Peaceful Poultry - Joint Giveaway

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They are very manly and festive and I hope y'all like them. B)



Sassy | Pressure
29| 31 | 31 | 20 | 28 | 11
Moves: Helping Hand | Body Slam | Seismic Toss | Dynamicpunch
Location: Pyrite Town | Date: 2011
Availability:Untouched Level 19, no EVs level 37 with tutor moves
Misc. Notes:
All Hoenn ribbons attached, except for Effort, since it's not EV'd. Legit Pokerus.


Quiet | Snow Warning
31 | 25 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 1
Moves: Mist | Ice Shard | Wood Hammer | Ingrain
Location: Lake Acuity | Date: 12/30/2011
Availability:Untouched Level 39
Misc. Notes:
Almost killed herself with Wood Hammer, and I forgot to buy Nest Balls. Caught her anyway! Can be taught Giga Drain.


Impish| Serene Grace
26| 25 | 19 | 1 | 26 | 20
Moves: Iron Head | Body Slam | Ice Punch | Fire Punch
Location: Fateful Encounter | Date: 2011
Availability:Untouched Level 5
Misc. Notes:
From legit bonus disk. Comes holding a Rare Candy. WISHMKR Jirachi is the only legit Jirachi that can learn Body Slam. Non-Redis.


Timid | Natural Cure
31 | 18 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30
Hidden Power: Fire 70
Moves: Tackle | Harden | Ice Beam
Location: Pacifidlog Town | Date: 2011
Availability:Untouched Level 5
Misc. Notes:
Emulator used.


Timid | Pressure
31 | 4 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30
Hidden Power: Fire 68
Moves: Glaciate | Dragon Pulse | Imprison | Endeavor
Location: Giant Chasm | Date: 7/5/2012
Availability:Untouched Level 75
Misc. Notes:
What would you do?



Timid| Ice Body
31 | 30 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Hidden Power: Dragon 70
Moves: Ice Beam | Water Pulse | Ice Shard | Icy Wind
Location: Cold Storage | Date: 4/1/2011
Availability:Trained 4 HP / 252 SpA / 254 Spe Level 50
Misc. Notes:
Don't have an UT copy because I bred her the night before VGCs. She was used in actual VGCs.


Nothing says Christmas like a Kedama wearing a Christmas hat.

They are all adorable and I hope y'all like them. :D

#607 lucariojr (Litwick)

Modest | Flame Body
30 | 26 | 31 | 30 | 30 | 30
Hidden Power: Fighting 70
Moves: Night Shade | Will-O-Wisp | Flame Burst | Imprison
Location: Celestial Tower | Date: 3/10/2011
Availability:Untouched Level 27
Misc. Notes:
Cloned with AR.

#578 Duosion

Quiet | Magic Guard
31 | 0 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 6
Hidden Power: N/A
Moves: Recover | Psyshock | Endeavor | Future Sight
Location: Route 9 | Date: -
Availability:Untouched Level 31
Misc. Notes:
Cloned with AR.

#638 Cobalion

Jolly | Justified
31 | 31 | 31 | 21 | 31 | 31
Hidden Power: N/A
Moves: Helping Hand | Retaliate | Iron Head | Sacred Sword
Location: Guidance Chamber | Date: -
Availability:Untouched Level 42
Misc. Notes:
Cloned with AR.

#613 Winnie the Choo

Adamant | Snow Cloak
31 | 31 | 31 | 12 | 31 | 31
Hidden Power: N/A
Moves: Icy Wind | Fury Swipes | Brine | Endure
Location: Twist Mountain | Date: 7/21/2012
Availability: Level 28
Cloned with AR.
Purple head <3

Lastly, since this is the peaceful poultry giveaway, I decided to include one last pokemon for y'all.
I can't guarantee this guy will be peaceful though.

#250 hoho

Hasty | Pressure
31 | 31 | 10 | 31 | 31 | 31
Hidden Power: Dragon 70
Moves: Extrasensory | Sunny Day | Sacred Fire | Fire Blast
Location: Bell Tower | Date: 3/28/2011
Availability:Untouched Level 45
Misc. Notes:
100% capture code used.
This thing swept almost my entire team using sunny day + sacred fire.
True story.

So now that you've seen the pokemon, I'm gonna tell you how you can get them! :D
...very carefully.

There are a couple of ways you can get these lovely pokemon. It's completely your choice what to do.

Method 1: RNG TRIVIA
(who saw this coming, raise your hands)​
One question per person. Post your answers in this thread only, please. :]
Keep in mind these are first come, first serve. If someone's answered a question already, you have to pick another question.
(Thanks lucariojr, Canelo, WildEep and Nexus for helping me come up with these questions :D)

Question 4: What natures can people have on hexflawless shiny Manaphy?
Everyone who's tried to answer this question has listed correct natures, but not all of them. Consider this a hint.

Method 2: BUH GACK

This method is fairly straightforward. Watch this video and then record yourself doing your best chicken impression based on the aforementioned video. It doesn't have to be video, but we need to be able to hear you. I'll pick the 3 winners that manage to make us laugh the most.

Winners: none yet

Method 1: RNG TRIVIA

Question 1: In Emerald, what method generates IVs and PID for the roaming Lati@s? -Answered by BSatallite
Question 2: In Pokemon Black & White, how is it possible for a pokemon to have any nature & ability flawless? -Answered by MegaManX
Question 3: How many stats can have flawless IVs on the roaming Entei/Raikou/Suicune from FireRed & LeafGreen? -Answered by V4Victini
Question 5: What's the difference between RNGing the roaming Entei & Raikou in a European copy of HeartGold/SoulSilver vs a North American one? -Answered by bian

Winners: bian, MegaManX, V4Victini, BSatallite

Method 3: Chicken Trivia!

