Resource Post-OMPL X Thread

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This year, we've decided to put up the post-OMPL thread during playoffs so that any post-tournament posting/discussion can happen with the end of the regular season.

Congratulations to:
> The Spinda Wheels (managers: xavgb and in the hills) :spinda:
> The Hammered Hawluchas (managers: astralydia and Dr. Phd. BJ) :hawlucha:
> The Malding Mavericks (managers: Morgan and IBM) :ponyta:
> The Temper Tyrantrums (managers: OM and drampa's grandpa) :tyrantrum:
for making it to the playoffs!

As for them and everyone else, feel free to use this thread for posting teams, various/personal records, or shoutouts! Please don't use this thread for anything else.

Our OMPL isnt over yet(hope it ends with a win in finals tho!) but I wanna do a shoutout post anyw.

astralydia man, it's been such a pleasure getting to know you these past 6 months and I've enjoyed every second of it, from being ur testing bozo in OM Champs, To our sets in the opens, to finding optimal 6 in every meta. I'm so so glad to have been drafted by you :heart:

Dr. Phd. BJ my man. Always so great to chat with you about music, basketball, mons, and irl stuff. Pleasure to have been drafted by you and I appreciate all you've done for me in this community.

TTTech ah my right hand man and fellow bh enjoyer, i hate you. But i also luv ya. Ur fuckin hilarious and having you on my team has been so great. Thanks for being there to win bh games when I couldnt stop choking and being a great teammate, I appreciate it tons.

yuki #1 fan of the coffee art lmfao, always great having chats with you about anythin and i hope i can keep getting to know you!

iapt Amazing helper for mnm, talking about school, and getting general advice from you has been stellar, glad to be your teammate and to have gotten to know you better.

Mirbro Jett NFE GOATS, absolute pleasure to be on the same team as yall, always have amazing prep and generally great presences in LuchaCord, hope to get to know yall better <3

Beka love malding about aaa with you LOL, ur hilarious and ive loved having you on the team :)

jonfilch Clementine PA Vrji baconeatinassassin Staxi Yall have been great teammates, absolute GOATs, i havent talked to you guys much but I hope i can keep getting to know yall.

DuckeryDoodle recent friend but ur always good to talk abt misc. stuff and get my confidence up the rolling you B)

Team Horse, yall were a pleasure to get to know and talk to for the while I was there, Chris32156 you my goat, Morgan fellow warrior fan, ur dope asf. TEAM HORSE #1 ONLY GOING HIGHER! sorry we have to smash yall in poffs

pannuracotta My GOAT, sry chris, pannu best player ong and talk to you is hella fun, i hope we end up on a team in some tour in the future, that would be fun :)

To the people I didnt mention here, most OMcord LOL, each and every one of yall have been great to get to know and I hope im a part of this community for years to come, I plan on it :). Best community on the internet fr.

UT Isaiah you guts have done one hell of a job hosting this, you've outdone yourselves :claps:

Anyway, see yall! Chew Out.


tonight stars an easygoing egoist
is a Top Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Social Media Contributor Alumnus
my first ompl was fun! ngl i was considering not signing up bcuz i was almost certain i wasn't gonna get picked up, but i did, and i was motivated to do well after choking in open, gnna do a teamdump and whatnot but before that i wanted to do some shoutouts cuz this tour was the most fun I've had in a while


youre one of my closest friends on this site, ngl while i was watching the draft i was super malding that i didnt get drafted until the very end, and i seeing that i got drafted to your team did NOT inspire confidence in me at all, wont lie this mightve been one of the worst drafts ive ever seen, but i had alot of fun on this team and thank u for trusting me. ngl if u didnt tell me that thing abt being cocky after i lost w2 i probs wouldnt had started winning, thank u for being a good manager and a friend.

Derp not much to say abt u, i hope that for the better sake of the OM community u never get to manage a team tour ever again

one of the very few ppl i knew on the team from inbeforehand, it was fun to have someone i already knew on the team and who i could mald at the rest of the team with, thank u for shitting on GG w/ me this entire tour. Your shadow managing was p huge and def a large part to why we weren't deadlast, probably. GL in wcop we better see u with the blue

The Number Man cityscapes

(in the picture above i think that im mirio and erin would be nejire and tnm would be tamaki) thank u for carrying alongside me, u should both take a break tho in my humble opinion, seeya for omwc tnm.

zioziotrip never an unfun tour with u bro, glad we could team up again

lepton sry for not being enough support in GG / that we kept on sacking you in that slot, ill blame derp and adams incompetence in drafting for that but i still should've tried to support you more, you're good at the game, dont let playing a tier you dont play with no support beat u down.

astralydia Byleth Ainzcrad thank u for getting me into STAB, its fun.

teamdump time, mostly cuz i wanna discourage myself from reusing in SSNL (im winning that btw)

vs lbdc
im ngl yall. i knew JACKSHIT about lbdc going into this LMFAOOO, i did some brief scouting from their OMWC run and they mostly ran weird bulky offense fat teams that looked rlly easy to take advantage of, so i loaded up a safe and comfy keld tar BO, head smash tar has been a set I've liked for a while just bcuz it actually does damage and i find that specs keld does alot of damage with spout, which is fun. Offtorn for defog support and seis for rocks and a water immune round out the defensive core, my last two are the mandatory speed control on any stab team; on this specific one i wanted to use scarf latios as lunar dance helps keldeo overcome its issues of using up alot of PP and doing less damage as it gets worn down, and a trapper rotom-H to wear down mons that would annoy Keld, like Toxapex, opposing seismitoad, or Gastrodon. Overall the team is quite good i just played that game like complete ass.

Nicknames are different genshin impact elemental bursts.

im not posting the team i used for w2, its a bad team that i only brought because i underestimated my opponent and wanted to fish vs them to take advantage of them being new to the tier, gnna also take this opportunity to public apologize to finch for underrating him twice and for acting poorly in both our games.

vs FC
k so, for context, i absolutely HATE fc, whenever we talk all we do is say that the other one looks like some ugly af pokemon or insult eachother for being bad, with that being said, i HAD to fish the guy LOOOL so i brought sub DD gyara cuz its very broken vs the passive stuff he had brought previously, paired it up with specs keld for broken gambit and scarf lati for broken lunar dance support, then just 3 glue mons. ngl not the best team but god fuck its fun.

Nicknames from diffrent ishowspeed songs, context here is that fc has been watching me do a playthrough of pokemon insurgence in which i have been using "SPEED GANG" the gyarados to beat every major fight in the game low-mid diff.

vs Clementine
we were playing on a Wednesday, very little prep time. I had ATP spent roughly 2 weeks of my life cteaming lydia, his main building support, she loves HO so i was convinced gonna get HO'd. NGL this is my favourite team ive built at all this tour its super litty as fuck and very comf to play and it also 6-0s HO

nicknames r from steel ball run idr why

vs Geerat
once again i was playing a boomer IDK anything about, however from scouting his teams did look very weak to NP Torn + spikes so i decided to use an NP tornadus spike stack team. NP taunt shuts down alot of the common fat stuff that he linked bringing so thats what i decided with, SD weavile clicks knock which removes boots and generally sets the scene for torn to break though. Seis for spikes an Clef for rocks makes the team nice and fat and body press Corvi makes me not 6-0d by (very broken pokemon) excadrill :Star_struck: I kinda felt like the team was a bit slow, and after a few tests w/ friends and yelling at avery and TNM i went like "yoo wait fuck what if i used gengar but scarf willowisp cuz it forces it ttar and burns it and then torn can 1v1 it and if torn 1v1s the ttar then scarf gengar wins", which i think is a cool dynamic. overall, this is probs one of my more favourite teams i built this ssn

Nicknames are from best of tornado because originally this was a hurricane np torn until someone reminded me abt aeroblast (Thank you idr who it was probably byleth or jordy)

vs Greybaum
At this point i was really feeling myself, i was finally positive after a terrible 0-2 start, lmao i vividly remember thinking for the entire week "yo if i beat greybaum rn i will b guaranteed positive in the tour". anyways i wanted to load Kyurem + AV torn because av Torn never dies and it forces in alot of things that NMI kyurem MURDERS (like rotom, zappy, idk). Superpower also lures and beats TTAR which is the only thing that makes kyurem not broken in this tier, the last mons r just kinda fun glue stuff lol there's a glowing for some reason i genuinely dont know why IG i wanted a pivot, theres a celesteela on this team because i was having mental breakdowns abt "do i run anchor shot corv and lose to drill or body press and lose to cm clef" and then i realized i just run the momentum drain that beats both. NGL aero is only the last on here bcuz its broken and does alot of damage

nicknames from sol-fa

vs kris
i was confident that i could win in any fair mu but i was a bit scared of cheese, idt it gets much more cheese proof then taunt torn tspikes pex lo dril sub dd zolt and accel tar.

vs byleth
byleth is the only person in this pool who genuinely scares me i wanted to fish with reun + LO driller fat

vs ainzcrad
NGL this was a rejected idea from what i was gnna load VS byleth but it looked good into boyn, the general idea is that LO Tar makes all of aeros checks die and sacred fire ace + fsight support breaks tf outta any physical wall and also burns stuff like mudsdale so it becomes an unissue, Seismitoad + Corv is very safe bulky core IMO, very few mons break through it.

nicknames r from the kaneki ken kinnie playlist on spotify.

ngl, i didnt expect to TB, but my entire team seemed to want me in and tyrantrums stab is probably the weakest in the pool, so after a bit of yelling at derp i managed to secure my place in TB, obviously chosing to play finch in a tiebreak after he 6-0d you, then taunting him about the fact that i made the conscious descision to tiebreak into his slot is a bit scary, so i hard prepped this week. this is actually a 1+ year old ND team with some minor edits and a tornadus-T over kartana, the main things id like to note about this build are the following:

Chople rocks tar is a rlly fun set for vs thundy-t and i like it.
Whirlwind skarm is the only viable skarm, idef bpress is too passive and ATP run CG ferro.
reun is very good in the current meta
tox + flip pex is the best one

Toxic Tornadus-T + Excadril is an interesting offensive pairing; torn lures in and cripples alot of the very few consistent drill answers that exist, notably Rotom-@, Seismitoed, and Zapdos, i had been stuck on this idea for a while and was happy i could finally execute it in a way that made me happy

Nicknames from soul eater

NGL im not the proudest of my season but its whatever, im going to have alot of fun in stab ssnl and I've been enjoying OMs alot recently, nothing official yet but dont be surprised if end up becoming an om mainee, see yall for omwc! im still tilted as fuck from not considering rapid spin speed boost so im logging out again

also if u read it all have a few extra teams (cmglare clef is pretty fucking shit u should probably make this cm lothunder if u use it)
hello it is i avery (not banned) (formerly lph) (1-5 en ompl), i will share the aaa teams i built/used across the season. i wasn't the most active and i didn't have much support in building so i kinda really just threw my record, though i believe i got a bit unfortunate with matchups and rng. either way i don't really care

this is my first and probably my last ompl, so thank u so much to XxSevagxX and willdbeast for drafting me and trusting me in the aaa slot, obviously we had a less than ideal season but i'm sure you guys can bounce back if you were to run it back next yr, just be sure not to draft 8 bh players ! and thank you to everyone else on the kommo-os, you guys did your very best and i wish you luck in future tours. and thank you UT Isaiah for hosting this, you guys are amazing workers

Week 1 vs TNM - :volcanion: :zarude: :corviknight: :mew: :ferrothorn: :blissey:

going against long-time-test-buddy-entei-enthusiast-ps-premium-haver THE (The) the number man i knew exactly what to bring: mixed volcanion. flare blitz + steam eruption + ep destroyed all of the defensive cores he liked, such as pex lando blissey. pivot zarude was something i thought of when brainstorming something that can lure steels and bring in volc, which is mostly taken from the uu set, and i think it works pretty nicely. i added ff corv + scarf mew quickly: ff steel is a must-bring vs tnm and knowing he does not use super fast speed control, a utility option like mew would suffice. ferro and bliss are p self explanatory, with ferro providing hazards and bliss being bliss, esp improving the psea mu by a ton.

you could say unfortunate doesn't begin to describe my game: i brought volcanion zarude right as the fat trend picked up: i used volcanion seeing tnm's high blissey usage (which flare blitz 2hkos), but tnm decided to bring chansey instead for w/e reason ong. what's more, it's mg chansey meaning i can't make doubles and stuff to chip it down with rocks up. i also loaded zarude right into mandibuzz, it might sound dumb rn, but istg there had been 0 mandi usage before this tour so zarude could go in. it still put in very respectable work in the game, chipping mandi down to 20% which is v impressive considering my attacks did like 10% every time. on the flip side, tnm loaded specs inteleon into water absorb bliss except i brainlessly let bliss get scarf and then it got trapped in the vortex; i still had a ferro which marginally avoided the 2hko a few times, but then my power whip missed when inteleon stayed in and the game is 100% over. i cant blame tnm on this one: i did throw away my bliss and modest inteleon actually meant i was getting a lot of minrolls and tnm needed to get his dinner, very respectable decision to stay in with inteleon.

Week 2 vs luisin - :mienshao: :zapdos: :garchomp: :heatran: :tapu-fini: :dhelmise:

i remember i tried building around tspikes as beauts's old style were p weak to them, realized tspikes is unreliable and i built a shit team and it wasn't even revolved around tspikes anymore, so eventually i settled on building around tinted shao. that + zap formed an ungodly offensive core, with shao deleting everything not named pex and dshield corv/skarm/mew, and zap volting on all of them + bringing in zap in general. i built this version but iirc thought it didn't win fast enough, so i switched to the bulky offense version which i just made up right before the match.

i loaded into another week of fat ong fuck u guys. who brings dshield slowbro + mandi + doublade into tinted shao + dhelmise ;_; well i have to blame myself for not seeing the mandi trend and bringing dhelmise, but i really cant stress enough how unfort this was for shao. it even almost 2hkod slowbro w/ hjk, but doublade in the back really just made me doubt myself 10x before clicking hjk, and the one time i got impatient and clicked it luisin went doublade. with dhelmise on a timer (rocks + orb) i couldnt spin his rocks and that eventually died and shao was on a timer too. speaking of rocks FUCK helmet garchomp man i cant stress enough how painful it is for this team, shao barely misses the ohko w/ hjk, i made zap uturn exactly for chomp but then i get chipped every time now, and i have no way to stop rocks from going up long term. but again, can't blame luis for this, i made a poor team choice without much testing going into the game, in hindsight the first version probably did better

Week 3 vs shiloh - :tapu-fini: :genesect: :heatran: :zygarde-10: :skarmory: :zapdos:

seeing shiloh has bought wacky offense in the past 2 weeks i decided to out-offense him. offensive fini and gene are two scarfers that can switch into stuff and rkill, such as talon koko lele offchomp etc. shiloh had 0 switchins to zydog so i quickly added that, seeing it fits the offensive nature of the team. rest of the team is p self explanatory, and i tried making it lose as little momentum as possible. i think tran wasn't dland bc i don't have to rely on weather wars or i can lure a water type? idek lol.

the preview was excellent for zydog, his only answer was dshield skarm which he sacked in exchange for toxic on zydog. i thought this was nothing bc zydog would come in, take a kill, and dip, but it escalated the game a lot in the end. then his lele proceeded to (land and) crit my genesect w/ focus blast, which the crit itself was only 25% to ohko. i was extremely pissed and soon made a dumb play with skarm as his bliss bounced back my spike. i had no removal on the team bc double regen is quite resilient to hazards, but really everything just added up to escalate the game. it didn't really matter tho, as his lele would just come in and claim a kill every time afterwards. i also sacked my zap fsr, which walled talon, the rkiller to zydog. so yeah, zydog itself would never win fast enough in the end.

Week 4 idr why i got subbed out

Week 5 was really embarassing for me, i had 0 motivation to build and even going into the game, i had to leave in 5 so i had no gameplan. my team selection was bad and with a less than ideal preview i just played it out for a bit and forfeited seeing i don't have a winpath. mz if you read this i'm sorry for the underwhelming game

Week 6 vs lydia - :tapu-koko: :talonflame: :jirachi: :mandibuzz: :mew: :ferrothorn:

my inspiration for this team actually came from lydia herself, she showed me this demon koko in week 5 and i felt like it would ironically be a great bring against her own teams. talon was an easy addition to trap pex, it was originally water absorb w/ fire spin + taunt, but i was told wisp mglo does the job good enough. rachi + mandi sounded like an excellent defensive core and ff mandi especially helped with the ace spam (i was told she spams it). i also don't remember why i decided to stack 2 setup sweepers walled by pex, i switched a lot between standard cm koko and demon koko, as well as cosmic power mew w/ psychic. i decided that talon would be enough to fully eliminate pex, but still one of the setup probably could be one with more immediate power.

lydia brought fat as expected, and i managed to 1v1 pex using talon as planned. what i didn't realize before was that her pex didn't have knock; i heard talon would 1v1 either way, so i guess it just sped up the process for this one, correct me if i'm wrong. talon burned chomp before it died, someone said it was a choke but i think it was crucial for koko or mew to set up, which did show later in the game. i tried setting up with koko but her ferro was sd, so it could 1v1 thru my iron defenses. eventually we ended up in a demon mew mirror and i luckily got the freeze before she did, and chomp couldn't rkill, so yeah the game just ended there. i also realized i traded the ace mu for the gzap mu, so i did get a bit lucky in matchup as well, a pretty dumb game overall.

Week 7 vs Career Ended - :hydreigon: :talonflame: :genesect: :toxapex: :garchomp: :corviknight:

sadly kommo-os were out by then, so i really just messed with heat sets and soon found this hydreigon from aesf himself. this thing was insanely strong bc it could set up on all the defensive mons, and you could np on the hard koko then ohko w/ +2 fire blast. unfortunately doesn't beat pex again, so talon came in again for that and also burned chomp, making hydreigon able to set up on it. rest of the team is self explanatory, unfortunately couldn't use as much heat as i wanted, except zap cannon regen gene which i think has a real niche, s/o city for inspiring me w/ the zap cannon shit in bh.

game was stupid, bounce corv countered both drill and pod except gzap had 100% crit rate and ohko'd my corv. scarf gene is usually flamethrower but it's zap cannon now so drill walled it. hydreigon could've set up on blissey for free except he could teleport into band pod which rkilled me 1000% of the time. i think if i didn't let talon get tricked i had a chance but idk, it took over half from first impression anyway.

