Proposal phoopes' Original Ruleset for Your Gen One Needs (PORYGON): the (hopefully) final thread about RBY cart accuracy vs. modding


I did it again
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If you saw me accidentally post the thread with the incorrect title and sprite, no you didn't.

Hi everyone,

I know that nobody asked for this but this has been something that's been in my head for awhile and I felt like I needed to post it eventually so here we go. The last thread about RBY in Policy Review kind of devolved into discussions about all the conflicting and controversial opinions that people have about RBY, and many threads in the past have seemed to do the same. So this thread is meant to serve as a mega-thread for all of it. That way we can argue about everything in one self-contained thread. Yay!

Some people think that the way we play RBY is fine as-is. Others want to be more cart-accurate. Others still want us to mod the game even further. In this thread, I'm attempting to address every single contentious point, and suggest a definitive ruleset. I understand that no one ruleset will make everyone happy, but PORYGON can possibly be a compromise between all parties... one that constitutes this being the "(hopefully final thread) about RBY cart accuracy vs. modding" so we can finally stop arguing every few months/weeks/days lol. Here goes.


Species Clause:
-Only including this for the sake of completeness. No one wants Species Clause gone. Next.

OHKO Clause:
-This is something 99% of players agree on. Keep OHKO moves banned.

Evasion Moves Clause:
-This is something 99% of players agree on. Keep Evasion-boosting moves banned.

Endless Battle Clause:
-Only including this for the sake of completeness. In the case of an endless battle (like two Gengars using Struggle, one frozen Pokemon on each side left, etc.) it's a draw. Next.

Invulnerability Clause:
-This is something that I wouldn't say 99% of players agree on, but maybe like 95% lol. Keep Dig and Fly banned because of the glitch. For those unaware, if you get fully paralyzed on turn two of Dig or Fly, you can't get hit until you switch out or use Dig/Fly again. This is obviously silly, and it's just easier to ban these moves than to try and play a meta where you have to play around something dumb.

Cleric Clause:
-This is the first thing that is actually a little bit contentious. Something that is possible on cart but not implemented on Showdown (as far as I'm aware) is being able to bring Pokemon to battle that do not have full HP or PP, or have a status condition already (pre-status). You might think that being able to do this wouldn't matter, as who wouldn't want a fully healthy team going into battle? However, the contentious part is really the PP thing. There are scenarios where it can be advantageous to not have max PP, as brought up in this thread. I believe that this is actually kind of broken in RBY though because of partial-trapping moves (Wrap, Bind, Clamp, Fire Spin). There's a glitch (that is properly implemented on Showdown) where the PP of a partial-trapping move can underflow to 63 or 64 (I forget which) if it is forced to use the move and the opponent switches out. Basically, if your opponent has 1 Wrap PP left and they use it, you have to stay in until the move's completion or else it will underflow and now your opponent has a fresh 63 or 64 PP to play with on their partial trapping move. The way I see it, here are the options:

1. Keep Cleric Clause as is:
-This means that the glitch is still in (which is cart accurate) but we won't have to worry about PP guessing games as detailed below. Seems ideal to me.

2. Scrap Cleric Clause and keep the glitch implemented (which is cart-accurate and gets rid of a clause):
-This leads to scenarios where Wrap and friends get a huge buff, because now you have no idea when a partial-trapping move is going to run out of PP, so you're pretty much always in danger of your opponent hitting that underflow. This is a nightmare to deal with, especially if your opponent has set up Agility. Also if you scrap Cleric Clause for this purpose, people could bring in pre-statused Pokemon that can block sleep and such (like pre-burned special attackers). You could stop this by creating a No Pre-Status Clause, but at that point you're just swapping one clause for another just to create this scenario that buffs partial trapping moves. No matter how you slice it, this sounds awful.

3. Patch the underflow glitch:
I haven't seen anyone advocate for this myself but it is an option if we're playing modded RBY anyway. If this glitch is patched, I don't think anyone is bringing moves with less than full PP, but maybe there's another scenario I'm not thinking of? Either way, I think we would still need No Pre-Status Clause to prevent pre-status stuff like mentioned above. This is for those people who think RBY is fundamentally broken and would benefit from patching the underflow glitch.

phoopes' suggestion: Option 1, keeping things as they are right now. I'm not really a fan of patching glitches unless they are inherently game-breaking (like desyncs, which we'll talk about later). And Option 2 just sound like it would make all RBY metagames actively worse. So let's keep things as they are for this clause.

