Resource Doubles OU Team Bazaar

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Dumping the team I used to get reqs. It's a revised version of the Bee Balance team I used to get reqs last time and the one I posted in the Webs building phase (Rilla has Bulldoze, Gross has WP, Kyurem-B is DD, Fini has a revised EV spread, having two Protect is also handy for opposing TW/TR stalling). Both this version and the old version got 29-1 records for read, if the ladder means anything to you (probably doesn’t).

Kyurem-Black @ Leftovers
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 120 HP / 136 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Icicle Spear
- Fusion Bolt
- Dragon Dance
- Protect

Rillaboom @ Assault Vest
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 252 HP / 120 Atk / 36 Def / 100 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Grassy Glide
- Bulldoze
- U-turn

Incineroar @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 4 Def / 8 SpD / 228 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Fake Out
- Knock Off
- Parting Shot

Tapu Fini @ Choice Specs
Ability: Misty Surge
EVs: 224 HP / 176 SpA / 108 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Muddy Water
- Moonblast
- Dazzling Gleam
- Ice Beam

Metagross @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP / 76 Atk / 112 SpD / 68 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Steel Roller
- Psycho Cut
- Stomping Tantrum
- Protect

Ribombee @ Focus Sash
Ability: Shield Dust
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Sticky Web
- Tailwind
- Pollen Puff

Team summary: set up Webs and/or Tailwind asap, then win with your team's overall superior stats. Gross is your mid-game sweeper, Kyurem-B is your late-game sweeper. Both have great team support in double fake out, double terrain, intimidate, and Bee. Bulldozing Gross is optional but satisfying and makes Steel Roller OHKO almost everything when not resisted. Incineroar and Fini outspeed base 110s, with Incineroar outspeeding Fini in case I want to Knock Off Berries before Fini attacks. Gross outspeeds base 95s whilst having enough Atk to OHKO +2 252/0 Def Diancie and 120 HP Kyurem-Black without WP, and enough bulk to survive Charcoal Modest Heatran Heat Wave.

Good match-ups: standard HO, offensive and balance teams (they are generally Webs weak, and this team abuses it).

Iffy match-ups: Rain HO with Tsareena (rain Mons outspeed you even with Webs, Tsareena denies you Fake Out for board control and doesn't die easily in rain - gameplan is generally to take out Tsareena and priortise Tailwind with Bee or waiting for an opportune moment to set up and sweep with Kyurem-B), and full-TR with Indeedee (Indeedee both guarantees a TR set up and stops your Fake Out - you need careful positioning to win, though generally full-TR teams have weaknesses that you can expose).
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This is a sun team I built for dou. The framework was inspired from a vgc team that AtmosphereVGC gave me for VGCPL. I made a couple of changes to it so it can be playable in dou.

:sm/venusaur: :sm/incineroar: :sm/stakataka: :sm/tapu lele: :sm/amoonguss: :sm/ninetales:
Venusaur @ Focus Sash
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Sludge Bomb
- Sleep Powder
- Protect


Incineroar @ Figy Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 204 HP / 4 Atk / 84 Def / 124 SpD / 92 Spe
Careful Nature
- Fake Out
- Flare Blitz
- Knock Off
- Parting Shot


Stakataka @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Rock Slide
- Gyro Ball
- Trick Room
- Protect


Tapu Lele @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Moonblast
- Shadow Ball


Amoonguss @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 148 Def / 108 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rage Powder
- Clear Smog
- Spore
- Foul Play


Ninetales @ Charcoal
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Heat Wave
- Scorching Sands
- Nasty Plot
- Protect
The team was kinda weak to heatran and zyg so I replaced overheat on tales for scorching sands to deal with heatran and gave amoonguss foul play to deal with physical attackers. Here are some replays so you can see how effective it can be:
Replays - Pokémon Showdown (
Replays - Pokémon Showdown (
I hope you guys enjoy using it!
So... It's been a while....
:Dragapult: :Zygarde: :Genesect: :Volcanion: :Rillaboom: :Diancie:
Dragapult Semiroom:

