Tournament PUBD I - Semifinals [Tiebreak at post #28]

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I had time again to write some commentary from what happened in the GSC PU games this week so here we go…

Bee vs Corvere

There are many notable things in this game. Some might just see this game as like “nah bee just haxxed coz there were 2 frz and crits etc.” But this game can be seen as more than that because corvere’s team is interesting. Bee brought something solid which is a team full of top tier mons which has hitmontop, venomoth, and elekid which is probably in everyone’s top 4 mons rn in their vr. Seadra and Noctowl are also great wincons and this game also shows how threatening Seadra could be despite Sunflora is also in almost every team.

One of the notable highlights of corvere’s team is Cubone. Iirc, cubone lead was only used once in the gsc slam which happened in the finals (replays are gone so oof..) and I discussed it in my previous post since the idea is to counter the common elec lead which in this case, Bee really had elec lead. Cubone is threatening despite not being on a bp team because of thick club making its eq stronger to like 2hko Seadra. Body slam can also fish for para which happened in this game. Sunflora still takes a lot of damage and its synthesis could have burned out.

On Bee’s side, Seadra has been dominant. Corvere had magcargo which is a common opportunity for seadra to come in. The textbook line here is sunflora comes in, then bee would go moth, then corvere back to magcargo, then its a loop. This is where plays like doubling and such comes in to break that loop. In this game, bee went to top vs flora instead while corvere anticipated venomoth clicking psychic thats why she went murkrow. Bee was the one that the timing correctly this game so Bee had an opportunity to aggro to Seadra which led to the hitmontop frz.

The loop continued and when flora vs top happened, corvere went to moth that eventually got crit by hp rock. So the gameplan for corvere at that point is to get Cubone in. It happened when flora fainted, then murk lured elekid in and it click rest so Cubone got in safely. From there on, Cubone para’d owl in which Bee decides to sac it since it was 6v3 anyways and went to Seadra which finished the game.

So what was I think the other interesting thing about this game, its the absence of an elec mon in corvere’s team. Is an elec mandatory though in cubone lead comps? No. I brought two teams w/o an elec. First is vs vani in gsc slam finals and second is vs aurist this altpl. How did I deal vs aurist’s seadra and tangela with my cubone? By haxxing (jk) I mean my Magcargo is hp elec so it isn’t as free as a switch for seadra because it deals 47-55% to seadra. That put seadra in range of my Cubone’s eq. And I also had my own seadra that game. And yes in terms of teamcomp, the diff with what I brought vs aurist and what corvere brought is I had seadra instead of sunflora. My plan vs elecs is to overwhelm it with my own seadra plus I had hitmontop. So in this game, yeah the frz on one of the most important mons made the team really hard to play.

My bad that I talked a lot about that game xd. It was just when I saw the game, it made me realize about some more things and even noticed the flaws of my own teams that led to my bad record in these furret-less tours.

I also actually wanted to talk about what Murkrow could have done here but this is already too long ig. Now moving on to the other game…

Esta vs Bloodace

Now in this game, it is expected that esta will continue the 100% deli usage and early game revolves around that. Back deli means it needs to come in as safe as possible. Common entry point is versus sunflora. Elekid lead could have lured sunflora but I think esta’s plan is to lure it with geodude instead. It was elekid vs top in the lead. It led to esta going Golbat where bloodace answered with elekid. Then that’s the opportunity. Esta just needed elekid to click rest and get geodude in. But an early opportunity happened when it was top vs elekid as Bloodace revealed tangela. But then, Bloodace probably expected delibird to go in and thus, sleep powder is clicked. Esta’s teams is known to rely on spikes to break through things so with spikes out, it was hard for esta to break through bloodace’s team. Midgame includes elekid mirror that was broken with spdef drop from psychic. Geodude still comes in vs a predicted click rest from elekid but it fainted before it could boom.

I don’t have much else to say here as once esta lost the elekid mirror, he just decided to sac golbat and tried if back moth could pull off a comeback in which Bloodace revealed Seaking. It seems Venomoth didn’t have giga drain this game so it was gg at that point.

