Resource ORAS Creative and Underrated Sets V2 (Replays required!!!)

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Unfortunately that single replay was bottom of the ladder and the opponent forfeited very prematurely after playing incompetently.

The issue is that while Conk is strong, its STABs are weak, and it can't sap enough health from Fairies, Ghosts and Psychics on its own to come out on top. This problem is made worse without good coverage. At least with Knock Off you can hit Ghosts and Psychics super effectively and in the instance of Clefable you can at least get rid of its Leftovers for the benefit of the rest of your team, even if its resisted. This is why AV sets tend to pick moves with utility purposes because you aren't using a power boosting item and you can't boost your attack power normally. This set stretches Conk too thin. Conk is too slow needs Drain Punch to stay healthy and Mach Punch for speed and clinching KOs. Because your moves are so weak, you get diminished returns from other offensive types like Lopunny, whose attack is relatively comparable, but is much more threatening from PuP because its STABs hit2x harder than Conk's do and is at an amazing speed tier. Frankly, this set require too much set-up for too little payoff.
Semi-reposting an old-ish set of mine (and SketchUp) that is still quite decent in the meta. Updated calcs to be more relevant and to showcase how this differs from your standard non-mega TankChomp.

RestTalk Defensive Pivot Mega Garchomp


Now, Mega Garchomp is normally seen as a super-powerful wallbreaker (4 attacks set, can be mixed) or a sweeper (SD).

But what's often overlooked is that very nice bulk (108/115/95) with a defensive typing (only weak to Ice, Fairy, and Dragon) that lets it beat a lot of common Volt-Turn members, and properly EV'd, lets this check/counter many of the top threats in the meta. In addition, having a pseudo-status absorber, Phaser, and Knock Off absorber all in one package is always nice. Put this thing in balanced/Bulky Offense teams which need something that is capable of checking/countering a bunch of miscellanous top-tier OU mons, while packing strong offensive power (2HKO'ing Chansey in the sand without any investment is pretty good).

Now the question you all might be asking is why ever use this set over un-Mega'd TankChomp?

While you lose out on valuable chip damage from Rocky Helmet/Rough Skin, Mega Garchomp benefits from the greatly increased bulk and the massive increase in damage (you have more attack despite being uninvested than the standard Jolly ScarfChomp, so you hit very hard, even outside of sand), so you can actually counter/check/pseudo-revenge kill (you don't outspeed but some 'mons who can outspeed and OHKO a regular MegaChomp will lose) quite a few key threats that TankChomp can't with (due to its lower defenses and attack).

Onto the set itself.

Garchomp-Mega (M) @ Garchompite
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 76 SpD / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Dragon Tail
- Rest
- Sleep Talk/Toxic/Fire Blast/Stone Edge

Max HP for obvious reasons, 4 speed to outspeed defensive Lando-T and Rotom-W. The EV spread in terms of defensive investment is fairly customizable, but I feel this is one of the better ones.

Calcs below, most of them are for things that this set handles that regular TankChomp cannot handle.

Versus Hoopa-Unbound (Sub+3 Physical Attacks+Life Orb)
252 Atk Life Orb Hoopa Unbound Hyperspace Fury vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Mega Garchomp: 173-204 (41.1 - 48.5%) -- 9.8% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock

0 Atk Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Hoopa Unbound: 259-306 (85.7 - 101.3%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO

You don't get 2HKO'd by Hoopa Unbound's Hyperspace Fury and after the defense drop, you easily OHKO it back. In comparison, Hyperspace Fury 2HKO's the standard TankChomp set ~86% of the time.

Versus Life Orb Excadrill
252+ Atk Life Orb Excadrill Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Mega Garchomp: 165-196 (39.2 - 46.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock

0 Atk Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Excadrill: 516-608 (142.9 - 168.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

You hard counter unboosted Adamant Life Orb Excadrill, which is pretty useful. In comparison, regular TankChomp gets 2HKO'd after Rocks nearly 100% of the time, making it a check, not a counter.

How about if you're up against a boosted Exca?

+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Excadrill Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Mega Garchomp: 331-391 (78.8 - 93%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

Assuming you're at full HP, Adamant +2 Life Orb Exca can't OHKO you even after rocks. In comparison, regular TankChomp gets cleanly OHKO'd after rocks nearly 100% of the time.

Versus Mega Metagross
252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Metagross Meteor Mash vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Mega Garchomp: 147-174 (35 - 41.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock

0 Atk Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mega Metagross: 240-284 (79.7 - 94.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

If they have Ice Punch, you can't switch in, but he can't switch on you and force you out because Ice Punch doesn't OHKO from full after SR. In comparison, TankChomp usually gets OHKO'd after SR with Ice Punch.

252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Metagross Ice Punch vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Mega Garchomp: 328-388 (78 - 92.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

Versus Mega Lopunny
252 Atk Mega Lopunny High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Mega Garchomp: 153-180 (36.4 - 42.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock

252 Atk Mega Lopunny Ice Punch vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Mega Garchomp: 236-280 (56.1 - 66.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

0 Atk Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mega Lopunny: 180-213 (66.4 - 78.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Many Lopunny's semi-often run Ice Punch, which does 2HKO you. BUT, if you switch in on a Return, unless they get a max roll on Return and Ice Punch, you can revenge kill if Lopunny has taken about 1/3-1/4 of its health in damage. In comparison, TankChomp dies to Ice Punch+Return (even before SR).

