyranitar)

The foe's 人工细胞 used Psychic!
It had no effect!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's 人工细胞 restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
(100%) VS
Perfect, got in free of charge. Now, Tyranitar is banded and I love that strength it puts out. More importantly, I love scaring away little pokemon and pursuiting them like a stalker does a child in the mall. You have nowhere to run little man, I've struck many a pokemon like you in the past and you're about to take a beating. Doing some quick damage calculations, on a 252Hp/0Def spread, pursuit deals 336-396 damage with an average of 362. 362 is 86% of the max possible health so I have some room to roll low here and still get the KO. If he switches, well you know what happens. If you don't get that, you should have stopped reading the first two damn times I told you too.
Start of turn 6
Godzilla used Pursuit!
It's super effective!
The foe's 人工细胞 lost 63% of its health!

The foe's 人工细胞 used Focus Blast!
It's super effective!
Godzilla lost 342 HP! (100% of its health)
Godzilla fainted!
(0%) VS
Shit in a handbasket. Did I really roll that lowly? Impossible. I seem to have a minor, and yet major, miscalculation. The only way that was happening is if he's running a +def nature with his 252Hp/252Sp.Def spread which lowers my average damage down to the minimum, and creates a whole new basement of damage. Unfortunately, while the average damage for a +def nature could still have KO'd I rolled low and misjudged the situation. I rolled as low as the calculator down at Psypoke Tools says I can and take a hefty Focus Blast to the face, losing a key member of my team. That hurt like hell to my Tyranitar, my math, and my pride.

I'm going to need to get rid of this little pest and get my momentum back. Genosekuto has no downside to this situation right now and can U-turn to both kill and take a switch. Geno, I need you...Tyranitar needs you.
The sandstorm rages!
The foe's 人工细胞 restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Vexatious sent out Genosekuto!

Genosekuto's Download activates!
Genosekuto's Attack rose!
(100%) VS
Alright Geno, you know what to do. For a second I think to use Ice Beam, purely for the fact of Gliscor coming in to save his little friend. At the same time, Rankurusu is crippled and won't be absorbing Nidoking anymore so I doubt he's going to switch him out. To be honest, it's in his best interest to possibly stay in. If I kill him with U-turn, he'll get to switch in his answer to my choice of pokemon giving him momentum. If he switches, momentum is mine, and if he doesn't, revenge is mine. Casting aside my Laser Cannon for now, Genosekuto is about to turn things around one way or another.
Start of turn 7
oppo called 人工细胞 back!
oppo sent out åšæžœåž«! (Nattorei)

Genosekuto used U-turn!
The foe's åšæžœåž« lost 37% of its health!
The foe's åšæžœåž«'s Iron Barbs hurts Genosekuto

Alright, Nattorei. Great, as if Gliscor wasn't enough of a wall for your team? I suppose it's his water resist which is great since not a single member of my team utilizes a water based attack.Genosekuto does surprisingly good damage to him which makes me a little happy, but I still wanted Rankurusu to go down. At least I get to keep my momentum right?

Nattorei is not so bad for my team to handle, with just about every member breaking him except my own Nattorei who just joins in the festivities of setting up hazards. Right now, The score leads 5-6, but my team is still in perfect condition while most of his team is hurt. Normally you'd think hazards are good now, but I don't want him getting them up in exchange. I need pressure, not hazards. If Tyranitar were around I'd just fire punch...but alas, he is gone. Genosekuto is unavailable and Breloom can't get the OHKO. This is leaving me with Heatran or Nidoking. Both are great options for me. Heatran can threaten the same things King can, but has access to Stealth Rock where Nidoking can hurt his entire team thus far. However, Nidoking isn't ready for Tyranitar yet and I don't want his Ditto catching the King. Heatran however can do fairly against everyone and isn't afraid of Ditto. One metal lizard, coming up.

Vexatious called Genosekuto back!
(87%) Iron Barbs
Vexatious sent out Heatran!

Heatran is floating on a balloon!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's åšæžœåž« restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
(100%) VS
Here we go, Dr. Tran is in the house and he's ready to give you that prescription you didn't order. Having played the past six or so turns now (seven if this one counts as being played fully since I'm still in the middle of it's end phase.) I've gotten an idea of his play style.

My opponent values each and every pokemon and takes very few risks. His team is built around absorbing hits and taking strikes when it's safe. From this, I'm going to stop expecting over prediction and assume he'll switch more often than not. Whether this bites me in the butt later, you'll find out.

Building on this new revelation, Lava Plum suddenly becomes less of an option. Stealth Rock is just as tempting now as it was then, and has become much more safe. So far though, I've seen most of his team being defensive. Although rocks hurt his switching, they're not really hurting his particular pokemon as they each shrug off the damage. Suddenly this becomes less of an option as well to me. This leaves me with Earth Power and Substitute. Earth Power can hit Tyranitar, who might be expecting the Lava Plum, hard. However neither Nattorei or Gliscor is very worried about it. Worse, if I don't Lava Plum I could get thunder waved or leech seeded. Substitute fixes those problems and more. It blocks status, seed, gives me the option to Lava Plum if I need to, hit Tyranitar with Earth Power, or even Stealth Rock if it becomes such a brilliant idea to me. This is why I put substitute on him, and this is why I'm using it.
Start of turn 8
oppo called åšæžœåž« back!
oppo sent out ç*å‰æ‹‰! (Tyranitar)

Heatran used Substitute!
Heatran made a substitute!