Tradeback Clause:
Another controversial one. There are two things to keep in mind here: DVs and Moves.

-Tradeback DVs:
There are a few threads around the forums about this, but long story short, it is impossible in most cases for a Pokemon obtained in RBY to have perfect DVs. However, you are able to obtain one of the original 151 in GSC that does have perfect DVs, then "Tradeback" through the Time Capsule to RBY, thus giving you access to a Pokemon in RBY with perfect DVs. If we disallow Tradeback DVs, that makes for some admittedly interesting changes in the meta (off the top of my head, I think I remember that a Tauros with perfect HP/Atk/Def/Spd can only have a max Special of 7) but holy shit, is it a lot of time and work to have to work out all allowable DV spreads for all Pokemon. I'm not saying that there's no one willing to do it and then code it in, but sheesh. This may seem like a poor excuse, but here's the other thing... we don't have to be purists. I think from a common sense perspective it just makes sense to allow perfect DVs. It's easier, it's what we're used to, and it is possible in game. And we don't have to open the floodgates to...

-Tradeback Moves:
Along with DVs, you can also "Tradeback" moves to Pokemon that normally don't learn them in RBY. This includes things like Lovely Kiss Snorlax, Hypnosis Persian, Ice Punch Gengar, etc. Some people argue that standard OU play should allow Tradeback moves since we're already allowing Tradeback DVs. I disagree with this. Yes, the decision to ban Tradeback moves was made over 20 years ago and was not done via a formal "suspect test" or anything like we have nowadays, but Tradebacks is its own metagame that some people enjoy playing, and I think the two should be kept separate. I don't think there's high enough demand to change the standard by introducing new moves to normal OU.

phoopes' suggestion: Allow Tradeback DVs but don't allow Tradeback moves. Yes, we're picking and choosing what we want here and it's not "consistent." I say oh well, this is easier and doesn't throw a huge wrench into the metagame.

HP Percentage Mod:
-No one is calling for the removal of this, just including it for completeness' sake, yadda yadda.

Sleep Clause Mod:
-This has been debated to death so I'll try to keep it short. Sleep Clause is a mod that we've played with for years. It's not cart accurate. However, I believe that it is a mod that makes the metagame more balanced and fun while not taking away player choice or making an "insta-lose" button as some people have suggested. I think MrSoup summed it up pretty well in the most recent thread on Sleep Clause in RBY:

MrSoup said:
tldr I don’t want a greyed out button or an instalose button and I don’t care about cart accuracy. I’d genuinely like to pose the question as to whether people care about cart accuracy, or if they’d rather have a more enjoyable play experience. I’m of the opinion that going more accurate in this instance would make the experience less fun, which is my ultimate goal here.
The goal (at least my goal) is to make the most fun experience as possible based off vanilla RBY. If we have to mod the game, so be it. I think Sleep Clause Mod is a worthy mod because it helps achieve that goal.

phoopes' suggestion: Keep Sleep Clause Mod as is. As I said before, I think we should only patch glitches in the case where they are game-breaking. Similarly, I think we should only add mods if they enhance the player experience. I think Sleep Clause Mod enhances the player experience significantly, so that's why we should keep it.

Freeze Clause Mod:
-...on the other hand, I don't really think Freeze Clause enhances the player experience enough to be worth keeping. For those unaware, if you get frozen in RBY, the only way you can be thawed is if you get hit with a Fire-type move (except for Fire Spin, lol). I understand that getting frozen multiple times in one game would suck really hard. But it can already happen since the mod is "one Pokemon frozen at a time" not "one Pokemon frozen the entire game." So why bother keeping it? It's very rarely worth it IMO to keep around a frozen Pokemon just for the sake of not getting another one frozen. I think the scenarios where you'd actually have multiple Pokemon frozen at a time are few and far between, since freeze chance is only 10%. And if it happens to you... well, sometimes it's just not your day and you have to accept that you got unlucky. As said before, I think we should only add mods/patch glitches if they really add to the player experience or fix something crazy game-breaking.

phoopes' suggestion: Ditch Freeze Clause Mod. While it sucks to get frozen multiple times I think you just need to suck it up and deal with it if it happens.