Versus Life Orb Breloom

252 Atk Life Orb Technician Breloom Bullet Seed (3 hits) vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Mega Garchomp: 165-198 (39.2 - 47.1%) -- approx. 0.4% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock

0 Atk Mega Garchomp Dragon Tail vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Breloom: 124-147 (47.5 - 56.3%) -- 84% chance to 2HKO

0 Atk Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Breloom: 102-121 (39 - 46.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

This set has fairly good odds of beating/forcing out Breloom too-even if they spore you, you just Sleep Talk and either 2HKO or 3HKO him. In comparison, this Breloom will 2HKO regular TankChomp with Bullet Seed (averaging 3 hits) after SR.

Versus Mega-Gyarados
+1 252+ Atk Mold Breaker Mega Gyarados Crunch vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Mega Garchomp: 169-201 (40.2 - 47.8%) -- 3.9% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock

0 Atk Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mega Gyarados: 159-187 (48 - 56.4%) -- 87.5% chance to 2HKO

If Mega Gyarados is carrying Ice Fang, you're 2HKO'd, but if Mega Gyarados is not carrying Ice Fang, and instead carrying some other coverage/Taunt/Sub, you win/force it out with Dragon Tail. Flinch hax can be problematic, but you can still Dragon Tail and Rest up to be safe. In comparison, TankChomp is 2HKO'd at +1 after SR.

Versus Mega Charizard X
You don't win this in most cases, but one useful thing is that DD Zard X can't actually scare you out as well. Normally, DD Zard X can DD up on you (if it switches in on EQ un-Mega'D) because it outspeeds and OHKO's regular Mega Garchomp with Dragon Claw after SR. But with this spread, you can actually stay in, comfortably eat the Adamant Dragon Claw (max of ~74%) and OHKO back with Earthquake, stopping it from DDing up in your face.

Versus Kabutops (in the Rain)

252+ Atk Life Orb Kabutops Waterfall vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Mega Garchomp in Rain: 179-212 (42.6 - 50.4%) -- 1.2% chance to 2HKO

+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Kabutops Waterfall vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Mega Garchomp in Rain: 356-421 (84.7 - 100.2%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO

252+ Atk Life Orb Kabutops Aqua Jet vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Mega Garchomp in Rain: 90-107 (21.4 - 25.4%) -- 0.2% chance to 4HKO
You can switch in on the Swords Dance (assuming you're at full and SR aren't up), live the Waterfall, and assuming you don't get flinched, you OHKO back. Regular TankChomp gets 2HKO'd by an unboosted Waterfall.
TL;DR: Physical threats you can counter/check/pseudo-RK that non-mega TankChomp can't include (but aren't limited to) Sub+Life Orb Hoopa Unbound (hard counter), Unboosted and +2 Adamant Life Orb Excadrill (hard counter), Mega Metagross (limited if carrying Ice Punch), Mega Lopunny (somewhat limited if carrying Ice Punch), Life Orb Breloom (soft-to-hard counter depending on RNG), Mega Gyarados (limited if carrying Ice Fang), DD Mega Charizard X (very limited), and Unboosted and +2 Adamant Life Orb Kabutops (in Rain, hard counter).

Versus (Life Orb/SubDisable) Gengar
252 SpA Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Mega Garchomp: 165-195 (39.2 - 46.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock
You do upwards of 60% with Dragon Tail, so you always win assuming no SpDef drops, even after SR. In comparison, regular TankChomp has a nearly 50% shot of being 2HKO'd after SR. Sub-Disable Gengar also works over TankChomp, but with Rest/Talk, this set can beat it.

Versus Scarf Keldeo

252 SpA Keldeo Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Mega Garchomp: 172-204 (40.9 - 48.5%) -- 10.5% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock

You beat Scarf Keldeo locked into Hydro Pump 100% of the time assuming no crits. Scald is a 3HKO, and you can just Rest off the Burn. In comparison, regular TankChomp gets 2HKO'd 84% of the time by Hydro Pump after SR.

Versus Specs Keldeo

252 SpA Choice Specs Keldeo Scald vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Mega Garchomp: 187-222 (44.5 - 52.8%) -- 25% chance to 2HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Keldeo Icy Wind vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Mega Garchomp: 344-408 (81.9 - 97.1%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

0 Atk Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Keldeo: 186-220 (57.5 - 68.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Okay this matchup is not great but assuming SR aren't up, Keldeo can't switch in and safely spam Scald (you can RestTalk too if needed) for a 2HKO like it can versus regular TankChomp. If Keldeo switches in on EQ and thinks it can OHKO with Icy Wind (which it can against regular TankChomp), you mostly likely get a dead Keldeo.

