Big Lord of the Rings Mafia - Game Over! Forces of Sauron Win!

I interpret it as two bodyguards with a minor restriction built-in early-game.
If one person claims (as lw did), they'd need to be able to communicate to know which of the two should protect the leader and not double target.

Andy Snype

Mr. Music
My guesses as to why the people died and why they were killed:

RODAN did basically nothing in the thread, so nothing to analyze about who he thought was suspicious. He is known to be an idler and would most likely end up claiming. His death would indicate that someone outside of LW knew of his role or LW is a mole. Given that nobody counterclaimed sherriff this far in, I am inclined to think that someone else knew. Probably a random inspection or kill as I don't think that RODAN would've talked to anyone else, but I'm unsure of this.

Agape was very active in the village. He went about poking at a fair amount of players to either pressure them to talk and gauge his responses about them. He initially objected Ullar's grab for leadership, called out Eagle4 for his bold (not sure if that's the right word to hint at subtly idiotic) statements. He also poked at Flamestrike a bit and defended Acklow's joke.

So people that would be on my personal highlight list: Ullar, Eagle4, Flamestrike, Acklow.

Ullar: The TIK lynch basis seemed more to be off of TIK's mistake than Ullar doing much of a mafia play, and for now, I think that Ullar is clean, and Ullar is just trying to get within the village leadership circle.

Flamestrike: Has posted a bit as others have cracked down on him. askaninjask has commented that Flamestrike tries to be nice in his demeanor to get people off of his back as potentially scummy behavior, but I think Flamestrike is a really irritated villager that wants people off of his back.

Eagle4: Not sure if mafia or dumb. Then again, the two categories are not mutually exclusive. His decision to vote no lynch on day 1 is rather sketch, but I suppose I made the same mistake in the first noc i joined and noped out of that game, but still other statements he's made itg that I do find kinda rather idiotic/frivolous/possibly-sketch to post about, ex: LW's flavor, implying he thinks he might know something about flavor.

Acklow: Hasn't really provided any sort of substantial contribution to this discussion. not sure if lack of caring or mafia trying to lay low with a vote towards me. I would like to hear more from Acklow though. Do you think that RODAN claimed to LightWolf?


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
It's been mostly a lack of caring and also feeling like I don't have a lot to contribute to the discussion (these goddamn vanilla roles). I can offer what little insight I have, but in the end it's just going to be regurgitated stuff most people would end up talking about anyways. But since this is a partial NOC and whatnot, and people apparently want tl;drs and activity and shit I'll bite.

I personally don't think RODAN would have claimed to LightWolf, just from experience. Based on what I've seen in terms of what RODAN has done in the past, he's an idler, tends to lay low, and usually doesn't do much unless his team is there to keep him up to date and to carry him to victory. I can't really see him claiming to LightWolf. I do agree that what probably happened is either a randkill or an inspection N0 on him by the mafia/wolf.

If I have to explain it again: my votes were simply jokes. I have not really been taking the game seriously up until recently when I was called out by TIK. I just wanted to have a little fun with Walrein, but he ended up leaving to do his "I AM GOING TO COLLEGE" thing so that turned into basically a waste of my RVS time and then I voted Bass mostly for fun because he had ended the second challenge in his game and gave all the losers of the challenge the avatar that I currently have (well I animated mine to spin hehe) and so I thought it'd be a little fun to join Ditto on that little joke-wagon. My final vote in the day was on TIK, and as I stated in the same post, there was not alot to lose at the time because we either would have been lynching scum that screwed up or actual village (which we could turn around and use whoever he conversed with as leads to our next lynch). However looking back, I can say I sort of saw it coming but I wasn't 100% sure if he would turn as village. I'll admit my mistake of joining that lynch as I usually am not one to quickly wagon. I just thought at the time that we had caught scum, but I was wrong.

On topic of the mafia, I'm actually interested in how the orc votes even work. Do they vote on who to inspect/kill/etc? It seems likely since they have some sort of "voting power" as shown in the OP. Perhaps if they had inspect it would explain RODAN's death.

I hope this offers a little insight to my side of things.

Feel free to tear this post apart and try to do shit with it, because it'll probably happen anyways.


Makin' PK Love
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I can't imagine someone randkilling... or even randinspecting known idler RODAN. What I can tell you is that RODAN was ATTEMPTING to be very active this game and was pretty excited to be playing (I know this because he's constantly talking about the game in #strongs). The only thing I can possibly believe is that Ullar or LightWolf is a mafia and that RODAN claimed to one of them.

I believe that one of these two men should be the target of our lynch today.