The sandstorm rages!

(75%/+Sub) VS
There he is, the clan member who looked the other way while his brother was broken and battered. This is a great situation. With Balloon I don't need to worry about any ground type attacks, with Flash Fire his fire attacks are null and void, superpower would just allow me to switch into Nidoking and take a hefty stronghold position on his team after he breaks my sub, and Stone Edge has bad accuracy and is resisted by Nattorei if I need to get out of here keeping momentum on my side at all times. Since any result from this comes with my bonus, I choose to be obvious with my move choice since he has very little option otherwise. I look forward to any outcome here. Earth Power it is.
Start of turn 9
Heatran used Earth Power!
It's super effective!
The foe's ç*å‰æ‹‰ lost 37% of its health!

The foe's ç*å‰æ‹‰ used Stone Edge!
The attack of the foe's ç*å‰æ‹‰ missed!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's ç*å‰æ‹‰ restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
(75%/+Sub) VS
Earth power does what I needed it to do but does little damage. Passive damage is always good though. Both fortunately (and unfortunately considering I hate hax on any side) Stone Edge misses its target. Though I feel bad, he did crush my Tyranitar so perhaps I am being slightly biased towards that miss when I decide that it was OK for him to miss there. It's time for another Earth Power while I have this nice sub of mine. Once it breaks, it's off to Breloom to threaten a Mach Punch bluff then right over to Genosekuto to keep my momentum going to U-turn the Gliscor switch as he expects my Ice Beam and runs back to another wall. Yes, I think somewhat ahead of myself but it's a pretty standard decision now that I've got a read on the way he plays.
Start of turn 10
Heatran used Earth Power!
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
The foe's ç*å‰æ‹‰ lost 69% of its health!
The foe's ç*å‰æ‹‰ fainted!
(75%/+Sub) VS
The sandstorm rages!
oppo sent out 天èŽçŽ‹! (Gliscor)
(75%/+Sub) VS
Well...I'll say that is unfortunate. With leftovers recovery, I would have on average done 58% off of his remaining 69% with the Earth Power that broke my sub, and the Earth Power that could have followed. If I had rolled high damage I might have stayed in and finished the job as I had a chance to roll high both times and get the KO but I don't like playing that risky. This was definitely something that was unavoidable and unfortunate. I really hate that critical, if nothing more than the slight mark it taints my warstory with.

Back to the action. Gliscor is around and my sub is still up, leaving momentum still in my favor. Earth Power is useless as is substitute. Lava Plum will do marginal damage to Gliscor and can't even burn him which is sad, leaving my only option Stealth Rocks. Guess what it's finally time for? Well, not stealth rocks. The thing is, I still have that shiny red balloon and, thanks to the reasoning I laid out before about the usefulness of rocks to this match, it's not worth getting Stealth Rocks up in exchange for that balloon popping. He still has a mystery pokemon on his team that could easily be Doryuuzu and I need to keep as many of his checks healthy just in case. That leaves me with two options, either Nattorei or Breloom. Like before, Breloom is to risky out there so it's time to reveal my own bitchin grass/steel UFO thing. What the hell are you Nattorei...what the hell...
Start of turn 11
Vexatious called Heatran back!
Vexatious sent out Nattorei!

The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ used Earthquake!
Nattorei lost 84 HP! (23% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ restored HP using its Poison Heal!
(77%) VS
Alright, now that we're here Nattorei comes in to take a nice hit but sits comfortably around. Gliscor is a problem but so is anything that switches into me. I'm really afraid of Rankurusu now but Power Whip can deal with him as well as hit Gliscor. Ditto and and his Nattorei absorb anything I throw at them while Gliscor eats thunder wave. With spikes having the same problem as Stealth Rock currently, this is leaving me with Power Whip. Although something is odd here. He used Earthquake on my switch, meaning he either forgot about balloon, or more likely is catching on to my play style. I need to switch things up because things can get dangerous if I'm out played especially here. Whether it's intuition or idiocy, I want to think Gliscor is going to sit here, rather than switch. This goes against what he's shown me but how he just played goes against what I thought. Thunder wave is still out of the question but leech seed is looking pretty right now and will force him to switch; force him back to the style I know how to beat.

Start of turn 12
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ used Swords Dance!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹'s Attack sharply rose!

