Tournament Other Metagames Premier League IV - Signups Closed [Auction date in post #161]

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Pokemon Showdown nick: xRaimon
Preferred OMs: AAA, BH, Monotype, stabmons, AG
Timezone: gmt +5
Foreseen inactivity: none As im about to be on summer break ;]
Pokemon Showdown nick: Ruby
Preferred OMs: STABmons, Tier Shift
Timezone: GMT +5
Foreseen inactivity: Gonna be abroad in the end of July.
Pokemon Showdown nick: TFK
Preferred OMs: Monotype
Timezone: +8
Foreseen inactivity: None

Bidoof's for the win.
Showdown Nick: Ridley
Preferred OMs: Monotype with a little BH experience, I can learn others if need be
Timezone: GMT -6
Foreseen Inactivity: None
approved by Eevee General

Monotype Draft Guide:
(Hopefully Managers actually see this or I'll be doing work for no reason D:!)

I was a pretty active member of the Monotype community (not as much nowadays) and this is my guide on who should be bought. Due to the limit of 6 Teams which means 6 Monotype players only, many managers are probably confused on who to buy if people have not tried out with them or if the managers haven't scouted yet, so take my advice if you want to!
Must Drafts:
1. Paleo - Paleo is one of the most versatile and knowledgeable players out there, able to use pretty much anything. His MonotypePL performance was stellar and he ended up with a solid record. Definitely my top pick for Mono if I were a manager.
2. all falls down - AFD is a pretty old player, but he's still at his best. Probably the best teambuilder out there in XY and ORAS, he's the one that created some of the "Generic (type)" teams and is incredibly flexible and an amazing player.
3. rnbs - rnbs is another MPL god who ended up with a good record, extremely good player who can easily get some wins due to his versatility and overall skill
4. 1 True Lycan - an underrated pick, I'll be pretty disappointed if Lycan does not end up being drafted because he is an amazing player who is extremely knowledgeable about Monotype. He won the Monotype Ladder Tour challenge and has always been on his A game.
5. Sabella - another old player, very creative with his teams and his battling skills is nothing to laugh at at all. Although he hasn't been playing as much as before, he is still a top draft due to his flexibility and tour smarts.

edit: adding balto somewhere there ^^

Honorable Mentions: Ridley. - would be high up on the list if he weren't dead :( Balto - why arent you signed up fool Arifeen - previous god in Mono but stopped playing for the most part Entei. - would be better if he didnt use poison all the time iVid - solid all-around player Thimo - same as Ridley, youre too inactive Wanka - pretty solid player as well Eien - newer player to mono but i can definitely see you being at the top in the future Confluxx - haven't seen much but from what i have seen, youre pretty good

Now ofc I don't expect my top 5 to get drafted if any other players tried out and impressed you managers but this could help out if you're pretty lost.
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Pokemon Showdown nick: Crashy
Preferred OMs: Tier Shift, Monotype, and StabMons
Timezone: GMT-5
Foreseen inactivity: None
approved by Eevee General
idea and format stolen from Lax

Anything Goes Draft Guide:

I'm an active, high-level AG player and as an ex-ro like to think I have a good knowledge of the community (not as good as Zang though), so I thought I'd give a guide to the managers because most of them don't play AG and probably don't have a good knowledge of it. These are players you should scout if you haven't yet and possibly try out. Keep in mind this is just my opinion :)

Must Drafts:

1. thelinearcurve - Curve is definitely the most proven AG player, some recent accomplishments currently in semifinals of the AG tour after knocking out some good opponents, highest ELO ever reached on the AG ladder, and even is the current head of the ladder. Also a very intelligent person in general with a very high rating in competitive chess, and a chill guy to talk to who's never been apart of any drama, so there really isn't a downside to him being on your team. In my personal opinion curve is the clear-cut number 1 choice and I would be extremely surprised if he didn't pull out a stellar record.

2. HunterStorm - Hunter is an extremely proven and old player (hell he even taught me initially), who is very knowledgeable and plays a variety of archetypes. He is also currently in the AG tour semifinals, and was the old holder of the highest ELO record before Curve knocked him off his pedestal. Definitely deserves to get drafted.

3. Gunner Rohan - Honestly it was very close between Hunter and Gunner, they're pretty similar in skill level. The main reason I put Hunter ahead is because if Gunner gets haxed he can snap and stop thinking clearly, and honestly he'll probably bring memes and/or try to flex too hard and just end up beating himself. Other than that, though, he is equal or even slightly above Hunter in skill and despite what I said Gunner is a very good draft choice and definitely won't disappoint.

Gunner, Hunter, and Curve are definitely the 3 best active AG players and it would be criminal for any of them to not get drafted.

Honorable Mentions (alphabetical, not in order of skill):

Articuno I - Creative builder and decent player but lacks some metagame experience compared to others, also very knowledgeable in Monotype.
Joshz - Good player, but should probably be bought with someone else who can build. Good at STABmons and decent enough at Monotype as well, so can be moved around depending on the team's needs. I'm biased about myself obviously.
Megazard - Decent player, good builder. Knows a variety of metagames at a competent level so can be moved around.
Cryptis and Thimo are also worth a mention. If Synoptic and Transcendent God Champion sign up they're worth looking into as well, Lance especially is very good.
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when Lax lists afd as #2 monotype, but doesn't list the afd slayer as #1
PS Nick: Thesecondbest
Preferred Tiers: Tier shift or monotype
Timezone: PST or GMT -7
Forseen Inactivity: None
Plz put me on same team as dank raimon :O
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