Tournament LCWC IV - Playoffs Stage One

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  • Follow all rules listed here.
  • Schedule via Smogon VMs or in your team's war room in the Discord. It's easier for me to make decisions for activity calls when I can actually see what went down with scheduling.
  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to me or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.
  • Substitutions may be made after a week has started. When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.
  • Replays are mandatory. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, they contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later.
  • Managers: Please send me your lineups in the same format that I used to post pairings. It makes it much easier to post future rounds more quickly.

Courtesy of the amazing Ticken


North Europe (3) vs (5) France
SV LC: Quinn vs Sciroccoo
SV LC: Scottie vs Lokifan
SV LC: Leru vs Welli0u
SS LC: TheFranklin vs CMDoge
SM LC: LilyAC vs Toadow
ORAS LC: Jox vs Wait2Seconds
BW LC: Fille vs Hurtadoo
DPP LC: HSOWA vs Alkione


Latin America (2) vs (5) Brazil
SV LC: Ikaishi vs Always Edgy
SV LC: Tempo di anguria vs be7
SV LC: Mister Magnus vs westSasori
SS LC: GasaiYunoSan vs zeeLitium
SM LC: Lazuli vs Thiago Nunes
ORAS LC: ElectricityCat vs Ampha
BW LC: ziloXX vs Beraldo
DPP LC: Akaru Kokuyo vs LpZ


US East (5) vs (2) South Europe
SV LC: Hacker vs Corckscrew
SV LC: reggg vs Sylveon used calm mind
SV LC: Kaboom vs Inazuma-Fulgur
SS LC: robjr vs Laroxyl
SM LC: Fragments vs Tricking
ORAS LC: gali vs fran17
BW LC: Kingler vs Kebab mlml
DPP LC: Finchinator vs Fantos13


Canada (3) vs (5) US Central + West
SV LC: Elfuseon vs kythr
SV LC: Fc vs babyboyblues
SV LC: aleaniled vs Greedy_eb
SS LC: wesh papillon vs Colin
SM LC: Acehunter1 vs Luthier
ORAS LC: Corporal Levi vs tazz
BW LC: Potatochan vs fatty
DPP LC: Heysup vs Melon

The deadline for this round is Sunday, February 4th at 11:59 PM GMT -5.

North Europe (0) vs (0) France
SV LC: Quinn vs Sciroccoo
SV LC: Scottie vs Lokifan
SV LC: Leru vs Welli0u
SS LC: TheFranklin vs CMDoge
SM LC: LilyAC vs Toadow
ORAS LC: Jox vs Wait2Seconds
BW LC: Fille vs Hurtadoo
DPP LC: HSOWA vs Alkione

Latin America (0) vs (0) Brazil
SV LC: Ikaishi vs Always Edgy
SV LC: Tempo di anguria vs be7
SV LC: Mister Magnus vs westSasori
SS LC: GasaiYunoSan vs zeeLitium
SM LC: Lazuli vs Thiago Nunes
ORAS LC: ElectricityCat vs Ampha
BW LC: ziloXX vs Beraldo
DPP LC: Akaru Kokuyo vs LpZ

US East (0) vs (0) South Europe
SV LC: Hacker vs Corckscrew
SV LC: reggg vs Sylveon used calm mind
SV LC: Kaboom vs Inazuma-Fulgur
SS LC: robjr vs Laroxyl
SM LC: Fragments vs Tricking
ORAS LC: gali vs fran17
BW LC: Kingler vs Kebab mlml
DPP LC: Finchinator vs Fantos13

Canada (0) vs (0) US Central + West
SV LC: Elfuseon vs kythr
SV LC: Fc vs babyboyblues
SV LC: aleaniled vs Greedy_eb
SS LC: wesh papillon vs Colin
SM LC: Acehunter1 vs Luthier
ORAS LC: Corporal Levi vs tazz
BW LC: Potatochan vs fatty
DPP LC: Heysup vs Melon
North Europe (6) vs (2) France - Europe is clearly favored but its a closer series than my individual predicts suggest is my prediction
SV LC: Quinn vs ProDigeZz - I've seen more from Quinn than ProDigeZz in gen 9 LC, but I can see it go either way
SV LC: Scottie vs Lokifan - highlight mu, Scottie had an amazing SCL but Lokifan is good enough to potentially win
SV LC: Leru vs Welli0u - I have limited knowledge of both players in LC but Leru has looked pretty good in the games I've watched
SS LC: TheFranklin vs CMDoge - a slightly warm take from me since both have been doing well vs good competition but my gut says CMDoge
SM LC: LilyAC vs Toadow - Highlight mu; LilyAC impresses me in every oldgen but Toadow has been elite in LCWC and LCPL in SM.
ORAS LC: Jox vs Wait2Seconds - Both are 3-1. Wait2Seconds wins are arguably slightly better on paper, but since I don't remember the games well I'll take Jox with the support that I am more familiar with.
BW LC: Fille vs Hurtadoo - Fille is more proven in general in this tier
DPP LC: HSOWA vs Alkione - HSOWA has had an amazing tournament