1. Can hens go broody during winter? -Answered by Princess of Johto
2. If you wanted to make your hens lay eggs with healthier looking yolks, what would you feed them? -Answered by Fireworks & nachocheese999
3. Who was Foghorn Leghorn? What is the origin of his name? -Answered by BlueCaptain & Defense
4. How many days does it take for a chicken egg to hatch? -Answered by Ninjawes
5. Will broody hens accept eggs of other bird species such as guinea fowl or turkey? -Answered by sandman

Winners: Princess of Johto, Bluecaptain, Defense, Ninjawes, sandman, Fireworks, nachocheese999

Method 4: The questions of Yule

1. Why is Christmas celebrated? -Answered by Zoap
2. Who is the voice of the Grinch in 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' (from 1966)? -Answered by Jio
3. What color was the first ornament on Charlie Brown's tree in 'Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!'? -Answered by Pareidolia
4. How many reindeer does Santa have? -Answered by jcors & Daenym

Winners: Zoap, Jio, Pareidolia, jcors, Daenym


1. There will be 17 winners. Each one can choose 1 pokemon of their choice from either mine of lucariojr's posts.
2. Feel free to do any method you want but please don't post multiple answers to multiple questions in hopes to win more than 1 pokemon. Don't be a hog. :/
3. Have FUN 8D

k now you can post​
Question 5: What's the difference between RNGing the roaming Entei & Raikou in a European copy of HeartGold/SoulSilver vs a North American one?

Answer: Raikou's monster frame is 1 and Entei's 6 in North American versions while it's vice versa in European versions, meaning Raikou's 6 and Entei's 1.

I would want to get the Jirachi if it's OK.
Question 2: In Pokemon Black & White, how is it possible for a pokemon to have any nature & ability flawless?

You abuse the RNG of course. Through starting your game at a specific time you can have a Pokemon with the IVS that occur in the RNG at that time(Depending if you hit your Timer0 or not). After entering in game you can use various Methods to advance the PIDRNG to determine the Nature, Gender, Encounter Slot, etc.

I hope that's good enough xD
Question 2: In Pokemon Black & White, how is it possible for a pokemon to have any nature & ability flawless?

It's possible because the PIDRNG and MTIVRNG are now separate RNGs, as opposed to 4th gen which had the two depend on each other. This means that there are no limitations on what you can capture.
Come on, guys, this is a Poultry giveaway! Answer some chicken questions :)

Chicken Trivia!

1. Can hens go broody during winter?

Yes, hens can go broody during the winter! Lol. That's a funny word (broody).
Question 5: What's the difference between RNGing the roaming Entei & Raikou in a European copy of HeartGold/SoulSilver vs a North American one?

Answer: Raikou's monster frame is 1 and Entei's 6 in North American versions while it's vice versa in European versions, meaning Raikou's 6 and Entei's 1.

I would want to get the Jirachi if it's OK.
You got it :D

Question 2: In Pokemon Black & White, how is it possible for a pokemon to have any nature & ability flawless?

You abuse the RNG of course. Through starting your game at a specific time you can have a Pokemon with the IVS that occur in the RNG at that time(Depending if you hit your Timer0 or not). After entering in game you can use various Methods to advance the PIDRNG to determine the Nature, Gender, Encounter Slot, etc.

I hope that's good enough xD
Aww honey ;-;
I'm sorry, but that's wrong. :c

Question 2: In Pokemon Black & White, how is it possible for a pokemon to have any nature & ability flawless?

It's possible because the PIDRNG and MTIVRNG are now separate RNGs, as opposed to 4th gen which had the two depend on each other. This means that there are no limitations on what you can capture.
Correct :p

Question 4: Timid, Calm, and Modest I believe.
Sorry, but no. :s

@PoJ Since I know literally nothing about chickens, I'll let lucariojr get back to you on that one xD
3. Who was Foghorn Leghorn? What is the origin of his name?
He is a chicken cartoon character, taking his name from Senator Claghor

EDIT: I would like the Duosion if this is correct
2. Who is the voice of the Grinch in 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' (from 1966)?

Boris Karloff (William Henry Pratt)

hopefully I get this :o
Question 3: How many stats can have flawless IVs on the roaming Entei/Raikou/Suicune from FireRed & LeafGreen? 1 (HP)
3. What color was the first ornament on Charlie Brown's tree in 'Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!'?

EDIT: Ninjad at least two people.
Method 4:

Q1: To celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Great Giveaway!! :D


Then, Method 3, Q4:

About 21 days
1. Why is Christmas celebrated?

Technically Christmas was originally a pagan holiday, celebrating the Winter Solstice. During the Crusades, the "missionaries" found it easier to convert people by having their holidays at the same time as the pagans, because people were already used to celebrating at that time. Most Bible scholars believe Jesus was actually born around March.
Question 3: How many stats can have flawless IVs on the roaming Entei/Raikou/Suicune from FireRed & LeafGreen?

1,only HP can be randomly flawless.
Method 3: 2. If you wanted to make your hens lay eggs with healthier looking yolks, what would you feed them?
Well I'm not sure the actual answer you guys are expecting on this one but based on self experience the best thing to feed hens is to prepare some wheat and corn (blent) mixed with a couple of their own eggs contents (these have everything a hen could possibly wish for in their diet), not only they love this but they grow a lot and their eggs looks very healthy in my opinion, although it's not just a matter of the food but also how you take care of the cleaning of their surroundings so the hens themselves stay healthy.

If by any chance this is correct I would love Langshan the dusclops please :D
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