Not much went into this one. I wanted to use dragapult on semiroom because it's fucking cracked and works well as a fast pivot. I added zygarde genesect because shifu 2hkos everything, zygarde goes apeshit on volcanion and diancie and heatran does heatran things. It's also just a strong lead into most things because they cover each other's weaknesses nicely. The last 3 may just look like a generic dvr semiroom core on the surface, but if you look closely you'll notice volcanion has an assault vest. It was originally leftovers with sludge bomb to hit fini while also walling it completely, but memoric suggested assault vest volcanion and i loved it the second i tried it. It has bulldoze to proc diancie's weakness policy in trick room and diancie is evd to move after it in trick room (hence it not being min speed). Rillaboom's role in all of this is to provide fake out support for diancie and to weaken bulldoze. It's very fun and it's great for ladder, so i'm posting it here
:Scrafty: :Diancie: :Rillaboom: :Volcanion: :Porygon2: :Dragapult:
Scrafty + Diancie Coaching Shenanigans:

This team was kind of just an opportunity to try things i thought were bad (i.e scrafty and p2. and for anyone curious, i still think they're bad, but they definitely have a niche on very specific team styles) scrafty + diancie was a good starting point. scrafty gives the team a psyspam matchup, fake out to help diancie get trick room up and coaching to support diancie. I added rillaboom for double fake out and grassy terrain to give diancie an insane amount of free recovery. Volcanion is here again to wall fini and hit it for decent damage with sludge bomb. No bulldoze this time though, sadge. p2 was just added last minute as a secondary trick room setter but i guess it works fine. it's a secondary way to hit zygarde other than "just draco it with pult" and can kinda just switch in to anything it wants other than, like, urshifu's close combat. and lastly, dragapult is here by sheer virtue of it being absolutely fucking cracked. it's a great fast pivot and i didn't want to turn this into a fullroom team because semiroom is flat out better imo
:Zygarde: :Tapu Fini: :Genesect: :Zeraora: :Incineroar: :Kyurem Black:
All of my other teams that i've built recently are either too gimmicky or stuff that i wouldn't recommend using rn, so here's a bonus team:

Weakness policy zygarde is fun. I paired it with draining kiss heal pulse fini for self proccing and to weaken other dragon moves to protect zygarde. fini is evd to outspeed zygarde too for madness and heal pulse. it even has icy wind for speed control. next i added genesect as a fast pivot that can beak down the opposing team until zygarde can sweep. double fake out with coaching zeraora and incin for intimidate and dd kyube as a secondary wincon. it's a pretty fun team
This is gonna be a long post....
:ninetales alola: :arctozolt: :zapdos galar: :indeedee f: :necrozma: :volcanion:
Sub Arctozolt Hail:

I fucking hate arctozolt. It's fast and has access to bolt beam stabs and electric type fishious rend. And if that wasn't enough, it's teammates can use aurora veil and it has access to sub. So i made a team using it because if i have to suffer so does everyone else. We have ninetales with light clay for those extra veil turns and dual stabs with moonblast and blizzard. Arctozolt, the demon itself, is running icicle crash and bolk beak for stabs, life orb as the item for the extra power that lets it pick up kos with bolt beak that it wouldn't be able to otherwise and then sub and protect because i can. stomping tantrum and taunt are other options but i decided to use sub because it works well with veil. Then there's zapdos galar. You're gonna be seeing a LOT of zapdos galar just so you know. This team is pretty genesect weak to i decided to put blaze kick scarf zapdos on this team. close combaat and brave bird for stabs, blaze kick for genesect and u turn which lets it work as a fast pivot, which you kinda need on semiroom because, well, its semiroom. I'm just gonna go over indeedee and necrozma together because i don't have much to say about them individually. indeedee provides redirection for arctozolt and necrozma and powers up bolt beak with helping hand and necrozma is just a nuke and sets trick room when needed. volcanion was kinda just filler tbh. heat wave steam eruption sludge bomb protect, standard evs, not much to say here. It's a very fun ladder team, not sure about using it in tournaments though