:zapdos-galar: :tapu-fini: :toxapex: :genesect: :heatran: :chansey: here's a bonus team, i really didn't build anything else this pl LOL (this team gets volted on as fuck)

anyway yeah, this is p much it from me, thanks for the great season everyone! i'm not really into mons anymore, and consider me retired from tour play, though i'll still stick around bc UT bribed me into joining council. thanks for reading pce


im fragile, but not that fragile
is a Tiering Contributor
hear are all the teams i built for this tour
vs beauts:
:skarmory: :jirachi: :clefable: :amoonguss: :gastrodon: :ho-oh:
it’s literally just this one
it should’ve won imo but my mental was destroyed going into it and i played badly. gastro could be something over curse and the skarm set is bad but i think it’s solid enough as it is.
about the tour i really wish i did better in my ompl playing debut but gg is really not for me i shouldn’t have signed up for it. i’m still the goat just in nfe not gg
A very fun experience for my first ever OMPL and it had to be with the most of fun people, so thankyou for the opportunities despite our short run.
Gonna do some shoutouts and then a lil team dump at the end

XxSevagxX willdbeast - thankyou for making my first ompl a great one and having every trust in my despite my lacklustre record and issues elsewhere. It was fun hanging around in lobbies, especially watching Sev making 2v2 calls and plays, while Will was constantly baking lmaoo
Itchy - thankyou for your optimism and putting up with my random bullshit for teams and making them work lol. It was a fun time making teams and overall enjoyed your company since it was a fun time making up broken shit or stuff that makes people raise their eyebrows
LBDC Lily - We never really talked but i just wanted to say you're goated at the video game, I would always see some good prep and a good show once watching your live battles, keep it up

And to the others at Kommo-o's (holy there was 18 of us), it was great sharing a team with you all and hope you have further success or carry on playing to the extent you are now and better as you all deserve it!
:Registeel: :toxapex: :kyurem-black: :amoonguss: - the infamous stall i made which is absolutely terrible and godly at the same time, didn't have its moment in this MU. Though i saw in Stable's scout that Naga+Phero was used so i wanted to MU fish something good into Rage Powder+Toxic shenanigans untill the Cinderace+Tapu Fini was dropped straight onto me

:kyurem-black: :thundurus: :amoonguss: :Pelipper: - I learnt the power of the birb, while still spamming Kyu-B untill someone stopped me. Built this with Itchy for when they was Vs Chris as a counter to sun running at the time. Pelliper was to Wide Guard any sorta of Eruption to hard beat Sun, while outside of Weather MU it was a solid pick that OHKOed almost everything. Rain really helped Amoonguss which needed to stay healthy in order to beat Regieleki + Kyurem-B teams. Thundurus was my hidden tech no one had seen in the format so far which completely fished an Incinaroar MU, OHKOing it, as well as Latios which was popular too at the time. Also had the SpA to drop Volcanion and WP Tapu Fini which made it perfect for this sort of team.

:Cresselia: :incineroar: :rillaboom: :Tapu Fini: - learnt that Cress was absolutely bonkers so I genuinely spent the whole week perfecting this team for it to work splendidly. Had the most fun with this since Stable had mostly bulky cores or Pheromosa/Cinder HO so this was perfect for that. Not stating much here since this will turn into a sample team post for 2v2 at some point which i'll edit into there when complete

:snorlax: :cinderace: :zeraora: :dragapult: - Was a fun team i got approval off Itchy from. Figured Dragapult was fun to just Disable everything while Cinderace got rid of everything Fairy- and Steel-type related. Zeraora destroyed bulky Water-types for Snorlax which was the real MVP. Homie is absolutely massive and deals so much, shame i threw so much and clicked 'counter' into an encore Whismicott when i had a guaranteed win. Snorlax was perfect for beating Zeraora teams alongside HO spam.

Now last but not least- :swampert: :Indeedee-f: :genesect: :Kyurem-Black:
Complete credit to XxSevagxX for this team. This most exquisite choice in armoury thwarted any chance of hard-fought quarrel against Haruno, a sight well saw from the greatest known as himself with his expert critique and knowledge when it comes to such a prestigious format named 2v2 Doubles. We embarked on an expedition to unearth the solution to 2v2, with the crazed Purple Frog being everyone's saviour; Yawning everything to a gentle slumber, easing the glory as the scenes that occurred after I remained victorious with a such expertly array. No team is safe from the frog.

On a complete serious note, big thanks to UT and Isaiah for hosting, really had fun and hope to see y'all sometime next year.


Hasta Siempre
is a Top Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Salutations good people of the Other Metagame Community! I hope I find you all well on this beautiful day.

I am here in my unofficial capacity of Manager of the Wiggly Family with a bittersweet announcement: I am retiring from Pokemon and this is probably (and hopefully) my last real post (since I'm still in the AAA Seasonal and in OMFL). For anyone interested, I'm retiring for school because I'll enter a hard cursus next year and I'll have to tryhard so I can't really focus on mons anymore; this cursus will last two or three years, and maybe I'll come back after this, but most of you will probably have quitted and I don't know if Pokemon and Smogon will still be in a good health so all of this is very hypothetical. I wanted to retire later, in June or July, but the recent events in AAA have kinda removed my motivation of staying active until I fully retire, although I may or may not make a post about AAA depending of how it goes and of my mood.

Anyway, I just wanted to make this post to thanks my team for their awesome season and at the same time I wanted to make shoutous for all the amazing persons who accompanied me during my two years of playing this uncompetitive game. I really, really, appreciated my time on this site, even if the end isn't the one I wanted, and it helped me so much to have fun and to become a better person, and no matter if you're in this post or not, you all should know that you are amazing and I wish you the best for your future.

I'll start with my team since, eh, it's the thread's subject, and they have all be amazing partners. I'll team dump the teams I made during OMPL and I'll add OMFL's one cuz I will not make another team dump so...

You didn't play a single game but you were certainly one of our most important players in the background. You're an excellent NFE builder and a really active and nice person, it was always a pleasure to interact with you and even if I'm really bad at NFE and I couldn't help you much you've always explained your teams and I knew tlenit was in good hands. Thanks for your work man. I'm still sad you didn't play that AG game to give you a change of scene, that would have been funny :D

Camomons not being here anymore was really sad for you and this OMPL didn't go really well for you, I'm sorry. Having you in the team was the guarantee of a solid sub in almost all the metas but you didn't really have the room to express yourself as a player, and I'm sorry cuz you're really a good player. Your two games were kinda unlucky - with this demon Etern and a little bit of luck - but you still played well and I hope you'll continue to play OMs even if you can't play Camomons anymore and that next OMPL will go better for you, you really deserve it.

Same as anaconja, this OMPL didn't go really well for you, but your 0-2 record doesn't reflect at all your skills and I hope you'll bounce back from this and continue to prove that you're a good player. I wish I could have support you more in 2v2 and that's on me, STABLE being busy and with no other support you didn't have the greatest environment to perform but I'm sure you'll do better next time. Good luck!

damflame 3
One of the few french players this year, you got an honorable record of 2-5 in a really tough pool in the one you probably were ranked #5 or #6. That was a hard season but you got us key wins and yet you couldn't be really active you managed to always brought solid teams, and I hope you'll continue to improve in MnM (and others OMs) to become one of the best French players!

Another player whose record does not reflect her talent. You made some mistakes during your game but with no support at the beginning and for someone with little OMPL experience you played your games well and you could have won all of them, it was really close. I think you have a lot of potential and with some improvment you can become a really good player.

Rough season for you, I must be cursed with STAB in OMPL lol. I don't think your record will affect you more than that, you're still an excellent player in almost every tier and I'm pretty sure you'll go positive next time, that was just not the season and it happens. It was still a pleasure to see your teams and to test with you, even though they didn't work as they should have they were pretty cool to see and to use with always cool techs and you're really an excellent builder and person. Thanks for managing OMFL too!

Well I'd like to see positive things as always with my players but you really went afk this year man and your only loss was 100% on you, I'm sure you have potential but we gave you a chance to prove that you could be a good player by picking you this year and you didn't take it at all, it's sad, cuz idk if you'll have another chance. Try to be more involved and I'm sure you can do great things, but that was not the case this year.

The Champ was always a driving force for our team, your 3-2 record doesn't reflect your skill cuz RNG was involved in both of your loss and being suddenly busy in the last two weeks wasn't in the plan, and you clearly could have end in 6-1. It was really nice to have you, I was always confident when you were playing and your teams are so nice to use; you also took the "Wiggly Family" pick quite well and I really appreciated you joking with your pfp and french sentences, that was funny and I liked it. Hope you'll continue to dominate BH like that in the future!

Another Camomons player who reconverted, you impressed me a lot ngl and we probably should have start you earlier. Great builds, great plays, a super kind person to talk with, you really are a super nice person and I'm really happy that you were on my team. I don't know if you will continue to play Godly Gift in the future, but I'm sure you'll perform in any tier, thanks for carrying us when we needed it!

Your record doesn't reflect your skills, you really are a good player in game and your rust took a few weeks to disappear, but I always knew that you could win vs anyone - and you defeated both luisin and shiloh! I wish we could've discussed of my builds a bit more but you did the job, I wish I could have support better.

Rough season for you too, same as for blanched I'm sorry I couldn't really help more. AG is really out of my knowledge so I can't even say if you played your games bad or well, but I appreciated your enthusiasm and you formed a really kind core with velvet, it was nice to have you! Hope you'll do better in the future, because you surely are skilled.

My man is a fucking goat I have nothing to say he carried us SO hard after our rough start in 2v2 and after his first games I just knew we were in good hands. Continue like this dude, you're really amazing. Funny thing is that we picked you just bc blanched asked us damn blanched is a better manager than us ;_;

I was kinda worried at the beginning of the tournament when you wanted to be trade and then your rough start but man. you're just too good. Those games vs Ho3n and TJ were just amazing and I could've played them a hundred of times I'm pretty sure I would have lose 100 times, I was totally crazy while watching those games. Thanks for carrying us, you even brought your own teams some times, this dude is just too good. I hope you had a good time in the team, we tried our best, sorry we couldn't reach POs :/

AG was a wild spot and I did not really know who would be good or not, and as with STABLE - Blanched, Seldanna asked us to pick you if we had money and you ended up with one of the best AG record lol. I really wasn't expecting that, thanks for carrying us (with some help of RNG but eh, it's Pokemon) and I'm sure you have a lot of potential (step 1 to improve: stop playing on phone :p)

You'll get a better s/o later in this post, but I was really happy to manage OMPL with you. I was kinda resigned to not manage, and then you approached me and it was really a great experience! Thanks for everything you've done for the French community and for helping the players when you could, old man :heart:

You will also get another shoutout later, but thanks for helping me especially in the beginning of the tour when I was struggling a bit to figure out good teams. Your help was really appreciated and I hope we'll meet again!

Overall, I really appreciated this tournament, well hosted by UT and Isaiah, and with relatively few incidents. I kinda went wild on my first review because I was annoyed by all the bashing about AAA but otherwise, it was really great, and we got good games. This was my first ever experience as a manager (not only in OMPL, just overall) and I think - and I hope - that I've been a good manager. I did this missbuild vs The Number Man week 3, and probably this questionnable 14K on Meta where we could have get an additional sub, but for a first time I think it's still ok-ish. Anyway, thanks to the Wiggly Family for being a wonderful team, and I wish to everyone the best for their future! Take care mates. :heart: :heart:

I'll now team dump the teams I made during OMPL and OMFL. They were probably better than last year although not perfect, but eh, I'm doing my best. I planned on giving some metagame thoughts too but I do not really want it anymore, but I'm sure you don't need this since you all have your own perfect vision of AAA so! let's move on the teams!

You can reach me in PMs if you want more details about the teams, although I can't guarantee I'll remember all the spreads. Feel free to read my AAA reviews if you want to see the team in action with a commentary of the game :)
AAA Reviews : W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 Semis Finals

Overall, building for someone else isn't something I'm confident with and it was kinda hard for me, cuz I know how I want to play my teams but I can't really explain this to my player and have to fully believe in his playing skills, but it was a fun experience. Not sure I would do it again if I had to tho, cuz it felt way harder.

Week 1:
:genesect: :landorus-therian: :zapdos-galar: :mew: :nihilego: :volcanion:
I did not really know what to build vs Lydia, esp in Week 1. I knew she liked Fat structures, with Garchomp, Flash Fire Corviknight, etc, and I was kinda confident in winning a long-term game if I was playing myself - despite her saying she was owning me while running Fat, I wasn't really afraid. However, it was not me playing but MZ, and he didn't play AAA since a long time, so wasn't aware of the meta very well, and didn't know Lydia as much as I did. Because of those factors I did not really know which kind of build I wanted. I knew I wanted Gdos cuz it was performing well vs Lydia builds in general, but that's mainly bc Gdos vs Fat can make infinite progress if you click the right buttons. For this first week, I relied a lot on Atha tho, as he built the main part of the team and we only discussed the final part. Won't go much into details here as I wasn't really the builder, Landorus is the Terrak resist and Nihi the Barras check, other things are breakers and Speed control. If anyone wants to laugh, here is the first team Atha made this week and honestly we should have bring it it was heat af... yo

Week 2:
:genesect: :kommo-o: :tapu bulu: :tapu koko: :tyranitar: :volcarona:
MZ started this week convo by saying "I don't see what stopps Screens". I don't rate Screens and HO in general very high personally, but I'm dedicated to my players so I built this. Atha also made a screenless HO with some cool sets that you can find here but I felt like Screens were better. I don't think it's an insane HO, because you heavily rely on Genesect/Kommo-o/Bulu to win, Tyranitar patches the Azelf and the Talonflame MU, and Lele kinda, and Volcarona avoids the 6-0 by Barraskewda. We were fishing HO while trying to limit the fish in the same time, and I don't know if its the optimal play - you'll have less bad MUs, but less good ones, and HO doens't have a lot of room to outplay. I would not suggest to anyone to use this team because I believe it's not really consistent, but if you want to have fun, you can pick it ! :D

Week 3:
:barraskewda: :corviknight: :mew: :jirachi: :chandelure: :kommo-o:
This team is good but I hate it bc I forgot to put Regenerator for the actual game and it fucked up our game. The idea of the prep was to use stuff I don't use often - Barraskewda, Chandelure, Kommo-o sorta - to avoid a counter team, and fit a lot of ways to slowly take advantage of TNM team. The general idea is Barraskewda pivoting, Chandelure can abuse some switch-ins, and Jirachi helps with Future Sight. The Mew is a cool set I stole to Sevag, CM Bounce Mew is quite good and has good utility even if it can't setup; in general, Bounce is really a broken ability to have. The Mew swept a lot of teams in test games but, as many of my teams, it was kinda struggling vs Pex and I knew it - I originally had a Garchomp > Chandelure but the Weather MU wasn't great and Garchomp couldn't be Regenerator so it was annoying. And Chandelure can't really take advantage of Toxapex as Chomp would, even if we originally had some bulk to live Knock Off from Toxapex but Atha messed up the calc and thought Knock has 65 BP on the Sub which is not the case so the Chandelure doesn't do the job it was supposed to do. But that's alright, this team is still good even if it struggles vs Pex, and it should have won if I was not a dumb builder.

Week 4:
:corviknight: :ferrothorn: :genesect: :mew: :tapu koko: :zygarde-10%:
After the 3 first Weeks, where my teams were almost always weak to Pex as it was walling a lot of my mons, I decided that I had to bring the Pex killer aka Zydog. I had a good idea of build with Koko + Zyg, basically Koko Volt Switch on Jirachi/Heatran and Zyg is in and kills. I also never brought Koko on the previous weeks (only as a Screener, doesnt rly count) and I thought it could have a good match-up eventually. The third mon I had was Wandering Spirit Corviknight in order to Steal RegenBoosts from Jirachi/Genesect notably. It's probably an overkill and I think a better team can be build around koko + zyg but I really wanted to force progress vs beauts' builds if it was possible. Scarf Genesect was a logic add here, providing Speed control, Fairy Resist, soft check to Koko, pivoting for Koko/Zyg, etc. But because of that Corv that kinda does nothing well, the last two Pokemon were hella hard to find and I tried a lot of shaky stuff with like AV Rotom + Bounce/DS Slowbro to patch the Terrak MU, but with DS Bro hazards were a pain, and with Bounce Terrakion just clicks Stone Edge, etc, and I was kinda stucked here. The team didn't felt really good, but Atha was again here to help me and after struggling a bit too to patch this team, he filled it with PSea Ferro + RegenScarf Mew cuz its goated. The team was fine but not amazing, I was not totally happy with it and as I said in review it kinda counted on Koko + Zyg to break or get walled. We also changed Zyg's nature just before the game, as Adamant breaks easily through fat teams that we were expecting from beauts; it misses Lati@ and Terrak Speed tiers notably, but I think Ada zyg is decent cuz the rolls can be important. It was also double Status cuz Outrage is a bad move and Toxic helped to break through DS while Glare spreads broken para and helps vs Scarf Mew, Scarf Fini, those kind of stuff, and I think it's good to have double status on Zyg, and it was key in the game. Not the best team but it works.

Week 5:
:zarude: :heatran: :zapdos: :mew: :garchomp: :corviknight:
This team was one of the easiest builds I made and one of the best one, too. Overall, when I was doing builds during this OMPL I was trying to keep standard stuff because I was not sure how I could make weird stuff work, even more when I was not playing, and Atha was reacting to my too classic builds with "Lazy" and he indeed reacted to this build with a yawning face, but even if it keeps some super classic structures I think this team has enough cool techs to be different. That was the first time during this OMPL that I truly used the scouter of a player to take advantage of their builds, because in general I find it very risky and MU fishy and most players patch their weaknesses the next game or something (as I did with Pex for example, although I waited 3 Weeks to really change this), and what I noticed in that avyrie was almost never using defensive Kommo-o (which is SO good honestly, it does so much things it's insane), and I had a set that I wanted to use aka Band TC Zarude. I went in details during my AAA review about how I built this team so I'll not explain it again here (even if I did it a little), the team is kinda weak to setup notably Kommo-o due to lack of Speed control but you can try to play around if you can stop screens from Koko. The team is otherwise pretty good I think, and the spread on Heatran doesn't do anything specific afaik I just wanted some SpA to not be passive and went with the noob tech of random EVs kek.

Week 6:
:kommo-o: :corviknight: :chansey: :garchomp: :tapu bulu: :toxapex:
On the other hand this team was super hard to build because I started to build early, expecting to face Panda, cuz I had exams but we end up facing Potatochan and I knew HO was a pick for them, but I also had to cover classic fat stuff from Panda and it was super hard. I had this tech of Galvanize Kommo-o for a while and it really annihilates fat builds if it's well played (and the first team was Kommo-o + Wish + Heal Bell support to make infinite progress but MZ didn't like the structure and it wasn't covering all the things I wanted) so I tried to figure out something around. This team isn't a great example of how to build a team and even if it's probably a decent team, maybe good, I don't like it because I've mainly build it to cover everything I expected from my opponent and it didn't feel great. I wanted to have a Bouncer to win hazards wars and Corviknight was the best pick, I wanted to have a Toxapex to cover HO, I wanted to have Chansey/Blissey Regen bc its broken and great vs "beginners" in the tier, I wanted a lot of things and it left little room to creativity in the build (cuz i also wanted kommo-o). The team is decent it was just not great to build. Main 'mistake' was probably +SpD Chansey, it helps vs things and loses vs others but since I wanted to cover HO +Def was better vs Triage Lele. I think the MU vs HO is fine but the actual game didn't went well and Lele went wild. There are probably better builds to do with this Komm-o, but it feels very well when it actually works lol.

Week 7:
:salamence: :dhelmise: :zapdos: :ferrothorn: :garchomp: :mandibuzz:
After not using Garchomp in the first four weeks, I understood the truth during Week 5 and used once again a Regen SpD Garchomp cuz it's really good. Facing shiloh was kinda threatening because he was in 5-1 and I knew stresh support + shiloh's skill was super strong. I decided not to "fish a MU" but to take risks and assumed this team would have hard MUs and maybe unwinnable ones. I took some time to take a look at shiloh's teams since the beginning and, baring the Week 1 one, they were all very similar in their structures (but different in the mons they used) - always a ground, a steel, a mew, mainly physical breakers, notably Flying-ones, and a bulky Water/Elec. I had two ideas for this week, which were Boom Toxtricity and Aerilate Mence, but I decided to go with Salamence. We were lucky to face Ice Beam-less Mew in this MU, although without the unlocked Genesect Mence usually has time to get a crit with Facade at some point on Mew and overwhelm it. Dhelmise offered Speed control, Trick to potentially help Salamence in some MUs, and an appreciated Figthing immunity. I first had Knock Off Ferrothorn but the synergy with Dhelmise wasn't great since you Knock Corv/Heatran, and they become Dhelmise answers, so I put Body Press instead to still target Heatran and hit better Roosting Corviknight. Gyro Ball was needed on Ferro to handle Tapu Lele, esp since we got owned by it last week, and Curse just felt nice. I wanted a defensive Zapdos since it's not that common and with shiloh's tendancy to bring Talonflame and GDos, it was a great add. The Garchomp is just classic, although it could probably have been something else since you already have two "answers" to Heatran and a Fire-immunity in Cinderace, but you're never enough improof vs Fire breakers. It mainly offered a secondary switch-in to Zapdos, and Rocks, and it's just great. Mandibuzz Magic Bounce in last might feel weird, but I wanted Magic Bounce to support Salamence and it's also great in hazard stacks, it's a bouncer that sits on SD Ferrothorn all the day with Foul Play, and my tendancy to bring shaky Zarude/Dhelmise checks with only Corv Bounce as answers led to me use Mandibuzz instead. The team isn't bad and is quite fun to use, but maybe not always consistent. I took a risk and yeah 5 Ice weaknesses, I knew it, but thought we could play around Ice Beam Scarf Genesect and just don't load in the others.