Versus Magic Guard Clefable

0 SpA Clefable Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Mega Garchomp: 188-224 (44.7 - 53.3%) -- 35.5% chance to 2HKO

+1 0 SpA Clefable Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Mega Garchomp: 284-336 (67.6 - 80%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+2 0 SpA Clefable Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Mega Garchomp: 378-446 (90 - 106.1%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO

0 Atk Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 172 Def Clefable: 180-213 (45.6 - 54%) -- 3.9% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 Atk Sand Force Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 172 Def Clefable in Sand: 234-276 (59.3 - 70%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Without Sand, with a little bit of chip damage, you can actually beat CM+MG Clefable in a 1v1, even if you switch in on a Calm Mind, something that regular TankChomp can't even come close to. With Sand, you can easily come in on a CM+MG Clefable that goes for CM and 2HKO. Even at +2, you have slightly over a 50% chance to survive the Moonblast and 2HKO back, something that regular TankChomp obviously can't do.

Versus CM+Unaware Clefable
0 Atk Sand Force Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Clefable in Sand: 195-231 (49.6 - 58.7%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after sandstorm damage and Leftovers recovery

Without Sand, you can't win barring some chip damage from earlier, but with Sand, you actually can win the 1v1, which is pretty huge. Regular TankChomp can 4HKO at best.

Versus Specs/CM Raikou

252 SpA Choice Specs Raikou Hidden Power Ice vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Mega Garchomp: 348-412 (82.8 - 98%) -- 25% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
Specs Raikou can't revenge kill you from full and you can switch in on CM Raikou as it CMs/Subs and win. Regular TankChomp gets OHKO'd 75% of the time by Specs or +1 HP Ice after SR.

Versus Serperior

252 SpA Life Orb Serperior Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Mega Garchomp: 185-218 (44 - 51.9%) -- 11.7% chance to 2HKO

252 SpA Life Orb Serperior Dragon Pulse vs. 252 HP / 76 SpD Mega Garchomp: 161-192 (38.3 - 45.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
You check Serperior from full if SR aren't up, as Dragon Pulse+Leaf Storm never brings you down so you can switch in on Dragon Pulse and go for the Dragon Tail to phaze. Regular TankChomp can't do this, even from full.
TL;DR: Special threats you can counter/check/pseudo-RK that non-mega TankChomp can't include (but aren't limited to) Life Orb and Sub/Disable Gengar (hard counter), Scarf Keldeo (soft counter), Specs Keldeo (soft-to-hard check), CM+Magic Guard Clefable (soft-to-hard check outside of sand, hard counter with sand), Unaware+CM Clefable (hard counter only with sand), Specs and CM Raikou (hard counter), and Serperior (check/phazing ability)

Overall, this isn't necessarily the best set for Mega-Garchomp, but IMO it's equally viable as the more offensive sets and a good set for certain defensive/bulky offense teams. Pair it with a slow pivot and a way to get rid of hazards/lay your own (Skarmory/Mandibuzz/Forretress/Defog Scizor are all good choices), and it'll shine even more. Cleric support is always appreciated as many of the things that this set counters/hard checks can muscle past a worn down Mega Garchomp.

A recent replay from mid-to-high mid ladder match (1650 opponent) I think helps show the effectiveness of this Garchomp set. 1st, the ability to kill the standard Mega-Diance who think they can just outspeed and OHKO you (which they can do against Tankchomp at full about 50% of the time) is really quite useful for obvious reasons. Also, being able to outspeed and quickly phase out things (in this case Snorlax) due to Sleep Talk's priority even when it picks Dragon Tail is really useful.

Useful to note-though I didn't need to use it, I could use Garchomp to check Dragonite even at +1, since at full, my spread avoids getting OHKO'd by Dragon Claw. Even at +0, if Dragonite just goes for the outrage and I'm at full, I live 100% of the time and phaze it out with Dragon Tail.

Also, since Hippo is so common, this Garchomp sets gets to shine even more since it really abuses sand quite well (letting you counter +1 CM MG and Phys Def Unware CM Clefable, which is very nice).

Will upload more replays as they come.
Here's a cool mon/set which i've used to great success in my latest team, went 29-1 @ 1604. Its a very good stop to certain mons and applies a ton of pressure against opposing teams.


Dragalge @ Black Sludge
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 248 HP / 200 Def / 60 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Sludge Bomb / Sludge Wave
- Toxic Spikes
- Dragon Tail / Draco Meteor
- Rest

Spread enables me to avoid the 1hko from tank chomp's eq, M-zam's psyshock, and CB azu play rough after rocks. You also avoid latios psyshock 1hko after rocks if they decide to go for that instead of draco and a couple of other things i've forgotten. sludge bomb for a decent stab, no investment but with adaptability means this thing hits relatively hard on neutral targets and has a nice poison chance and hits HARD on non-neutral targets

0 SpA Adaptability Dragalge Sludge Bomb vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Latios: 116-138 (38.4 - 45.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
0 SpA Adaptability Dragalge Sludge Bomb vs. 172 HP / 0 SpD Azumarill: 304-360 (79.1 - 93.7%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
0 SpA Adaptability Dragalge Sludge Bomb vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Serperior: 264-312 (90.7 - 107.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

You barely beat life orb serp on a switch assuming no rocks, 0 leafstorm does 12% and +2 dragon pulse does 86% max so thats also useful in an emergency.