Personally, my money is on Lightwolf, as RODAN would not bother to claim to a no-name like Ullar, but would probably claim to a big name such as Lightwolf. I especially think this because Ullar was not actively asking people for claims (at least he didn't ask me), but Lightwolf messaged me when I was idle for a couple of hours and is clearly LOOKING for claims rather than waiting for people to claim to him as Ullar seems to be doing.

The other potential possibility is that RODAN attempted to collude with someone and revealed himself to a mafian. If that is the case then we should be looking at his cohorts... most likely people who frequent #strongs. Which would be myself / billymills / xenu.

I really think the latter is unlikely, though.
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There's no way RODAN was randed unless the mafia felt like trolling, but I don't see why that would be the case? I pretty much agree with LonelyNess. The idea that LW would be stupid to off PR-RODAN so quickly is valid but the alternatives don't make sense and it's essentially WIFOM - in the end, a bodyguard was killed on N1, so in these cases the pros would outweigh the cons, especially if they can WIFOM their way out of it. I was inclined to believe LW's claim but maybe we're just seeing another zorbees.
I would not be surprised if rodan had claimed to somebody (anyone who bothered to PM him honestly), but I am not the type to make conversation with him. I think it's more likely to be a random claim than Lightwolf, because it's more likely to be a Night 0 claim than Night 1. The tendency of idlers is to make some effort night 0, then claim early and put the burden on someone else to keep them involved and attentive. I don't think its as much collusion as it is laziness.

I think it's important here to know if Rodan did claim to Lightwolf or not, and important for anyone wanting to counterclaim Gandalf to do so now (counterclaiming inspector/alliance check is a different story and I withhold my opinion for now). However, I would still rather believe Lightwolf is good and hear what he knew about rodan before pursuing him further.
Ignoring night kills for a second, Acklow your explanation for your day 1 votes is shit.
However looking back, I can say I sort of saw it coming but I wasn't 100% sure if he would turn as village. I'll admit my mistake of joining that lynch as I usually am not one to quickly wagon. I just thought at the time that we had caught scum, but I was wrong.
The mistake isn't that you joined the lynch, the mistake is that you weren't really thinking about the lynch at all.


is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
According to the LotR wiki, the Morgul Blade is used by Ringwraiths. Does this mean RODAN was killed be a neutral? Apparently this blade turns people into wraiths. Maybe the neutral has some sort of strange recruiting power that works with dead. Meanwhile, Agape was killed by a spider, maybe Shelob (using wiki again), who is aligned with Sauron. If RODAN claimed to someone, it might have been a neutral, or it his info was passed on to the neutral.

idk much about LotR, any experts out there?


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Quick posting before I run of to get my laptop fixed:

- Cleaned someone with my ability again, ergo we stuck with no such lead.
- imanalt's reasoning is correct, I made that post because I had no claim from Gimli(may he rest in peace) and wanted to avoid him hitting me.
- I will for obvious reasons not be able to provide lynch targets based on shaky claims to you, take a guess why

As for why RODAN died, I think LN explained it quite nicely without realising:
What I can tell you is that RODAN was ATTEMPTING to be very active this game and was pretty excited to be playing (I know this because he's constantly talking about the game in #strongs).
I think the above sentences would be a pretty good giveaway that RODAN was sitting on a powerrole, so may I ask LN, who other than you may ,have seen this behaivor from him.

I will try and get this fixed in 24 hours, so hopefully the extension is good enough, in the mean time use this to spark meaningful discussions, which means attacking people with well little psycological reasoning or something, that's what I do.


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Upon further reading of the LotR wiki, the leader of the Ringwraiths is also aligned with Sauron. Would it still make sense for it to be a neutral in this game?


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
According to the LotR wiki, the Morgul Blade is used by Ringwraiths. Does this mean RODAN was killed be a neutral? Apparently this blade turns people into wraiths. Maybe the neutral has some sort of strange recruiting power that works with dead. Meanwhile, Agape was killed by a spider, maybe Shelob (using wiki again), who is aligned with Sauron. If RODAN claimed to someone, it might have been a neutral, or it his info was passed on to the neutral.

idk much about LotR, any experts out there?
The ringwraiths are directly allied with Sauron, no hope of this being a neutral kill.

Shelob on the other hand is only loosely affiliated with Sauron, so that's a possible neutral. On the other hand, Gollum once promised Shelob that he'd help lure people into her lair to get eaten. Given the flavor of the "wandering off", and the likelihood of Gollum existing in this game, that is what I'd bet on.
This is the one log I saw in #strongs with mafia mentioned (xenu, lonelyness, billymills present during last night)

If you are not playing in this game please do not discuss the contents of this log.