Week 1:

:kommo-o: :latios: :blissey: :mandibuzz: :jirachi: :tapu koko:
I cared less of my builds during OMFL as I mainly wanted to have fun, so my builds were mainly oh this mon/core is funny let's build something around it and if I load into an unfavorable MU I'll just outplay. On the other hand, those teams are for most of them easier to pilot I think and still good, but they may have some weaknesses that I ignored because I didn't want to break my brain trying to fix them. This week happened during OMPL's Week 4 and I wanted to try another build another Pixi Koko to see how much progress it could do with the right tools. OMPL's team was Koko pivoting and zyg wallbreaking, here it was Koko weakening Latios counters and Latios cleaning, with Nature Madness Koko to nuke Heatran/Jirachi instead of Taunt. The rest of the build is very classic as I was confident in winning long term with this core and with better plays, Latios is Adaptability because it's broken and I figured out that 3A Roost was probably the best set - LO is actually important vs Ferrothorn and Corviknight to actually do damage cuz otherwise its really a weak move, and LO extra power on shock and Draco is always good instead of Soul Dew. The team struggles vs opposite Tapu Koko, which is why the Jirachi doens't have Future Sight cuz I don't think it's useful when you have Latios and Icy Wind was really needed here to deal with Koko (it's still super hard to deal with Pixi Koko cuz it does 30 and you have nothing to RK it). Nothing crazy, but it kinda works: I loaded in Magmortar and had a pretty easy win with Koko + Latios and nothing to threaten me back (only a CM Koko but with Icy Wind + my Koko/Latios it was fine).

Week 2:
:mamoswine: :tapu fini: :corviknight: :decidueye: :jirachi: :zapdos:
This team was harder to figure out, I wanted to use the Decidueye + Mamoswine aesf made during WCop because I thought abriel will not think to it as it's weird and I think he wasn't around when aesf built that team. However aesf's team was old and anyway I don't like the idea of just stealing a team so I tried to change it a little bit and it was kinda hard to finish. I ended up with a really classic boring core again, like Week 1, with a funny two-mons core and 4 strong defensive mon (well zap is semi offensive but it was mainly for PSea utility) and again a lot of pressure on Jirachi esp vs Zapdos and Koko, but once again I was like fuck it I'll outplay if needed. The game went well cuz Decidueye trapped the Ferrothorn turn 1 which was a pain with its hazards and it could as well soft check Zapdos and Mamoswine if needed, and this trade was really good for me. I went kinda lucky with the roll on Zapdos with Volcarona and this is why I hate having Zapdos as a Volcarona answer (unless you run Brave Bird but its unviable) but I played this game really safely and I should've been punished for that by the roll but I really didn't make any plays in that game and just won with Mamoswine.

Week 3:
:kommo-o: :corviknight: :jirachi: :mew: :chandelure: :barraskewda:
I was busy during this week due to exams and I needed to focus on OMPL so I wasn't sure to play, but I decided to play and just reuse a team I had. I chose the W3 OMPL team because I think it's really solid and changed Chandelure's set because I think Specs is better since you can't Sub on Pex lol and it could also surprise Danny if they knew the team. I also changed Ice Fang > Aqua Jet on Barraskewda cuz I felt it wasn't that much useful with FF Corv and I was afraid of WA Lando. I also used this one because it wasn't the latest one so if they had to prep vs a team I reused it would've been vs Pixi Koko Zyg or Zarude/Zapdos. That was a lazy pick but I really didn't have time to do much this week, but it worked well cuz Specs Chandy is broken and Danny's team was walled by Jirachi, nothing much to say here.

Week 4:
:zygarde-10%: :chansey: :hippowdon: :corviknight: :ferrothorn: :toxapex:
I did not play in AAA this week since I was playing UT in Mix and Mega, but Nultiprise wanted to stall so he reworked the Zama Stall with the new big mon of the tier, Zygarde-C, since Zamazenta is just trash without Weavile. I changed a few things, but that was classic stall. I also stole the SD Ferro idea since Thunder Wave isn't that much valuable in stall. We loaded into TR and the MU was kinda threatening, but the stall is too strong and we won. I won't recommend to use it though, it probably works on ladder but it's not as good as it was - nicknames are goated, though.

Week 5:
:tyrantrum: :landorus-therian: :ferrothorn: :mew: :inteleon: :kommo-o:

We were already qualified so I wanted to bring a fun mon and brought Archeops but bad because it's funny, the rest of the team is kinda classic ngl, Inteleon is just broken, Eject Button is broken, Toxic helps vs Zapdos cuz this shit is broken, CM Bounce Mew is broken, etc, you got the reasoning. As most of my teams, I'm super weak to Ice-type and loaded in NG Shift Gear Genesect, that basically sweepers if it can get one boost. I knew this on preview (although I thought it was SFLO SG but it's the same) and played the game almost perfectly to never get a chance of setup to Genesect (i.e. even if you load in the Genesect that 6-0's you can try to play around) but my opp got the crit on Landorus-T after I played perfectly. That's the game, sometimes it just rewards the luckiest players, which is pretty upsetting when you played better and your opponent don't know how to calc PsyTerrain but well that's the game I chose to play. The team is funny and have some pretty solid mons but I really put 10 minutes to build it so I can't guarantee it's really good and if you load in an Ice-move you can forfeit lul.

I wish the best to OMs, and I wish the best to AAA even if it's kinda complicated, I'm sure people and council will find a way to have the best tier possible, in 8G and 9G. I'll just recommend you to show love to the people you actually like. It's always nice to read it you know, even if the person doesn't need it, just a kind reminder that you appreciate them is always nice! I sometimes randomly pm Siamato to tell him how beautiful he is and you know, it's just nice to tell people you appreciate that you actually like them (or love or anything). This world is enough hard like that, so let's be kind to each others, as much as we can of course! As a wise, beautiful, amazing man would say: "Stay kind, stay compassionate". Have fun everyone and I hope we'll meet again someday!

Dragonillis Tellement de choses à dire sur toi, entre le fait que ton seul skill soit sur Mario Kart, ta tendance à vouloir jouer SFLO sur l'entièreté des Pokés (Kommo-o SFLO wesh y a une limite), mais t'es vraiment une super personne, à la fois individuellement où c'est super sympa de discuter et de passer du temps avec toi et où t'es toujours hyper sympa et positif, et t'es également une figure du staff français et de la communauté française et c'est juste trop bien de t'avoir, merci pour tout ce que tu as fait, fais, et continueras à faire, vraiment une perle.
Atha Un goat comme on en fait plus, c'est bien dommage que tu joues plus trop parce que t'es vraiment beaucoup trop fort. Une autre personne très sympa IRL, j'espère qu'on se reverra, toujours un plaisir de te voir et de discuter avec toi.
motherlove J'espère que tu reviendras un jour... merci de m'avoir aidé pendant ma première OMPL tu m'as vraiment aidé à progresser et, comme atha, vraiment un joueur excellent. Prends soin de toi!
Gman I think everyone deserves to read this so I'm writing it in (bad) english, but gman is really an amazing person and y'all are very lucky to know him. To give an example of how outstanding he is, one of the meanest person on this site, Redflix, said stuff like "no gman slander" and he never said that for anyone else. This dude really has all the qualities you could dream of, kind, beautiful, wholesome, smart, speaks multiple languages at a high level, and when he's here you just can't be sad he has a positive atmosphere all around him and this guy is really a pearl and we all love him and we all shoumd thank him for sharing his time with us... I'm exagerrating a bit here, but gman, you really are an awesome person and I'm so happy to know you. Both IRLs with you were really fun and I hope we'll meet again!! Take care friend :heart: :heart: :heart:
TheCoastsOfToast It's been a year and I still never know if it's TheCoastOfToasts or TheCoastsOfToast so I'm just gonna call you TCoT. Our relationship has always been a little bit weird because you're kinda the only one I learned to know from 0 just because you asked me to say French Pokemon names during OMPL IX and I didn't know you at all at this time, and now you're one of my better friends, and virtually the only one that know my real name (you're also so bad at guessing...). I'm kinda shitposting with you all the time or exchanging 'random' informations just to keep us in touch, but you're also the one person I know I can pm if I want or have to share something of if I have a question because you're always so smart with your words and your thoughts and you helped me a lot when I had no confidence in myself and for being a friend I can call at any time and being so nice overall I have to thank you. Take care!
UT You're so young and yet so old, and you've already done so much! I can't believe our first pm was in like late August of 2021 and 1 year later, but since like 8 or 9 months you're one of my closest non-French friends. I admire a lot of things in you, your positivity, your kindness, your intelligene, and so much other qualities. I've been mad against a lot of persons in my life, or at least a little upset (like when Dragonillis spams that Genesect is broken in AAA), but I've never ever be even a little bit mad or upset at you because you're just so nice. I'll most likely be much less active but I hope I'll still be able to have news from you and I hope everything in your life will be good and that you're little Fletchling will become a strong Fletchinder! Thanks for your caring man.
Redflix Ioooool I almost forgot your shoutout and I don't even know what I want to say but well, you probably know it even if we spend our time cancering each others (brooooo why do I have this UGLY pfp) but I really apprecaite you and wouldn't spend so much time with you if it wasn't the case. You are really smart although kinda bad in AAA and I appreciate to talk about whatever we want to talk with you, sorry for being kinda rude on the last days but you know why, and I hope we'll stay in tuch so we can talk about how bad tect and how is doing your gf (lol). Wish you the best for ur exam in a few hours and for ur life, take care bro (and do that fucking eulogy)

Palapapop Clementine Lionyx ironwater Altthiel Antorot Kabilapok @Panur Daki Givra ☯ Menace17 Swiffix Staxi Maomiraeniya SFG Emeri LBDC iKiQ Agarica R8 tous mes amis du staff français, ceux dont j'étais proche savent très bien que je les adore, ça serait trop long d'aller dans les détails, c'était super cool de staff avec vous et je vous souhaite bonne continuation! Merci à ceux que j'ai vus IRL, ça fait partie des meilleurs moments que j'ai vécus, et à d'autres que j'ai pas (encore) eu la chance de rencontrer SFG Givra Antorot LBDC Menace j'vous aime vous êtes les boss

Cherbou Alternatif Cousiin DarkySama tzop Pyroshi (t'es le plus beau mec, on ira voir OP ensemble) Xizaaa Adri Brumirage Lambovino Trognon Carkoala Thildema y en a avec qui j'ai pas (encore!) eu le temps de parler beaucoup, mais vous êtes gentils, et mention spéciale à ceux que j'ai vu IRL, c'était cool!

Stillau comme la dernière fois mec, tu le sais mais t'es vraiment mon meilleur pote sur ce jeu de mort et j'espère qu'on restera en contact pour marier Abigail ou faire gagner à Pau la Ligue des Champions bref tu connais
ZAN 23 frère t ou
beauts We are relatively new to each other but I really appreciated the talks we had during OMPL, it was nice to meet you. Don't overwork yourself too much, but you really are an excellent builder - take care friend.
Isaiah The Number Man My AAA friends.. I'm sorry that it ended like that, but both of you are full of qualities and I hope you'll continue to play AAA because you are truly excellent. Thanks for letting me in the council, it was an amazing experience, and I wish you the very best!
Siamato I've never known the true opinion you had on me, if I'm just a random, an annoying kid, or if I was a true friend for you but I don't care much. Asymmetries of information and friendship are part of my life for a long time, and I've learned to just enjoy people if I had the chance to. And it's what I did with you. The day I joined OM FR was the day you left it and thus, we've never be able to be really active together but still, you're one of the person I appreciate the most on this site. I could be ironic and say that it's because you're small too, but I'm not here to do bad jokes and I'll be serious for once, you know, which you never are... You're smart, obviously, and one of the greatest person to discuss with, about Pokemon or in general, you're kind too, even if you can be annoying sometimes when you taunt me for my team loss in OMPL e_e you're overall a really nice person that is always here to help people, and I've always respect you so much even if you respect me so little and I appreciate a lot our relationship, sometimes being serious sometimes not so you're always a good person to talk with. And you're also an amazing person IRL, I appreciated our encounters and I wish you the best for your life and I hope you'll finally be able to retire from Pokemon lol.... I say this but I know you'll like my post in the next 3 hours smh.

Random tags but there are too many people I can't tag and developp for everyone
hidden avyrie TectonicDestroyer HG XxSevagxX willdbeast Fraise Dj Breloominati♬ Sylveon. a loser iapt drampa's grandpa Codename C.A.T DuckeryDoodle longhiep341 and all the AAA players, my fellow OMFL mates pannuracotta Fluore MagearnaTheBoss Nultiprise cy Scholar AM Jqlove lancert Pigeons and other friends Skyrio (...) ojr Ren Hervalt King Leo V Giga-Chandélure and so many others, all of you have been nice persons to talk with and I appreciated my time among you. Stay like you are :heart:

Thanks to all those persons for their support during my two years of playing. You really made my life better even if you don't realise it. I may have forgotten people, I'm sorry, I have a terrible memory, but you don't need this post or my opinion to know your value and that you're amazing and have the potential to be w/e you want to be. Your future mainly depends of you and your decisions, so do your best, as always, and good continuation. Love on y'all, take care friends! :heart:


sorry for my bad english im french + its midnight
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Salutations good people of the Other Metagame Community! I hope I find you all well on this beautiful day.

I am here in my unofficial capacity of Manager of the Wiggly Family with a bittersweet announcement: I am retiring from Pokemon and this is probably (and hopefully) my last real post (since I'm still in the AAA Seasonal and in OMFL). For anyone interested, I'm retiring for school because I'll enter a hard cursus next year and I'll have to tryhard so I can't really focus on mons anymore; this cursus will last two or three years, and maybe I'll come back after this, but most of you will probably have quitted and I don't know if Pokemon and Smogon will still be in a good health so all of this is very hypothetical. I wanted to retire later, in June or July, but the recent events in AAA have kinda removed my motivation of staying active until I fully retire, although I may or may not make a post about AAA depending of how it goes and of my mood.

Anyway, I just wanted to make this post to thanks my team for their awesome season and at the same time I wanted to make shoutous for all the amazing persons who accompanied me during my two years of playing this uncompetitive game. I really, really, appreciated my time on this site, even if the end isn't the one I wanted, and it helped me so much to have fun and to become a better person, and no matter if you're in this post or not, you all should know that you are amazing and I wish you the best for your future.

I'll start with my team since, eh, it's the thread's subject, and they have all be amazing partners. I'll team dump the teams I made during OMPL and I'll add OMFL's one cuz I will not make another team dump so...
I have nothing to add, thank you to my players for this adventure even if we did not qualify for Play-offs.
Thank to you Osake to manage with me The Wiggly Family, you were a great co-manager ! Good luck with your studies !
Thank to UT and Isaiah to hosting this OMPL.
Good luck to Spinda, Hawlucha, Tyramtrum and the Ponyta Malding Mavericks, may the best win this OMPL.

See you next World Cup for a new adventure.
I hope see you next OMPL for a new adventure with Wiggly Family.


drampa's grandpa

benign auto-cannibal
is a Community Contributoris a Community Leader Alumnus
Remember that poll thing I did twice? See here?

It got 4 responses the second time. Pretty sure I didn't even respond. Was cool to do, but I think the lesson here is that people prefer to do predicts the old fashioned way.

Because I'm not doing it this week I want you (yes, you) to post your predictions not here like I originally said when I thought this was the Playoffs thread for some reason but there instead so we can all see them! Also predict Tyrantrums to win because you'll be right!!!!!!RAWWWRRRRR

If anyone would like the results I can post them but they're pretty meaningless with such a small sample size, and it's the same amount of work. I'd like to spare myself the monotony when I could be using the time and energy to work on the usage stats I've fallen behind on.
Last edited:


Waiting for something to happen?
is a Site Content Manageris a Top Team Rateris a Social Media Contributoris a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a defending SCL Champion
Ubers Leader
Did really shit this tour, pretty much all off my own mistakes in play but a few team errors throughout, I think overall the teams were fine just maybe not used against the right people. Gonna drop them all here for fun, s/o's Dragonillis and Osake for buying me and putting up w me losing in STAB and not throwing me in AG, and Ren (dodged me in w6) for all the tests. Week 1

Volcanion is broken and I made this cool set to use it w week 1 which always lives a burned Seismitoad Twaves so it can just sit there and Fiery Dance. It put in work in the game and I really liked this team even tho it has some glaring flaws like no Ghost resist and no Grass resist. Really fun tho and it made me experiment with a lot of other niche mon ideas since Volcanion was UR, not many I ended up using tho. - Week 2

Went with something more standard week 2, but it had a tough mu and even tho I made it close that was mostly through luck. Still think it's a solid team, does struggle with a few things and Zapdos might start falling off with the uptick in Roost / Defensive Thundurus, but it's still a cool one that can do work with Weav Gar. - Week 3

Was determined to get 3 UR mons on the VR by the end of the tour at this point, so here came Snorlax. It was a solid idea on paper, but in practice I played this game dead tired and lost to sub dd gyara + max speed washtom which is an annoying but beatable MU. I think it's a solid team still, lax has potential with a ton of bulk and reliable recovery. - Week 4

Wanted to try Sun week 4, and Leafeon with Multi Attack was funny. That was the third UR mon I thought did have enough to warrant a boost and I wanted to use it a lot, just ran into Specs Latios + Heatran + ttar which was tough for Sun and I didn't play well enough to get breaking opportunities. - Week 5

I really liked this team but got absolutely rolled by Specs Kyurem, maybe shoulda made melm have more sp.def or smth. Thund is broken and somehow almost clutched a 4v1 if everything went my way, but I liked the Crawdaunt idea and how this team functions overall. A few tweaks are maybe needed but it's cool. - Week 6

Didn't have too much time to prep and even less time to get smth I liked vs an opponent that wasn't Ren after the sub so I loaded this which I built a while back and got 6-0'd like turn 4 by weakness policy terrak lmao nothing much to say, kinda mid balance but Hydreigon and nido are 2 mons I like a lot. - Week 7

Week 7 was do or die for poffs so I put a lot of effort into this one, and really liked the team. I used to spam HO in ssnl and stuff so I was in my element, just it's harder to build without dnite mag etc. Almost loaded Flame Body talon which lost on the spot and forgot darts was a move so I used Dragon Hammer Kommo-o, but overall this HO is really good and worked out just as I'd hoped.


It shook me a bit when I realised that this was the tenth OMPL. I played in OMPL II all the way back in 2014, and I went 1-1 (1-0 in 1v1 and 0-1 in Monotype). Strange to think about how much OMs has changed since then, and really strange to realise that I’m one of very few active OM users from back then who’s still around. Did you know that the first two OMPLs had Random Battles?