Toxic spikes as so many teams run without a hazard remover or one thats easily worn down like HW latias or offensive starmie and its really useful psychological pressure on your opponents as they see their mons hp slowly wittle down. Dragon tail is also a nice stab, his att is kinda measly but again with adaptability its still not bad damage and forces out your opponent's mon and is very good at stopping people from using it as set-up bait like manaphy might. Meteor is another option as that hits really hard again with no investment, does about 10% less than life orb latios to a neutral target which is respectable damage. Rest is to get rid of statuses and as he has no other form of recovery, this set is best run with a cleric and a mon that can take advantage of toxic spikes support.

On my team its a way to deal with venu/keldeo/torn/manaphy/serp and a few other mons, can even soft check a gengar as d-tail does like 50% and sball is a 3hko with no rocks. All in all a very good wall and stop to numerous special attackers.

Here are some replays of Drag in action: - deals with cm/rest manaphy - toxic spikes do about 90% of the work for me - toxic spikes + clefable do all the work - man i love toxic spikes

Anyway hope this set helps people looking for a viable t-spikes setter that isnt tentacruel, although they are similar i feel drag's phasing and unique typing give it a nice niche
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Here's a cool mon/set which i've used to great success in my latest team, went 29-1 @ 1604. Its a very good stop to certain mons and applies a ton of pressure against opposing teams.


Dragalge @ Black Sludge
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 248 HP / 200 Def / 60 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Sludge Bomb
- Toxic Spikes
- Dragon Tail / Draco Meteor
- Rest

Spread enables me to avoid the 1hko from tank chomp's eq, M-zam's psyshock, and CB azu play rough after rocks. You also avoid latios psyshock 1hko after rocks if they decide to go for that instead of draco and a couple of other things i've forgotten. sludge bomb for a decent stab, no investment but with adaptability means this thing hits relatively hard on neutral targets and has a nice poison chance and hits HARD on non-neutral targets

0 SpA Adaptability Dragalge Sludge Bomb vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Latios: 116-138 (38.4 - 45.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
0 SpA Adaptability Dragalge Sludge Bomb vs. 172 HP / 0 SpD Azumarill: 304-360 (79.1 - 93.7%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
0 SpA Adaptability Dragalge Sludge Bomb vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Serperior: 264-312 (90.7 - 107.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

You barely beat life orb serp on a switch assuming no rocks, 0 leafstorm does 12% and +2 dragon pulse does 86% max so thats also useful in an emergency.

Toxic spikes as so many teams run without a hazard remover or one thats easily worn down like HW latias or offensive starmie and its really useful psychological pressure on your opponents as they see their mons hp slowly wittle down. Dragon tail is also a nice stab, his att is kinda measly but again with adaptability its still not bad damage and forces out your opponent's mon and is very good at stopping people from using it as set-up bait like manaphy might. Meteor is another option as that hits really hard again with no investment, does about 10% less than life orb latios to a neutral target which is respectable damage. Rest is to get rid of statuses and as he has no other form of recovery, this set is best run with a cleric and a mon that can take advantage of toxic spikes support.

On my team its a way to deal with venu/keldeo/torn/manaphy/serp and a few other mons, can even soft check a gengar as d-tail does like 50% and sball is a 3hko with no rocks. All in all a very good wall and stop to numerous special attackers.

Here are some replays of Drag in action: - deals with cm/rest manaphy - toxic spikes do about 90% of the work for me - toxic spikes + clefable do all the work - man i love toxic spikes

Anyway hope this set helps people looking for a viable t-spikes setter that isnt tentacruel, although they are similar i feel drag's phasing and unique typing give it a nice niche

Cool set, one thing though-why not run Sludge Wave over Sludge Bomb? The tiny bit of extra BP can be good versus Azu as per your calcs.
Cool set, one thing though-why not run Sludge Wave over Sludge Bomb? The tiny bit of extra BP can be good versus Azu as per your calcs.
not to mention BD chestnaut sweeps that entire team once skarmory drops below 70%

EDIT: If its bulletproof at least, which i guess isnt standard so nvm
If its bulletproof... which i guess isnt standard so nvm
I'm not sure where you're getting that. The standard Chesnaught set is Leech Seed/Spikes/Spiky Shield/drain punch - no grass-type offensive move in there, meaning Chesnaught's only other option, Overgrow, is literally useless. Wood Hammer could be run over Spiky Shield, but due to its self-recoil, it is generally a bad idea to use it when Overgrow is active. Bulletproof has at least some utility on the standard set and outclasses Overgrow on the Wood Hammer variant for the reason I mentioned (don't run seed bomb on defensive ches, its bad). It's viable on the Drum variant, though, since it runs Seed Bomb for lack of recoil (and the fact its power is decent enough in this scenario), and you should be in Overgrow range when you're sweeping. Bulletproof can still be used on drumches though, gives it more switch-in opportunities to start setting up.
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Cool set, one thing though-why not run Sludge Wave over Sludge Bomb? The tiny bit of extra BP can be good versus Azu as per your calcs.

Sure good point I will Slash it in. That and the chesnaught thing is p much the only scenarios it matters but with a naught im just gonna put down me toxic Spikes and phase him out so its not such a big deal
I'm not sure where you're getting that. The standard Chesnaught set is Leech Seed/Spikes/Spiky Shield/drain punch - no grass-type offensive move in there, meaning Chesnaught's only other option, Overgrow, is literally useless. Wood Hammer could be run over Spiky Shield, but due to its self-recoil, it is generally a bad idea to use it when Overgrow is active. Bulletproof has at least some utility on the standard set and outclasses Overgrow on the Wood Hammer variant for the reason I mentioned (don't run seed bomb on defensive ches, its bad). It's viable on the Drum variant, though, since it runs Seed Bomb for lack of recoil (and the fact its power is decent enough in this scenario), and you should be in Overgrow range when you're sweeping. Bulletproof can still be used on drumches though, gives it more switch-in opportunities to start setting up.
I specifically mentioned belly drum chestnaut in my post, and for that overgrow is standard.