:kyurem black: :zapdos galar: :rillaboom: :tapu fini: :incineroar: :landorus:
Kyurem Black + Galarian Zapdos Bulky Offense:

This is one of the better teams I'm posting this time around. I think zapdos galar and dragon dance kyurem is an insanely underrated pairing and i decided to build a team using it. The kyube is standard but we're running never melt ice because I don't need chople for urshifu and never melt ice lets me run jolly and outspeed other kyurems and zygarde. Gapdos is scarf here because i was worried about the genesect matchup. Same set as the other teams, and to save time i won't repeat myself, but coaching taunt galarian zapdos would be a hilariously fun option on this team, but i wouldn't recommend it for professional use because it loses a lot of it's offensive presence once your set is revealed which kinda defeats the purpose of it being here. Rillaboom is half of the double fake out core and hits stuff like fini and urshifu which kyube doesn't want to deal with while setting up. The set is just the sample, go read that if you wanna know what the evs do and stuff. Calm mind fini is here as a secondary wincon and to block burns and toxics for kyurem. Again, sample set, go read the analysis, they explain the evs and what fini does better than i can. Next is incin which is here for intimidate for opposing kyurem users and fake out. It's specially defensive to switch into pult and is evd to oneshot pult with knock. the rest is just dumped into def. And lastly, landorus over zygarde because i don't want to stack dragons and sludge bomb is great coverage. earth power oneshots diancie and shifu, sludge bomb hits fini insanely hard, rocks to chip things until kyurem or fini can just win and protect because it's protect.

:dragapult: :zapdos galar: :rillaboom: :incineroar: :mew: :tapu lele:
Dragon Dance Dragapult:
This team is very fun. dd pult is a ladder classic because it doesn't really take skill to pilot a lot of the time, so i decided to finally build something with it. The dragapult is staandard. Life orb, dual stabs, dd, tect. Zapdos galar is here for stuff like incineroar and other things that try to switch into pult. again, same set here. The incin and rilla are the same sets as last time too. Rillaboom is just rillaboom doing rillaboom things and incin is spdef again for pult because 2 psychic types. Next we have expert belt mew. Holy shit, i love this set, thank you nido for using it in osdt. Ice beam for zygarde, earth power for heatran and volt switch for fini and just general pivoting. also tailwind which i don't really need but i have anyway. This set is really good mostly because no one expects mew to be oneshotting their zygarde and then volt switching out on fini. 10/10, would recommend. Tapu lele is here for taunt and priority blocking. It's just the sample but with pixie plate, not much to say here.
:metagross: :mew: :rillaboom: :tapu fini: :incineroar: :zapdos galar:
Shuca Metagross Balance:

This is by far my favorite team i'm posting (actually, rose strats is pretty based, but we'll get to that) We have expert belt mew, my new signature metagross set, and some more zapdos galar which is probably my favorite anti meta pick. Let's start with metagross. The spread was calculated by yours truly, enough defense to easily switch in on tarrows from banded zygarde, (unfortunately with everything else this spread does, avoiding the 2hko is out of the question, but it still switches in fairly well) enough speed for naganadel in tailwind, enough atk for heatran with stomping tantrum and naganadel with steel roller, and max hp investment. it also has rocks to chip everything until fini can win. Same expert belt mew from the last team, to save time i won't repeat myself. Rillaboom and incin for double fake out, incin is spdef AGAIN to switch into pult and tran, fini is evd to kill shifu unboosted with moonblast and has enough speed for zeraora in tailwind (not that it's doing much to it anyway without a ton of boosts, it's really for pult more than anything) We also have another zapdos galar because i wanted a fast pivot that could deal with genesect and incin. This team is great, metagross is very fun, hope you enjoy it too :3

:kyurem: :ninetales alola: :genesect: :zygarde: :heatran: :tsareena:
Specs Kyurem Hail:

