General Doubles Metagame Thread

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The biggest issue with hazards is finding a turn to use them and a slot to fit them. Most defensive doubles mons are bad and SR feels like a filler slot more than anything.

Heatran is a good Rock setter. So is Jirachi. So is Terrakion really, as it gets surprise in its side. I'll think of more later, but those three are the easiest.

Also, I intentionally leave Ferrothorn off that list because its Tank set it so useful, although I may try trading Gyro Ball out for either Rocks or T Wave, since Gyro Ball is pretty much useless.
Hazards with 6 Pokémon can become usable, it's a big difference over VGC where you just have 4.

I'm really looking forward to this metagame to develop, I'm gonna think of teams, strategies and play it a lot and I'll try to contribute.

For VGC I was using bulky Seaking + water absorb Lanturn, I was using discharge and surf to heal and boost Seaking, who healed Lanturn in the process while dealing decent damage if you manage to boost up twice or so.

I'm trying Manectric and Zebstrika too to spam double discharge, thus healing volt absorb user and boosting the other and double para chance.
I love everything about this thread and about this ladder.

I've been messing around with Heal Pulse to varying degrees of success. I happen to have two users of it on my team currently, a Slowking and a Latias. I haven't had any problems with Follow Me or the target fainting before I used the move, but sometimes I just can't seem to get my pokemon into position to actually use it. On the other hand, it is sorta nice when I have to keep Escavalier alive since it's the only thing that stops Cress from ruining my team, as well as keeping hariyama alive from burn damage wearing it down. Anyone else been using Heal Pulse able to share their experiences?
Glad to see everybody is hyped as much as I am ;D TYTYTY again, Zarel, for getting the ladder up so quickly! I've already watched handful of ladder games already, and it makes me happy :3

I will most certainly discuss with the staff about some ladder challenges in the very near future, so keep your eyes open!

AuraRayquaza - Darkrai is surprisingly bulky, so I'd try Chople Berry instead of Focus Sash if you want to survive hits that Darkrai can't take. Also don't use Specs Gyarados - if anything try out Keldeo or Manaphy!

I have mixed feelings about Gravity. Gravity works both ways, and so although now Hypnosis becomes a reliable sleep-inducing move, you will find the opponent also taking advantage of gravity for their Hydro Pump or EQ to connect with your mons :s

In Doubles you can afford to have a Pokemon or maybe even two without attacking moves, as long as you pair it with a powerful nuke. For instance, my Dusknoir has no moves - I simply pack it with 4 Support moves to facilitate Heatran's mighty Eruption / Heat Wave sweep. Your Dusclops, too, can possibly use moves like Disable, Taunt, or Helping Hand, instead of weak beam to better support your teammates.

I will try a chople berry on darkrai to allow hypnosis to be used more often. About specs gyarados, I was just trying it to test out the utility of less accurate moves and gyara has all 4 main ones. I might go about trying tail glow manaphy. I could try another support move on dusclops, probably taunt to stop nasty setup pokes.
Love this metagame. I've been running a Sun offense team with Cresselia as a defensive pivot, and enjoying it so far. Put little effort in team building as I simply modified my OU Sun team, since I was just testing out. Will go creative when I have more experience (and time).
This is great to see a standard doubles ladder up so quickly. I encourage everyone who reads this thread who has a mild interest in double battling to give things a shot. You won't be disappointed.

I honestly feel that the current state of the game will yield the best double battling since gen 3. All of the battles I have been having, both in the VGC and in the standard metagame, have been very satisfying, quality battles. Team Preview really balances out the huge amount of variety. Team building for doubles is now a lot easier.
a replay

A good match I had with the current #1 on the ladder. Definitely a solid team; solid play on both sides. In the end, my team's superior mobility is what clinched it. Weather wars in this meta are actually fun! :O
Here are some replays:

I've been playing 6v6 doubles with my friends for a while now. Of course we were just following Singles rules since there were no real doubles tiers. Excited to see what happens with this metagame.
Anyways, my team has been fairly successful so far. Part of it I think is the surprise factor. Nobody else seems to be using Fake Out on Mew, so I don't think people see it coming. Golbat is also very useful and people do not know what to think when they first see him. With eviolite Golbat is surprisingly bulky and has great support moves. The main point is to use Haze after Latios uses Draco Meteor. It also helps against intimidators and icy wind users.
Alright my homies, I hear you want that excadrill set. Well, I shall deliver.


