I am still online.
Okay I'll see you on SuMo.
I am still online.
Hi, do you still need HA Rhyhorn (Rhydon), Spheal, Shinx (Luxio), Sewaddle, and Axew (Fraxure)? They have random natures and IVs since I just caught them from friend safari. I'm looking to donate them.
Yeah, you give stuff out for free anyway, so if I give you these, it's like contributing to the community :P
Have been going to a few different trade threads to distribute this info, but that seems like a very slow process, and the Bank update makes things much easier, so here goes:
I currently have a number of my DW Dream Ball Female captures from my Black, White 2 and my brother's Black 2, all gathering dust in my X. These are mostly untouched (save for having active PokeRus); due to these being SR'ed for Natures and not IVs, the trade would be at minimum a three-for-one deal (if more mons are needed from my end for equivalent exchange, let me know). I'm never really doing anything with these, so I am currently looking to give these a home where they're actually used. I have:
- Stunky
- Illumise
- Nincada
- Alomomola
- Stantler
- Surskit
- Eevee
- Dratini
- Carvanha
- Crustle
- Tangela
- Audino
- Slugma
- Psyduck
- Seel
- Poochyena
- Maractus
- Rattata
- Seedot
- Spoink
- Oddish
- Cubone
- Tentacool
- Axew
- Gible
- Magby
- Absol
- Shroomish
- Bagon
- Qwilfish
- Pinsir
- Chansey
- Sigilyph
- Snorut
- Abra
- Cacnea
- Butterfree
- Chimecho
- Zigzagoon
- Trapinch
- Seaking
- Sneasel
- Kangaskhan
- Swinub
- Sableye
- Onix
- Machop
- Nidoran-F
- Combee
- Miltank
- Slakoth
- Basculin-Red
- Geodude
- Exeggcute
- Gligar
- Staravia
- Hippopotas
- Misdreavus
- Snorlax
- Tropius
- Koffing
Offer me whatever you like for these--I give preference to things that allow me to re-create Battle Maison & Tree sets with Egg Moves (refer to Team Rocket Elite's moveset data for reference, here and here), but anything worthwhile works for me. I would prefer to conduct trades in X (to allow me to collect Friend Safaris), but if you have no Gen VI games, and are offering me Gen VII stuff in return, I can Transfer these to my Sun no prob, just let me know.
I also have a number of DW Dream Ball males available, if you would like to see what I have on that front PM me.
My info for both X and Sun:
IGN: Smuckem
FC: 3969-8098-4506
X Message: Maison Bot
Since you have mentioned, "Make an Offer":
Hey MKL,
I'm still interested in some of your BBHAs so I'd like to offer some HAs I've got that you may still not have, namely:
Horsea, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Roselia, Shinx, Oshawott, Tepig. I also have many HAs that are currently not on your list, and since I'm a big sucker for EMs myself, almost every single one of my Pokémon carry 4 EMs (such as HA Spheal, Rhyhorn, etc mentioned above).
Let me know if there's still anything you're looking for in particular!
Okay, are there any particular EMs you might be looking for?
I can offer any BP items that you want. Just tell me what and I can trade for some BB Pokes.
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Ability: Weak Armor/Sturdy/Keen Eye
Nature: Impish
Egg Moves: Brave Bird/Pursuit/Drill Peck/Whirlwind