Desync Clause Mod:
-Okay, yet another controversial one. Desyncs are a uniquely RBY thing (with the exception of something with Beat Up in GSC IIRC? I don't remember exactly lol) and they're something that need to be addressed, because the game becomes literally unplayable if one happens. Currently, Desync Clause Mod reads like this: "If a move would cause a situation that leads to battles desynchronizing during a Link Battle on cartridge, the move will fail." Sounds reasonable, right? Well, there's controversy around it, mostly because of the move Counter. But I'll cover all the cases of desyncs since I'm trying to be exhaustive anyway (as best as I can anyway, because I don't exactly understand some of the desyncs).

1. Psywave
-There's cases where Psywave can do 1 damage on one side and 0 damage on the other, causing a desync. Whoop-de-doo. We have it implemented such that Psywave fails in these cases. Seems simple enough to me. Never occurs outside of like lower tiers where Butterfree uses Psywave sometimes (I really don't know of any other Pokemon that ever uses this move).

2. Freeze/Thaw
-This is one that I don't fully understand tbh because I've never seen it happen due to how rare it actually is to hit a frozen Pokemon with a Fire-type move. But from what I understand, if a Pokemon would cause a desync on the turn it is thawed, the selected move just fails instead of creating the desync. Again, it's so rare that I think this makes more sense than... banning Fire-type moves other than Fire Spin? Banning Ice-type moves? That would suck.

3. Counter
-This is the doozy. Counter is an actual viable move that a lot of Pokemon get, and a lot of Pokemon can actually make use of it because it's a good move. It is a move that adds a lot to the meta IMO, with it causing interesting mindgames and counterplay, etc. However, it can cause desyncs under the right circumstances (circumstances that I don't understand fully), which led to a divide in the community a few years back. There was a vote held that led to the creation of "Desync Clause Mod" as we know it today. This has been controversial, and while most people just accept it, there's been some understandable pushback about the whole thing ever since. I personally think that we play a modded game as is, so I don't mind a mod that fixes a game-breaking bug and adds to the player experience by allowing the use of Counter. However, I understand the viewpoint that Counter should just be banned as well because it causes too much trouble.

phoopes' suggestion: It's been like four years since the Counter vote, people were unhappy with how the vote was run, and there wasn't an overly clear consensus on it, so there should be a newer, better vote on it. As for how to determine voters and how to make it better, I'm sure other people who are actually in charge can come up with something as far as reqs go. But my suggestion is that this is a vote on only Counter... Psywave and the freeze/thaw should remain as is. The voting options are "Ban Counter" or "Keep Counter patched as is."

If you want my personal opinion, I'd say Keep Counter patched as is. It fixes the game-breaking bug while adding a lot to the player experience IMO.

1/256 chances:
Here's one that's a little less controversial, but has some support to be changed. Basically, any time anything is "100%" in RBY, it's actually a 255/256 chance. This sounds like it's insignificant, but comes up more often than you would think. This not only includes stuff like a 100% accuracy move missing, but also things like Persian's chance to crit on Slash only being 255/256 as well. Some people think that this is silly that 100% chances aren't actually 100% like in other generations, so we should patch this bug out and get rid of this true accuracy nonsense. I think we should keep to the status quo though. These are not game-breaking bugs. And while they make RBY ever-so-slightly more volatile, I don't think patching out the 256 stuff would greatly improve the player experience.

phoopes' suggestion: I feel the same about this as I do Freeze Clause. If it happens to you/for you, you're either lucky or unlucky that day. So be it. Deal with it.