I was hesitant to sign up at first because I knew I’d be overvalued by some teams in the draft. I don’t really like the pressure of being a ‘star player.’ Having the team expect me or rely on me to get wins every week is very stressful. My 5-0 in WCOM wasn’t as impressive as it looked on paper, I wasn’t going to be able to put a huge amount of effort into building because I was busy with uni for much of the tournament, and I feel that my value gets inflated by my long tenure in this community. Still, I ended up having a really good time.

I took a different tack in teambuilding than usual for this tournament. I played it a lot safer and mostly built pretty similar, standard teams. My builds were offensively inclined balances centred around resilient threats (mostly PH Regigigas), strong anti-hazard measures, and paralysis. I think this general structure is very strong, difficult to counterteam, and I could quickly and easily make variations of it that I could trust were good without doing much testing. This worked well for me because I was pretty strapped for time. In the past I think I’ve tried to be too cute in the teambuilder and prioritised bringing something fresh and unique rather than focusing on just building a good team with good sets. This tournament gave me an opportunity to practise iterating on the same basic, solid structure, and I definitely benefited from that.

Week 1 vs TTTech (W)

Team: :xerneas::groudon::celesteela::yveltal::dialga::eternatus:

Taunt Triage Yveltal seemed like it would line up well against TTTech’s typical defensive builds, but it’s tough to Imposter-proof. +SpDef Magic Bounce Spectral Thief Dialga isn’t where I usually want to be but it was the best option I could find. This team has a severe weakness to physical attackers, Kyurem-B particularly. In hindsight, +Def Dialga was probably a better option, weakening the Imposter and Spikes PH Xern matchup to gain a more reliable Regigigas check. I changed Soft Sand to Leftovers on Groudon last minute which might have been game-winning.

This was a difficult match. If TTTech played carefully, my only long-term Regigigas answer was to somehow PP stall V-create, which would have become quite difficult once Dialga was paralysed (allowing this was a misplay on my part). After Yveltal died my progress-making tools were sketchy. I’m happy with how I played to get Magearna low and keep it there, but I feel like this match was decided by turns 23-27. All of these plays worked out for me, and TTTech got greedy on turn 27 and let Regigigas get weakened. I feel like he could’ve made things more difficult for me by making more plays like turn 32 to get Regigigas in to heal up. I was kicking myself after that turn because I predicted the double and had Thousand Waves clicked for like a minute before talking myself out of it. I reckon that’s the worst feeling in Pokemon.

I’ve thought a bit about turn 49, where I risked Yveltal to Taunt the Magearna. My conclusion is that the play was made on the basis of some inaccurate assumptions about TTTech’s team and poor evaluation of the game state. It was defensible but unnecessary at that stage in the game. My reasoning for it was:
  • Given Magearna’s strong matchup against most of my team and Zama-C being heavily weakened, I felt that he would prioritise keeping it healthy. Boombursting on my switch to Groudon (which had revealed Ice Scales) and being forced out at 61% seemed risky.
    • In hindsight, TTTech may have been planning to Boomburst into Groudon then switch to Regigigas on my Recover, which is a solid line. He may have felt that with Regigigas healthier he could force in Dialga to give Magearna a chance to heal later.
  • I didn’t think he would expect Taunt, and therefore I thought he would feel he had little to fear by recovering. Triage Yveltal at -2 can’t do much to punish Magearna for healing. From his perspective, I would have assumed my most likely last move was Knock Off or V-create, and given that I would never have Boombursted.
  • The extra turn of Thunder Cage chip would have put Magearna too low to switch into Thunder Cage later, which probably gave Yveltal a kill the next time it had an opportunity.
  • I assumed Giratina and Kyogre were more threatening than they turned out to be. Under this assumption, I felt like I was losing this game at this point, and if Magearna healed for free I would be sacrificing a key opportunity to make progress.

The crucial misstep in my reasoning is that I was underestimating how easily Yveltal could get opportunities. I knew that Yveltal was threatening to his team but I felt that it would have difficulty getting in, so I had to make the most out of it every time it was in play, hence the Taunt. For whatever reason, I wasn’t thinking about how freely I could switch Yveltal into Giratina, and how often Groudon could force Giratina to come in and heal. With that in mind, the risk was probably not worth it. A flaw I’ve noticed in my play, in Pokemon and in other games, is a tendency to think less and overextend when I’m in an advantageous position. This was an example of that, and I noticed this in a couple of my other matches too. I’m making an effort to work on this for next time.

I still don’t know what was going on with TTTech’s Kyogre in this game. My best guess is that it’s Unaware with Spectral Thief and maybe Knock Off as the last 2 moves? TTTech please let me know I haven’t slept for weeks trying to figure this out.

Week 2 vs career ended (W)

Team: :xerneas::eternatus::groudon::regigigas::zamazenta-crowned::lunala:

Until the night before the match this team had Specs Xerneas on it. That’s a fun set, but it constrained the rest of the build a bit (particularly the Eternatus) and I was struggling to fit effective hazard control, so I switched to a more conventional set. I’m quite fond of the Zama-C set on this team. +Def Topsy Turvy Magic Bounce Zama-C covers almost every Nuzzle-less Regigigas set and beats most PH Xerns without sacrificing too much offensive capability. It can run Thunderous Kick and still be Imposter-proof (most of the time) because you can bounce Topsy-Turvy off your opponent to reverse the defence drops. Knock Off Regigigas was a last minute change as well and it worked out great. I didn’t realise the nonbo with Trick Eternatus until the game began unfortunately, and I found that awkward to play around at times. I regretted not having Heavy-Duty Boots on Xerneas.

The match was mostly straightforward and my team did what I wanted it to do. My Regigigas set lined up well against his hazard control and was able to make progress every time it came in, and his Ho-oh and Dusclops gave it plenty of opportunities. Leftovers Groudon impressed me again in this match as it was able to come in over and over again on his Zama-C whenever Regigigas forced it in and gained valuable momentum. The sequence where Regigigas forces in Zama-C -> I switch to Groudon -> Volt Switch back to Regigigas on Ho-oh or Dusclops as Zama-C switches was hugely effective for me. This game could have been tougher for me if career ended had made more of an effort to pressure my Xerneas to keep hazards up. Paralysed and without Heavy-Duty Boots, it was rough to find opportunities to spin away hazards. With careful positioning I think it could have been possible for Regigigas to put up Spikes once or twice more in this game, and if he’d played aggressively I mightn’t have been able to clear them away. I think that was career’s best path to victory here.

Week 3 vs cityscapes (L)

Team: :regigigas::ho-oh::xerneas::melmetal::celesteela::blissey:

I brought Toxic Orb Imposter this week because it’s a fun mon and because cityscapes often brings PH-centric teams. An earlier version of the team had Magic Bounce Ferrothorn on it which would have been very good in this match. C’est la vie. This match made me realise I hate PH Xerneas with no coverage.

Lost this game to a couple of crucial mid-game misplays. They’re pretty easy to spot: I sacrificed Celesteela attempting to prevent Spikes from Dialga, and made the comeback almost impossible by letting Ho-oh take a hit from Regigigas (making a risky play to try and bounce Spikes). In Celesteela vs Dialga, my thinking was that the odds were in my favour to win the 1v1 and that doing so would win the hazard war. I overestimated the danger of having Spikes up on my side. My team was definitely more hazard-resilient than hers and I could remove Spikes far more easily than she could. The better play against Dialga would have been to go to Xerneas and put up my own: 3 layers on both sides is a winning position for me, it’s just one that I feel uncomfortable playing. The second lesson that I took from this tournament is that I have a tendency to focus too much on keeping hazards off, and should be more willing to play with hazards up on my side. The Ho-oh switch was an extension of this thinking, and was a play I made because I was still a bit tilted about losing Celesteela. I’m impressed with how close the game was despite these misplays. If I’d won the Kartana vs Melmetal 50/50s earlier in the match, this was likely still winnable for me.

I think it’s very funny when cityscapes talks like an anime villain, it’s a great bit.

Week 4 vs quojova (L)

Team: :regigigas::zamazenta-crowned::kyogre::ferrothorn::zygarde-complete::xerneas:

Swords Dance Regigigas was all the rage in week 1, then people stopped using it and stopped preparing for it. I felt like it would be nice to pair it with a secondary physical breaker, and settled on AOA Tough Claws Zama-C, which is a very fun set. I hate the Kyogre set on this team, wish I’d had a Pokemon that actually did something. It gave me a drive to find more ways to build without passive Pranksters in later weeks.

What a slobberknocker! This was the most fun match of the tournament for me, and the most heartbreaking. I misjudged how easily I’d be able to heal up Regigigas and I let it get weakened early in an attempt to catch quojova off guard and kill Zama-C. This was quite costly, and was made worse by the couple of times I had an opportunity to get some HP back on Regigigas but took risks and let it take hits from Eternatus and Rocky Helmet. On turn 33 I could have stayed in with Zygarde to see if I won the 1v1 against Zama-C, but given my information at the time it wasn’t the right play. Certainly would have made the mid-game a lot smoother for me if I had. I messed around against Eternatus with Ferrothorn later on in the game out of fear of getting my Leftovers Tricked, but this wasn’t something to really be concerned with I think. Unsure why he never went to Regigigas on my Recover in the Kyogre vs Eternatus sequence. From when Ferrothorn healed up on turn 122 it should have soloed the rest of the team, but obviously paralysis complicates things. I had a good laugh at the Ferrothorn vs Xerneas sequence from turn 183 -> 187. How could anyone want to ban paralysis when it creates situations as funny as that?

Turn 189 was a lot less funny, I was cringing about that one for days. It was a long game, and I was tired, and I’d been in a position a few dozen turns earlier where Ferrothorn got a free kill by clicking Anchor Shot, so I had Ferrothorn with a free turn gets a kill with Anchor Shot stuck in my head. Obviously the play here was always to go for Entrainment but I fucked up. This is another example of what I talked about earlier, about not thinking my plays through as much when I felt like I was in a winning position. The game was winnable still after getting the Origin Pulse/Haze 50/50s right with Kyogre, but I would have had to win the tie with Regigigas, not get crit, then get some more plays right when he went to Imposter afterwards. A pretty tough game to lose, but that one’s on me. I didn’t like seeing all the people complaining about hax on my behalf after this one: I don’t care about luck in Pokemon. That’s what the game is. My view is that Pokemon is like poker. Professional poker players who complain about bad hands get called babies by their peers, and rightly so. Every time I clicked a move while paralysed I was ready to get fully paralysed and lose the game for it. When my Regigigas got crit, I wasn’t mad because before I clicked my move I had acknowledged that possibility. Become enlightened like me and you too can have fun when you lose to a choke into a full para into a crit. GG quojova. We will meet again.

Week 5 vs a loser (W)

Team: :regigigas::zamazenta-crowned::ho-oh::groudon::eternatus::xerneas:

Built another variant on the Swords Dance Regigigas + secondary physical breaker team. This one is cooler than the last one because it has 3 secondary physical breakers instead of just one. Wow! I made this team last minute because the Nasty Plot Eternatus team I had prepped earlier in the week was boring and bad. Offensive Eternatus was very poorly prepared for in the later stages of this tournament but it can be complicated to build with. I was at the busiest point of the semester at this point so I didn’t have the time to figure out how to Imposter-proof it without running some terrible Steel-type, so I went into the teambuilder, chucked together 5 dudes with 130+ base Attack and called it a day. It’s insane how easy it is to make good teams when you only use sets you already know are good.

I played overly carefully this game because I was convinced that loser had to have some sort of Ho-oh counterplay. I was expecting Strength Sap + Thunder Cage Xerneas or Fishious Rend on Zama-C and the game went longer than it had to because I was playing around those possibilities. Turned out, his team really did just get 6-0d by MGLO Ho-oh, so this game was pretty easy. I sacked Groudon to Celesteela because I forgot that I had changed Arrows > Waves last minute. So it goes. Turn 38 of this game is a tremendous demonstration of why passive Pranksters are bad.

The week after this game, I travelled interstate to compete in Smash Ultimate at Battle Arena Melbourne 12, where I went 2-2 and finished 97th out of 342 entrants. I stayed the rest of the week in Melbourne. I had planned to play in weeks 6 and 7, but I overestimated how much time I’d have to build and how much flexibility I’d have to schedule. I found myself without any real opportunity to build teams, so I subbed out for anaconja. Apologies to my team for that, and apologies for not helping out at all in the last 2 weeks.

I didn’t talk much in the team Discord, but everyone in the Wiggly Family seemed cool and everyone was putting a lot of effort into teambuilding and analysing their matches and the metagame. It’s a shame we didn’t quite make it into finals: it wasn’t for lack of trying.

I’m pretty happy with how I played overall in this tournament, and I enjoyed myself. I’ll do my best in the BH Seasonal later this year. See you all then!


is a Tiering Contributoris a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Former Other Tournament Circuit Champion
World Defender
Lost my builder earlier this week so I'm gonna pull all this from pastes in my cord which means some things will have been changed since then, but here's all the teams i built that we used in ompl


W1: (Clef in the game had a bit more spdef, skarm was also shed shell but people didnt use zone so helm is fine)
W3: (FV edited this to have Nidoqueen and Taunt Beat Up Rocks sash Bish)


W3: (Bliss spread is 156 hp 100 spd now i think)
W5: (Encore > Port on mew)




W5: (I used this team in a no para gentleman so i had worry seed over aroma, but this is the original)


W1: (Trick > Covet on Clef)
W5: (4 evs out of spa into speed on wart)
Semis: (stole the 6 from luchas lol)


W1/W2: (FV made some edits)

Not gonna be managing/supporting other slots than my own again, too old for this shit

Might still sign up to play next year


concrete angel
is a Community Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
with both my ompl and omfl team going to a semis tiebreaker :eeveehide: i have resigned myself to the fact that whatever happens, happens and that now is as good a time as any to do shoutouts

first, i want to thank Morgan and IBM and shadow manager Dj Breloominati♬ for drafting me. drafting me with basically no other support was really dire and by w6 i was hoping it would all end so i could go back to being a hermit and building solely for myself but somehow our team has continued to be goated and we r still in this thing. on a similar note thank u Byleth ojr and Redflix for carrying ur slots because aaa has taken up all of my focus as i search for the fabled optimal six.

crying u triggered my anxiety every single time u rfnd in godly gift or loaded up some wack acid armor goodra ho but ur fire. also i like w7 when u said "wait this tour gives a custom? why didn't u tell me i would have tried and not rfnd". amazing

quojova read nietzsche, being a good person doesnt matter. stay goated

Byleth i didn't know u before this tour and i asked u to manage omfl with me on a whim and it's been a great experience. ur honestly such a cool and awesome person and I've enjoyed all our conversations and seeing u come out of your shell. don't sleep on yourself!!!!

luisin MY AAA GOAT. u have been the greatest aaa pilot of all time, i have loved feeding u teams every week. ur so good

Redflix holy shit dealing with tect is a talent. he triggered my anxiety by w4 with his constant team switching and crying. ur a saint, honestly, and ur also a rlly cool person

TectonicDestroyer IM NOT GONNA BE TOXIC i promise. ur cool, and honestly i think u arent as bad as u think u are. stay confident, and please when u say "build me a team i wont change it before my game" actually mean it bc u have tried to change every team u have said this about

Chris32156 MY 2V2 GOAT. we have been so toxic to u but u deserve it, and also ur good. please stop choking, u r a good player. and stop using ninetales and celesteela. bring a new team for once. but ur cool

Kris the pink one so terrify. ur a joy to team with and be toxic with

Ainzcrad get drunk more often it's funny

Amberr it's been nice teaming with u!!! ur honestly rlly funny and i enjoy sending u lgbt tiktoks

ojr so good!!!! ur ideas have been heat af all tour, im sorry i havent helped more i just havent enjoyed nfe

Crunchman BasedWhat? i didn't talk to u guys basically at all but I've enjoyed talking to u guys when i see u in genchat and such

<ok non team shoutouts>

UT thank u for keeping me sane. without u i would be 10x more toxic than i already am. ur always there for me whenever i need to vent or cope or cry or make fun of people or shoot the shit with. i hope u stay around for a while bc ur in my top 3 of favorite people on this site and ur just amazing. just...make less dad jokes

The Number Man topu numbo man, my goat. u r the best aaa builde ri konw and u have kept me sane this tour. really, ur help has been invaluable and i am forever appreciative

Osake L + ratio + stopped aaa review. srs, i have enjoyed getting to know u and id consider u a good friend after this tour, even if u r the worst

iapt you're always such a nice person to chat with. building mnm with u for literally anything is always so much fun, as is accidentally loading up my ompl team vs u in a test and then having to build something new in 24 hrs as i save face with my team as i explain why we cant use the good aaa team anymroe

Ren stinky

85percent u were one of the first friends i made in the nfe community and I've enjoyed chatting with u now like a year and a half later as u continue ur boomer arc and i for some reason stick around on this site

avyrie all u do is gas up my bad teams and shit on the good ones....

Ivar57 ur just the nicest person ever and seeing u become a rlly good mnm player has been so much fun!!! continue crushing the competition

shiloh being ur testing dummy for 2 completely different om team tours within the past year is quite odd but im into it....

cityscapes my nickname goat...hope u always remain the cool anime villain we always know u as

lepton keep your chin up!!! ur a solid player please ffs stop beating urself up

Career Ended i met u like 4 days ago and u have honestly been such a cool person to get to know, hope u stick around

Isaiah ur rlly toxic (JOKE)....but i dig it. stay classy

DuckeryDoodle u were honestly like, such a big help. u were always there to listen to my awful ideas and u have done so many fucking tests with me this tour it's probably close to triple digits. i am praying u get picked up next year bc im sure u will crush it

Tea Guzzler

forever searching for a 10p freddo
is a Site Content Manageris a Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Smogon Media Contributor
thought i'd do one of these now that we're out. had a good run, getting to semis in first team tour isn't bad.

xavgb (stresh) my guy has played basically every game at stupid o'clock and rocked up to the nihil game after throwing up and getting 5 hrs of sleep the past 3 days. this guy has DEVOTION and the record shows it. for the love of god tho take better care of yourself.

Greybaum absolute troll but i find it funny af to hear the shit you come up with and everyone in vc to immediately start having a fit. great mnm/stab player and support too

Skarph there was one (1) message that wasn't 'playing soon' accompanied by a paste in the ag channel. absolute unit, mad respect for going 6-2 with no support.

shiloh very good aaa player, didn't really speak but know you're good. excellent piloting as well which isn't something many can do.

London13 Krytocon Lumii there were 2,118 messages in our 2v2 channel, holy shit. these ppl were on the ball, unlucky that a sizeable amount of our games either had poor MUs or big rng which put london on the back foot. great job tho.

FlamingVictini put against really tough gg and stab slots and still pulled a 3-2. respect for having to learn gg too.

TJ great 5-3 season. play is basically impeccable, great pilot for non-own teams too.

ez unfortunately, mnm happened to be a mare of a pool for this year. keep your chin up tho.

TPP the sub goat, had to learn BOTH gg and mnm during the season and still pulled a 3-4 out of it. mad respect.

Shing'n Streets chipped in for support over the season in nfe and mnm. didn't speak directly but know you put in some mad work.

pannuracotta joined for stab support in playoffs. respect for continuing the slot even after lops were out.

in the hills great manager, supported stab and gg too. wish you well in trolling with natdex oms again


Isaiah always funny in vc, keeping Greybaum's scuffed jokes in check is also a critically important role.