[15:32:15] <&LonelyNess> billymills, I added tennisace n: to the approved insult list
[15:32:15] <&faint> [please be patient during our redesign]
[15:32:21] <@xenu> i dont understand why i have to be spoonfed maturity by a 26 year old administrating a pokemon forum
[15:32:24] <@billymills> it is
[15:32:24] <@billymills> ok
[15:32:25] <&faint> even if its lifted in fb its very
[15:32:27] <@xenu> we're all adults here
[15:32:32] <@billymills> i meant
[15:32:38] <@billymills> subtle
[15:32:40] <@billymills> in some sense
[15:32:43] <@billymills> but its ok
[15:32:50] <&LonelyNess> I say we just start calling people fucking tennisaces
[15:32:53] <&LonelyNess> instead of fucking (BAN ME PLEASE)s
[15:32:58] <@RODAN> billymills do you think ln knows what subtle is?
[15:33:04] <@RODAN> have u played mafia with hin
[15:33:05] <@RODAN> him
[15:33:12] <&LonelyNess> i'm very subtle in mafia
[15:33:15] <&LonelyNess> i'm a great mafia player
[15:33:19] <@billymills> im mr burns
[15:33:44] <&LonelyNess> hey that was my first one :(
[15:34:36] <&faint> someone go try editing an old post of theres with cunt in it
[15:34:39] <@CaptKirby> rodan in mafia: I'M MISTER MEESEEKS LOOK AT ME
[15:34:50] <&faint> if it doesnt censor it accuse ss of being heteronormative or something
[15:34:52] <@RODAN> nah my mafia is
[15:35:05] <@RODAN> RODAN in mafia: idles.
[15:35:29] <&LonelyNess> lol
[15:36:22] <&LonelyNess> aww yeah
I'm willing to give Lightwolf the benefit of the doubt for now; between the possibility (even if it's unlikely) of RODAN having been randtargetting and RODAN's sudden burst of activity, which is usually a sign of having gotten a good role, I'd believe that the mafia just got lucky with RODAN. Definitely something the village should monitor in the future though!
Can someone please explain how one post that basically amounts to "activity post" equals attempting to be very active?

Seriously, that cannot have been why RODAN was killed. I searched and found ONE post by him in this.
irc is the "activity" being referred to

honestly, i have never seen a more sketchy village leadership position seriously can we talk about this? who is involved? who is in charge? are there multiple people in the "know"? why are there so many people going "of it's lw he would never mole"? it doesn't really add me for me - can we get some proof of lw's role?

yeah yeah yeah "but the lotr wiki says ... so lw can't be mafia !!!!!!!!" come on guys when has this ever flown by before i hope by the time i wakeup serious questions have been asked about what sort of leadership is even happening


card-carrying wife-guy
is a Smogon Discord Contributor

...we continue that game. What? Expecting something special?

But in all seriousness, when I went to investigate Agape's targets, I got tired. So I went to bed! But now I am refreshed and ready to find a target!

Agape put a lot of heat on myself, and I realize how that might make me look. I concede that my hunch on him was wrong, and that he was indeed the Middle Earth Inquisition. One of its most vocal members, anyway. As such, I will say this: I was reacting to Agape dogging me. I was too clean in my own eyes, I suppose.

But enough with recriminations (Assuming I'm using that word correctly)! Let's talk about the deaths themselves.

RODAN: Despite being a huge jerk (in more ways than one), he was given a power role on the village fsr. Why is beyond me to say - but that fact is, he was. He refused point-blank to claim to me, as I have said, and if anything he would have claimed to LW. But...I believe LW is clean. Mostly a hunch, but partially b/c the Fellowship has to be in this game and nobody has counterclaimed. I do believe LW is keeping some of his Role PM from us, however. It's fairly obvious to anyone who has read/seen LotR that Gandalf the Grey transfigures into Gandalf the White. My guess is that after Saruman (assuming of course that he is in the game) dies, he gains more kickass powers. Am I right LightWolf ???

Agape: Honestly, I do not get his death. With how he was playing why wouldn't the mafia keep him alive to keep suspicion high? My guess is, that like von said, there is a Shelob/Gollum neutral team lurking around. Or maybe just Gollum, idk. But we know he grilled (besides me) one person: Flamestrike. I would be suspicious of him, but...I don't know. it seems like a fairly village play so far. As for defending Acklow, we all SHOULD know that was a joke, and any sane person (or mentally unhinged person like Agape) would have defended such a joke. i agree that he is very mildly scummy however - why the sudden curiosity in the orc vote? Are you trying to start discussion about it without giving away that you know the answer?

So...back to square one I guess?
wow this post has been really stream-of-consciousness lol
I think Agape was killed simply because it was obvious he was middle earth. There's nothing more to read into that.

There is a possibility that RODAN was killed to throw us off and question the leadership (which it has done).

and Imanalt : very strong post for somebody who's "new to this"!

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