Nattorei used Leech Seed!
The attack of Nattorei missed!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ restored HP using its Poison Heal!
(77%) VS
This...is a problem. A large one. Not only did leech seed miss, but this is one of those situations I mentioned earlier where I have the wrong counter to the wrong Gliscor. He gets a swords dance up in my face and I have nothing to show for it but a missed seed. Heatran can come in on the EQ but then what? He has to leave right after. Genosekuto and Nidoking will both be crushed and Breloom will be crippled. Unfortunately, there's no where to run right now. Nattorei is trapped and for the first time this match I'm really worried. This has potential to punch a clean hole in my team and it's most likely going to have to be Nattorei. I don't want to play down a mon, but someone is going to go and it's best it be Nattorei rather than my attackers. Gliscor is staying in, my only hope is to scare it off with leech seed and hope it doesn't miss this time. Sorry Nattorei, it has to be done.
Start of turn 13
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ used Earthquake!
Nattorei lost 171 HP! (48% of its health)

Nattorei used Leech Seed!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ was seeded!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹'s health is sapped by leech seed.
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ restored HP using its Poison Heal!
(39%) VS
Ok, this time the seed is down and Nattorei is under the weather. Gliscor is going to either switch out or take another EQ at me. Knowing Nattorei is a large problem to his damaging potential, and that his swords dance is off to a good full start, he'll most likely finish the job. Heatran is a great scout right here since I've saved his ballon. He'll absorb any EQ thrown, heal up a bit from leech seed, then I can jump right back to Nattorei and continue with my Genosekuto/Nidoking plan after he faints. Not as bad as I was first anticipating.

Start of turn 14
Vexatious called Nattorei back!
Vexatious sent out Heatran!

Heatran is floating on a balloon!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ used U-turn!
It's not very effective...
Heatran lost 29 HP! (8% of its health)
Heatran's Balloon popped!
oppo called 天èŽçŽ‹ back!
oppo sent out 百å˜æ€ª! (Ditto)

The foe's 百å˜æ€ª transformed into Heatran!

The sandstorm rages!
(68%) VS
I don't like cursing in an open forum but FUCK. Not only was I just played, not only did he take full momentum from me in that play, he popped my GODDAMN BALLOON. It's red rubbery pieces fall in a heap around Heatran as a small tear rolls down his massive cheek. You shall pay for this. I'm not sure how just yet, but you will.

This is bad, without my balloon he can openly kill my Heatran with my own Earth Power. What's worse is he's showing signs of prediction and I could very well risk a Lava Plum to one of my other pokemon if I'm not careful. Though, this is twice in a row he's played out of his style. Unless he's completely shifted, twice is enough to unnerve someone and make them question their abilities. To me, this is a job well done and a chance to predict an over prediction. He'll go standard this time. With Nattorei crippled, Heatran is another obstacle he can get rid of right here, right now. Breloom can do it, but when I think about it my Heatran can't do anything anymore. He cannot outspeed or fight his remaining pokemon, and if one is Doryuuzu then he no longer checks him. Rocks are useless to me and Fire/Ground is a combination Nidoking currently does better for me. Between Nattorei and Heatran, it's surprising but I'd rather lose Heatran right here. Sorry buddy, but in case he does Lava Plum, I'm going to Earth Power. Once heatran is down, I can send in Breloom to scare it away with Mach Punch.

Start of turn 15
The foe's 百å˜æ€ª used Earth Power!
It's super effective!
Heatran lost 214 HP! (66% of its health)
Heatran fainted!

(0%) VS
The sandstorm rages!
Vexatious sent out Breloom!
(100%) VS
Unfortunately for me, Breloom is my last switch in to Ditto. I wanted to keep him in reserve for Doryuuzu but I'm out of options. Genosekuto can't hurt him, Nidoking can't out speed him, Nattorei will die, and I don't like any of those options. Mach Punch is a clean KO and will score a good hit on any of his remaining pokemon. Whether it's Doryuuzu or not, it'll get a clean shot. My set is a choice band set with Mach Punch, Bullet Seed, Stone Edge, and Spore. This is all fine and dandy, and most people don't expect choice band yet. All those Sword Dancing, Subbing Looms out there I suppose.

It's for the damage that Mach Punch can do that I make a different choice. He's playing safe again going for that Earth Power and his safest switch is that Gliscor. Bullet seed is risky for damage but can potentially KO him if it's not careful (not the nature mind you). Even if it doesn't kill him, I can still get out of there if I need to.
Start of turn 16
oppo called 百å˜æ€ª back!
oppo sent out 天èŽçŽ‹! (Gliscor)

Breloom used Bullet Seed!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ lost 21% of its health!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ lost 21% of its health!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ lost 21% of its health!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ lost 24% of its health!
Hit 4 times!

The sandstorm rages!
Breloom is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ restored HP using its Poison Heal!
(92%) VS
I got you, you son of a bitch! Bullet seed has become amazing in Gen5 and Breloom just loves to throw it around. I was expecting slightly more damage though. In the past I've hit Gliscor for more around the damage mark on average. Either I rolled low the first three shots or he's got defense EVs. Since I doubt I rolled low three times in a row, I'm going with defense. The good part about this is that I should be faster. With no speed investment, my Breloom (adamant 252Att/252Spd) just outpaces Gliscor. All I Seeing Earthquake, SD, and U-turn leaves me feeling a little more secure as well as poison heal Gliscor relies on protect to heal himself up. Breloom can eat what you got and give it back double Gliscor, we're done here. Even if he switches, the only pokemon coming in safely is Nattorei and for all he knows, I can switch to Mach Punch still afterwards.