ItsChew. you know i will always take the piss for the week 5 throw, but you're chill none the less. please stop running improofs that keel over after any chip or any crits tho.

TTTech always a funny guy, knowledgeable in multiple metas and all around a good friend. stop getting 6-0d by anything with v-create!!!!!

UT mad respect for hosting a tour as big as this and dealing with all the johners

Ren i will take your barraskewda, lob it in the fucking oven and eat it for dinner

Osake very kind, didn't piss about with the timings for my game which, given i had exams that week, was a blessing. wish you the best.

Nihilslave very good BH player who i chatted a lot with, especially coming up to the week 7 game and was very supportive and encouraging. however, you have ended my runs in 2 of the 3 tours i've played in (and the only 2 where i made it past r1), so i still need to kick your face in at WCoOM. i'll be waiting.

well, that's it from me. wish yous the best of luck in the rest of the tour.

edit: about me in the tour
i think for my first team tour i did quite well. i consistently offered support for BH (though me and stresh have different playstyles so idk how much of this was useful) and stepped in when i needed to. hell, i was about to have to play against QT in mnm during playoffs (context: have never played mnm) but ez got back on before that was necessary. i think the one game i played was mostly won in the builder, anaconja lacked a sufficient fairy resist and so even if i didn't get the knock off crit on solgaleo, there weren't really any long term answers for the trio of xerneas, yveltal and spikes gigas.

ps: the nihil game was a bit of a shit situation. i knew that the cteam would be prepped for stresh and not me (i guessed soundproof but completely forgot that stresh never uses haze, which i basically always use and so the queenly majesty zamac would be a non-issue) and stresh was on ropes irl - and i would've stepped in to play due to these, except i'd be playing at 1am and i had an exam at 1pm.
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total wild card
is a Programmeris a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnus
I do have some regrets in my first ompl, especially since i didn't build as much cool stuff as I hoped I would so I have nothing I particularly want to showcase, I am still thankful to be drafted. Anyways I figured I'd give a few shoutouts.

adem DerpyBoi ty both for taking a chance w/ me, and pannuracotta lepton it was a pleasure to work w/ both of you even if this slot was an overall pain.

Chrome8 ctproonie217 Eggs RICEMAN UT Byleth Mossy Sandwich Lumii Ty guys for helping me test out cool ideas, even if didn't make it to tournament matches, I expect to test more jank with y'all soon. Dr. Phd. BJ beauts Pigeons It was really nice meeting y'all and doing quick test games when needed, especially the dr. for helping us w/ gg in the later weeks. Testing new ideas for GG was probably the most fun I had on PS in a while and y'all made it more enjoyable.

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Our OMPL isnt over yet(hope it ends with a win in finals tho!) but I wanna do a shoutout post anyw.

astralydia man, it's been such a pleasure getting to know you these past 6 months and I've enjoyed every second of it, from being ur testing bozo in OM Champs, To our sets in the opens, to finding optimal 6 in every meta. I'm so so glad to have been drafted by you :heart:

Dr. Phd. BJ my man. Always so great to chat with you about music, basketball, mons, and irl stuff. Pleasure to have been drafted by you and I appreciate all you've done for me in this community.

TTTech ah my right hand man and fellow bh enjoyer, i hate you. But i also luv ya. Ur fuckin hilarious and having you on my team has been so great. Thanks for being there to win bh games when I couldnt stop choking and being a great teammate, I appreciate it tons.

yuki #1 fan of the coffee art lmfao, always great having chats with you about anythin and i hope i can keep getting to know you!

iapt Amazing helper for mnm, talking about school, and getting general advice from you has been stellar, glad to be your teammate and to have gotten to know you better.

Mirbro Jett NFE GOATS, absolute pleasure to be on the same team as yall, always have amazing prep and generally great presences in LuchaCord, hope to get to know yall better <3

Beka love malding about aaa with you LOL, ur hilarious and ive loved having you on the team :)

jonfilch Clementine PA Vrji baconeatinassassin Staxi Yall have been great teammates, absolute GOATs, i havent talked to you guys much but I hope i can keep getting to know yall.

DuckeryDoodle recent friend but ur always good to talk abt misc. stuff and get my confidence up the rolling you B)

Team Horse, yall were a pleasure to get to know and talk to for the while I was there, Chris32156 you my goat, Morgan fellow warrior fan, ur dope asf. TEAM HORSE #1 ONLY GOING HIGHER! sorry we have to smash yall in poffs

pannuracotta My GOAT, sry chris, pannu best player ong and talk to you is hella fun, i hope we end up on a team in some tour in the future, that would be fun :)

To the people I didnt mention here, most OMcord LOL, each and every one of yall have been great to get to know and I hope im a part of this community for years to come, I plan on it :). Best community on the internet fr.

UT Isaiah you guts have done one hell of a job hosting this, you've outdone yourselves :claps:

Anyway, see yall! Chew Out.
Well, lots has changed since I made this post.
After thinking a lot about my place in this community for the past 1-2 weeks, I think its best I leave Smogon and PS, at least for a while. I Wont get into it much but IRL situations ahave had me full of dread and hopelessness and I simply dont feel the same anymore when I come onto this website.

Didn't know where else to make this post and it felt fitting here. To all my friends in the community, thank you, i love you all and I hope at soem point in the future i can come back and enjoy my time once more.

Dr. Phd. BJ astralydia ive talked to you both in private but once again, you two are some of the greatest friends ive ever made kn the internet and your impact on my life in general cannot be understated, thank you for trusting me enough to draft me and im glad I spent my ompl with yall.

TTTech beauts UT DuckeryDoodle Isaiah Amberr iapt All of you are amazing friends and I wish you all success in future endeavors, I truly want to thank you for everything you've done for me in and outside of mons

To everyone in OMcord, smogcord, and all the other stuff that ive met yall in, thank you. Mons community and specifically OM community is the best community i have ever been a part of.

I would drop my teams from OMPL and other stuff but they were all deleted :(

Anyways, Chew Out, for now.

Dr. Phd. BJ

is a defending SCL Champion
OMPL Champion
Making this post feels bittersweet. I've told a few people about this awhile back, but after ompl, I was gonna leave oms. I might play in omwc or even circuit if people really need me to and enough people reach out, but once gen 8 ends I'm likely done with oms. With that out of the way, I wanted to make a post about my ompl. Leading up to ompl, I was coming off winning om grand slam, which is still viewed with an asterisk next to it because of my opponent choosing to drop out of finals. In the time leading up to ompl I signed up for ag snake. Didn't get drafted. I then signed up for rupl, tried out, and felt pretty solid. Didn't get drafted. Even during ompl, I signed up for upl, tried out, felt pretty good. Didn't get drafted. When I decided to manage and comanage, my managers didn't plan on self-buying me, as my playing skills were not valued. It took a lot of convincing just to even get a chance at getting self-bought, and even then the tier I was gonna play was yet to be determined until after the draft. This ompl, I was on a mission. I wasn't on a journey to prove to everybody wrong, I was on a journey to prove myself right. Once the draft concluded, it became apparent the tier I was going to play: Godly Gift.

Week 1 vs Eli (W)
:tornadus-therian: :zeraora: :gastrodon-east: :kommo-o: :weavile: :necrozma-dusk-mane:

For week 1 of ompl I played Eli. I didn't have much of a scout to go off of, and normally my philosophy for week 1 in team tours is to just bring the strongest team possible. Bringing strong teams off rip makes it difficult for opponents to scout, and usually people don't matchup fish week 1 or bring anything too crazy because if it backfires really bad, it can result in getting benched. As for the team itself, I had an ndm/gastro/torn core in my builder dating back to gg open finals, and I felt as if it was a good time to finish that build. I had a different build with cb beat up weav/zera/ndm, and I ended up mixing the two together. I rounded out the team with kommo-o as a crawdaunt check, rocker, and it had a solid attack stat for beat up damage. The game went kind of weird, I was rushing my plays early and just not thinking short term. I knew at preview that dd ndm had really good odds, and that this build was almost perfect to load gastro against as it sat on essentially everything. I don't really like sitting and alternating between scald/toxic/recover, as it doesn't really play to my strengths as a player. Eventually, ndm got a couple dd's off and cleaned late game once I didn't have to fear yveltal sucker.


Week 1 vs Eli (W)
:kommo-o: :scolipede: :grimmsnarl: :sharpedo: :landorus-therian: :necrozma-dusk-mane:

When I was prebuilding for ompl, I thought that ndm was the greatest thing ever and that ndm screens just sounded broken. I added a scolipede because it offers some really cool tools for ho. Scolipede is a setup mon with immediate speed + speed boost, checks kartana, avoids getting revenged by tapu koko, goes through unaware clef, lures lando, and loads well into common lando/ferro/clef/slowbro cores. Megahorn off 157 attack is actually stronger than a groudon precipice blades, which is nothing to scoff at. I added sharpedo as it was a way to outpace koko (after a protect) and ohko it with hydro pump (252+ SpA Life Orb Sharpedo Hydro Pump vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Tapu Koko: 294-347 (104.6 - 123.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO). I rounded the team out with rocks boom lando as a way to chip lando/rotom for the rest of the team, and clangorous soul kommo-o to help against skarm/crawdaunt. The scolipede put in a lot of work despite missing a megahorn, and dd ndm got the sweep late game again. I ended up playing a much more clean game overall, and I was really happy that the team worked out as it is really fun to use.


Week 2 vs TPP (W)
:rotom-wash: :rillaboom: :yveltal: :nidoking: :reuniclus: :heatran:

I usually don't do anything too crazy prepping, but when I saw the spindas on the schedule for week 2 I decided I had to go tryhard prepping. The team TPP used week 1 looked a lot like an ou structure, but it looked very flawed (no water resist and no tran answer) and it lost pretty convincingly. I expected some ou type team but overall more solid. I looked at the ou teams TPP used to try and get a feel for how he builds. Immediately, I noticed that he almost exclusively used landorus-therian as his ground, and that there were no garchomps/gastrodons or any other ground for the most part. I began looking at the structures he gravitated towards. A lot of lando, ferro, clefable, corviknight, slowbro, and heatran came up. His offenses usually had hawlucha, which is banned in godly gift. With all the information I gathered, I assumed a balance build was coming. I expected that rotom-w would pivot pretty freely against his builds and was just a general nuisance. The primary answers to rotom (ferrothorn and clefable) invited in nidoking into extremely favorable positions. Once I had the core I was gonna use, I needed the god to make it come together, and yveltal was perfect for the job. I added classic rillatran, and then threw on a reuni to help against mewtwo/tapu koko/nidos. I loaded up an amazing matchup, played like trash and lucked. I half-assed a calc and then assumed that nidoking was faster than landorus, even though rotom-w was faster than nido, and lando was faster than rotom (lando > rotom > nido). Overall proud of the team and the prep, that team was very weak to an 85 spa nidoking, let alone a 131 spa variant. The cool part about this team is if I were prepping for TPP in an ou tour, obviously no yveltal or regenvest reuni, but probably something similar in the end.


Week 3 vs Jrdn (W)
:ferrothorn: :victini: :mewtwo: :moltres-galar: :landorus-therian: :urshifu-rapid-strike:

Going into this game, Jrdn was 2-0 and won each game in convincing fashion. Jrdn has been around oms for a long time, and is one of the most decorated players to touch this community. When Jrdn is on, he's probably the player in the gg pool that matches up the best against me. He's very creative, fundamentally sound, and can definitely make some aggro plays if needed. After I had just prepped for TPP, prepping for Jrdn was extremely tough. He brought two very different teams weeks 1 & 2 that both lost to very different things. The only thing I noticed was that when prepping for crawdaunt, Jrdn's builds were left a little susceptible to a different dark type in galar-moltres, which nobody had used in ompl up to this point. I thought the odds of running into a tyranitar and tapu koko were pretty low for this week, so I started with galar-moltres. The only god that gave a notable spa buff without having much type overlap was mewtwo, so I started around that core. Threw a couple pretty standard pivots to attempt to get gmolt into a favorable position to setup. Urshifu was there for crawdaunt, but looking back I really wish I used my own crawdaunt in speed and made a more dark spam looking build. I played decently, the one turn I messed up was clicking spike on ferrothorn on magnezone. I was trying to setup my own gmolt win, but the reality is that if I attacked the incoming gmolt, then hurricane into cb jet always killed (was a roll in Jrdn's favor without any damage). Knocking off zone also would've let gmolt setup on it, which was the goal anyways. Luckily I dodged a hurricane, but the game wasn't quite over there. I had to make sure mewtwo wasn't recover and that rotom-w wasn't speed creeping -1 victini/uninvested lando. I got very lucky, but I don't think my prep or my playing was terrible, just pokemon being pokemon. Also shoutouts Jrdn for also loading gmolt ayyyy


Week 4 vs lepton (W)
:kommo-o: :cloyster: :volcarona: :nidoking: :kartana: :rayquaza:

Going into this week, I knew I was gonna get matchup fished, I just didn't know if it was gonna be stall/ho/weather. I started experimenting with rayquaza, and I felt really comfortable just loading up a standard rayquaza ho team. I had a few regrets this week, as I tried to be cute with the cloyster and running pin missile > spikes to beat slowbro, even though I wasn't expecting slowbro (was gonna be the tech for Lily :P). My teammate Clementine recommended taunt > sub on nido, and I accidentally skipped that part. I've gone on record saying that I don't like sub nido, but I decided to give it a try and regretted it. Both of these adjustments would've probably resulted in a significantly easier mu, but I kinda just winged it cause I was feeling good. I played okay, I should've used my kart to scout in a couple of instances which is my biggest regret, I also think some of the plays lepton made early just felt weird and unsustainable long term. Thankfully I was able to pull through.


Week 5 vs crying (W)
:skarmory: :giratina: :clefable: :xatu: :gastrodon-east: :tyranitar:

Crying is an extremely aggressive player that is known for using ho and gimmicky teams. She performs really well in tours, including almost winning natdex circuit, qualifying for om grand slam, making aaa open finals, and most recently winning ubers open finals. However, this was probably the week I felt the best in. Why is that? Dating back to om grand slam, I already had prep in mind for crying at the time. I didn't get to play her then, so I had the idea in my mind for months: stall. The reason I wanted to load stall was because I didn't want to lose to some bs resttalk wincon or just something that I had really no outs for, as that is how crying won a couple games in the earlier weeks of ompl. Some older om players might actually remember me for pulling out stall in gen 7 (shoutouts durza for spamming my team in snake xD), but that isn't something I expected the mavs to consider as I haven't really used stall much in gen 8. The irony of running stall this week is that crying just loaded stall against Meta the week prior and lost. I loaded an extremely good matchup, didn't really risk much, and got the win. It is cool knowing that when I played two well-known tour players, I outprepped them greatly.


Week 6 vs Lily (W)
:ferrothorn: :kyogre: :clefable: :regieleki: :buzzwole: :landorus-therian:

At this point in the tour, I was 5-0 and Lily was 4-1 with her only loss being with a longhiep stall team. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but she had an obvious pattern when using teams from her wins. Half the teams Lily ran didn't have a ground, her teams were very slow, and pivot oriented excluding her ho's. I was also really inspired by this build TPP used, as I had built something similar but never got it to work. The final build was something super solid and I struggled finding any glaring weaknesses asides being weak to nidoking. That changed at preview however, When I saw a volcanion in the speed slot. I knew right away that I had to accelerate my eleki endgame and make aggressive plays. An example of this was going for double toxic with buzzwole on koko u-turn, as I felt that Lily would never give me a free turn with ferro/lando to setup a hazard. I think Lily misplayed at some points, but I still had to make an aggressive play with hard eleki on kartana at the end to ensure the win. Was a really fun game, and it felt great playing on smogtours and seeing a ton of tour players watching.


Week 7 vs Ren (W)
:blaziken: :cloyster: :nihilego: :moltres-galar: :rillaboom: :necrozma-dusk-mane:

Ngl this team didn't have much thought, my team had clinched playoffs and my friend Ren wanted to rfn. I had this team in my builder with some fun stuff that I wanted to try, mainly hp blaziken + def nihilego. When I loaded into the game, I was greeted with a pangoro and no fighting resist or way of outspeeding it. I was scared. In addition to that, my team was very slow off rip, and I ran into double taunt + screens. The mu was awful, but I got fortunate that Ren sac'd pangoro early and dd ndm won again. Of course, this is the week that sash pin missile cloyster would've went off c:
Not much thought in the team, it isn't amazing but it is extremely fun to use.


Playoffs vs beauts (W)
:ferrothorn: :milotic: :tornadus-therian: :tapu koko: :kyurem-white: :landorus-therian:

Because of the Tyrantrums tiebreak and beauts reaching out to bo3 ahead of time, I had a lot of time to prepare for playoffs. There were a lot of kyogre popping up at this time in ompl, and I knew people were gonna be reliant on stuff like ferro/gastro/seis and stuff to check it. I believe kyuw literally had 0% usage at the time, and I knew nobody was prepping for it despite being an absolute menace to the tier. I also stalled the mavs last time I played them, so I thought there were decent odds that they would try to return the favor. The team is pretty standard, but the milotic pick was something that probably caught beauts off guard. Milotic specifically helps against heatran/nidos/kyogre/clef/lunala just to name a few. I used a similar build during omgs against damflame, but unfortunately he loaded up cm lunala which had impeccable mu here. I wanted to use milotic + lando in gg for a long time, a core that I liked in mnm. I could never let the 120 atk slot go to waste, because I am too obsessed with efficiency to drop that much bst. When I thought of milotic in attack, it felt perfect. It lures in ferro/waters for specs kyuw to go to work on, and I was just ecstatic about this team lmao. I loaded into stall and patiently waited and didnt risk anything until rocks went up. Once rocks went up, it was time to party. With rocks up, not only did specs kyuw go off, but tapu koko sat on everything. Overall played a clean game and won convincingly.


Playoffs vs beauts (W)
:ferrothorn: :milotic: :tornadus-therian: :tapu koko: :kyurem-white: :landorus-therian:

I had 2 weeks to prep and I brought the same team for g2 kekw. But I felt very confident in this team against whatever they were gonna use, I figured that if they lost to it convincingly game 1 I should just recycle for game 2. The team was meant to handle a lot of their fatter balances, and I think 170 spa koko is just insanely consistent. I ended up facing trick room, as they likely expected a free win against ho. I pivoted a lot and made a couple nice doubles (torn-t on p2 early, lando on ndw late), and played another extremely clean game. This is easily my favorite team I built all tour, and I'm really happy with how everything turned out in this set. I definitely feel as if I get more mileage out of fused kyurems than any other gg player. I think part of that is that kyurem favors aggressive players, and I definitely will make sure this thing gets in several times throughout the course of a game.


STAB Tiebreak vs byleth (T)
:mew: :clefable: :toxapex: :rhyperior: :latios: :corviknight:

So I was slotted into stab for tiebreak, and my opponent was byleth who had the best stab record in the pool. When looking at byleth's teams, there was a lot of pex + ground + corv/thundy. Initially I was thinking of offensive slowbro/king, as it really pressures her builds and offers defensive utility that starmie wouldn't offer. Byleth's psychic checks at this point were kinda shaky, many of her teams kinda fell to reuniclus/latios/mew, as she packed bad answers and used slower teams. I really liked nplot mew originally, but then scrapped it. When I was looking at her breakers, I narrowed it down to checking thundy/aero/weav. I saw rhyperior in the builder, and I thought that chople rhyp (nice word tech bop) looked amazing, as it provides great defensive utility. I looked even further into rhyperior, and I realized that sd chople rhyp also gave me a great offensive presence against her teams. I started from scratch with rhyperior, and soon had a 5 mon core I really liked, I couldn't think of how to round it out so I threw the mew set back on. I was going back and forth between red card/boots/lefties/twisted spoon on mew, and eventually landed on colbur as it helped against ttar. Looking back, I should've gone with twisted spoon as it gave me better rolls against rotom, and was just consistent offensive damage. In prepping I thought that the odds rotom showed up were pretty high, and I even had the +2 photon calced against rotom before I even saw her team. As for the game, it was a really awkward mu as I didn't have immediate power and my answers to terrak and torn were not that great. She loaded up krookodile + amoonguss, which was definitely an effort to catch cb ttar/aero + zera + urshi, common lydia picks. I think I played this okay, however my pex got para'd a bit and didn't status any of its moves, which set me back quite a bit short term, and eventually bit me long term as it forced my latios to take crucial damage. I had tools to win, I just couldn't really get into good sequences. The tiebreak for the tiebreak ended in a tie, which is pretty ironic.


