Fate of the Dice Challenge

With X and Y only 8 days away (or 9, if you don't live in the future), some of you may be looking for a new way to challenge yourselves. Fate of the Dice provides a few self-imposed rules, similar to a Nuzlocke challenge, that encourage you to catch and train a variety of Pokemon, including the scum of the Earth that you've probably never used before. In order to play, you'll need a copy of any Pokemon game, a regular six-sided die and the spirit of adventure (if you cannot acquire the spirit of adventure, settle for the joy of exploration, or apply for a spirit transplant).

Here be the rules!:
  • The challenge starts when you have 6 Pokemon, and ends when (or if) you beat the elite four. You must try to maintain a party of 6 Pokemon at all times. If you ever have a party of less than 6 Pokemon, head to the nearest spot where can catch a wild Pokemon and stay there till you catch something.
  • You cannot switch Pokemon with the ones in your box unless one of the rules says that you can.
    • However you are free to change the order of Pokemon in your party.
  • Whenever you see a wild Pokemon you haven't caught, you MUST catch it. You can tell if you've caught a Pokemon by whether there's a little Pokeball next to its name.
    • If you don't have any Pokeballs to catch a Pokemon, run out as you're catching something, or otherwise fail at catching an uncaught Pokemon, you will need to sacrifice one of your Pokemon to appease the dice god (this is super-fun if you're playing a game with the legendary dogs). End the battle, roll the D6, and sacrifice the Pokemon at that slot in your party by releasing it (or putting it in your PC, if you cannot bear to part).
    • There is nothing stopping you from catching a Pokemon you've already caught before. Just make sure that you always catch Pokemon without Pokeballs next to their name.
  • Here's the big one: WHENEVER YOU CATCH OR OTHERWISE RECEIVE A NEW POKEMON, ROLL YOUR D6, THEN REPLACE THE POKEMON AT THAT SPOT IN YOUR PARTY WITH THE NEW ONE YOU CAUGHT. That's right, every new Pokemon you catch -from the lowliest Ratata to the strongest Salamence- will automatically go into your party. Need a water type to beat the fire gym? Go catch it, but just be aware that it could replace your most powerful Pokemon.
    • The old Pokemon goes into your PC. Leave it there forever, or play with one of the optional rules on.
  • You cannot catch a copy of a Pokemon that is already in your party. This is to stop you from catching 6 MEGA DEATH DRAGONS at the end of the game and smashing the Elite 4.
  • SHINY CLAUSE: Shinies break the rules. You may play with them like they were normal Pokemon. This includes being able to move them in and out of your box.
See? It's very simple, but should provide you with hours and hours of frustration fun. There's technically no way to fail this challenge, as you'll always be able to catch new Pokemon. It's just not very easy to complete. You only have limited control over your party, so if you want to catch a MEGA DEATH DRAGON to face the elite four, you'll be sacrificing one of your Pokes randomly to the DICE GOD. Oh, and if that wasn't masochistic enough:

Here are some optional -ADVANCED- rules that you can play with:
  • Don't change the order of your party. Your lead will always be your lead, until the day that a roll of the dice cruelly seals his fate to the depths of the PC.
  • Organise your PC box into a queue. Whenever a Pokemon faints, stick it at the back of the queue and replace it with the Pokemon at the front of the queue.
  • Alternatively, release all Pokemon that faint, then go catch Pokemon to replace them at the earliest opportunity.
That's about it. I'm really keen to know if anyone tries this, so post your teams and experiences if you decide to give it a shot! I will try and do this for Pokemon X and share my experience.

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Woohoo! So, Pokemon just got released in my country, and I've started my FotD challenge run! I'll be logging the interesting points here. KEEP IN MIND THAT THESE CONTAIN SPOILERS ABOUT POKEMON X, so if you want to experience the game for yourself first, DO NOT READ THESE. That said, I'll try and focus on my experience, rather than spoiling everything in the game.

Chapter 1...

Woohoo! A new adventure begins. I've decided to play without any optional rules on at all, as I'm not sure the challenge is balanced yet. First up, I left my house and took a poke around town, before heading up route 1 to Aquacorde town. There I found 4 kids that I'd never seen before in my life, and they graciously agreed to give me their stuff. By which I mean Froakie. Froakie is a monster. I named my one Ribbit.

Ribbit proved his worth in a battle against... I can't remember her name, so I'll call her Pink Girl from now on. Anyway, Pink girl pulled an anti-Gary and used Fenniken against my Ribbit, which ended up in a whole lot of wet fox... Umm... Hmm, didn't think that sentence through...

MOVING ON, I went up to the first grass patch in the game, catching Pokemon as I went. My initial team soon expanded to encompass Weedle (Pointy), Pidgey (Birdfellow), a bunny thingamagig (Derpface), Zigzagoon (Squiggles) and a Scatterbug (Buggles). Great! I thought, a full team of 6 Pokemon in the first area, all with incredibly unique and thought-provoking nicknames! We should be set to...