Start of turn 17
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ used Aerial Ace!
It's super effective!
Breloom lost 246 HP! (93% of its health)
Breloom fainted!
(0%) VS
The sandstorm rages!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ restored HP using its Poison Heal!
Vexatious sent out Nidoking!
(100%) VS
I'm shocked. To be honest I'm not sure which surprises me more. That Gliscor out sped Breloom (meaning this bulk has speed investment alongside its HP and Att) or that he carries no protect on his poison heal Gliscor. If his last pokemon is Doryuuzu I'm defensless now and I can feel my heart drop. Gliscor proves time and time again to be the biggest thorn in my side. Without Breloom and down 3-5, things are looking pretty dark for me. Nidoking can handle a lot but he can't handle everything. It's time for retribution. Gliscor can't take my Ice Beam, nor can a Doryuuzu or any of his other pokemon for that matter. Regardless of his switch, I outpace everything I've seen except Ditto and Ice Beam will KO ditto while I can switch to Flamethrower for Nattorei and Earth Power for Rankurusu (if he even survives which is highly unlikely). The only mystery pokemon is my problem but Ice Beam will hit Doryuuzu for neutral. I'd really like to risk Flamethrower for it, but if he goes into Ditto I'm in more trouble than I am now. Nidoking, lets do this shit.

Start of turn 18
oppo called 天èŽçŽ‹ back!
oppo sent out åšæžœåž«! (Nattorei)

Nidoking used Ice Beam!
The foe's åšæžœåž« lost 38% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's åšæžœåž« restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
(100%) VS
I'm so relieved to see Nattorei rear it's head. I was terrified that Doryuuzu would come around. He's in perfect range for a KO by Ice Beam now and Ice Beam still covers all my bases. He could be baiting for a switch, but if he has that Doryuzuu a free switch from a dead Nattorei is just what he wants which leaves me unable to do much about it. Nattorei, it's time to go down.

Start of turn 19
oppo called åšæžœåž« back!
oppo sent out çµçƒ›åŠç¯! (Shandera)

Nidoking used Ice Beam!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
The foe's çµçƒ›åŠç¯ lost 61% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
The foe's çµçƒ›åŠç¯ is buffeted by the sandstorm!
(100%) VS
Shandera! I've never been so relieved to see a Shandera. He comes in to a massive crit damage from Nidoking and loses a majority of his health. My distate for criticals is well known from above, but this time it won't matter. Shandera, unless it runs Psychic, has nothing that can kill Nidoking who is shockingly bulky. I'm trapped in here with Shandera, but as Rorshach so quaintly put it, it's the opposite; Shandera is trapped in here with me. There is little reason to come in on Nidoking without attacking him. Now that I've seen his whole team, I know that Nidoking handles, and outspeeds, everything he has except Ditto. Shandera was risky as I could have, and should have, Earth Powered Nattorei so I suspect he might think I'm choice spec'd trapping me on Ice Beam. That would explain the switch to Shandera over Gliscor and explains why Shandera is going to die right here. Earth Power is a clean KO and the best option right now. If he were to switch, he'd lose a pokemon plain and simple. Even if he predicts Earth Power and goes to Gliscor, I outspeed and KO with Ice Beam who his shandera can't take switching into again.

Start of turn 20
The foe's çµçƒ›åŠç¯ used Shadow Ball!
Nidoking lost 211 HP! (69% of its health)

Nidoking used Earth Power!
It's super effective!
The foe's çµçƒ›åŠç¯ lost 32% of its health!
The foe's çµçƒ›åŠç¯ fainted!
(31%) VS
The sandstorm rages!
oppo sent out 百å˜æ€ª! (Ditto)

The foe's 百å˜æ€ª transformed into Nidoking!
(31%) VS
Like I said, the crit made no difference to Shandera's condition and, after delivering a heavy blow to Nidoking, he goes down. Just as things looked good though, Ditto comes in on the prowl. Things are still tense and momentum is on his side of the field right now. This is where the sacrificial player has to come in. My Nidokings movepool hits every remaining pokemon on my side regardless of his choice of move. He's foolish to use Ice Beam since Genosekuto can resist it and thunderbolt is useless against Nidoking. Earth Power and Flamethrower however can finish off the entire team by themselves. Nattorei is going to have to die so my Genosekuto can come back in and threaten the team with his own Ice Beam. I'm worried though, because once he switches out and drops something he needs to drop from my Genosekuto, his Ditto can replicate the opening scenario which will put the result of the match on a speed tie. If I win that speed tie, I'd kill ditto, sacrifice Nidoking's remaining health, then finish up with an Ice Beam cleanup sweep. Either way, it all starts with Nattorei and a little bit of hope.