Now looking forward to Bee vs LpZ for the tiebreaker, this is interesting as LpZ always tries to bring a different comp each game as seen not only in gsc slam but also in altpl and has designed a great team vs me on week 3. Will Bee try to fix what’s not broken or will he remains on using the same mons? How will LpZ approach this match-up? We will all find out how things will unravel in this week’s tiebreaker (it will be anti-climactic if tiebreakers will be over if the sv and bw will be played first :v and tbh it was just great that gsc was picked in which I honestly didn't expect but I expected that this will be Bee vs LpZ indeed if GSC was picked)


lucky stars in your eyes ☆
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PU Leader
Hii, just wanted to do a shoutout post here cuz my team is awesome and I’m extremely proud of everyone on it!

On a personal level I wasn’t doing my absolute best by the time this tour was starting, and it took me a really long time to find my footing, but y’all made a sorta hectic time in my life much much better, probably without even knowing, so I’m extremely grateful to all of you, and I even managed to recover slightly from what could’ve been a much worse record! I especially grew as a player and as a person, so I hope that whatever this tour gave me my teammates also got tenfold.

asa, you’ve become one of my closest friends and I am so forever happy to be able to share time with you so often, as tier leaders but mainly as friends. Your care and dedication are only second to your kindness, and I could never ask for a better co-manager to share this amazing experience with. Always a blast building and bouncing off ideas around, you also helped me a lot knowing the stuff I was going through and trusting me all the same. I’ll never forget it, oomf <3

zS, you were sent to the trenches and sacrificed. I know you did not expect your run to go this way and I feel like we definitely could’ve communicated things better to make your season go much different, but I never doubted, and still don’t, doubt your ability to love this game. I know if you were in SV instead of me you probably could’ve achieved a stellar record, and, as a fellow NUPL winner, am aware of your skill and dedication. I know next time we team up it’ll be an awesome time again. Thank you for putting up with us, and I’m always rooting for you.

PTF, I gotta admit I was as unsure about this slot as you were starting this season but if there was one thing I was sure of, despite the tough pool, was the fact that you would try your absolute best every week. Apparently, that was an understatement from me, you not only performed, you dominated a terrifying pool, were creative, and clearly had a load of fun doing it. Testing with you for hours was sometimes tiring but whenever we found that one team, it was always the most rewarding thing ever. Building with you was a blast and I know it won’t be the last time. Be proud of your performance the way I’m proud of you, my lovely friend!

Aberforth, I must admit I was not familiar with your ORAS game… But holy, testing with you and losing like 80% of my games to you only to then own almost every week showed me how reliable and skillful you are. You not only knew how to play but you also worked your ass off on the builder with our help and always knew when your team was ready. You were fun to talk to and extremely consistent, even despite some personal stuff that got in the way of your season. You were definitely not here to fuck spiders!!!! (this is aussie slang, pls mods)

EviGaro, my dearest, awesomest oomf. Not sure if there’s anything to say that I haven’t said before, but thank you for putting a baller performance as always. You never fail to give me a heart attack by building on the same day as your game, but you know your shit so well I can never doubt you. You’re an amazing friend and I know next one will be our one. We will one day work on that duosion weakness and you’ll be unstoppable!!!

Alkione, you’re weird and funny as fuck. We got you for literal free and you did not disappoint in the slightest, pulling a very good performance despite irl complications. Everytime you’d talk in the server I knew I’d end up giggling a lot, so thank you for just being who you are. Would love to team up again, and I wish you the best of luck with everything going on!

Lily, asa and I went hard for you cuz we knew how reliable and consistent you’d be but seeing your thought process was incredibly fun. You always made time to come up with something awesome and cared, even if it was behind the scenes from us. I always knew it’d be fun to team up from being on Idols discord for years, and I’m hopeful it’s not the last time. I'm also so glad things worked out for you w that whole thing and stuff!!!!!

