MKL's Beast Ball Breeding Bonanza(reopened, now looking for USUM BB Pokemon.)

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Hi, I'm looking for a Prankster Sableye. Spitback is fine, any IVs at all is fine really. I'm willing to give you any BP item in Sun/Moon that you want for it, or I have a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Bold Contrary Fomantis with Defog in a Friend Ball if that piques your interest, since I see you're looking for Egg Moves. Thanks in advance!
Hi, I'm looking for a Prankster Sableye. Spitback is fine, any IVs at all is fine really. I'm willing to give you any BP item in Sun/Moon that you want for it, or I have a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Bold Contrary Fomantis with Defog in a Friend Ball if that piques your interest, since I see you're looking for Egg Moves. Thanks in advance!

You can have a free spitback.
Hi, could you please CMT for your Steadfast/HA Scyther? Interested in it a female one (doesn't need perfect IV's or anything like that).
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