Sure good point I will Slash it in. That and the chesnaught thing is p much the only scenarios it matters but with a naught im just gonna put down me toxic Spikes and phase him out so its not such a big deal
Yeah. I forgot that because of the EVs set to proc the salac berry, that chest only gets one free sub after belly drum. So if you just spam dtail he can't set up regardless.
BD Chesnaught is super uncommon, like 'more uncommon than porygon-z' uncommon. You lose more games because Sludge Wave doesn't get the important poison than you would lose because you face a SubBD Chesnaught.
Honestly, the choice of Bomb > Wave comes down to the poison chance. If you don't care about random poisons, run Bomb. If your answer to one or more Pokemon is to cripple them with Paralysis or Burn, or if your team has trouble against Guts Pokemon like Conkeldurr, you do not want to accidentally poison with Bomb, so Wave would be the better option. In other words, it depends on the team.
I have recently been using a commendable garchomp set. The 4th moveslot on chomp has always been a bit iffy. You can use edge or endure but I like going with rest. This mean that after being wittled down, instead of sacking chomp for a bit of damage I like to rest and get even more rough skin + rocky helmet. I also like the rest option as it means I can eliminate status on my tank chomp. Opponents prefer to toxic and burn chomp rather than using contact moves.

For some team options you could have a cleric like clef or chansey to heal bell of the sleep but I understand that clerics don't fit into the more offensive teams that chomp is seen on. Switching garchomp into brave birds from talon and staying in when they switch out can lose momentum but does burn sleep turns.

I am not sure how viable this set is but it is another alternative move for garchomp. Rest is relatively easy to get off as chomp is decently fast

Mew @ Life Orb
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 100 HP / 72 Atk / 220 SpA / 116 Spe
Rash Nature
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower
- Defog

This is a destructive mew that aims to bank on the notion that people are very willing to let their walls get burned when they're desperate to get rocks up. People tend to assume mew is the stallbreaker or support set, which opens up a lot of possibilities to lure shit or catch them off guard.

The EVs are designed to kill Heatran and Ferrothorn, and as a result include tankchomp, gliscor, scizor and lando. It also 2hkos hippowdon, skarmory, and mamoswine, and sorta does celebi. It can also get in some cheeky damage against stuff like diancie, who in my experience wont use protect while transforming (doesn't kill but eq does like 90), and can kill bisharp who will literally never sucker punch a mew unless youve already revealed the set (even then nobodys done it to me so far). Mew also has the bulk to sponge shit from stuff like excadrill or megakazam and pour damage back onto them before dying. Speed is to double speed creep tankchomp since its a common milestone.

There are lots of ways to tweak the set because its a fucking mew. This spatk also hits the milestone for vacuum wave killing bisharp, while lets you defog more liberally and piss off weavile. Dazzling gleam is good for sableye if youre running rocks or something (though calm mind doesnt care about that even if youre maxing spatk). Will-o-wisp can be used to just cripple shit anyway. Taunt can be used to keep people from just spamming rocks in your face when theres nothing else good to defog on. Also expert belt can be used instead of life orb, but you'll need fire blast to kill standard ferrothorn. You'll get more bulk if you do that though and could always just drop the fire coverage if you dont need it. Here's some premades that hit all the important milestones or whatever but really its just an offensive mew.

Replays. The team isnt that great and the ladders a bit all over the place because of the reset but they show the concept in action pretty well.
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With Smogon Tour being over, I thought I'd drop some sets. I'm sorry I don't have any replays because I used all of these in test games or they didn't really shine in the game I brought them in (except Gyarados).

Alakazam (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Knock Off
- Focus Blast

I actually discovered this set as I was spectating some random dude on the ladder. LO Alakazam is a nice balance breaker and most Hard Stall only have Chansey to switch in. With Knock Off, you can remove Chansey's Eviolite and put more pressure with Alakazam or go to town with something like Charizard Y. Dazzling Gleam and Focus Blast because otherwise you're walled by Sab/Skarm and thus Chansey won't switch on you. It can also remove Tornadus-T's Assault Vest for a partner like Scarf Keldeo or Clefable's Leftovers so you have a reasonnable chance to 2KO with Psychic afterwards.

Clefable (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 160 HP / 136 SpA / 212 Spe
Modest Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Healing Wish
- Thunder Wave
- Moonblast

Kinda stolen from FLCL. It's rather gimmicky but it's a SR setter that fits some Offense with an emergency T-Wave/Healing Wish. Gets rocks up on the face of Sableye all day long. I don't remember what the Special Attack does, enough speed for uninvested Rotom-Wash (should you finish one off).