STAB Tiebreak vs byleth (L)
:zeraora: :seismitoad: :gengar: :tyranitar: :buzzwole: :corviknight:

So I had really bad availability on Sunday, and I didn't have any time to build or prep. After the tie I brought up the idea of future sight glowking + cb buzzwole as a way to break consistently. I basically left this idea in the team discord, and went to sleep. I saw lydia and aesf drop a couple pastes, and the one aesf posted looked like something I would use, and it looked fire. I modified the sets a little, and unfortunately did more harm than good that way. I changed the zeraora to toxic and physical as it helped against mudsdale and thundy-t, but when I did that I forgot to change the spread to 252 atk. Of course, not only do I load into the game with my zera spread hurting itself (timid 0 atk ivs :3), but the other set would've been so amazing here. Byleth ended up loading ho, which is the first time she has brought it all tour. I've played against byleth using ho in the past, and I don't think ho plays to her strengths personally. I was fine with this, even though my fini/gyara/melm/buzz checks weren't great behind screens, I knew that I was gonna give myself a chance. I played pretty well imo, and eventually lost after dropping a gg too early. I had a long day irl, I had pretty bad odds on paper in this game, and I didn't think that the melmetal would be bullet punch there as autotomize/idef made the most sense in my head. Looking back, obviously I regret dropping the gg early, but at the same time I felt like I overcame a lot just to get to that point. I read people calling the play at the end a choke and mentioning that ttar switching out was "always the best play", however I do think autotomize and iron defense were legitimate options there, especially on screens. I definitely got more turns right than wrong that game, and I know 99% of the people who criticized that play don't even get to that point at the end. Frustrating way to go out for sure, and I feel embarrassed in the manner in which I went out in. At the end of the day though, it is mons. I went 10-1-1 and had a lot of fun along the way, and my only loss was against a good player in a tier I hadn't played all ompl. Wish I played better throughout the tour, but it's whatever.


aesf - Literally my favorite person on this site, thanks for building that team for tiebreak and just being a S+ human being. In my eyes, you're the best player to touch oms. I hope to play randbats against you in gen 9 if you're around

astralydia - I know both of our original manager partners didn't work out, but I'm glad we got to manage together. We see things differently in some areas, but I think that's part of why this worked so well. You've probably contributed more for this community than anybody not named TI, and I really appreciate all of the advancements you have made in the community over the years (s/o the maroon drama too)

baconeatinassassin - Can't believe we only got you for only 20.5k. Best record in ompl with 9-0, won your tiebreak game and brought it back from a tough spot too. I know you were busy in the week and didn't want to tb if you didn't have to, but you still stepped up. I feel terrible that I couldn't have done you justice and got you to finals, but it was amazing having the goat ag player on the team

Beka - I know you didn't have much enjoyment in aaa, but you played really well for the most part, especially in the game against rozes where you almost won despite getting 6-0'd by koko at preview. You were an amazing presence and I loved chatting with you when I got the chance to

Clementine - Such a steal, you were consistent once you got subbed into stab week 3. Your feedback in other channels were also important, and I think literally all of them ended up being the right call lmao. I would've loved getting you another custom, but unfortunately that wasn't in the cards

iapt - My boy, can't believe the bruins fired Cassidy smh. I know you were busy irl, but your contributions in mnm were very helpful. I wish you got a chance to play more, but things just didn't align. Always a joy to talk to, and I think your future is bright in oms and out of oms :)

ItsChew. - Believe it or not, you were one of the first people lydia and I wanted to draft once we were pairing together. You were very active, contributed in almost every channel, and you eventually found your spot in mnm. I know you wish you could've done more in the tour, but you did a lot and should keep your head held up high. I know you're taking a break from ps and smogon for awhile, don't rush your way back. Believe me, I've been there multiple times. Also grats warriors I guess ._.

Jett - Thank you for overlooking the nfe channel, and you were honestly pretty up to date with the team despite not having any intentions to play or to build every week. Your knowledge definitely helped, and you definitely steered us the right direction before we even played week 1.

jonfilch - Every week was the same, just come in, blindly pick an nfe team, and win convincingly. Your run in ompl was amazing, and what you've done in team tours across the site in the past year just showcases your elite consistency as a player. I definitely hope this isn't the last time we keep in touch, your just a chill ass dude who I've enjoyed getting to know through ompl, especially during the later stages

Mirbro - Ahhh the actual steal of the draft, the nfe doctor himself. Initially we were drafting you to play, and then we saw Jon late in the draft and pounced on that. I wanted to start you, but you were content building for Jon and building absolutely goated squads (plural) every week. I loved testing with you in the mornings and just picking your mind in nfe, especially cause I was unsure of how to formulate nfe building in my head. You radiate positive energy all the time, and just from talking with you I know that you're an amazing person irl. My only issue is that your natdexuu teams are kinda weak to gmolt, that's just a rumor tho

omicorio - You were an amazing presence in the luchas discord, and obviously the draft moment was great too. I couldn't imagine ompl without you, the speeches were actually fire :fire: :fire: :fire:. I did actually pm lydia to draft you before I left the draft, however I don't think she drafted you. At least I don't think she did

PA - Another player lydia and I wanted early, we were glad that you went for cheap fsr. I know stab didn't work out, but you were helpful in 2v2 the entire year and even when you were benched you were still providing detailed feedback for Yuki and Vrji. As with chew, you found your place in 2v2 late in the year, and you got us the W in playoffs. By the end of ompl, I felt as if 2v2 was one of our best slots thanks to you and the 2v2 crew. You also did well for someone that was just "there to just look cool" cwl
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Staxi -
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I know you wish you could've done more, but stuff happens. I know once playoffs came around you were definitely more engaged, and it was probably tough watching tiebreak from your pov. Hope to see you with more trophies in the future

TTTech - Northeast represent :blobnom: I know you want that tiebreak game back, but everybody has those games at some point. After you returned to the starting lineup, you immediately won 3 in a row against a tough bh pool. I'm glad we got to draft you, the only thing I don't like is your nicknames. Those have to go. asap. Delete them. All of them. Your mixtape is not a heatran. Please

Vrji - After going undefeated in omsl, I knew we wanted to draft you for 2v2. You were the first nom of the draft, and you helped us clinch a win week 1. Unfortunately we wanted to try letting everyone play 2v2, but it was hard splitting time with 3 starting level players. You were busy and asked to be benched one week, but I still feel as if we could've 100% done more for you. Even with all that, you were apart of the 2v2 crew and contributed every week without a complaint. Thank you for being you, and I'd 100% draft you for a 3rd time with no hesitation

yuki - Kinda disappointed in you tbh, you should've hit draco, hit draco again, not get crit by hjk, and not get gunk shot poisoned. But you're not very good. All jokes aside, it was interesting having a fresh face in 2v2. The channel was very active, and I think part of that is the fusion of your vgc views with the 1v1 views of Vrji and PA. It definitely created a powerful dynamic that gave us extremely good odds to win every week here. For all the good luck we had in some other tiers, all the bad luck came here. Everybody that watched your 2v2 games knows that you should've went 3-0. Also CAN NOT forget about the coffee art oml goat

Okay so this was late in the draft, and lydia and I really liked our roster. I had to leave during the last hour or however long it was, and I trusted lydia with the rest of the draft. We felt good about most of our slots asides nfe, because at the time we covered 5/8 metas really well between the two of us, we had 3 high end 2v2 players, and baconeatingassassin in ag. We were unsure about nfe because we had Mirbro by himself with no support, and nfe was just transitioning into a newer metagame thanks to golbat and magmar being banned very recently. We were looking for high upside nfe players, especially tour players. Other nfe builders and supporters were on the table as well. One by one late in the draft the spindas kept shotgunning every tour player in existence. I believe it was after TJ where I didn't see any tour players left, largely because I was away from ps for a couple years and I was generally unfamiliar with the current tour scene. I was ready to master the new nfe meta if I had to in order to support Mirbro. However, I got a pm from omi about one specific tour player that wasn't drafted: Jonfilch. I had never heard of this user, and I brought up the name to Lydia. We both agreed that we would die for this man, even though I had never heard of him previously. Of course, Jon ended up posting a 7-1 record which was the best record in the nfe pool by far. Looking back, this may have been my favorite moment of ompl. And the best part? I wasn't even there when we drafted him. Whether the message was intentional or unintentional is still to be determined, but I will drop the logs below.
[15:04:07] omicorio: ust nom
[15:04:08] omicorio: jonfilch
[15:04:09] omicorio: dude
[15:04:13] omicorio: no one is gonna upbid damflame
[15:04:19] omicorio: WTF
[15:04:23] omicorio: oh wait he made
[15:04:23] omicorio: omgs
[15:04:24] omicorio: poffa
[15:04:25] omicorio: NM
[15:04:51] drphdbj: does he play nfe
[15:05:01] omicorio: wait
[15:05:02] omicorio: thats not
[15:05:02] omicorio: adem
[15:05:03] omicorio: LOOOL
[15:05:07] drphdbj: ,
[15:05:11] drphdbj: answer me
[15:05:15] omicorio: IDFK UR THE OM MAIN
[15:05:48] omicorio: AND ALSO MY FRIEND
[15:05:50] omicorio: BUT THATS NOT RELEVANT
[15:06:35] drphdbj: W
[15:38:03] *Scrappie: **Hammered Hawluchas** has bought **jonfilch** for 8000!

a loser

I'm a loser, baby, so why don't you kill me?
is a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Community Contributor Alumnus
As always, these are not official. These are just for fun. Everyone who showed up to play a BH game this season is a genuinely cool person.
For the sake of not making this extremely long, I only included players who battled 3 or more times.
I've attempted to make this unbiased and based off of performance, strength of schedule, head-to-head wins, and such. Enjoy!
Player NameRecordPokemon DifferentialSeason Summary
He didn't go undefeated and his team didn't repeat as champs, but stresh still had a great season. His schedule was not what you'd expect when looking at the player pool, facing foes like astralydia, Ren, and Haruno, but he played well with solid teams all season (until the recycle in the playoffs).​
city started off the season with a loss and claimed that she wouldn't lose again after that. This held true as she won the next four games against solid opponents and split the last two against two of the best players in the pool. Her teams, as we've grown used to, continued to be unique but well crafted, testing the boundaries of what is usable.​
Nihilslave had a great showing in their first OMPL. He had to miss a couple weeks, one of which featured teammate Ren handing stresh his first loss, but returned in time for his signature win over stresh in the playoffs that helped boost his team into the finals. His teams were solid and unique and I thought they played very well against experienced opponents. Getting a win in the finals, this time in a much cleaner fashion, over quojova was also very impressive.
quojova also had a great showing in his first OMPL, leading the way in wins and differential thanks to playing in a tiebreaker and two lopsided wins over TTTech in the playoffs. That being said, they fall behind the three above here having lost to each of them. I was impressed with his solid, sturdy builds over the season despite having similar cores of mons (and few Ghosts).​
MAMP got off to a strong start against two less experienced opponents before losing two in a row to city and quojova. They capped off the season with a strong performance against me before dipping to play smash. Their teams and quality of play were very good in each appearance.​
Apparently, getting outplayed by one of the better BH tour players over the past several years warrants a spot on the bench. Despite starting off with a loss, TTTech came back to the starting role and finished off the regular season with three wins in a row (with a little help from full paras). The playoffs didn't go quite as well, getting 6-0'd by Triage and throwing a game he should have won, but it was a solid season nonetheless.​
a loser​
After starting off the season with a nice win against city, I finished things off poorly losing four out of five with the only (lucky) win coming against a late double substitute. The losses were all against very tough players and three of them featured poor matchups for me (probably due to poor planning) with the last one featuring bad RNG for me. Turns out having too many BH players on one team doesn't guarantee success.​
Career Ended​
A surprise late signup with some momentum in other recent tours, Career Ended didn't have the season he was hoping for. The hype was real, but his teams were not good except for the one in a wild game against city featuring Tinted Lens Ho-Oh. I'm not sure if it was his team's influence in other games or not, but we didn't get to see the Final Gambit, Belly Drum, and Triage usage he'd shown off recently.​
The top three here was really close. They all had the same record but stresh beat city, city beat Nihilslave, and Nihilslave beat stresh. They could be considered as a three-way tie for #1 here, but I've ordered them as so based on my ranking system (which had them narrowly separated).
I enjoyed nfe this ompl with the brand new meta
Usage Stats for the season (this just shows how much mon was used after each week, for example vullaby was used 7 times in week 1 but was used 8 times in week 2 which puts its usage stat for week 2 at 15)

very epic graph ^^
So since I believe we should base our vr off of usage here is that as well