Start of turn 21
Vexatious called Nidoking back!
Vexatious sent out Nattorei!

The foe's 百å˜æ€ª used Flamethrower!
It's super effective!
Nattorei lost 139 HP! (39% of its health)
Nattorei fainted!
(0%) VS
The sandstorm rages!
Vexatious sent out Genosekuto!

Genosekuto's Download activates!
Genosekuto's Sp. Att. rose!
(87%) VS
Phase one of my endgame plan is about to begin. Nattorei is down and Genosekuto is looking for blood. Prediction does me little good here. Flamethrower is useless, momentum is unnecessary (never thought I'd say that) making U-turn useless, thunderbolt is useless, and Ice Beam is godly.

I should explain what makes U-turn useless to me. If Nidoking Stays in and I U-turn, that's game. I lose my later sacrifice for his Geno-Ditto and get nothing in return aside from this exact same position but one less mon. If I U-turn and he switches two things can happen. Either it's rankurusu and it dies, forcing me to Nidoking (and a return of Ditto-King) and a repeat of the previous turn without a Nattorei to sacrifice, or it's Gliscor which forces me to Nidoking who then KO's Gliscor and Ditto-King comes back anyway. The fact is, Ditto-King is not what I want to see right now and I cannot handle him without both Genosekuto and Nidoking alive to fight.

This leaves me with only one logical choice. Ice Beam covers, literally thanks to the Sp. Att boost from Download, his entire team for KO damage. Something is going to die.
Start of turn 22
Genosekuto used Ice Beam!
It's super effective!
The foe's 百å˜æ€ª lost 67% of its health!
The foe's 百å˜æ€ª fainted!
(87%) VS
The sandstorm rages!
oppo sent out åšæžœåž«! (Nattorei)
(87%) VS
I don't believe it. After all my theories and plans, Ditto-King is just dropped for nothing. He gives up his Ditto in exchange for his other pokemon. Things just go so much simpler but I was hoping to catch Nattorei on a switch to ensure it dropped to Ice Beam. Maybe this was his plan? I'm not entirely sure but that KO just bought me so much space to breath.

Now things get a little hairy. Gliscor and Rankurusuu are still out there and Nattorei can really hurt my odds. Between Thunder wave and leech seed, he could potentially stall Genosekuto out. Rankurusuu has already shown a lot of special strength and if I'm paralyzed and seeded, I can still lose this. Nidoking however, has nothing to fear. He's immune to thunder wave, can take some leech seed damage and still live, and more importantly survive Power whip or gyro ball if I'm outpredicted. Nidoking, show this team what you're made of and get out there.
Start of turn 23
Vexatious called Genosekuto back!
Vexatious sent out Nidoking!

The foe's åšæžœåž« used Leech Seed!
Nidoking was seeded!

The sandstorm rages!
Nidoking's health is sapped by leech seed.
The foe's åšæžœåž« restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
(20%) VS
Things are what I was expecting. Leech seed comes out and wants to drain one of my pokemon down. With some switching, he can tear down my Nidoking's health in another two turns of seed leaving me alone with Genosekuto. Fortunately Ice Beam tears holes through the rest of his friends. All I need to do is chunk Nattorei just a little more. Genosekuto can out speed and KO everyone but Nattorei needs less health than this to ensure it. I could take the double switch but I risk him leech seeding again in anticipation and recovering even more health. Flamethrower can kill Nattorei and ensure this game right now and Gliscor doesn't resist it meaning he'll go down to it to. So, shockingly, Flamethrower seems better than Ice Beam for once. Time to roast some pokemon Nidoking!
Start of turn 24
oppo called åšæžœåž« back!
oppo sent out 人工细胞! (Rankurusu)

Nidoking used Flamethrower!
The foe's 人工细胞 lost 21% of its health!
The foe's 人工细胞 fainted!
(20%) VS
The sandstorm rages!
oppo sent out 天èŽçŽ‹! (Gliscor)
(20%) VS
Rankurusu goes down and Gliscor shows up for the party. Nidoking hasn't lost and seed damage yet and we're down to level grounds of 2-2. Flamethrower is still the best move to use here as it will KO Nattorei and Gliscor. I'm really nervous right now, being so happy to have won this match. My hands are shaking as my finger slides across the touchpad of my laptop.
Start of turn 25
oppo called 天èŽçŽ‹ back!
oppo sent out åšæžœåž«! (Nattorei)

Nidoking used Ice Beam!
The foe's åšæžœåž« lost 37% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!
Nidoking's health is sapped by leech seed.
The foe's åšæžœåž« restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
(8%) VS
Son of a bitch misclicks. I was actually shaking with my own anticipation and slid a little to the right into Ice Beam. *Face Palm* Now I'm down to 8% but it's still good to go. Ice Beam did 37% and can KO Nattorei unless he uses protect. Even if he were, Genosekuto can still come in finish the job with Flamethrower or Ice Beam from itself. Both Ice Beam and Flamethrower will finish this game, but my hands wanted Ice Beam. Must have been fate. That or it's winter. Lets go for a cold blast shall we?
Start of turn 26
Nidoking used Ice Beam!
The foe's åšæžœåž« lost 34% of its health!

