New and 'creative' moveset/EV spread thread - BW RU Edition

Thanks, everyone. I'm going to test the set out!
...I'm just worried that even with a Scarf, Wailord will be too slow to be viable.
Basically it should look like this

Wailord @ Choice Scarf
Timid 4 HP/252SpA/252Spe
-Water Spout
-Hydro Pump/Surf
-Ice Beam
-Hidden Power [Electric]

You could also throw selfdestruct onto it, in which case you should change the nature to hasty.
I don't think Selfdestruct is worth it anymore with the loss of the Defense drop. STAB Hydro Pump is only 20 BP shy of it. I'd consider HP Grass over Electric since Ice Beam will cover Flying types in the first place, unless you're deathly scared of Pelipper, Swanna or Mantine.

Wailord hits 360 Spe with a Scarf and +ve nature. That beats neutral 252 base 120s like Sceptile, but loses by 1 point to +ve 115s like Floatzel and Persian.
Specially Defensive Flareon Shuts down Lilligant without Hidden Power Rock

Flareon @ Leftovers
252 SpDef / 252 HP / 4 Att or 4 SpAtt
Flash Fire
Calm or Careful Nature
-Fire Fang/Overheat/Substitute
This set was made entirely to counter Lilligant. Have Lilligant put something to sleep, send Flareon in on the turn he boosts up, and hit it with a Firefang or Overheat. Lilligant's Petal Dance is a 5 hit KO and Flareon is immune to Hidden Power Fire. Fire Fang puts Lilligant at a range to be KO by Priority, and Overheat has a 25% chance of OHKOing. The Rest of the set is geared towards Wish passing or Toxic Stalling, which is why you would want to run Sub if you want to be more defensive.

Also, depending on which move you use, you should use a different nature.
(Calm for Overheat, Careful for Fire Fang)
Except that every Lilly SHOULD run HP Rock. Also, the entire idea relies on you getting a team mate getting slept.

Insomnia Hypno is a far better check to Lilly.
Reviving with a new set considering how people keep saying honch is good but not broken since he has a lot of counters: a simple set that beats those counters.

Honchkrow @ Life Orb
252 SpAtk/252 Spe/4 SpDef
Modest / Insomnia

Nasty Plot
Heat Wave
Dark Pulse/Substitute
HP Flying/Substitute

Straightforward NP set. Can 2hko Munchlax at +2 after SR, 1hko's 252 HP Eviolite Rhydon after SR, 1hko's 252 HP Steelix with no boost, 1hko's Sharpedo with unboosted HP Flying, etc. HP Flying has good power on its own, and Dark Pulse isn't actually necessary to beat a lot of threats, so Substitute has enough utility that you could forgo a STAB move for it. Life Orb is necessary for the KOs, as is Modest, so item/nature choice is inflexible.
^ Mixed Honchkrow is better. NP Krow is easily taken out by faster Pokemon and Choice Scarf users, not to mention that it needs a turn to set up Nasty Plot that they can exploit. MixKrow at least has Sucker Punch to mitigate that weakness. Not to mention that Sub is a terrible idea on this because it reduces the amount of coverage it has.
as to np krow: without species clause that has the potential to be great.

i guess it could work with KlingKlang since they have more or less the same counters.
The only problem I have with using the mix or a NP version of Honchkrow, is that he really abuses the Moxie set the best. Sure, its nice to take out your counters, but leaving the removal of the counters to team mates lets Honch rip through a team mid or end game, something the moxie set does much better than mix or NP.

I don't actually have experience using the NP set, but I've had this relative success with other sets:

L.O. Moxie w/ pursuit,sucker,sub,BB > Scarf Moxie w/ Superpower, N Slash, Pursuit, BB > L.O. Insomnia w/ Sucker, Superpower, Heatwave, BB.

That's just my success and
as to np krow: without species clause that has the potential to be great.

i guess it could work with KlingKlang since they have more or less the same counters.

^yeah pretty much
Reviving with a new set considering how people keep saying honch is good but not broken since he has a lot of counters: a simple set that beats those counters.

Honchkrow @ Life Orb
252 SpAtk/252 Spe/4 SpDef
Modest / Insomnia

Nasty Plot
Heat Wave
Dark Pulse/Substitute
HP Flying/Substitute

Straightforward NP set. Can 2hko Munchlax at +2 after SR, 1hko's 252 HP Eviolite Rhydon after SR, 1hko's 252 HP Steelix with no boost, 1hko's Sharpedo with unboosted HP Flying, etc. HP Flying has good power on its own, and Dark Pulse isn't actually necessary to beat a lot of threats, so Substitute has enough utility that you could forgo a STAB move for it. Life Orb is necessary for the KOs, as is Modest, so item/nature choice is inflexible.