Inquisition (Excadrill) (F) @ Ground Gem
Trait: Sand Rush
EVs: 60 HP / 252 Atk / 196 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Protect
- Magnet Rise

I'm pretty sure this is the best Excadrill set on the market right now. X-Scissor's coverage is really pointless in the face of being able to pull out the ability to survive a really dangerous spread move right out of your ass. Excadrill, as you all know, is pretty much the face of sand right now, with sand rush boosting her speed to absoutely insane levels. 196 speed is all you need to outrun practically everything - the remaining 60 HPs are shoved into bulk. Rock Slide is fun for flinches, Protect really doesn't need an explanation, and Earthquake is your bread and butter attack. Ground Gem is used as Excadrill likes the nice oneshot power boost in the fast enviroment of doubles - however, other options can work. Generally, you will prefer water-damage reduction berries, then life orb, then sitrus berry, then lum berry, then Shed Shell (which works really well when you're hitting so much shit so hard), and then maybe leftovers. Nothing else is worth considering.

fucking magnets man how the fuck do they work
Sky Drop - We will unban Sky Drop, which is a move that's banned in VGC, due to its great promising application. Sky Drop's potential utility comes from the fact that it prevents a pokemon from attacking, while shielding the pokemon that is using it from attacks that turn, allowing your other target to attack the enemy, and potentially make the other opponent fail to do anything because they targeted the mon that used Sky Drop. Note that Sky Drop will be illegal with Gravity.

Slightly confused here. Is it illegal to have Sky Drop and Gravity on a single team or use Sky Drop when Gravity is activated?
It's a great utility move. It's not always worth setting up, but there's no other one move that's so helpful against sun and hail, and a bunch of silly other pokemon like kyurem/shaymin/zapdos. It's something i could probably live without, but it'd be a lot harder to take care of all the threats I want to cover. I'd recommend it on every rain team.
It's a great utility move. It's not always worth setting up, but there's no other one move that's so helpful against sun and hail, and a bunch of silly other pokemon like kyurem/shaymin/zapdos. It's something i could probably live without, but it'd be a lot harder to take care of all the threats I want to cover. I'd recommend it on every rain team.

I like it because it breaks Sashed :D
Managed to take 1st place in the Doubles Tournament that Articblast hosted on PS! Was using the Sand team that I've been using for those of you who've faced me, and was testing Latias as the 6th team member. Was Magileine so the matches wouldn't affect my main ladder account (although according to Articblast it wouldn't have anyways so it didn't really matter).
Replays: - Me vs Satoshi - Me vs SD J UK - Me vs Exeggutor (finals)
Note about the final- apparently if Exeggutor had not missed a Rock Gem boosted Rock Slide she woulda got the 2HKO on my Cresselia, which would've undoubtedly made the game swing in her favor, so I felt the need to point that out as well.
But yeah. It was pretty fun, and a cool way to test my team. If I ladder with it more and/or get bored of it, I'll probably make an RMT for it too. One thing I learned from the match is that Dual Screens are pretty effective in Doubles. The teams I faced in the tourney as well as on the ladder were annoying since moves that should've 1-2HKOed their mons took longer to do so, and if I wanted to deal more damage, I would have to use both mons to attack 1 pokemon, which meant their 2nd mon could do whatever it wanted. What teams do you guys think most need Dual Screens in Doubles?
Managed to take 1st place in the Doubles Tournament that Articblast hosted on PS! Was using the Sand team that I've been using for those of you who've faced me, and was testing Latias as the 6th team member. Was Magileine so the matches wouldn't affect my main ladder account (although according to Articblast it wouldn't have anyways so it didn't really matter).
Replays: - Me vs Satoshi - Me vs SD J UK - Me vs Exeggutor (finals)
Note about the final- apparently if Exeggutor had not missed a Rock Gem boosted Rock Slide she woulda got the 2HKO on my Cresselia, which would've undoubtedly made the game swing in her favor, so I felt the need to point that out as well.
But yeah. It was pretty fun, and a cool way to test my team. If I ladder with it more and/or get bored of it, I'll probably make an RMT for it too. One thing I learned from the match is that Dual Screens are pretty effective in Doubles. The teams I faced in the tourney as well as on the ladder were annoying since moves that should've 1-2HKOed their mons took longer to do so, and if I wanted to deal more damage, I would have to use both mons to attack 1 pokemon, which meant their 2nd mon could do whatever it wanted. What teams do you guys think most need Dual Screens in Doubles?

I' thinking of running Dual Screens on my Sun Team myself, maybe fitting in Cress somewhere, but over what? :/

Edit: Here's a match between iRenzo and myself.

I replaced Heatran with Cressalia running Dual Screens, TWave and Icy Wind @ Sitrus Berry, although Leftovers might be a better option on it. I eventually win the Weather War and stall him out with Ferrothorn/Cressalia, paralyzing everything and slowing it all with Icy Wind, eventually leading to a Forfeit. Considering I used to use Heatran as a Stall-Type mon, this seems to have been a good idea. I may eventually change Gyro Ball on Ferro for SR giving me rocks to keep folks from switching out so much, which they tend to do after a Leech Seed. Thoughts?
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