This team was made as part of a challenge i'm doing to build a team using every pokemon duu or higher. I said i wasn't gonna do formes or pre-evolutions so have time and avoid redundancy as a lot of pre evolutions so the same thing as their evolutions just with eviolite, but i decided to do kyurem bc why not (i MIGHT do kanto moltres too, no promises though) Specs kyurem hits everything in the entire game (except shedinja) for at least neutral damage. freeze dry blizzard earth power draco, enough speed for zygarde, max special atk, hp dump. Ninetales with mono ice coverage with blizzard and icy wind and light clay for extra veil turns. scarf genesect helps with pult because we're stacking dragons here. It's just a standard bolt beam genesect with blizzard over ice beam (ice beam is an option depending on how confident you are on keeping hail up) zygarde and heatran are standard, not much to say there, they're just hard hitters that appreciate veil offsetting their 4x weaknesses and tsareena for prioblock and taunt. It's a pretty cool hail team and turned out a lot better than i expected

:decidueye: :heatran: :zygarde: :zeraora: :tsareena: :urshifu:
Rose Strats Hyper Offense:

This team is B A S E D. It's basically a Z Strats Offense parody with scope lens decidueye and tsareenarather than kart + rilla. This was not supposed to be an actually usable team but it actually works somehow???? I'll just go over what i changed because a lot of it's the same as z strats. Decidueye replaces kart as a tailwind setter and actually can't be faked out due to it's ghost typing. It also gets access to a second stab crit move and loses the 4x weakness in exchange for less ridiculous attacking stats. it used to have u turn but after testing on ladder and vs ninjasnapple i think protect is better. Zeraora is magnet to pick up the guaranteed ko on urshifu, tsareena was added to block priority because basically nothing has tect and urshifu is scarf for pult. This seriously was supposed to be a stupid parody team i would delete 2 weeks later but it actually works and it's really fun, and that just makes it better tbh.

Quick bonus teams with no descriptions, mostly because they're either pretty gimmicky or pretty self explanatory in terms of playstyle.

:Ninetales alola: :genesect: :tapu lele: :mew: :urshifu: :landorus:

:tapu koko: :regieleki: :genesect: :rillaboom: :incineroar: :urshifu:

:stakataka: :porygon2: :amoonguss: :dragapult: :tapu lele: :zapdos galar:

:dracovish: :ribombee: :naganadel: :volcanion: :genesect: :tsareena:

:kingdra: :politoed: :tornadus: :tsareena: :urshifu: :genesect:

:metagross: :zygarde: :volcanion: :genesect: :naganadel: :rillaboom:

Ok, that's 12 teams of content. I'm never writing a post even close to this long again, I regret everything, I need a nap, bye, i might give the bonus teams descriptions tommorow, but i'm very tired and i don't want to write anymore
Edit: the metagross on the shuca team was av instead of shuca. i forgot to change the item
More Edit: The av rilla on the metagross team is taunt. it was originally rose incense and i changed the item but forgot about the moves
Even more edit: the heatran on rose strats is jolly for some reason, i changed that
Last Edit: This is a small thing and the team still works whether you change this or not, but on the shuca metagross team the metagross is supposed to have rocks over iron head. I don't think rocks are that good right now though, so i'm not going to change the pokepaste, i'm just gonna mention it's an option. Here's the version with rocks:
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This is possibly the best team I´ve ever built , which has the flexibility to fight any kind of team.

I wanted to try and see if someone good at fighting found interest in it, liked it and would go ahead and use it to good effect on a tournament so it can make it to the samples (I´m continuing to use it for Doubles Majors and Fall Seasonal). I have had way more success with this than with any other team (other than the first week of gen 8).

Semi Tr (

The team is based on the chaining of speed control until enough holes have opened up to allow you to clean up. Setting up the opposite speed control as tw or tr is about to end is often the best option, even if you do lose 1 or 2 turns o it.

By far the most common lead is Zapdos Genesect to set up tw, there is no fake out in the team, but genesect can 0HKO anything which would threaten to disallow zapdos from setting up tw with the exception of certain taunt users, in which case one should just deal dmg in general.
The diancie lead is possible but not recommended in most circunstances. A dmg lead with zygarde and/or heatran can be performed if the enemy team is really weak to them, but this usually won´t happen against a well built team. Ammonguss can be used as a lead too, but I wouldn´t recommend it either.