The foe's åšæžœåž« used Gyro Ball!
Nidoking lost 17 HP! (5% of its health)
Nidoking fainted!
(0%) VS
The sandstorm rages!
The foe's åšæžœåž« restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Vexatious sent out Genosekuto!

Genosekuto's Download activates!
Genosekuto's Attack rose!
Oh come on! I rolled so low I left him with, quite possibly, 1hp and Nidoking lost his life because of that. Between Tyranitar's pursuit, Brelooms Bullet Seed, and Nidoking's Ice Beam, the RNG really must hate me. Everytime it's rolled low I've lost a Pokemon because of it. Luckily, I won't be getting an aneorism today. Genosekuto is ready to clean up. Whether Nattorei stays in, protects, switches, what have you--Genosekuto wins this game. Ice Beam for safety on Gliscor since I lack the Sp.Att boost, and away we go.
Start of turn 27
Genosekuto used Ice Beam!
The foe's åšæžœåž« lost 6% of its health!
The foe's åšæžœåž« fainted!
The sandstorm rages!
oppo sent out 天èŽçŽ‹! (Gliscor)
There we go. It's finally down to you and me Gliscor. I really hate Gliscor if you haven't caught on yet but this is the end of the match. There's not much to discuss, and while I feel bad that there isn't anything to analyze, this last move is as straight forward as it gets. I out speed, I over power; I win.
Start of turn 28
Genosekuto used Ice Beam!
It's super effective!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ lost 36% of its health!
The foe's 天èŽçŽ‹ fainted!

Vexatious won the battle!
Vexatious: Vexxing isn't it
oppo: gg

There we have it, Warstory #2. I'm really hoping you guys enjoyed this one more than the last. I looked high and low for a good battle with minimal interference to do and tried my best to give as much possible insight as possible, even going to extremes to explain why an obvious decision was so obvious to me. I put a lot of work in this one (4 hours of my time thank you very much) that I should have put into a paper I have to write later tonight. This was a fun match and I had a lot of fun re-living it. Once again I hope you guys enjoy it. Here's the final rundown for those of the tl;dr crowd.

Vexatious 1-0 Oppo

Oppo's Team

Props vs Slops

Nidoking for your valient efforts.
Oppo for switching up his game at pivitol moments
Tyranitar for giving your life in the line of duty.

The critical on his Tyranitar as well as the damage roll on my own.
His not using Shandera earlier for Breloom, costing his Gliscor a lot of hp.
Ditto for losing him a chance of victory.

Closing Statements.

I just want to address the instance of Shandera not coming in earlier. Even if he had taken the Bullet Seed with Shandera, Gliscor's health became irrelevant in the end Ice Beam sweep. Although the presence of Shandera could have complicated matters, I do not believe it would have changed anything off the course of the outcome.

As for his Tyranitar, it is the same instance. Though it was unfortunate, looking back on the match I don't believe the remaining 30% he would have had would have made him anything more than another pokemon to knock down during the end sweep.

Although I would have preferred this match to be clean from any hax coming from my end, I'm convinced the game would have played out similarly with little change in the endgame regardless. Thanks and I hope you enjoy things the way they happened!
Yo Vex,

I've only read the first turn so far and I'm blown away. Your commentary is in-depth, informative, and just plain great. I'll have to read the rest, but so far this looks like an AMAZING warstory.

Just be sure to fix the sprites.
Didn't you just post a warstory a few days ago? o.0

And I have to say, this was a pretty good battle and you have pretty good commentary. Some of the hax was a bit off-setting but the good playing on both sides made up for it. And yeah...fix your Rankurusu sprite ;)

That was possibly the most in depth warstory i've ever read. Comments were fantastic, as was the battle and the formatting. Fun to read and the in-depth nature made it feel complete. Nice battle, though there was a little hax (though not much you can do about that...)

Well done! Hope to see more in the future.
Love the detail of your thought process, and generally a fun read. Good job!

However one thing that really vexes me is that you spell 'vexes' and 'vexing' incorrectly.

PK Gaming

Persona 5
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Oh my god, the amount of work you put into your comments is astounding. Seriously your comments are great.
They don't just tell us the obvious "So and so used X" but go above and beyond that. (With some humor which is nice)

Nice playing from both sides too.

Don't like to repeat what the others said, but their right best commentary I've ever read and a good battle with nice prediction. Though I dont understand why they left dittoking in to be slaughtered I'm sure they had some reason. Good match for a war story nice job. 9.5/10 only blemish was the hax and you can't control that.
This is an incredibly good warstory. The hax didn't cause any real flaws in the battle, your formatting is great, and your prediction is incredible. You plan ahead much farther than I thought was possible. :) 10/10


JACKED and sassy
is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
Just read through and thought it was great. The comments, like everybody else already said, were quite amazing. I've never seen each move analyzed so carefully before. Each move was thought out so carefully it's actually rather astounding.

