[Gen 8] [Closed for now] Flame Orb Guts Obstagoon, Brave Melmetal

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In. Still haven’t been able to get a flame orb and I definitely want to use Obstagoon at some point so I would love to get one of these!

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Please may I request an Obstagoon?
IGN is Issy and you can tag me on the Discord trade channel with this nick if it's easier.
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Hello! Can I get one please? Will contact you on discord as well.

Done tyvm
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This thread's going to get closed soon, but any outstanding posters can still feel free to PM or DM me to get the trade in later!
Would love to grab one. I’ll be on later to set up a trade. Thanks!

Thank you!
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Reminder to those who haven't yet received their Obstagoon to read the OP and initialize contact with me to trade. I'm too lazy to reach out to y'all myself.
Hi Ivy! I know it’s a super long shot (especially since I just missed that 48 hour mark), but if you have any extra, could I possibly get one? If not, thank you anyway and I appreciate you doing the giveaway!

Thank you!
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If the giveaway is still going, I would like one also.

Thanks :)

Thanks for the giveway :D
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