Gyarados @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 72 HP / 188 Atk / 248 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Bounce
- Waterfall
- Rest

I wanted some Sweeper that could help with Keldeo and Scizor and I laid my eyes on this one. I originally went with Chesto Rest so I could switch on Keldeo and play around a Scald burn should it happen. It's generally helpful if you take some damages as you set-up (or a status) too. Here is a replay where it won from turn 1, Chesto Rest was clutch to shrug off poison damages and get out of Ice Shard range. I used Moxie but Intimidate works fine too if you're into that.

Mew @ Focus Sash
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Endeavor
- Ice Beam

I didn't use this set but it did relatively well in the test games I used it in. It's kind of a lead/anti-lead. SR and Taunt are pretty obvious, Endeavor is to severely weaken something before going out. I used Ice Beam because it nails Landorus-T, Gliscor and TankChomp and my team benefited from that, but you might wanna experiment with other options. Biggest let down is Mega-Sableye having a field day on you.

Metagross @ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 248 HP / 228 SpD / 32 Spe
Careful Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Pursuit
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic / Coverage

This is a metagross for when you want to pursuit trap things with tyrannitar, but you are also using a synthesis user, and you really need stealth rocks.

also can slightly better handle some strong physical mons that could easily overload avest metagross. You get an 8%ish damage upgrade over avest metagross, and you lose only ~2% special bulk. You also outspeed +spd base 70s.

Good mon if you need to condense a few roles, and you dont really mind the megaslot loss

Here is an exhilarating battle against rob. <3
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I have a set I used on full stall to counteract and check potential stallbreakers. The team I used them on got me to the finals of a room tour (where I used a different team expecting to be ct'ed lol) and to the top 100 of the ladder so I figured they might be decent enough to post here.


Manaphy @ Leftovers
Ability: Hydration
EVs: 176 HP / 80 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Scald
- Energy Ball
- Rain Dance
- Heart Swap

This Manaphy set is my answer to specially based setup mons, which Chansey struggles with such as NP Togekiss, TG or CM RD Manaphy and other fat Calm Mind (and Psyshock) users like Clefable, Reuniclus, Suicune, Slowking and Slowbro as well as its mega. The best part about this set is that it doesn't only completely stop the opponent's attempt at setting up by getting rid of their stat boosts, it also gives you an opportunity to basically counter-sweep your opponent's team in case it's a slower/bulkier build or at least net 1 or 2 kills. These replays ( and show how it can prevent my opponent's Manaphys from setting up pretty well. E: might add more and better replays later in case I get some
It also helps soft-checking offensive Magma-Storm Heatran (Scald is a guranteed 2HKO with the 80 EVs in SpA) and Stallbreaker Talonflame, two mons, which can be pretty difficult to deal with when using stall.
Max speed is used to ensure at least having a speed tie against opposing Manaphys although most RD variants don't run max speed.
Even in match-ups where Heart Swap isn't really useful, Manaphy still has some decent utility thanks to Scald being the great move that it is lol and it coming off a base 100 SpA instead of 65 like in Quag's case.
This set also has its downsides though, getting it in safely without sacking something can be rather tricky because of the high risk of getting hit by a boosted attack. It also obviously can't handle CM Latios and NP Thundurus and it can stop CM Keldeo from setting up like once so you have to rely on your other 5 slots to take care of them.
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Metagross @ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body ------> Tough Claws
EVs: 160 HP | 252 Atk | 96 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Thunder Punch
- Ice Punch
- Bullet Punch | Hammer Arm

dont wanna run mega metagross in OU cuz of the popularity of rocky helmet defensive garchomp and spdef skarmory?? say no more bois. introducing the double elemental punch + bullet punch mega metagross, with an adamant nature and an absurd amount of added bulk.

my thinking when i first made this set was that against bulkier teams, mega metagross rly struggles to put in work with the prevalence of skarm, defensive starmie, slowbro, garchomp, lando-t everywhere, and the speed you get from jolly doesnt rly benefit you much vs these slow teams. now vs offensive teams, a large percentage of these mons outspeed mega metagross regardless, such as torn-t, weavile, raikou, mega lopunny. thats why i readjusted the EV spread to make mega metagross extra bulky, but still not exactly slow, as with this speed investment you outspeed timid max spe heatran, and max spe adamant azu before you mega evolve. adamant is used over jolly to grab that extra boost in power.

the following moves give mega metagross very good type coverage in OU. MM is standard STAB and provides you a way to KO fairies, as well as 2hkoing both chansey and max defense mega sab. thunder punch is vital, allowing you to break through even max physdef skarm which no one runs, defensive cm manaphy, slowbro, suicune so it cant rest stall, gyara, KOes azu after SR, and beats keldeo too since you dont have zen headbutt. ice punch is a necessity to OHKO both rocky helmet garchomp & defensive landorus-t which are very popular atm, defensive gliscor & mandibuzz & has a very slim chance of 2hkoing hippo, allowing you to keep on threatening it with a freeze. bullet punch is probably better in the last slot 95% of the time, thats what allows it to be such a threat to offense even when you drastically lower the speed. it does 60-70% to gengar, ohkoes weavile, ohkoes garde, 2hkoes scarf ttar & mega medi, does around 60% to hoopa-u & mega zam, nearly 2hkoes torn-t (does around 46%), and in general, Meteor Mash + Bullet Punch wrecks shit that try switching in. hammer arm can be used i guess if you really really hate ferrothorn and various steel types.

some ppl have asked me "why would you use slow bulky mega metagross instead of av metagross which does the same thing?". first obvious reason is the huge power difference: on average, meteor mash from adamant mega metagross does 30% more than av metagross on neutral threats, and 40% on SE threats. you also gain a slight increase in physical bulk even though you're not max HP, and you are much faster than av metagross, all for a little lower spdef.