I really, really loved it. You get a perfect 10/10 from me.
Wow, this is one of the best warstories I have ever read. The comments were excellent, and I could see your thought process clearly. Props for such an amazing job.
10/10 :D
Vex, I saw your name on the title of this post earlier today as I was in class, and I remembered your last war story to be pretty darn good. Told myself to read it when I got home.

Lemme just say, wow. I can't give any crit here. Usually I leave 4 or so long paragraphs on some form of critique.

9.75/10. Great flawless commentary. The only thing I mark down is those minor minor minor issues of the "hax." And a misclick (or fate haha). Both of which really mean NOTHING compared to how amazing this is. The only other issue is the fact your opponent did 2 misplays of leaving shandera hidden till the end, and letting his ditto die.

Great work man. Amazing.
Wow, what a great warstory! Extremely suspenseful with good formatting and absolutely extraordinary commentary. That is some definitely excellent work, and the effort shows- I'm predicting our first 5th gen warstory for the archive, folks! My only (minour) complaints would be the teeny-tiny amounts of hax, and the image of randurosu not working. Otherwise a great read, good job.
Inspiring comments, I enjoyed reading every line. It wants me to make a real warstory with that poker analysis style.

From a poker player, I salute you! 10/10
Excellent warstory, this is what it's all about.

It's time for another Earth Power while I have this nice sub of mine. Once it breaks, it's off to Breloom to threaten a Mach Punch bluff then right over to Genosekuto to keep my momentum going to U-turn the Gliscor switch as he expects my Ice Beam and runs back to another wall. Yes, I think somewhat ahead of myself but it's a pretty standard decision now that I've got a read on the way he plays.
Paragraphs like these are what make warstories worth reading. It isn't the sprites, the percentages, the failed attempts at humor - it's the clear expression of thought processes that, in this case, demonstrates you thinking several turns ahead given the information you've already learned.

Great job.


is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Wow. I have almost no words. This rivals some of the 4th Gen OU great stories. Wonderful formatting, and your commentary was absolutely AMAZING. Please continue to make these, and I'll keep reading. 10/10-by far the best warstory to come through UT since it's conception.
Whoa. Just... Awesome job ^^ I've never commented on a warstory before but this one REALLY deserves one :P Your commentary was amazing, and less importantly so was your format. ^^

(Although like one before me I think you should fix Rankurusu's sprite and the 'vexes'/'vexing' spelling xD)
AMAZING...Simply Amazing.It was very indepth and you explained your thought process so clearly.Both of you played well and put great thought into each and every one of your moves.I throughly enjoyed this and really it was possibly the best one this gen.
And i hope this gets archived because it sure as hell deserves to.
So I had to leave for a couple hours, but I promised to read this and I did.

Not to parrot everyone, but wow. That's it. Wow.

The hax was a little off-putting, but it honestly wasn't that bad. And you fixed the Rankurusu sprite.

There's not much new to say about how phenomenal your comments were. Just read the other posts. This is one of the best Gen5 warstories there is. Please keep them coming.

Formatting- 9/10
A couple little errors. Nothing major.

Comments- 12/10
Need I say more?

Battle- 9/10
I wasn't the best battle out there, but it was still pretty dang good.

Overall- 10/10
Well, that's the average of the other three. Seriously, fantastic work, Vex.
You're comments are very good. However, I feel like they weren't exactly concise, but considering the quality, I think that isn't a fatal flaw in the slightest. Excellent job.
This was fantastic. I think you may have put too much into the commentary, but it's still great. The hax was annoying, but you did well regardless.

9/10 (not that number rates mean anything.)
I take an hour ride home, eat some dinner, check in on the topic to see two posts mentioning the sprites, fix those up, watch Bi Centennial Man (pretty damn good movie I gotta say, I'm surprised it only has a 6 on IMDB), and now I come back and there are so many responses! This really made my night and made the hours I put into it worth it.

When I was writing this, I was worried that I would get comments about how I shouldn't post multiple warstories in so close proximity, or that it was only as good as the last, or other comments along those lines, but this is beyond my expectations. When I say I make this for you guys, I mean that. Technically yes, being human there is a level of selfish inkling for recognition otherwise I would simply make the story and keep it to myself, but writing is a hobby of mine.

Don't want to get into my personal life to much, but I'm an aspiring writer (which yes, sounds shocking considering the spelling errors here and there as well as grammatical mistakes and what not, but that's what you get in a first draft without any looking over before posting xD) and I just want to write so that people can enjoy reading my work. It doesn't matter if it's a novel, a short story, a warstory, or my math homework; the fact that you guys enjoyed reading something that I enjoyed writing, means a lot.

I'd love to keep making these, but I have a fear that they might not live up to the hype if I promise more are coming (you guys giving me 10/10 and suggesting this get archived? Saying it might be the best of Gen5? I had a heart attack, but in a good way...surely not the fried chicken and soda I had for dinner.) So here's the deal.