I saw this posted somewhere else at an earlier time.

But where.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Extreme Speed
move 2: Flare Blitz
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Choice Band / Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Adamant
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Not exactly a new set but more if a minor tweak, We all know Entei's 4th move slot is generally considered filler, from What I know, you have 3 options.

Iron Head: To counter rock/ground types and the potential to flinch hax them, since they're generally slow, particularly Rhydon.

Hidden Power Grass: For water/ground and rock ground. Although Gastrodon is no longer RU, there are still others like Quagsire and it also hits Rhydon on it's weaker SpD side.

Sleep Talk: My personal choice WHY? I rarely ever encounter Quagsire or Rhydon as often as I meet Lilligant, Tangrowth and other pokemon that want to put my Entei to sleep. It also makes Entei a Sleep absorber and makes him very scary, as you have no idea what move he'll use. With all this talk about why Lilliganti s overpowered and should be banned and she doesn't have enough counters/checks to stay in RU, here's another surprise counter/check to take care of Lilligant. It's not a 100% counter like Bouffolant as it can be played around if Entei is choice locked into sleep talk and Lilligant Sleep powder misses or they expect Your entei to carry sleep talk or Lilligant doesn't have sleep powder at all and is using the Aromatherapy set.
sleep talk looks like a cool fourth move for cb entei. nothing else is better so... yeah

it's not exactly good but its situational uses are common enough to make it worthwhile
Choice locked into sleep talk? No thank you
You'd be much better off running honch, primeape, or sap sipper anything

Like nails said, it's not like Entei has a better 4th move, and Lilligant is more common then Entei typical counters, Qaugsire and Rhydon. How many times have you use Entei's 4th move anyway? Sleep talk is there for insurance against sleep powder users like Lilligant and Tangrowth, people generally don't expect it.

As for Choice Sleep talk, have you ever used Guts choice sleep talk Heracross, it hits like a tank, I don't know my opponent's EVs on their Xatu but my Choice Band Heracross once 2hko a Xatu with Close combat while it was asleep with guts activated and Xatu Quad resist fighting. That shocked me, is that even possible? maybe the battle simulator screwed up on the numbers, maybe someone here could confirm it, I hate using the damage calculator, I always miss something and get it wrong lol.
252 +1 Atk Life Orb Heracross Close Combat vs 0 HP/0 Def Xatu: 45.76% - 53.87%
2-3 hits to KO
So it is indeed possible if you roll high both times.
252 +1 Atk Life Orb Heracross Close Combat vs 0 HP/0 Def Xatu: 45.76% - 53.87%
2-3 hits to KO
So it is indeed possible if you roll high both times.

LO doesn't offer the same boost in damage output as CB? So it's doing about 52.77-62.36% if using the given EVs. Though I haven't a clue why Xatu wouldn't run any investment in bulk, or even more importantly what this and Heracross are doing being brought up in RU discussion...
Right, I've had no time to play RU recently and this set has been an idea that's not been getting the game time it deserves so hopefully someone can play with it a bit:


Altaria (F) @ Leftovers
Name: FukULilliFukUUUU!!!!
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 36 Def / 220 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- DragonBreath
- Roar
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Altaria has always been a good (if somewhat unspectacular) special wall. When Lilligant, and to a small extent Sun teams, became popular with the introduction of the new RU I searched for a solution that could offer reliable cover as well as supporting the team and being annoying as fuck (three conditions that I always look for whenever I pick a Pokemon for a team).

The thinking behind this set is much the same as when I stumbled across Munchlax all the way back in early RU. DragonBreath threatens with Paralysis, Roar fucks with everything, while Rest + Sleep Talk keeps Altaria going on and on. What makes this a touch more elegant is that Natural Cure wakes Altaria up upon switching out, a very handy solution to the problem of being out-predicted while sleeping and never getting the chance to wake up.

