drugs and art

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lately, as i wander into the later years of high school, i've been wondering more and more about the influence of drugs on my work. i smoke marijuana occasionally, and i do quite a bit of art while high. my question is: Do drugs make a difference in art? obviously they have some influence on their creativity and such, but how much do they affect it. im sure there are many others out there who would agree they get different results in a dim dorm room, high, listening to radiohead, or animal collective.

opinions? experiences?
I think drugs let us feel intense emotions that unlock some inhibited creativity in some people. A lot of great music and writing came from using drugs.
if you enjoy any "canonical" art made in the 20th century you should probably go thank your local drug dealer. it is painfully obvious to anyone that has done drugs the influence that they have had on art.
if you enjoy any "canonical" art made in the 20th century you should probably go thank your local drug dealer. it is painfully obvious to anyone that has done drugs the influence that they have had on art.

do you think they would have been able to make equally amazing works of art/music/whatever off of the droogs?
Your art is probably a lot more vivid and stuff when you're high, because no one is truly happy sober.
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