Project Arceus - Reservation Thread


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Project: Arceus
Reservation thread

Arceus is obviously the most versatile Pokémon currently in existence. With the arrival of Pokemon Online, we can now test Arceus with the EV restrictions. Currently, the on site analysis lumps all of Arceus into one, and this project seeks to remedy this. We are going to have 17 analyses for Arceus.​

There are a few rules pertaining to Arceus:
  • Arceus is a very important analysis, so you may only reserve to write if you are a competent Ubers battler (this is at the moderator’s discretion; don’t worry, we aren’t overly stingy).
  • You may only reserve up to two (2) Arceus analyses at once.
  • Do not sit on your analyses. If your analyses does not get completed in a reasonable amount of time (moderator’s discretion again) it will be forfeited. There will be possible consequences in addition.
  • Refer to the various forms as "Steel Arceus" or "Electric Arceus", etc, not "Steel-type Arceus" in your analyses.

Theorymon and Great Sage are not doing any analyses, but they will act as advisors for those who need it (take advantage of this!).

Have a blast.


  • Normal - DONE - firecape
  • Fire - DONE - Fireburn
  • Water - DONE - firecape
  • Grass - POSTED - toaster
  • Electric – POSTED – bojangles
  • Ice - DONE - Ditto
  • Fighting – UNRESERVED –
  • Ghost – DONE – Fireburn
  • Steel – POSTED – Oglemi
  • Flying - DONE - capefeather
  • Psychic - POSTED - firecape
  • Bug - POSTED - Megan_Fox
  • Rock - POSTED - Megan_Fox
  • Poison - DONE - timetwister
  • Dragon - DONE - ShinyAzelf
  • Dark - DONE - Iconic
  • Ground - DONE - Alan

Analyses will be uploaded when the tabs or whatever is being done to accommodate them is finished.
I'd like to reserve Normal-type Farceus, but I may take a little while due to the Smog Article and Uber guide in progress.
I'm going to tentatively reserve Water as well, but once again, it may be a few days before I have it posted, and may give it up.

edit: psssssst congrats on your 2k and thanks for the mention in it :).
Stupid timing of this thread meant that all the good ones were taken before I could even get on the computer. I REALLY wanted to do a type that could viably use SD, but only Ground is left for that and... somehow I don't want to do Ground. I'd like to reserve Flying.

I was also going to reserve Ground (I said I intended to on IRC), but now I think that testing one type is plenty for now. I can't make too many promises at the moment, you see :\
Hasn't theorymon specifically stated that Psychic Arceus was next to useless (because it is outclassed mostly by Mewtwo in general?)
Hasn't theorymon specifically stated that Psychic Arceus was next to useless (because it is outclassed mostly by Mewtwo in general?)

Its still gonna need an analysis.

And who knows maybe we will find a set that isn't
just to clarify, but are these analysises all to be treated as seperate pokemon?

like with a layout of





[team options]

[other options]

And who knows maybe we will find a set that isn't

I think the only set, which may not be outclassed by MewTwo is... Swords Dancer. Well, it still looks mediocre, but oh well, I guess this is best Psychic Arceus shot at doing something (I'm not sure if usefull). Well, I made some calcs. For first - Lugia and Giratina put a full stop to this Arceus, so I won't bother with calcs for them.

Standard Supporting Groudon vs +2 Zen Headbutt (I know, shitty STAB, but without ZH it would be really sad)

47.52% -> 55.94% = 75% chance to 2OHKO with SR, with Spikes 2OHKO is secured.]

200 HP Giratina-0 (the bulkiest one) vs +2 Zen Headbutt

51.32% -> 60.49% = 100% chance to 2OHKO even without SR.

Choice Scarf Palkia vs +2 Zen Headbutt

90.97% -> 107.48% = 100% to OHKO with SR up (surprising :P).

Mono-Attacker Kyogre vs +2 Zen Headbutt

56.11% -> 66.08% = 100% 2OHKO without SR up.

4 HP Kyogre vs +2 Zen Headbutt

84.21% -> 99.12% = 74% to OHKO with SR up.

4 HP Garchomp vs +2 Zen Headbutt

76.54% -> 90.50% = 100% OHKO with Spikes and SR

Hmmm later I'll add calcs with coverage moves (and you'll need 2 moveslots, as with 2 attacking moves I CAN'T imagine this set even working, he need all 3 attacking moves). However it doesn't look that terrible in theory. But nothing great either.
A few conventional issues need to be addressed (these have already been decided on, but people still seem to be making the mistakes):

-In your analysis, refer to Arceus as "it", this is so that every Arceus analysis is uniform.

-When writing your analysis, use "<Type> Arceus". For clarity, here is an example: For Normal Arceus I would use "Normal Arceus" when refering to it, rather then "Normal-type Arceus".

-Lastly, in the set names, do not put the type. For instance, do not put "Psychic Swords Dance", put "Swords Dance". This is because there will be seperate tabs, so there is no need to state the type in the set name.
Double post but nobody would see it if I didn't, so I'll reserve lolPsychic. Normal is in the GP stage and Water is completely done. So yeah...GO PSYCHIC.
(triple post wooo)

Ice-eyes has been severely inactive with his analysis, so it (Dragon Arceus) is up for grabs. This still applies:

Arceus is a very important analysis, so you may only reserve to write if you are a competent Ubers battler (this is at the moderator’s discretion; don’t worry, we aren’t overly stingy).

Go off the outline currently posted; it has already passed through QC. POST HERE AND GET APPROVAL BEFORE WRITING IT. After this, just post the thread straight into copyediting.
Reserving Fighting Arceus.

PS: firecape kept bugging me to do it, so I am making it now! I know the metagame well, although I don't like Arceus much :P