FIGHT! button:
Ugh, this is such a long post already and I was going to link to a post that explains this better than I could but it seems to have been deleted? Anyway, this is another thing that has buffed partial-trapping moves and I think that this should be implemented as to not have that be the case. Basically, when you click a partial-trapping move (say, Wrap), in-game you don't know when the move ends necessarily. You click the "FIGHT!" button and if the move is continuing, you're locked in. You only know that the move is over if it's already hit five times or if your four moves show up again. On Showdown, however, you always know whether or not you're locked in with the way partial-trapping moves are currently implemented. This means that it's easier for the player using the partial-trapping move to position via switching because they always know whether they're locked in or not.

I feel like I'm not explaining this very well, but just know that as it's currently implemented, players using partial-trapping moves have an advantage on Showdown as opposed to if they were using the move in-game. This is something that I feel like has been approved to be implemented already, but idk if there's record of that anywhere on forums.

phoopes' suggestion: Implement the FIGHT! button. Please. I'm tired of hearing about how busted Wrap is every few weeks lol.

First 10 RNG rolls quirk:
Read this really interesting thread. A lot of work was put into understanding this. However...

phoopes' suggestion: Do not implement this under the banner of "common sense" that I used for Tradebacks DVs. It adds nothing to the player experience and would be an incredible pain in the ass to code I'm sure on top of all of the other things that are being requested in this thread.

Quality of Life Features:
Recovery Failure Tooltip:
This has already been approved but we haven't heard an update in quite some time about this. This is another 256 thing, where if your HP is 256 (or 512) below its maximum, Recover and friends fail. This has come up in casual games and important tournament games alike, and I think it's time that we have the "Recover Failure Tooltip" or whatever so we as players don't have to keep track of this on our own. It's a huge QoL feature that if it can get coded, would be super helpful.

Speed/other stats Display Accurately:
Another approved one that we haven't heard about in awhile. This is most often needed for checking Speed, but also can apply to other stats as well, such as using Agility to halve a Burned Pokemon's Attack stat again. If we can get this coded in, again, this would be huge QoL feature. Thanks to our wonderful programmers, we <3 you and appreciate you.



TL;DR: This is intended to be the final thread on cart accuracy vs. modding in RBY. Argue here to your heart's content, but here are my suggestions (also known as phoopes' Original Ruleset for Your Gen One Needs) (PORYGON):
  • Keep Cleric Clause as is (don't mess with PP, pre-status, etc.)
  • Keep Tradebacks DVs allowed but Tradebacks moves banned
  • Keep Sleep Clause Mod as is
  • Scrap Freeze Clause Mod
  • Have a new community vote on Counter (ban or keep as is)
  • Keep 256 stuff
  • Implement the FIGHT! Button
  • Don't do the first 10 RNG rolls thing
  • Add Recovery Failure Tooltip
  • Implement correct display of Speed/other stats during reapplication
Funnily enough, there are 10 bullet points here so if you don't like the Porygon motif, do a Ten Commandments bit or something lol


That's it from me. Thanks for reading!


早上好中国、现在我有bing chilling!
is a Tiering Contributor
FIGHT! button:
Ugh, this is such a long post already and I was going to link to a post that explains this better than I could but it seems to have been deleted? Anyway, this is another thing that has buffed partial-trapping moves and I think that this should be implemented as to not have that be the case. Basically, when you click a partial-trapping move (say, Wrap), in-game you don't know when the move ends necessarily. You click the "FIGHT!" button and if the move is continuing, you're locked in. You only know that the move is over if it's already hit five times or if your four moves show up again. On Showdown, however, you always know whether or not you're locked in with the way partial-trapping moves are currently implemented. This means that it's easier for the player using the partial-trapping move to position via switching because they always know whether they're locked in or not.

I feel like I'm not explaining this very well, but just know that as it's currently implemented, players using partial-trapping moves have an advantage on Showdown as opposed to if they were using the move in-game. This is something that I feel like has been approved to be implemented already, but idk if there's record of that anywhere on forums.

phoopes' suggestion: Implement the FIGHT! button. Please. I'm tired of hearing about how busted Wrap is every few weeks lol.
As one of the few people who has tried implementing the FIGHT! button, this is much easier said than done. Even assuming the red tape has been jumped through, the implementation of this is very difficult and causes about a billion bugs including desyncs and server crashes (I tried to bugfix this for a solid week). Without more experienced PS programmers, all of which seem to be coding other more important things duty and have been for a long time, where it seems nobody cares enough to invest the massive amount of time and effort into making sure this works properly, it isn't getting done.