mons that werent used in ompl but I still ranked:
- sticky web is just a mon on its own since I believe all web setters; charjabug, cutiefly and swirlix are all pretty viable in their own right. charjabug has some kind of longevity and also volt so thats cool. cutiefly can actually beat all the removers so its pretty likely that u will get up ur webs in the majority of games. swirlix is kinda fishy cuz if u face hattrem ur kinda boned but it has so much offensive momentum that it can be worth fishing with.
- gastly is like lampent but a bit worse cuz it has way less defensive utility but it cant sludge bomb poisoned by roselia and it has an actual good speedstat so it has something going for it.
- krokorok is a mon that I will never rate super high but always just high enough to be viable. it has knock, rocks, taunt, intimidate all decent tools to be viable as a rocker for offensive teams but just finding a team where it actually fits seems to be tough. I think some offensive variant with edge could also be cool since tangela usage has dropped a lot and vull usage has skyrocketed
- ivysaur is literally rose but its not spiking but knocking instead. with covet rose now being a thing Im not sure if it will ever be useful enough but maybe u can make use of its actual physdef stat. finally it also has block which is like very interesting and im sure someone could find some weirdo trapping set with it if actually tried.
- frillish is actually a demon that spinblocks! it can also taunt vull and such so I think its actually very cool. people should definitely try it out since it fucks up raboot and ss wart pretty hard too.
- for scraggy im not even sure what its best set would be but I feel like all kinds of set up sets could be dangerous in their own right. I even theorized a defensive set with intim so u can come in pilo lol. this mon definitely feels underexplored and could be used effectively if looked into.
now then, lets get into my teams for this tour
im not gonna tell you why x + y makes for a good defensive core cuz then id be sitting here for ages and Id be repeating myself but I will just point out what interesting moveslots I had + specific ev spreads. anyways enjoy :)
megapaste with all teams I built:
in the first week I used one of those standard rose spikes teams that is very momentum heavy. the piloswine spread is to take on electabuzz and since I drop a lot of attack, I thought dropping ice shard is actually a decent idea and I put roar instead. roar does multiple things and is kinda inspired from adv ou where people use roar as an offensive tool sometimes in conjunction with spikes, for example roaring a corsola-galar / wartortle / gurdurr on the switch and letting it take more spikes damage. its also a good tool to cover some set up threats like demon duo, demon clef etc. vullaby is fairly standard and has 29 speed ivs to underspeed opposing vullaby. roselia is leaf storm bc at this moment I had not discovered covet yet so I thought it was the best 4th move, speed is for max speed ada pilo since thats the fastest u will generally see pilos go. the wartortle has 8 speed ivs just for in case that u get 2 speed boosts from rapid spin, u are actually faster than jolly raboot. the raboot has enough speed for max speed adamant thwackey and this hp investment is for night shade / seismic toss.
now the special part of this team is the gurdurr set sdef bulk up gurdurr is a pretty cool wincon, on this team I have high horse power for koffing. the speedinvestment can probably also be changed but this one just aims to outspeed 12 speed hattrem. maxing out the sdef makes for some ridiculous bulk.
this weeks building was a lot of reactive building to what week 1 showed since we were still quite new to this new meta. in response to the w1 overwhelming amount of roselia. I decided to use hakamo-o + hattrem. my hakamo-o spread is quite simple and just aims to outspeed stuff like max speed modest roselia and max speed ada fraxure. I also make use of drain punch SD thwackey which I think is it current best set as it makes life quite hard for non brave bird vullaby. this thwack spread is not really optimal as I use a more optimalized one later in the season. this one aims for the classic seismic toss / night shade calc but cuz of grassy terrain u can actually use less hp evs and allow yourself to invest further in def for opposing thwack / vull or sdef for ebuzz. nuzzle hattrem was another tech that I kinda brought back from a really old meta from when vullaby was more prominent, the speed investment is to outspeed jolly max raboot when paralyzed. superpower pilo is a nice offensive check alongside corsola to the good amount of cb pilos from w1. my corsola also has haze which is a bit unusual but I think that moveslot could make use of a lot of techs depending on the team, dont mindlessly just put whirlpool / wisp if u dont need to have it! the purpose for haze corsola is to prevent some whacky set up sweepers from setting up on u and ho3n is quite known for not shying away from those so it seemed like a good tool to have in this match up, haze also has some funny uses in conjunction with strength sap allowing u to get some big heals by neutralizing their attack to +0.
in w3 I noticed that clefairy is massively underused for how good I see it as and wanted to make use of it. I decided to go with wish cuz I think its an absolute demonic set if u can heal up your piloswines and ur hattrems without having to make use of passive recovery. its also why I decided to make use of no hp investment on piloswine and I found out about this cool set with 160 def pilo who is really good at 1v1'ing opposing pilo and has speed to outspeed 0 speed roselia. I just put a little amount in sdef as im not super weak to electabuzz. this hattrem is a semi offensive set. in the actual game I didnt have gleam but I had mfire instead. I kinda think mfire is bad in this meta as hitting vull with nuzzle into dazzle is just way nicer than the relatively uncommon ferro. Im invested in sdef as my vull isnt defog to handle roselia better. I think this set is only going to shine with wish support like on the build bc ur hatt actually turns kinda into an offensive threat. in the actual game I wasnt psyshock either but psychic instead, I like psyshock more to hit roselia harder in retrospect. my thwackey actually has the correct ev spread this week and this is the one I use onwards in ompl. this gurdurr is like really physdef for raboot and piloswine and I think mon is also insane with wish support. the speed is there for 0 speed pilo but honestly I feel like this could really be changed and that u could do a lot more with a physdef gurdurr spread. onto clefairy itself, its a mixed defensive set with trick to act as knock absorber as well. with this amount of sdef u have a really low chance to be 2hkoed by electabuzz tbolt when knocked off. I think mixed def clef could always be optimized per team since its just that flexible. then finally this vull is actually really cool imo. it kinda acts like a stallbreaker type of mon and maybe u could experiment with putting more attack into it but its basically enough speed for ada machoke. if you have the room to put stuff like taunt bb on vull u should definitely try it as I really didnt use it to full potential in ompl.
week 4 I just something super standard which I thought would be very consistent into a lot of matchups. its just another standard looking team with voltturn and one of the strongest breakers in the tier which can go absolute clicker mode aka forb gurdurr. this was finally the week covet roselia was just discovered and it completely shook up the tier imo. like this way u can allow yourself to use less knockers in your team as ur rose is most likely to get knocked already and will covet at least and potentially even multiple times in the game. most movesets are standard on the rest of this team bar clefairy. cuz this time im using teleport clef. at the cost of using moonlight instead of softboiled I think teleport clef is actually pretty viable. sure the loss of pp sucks but teleport is good at enabling gurdurr and gurdurr is usually gonna speed up the process of games to the point where your pp doesnt matter that much as it does in usual longer games. you see me use the same pilo defensive spread again bc on this team u really dont mind trading pilo for pilo as ur wart could easily get overloaded. the sdef on electabuzz is really minor but its an idea from Shing'n Streets which significantly helps with rolls from shell smash wartortle and this team was kinda weak to that lmao. the rose spread is this time aimed for ada max speed machoke instead of pilo since im not touching band piloswine with my moves anyways. the gurdurr actually outspeed most vullabys unless there is some significant investment and the sdef helps out greatly with eating psychic from electabuzz. the wartortle spread is actually similar to the one I used before but instead I invested more in sdef to help with team vs lampent as its a huge threat. clefairy is the standard spread that I just copied from shing since this clef mainly had the purpose of eating hits and teleporting out.
week 6 was my worst week of all weeks as I just could not grasp on what I wanted to use. in the end I ended with up with something similar to the tlenit week bc I knew it was tried and true.
ill also show what other builds I had made in this week since there were some interesting ideas for sure.
the corsola offense team is one of my favorite teams from this ompl but I just never ended up bringing it. this team was kinda inspired from what I saw someone say in om discord, it was along the lines of: "the strap would always just load corsola + 5 offensive mons and would just win off of that". this inspired me to use something similar. as I figured that raboot would actually be quite viable on a teamstyle like this bc of initmidate just helping you check stuff offensively. curse piloswine is also fucking epic on this style of team it essentially takes advantage of people using stuff like clefairy to come in on pilo and u completely swing the tempo with curse which actually also makes it super hard to kill. another insane mon that I discovered on this style is some form of a sdef pivot ebuzz which is actually one of the best ss wart checks cuz of its naturally high sdef stat. on this team u can actually drop the speed imo since u already have a lot of speeders with linoone and torracat and even with this amount of investment you are actually quite fast (outrunning ada raboot).
the 2nd team with cb pilo was in the end too weak to stuff like tangela so I didnt bring it but it features something very funny with physdef foul play vullaby who actually is kinda good into pilo. here is a calc vs max atk pilo when knocked to see how quickly u can turn the tables vs pilo. 252+ Atk Vullaby Foul Play vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Piloswine: 171-202 (42.3 - 50%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO. with max defense u can actually roost on pilo which is pretty funny to think about and kind of beat it 1v1. the electabuzz has that same idea from the team before but since this team is a bit slow u actually want it to be faster than jolly raboot.
well back to the actual team I brought. this is actually the only time I brought tang as I really dont like its current state in this meta and think it should be exclusively brought with rest talk hat which is passive as bricks and really makes ur building process quite limited. for the most part this team is super standard and the only cool thing we see is rest talk nuzzle hatt and synth tangela I guess? overall this was a rough building week for me and it showed in my final result.
in week 7 I initally had the top team planned but as soon as we were guaranteed in playoffs I quickly made a very fun webs team which turned out to be actually somewhat good???
as for the initial team I was really focused around using koffing since it matched up quite well into leos teams. im actually using a non sbomb mono attack thief koffing here as I actually think its kinda the best set rn. rest of team is fairly standard bar the very epic acro thwack who doesnt actually need to be knocked to threaten rose. I really like acro thwack as a lure alongside koffing cuz usually their tspike absorb will just be roselia and if u bop that its actually rly annoy to deal with tspike. the pilo spread is also kinda special as its really mostly there for defensive utility and not an offensive tool. u have like a lot of hp invest + sdef for ebuzz obviously and the defense evs help with opposing pilo 1v1. 20 speed is just a bit of random extra evs to have in case their pilo is not rly speed invested.
then the team I actually brought was pretty fucking funny imo. Ive had many questions as to why the fuck my swirlix is lvl 94 and its just to be taking as much damage as possible to get ur sash procced more easily or to just have a stronger endeavor. as for the rest of the team I just put a lot of set up threats on a team. taunt thwack is good for preventing the vull defog and definitely feels essential on webs. woobat is quite possibly a good pokemon believe it or not as it sweeps a great amount if set up well. you can set up on a lot of mons and actually beat pilo 1v1 unless they are toxic. sub work up raboot is also a super fun set up sweeper since it can set up on corsola very easily. I think itemless / sitrus is also a decent set for this set of raboot since it allows u to use acrobatics earlier. on this team im sub on wartortle but I think aqua jet is actually a super cool tech to also cover sucker punch raboot without having to outplay the sucker mindgames.
soooo I spent a lot of times trying to make a better and more serious webs team for semis into not bringing at the last moment due to bad tests when I totally shouldnt have changed the team. cuz basically jon had been a beast this season and I felt like I had to bring something really un-standard to kinda catch him off guard. I was also rly convinced that woobat is good and can easily cheese wins. so I started building around the idea of that.
you see in the first paste that I have triple taunt to keep up webs vs foggers and I have a really weird lampent set which mainly has the purpose of heavily damaging vull / wart / mareanie and keep up the webs. taunt fraxure also goes crazy into those teams where ppl dont have clefairy or ferroseed. fraxure is actually good into the lairon matchup as weird as it sounds bc u kinda nuke the lairon for ur woobat to be a huge threat. and here I also have that aqua jet tech I talked about. this woobat spread I recall was optimized but I dont exactly recall what spatk evs are for but they were there for a purpose I know that much. the speed is ebuzz with webs up and hp evs are for seismic toss / night shade rolls, rest is thrown into physdef to be as have as much physbulk as possible.
the 2nd version has cutiefly as web setter since it can get up webs vs hattrem. the cutiefly has enough speed to be faster than ada raboot and has sdef to take on even mystical fire hattrem, shield dust helps a lot vs hattrem with this exchange. frillish has enough evs to be faster than most vullaby so it can taunt and prevent defog. trick is for case of getting knocked off. fraxure stayed the same but machoke was added instead of wartortle to have more knock support and still revenge piloswine easily. I chose dynamic punch and encore to make set up easier with other mons like woobat and fraxure.
the actual team that I brought is a more standard version of cors offense from w6. this team is just bog standard with standard evs as well. the rose speed is for ada fraxure and the only interesting part is the corsola who has dbond. dbond is cool for forcing trades or getting an extra strength sap it also has enough speed to outrun koffing. finally the piloswine has some amount of sdef take less from ebuzz focus blast. it takes like <60 where as with no investment u usually take >60.
and we have now finally arrived at my finals team. I think this is one of the best teams Ive brought and I was happy that this team got the win in finals. vs stareal we went for a real scout approach and tried to just bring a team thats good into his tendencies instead using what im feeling like is good at the moment. we found that he is generally weaker to specs lampent and that he really likes the standard of spikes voltturn. so bringing hattrem made a lot of sense as well. he also had rly low hattrem usage of himself. well the team that we came up with was really just based around lampent and thwackey cleaning up house. this piloswine is just very sdef for electabuzz. the speed is a very interesting one: enough speed to outspeed pilos that creep hattrems to outspeed slow pilo. vullaby has extra defense to make pivoting around machoke easier and can kinda pp stall a bit with roost on cc. thwackey is just my personal standard ev spread but this one is actually uturn since that works really well with bringing in lamp safely and also is very nice vs tangela in conjunction with koffing shutting off regen. lampent has no trick bc I never found it worth to trick my specs. hattrem is the standard spread cuz that takes on pilo as well as it can. finally koffing has spatk investment to 2hko standard mixdef clef when knocked / thiefd.
shoutouts to my entire team for making us get this far in ompl u guys are all amazing in your respective tiers
shoutouts to my managers Morgan IBM Dj Breloominati♬ for picking me in ompl at all as a last round 3k.
shoutouts to Gman for actually letting me know that I got drafted
shoutouts to beauts for the help during the season, I know that you had it very busy supporting other tiers as well but I always valued your input
shoutouts to The Strap for being there and giving ur crack ideas
shoutouts to Mirbro for the clutch ass help in finals, ur rly the goat builder
shoutouts to Shing'n Streets for just listening to my monologues in dms / testing a fuckton / talking about meta etc.
shoutouts to TectonicDestroyer for being a moron but not really. we give u too much stick sometimes and ur actually good at mnm when u think about ur plays, just dont panic dude
shoutouts to pannuracotta QWILY clean tier for supporting me through the tour
shoutouts to everyone that tested with me outside of the team during ompl since getting tests for nfe is fucking dire The Number Man Stareal 85percent xavgb Dragonillis King Leo V
sorry if I forgot anyone :C
thank you everyone I had a fun season maybe see you next year :)
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Writing my experiences here of my OMPL debut. Will be long.

Before Draft

I didn't do any to because I was not confident about how well I could do in a team tour environment and I believed that I would get drafted anyway thanks to my performance in the BHLT. The only related thing I did is joining the Kommo-os' discord server. XxSevagxX said that he will keep me as a secret and then buy me cheaply. However I know his words are not very believable and it turned out that neither I was a secret nor he bought me.

Remembering last year I didn't get drafted and QT invited me to the Jolteons' discord server, where I literally did nothing, I heard the words from him that he was able to get the managers draft me this time. (I'm not really sure how this worked.) I then scanned the player list of our team and found that there was no familiar player besides QT, which is not the most ideal, but still ok cuz I didn't think I need much support at that time. And even if I need, QT is more than enough.

Before the draft I had just finished the BHLT, losing to quojova in the finals. My condition then is I made some decent cteams against Tea Guzzler and won easily. However then I got cursed by the mindset of building cteams and kinda couldn't build new good ones. The team I used in the first battle in the finals is made under the help of Ivar, and I had a third team which I had no chance to use, but which later became the sample team.

Week 1 vs. Career Ended (W)
(There's no pokepaste cuz team is made by QT.)

Tbh I had a weak start in this tour even though I won. I thought Career to be a hyped player who should never be worth 7000 when I was worth 8500. But after I started scouting I felt like he was very tough to play against. Firstly I found about 30 different teams he used in his public replays. Secondly he played offensively which I hated to face as an offensive player. Lastly this was my first battle in OMPL and I may get benched if I lose, so I have great pressure to win.

After the scouting Ren suggested offensive Palkia while QT and I found Psychic Surge Mewtwo good against Career's builds. I finally take to use Mewtwo and tried some builds. I wanna be very safe against Career's random Belly Drum espeed mons so I fit some clumpy unaware and prankster walls in the team, which consequently makes the team reactive and weak to every other offensive mons. Luckily QT built a good one after seeing my bad teams and we had some test. The fact is I played very badly in those series cuz I was not very used to using choiced breakers like Mewtwo. I could feel QT got kinda mad when he just left with a "gn", making me feel myself like an idiot. So I decided to do some more tests on ladder and with TTTech_, A LOSR, and Jqlove. However after that I expressed my concern of Career using Spectrier (yea it's expected) and Ren analyzed and suggested SD gigas as a partner to Mewtwo, and QT made the second version of the team, which is the one u see in the match.

There's not much I can say about the game itself. I was worried about the xern to be pixi cuz the team is weak to the pixi xern + chansey core. But other than that the mu is good. And I generally didn't play like an idoit in this one.

After the game Ren asked if I can let him play stresh in week 5 and I gladly agreed.

Week 2 vs. cityscapes (L)
(Click the icons to get the team.)

If you ask me whether there is a pattern in city's builds, the answer is a solid yes. But if you ask me what exactly it is, the answer is idk. We start this week with a win from last week so my goal is to step up to find patterns in city's builds and win, considering city's not in a good state in week 1. I had my eye on the imprison + qd ph kyogre QT posted before I'm in the cord. We also tried wandering spirit zamac and sflo etern afterwards. As a result we found that ws zamac is lame and sflo etern with fiery wrath but no dragon STAB is good against city because of her high usage of psychic types and low usage of zygarde-c. Finally I added the theoretically good counter to regixern Solgaleo and prank zygarde-c to the team, with gastro acid to nullify opponent's ability for potential baton pass.

I was a little worried about normpult before the game but I didn't think city would use that anyway. But it turned out I kinda ignored the fact that city's good at using any unmon and my public teams then had a tendency of lacking real hazard control. As a result, I got fucked heavily by THE PULT and lost. Tbh I actually had a little chance if I played very well with kyogre, however this loss is no doubt mostly on bad preparation.

I still don't know whether city brought that pult on purpose or just as a random set she wanna use.

Week 3 vs. quojova (W)

The most important week for me in this tour. I just got beaten by quojova in BHLT finals and city said my team are too "honest" after our game in last week. So it's time to make some changes. The original idea was to play merciless for some reason I already forget but after some tests with TTTech_, QT, and stresh we didn't think that can be the plan. At this point I felt very bad since I hadn't built any good team for OMPL until then. Thus after some other bad trials I decided to return to the pattern of my old good teams and made this. (Yea as you see the lightning rod etern made its first appearance in week 3.) It's a decent team in my mind but QT still rejected it for its unfavored mu against some attackers. That actually made me mad and I made a very standard team in return, with the lately famous stresh's volt-turn core (I was impressed by it in the test battle with stresh). The idea of using band adapt don is offered by XxSevagxX, s/o to him here. But that team eventually got accepted by QT and Ren after some tests, which is pretty funny. The team is tested and proved very solid on ladder btw.

The game is very ugly with many full paras and misplays. I myself don't even want to watch it again. The mu is overall on my side but quojova's celesteela did be the problem for me so I generally got around it well except having a wrong set on zamac (fixed in the pokepaste).

Career Ended asked me for teams against quojova in week 6 and I gave this week's team to him. Unluckily quojova learnt to bring no-steel-type fc mon so he generally had a worse mu than me.

Week 4 I suddenly had some irl issues and Ren wasn't that free so Fissure was subbed in to play against A LOSR. They made an ho team themself however u know I'm kinda a professional ho builder so I suggested them to use my sample team instead, even though it was already known by XxSevagxX. I think Fissure may be relatively new to bh, and considering that, their battle against A LOSR is more than excellent and fairly close. It turned out XxSevagxX didn't show my team to A LOSR at all, sevag moment.

Week 5 It's now Ren's week. Stresh is very good at playing bh, so Ren's plan of the week is to not play bh when he and stresh gentlemanned no para (Ren really hates para and he didn't do that on the purpose I'm saying lol). I thought they must be crazy when QT suggested the FISH and Ren accepted. However then I thought like "oh since no para there wouldn't be prank glare so fish may be ok" to relieve myself. And the story after that is known by everyone. Generally I have totally different tastes in mon choices to Ren and QT. I'll never use that fish in an important game like this (but for the future ones, who knows, I've learnt a lot from them) while Ren's victory is very important to show that stresh isn't undefeatable.

Week 6 vs. anaconja (W)

This week's preparation doesn't have much to say. Electrify Lightning Rod Eternatus is always good against slow teams, both speedwise and stylewise. It instantly becomes "Intrepid Rod" when switching into nuzzle and can block regenvest mons from switching while raising spatk. Also it's both powerful and bulky enough to kill and avoid being killed. Nonetheless it has access to STAB core and sludge bomb for ability removal and passive damage. What makes me surprised is that I recently find QT said he was seeking a proper user of electrify + lightning rod in the first few messages of our bh channel. I don't remember if I made this set out of that, but it at least went into my subconsciousness for sure. They subbed anaconja in afterwards however I was lazy to make a new team so I just checked the team's mu against their public ones and called it a day.

The team I used for this week is mid imo. But in this game rod etern still successfully showed its power (and the shortcomings of torb imp btw). I still don't think I find the best team for it even though I have used it a lot in different teams. Will try to build a best one and randomly pick a lucky dog to use it against in the OMWC.

After the game TTTech_ reminded me that anaconja stole the team he used in week 3 and I was like, wtf.

Week 7 vs. TTTech_ (L)

TTTech_ and I got quite familiar with each other throughout the tests in the previous weeks. However after his game in week 6 against A LOSR things became a little tough cause I have to guess whether he would use a stall style team or a balance style team. Finally the choice is to guess stall style since I rate his stall style teams higher than the balance ones. About our team, the first 4 mons are the must have to tear TTTech_'s stall teams apart while the last two mons were still to be determined then. After some discussion with Ren we decided to use swords dance zamac there. Firstly its ability was soundproof to block parting shot, then we changed it to magic bounce to block topsy-turvy. But finally it seems queenly majesty is the best one here to achieve both. Thankfully this set didn't get revealed so we could reuse it in the playoffs.

At team preview I didn't think it a favored mu for me when seeing the opposing Palkia, and it went worse when it proved to be fc. TTTech_ never used palkia or fc before this game I can swear (and he agreed). This game is still playable for me with lunala to weaken palkia but rng worked to close my door to victory. This game raised a very important question to me that if it is too much to assume one will not use some handy set when building against them.

TTTech_ implied he would give win to me day 1 while telling me to take my lose day 2. Potatochan suggested me to play on day 3 so that TTTech will change to his losing form. And, that's true because TTTech_ would have used a fc zekrom on that day, instead of palkia to win his gamble with ItsChew.. Very funny.

Playoffs vs. xavgb (W)

After city dodged me for unknown reason (she was really dodging QT btw) in the tiebreaker I lost the chance to beat two best bh players in a roll. But you know what only beating one is acceptable. Before scouting I had to do an important thing with QT. I asked QT why is stresh so good since the answer I heard from others is never more than "He is stresh". And after QT answered I think I finally had some understanding about stresh so I can start preparing. The process is long and tough. We totally built about 7 teams and only 1 from QT is decent. I also asked XxSevagxX for help and got a long list of "don't do"s (just fyi, Tea Guzzler, sevag kinda suggested soundproof). I always like sevag's suggestions (and also sevag himself lol) but this time they were both rejected by an anonymous teammate of mine and didn't really help in the final team choice. And city was here to help this week so she suggested her beloved (but cursed by para) Morgana and the general idea of furscales setup attackers and using zap cannon as coverage. This resulted in the decent team made by QT. However a "decent" team is not enough to really beat stresh as Ren said.
The night before the battle I was still trying to make better teams and finally I got the team of THE PULT. The etern's nickname was THE ETERN to clarify the ideas in it. It's mostly close to gambit spam with pult as the 6th mon. But now we have THE ETERN as a backup, and confusion. And I hate to use gambit spam so I made it a regular ho with prankster-immune setup attackers. The magma storm on THE ETERN is suggested by cityscapes, s/o to her here. Every ho team has bad mu against certain sets, and for this team they are yveltal, regigigas, and giratina. Yveltal is offensively threatening, but once I get the momentum it is no long a problem. Regigigas is terrifying when it setups. However according to stresh's gigas sets I don't think he will use that if he keeps to use his usual structure, and it's worth risking since I don't have good odds against him anyway. Lastly giratina, I don't think he will use it either and it's far more manageable than the first 2.

I'm not really sure what it means when stresh used an old team against me, which he used in our test game in week 3 too. Tea Guzzler said he was on ropes irl so I guess that accounts well. Tbh this mu is so one-sided that even my grandma can win as long as she doesn't close the window. I even knew that etern is not +spe based on my calculation about the test game replay. As it turned out, our plan of this week is "better" than week 3, which is just to not let stresh play.

Later beauts pmed me to ask for ho teams, perhaps wanting to know more about this team cuz it's so unrevealed in this game. Now feel free to have it.