Estarossa, I’ve known you for years and even though we haven’t been particularly close I knew your dedication to the game and mostly a gen like GSC in particular. Seeing your love for it, the techs you’d come up with and the quality of your play was always lovely as someone who’s a total idiot when it comes to GSC. It was fun being able to talk again and I hope we manage to do it again in the future!

Teh, Week 2 is starting let me make one thing clear, we are friends and we will always be friends. Care if ur active care bout ur irl commitments care if u prep care if u gotta bullshit ur scheduling care if u dont link ur games. Dont care ur name is bolded bcuz I'm not watching an rby pu game at any point in my life. (ty for being fun and getting some super clutch wins for us)

Trixx, you deserve a super massive special shoutout. You’ve been one of my best friends on the site for so long and I’m so glad that we were able to give you such a warm welcome back into the community, a much deserved one too. Your care for supporting every slot and the team as a whole were the most obvious, and you were always there when we needed you to play a game, when we needed to discuss ideas or when we were just up to calling and talking about whatever. It’s so lovely to reunite with a friend like you again and I’m sure we will have many more opportunities to make it to finals and beyond, but if there’s something I’m even more sure of is that with you the trip is as worth it as the destination. VROOM VROOM!!!

feen and spell, y’all were great support and constantly participated in lovely convos throughout the span of the season. I’m sorry you couldn’t get to play in the way you wanted and at the quantity that you probably deserved (hopefully pupl is the one), but your contributions were always acknowledged, especially when feen the dumb loaded the WRONG team and made me REALLY mad, I absolutely cannot stand that guy and I really gotta stop thinking about it before I just

Meri Berry, pook (now I’m doing it on purpose see), it is impossible for me to predict where I’d be without you right now! I'm not even sure I'd be managing or even TL! Truly the purple fish of this mortal coil, you’re my right hand through and through, and you're real!!! Thank you for being a Komala and caring so much even when you technically did not have to, and thank you especially for always being there for me. <3

Chloe, lovely person with HILARIOUS vgc teams. I’m forever rooting for you no matter where you go, thank you for coming along for the ride with us. Hoping you can always rely on me the way I rely on you as a friend.

Good luck to both teams through tiebreaks! Excited to see some epic games and for an even better finals; thank you ken for being an awesome host as well, extremely communicative and easy to talk to, and once again to Felucia for a lot of auction help that allowed this to happen!
Hii, just wanted to do a shoutout post here cuz my team is awesome and I’m extremely proud of everyone on it!

On a personal level I wasn’t doing my absolute best by the time this tour was starting, and it took me a really long time to find my footing, but y’all made a sorta hectic time in my life much much better, probably without even knowing, so I’m extremely grateful to all of you, and I even managed to recover slightly from what could’ve been a much worse record! I especially grew as a player and as a person, so I hope that whatever this tour gave me my teammates also got tenfold.

asa, you’ve become one of my closest friends and I am so forever happy to be able to share time with you so often, as tier leaders but mainly as friends. Your care and dedication are only second to your kindness, and I could never ask for a better co-manager to share this amazing experience with. Always a blast building and bouncing off ideas around, you also helped me a lot knowing the stuff I was going through and trusting me all the same. I’ll never forget it, oomf <3

zS, you were sent to the trenches and sacrificed. I know you did not expect your run to go this way and I feel like we definitely could’ve communicated things better to make your season go much different, but I never doubted, and still don’t, doubt your ability to love this game. I know if you were in SV instead of me you probably could’ve achieved a stellar record, and, as a fellow NUPL winner, am aware of your skill and dedication. I know next time we team up it’ll be an awesome time again. Thank you for putting up with us, and I’m always rooting for you.

PTF, I gotta admit I was as unsure about this slot as you were starting this season but if there was one thing I was sure of, despite the tough pool, was the fact that you would try your absolute best every week. Apparently, that was an understatement from me, you not only performed, you dominated a terrifying pool, were creative, and clearly had a load of fun doing it. Testing with you for hours was sometimes tiring but whenever we found that one team, it was always the most rewarding thing ever. Building with you was a blast and I know it won’t be the last time. Be proud of your performance the way I’m proud of you, my lovely friend!

