Project GBU Dex [Reservations go here]

I reserve Empoleon.. I'll have him complete when I can get some free time.

EDIT: Ohh, an you should sticky the "Metagame" threads (singles, doubles, triples, etc...). They will go to page 47204 because of the analysis, lol.
I reserve Empoleon.. I'll have him complete when I can get some free time.

EDIT: Ohh, an you should sticky the "Metagame" threads (singles, doubles, triples, etc...). They will go to page 47204 because of the analysis, lol.

To reiterate from earlier, I think we should just have a "Master Thread" with links to everything, so that 2/5 of each pages isn't just stickies.

On topic, now that I'm done with the first batch, I'd like to reserve:


I'll get done "prettying up" my threads soon, although I don't know how a lot of the forum fomatting works, or if my style of writing can be converted into factoid-like bullet points.
ashenlock if you wouldnt mind i think it would be preferred if you finished up those threads a little more before reserving more Pokemon, but once that's done you can feel free to reserve some more!
I'll get on them, but can someone explain to me how they did their threads, i.e. whether they pulled info from somewhere for their move lists or just wrote them all out from Serebii or something, and some formatting things, or at least point me out to where I can find that info?
I'll get on them, but can someone explain to me how they did their threads, i.e. whether they pulled info from somewhere for their move lists or just wrote them all out from Serebii or something, and some formatting things, or at least point me out to where I can find that info?

Ill PM you how I formatted my Tentacruel.
I'll reserve Hitmonlee and Gallade, please!

I'll get to work pretty soon!

EDIT: Hitmonlee is done for now. Feel free to comment/speculate.
as much as i personally like plusle/minun i don't think theyre really that viable (although you can pm me what you would write and i can give you the go-ahead)

the other two are fine to do!
Plusle and Minun aren't the greatest I admit, but they are somewhat decent, with Fake Tears as well as nasty plot, and somewhat viable with decent 85 base special attack and 95 base speed(plusle) and get's moderate-good coverage with T-Bolt, Grass knot, and Hidden Power, with Flash and Double team to work too.

At the very least, it can work well for someone who just wants a nice surprise element to their battle. And Minun is basically the exact same.
I'm gonna have to veto it for now, but when we have more pokemon done i may allow it

i would love to have you do it but i think its too gimmicky at this point and time

however once we get more of the "main" pokemon done i'll reconsider :D
Plusle and Minun aren't the greatest I admit, but they are somewhat decent, with Fake Tears as well as nasty plot, and somewhat viable with decent 85 base special attack and 95 base speed(plusle) and get's moderate-good coverage with T-Bolt, Grass knot, and Hidden Power, with Flash and Double team to work too.

At the very least, it can work well for someone who just wants a nice surprise element to their battle. And Minun is basically the exact same.

I'm gonna have to veto it for now, but when we have more pokemon done i may allow it

i would love to have you do it but i think its too gimmicky at this point and time

however once we get more of the "main" pokemon done i'll reconsider :D

What if he steered clear of specifically Plusle and Minun, and instead aimed a thread towards the abilities Plus and Minus?

This would add Manectric (not sure if it's released yet in the DW) and Klinklang to the fold.
What if he steered clear of specifically Plusle and Minun, and instead aimed a thread towards the abilities Plus and Minus?

This would add Manectric (not sure if it's released yet in the DW) and Klinklang to the fold.

if he wants to write about how the plus/minus combinations work and some experiences with it i don't see why not, that would be fine
Yeah, I could just do the plus/Minus abilities for now. However, I officially declare dibs on the math mice when more pokemon are able to be reserved.

EDIT:Also, finished an early draft of roserade