Bonus: Although the correct implementation of the FIGHT! button would be a nerf to wrap, I believe that this just makes the strategy even more lame, heavily increasing the guesswork in common wrap pivoting interactions, and wouldn't make it more fun for either side. The qualms people have about staying in and wrapping mons to death don't change at all, and the skillful* playing around the pivoting is dumber to play with.


the saint
is a Pre-Contributor
oh boy! another rby mechanics pr thread!

i agree with most of your points but i still have a few disagreements

Keep Tradebacks DVs allowed but Tradebacks moves banned
I still don't know why we can't at least have a suspect on Tradeback moves. I know it's already settled from a tiering policy standpoint (as per this post) but I still don't see why it HAS to be this way. I struggle to believe that the ruling would be the same if TBs weren't arbitrarily banned 25 years ago. To me it just seems like a cop-out to avoid the hassle of doing a test. At the end of the day, this decision was made without due process and I believe it deserves to get that. Even if the result is against legalizing Tradebacks, it wouldn't hurt to put the issue to rest permanently, right?

I don't expect to change anyone's opinions on the status of Tradebacks with this post (least of all the tiering admins) but I still want to get my opinion out there.

Keep Sleep Clause Mod as is
This is just me having a completely different perspective than you on tiering policy, but I think keeping sleep-clause as it is right now is silly considering how it's implementation significantly affects how games are played. I also don't agree with MrSoup's argument that a greyed out button or "instalose button" would make the game less fun. I cannot think of a single thing less fun about RBY than two Chanseys PP stallng each other. Sure, this doesn't happen too often but I think having either one of those options being implemented would make that interaction more fun. Either one or both Chansey(s) has less PP due to not being to use Sing (therefore less turns spent stalling), or theres a significant risk involved in trying to PP stall with Sing Chansey which can make that scenario more engaging than just clicking twave/sing until one side gets ballsy enough to switch or the Chanseys need to start actually conserving their status PP. I know my opinion on what's fun is subjective but the whole reason people are even discussing a change to Sleep Clause in the first place is because this is a fake interaction that a fair people find lame.

TLDR: I think either of those changes would actually benefit the tier and IN MY OPINION I don't think implementing it would negatively impact people's enjoyment of the game.

Scrap Freeze Clause Mod
For the most part I agree with you here. Freeze Clause's implementation kind of just sucks right now. Having the status only affect one mon at a time seems reasonable until you realize that unless you want to roll the dice against opposing Tauros you're going to need to sack frozen mons for a free switch nearly every game. Now you're completely unprotected against freeze once again. Now any hail-mary Blizzard or Ice Beam is capable of OHKOing a second mon. Freeze Clause is supposed to help protect against all bullshit RNG caused by Freeze, but currently it feels like it only helps against bullshit RNG in the early-game specifically.

I agree with phoopes that freeze doesn't happen often enough to warrant having Freeze Clause Mod in the first place, if the majority of the playerbase wants to keep Freeze Clause Mod I would suggest expanding on it. What would that entail? I think the most obvious answer would be to just prevent freeze from occuring after the first mon is frozen, even after it dies, but I welcome any other suggestions.

Don't do the first 10 RNG rolls thing
I get what you mean when you say that it isn't worth the hassle but if there is ever enough time for someone to work on this (unlikely) then I would still like to see this implemented.

Add Recovery Failure Tooltip
Implement correct display of Speed/other stats during reapplication
These should obviously be implemented and I think everyone else here agrees. The only issue seems to be getting people willing to code this. Maybe since this was brought to everyone's attention it might speed up the process. Who knows.


