Tournament PUPL V - Week V


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art by UberSkitty


(3) Magnanimous Misdreavus vs Destructive Dedennes (5)
SM 1: Feliburn vs dibs
SM 2: Chill Shadow vs Osh
SM 3: LordST vs Charmflash
SM 4: Gondra vs poh
SM 5: Shaneghoul vs Tricking
ORAS: Eternally vs Jarii
BW: EviGaro vs Rexus
DPP: obii vs DurzaOffTopic


(5) Voracious Victreebels vs Hearthome Haunters (3)
SM 1: Robert Alfons vs Kushalos
SM 2: FLCL vs Ktütverde
SM 3: robjr vs TJ
SM 4: lighthouses vs Raseri
SM 5: Alkione vs Sam I Yam
ORAS: false vs Specs
BW: cb aaron judge vs KW
DPP: Heysup vs GeneralAnnoyance


(2) Olivine Octilleries vs Kind-Hearted Kinglers (6)
SM 1: Taskr vs gum
SM 2: Chloe vs Jmash324
SM 3: Xiri vs Raiza
SM 4: jonago vs TSR
SM 5: tlenit1 vs Serene Grace
ORAS: RawMelon vs Pearl
BW: tondas vs Aaronboyer
DPP: Chrisloud1 vs col49

The deadline for this week is Sunday, June 23rd, 11:59 PM EST. Extensions will not be given. Replays are 100% required, all matches will be null and void without them. Also people stopped using the game sheet which means I stop making it.​
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(0) Voracious Victreebels vs Hearthome Haunters (0)
SM 1: Robert Alfons vs Kushalos - highlight this week
SM 2: FLCL vs Ktütverde - will we see the 1-4 ktut?
SM 3: robjr vs TJ - rob is actually really good
SM 4: lighthouses vs Raseri - i have no idea who is better
SM 5: Hamhamhamham vs Sam I Yam
ORAS: false vs Specs - specs is doing decent
BW: cb aaron judge vs KW
DPP: Heysup vs GeneralAnnoyance

(0) Olivine Octilleries vs Kind-Hearted Kinglers (0)
SM 1: Taskr vs gum
SM 2: Chloe vs Jmash324
SM 3: Xiri vs Raiza
SM 4: jonago vs TSR
SM 5: Gunner Rohan vs Serene Grace
ORAS: RawMelon vs Pearl - finally the king is back in his rightful tier
BW: tondas vs Aaronboyer
DPP: Chrisloud1 vs col49
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I posted some playoffs scenarios, they were not correct, let's try this again. Keep in mind this is based on 9 games left where Misdreavus and Haunters can at best tie. Dedennes guaranteed finals, Victreebels guaranteed one semis slot.

If Octilleries win or tie vs the kinglers: they get the last spot. The following scenarios are if Octilleries lose. They already won 1 game and can't lose 0-8.
Kinglers win 5-3 = Haunters in if they tie, if Haunters lose and Missies tie then Octilleries, Missies, and Kinglers all play off, If Haunters and Missies lose then Octilleries and Kinglers play off
Kinglers win 6-2 = haunters in if they tie, kinglers in if haunters dont tie
Kinglers win 7-1 = playoff with Haunters if Haunters tie, or they go right in if Haunters don't tie
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