Latin America (3) vs (5) Brazil - Idk many of these players but I think Brazil has some very solid slots
SV LC: Ikaishi vs Always Edgy - many of these slots I'll be a spreadsheet warrior, and Ikaishi has a much better record and vs good players
SV LC: Tempo di anguria vs vndrevc - idk Tempo di anguria well, so I'll take vndrevc who is better than their record suggests
SV LC: Mister Magnus vs westSasori - I've seen them do more stuff this gen tho Mister Magnus has also had a pretty good tour
SS LC: GasaiYunoSan vs STarsAma - super underrated; GasaiYunoSan is good but I think STarsAma is very good
SM LC: Lazuli vs Thiago Nunes - they went positive with some very good wins
ORAS LC: ElectricityCat vs Ampha - Ampha's solid, p sure I was in an LPL teamchat with them once and there was also SEA so it was a double ampharos core
BW LC: ziloXX vs Beraldo - Good player; watched them beat fille to secure tiebreaker
DPP LC: Mendeez vs LpZ - I've seen Mendeez do well in most of the LC tiers

US East (4) vs (4) South Europe - heat series
SV LC: Hacker vs Corckscrew - Top tier SVer, tho Corckscrew is good too
SV LC: reggg vs Sylveon used calm mind - US East SV has had some struggles, so I'll favor South Europe even when I normally go 50 50
SV LC: Kaboom vs Inazuma-Fulgur - Read the above
SS LC: robjr vs Laroxyl - Top tier player, Robjr has very good support tho
SM LC: Fragments vs Tricking - good lcpl and good in this tour
ORAS LC: gali vs fran17 - I like gali oras
BW LC: Kingler vs Kebab mlml - I've heard Kingler scheduling memes but I think they'll show up and get the W
DPP LC: Finchinator vs Fantos13 - Finch has had a good tour while Fantos is generally solid DPPLCer but hasn't played this tour yet
North Europe (8) vs (0) France
SV LC: Quinn vs ProDigeZz im biased
SV LC: Scottie vs Lokifan
SV LC: Leru vs Welli0u
SS LC: TheFranklin vs CMDoge
SM LC: LilyAC vs Toadow
ORAS LC: Jox vs Wait2Seconds
BW LC: Fille vs Hurtadoo
DPP LC: HSOWA vs Alkione

Latin America (2.5) vs (5.5) Brazil
SV LC: Ikaishi vs Always Edgy
SV LC: Tempo di anguria vs vndrevc
SV LC: Mister Magnus vs westSasori
SS LC: GasaiYunoSan vs STarsAma
SM LC: Lazuli vs Thiago Nunes already happened lol
ORAS LC: ElectricityCat vs Ampha
BW LC: ziloXX vs Beraldo
DPP LC: Mendeez vs LpZ

US East (5) vs (3) South Europe
SV LC: Hacker vs Corckscrew im not biased
SV LC: reggg vs Sylveon used calm mind
SV LC: Kaboom vs Inazuma-Fulgur
SS LC: robjr vs Laroxyl
SM LC: Fragments vs Tricking
ORAS LC: gali vs fran17
BW LC: Kingler vs Kebab mlml
DPP LC: Finchinator vs Fantos13
Latin America (0) vs (0) Brazil
SV LC: Ikaishi vs Always Edgy
SV LC: Tempo di anguria vs vndrevc
SV LC: Mister Magnus vs westSasori
SS LC: GasaiYunoSan vs STarsAma
ORAS LC: ElectricityCat vs Ampha
BW LC: ziloXX vs Beraldo
DPP LC: Mendeez vs LpZ

US East (0) vs (0) South Europe
SV LC: Hacker vs Corckscrew
SV LC: reggg vs Sylveon used calm mind
SV LC: Kaboom vs Inazuma-Fulgur
SS LC: robjr vs Laroxyl
SM LC: Fragments vs Tricking
ORAS LC: gali vs fran17
BW LC: Kingler vs Kebab mlml
DPP LC: Finchinator vs Fantos13

Canada (0) vs (0) US Central + West
SV LC: Elfuseon vs kythr
SV LC: Fc vs babyboyblues
SV LC: aleaniled vs Greedy_eb
SS LC: wesh papillon vs Colin
SM LC: Acehunter1 vs Luthier
ORAS LC: Corporal Levi vs tazz
BW LC: Potatochan vs fatty
DPP LC: Heysup vs Melon
Requesting activity win on the LpZ vs Mendeez match, waited 30min from captain contact and no answers, player also did not reply to LpZ, also no other availability.


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