Michael Mouse Is No Friend Of Mine
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributor
I still don't know why we can't at least have a suspect on Tradeback moves. I know it's already settled from a tiering policy standpoint (as per this post) but I still don't see why it HAS to be this way. I struggle to believe that the ruling would be the same if TBs weren't arbitrarily banned 25 years ago. To me it just seems like a cop-out to avoid the hassle of doing a test. At the end of the day, this decision was made without due process and I believe it deserves to get that. Even if the result is against legalizing Tradebacks, it wouldn't hurt to put the issue to rest permanently, right?
I agree that TBs should get a suspect but I'm gonna be honest I sincerely doubt it would get freed. Ultimately, the current iteration of OU having a lot more development/resources and people being content with how it is now is a very valid argument.

As for freeze clause and 256, I think freeze clause should be kept and 256 should be fixed. I don't like the "well you're always sacking your frozen pokemon so it barely comes up" argument at all because the majority of freeze clause occurrences are early in the game, and it can happen at any time. I think the 256 glitch legitimately sucks and takes away from games. At times it means very little and other times it completely flips game outcomes, and the "it's not very common" argument is bad faith because it does show up in quite a good amount of tournament games. I feel the removal of freeze clause and keeping of 256 detract from the competitiveness of the game in a way unlike other mechanics and I have very little care about cart accuracy beyond the obligatory for playing a regular standard metagame.

I agree with phoopes on every other mechanic and support his proposed implementations
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the saint
is a Pre-Contributor
I don't like the "well you're always sacking your frozen pokemon so it barely comes up" argument at all because the majority of freeze clause occurrences are early in the game, and it can happen at any time.
What makes a second freeze after a frozen mon dies more fair than a second freeze while a frozen mon is still alive? To me, they're basically the exact same. Why should Freeze Clause only accounts for the latter when are both incredibly unfair? The cart accuracy purist in me wants for Freeze Clause Mod to be deleted but if most people want to keep it then why not expand it to include another unfair aspect of freeze? If we're aiming for competitiveness then I see no reason to not do this.


Michael Mouse Is No Friend Of Mine
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributor
What makes a second freeze after a frozen mon dies more fair than a second freeze while a frozen mon is still alive? To me, they're basically the exact same. Why should Freeze Clause only accounts for the latter when are both incredibly unfair? The cart accuracy purist in me wants for Freeze Clause Mod to be deleted but if most people want to keep it then why not expand it to include another unfair aspect of freeze? If we're aiming for competitiveness then I see no reason to not do this.
I think there is value in being able to control when you want freeze clause to deactivate by keeping your frozen pokemon alive. Also, on a less competitive note, it just feels like your proposition crosses the line into absurdity sorta. I don't particularly see a need for this.


at my puter
is a Programmeris a Forum Moderatoris a Battle Simulator Moderator
Recovery Failure Tooltip:
This has already been approved but we haven't heard an update in quite some time about this. This is another 256 thing, where if your HP is 256 (or 512) below its maximum, Recover and friends fail. This has come up in casual games and important tournament games alike, and I think it's time that we have the "Recover Failure Tooltip" or whatever so we as players don't have to keep track of this on our own. It's a huge QoL feature that if it can get coded, would be super helpful.
ftr i did have code written for this i just never updated my branch to the new directory layout ~4 months ago. And also the code was still wrong lol. But it should be fixed now so look forward to seeing it in the near future


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UPL Champion
fight button should have, like, x100 as much priority as anything else in this thread. we are playing with a completely farcical version of partial trapping moves, where the benefit is given to the user instead of the 'victim', it's just completely unlike the actual cartridge gameplay for 0 actual policy reason - it is a fault of the current simulator implementation and nothing else

"you're being dramatic" no i'm fucking not, 3 days ago this mattered in an SPL semifinal lol

cool thread, down to revote counter and whatever, but the entire community really should be worrying about uncontroversially bad things (ie lack of fight button) rather than rehashing stuff that is just matter of opinion for the millionth time
I agree that TBs should get a suspect but I'm gonna be honest I sincerely doubt it would get freed. Ultimately, the current iteration of OU having a lot more development/resources and people being content with how it is now is a very valid argument.
agreed, but i still think it should be suspected regardless - TBs were banned in an entirely different era of policymaking and suspecting them properly even if it'd certainly result in a universal "no" from the playerbase would mean we'd have an actual vote to point at, rather than it being banned because one guy lost to confuse ray starmie of all things two decades ago