Aberforth, I must admit I was not familiar with your ORAS game… But holy, testing with you and losing like 80% of my games to you only to then own almost every week showed me how reliable and skillful you are. You not only knew how to play but you also worked your ass off on the builder with our help and always knew when your team was ready. You were fun to talk to and extremely consistent, even despite some personal stuff that got in the way of your season. You were definitely not here to fuck spiders!!!! (this is aussie slang, pls mods)

EviGaro, my dearest, awesomest oomf. Not sure if there’s anything to say that I haven’t said before, but thank you for putting a baller performance as always. You never fail to give me a heart attack by building on the same day as your game, but you know your shit so well I can never doubt you. You’re an amazing friend and I know next one will be our one. We will one day work on that duosion weakness and you’ll be unstoppable!!!

Alkione, you’re weird and funny as fuck. We got you for literal free and you did not disappoint in the slightest, pulling a very good performance despite irl complications. Everytime you’d talk in the server I knew I’d end up giggling a lot, so thank you for just being who you are. Would love to team up again, and I wish you the best of luck with everything going on!

Lily, asa and I went hard for you cuz we knew how reliable and consistent you’d be but seeing your thought process was incredibly fun. You always made time to come up with something awesome and cared, even if it was behind the scenes from us. I always knew it’d be fun to team up from being on Idols discord for years, and I’m hopeful it’s not the last time. I'm also so glad things worked out for you w that whole thing and stuff!!!!!

Estarossa, I’ve known you for years and even though we haven’t been particularly close I knew your dedication to the game and mostly a gen like GSC in particular. Seeing your love for it, the techs you’d come up with and the quality of your play was always lovely as someone who’s a total idiot when it comes to GSC. It was fun being able to talk again and I hope we manage to do it again in the future!

Teh, Week 2 is starting let me make one thing clear, we are friends and we will always be friends. Care if ur active care bout ur irl commitments care if u prep care if u gotta bullshit ur scheduling care if u dont link ur games. Dont care ur name is bolded bcuz I'm not watching an rby pu game at any point in my life. (ty for being fun and getting some super clutch wins for us)

Trixx, you deserve a super massive special shoutout. You’ve been one of my best friends on the site for so long and I’m so glad that we were able to give you such a warm welcome back into the community, a much deserved one too. Your care for supporting every slot and the team as a whole were the most obvious, and you were always there when we needed you to play a game, when we needed to discuss ideas or when we were just up to calling and talking about whatever. It’s so lovely to reunite with a friend like you again and I’m sure we will have many more opportunities to make it to finals and beyond, but if there’s something I’m even more sure of is that with you the trip is as worth it as the destination. VROOM VROOM!!!

feen and spell, y’all were great support and constantly participated in lovely convos throughout the span of the season. I’m sorry you couldn’t get to play in the way you wanted and at the quantity that you probably deserved (hopefully pupl is the one), but your contributions were always acknowledged, especially when feen the dumb loaded the WRONG team and made me REALLY mad, I absolutely cannot stand that guy and I really gotta stop thinking about it before I just

Meri Berry, pook (now I’m doing it on purpose see), it is impossible for me to predict where I’d be without you right now! I'm not even sure I'd be managing or even TL! Truly the purple fish of this mortal coil, you’re my right hand through and through, and you're real!!! Thank you for being a Komala and caring so much even when you technically did not have to, and thank you especially for always being there for me. <3

Chloe, lovely person with HILARIOUS vgc teams. I’m forever rooting for you no matter where you go, thank you for coming along for the ride with us. Hoping you can always rely on me the way I rely on you as a friend.

Good luck to both teams through tiebreaks! Excited to see some epic games and for an even better finals; thank you ken for being an awesome host as well, extremely communicative and easy to talk to, and once again to Felucia for a lot of auction help that allowed this to happen!
Everyone : "you're such a friend!!!"
my s/o : *you’re weird and funny as fuck*


How they see me :


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