Kyurem-b @ Life Orb
Ability: Terravolt
EVs: 224 Atk | 212 SpAtk | 72 Spe
Brave Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Ice Beam
- Fusion Bolt
- Roost

this thing looks weird af cuz im running 72 speed EVs with a speed lowering nature but i swear it works ;-; standard special attacking kube has gotten very predictable and more teams are now equipped to finding answers to it or playing around it. these include the abundance of tyranitar on balanced teams, chansey on stall, clef, ferro, and gay shit like stalling you out with slowbro 1 v 1 since you only do like 55% to it with fusion bolt after leftovers.

i wanted a powerful wallbreaker that had investment and a bunch of power on both attacking spectrums, so i made a slow kube with a ton of EVs dumped into both of its attack stats. i didnt want to lower any of kube's fantastic defenses so i chose brave nature, and then dumped enough speed EVs to outspeed defensive landorus-t so it cant u turn out before you attack it. to emphasize no defensive stats being lowered, i gave it roost for survivability in the last slot.

Dragon claw is your main STAB move here and it is extremely spammable. right off the bat, it ohkoes raikou, torn-t, does around 70% to ttar switch ins, and 2hkoes chansey, mixed def mega sab, and mew. ice beam is your next move to destroy any physdef mons like quagsire, hippo, lando-t, and breaks grass types, and is your strongest move against ferro. fusion bolt is extremely handy here, quite simply cuz kube lures in clef like no other and FUSION BOLT 2HKOES CLEFABLE SWITCH INS. oh and it also koes mega garde switch ins, and 2hkoes mega scizor switch ins assuming it hasnt mega evolved yet on the turn it switches in. then ofc its just a way to destroy waters like slowbro, suicune, manaphy, mega gyarados, keld switch ins. oh plus it ohkoes hoopa-u switch ins as well.

this thing is so gud vs those mega manectric | torn-t | garchomp | keld | latios | hoopa-u | lando-t | manaphy | azu generic offensive teams and those generic skarm | chansey | quagsire | hippo | amoongus | clefable | slowbro | mega sableye teams ^_^ then ofc its a nightmare for balanced as always.
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I present to you the amazing cro-gross.

Metagross @ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 128 HP / 128 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Power-Up Punch
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Metagross has amazingly useful typing for the meta and quite a strong STAB to spam. I wanted to use a bulky-ish set that had longevity and decided on a crocune set. Power up Punch is better than hone claws. I have used this thing to start busting through skarms, rotoms, ferrothorns, and even some sableyes depending on having a boost earlier or not. Not to mention this thing obviously does work with its 110 speed tier.

Yes, I have been forced out by keldeos from time to time. And yes it's unfortunate against bulky grounds. But I built a team around him, specifically with gliscor to lure and start weakening skarm/lando/chomp/hippo.

I like the set. Here's some replays.
In this battle the set doesn't really shine but the battle shows, proves, that the team isn't one big gimmick. The team holds together against a very strong OU team. Metagross pulls through in the end by surviving bish's LO sucker punch comfortably and boosting off of it. I'm not sure if I won a speed tie in the end or if latios was HP fire variant. Either way slowbro could CM afterwards if i had died to draco.
This is a battle where it really works out. In the end my opponent was banking on burning metagross. Metagross shrugs off status and starts the sweep. You can decide if the hax in this game mattered too much or not. In my opinion spdef gliscor has a perfectly valid chance of staying alive in front of defensive rotom-w and if it became clear i was losing then i would obviously switch out <_<. Someone else can do the math but I'm pretty sure 8 hydro pumps is not always enough to beat gliscor.

bonus replays
metagross clears through will-o mew mid battle and starts breaking through manaphy
metagross does not give a fuck
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Kyurem-B @ Life Orb
Ability: Terravolt
EVs: 224 Atk / 212 SpAtk / 72 Spe
Brave Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Ice Beam
- Fusion Bolt
- Roost

Quick question, but other than guaranteeing the OHKO on hippo, max hp celebi and defensive m-venu after rocks, is that much SpAtt investment necessary? Also, is Naughty/Lonely nature that big of a detriment? I know that you're going for the slow wallbreaker here, but are there any hits that kyu-b survives with Brave that it doesn't with Naughty/Lonely?