e: also just to not make this a one-liner, FIGHT button should absolutely take priority here it's an entire mechanic straight up missing from the sim. i agree with the majority of phoopes' suggestions, but i think that while cleric clause should be upheld, the mechanic of bringing in a statused pokemon or changing a pokemon's PP count should be implemented on sim solely for the 3 people who play gen 1 AG. anything goes should mean anything (possible on cart) goes!
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is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Past SPL Champion
World Defender
One important thing to consider about lifting freeze clause is that it has more implications than just "lucky thing happens more" like with keeping the 1/256 miss. Right now a player has to come up with another way of getting progress after getting the first freeze rather than simply clicking the ice move on the switch, which also has an influence on the way teams are built: if a team commits too hard to the freeze fishing playstyle it will lack the tools to close out games effectively after the freeze - this is the case for Nails' JynxMieJolt for example which is a team that would love being able to freeze both Chansey and Mie as freezing one will leave its Amnesia IB Lax walled by the other at the moment. This is why lifting freeze clause would actually change the meta - of course this doesn't necessarily mean we shouldn't do it, it's just more of a can of worms than people seem to think.

Besides, I'm definitely not keen to see people freeze a mon with their Jynx or BlizzMie lead and simply keep hitting the funny freeze button, or setting up with Amnesia IB RefLax on turn 5 and then attempting to freeze the entire enemy team, or never click Twave once in an entire game with a dedicated freeze fishing team, etc etc. These things don't have to matter to everyone, but they matter to me, and assuming that we keep Sleep Clause I think we should keep Freeze Clause for the same reasons as well - not because it decreases the amount of instances where luck happens, but because lifting it would change the way the game is played for the worse. Ofc these clauses are technically mods, but they've been here for a long time, people have accepted them and they solve a lot of problems so I'd just keep them.
In a similar line of thought I'd keep the 1/256 miss because I don't see a reason not to - removing it would do nothing besides reducing the amount of instances of luck and buff boom a little bit, which isn't enough of a reason for me to mod the game/change the status quo.

fight button should have, like, x100 as much priority as anything else in this thread. we are playing with a completely farcical version of partial trapping moves, where the benefit is given to the user instead of the 'victim', it's just completely unlike the actual cartridge gameplay for 0 actual policy reason - it is a fault of the current simulator implementation and nothing else

"you're being dramatic" no i'm fucking not, 3 days ago this mattered in an SPL semifinal lol
View attachment 619069

cool thread, down to revote counter and whatever, but the entire community really should be worrying about uncontroversially bad things (ie lack of fight button) rather than rehashing stuff that is just matter of opinion for the millionth time
As far as I understand it, the fight button wouldn't have changed anything in this specific instance tho, right? Troller would've simply kept hitting the fight button to hit more wraps on Snorlax, and then once it was at 34% he would've hit the fight button once more, seen that wrap has ended, and then switched (this is turn 112 in this replay Correct me if I'm wrong.
It's true tho, having the fight button would be extremely important, and having to balance RBY tiers around wrongly implemented partial trapping is a headache, especially for our lowtiers.
Not gonna lie, this does just seem to be another rby ruleset thread so I don't buy into the idea that it resolves much once and for all. If it can draw attention to the fight button issue and other non-contentious improvements (everything listed under quality of life) that's great in and of itself.

Anyway, something that bothered me regarding the sleep clause comments is how the rationale presented with that MrSoup quote is just kinda shoddy and overall baseless. The whole point of cart accurate sleep clause proposals is that it's not a substantial change to gameplay, which implies minimal impact on "fun". They present zero arguments for cart accuracy diminishing enjoyment of the game. Hell, it's hard for them to argue that because it's incredibly subjective. As in, reasoning that would get thrown out of any other tiering discussion subjective.