It is a pretty good answer to Lilligant since it can switch in on any move and threaten it with Paralysis or phazing, although Lilligant carrying HP [Rock] will hurt at +1. Fire and Grass types in general will have a rough time because not many carry a move that can significantly damage Altaria; another factor is that not many people expect an Altaria to be able to retaliate after they have just been silenced by Sleep Powder. Overall is a pretty fun set to use, slightly gimmicky but so was Munchlax back when nobody knew about RestTalk. I feel that this set will be less effective once more people know about it but for now I think it's got some potential as an alternative answer to the many hipster sweepers that are gaining popularity: namely CM Entei, SD Samurott, BU Gallade and QD Lilligant.

Hell Gallade and Lilligant aren't even hip anymore they're mainstream...
A lot of talk about Durant being walled by steels made me think if there was a way around them and this is what I came up with

name: Claw Pass
move 1: Hone Claws
move 2: Baton Pass
move 3: X-cissors / Iron Head
move 4: Rock Slide / Crunch
item: Life Orb/ Leftovers
ability: Hustle
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Yip the key move on this set is baton pass, Although Durant loses coverage, it gains some flexibility, to work around steels and other pokemon that would overwise wall it.

The two coverage moves depends on what you want to hit. A lot of things wall you once you drop a coverage move but baton pass allows you to give your counter/check a boost to take out Durant's counters and allowing it to sweep once you've taken care of them. Even Special attacker benefit from hone claws if they carry a less then perfect accuracy move such as Fire Blast.

Baton Pass also allows Durant to escape death traps by the likes of magneton, Dugtrio and Wynautt, although Dugtrio out speeds you, I don't think it can OHKO you with Earthquake (I'm too lazy to do damage calculations)
This is kind of a late reply, but anywho...

Baton Pass also allows Durant to escape death traps by the likes of magneton, Dugtrio and Wynautt, although Dugtrio out speeds you, I don't think it can OHKO you with Earthquake (I'm too lazy to do damage calculations)

I used to run an agility Scolipede with a similar idea, cutting down on coverage slightly to allow for the pass of the speed boost to something else.

Jolly Choice Band 252 atk Duggy does max 74% dmg to a 4/0 Durant which is probably using life orb so it can probably (with the assumptions made) still take a hit after an initial KO and OHKO Dugtrio back with Iron Head (it can even OHKO 60% of the time with out any life orb assistance, but what else would Durant belt?)

So, while I agree that Baton Pass has its uses and is very useful to switch to another physical attacker that can use the boosts, Durant should be attacking Dugtrio and smashing it back into the ground instead of running.
^ Durant actually makes great use of Lum Berry. I personally ran it for those annoying Bulky Ghosts that try to WoW him, as well as the occasional Thunder Wave. With the Hustle boost and Hone Claws, he basically had enough power anyway. It was also useful for faking a Choice set when I needed to.
Name : Awesome Wall
Drudigon @ Lefties
-Rough Skin
Moves: -Roar
-Sucker Punch

evs: 248 hp 252 def 8 attack Impish

A really awesome defensive wall, it can deal easily with stell types with the EQ, thos ferro needs to be roared out. It isnt set up bait with roar(unless taunt) and it has enough power to actually KO things with outrage! The sucker punch is there because its so usefull, it can deal some extra damage to those u-turners and with rough skin really take aways their survivability. It can also kill some special attackers that wont expect it!
eh, if I'm gonna run defensive Drudiggon, I'm not gonna lock him into outrage :/ I've played something like this a couple times, using D-Tail/EQ/Glare/Sucker Punch. Though I do agree it's a fairly solid defensive pivot, taking Entei on pretty damn well, as well as being bulky enough to check Liligant in a pinch. Plus, nobody expects Glare, so you can get away with paralyzing a ton of stuff
Dual Screens Uxie
Light Clay
~ Reflect
~ Light Screen
~ Stealth Rock
~ Magic Coat
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Uxie serves a similar role to deoxys in OU, using magic coat to overcome his unaccess to taunt and non-amazing speed. Key dual screencs abusers include aggron, lilligant, fraxure and others
I use something very similar, except I run U-Turn over Magic Coat. But I think Magic coat is actually a better option.
Anyway, I just came up with a anti-lead Liepard set.
Liepard @ Normal Gem
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
- Fake Out
- Taunt
- Toxic
- Torment/Pursuit
The basic idea of this set is to use Fake out on the first turn, consuming the Normal Gem so you get the Unburden boost. You hit 684 speed after Unburden, so you can fire up super-fast Taunts and Toxics. Torment stops Choiced Pokemon, most notably Typhlosion, while Pursuit hurts switches.