Little Known Pokes of Gen 5 -- (Warstory by The Ush)

Beginning stuff with hax and Dpunch Blaziken was meh
Middle was fine
End was just you revenging a ton of stuff, which isn't that fun to see =/
Beginning stuff with hax and Dpunch Blaziken was meh
Middle was fine
End was just you revenging a ton of stuff, which isn't that fun to see =/

I'm well aware that it wasn't the best game, but I try to make it enjoyable as possible. I'll eventually get a good game up once I have one. Most people playing 5th gen right now though are just exploiting sweep stuff like shell break cloyster or perversity jaroda, so it's hard to get a real game and this is the best one I have at the moment. Eventually I'll have an epic game though!
Luvdisc for a great battle.
I completely forgot about Levitate though... *sigh*
Yeah, DynamicPunch was the (seemingly) best option since I forgot about HJK.
Now that it's like, what- 130 base power?
I'll use HJK on Blaziken.
I should have used Arky sooner in the match too, I admit...
It's nice knowing what your opponent was thinking at the time, too.
I'll have to expect scarfs on Hihidaruma in the future.
Luvdisc for a great battle.
I completely forgot about Levitate though... *sigh*
Yeah, DynamicPunch was the (seemingly) best option since I forgot about HJK.
Now that it's like, what- 130 base power?
I'll use HJK on Blaziken.
I should have used Arky sooner in the match too, I admit...
It's nice knowing what your opponent was thinking at the time, too.
I'll have to expect scarfs on Hihidaruma in the future.

Haha very true bro. Without you, I'd have no warstory so I gotta thank you big time for giving me my first real B/W battle. Hope you're pleased with the result! Currently the most luvdisc'd warstory to date. :D

I gotta admit I've put a new stall team together and this battle proved to me that Barujiina deserves to be on it. Expect a new story soon. (Probably a long one!)
Luvdisc for a great battle.
I completely forgot about Levitate though... *sigh*
Yeah, DynamicPunch was the (seemingly) best option since I forgot about HJK.
Now that it's like, what- 130 base power?
I'll use HJK on Blaziken.
I should have used Arky sooner in the match too, I admit...
It's nice knowing what your opponent was thinking at the time, too.
I'll have to expect scarfs on Hihidaruma in the future.
Yeah, and Swords Dance is way better than Claw Sharpen if you're using HJK, too. Really, man, what were you thinking? Claw Sharpen? Dx You get Swords Dance for cripes' sake.

It was a great battle, but I gotta give you slops for that. =___=
Good battle! I'm disappointed that no one is using Shanderaa to it's max potential. I'm sure if i had the sub-CM set it would have subbed and set up calm minds while healing with lefties, you would have been toast. But most people think 145 sp attack is good enough! ^_^'
I like Vuljina simply because its name amuses me. But I have a hard time believing it's a good wall. I've faced a few and they've never given me much trouble.
Oops. No I knew what was going on the whole time. Let me re-word so there's no misconception. I've beaten Giovanni after all -- I'm a pokemon master.

And I'm oh-too familiar with Dynamicpunch. I'm pretty sure Machamp was a top 5 lead for an extended period of time in gen 4. Colburzelf became my lead of choice because of that douche.

Machamp still is, too. I liked your warstory you didn't do too bad, keep em goin.
A good warstory, fun to read. A few mechanical errors here and there but not too shabby.

One question, though: how does Blaziken get Dynamicpunch?
I honestly don't see what was so great about this battle - well, Vuljina is a miracle of the Pokéverse and we all should know that by now, but still... and Shibirudon didn't really do much other than kill an old bird with Volt Change and avoid a Hidden Power. What. Brightpowder? Also, Zoroark is about as tough as wet toilet paper, so taking 64% off its health with an unSTAB'd Flamethrower isn't really nothing that amazing.

Anyway... I guess I should say that it's always nice to see people not abusing DW abilities too much and using underrated things, so good job.

One question, though: how does Blaziken get Dynamicpunch?
Tutor in Emerald? How that ended up on a DW Blaziken though, I've no idea.
at Banryu:
I prefer Claw Sharpen because it prevents HJK from missing and potentially allowing someone to OKO you where they normally wouldn't.
Also, at Bombkirby: I discussed that with my friend later... I think that maybe sub, or CM, but I feel a bit sqeamish just having Ghost/Fire... I don't know... what could resist that?

Actually I didn't know about this (I don't look at warstories much) until someone recognized my team and gave me a link.
I don't understand why Breloom used Spore rather than Mach Punch on the Condor thing.

I've faced Shibirudon and the Condor before but they've never given me much trouble. On the other hand, they seemed to work well for you.

Besides that great game. The scariest thing is a pumped up Blaziken since it can take down entire teams 6-0, and is resistant to Bullet Punch. I really like how you were able to handle the situation twice a lot better than I probably would.
If I had used MD, he could switch in something that can kill me and I'd be forced to switch. If I spored, I can take that out and incapacitate any switches, giving me time to SD while they switched. Then I could either MP or bullet seed depending on what they switched in.
Of course when I find a warstory I want to read it stops suddenly for no raisin

Yes I hate when the warstory turns to a raisin.

Anyways, I enjoyed this warstory for the reasons you stated at the beginning. It showed how lesser-hyped new pokemon like Shibirudon can be very viable. The battle itself was alright; there weren't any great predictions and you never really had to think ahead strategy wise, but there wasn't any poor moves or meaningful hax, and it was an even match that came down to the end.

I say a 7/10, good job.
If I had used MD, he could switch in something that can kill me and I'd be forced to switch. If I spored, I can take that out and incapacitate any switches, giving me time to SD while they switched. Then I could either MP or bullet seed depending on what they switched in.

Ah I see that makes sense. I would have figured he would sacrifice the bird since at 6% health it was somewhat useless but then again there was no stealth rock up so you never know. It wasn't a bad move you made it just didn't work out as planned.
shibirudon is ugly as fuck and isn't creative looking at all.

despite this, it's effective as hell. glad someone got over the horrible ugly-ness and actually used em'
This warstory makes me want to play some Gen V now... but i dont know anything! xD
What's "Strict Damage Clause" and "Gary Oak Item Clause?"