I agree with the OP regarding throwing out frz clause but following on from Serpi's post, I think the only way to resolve this issue (along with most other issues) is to actually test the proposed change. More debate is going to get us nowhere because if it could resolve the issue, it would have by now. That's the only way that I can see any of these arguments having a hope of being settled

Also I back Phoopes saying no one wants species clause scrapped for rby, huge generalisation my ass

Tldr: stop talking, start testing

Edit@below: mmm I wasn't really meaning to do much more in that section than call out weak reasoning. I actually agree in that my post doesn't have much in the way of pro-sleep-clause-reform points other than highlighting the intent of proposed alternatives
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is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
UUPL Champion
Anyway, something that bothered me regarding the sleep clause comments is how the rationale presented with that MrSoup quote is just kinda shoddy and overall baseless. The whole point of cart accurate sleep clause proposals is that it's not a substantial change to gameplay, which implies minimal impact on "fun". They present zero arguments for cart accuracy diminishing enjoyment of the game. Hell, it's hard for them to argue that because it's incredibly subjective. As in, reasoning that would get thrown out of any other tiering discussion subjective.
This statement in itself is kind of a shoddy and baseless thing to say - by your own reasoning we don't actually know if cart accurate sleep proposals are not a "substantial change" to gameplay. I believe it's quite substantial actually but again, it's all a matter of opinion and I wouldn't for a second say yours here is better than anyone else's. Discount MrSoup's reasoning - reasoning that to my knowledge most people agree with actually - stating it's baseless while drawing unfounded conclusion just contradicts the entire point you are trying to make.

Agree with the general point you contradicted though that nobody really knows for sure until it's seen in action.


is a Tournament Directoris a Member of Senior Staffis a Top Tiering Contributoris a Past SPL Championis the defending RU Circuit Championis a Former Old Generation Tournament Circuit Champion
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The scope of this thread is extremely large and I don’t really want it to derail into a very disjointed discussion of 15 topics so I’m just making a list of things that are on or off the table. Generally we just aren’t going to be making massive shifts to an ancient metagame.

Off the Table
  1. Species Clause (I didn’t think I’d have to mention this one but someone actually brought it up so lol)
  2. Sleep Clause (We will not be making changes that involve removing the clause and adding lose conditions to the game)
  3. Freeze Clause (Has been a huge part of the metagame for decades and also exists in other gens now. Not convincing enough reason or support to revert this now. Extending it in any way is also definitely not on the table.)
  4. Tradeback Moves (This was already discussed and closed, not happening)
  5. 256 Misses (While we do have a bunch of existing mods in RBY, that’s not really a reason to keep arbitrarily adding more. Misses are part of the game and the luck involved here is far less significant than Freeze clause for example.)
On the Table
  1. Counter revote (Keep existing or ban the move)
  2. Modifiable PP / Trapping move ban / Fight button (Lumped these together because they’re all about trapping moves realistically)


Have a nice day
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I think the most pressing thing for the council to sort out is the recharge--freeze interaction. When I was on council, the other councillors made it pretty clear they think this needs to be resolved somehow, but never made a decision about what to do.

If someone wants to code up the fight button, I put together a plan for it ages ago, but Zarel was absent at the time, and no one else was willing to maintain the rby code, so there was no point actually doing the work for it. And now I don't have the time. Also I am unsure if Zarel exists at the moment or not.
Fight button seems like an easy slam dunk if anybody would be willing to code it, wrap is significantly stronger than it is on cartridge because the player getting wrapped doesnt know if that particular wrap ended or not which has a few negative effects when trying to deal with it. Its also not like the council decided that wrap needs to get buffed through the removal of the fight button its just missing functionality.

Dont know how complex it would be to code but if no showdown affiliated coder would be willing to implement it maybe chaos could fork over some pennies to get it done or we could do some fundraising.


is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Not an RBY player so can't say much other than y'all should seriously consider renaming the tier to RBY Modded or something similar if you're keeping the status quo. Just be honest with yourselves: you have not and never did play actual RBY when it's always had like 3 meta-defining mods, you don't want to play by Stadium mechs to have in-cart Sleep (and Freeze?) Clause, and people are still calling for the removal of 1/256 misses.

Nothing wrong with it tbh. The Mega Man Battle Network community tends to play the non-Battle Network 6 games with balance mods (cause their balance is ass) and even held a 4.5 tournament using a huge patch that overhauls the entire game. Just call a spade a spade already.

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