Finals vs. quojova (W)

This matchup inevitably reminded me of the BHLT finals, where I just beaten my opponent of last round in easy games with cteams, and then had no idea of what to build. And tbh, the case was almost the same this time. Looking at my folder of OMPL X Finals, there are totally 16 teams lying in it, with most teams bad, some teams from others, and the rest not finished. The topic of this week tho, is clear, which is to block the volt-turn procedure of my opponent. The first few drafts are mid, where I used two cores of regixern and spectdon (spectrier + groudon) to play volt-turn myself, and volt absorb zamac + bounce zygod to stop the opponent from playing that. Later on I had this as the end of the Bosonic string theory. Not gonna lie, I like this team, but it seems too passive, and the zamac is dumb.
After some other failed drafts it's already my sunday night. I had no way but to beg sevag for teams. sevag then built and LENT me a stresh-like team with powerful dragon attackers of reshiram and eternatus. That team is decent, but its improof is awkward with unmons fini and melmetal (yea imo they are unmons), which as a result weakens its strength. I then considered to use some QT team from the previous week but it was rejected by sevag. After trying some funny baton pass teams, again, I had no way but to beg Ivar for teams XD (blaming XxSevagxX here for drafting too many good bh players). Ivar generously sent his builder to me and after discussion we had 3 decent teams to use, 2 of them rejected for weakness to expected triage, tho. After that I went to sleep, because I was sleepy (sorry teammates and sevag for making you worried). Luckily I was able to get up early at 6am which is 2 hours before my battle and read the discussion of sevag and Ren. I finally decided to build a new team myself with sevag's reshiram + eternatus core but with better (or lazier) improof. That resulted in the team u see in the finals, but reshiram was changed for specs xerneas because QT said quojova doesn't have real fairy-resist in his teams, and nuzzle on ho-oh was changed for glance to be less passive suggested by Ren.

It was 8:01am when I just finished my breakfast and quojova said he's ready. I spent 2 minutes to give the mons nicknames to make him think we are well prepared. But, yea, it's hard to think so with Uuuuuuuuuuuuu as giratina's nickname (Rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fits ho-oh prefectly since ho-oh learns dragon dance in bh and is obviously a dragon). Some nicknames are copied from sevag's team, s/o to him here. The battle itself is, hm, exciting I can say? The mu is kinda on my side but quojova is still winnable if I gave him more turns, or he clicked more fishious rends, or he got some correct reads to set up spikes. Idk. I'm not very good at analyzing battles. There are something weird on his team such as fc groudon and recover pixi xerneas. He may do this for cteam but then I wanna say it's probably not a good way because they are kinda unsets imo. Or it's like what I was assuming that they may also have difficulties in building? One funny thing is when I looked at the teams seriously after battle I found in terms of mu, sevag's team > my team with reshiram > my team with xern.

The "M" in the team title stands for TeMper TyrantruMs.

Nihilslave — 2022/06/19
yea with melmetal
well thank you for the teams
but hm
i'm too sleepy now so i guess whatever
and fuck ompl

Ivar — 2022/06/19
lmao you have been doing great

Nihilslave — 2022/06/19
i really hate to be forced to build one good team every week
now i guess i hate bh
very much

Ivar — 2022/06/19
yeah the pressure is big

Nihilslave — 2022/06/19
i will wake up early
and read what qt posted
and randomly pick a team to use

Ivar — 2022/06/19

Nihilslave — 2022/06/19
if i fail to wake up early
i just skip to the random picking step

Ivar — 2022/06/19

Nihilslave — 2022/06/19
that's it

After OMPL

I generally don't have many good ideas myself in this tour. What I do is merely asking people for ideas, trying them, and finally making a good team out of the good ideas. I don't like strong breakers, but I used 5 in my totally 7 games, thanks to the taste of my supporters. Also I think having people to tell me what not to do is important, even tho I hate to be told that my team is weak to Xerneas.

I'm now holding a BH Mashups Tour with some of my friends which makes me feel far more better about BH. If you feel like to watch, contact Nihilslave#3656 on discord. These days I'll finish the nuzzle suspect and vote DNB (Already done now). But I'll definitely not play for the coming BH Seasonal. For the next 2 months I'll build about 4 good teams for OMWC and will hopefully lead Team China for it. I do get a good score in this OMPL but I don't think I'm as good as stresh or cityscapes anyway. However I have learned a lot from various players in this tour and that may make me as good in the future.


drampa's grandpa and OM - Thank you for drafting me and leading a great team. Special thanks to OM for cheering me up every time I need.
Quantum Tesseract - You are the best support I can imagine, always able to build good teams and figure out teams' weaknesses. Anything you reject is bad and anything you accept is good. I can never get a 5-2 without you.
Ren - Remember the leader told me you don't really want to help BH, and you still helped a lot! You are always serious and realistic to point out problems. And your love to strong breakers, tho I don't want to use them for most times, helps to broaden my thinking. Also your victory against stresh is impressive and it encourages me a lot to do the same thing.
Fissure - Thank you for subbing urself in when no one could in week 4. You are absolutely good at piloting teams and you could have won that game if I had given you more detailed guide to the team ;-;
Potatochan - It's fun to talk with you and you generally warm up the bh channel. Also I like your voice in the voice chat.
Finchinator - I love your comments on BH and I think it can be an excellent start point to get into BH, unironically XD.
PandaDoux, Mossy Sandwich, WSun1, Stareal, papiloco, OranBerryBlissey10 - I'm not familiar with you but you are all very good person. Thank you for making up the great team of Temper Tyrantrums.

XxSevagxX - You are one of the best supporters for me besides my teammates. You gave a lot of suggestions and most of them are very important. Your attempt to build a good team for me after I go to bed in the last week is the most appreciated. However I still want to blame you for drafting too many BH players lol.
Jqlove - 感谢每周认真的组队建议以及试队。Jqlove is really a good BH player imo, he just lacks tour experience so sometimes he doesn't make the best play. At least draft him for sub next OMPL. But actually I think you can start him.
TTTech - TTTech the kind guy. It's happy to test with you in both BH and NDBH. And the luck I owed you in these tests are all paid back in our formal battle (if not all are paid, just tear up the IOU plz). Thank you for taking care of DuGuo in OMFL btw.
Ivar57 - Thank you for all the encouragements, analysis, and the last night help. Even though getting drafted by the XxSevagxX, you still preform well in your games.
cityscapes - Thank you for joining our team in playoffs and offering good suggestions. I will cheer you up with "You can always believe cityscapes!" in BH Seasonal.
Kazami2333 - 感谢第3周提供不仁不义队伍。期待在未来也能登上这个舞台。
Career Ended - :) for boots xerneas. It's also fun to chat with you. I believe you will be and are a good player in many formats and the score in this OMPL can't prove anything.
Tea Guzzler - Thank you for swearing to kick my face in at WCoOM. Well I mean, looking forward to our game for that, and you will be the lucky dog.
a loser, ItsChew., xavgb - Thank you for offering tests. Special apologies to a loser for dodging you in week 4.
cscl - 感谢入队来帮助GG。顺便感谢长久以来对国内OM圈子发展做出的贡献!
DuGuo - You can always believe DuGuo!

Lastly, good luck to team Temper Tyrantrums to win this OMPL!
Last edited:


Take care of yourself.
is a Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnus
hey all, estradiol guzzler here. im happy with 5-2 given the lack of bh support i had going into this tour. each game felt unique and had some new things to take away from it, as i'll be showing in this post.

to be honest, the main thing i didn't want to happen was the entire playerbase just getting farmed by stresh. after growing up grinding alongside these guys in gen 7, i was really hoping they would find the passion in them to put up a fight with their accursed playstyles. in hindsight the problem with this whole idea is that you can't really force passion; either someone has it or they don't. i was also too confrontational. in the future i'll try out different ideas.

w1: vs a loser
team: In The Night Sky
:zamazenta-crowned::type null::dialga::chansey::lugia::xerneas:

the last i'd seen of loser, he knocked me out of open (or maybe it was seasonal i dont remember) by cteaming my omwc teams so i obviously had to go back to the lab again if i wanted to win against him. since there were so many other guys with him, i thought it'd be useless to try and counter his style specifically, so what i decided to do was just try building a style i wasn't the most comfortable with. pressure zamac had been gathering dust in my teambuilder for a while at this point and i wanted to give it a proper team so it could be a nice demon.

i still have no idea how to use pressure even though i think it has massive potential. the null lugia dialga idea to just sit back and do nothing is maybe too passive against sd regi/para/hazards; meanwhile, zamac is somehow incredibly aggressive and often demands a passive response, but not always. the functionality is very weird; there's a chance it's just not very good because you need to handle too many types of counterplay, but it might just work with the right combination of mons.

fun replays: early version vs damflame vs tea guzzler

there were a lot of paras in the game but i attribute the loss more to me just being too unfamiliar with the team, especially in the situations loser presented. realistically when i get slightly unlucky with paras i can still find a way through, but not when i'm uncomfortable with my team. the reason i lunar danced up imposter instead of zamac is because i'm never getting through haze don spectral gira, also if i go to zamac immediately there's an issue with regi spamming sd on my coils and killing me. it's just not really doable.

if you're interested in the whole pressure stall idea, this is the original one i came up with in gen 7. zamac is miles better than mega aero and given the mileage aero got, i feel like zamac has much more potential.

w2: vs nihilslave
team: Temperance

going into this week, when i thought of nihilslave i thought of that one time he brought 3 diancies 3 gars in sm bh cup to beat loser. (he's come a long way since then, lol) so i wanted to be safe against all kinds of cheese. the most annoying cheese for me is pikachu because if your matchup vs it is poor, there isn't much you can do to prevent it from winning if it's lucky with ties. so wanting to be prepared against that i brought the THREE LETTER AGENT. i think the main problem pult teams have is just not being very good at breaking, but i thought i had something cool here with the double spikes + arrows regi for steela. it's not perfect because of obnoxious fast topsy bouncers but only virgins who like losing to paralysis run those. zygc darmz imposter utility xern formed a pretty decent backbone. i think darmz is actually really good, not because it's particularly solid on its own, but because it just goes well with a ton of stuff due to all the resists it provides, you pair well with dragon/fairy/steel/water/ground which are the best types.

this is probably the least demonic team of all of them but on a good day the pult sure does glow in the dark

not much to say about the game, my three letter agent went in on this dude. looked pretty much unplayable for him. god ceres chan cleaned up after

w3: vs mamp
team: Fallen Kingdom was a metaphor for the decline of monarchy

flower veil kart had gotten some hype recently. i'd run a pretty similar set in gen 7 with either anchor/low kick/ice hammer or waves/sunsteel/ice hammer (possibly power whip somewhere) with recover last and some zmove, so i figured i could make something like that work here. ecocide suite (demon of the week) is really neat in how it combines offensive and defensive utility; if it's breaking through you're probably winning. for more on the whole bolt strike dialga idea, check out this post.

i did see steela + hooh on preview which was a pain, but dialga did what it does best and i was able to stop losing the hazard war, giving me a winning position. this was probably the coolest game i played in this tour, every turn needed to be played precisely and im very proud of finding the dialga/ogre sacrifices to clarify the position. kart breaking through in the end was also really neat, some people were getting on my case for not running the cb steely spirit one but i would never have good opportunities to bring it in.

w4: vs chew
team: The Inverted Spiral

i was facing team tttech so i figured i'd make something along the lines of all i need from annihilation, which worked pretty well against him last time. i also wanted to make the xern set even more crunchy so here we have iridescence as the demon of the week. steela>subpunch zamac was needed for speed control, though, so i was definitely investing a lot of breaking power in xern.

of course, i loaded into ferrothorn + heatran. i think the team chew brought is pretty silly (it actually auto-loses to ecocide suite from last week), and the game was excruciating to play from both sides because our breakers were terrible at actually getting things done. my way of making forward progress was to make a series of doubles to wear heatran down from rocks, which worked pretty well especially since i was able to para it. from that point on xern is actually able to breathe if it gets in, but chew didn't let that happen and decided to trade off his breakers instead, which had the same result.

w5: vs career ended
team: Legends of the North

i wanted an actually playable position unlike the one i got vs chew, so i knew i'd need multiple sources of breaking. etern + steela here is normally very dubious because they 1. don't provide any breaking power and 2. don't bring fc/scales/prank/screens to the team. however, this time i was able to make it work due to unaware lunala of all things. the point of unaware luna is that i can imposter-proof poltergeist + coverage regi without deviating from the ideal para/hex/recover/anti-ability set (if that runs fc, i die to +6 pblades). this is good vs a lot of hyper offenses but does struggle vs np horse and power trip users so it isn't completely justifiable.

on the offensive side of things as you can see we have an absolute ton of breaking power at our disposal here. if anyone should be so unkind as to wall out sd 3 atks ph regi with perfect coverage, moldy spikes etern and ALICE (DEMON OF THE WEEK) will make them regret that pretty quickly. qd 3 atks xern is a set near and dear to my heart, and adding zap cannon makes it pretty much uncounterable. steela is kinda needed for opposing regis as well as spinning away imposter hazards.

as you can see the game went totally off the rails pretty quickly. i played inaccurately against ho-oh and let it do more than it should've, but i hit all my zap cannons because im good at this game. moral of the story is if you want games like this, use teams like this.

w6: vs stresh
team: The best of my worms (May 15th)

this team is called what it is because it represents me getting unteam brain worms (i recognized this even before the game; i name all my teams before the game starts). it all began with morgana, of course. recharge moves have always been the "final frontier" to me in terms of making moves work. the only time i'd used one in the past is on this sceptile set to ohko the mega mewtwos, but that is a choice mon and is thus boring as hell. this resh set in comparison was more similar to outrage dragonceus. yeah, i can't click a different move or switch out. what are you gonna do about it?

there are several ideas here. first of all, i can run ff steel improof and sap imposter wont be a concern; they die to +1 eternabeam, and if they kill me then they get trapped on the recharge turn. second of all, the damage is much better on everything. ho-oh gets obliterated after about 20% chip, scales etern straight up dies, you can one shot fat dragons at +0, the list goes on. especially if you have boosted spdef a lot of teams struggle to actually ohko morgana on the recharge turn, or they're forced to trade off imposter to do so. i think this deserves the title of DEMON OF THE TOUR.

so as you can see the rest of the team is similarly adventurous. the main thing holding it together is actually heal bell zamac. pretty much all the team hates status so bell actually works incredibly well here. the reason everything else is so aggressive is because 1. i need things to play for if resh and imposter get traded off 2. i need to win vs opposing ff steels + fini. either way i assumed i would be able to break through, and i was.

some fun replays from the original version: vs tanny vs career ended vs kevin

the main issue with the team is actually steela. if i built this team like a high fashion threat level (they even share the regen hooh) and added a dual screens last, i would be fine. going for an overly comfortable hazard matchup is totally unsustainable, and i already have defog + both hazard setters can really annoy imposter anyway. i probably don't even need to put boots on lilith.

so i got matchup fished. not as unplayable as me vs nihilslave, but i needed to get my gameplan close to perfect which i wasn't quite able to do.

w7: vs quojova
team: nuclear fusion (hard)

this team in comparison is a lot more stable. i'd been meaning to build something actually good with entei for a while. the main thing holding me back was always running wisp last. nuzzle is a lot better. entei lacks the physdef to take on physical attackers as well as the funny volcano man, and most physical attackers are ph regi anyway. charcoal is used to ohko regi and xern.

aerilate steela had been just making my teams worse recently. it's too slow, rather passive, and gets set up on by stuff. on the horizon here was my alternative idea to remove hazards with steela. it's pretty cool, you trick the scarf away, then you uturn for days. imposter can never stay in on you because if you get their eviolite they can no longer switch in on your guys. circle throw is for forcing out etern, and i wanted something that worked if i got av (which did happen in the game).

this week's demon is of course the legendary SOVEREIGN CITIZEN, a set some might remember from ompl 8. in addition to its obvious role of ending all life on earth it also notably imposter-proofs entei which is pretty neat.

trickscarf never loses because it gives you a sizable advantage right at the beginning of the game that you can then convert & just coast through with your team, which is what i went for in this game. unfortunately i got av so i couldn't convert cleanly, because i can no longer remove imposter hazards, so the game took a bunch of pretty crazy turns. there were just too many holes in quojova's position though so i ended up with a cleanly winning endgame.

BONUS 1: veil

veil wins more games than it realistically should probably. i brought this about 10 games in a row vs tea guzzler, i remember i won the first 4 but by the end he was winning more often than me so make of that what you will. this team felt too dishonest for me but the gameplan is very straightforward so if you're looking to get into bh i recommend trying it if you want to win a lot.

BONUS 2: semi rain

definitely questionable defensively, but the breaking power on this is kind of absurd and you just fish everyone. better for creative inspiration than for actually winning games probably.

i'm happy with how my style evolved from being initially terrified of getting cteamed and bringing hyper-safe but suboptimal teams to going all-out in bringing the craziest things imaginable with the only conceivable limits being whether i can make them structurally sound. while many of my previous ideas from omwc such as mg zekrom later became standard, i expect no such outcome for my flagrant zap cannon usage and duct taped defenses, which i'm ok with. the opposition this time was also pretty strong.

also honestly quite happy with the meta. regi xern is dominant, yes, but these mons can be used in a million different ways and contexts. dogmatically adhering to "my team has regi/xern so itll be good" will get you nowhere. as for para i think all you need to do is para your opponent's mons as much as they para yours and you'll be fine. this can come in the form of using a lot of para, using things that dont count as mons (uturn prank), or using heal bell if you have 6 good pokemon. i think it overall works out in the end.

the one mistake i made in this ompl is as follows: after we got knocked out i organized a game of skribbl and we had a great time. i should have done this at the beginning of the season as well and not doing so is an inexcusable error on my part

DerpyBoi youre an awesome manager i feel like you were always attentive to your players and on top of things. good stuff and thanks for the season
adem above + thanks for playing terraria iwth me lol its been fun
zioziotrip ur very cool and i can tell you understand 2v2 at a pretty deep level. always a pleasure to watch you play
Storm Eagle thanks for helping me test some stuff please sign up for the next one i am begging you
lepton you put in the effort every week even though gg was super annoying to build for. big respect for that
The Number Man THE fellow accelerationism enjoyer. big fan
King Leo V it was really nice having you on the team. great chat presence and good player as well
Jordy 100 pages of logs in bunnycord, absolutely nuts. you did really well tryharding in several different metas, very impressive
pannuracotta THE COTTA. watching you simply decide to stop losing and turn your record around was nothing short of inspirational. very glad to have been on the same team as you.
avyrie thanks for helping us out! it was nice having you around

i probably won't be playing in omwc because my ultra tryhard passion is currently better suited to other areas of my life, but the prospect of managing has always been very exciting to me and i'm hoping to lead us west to a second victory. this region is full of some of the coolest people on the site i think it's gonna be a ton of fun.


Cotton Candy Thighs
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Well the stabmons portion of the tour is over so i figured i'd post the team i used w6 vs FC. I did build like ~100 teams of varying quality over the tour, but I don't really feel like going through them to find ones worth posting...
:Hatterene: :Kommo-o: :Terrakion: :Mimikyu: :Obstagoon: :Gyarados:

iirc I was a last minute sub for this so I just grabbed a team in my builder that I enjoyed using at the time. Hat is the ferro / flying bird / Muds check, kommo is the first sweeper, terrak is the 2nd sweeper, mimikyu is the panic button, obstagoon burns something to help kommo or terrak go off, and gyarados is the back up scarf sweeper.

Shoutout to everyone on the Tyrantrums for making this another fun tour. OM and Drampa: thank you for having me back.
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