Oh. Ok. That's cool, a Fletchling. Well, I've already got my first roll of the dice! I caught Fletchling (now named Phoenix) with relative ease, and rolled to see who gets replaced...

Scatterbug! Well, that's not too bad, it could've been Ribbit. I mean, that little frog is the only useful member of my team! Anyway, time to move on into the forest!

Chapter 2...

Woohoo, Santalune forest! Man, I'm getting an odd sense of De ja Vu from this place, almost like I've been here before... But that can't be right, unless...


I decide to rush through Viridian Santalune Forest so I could get to the first Pokemon center and switch out Scatterbug with Phoenix (they don't give you a computer before this point, so that's a bit of a shame. If you find yourself in this position, just move the Pokemon you need to switch to the back of your party and don't use them until you're able to switch them out). In my rush to get through the forest, I fought Youngster Joey, suspiciously devoid of his top-percentage Ratata. Oh, and I found another uncaught Pokemon, a wild...

PANSAGE! Huh, there really are A LOT of Pokemon in this game, eh? Well, what do you expect? I had to catch the little herb, the DICE demanded it. "What's the worst that could happen?" I thought. There's only one Pokemon in my party that matters at the moment, and there's no way that the dice would roll...

Oh. Oh dear. Ribbit old boy, I'm afraid you're shelved. We barely even knew each other...

The rest of Viridian Santalune went a little awkwardly. Without Ribbit to fight the good fight, I had to rely on Birdfellow. Birdfellow is not a powerhouse. And yet somehow, against all the odds, I managed to struggle through and pull into...

Santalune City! Ah, what a nice little place, a bloke could get used to it here. I rushed to the Pokemon center and shelved Buggles and Ribbit. The team was not looking good. I had Weedle, Zigzagoon, Derpface, Bunnelby, Pansage, and Pidgey, and they were all low level. With no other option, I ran down to the patch of grass next to Santalune's Pokemon center and started training, proving once and for all that when it rains, it pours...

Chapter 3...

As much as I don't like Derpface, I felt as though he was a positive asset to the team. He had two useful qualities: 1) He was the second highest levelled Pokemon on my team and 2) He wasn't a Bidoof. Welp, it's like Pokemon X read my mind. As I was training in the grass, I ran into -you guessed it- a wild Bidoof.

HELL NO! I said, thowing a poke ball in disgust, refusing even to attack the horrid creature. In fact, THAT'S GOING TO BE YOUR DAMNED NAME FROM NOW ON! The pokeball clicked, and in that moment "HELL NO!" kicked Derpface's face to the shelf. HELL NO sat there in my party looking smug as the day he was born... Which can't have been that long ago, considering the little bugger is only level 3.

Thinking that the grass patch was now devoid of badness, I got back to training. HAH! Because bad luck needs to come in threes, Pokemon X also rewarded me with a Burmy (Poupa). Now I don't hate Burmy. I think Burmy is cool. But Burmy doesn't do a hell of a lot. In fact, Burmy only does Protect. Great.

At this point I needed a new strategy, and that strategy was Weedle (Pointy). Get Pointy to level 10, and he'd point out the flaws in my enemies defense... With his stingers. GOOD PLAN! Good plan, right up until...


I THOUGHT THIS PATCH OF GRASS WAS DONE WITH NEW POKEMON! Oh. Pikachu? Aight that ain't bad. Maybe he'll even replace Poupa or HELL NO. That'd be nice. The battle, went fast, the Pokeball clicked, and Pointy got his life shelved.

I need to get some backup plans if I'm going to complete this challenge...

I decided to backtrack to Santalune forest and pickup the stuff I missed there. I spent all my money on Pokeballs and potions, so I needed the items. Venturing no more than a few feet back into the grass...


Kakuna? My word, the dice god DOES have a sense of humour. Pointy was succeeded by Volted, and now Volted was going to help me catch a Kakuna. The battle went perfectly. The Pokeball clicked, Kakuna (named Stabby, in honour of poor Pointy) and Poupa was shelved. Perhaps my old plan still has some merit? Perhaps I can finally get a Beedrill and smite my enemies with stabs of might...

Pidgey lvl 9 (Birdfellow)
Zigzagoon lvl 7 (Squiggles)
Fletchling lvl 5 (Phoenix)
Pikachu lvl 5 (Volted)
Kakuna lvl 4 (Stabby)
Bidoof lvl 3 (Hellno)

Let me know if anyone likes this stuff and wants to read more!
Bugger, forgot the shiny clause, I've added it into the main rules. I may have just encountered and caught a Shiny Farfetch'd.

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