Omastar @ Focus Sash
Ability: Weak Armor
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic Spikes
- Ice Beam / Scald
- Shell Smash

nice suicide lead for ho teams. stealth rock + toxic spikes set it apart from other leads like azelf and cloyster and omastar can actually pressure things unlike forretress which just sits there and gives everything single thing in the tier setup opportunities. shell smash + ice beam pressures common defoggers and gives omastar some sort of offensive presence. it being on the field completely deters talonflame as long as you don't reveal all 4 moves. weak armor also catches some stuff off and lets you setup an extra layer of hazards. just watch out for magic bounce leads, though you can run scald to scary away diancie. i know that the goomy made an rmt with a similar set so i'm not the only one that has used this set.

only have one replay because other ones are broken and won't load.
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Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spe
Bold Nature
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Snatch

Pretty fun set I've been using on Rotom-W. Snatch > Pain Split. Feel free to use whatever Rotom-W EVs you like I just chose these. For those of you who don't know what Snatch does: User steals certain support moves to use itself. The most notable of these moves are
- Recovery moves like Slack Off, Rest, Softboiled, Recover, Roost
- Set up moves like Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Quiver Dance, Tail Glow (and physical ones too I guess but that doesn't always achieve much because Rotom is a special attacker)
- Heal Bell/Aromatherapy - Fuck status.

This allows Rotom-W to put in work vs things like Clefable by preventing recovery, CM Slowbro because it steals both Slack Off and CM & more. I'm sure you can use that brain of yours to figure out the type of Pokemon this set is works against

Replays weren't working for me when I was testing out this set for some reason so I copy pasted some text from my battles of this set.

(edited the format to make text the same size because fuck AM )

Rotom used Snatch!
Rotom waits for a target to make a move!

The opposing Charizard used Roost!
Rotom snatched the opposing Charizard's move!
Rotom restored its HP.


Rotom used Snatch!
Rotom waits for a target to make a move!

The opposing Slowbro used Calm Mind!
Rotom snatched the opposing Slowbro's move!
Rotom's Special Attack rose! Rotom's Special Defense rose!


Rotom used Snatch!
Rotom waits for a target to make a move!

The opposing Clefable used Softboiled!
Rotom snatched the opposing Clefable's move!
Rotom restored its HP.


Rotom used Snatch!
Rotom waits for a target to make a move!

The opposing Celebi used Heal Bell!
Rotom snatched the opposing Celebi's move!
A bell chimed!
Utility / Stallbreaker Serperior

Serperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Taunt
- Glare
- Knock Off

This set is pretty cool since it allows Serperior to act more as a Utility mon and as a stallbreaker as well. The EV spread was used by Leftiez or Reymedy I think, but it basically allows Serperior to take hits better from mons like Keldeo, and the 244 speed is there because that's the minimum to outspeed Thundurus, and there's nothing else around that speed tier that it's not outspeeding. Taunt is really nice as it's able to prevent opponents from using recovery moves, meaning Serperior can defeat Clefable with more ease, as it can't go for Soft Boiled nor T-Wave. Glare is just really nice for speed control, especially against Torn-T and other mons that switch into Serperior like Mega Venusaur. Knock Off really helps cripple AV mons like Torn-T, and also helps Serp defeat Chansey. Yes you lose coverage that could help against Ferro, Mega Scizor or Heatran, but the utility in being able Taunt + Glare them to allow another teammate an easier time to sweep can be worth it.

Edit: Max speed to outspeed opposing Serperiors with HP Fire.
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Utility / Stallbreaker Serperior

Serperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 248 HP / 16 SpA / 244 Spe
Timid Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Taunt
- Glare
- Knock Off

This set is pretty cool since it allows Serperior to act more as a Utility mon and as a stallbreaker as well. The EV spread was used by Leftiez or Reymedy I think, but it basically allows Serperior to take hits better from mons like Keldeo, and the 244 speed is there because that's the minimum to outspeed Thundurus, and there's nothing else around that speed tier that it's not outspeeding. Taunt is really nice as it's able to prevent opponents from using recovery moves, meaning Serperior can defeat Clefable with more ease, as it can't go for Soft Boiled nor T-Wave. Glare is just really nice for speed control, especially against Torn-T and other mons that switch into Serperior like Mega Venusaur. Knock Off really helps cripple AV mons like Torn-T, and also helps Serp defeat Chansey. Yes you lose coverage that could help against Ferro, Mega Scizor or Heatran, but the utility in being able Taunt + Glare them to allow another teammate an easier time to sweep can be worth it.
This set is awesome, one minor nitpick: Wouldn't you want max speed so that you outspeed all other Serps running HP Fire so that you can hit them with Glare/Knock Off? Not sure if it really makes too much of a difference, but I had that in mind.
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This set is awesome, one minor nitpick: Wouldn't you want max speed so that you outspeed all other Serps running HP Fire so that you can hit them with Glare/Knock Off? Not sure if it really makes too much of a difference, but I had that in mind.

Serp is the only mon you won't outspeed, but you got a good point since HP fire reduces speed by 1, meaning this Serp can outspeed. I'll take out 8 SpA and move it to speed when I get home. Thanks!
This is a Serperior that I see in a replay and is the Serperior of Serpents&Dragon team

Serperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 56 HP / 200 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 1 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 SpD
- Leaf Storm
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Substitute
- Synthesis

I wrote the serpents and dragons RMT, so if this gets added I would like credit. Some variants to keep in mind are HP Fire > HP Ground (which would be more common actually), as well as Leech Seed > Synthesis, which fits better on teams that aren't semistall (it can make serp extremely annoying and it still has increased durability.
updated archive, also organized by page number to make my life easier. everything prior to the replay rule is in hide tags

also, thanks for everyone that has provided replays. really helps people understand your sets and you get more likes too! (since that is what smogon is right now, sigh)
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