If you guys want another warstory, I'll work on coming out with one as soon as I can. Obviously this isn't one of those "OK let's pick a match and make a warstory out of it."; that's not how I do things. The reason this one came so soon was that it happened so soon. The sad thing is, this is one of literally hundreds of matches I've had since the first warstory, and one of only maybe 20 I thought were good enough to save a log of, and even THEN I wasn't sure if I liked the quality of this match enough to present to you. So be assured I will only give you the best quality (in my opinion) that I can. That's problem one with making more.

The second problem is what I want you guys to address. If I'm to continue writing these, I want them to be new and fresh every time. The issue here is that as we become familiar with my team, it becomes repetitive to explain certain decisions or the jobs of certain pokemon. This basically means I need to have a new team with every story. This is where you come in.

If you want me to write more, let me know; but more importantly, if you want me to write more you have to help me out. Give me a theme or a pokemon and I'll work with it and see if I can't get a solid battle out of it. I stray from certain builds because they seem boring but if you want to read about them, that's fine with me. Want me to run rain? You got it. Sand? Sun? Trick Room? Baton Pass? UU or NU? A team centralized around luvdisc? (please though not something retarded like that, be realistic about something that can possibly be competitive.)

So there you have it; that's my request to you. I got plenty of free time coming up thanks to the end of the semester on Monday and plenty of pokemon to pick from. If you want more, give me some suggestions to consider and I'll see what I can't make a story out of!

Thanks again! Really so much!
I take an hour ride home, eat some dinner, check in on the topic to see two posts mentioning the sprites, fix those up, watch Bi Centennial Man (pretty damn good movie I gotta say, I'm surprised it only has a 6 on IMDB), and now I come back and there are so many responses! This really made my night and made the hours I put into it worth it.

When I was writing this, I was worried that I would get comments about how I shouldn't post multiple warstories in so close proximity, or that it was only as good as the last, or other comments along those lines, but this is beyond my expectations. When I say I make this for you guys, I mean that. Technically yes, being human there is a level of selfish inkling for recognition otherwise I would simply make the story and keep it to myself, but writing is a hobby of mine.

Don't want to get into my personal life to much, but I'm an aspiring writer (which yes, sounds shocking considering the spelling errors here and there as well as grammatical mistakes and what not, but that's what you get in a first draft without any looking over before posting xD) and I just want to write so that people can enjoy reading my work. It doesn't matter if it's a novel, a short story, a warstory, or my math homework; the fact that you guys enjoyed reading something that I enjoyed writing, means a lot.

I'd love to keep making these, but I have a fear that they might not live up to the hype if I promise more are coming (you guys giving me 10/10 and suggesting this get archived? Saying it might be the best of Gen5? I had a heart attack, but in a good way...surely not the fried chicken and soda I had for dinner.) So here's the deal.

If you guys want another warstory, I'll work on coming out with one as soon as I can. Obviously this isn't one of those "OK let's pick a match and make a warstory out of it."; that's not how I do things. The reason this one came so soon was that it happened so soon. The sad thing is, this is one of literally hundreds of matches I've had since the first warstory, and one of only maybe 20 I thought were good enough to save a log of, and even THEN I wasn't sure if I liked the quality of this match enough to present to you. So be assured I will only give you the best quality (in my opinion) that I can. That's problem one with making more.

The second problem is what I want you guys to address. If I'm to continue writing these, I want them to be new and fresh every time. The issue here is that as we become familiar with my team, it becomes repetitive to explain certain decisions or the jobs of certain pokemon. This basically means I need to have a new team with every story. This is where you come in.

If you want me to write more, let me know; but more importantly, if you want me to write more you have to help me out. Give me a theme or a pokemon and I'll work with it and see if I can't get a solid battle out of it. I stray from certain builds because they seem boring but if you want to read about them, that's fine with me. Want me to run rain? You got it. Sand? Sun? Trick Room? Baton Pass? UU or NU? A team centralized around luvdisc? (please though not something retarded like that, be realistic about something that can possibly be competitive.)

So there you have it; that's my request to you. I got plenty of free time coming up thanks to the end of the semester on Monday and plenty of pokemon to pick from. If you want more, give me some suggestions to consider and I'll see what I can't make a story out of!

Thanks again! Really so much!
Based on this, I'm not worried about the quality going down. It could go down a lot and still be better than 90% of warstories, IMO. But yes, we (I) want more.

The new team thing would be interesting, although you would need time to get a feel for each team because when you first start using a team, you probably won't be doing excellently with it.

If we should suggest team ideas, then I say build it around a Sub-Charge Rotom-W. I've used my own custom one and it was able to destroy so much stuff.

Regardless, if this came out of you without our input, then I don't want to suggest anything. I don't want to taint the Vex-purity of it. If this came naturally, then I don't want to make it feel un-natural.

All that said, here's a synopsis: this was amazing do it again

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