When tw is set up look to wallbreak with zygarde and heatran, near the end of the tw duration, use a scouted protect to safely bring in diancie (most pokemon which counter diancie will have had to switch out by then) and set up tr (if the situation allows for it setting up another tw is also valid if the enemy hasnt used tw of their own), once it is you will look to bring in amoonguss (sometimes you have to protect diancie for the first turn of tr while he comes in), use this devastating combo to shred the enemy team, and often set up yet another tr.

Once diancie falls (if she does) clean up the enemy team, this cleanup is the main reason Zygarde and Heatran have high speeds despite being in a semi tr team, when i have tried to lower their speed they often fail to clean up reliably.

Tapu Fini: most of the team is weak to her, and the only hard counter is zapdos who can 2hko her (if it werent for this zapdos would run volt switch), although she does tend to get worn down by the spread attacks and attacks she is looking to block. She also denies spore for a while.
Scarf Genesect lead: its not that its very bad, just that you often have to risk a 50/50, which isnt ideal.
Hard tr Hatterene: despite lacking taunt this team does really well into normal tr teams thanks to a lvl 99 amoonguss, however, teams with unmovable tr setters like dusclops and porygon and hatterene are the exception, thankfully they are very rare, and as long as one manages to survive 1 round one tr with protects and resists it should be ok.

Edit: I relearnt how to hide texts, yay.
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With me getting knocked out of ssnls (stupid set) I can now feel free to share the dumb teams I've made and had some success with. I'm far from the best builder, so take these with a grain of salt.

Fini TailRoom
:Tapu Fini: :Diancie: :Zygarde: :Heatran: :Tsareena: :Mew:

With this team I wanted to utilize the power of fini and diancie together. However I felt that fini couldn't make the most of tailwind or trick room with the cm set. I find the specs set to be pretty good because it can come in on tailwind or tr turns and do immediate damage. People don't tend to expect specs so by the time they realize it's specs, fini most likely has already blown a hole in the team. Heatran is 3 attacks shuca. I know eruption is most common with tailwind, but I find that having the ability to tank a tarrows or high horsepower and get off chip is very useful. Since it is ev'd to work in conjunction with both tailwind and trick room it can invest in bulk which pairs nicely with shuca berry.

Lando V1
:Landorus: :Blastoise: :Kyurem-Black: :Rillaboom: :Celesteela: :Zapdos-Galar:

Lando V2
:Landorus: :Blastoise: :Kyurem-Black: :Rillaboom: :Celesteela: :Zeraora:

I think Lando is something that is incredibly good right now. Everyone is running diancie, metagross, volcanion and rillaboom. It can punch holes in teams incredibly well and can often times just sit on the field threatening kos and letting its partner do whatever. I also wanted to give meteor beam steela a shot as I thought it might matchup well against certain meta trends. The difference between the two versions is obviously the last pokemon. Heatran and kyurem can be annoying so galar zapdos was added in the last slot, but if you're more worried about volcanion you can opt to use the lo zera version. Steela is Ev'd to outspeed neutral nature no speed volcanion. Rillaboom is miracle seed so it can threaten urshifu better and so it can prevent tr with taunt, but it could probably changed to av high horsepower, especially if you opt to run zera.

Shift Gear Gene HO
:Genesect: :Landorus: :Blastoise: :Heatran: :Kyurem-Black: :Rillaboom:

This is what I used vs Paraplegic in the first round of Doubles Majors. Pretty good stuf if you think your opponent is going to bring slower, balance type builds. The idea is to set up with gene, and overwhelm its checks with lando-i. It's a pretty straightforward build and not much there to explain.
Ok, it's been over 2 weeks, you know what time it is

:urshifu: :volcarona: :kyurem black: :genesect: :zeraora: :landorus:
Life Orb Urshifu HO:

I've been using this team a ton on ladder, it's insanely fun. Basically, you use zera + volc to get lando or urshifu behind a sub and kill shit until kyube can win, which is admittedly not hard because its broken. Life orb urshifu still kills everything it needs to and has the ability to switch moves and use protect. Volcarona ended up being a decent redirector for it as it resists fairy and grass which are the two most common types used to beat shifu. WoW helps you deal with physical attackers like diancie and urshifu and the evs let it ko rillaboom with overheat into -2 overheat while retaining that GOLDEN base 100 speed tier. it also cripples all genesect variants and metagross which is good for kyube. kyube is just here because its a broken setup sweeper. highest atk in the tier, literally perfect coverage, good speed tier and bulk, great boosting move, i mean come on, what more could you want? Zera adds fake out + taunt + a reliable tr answer. rilla is an option in this slot if you want terrain control but i dont think psyspam is very good rn so this version works fine as is. Plus, you have genesect + zera which is fine into psyspam anyway. genesect is just here for coverage and landorus is a secondary sub sweeper that works well with urshifu. (it's also just prettier than zygarde on this team which is mostly why i chose it. yes, this is my building process now. i will not be accepting criticism at this time)

:tapu fini: :genesect: :heatran: :zeraora: :rillaboom: :naganadel:
Weird Fini HO:

Not much went into this one, i just wanted to make a good team here. naga for tailwind, double fake out, heatran removes all the threats to fini and scarf gene for coverage. you also have flamethrower on naga so you can side proc flash fire which is nice. I wanted to experiment with how fini could fit on HO and i ended up with this

:landorus therian: :zapdos galar: :tsareena: :tapu fini: :incineroar: :mew:
SD PH Fly Lando:

Someone said to bring back power herb fly lando, so i tried. zapdos galar prevents intimidate, incin and mew for double fake out, tsar and fini as tr checks with tsareena also blocking priority. you could experiment with a more supportive mew or more bulk on tsar, but i feel like what i came up with works fine. It's also really fun and great for ladder. It looks like a normal bulky offense team and then bam, your rilla gets ohkod by power herb fly at +2. The general plan here is to either get in lando early and try to sweep while using your other mons to support it or to use zapdos galar and tsareena to remove all the things that threaten lando and then pop fly and win in the late game under tailwind. either way, lando puts in work and its glorious

:metagross: :kyurem black: :zapdos: :heatran: :tapu fini: :rillaboom:
Kinda Generic Fini Balance:

So you know that team memo used in scl? Turns out back in kart meta i made a team with a similar composition. The reason i didn't post it is because i felt like the team wasnt very good in kart meta and it still needed tweaking. But a few tweaks and a whole ass meta later, here it is. Basically you use the strong defensive backbone created by kyube + zap + heatran to remove things that threaten fini while just generally wearing the opposing team down and then win with fini. It's pretty generic so i wont bore you with the details, but that's the team

:genesect: :zapdos: :volcanion: :tapu fini: :landorus therian: :amoonguss:
Six Fat Mons:

tbh i just wanted to make a team with 6 fat mons. The idea is to get rocks up early and try to force switches and trades to allow fini to win in the late game. This team is really good at wearing down the opposing team by just generally being fat and putting yourself in a position to always have options. I really like this team, it works better than i thought

Ok, these next teams aren't gonna really have descriptions, just a sentence or two to explain what they are and how they work (sorry for the shorter descriptions if that bothers you, i wanted to try out a new style for these posts this time, depending on if people like it i might now have to spend 3 hours writing descriptions)

BO Semiroom:

Pretty normal stuff here, definitely not one of my more creative teams. incin + amoong allow fini to set up easily and allow diancie to set tr and dominate while tr is up. Zygarde Genesect is here for immediate offensive presence and all that. It's a pretty cool team, though the fini MU is subpar (which might not even matter, fini usage in scl and majors is suprisingly low)

Generic Semiroom:

I made another semiroom team, no gimmicks this time. It's a pretty boring team, it's just standard semiroom stuff, but i thought it was worth posting

Drop a DRAGO:

Pretty similar to my LO shifu team in terms of composition. Basically, you use your other 5 mons to make sure regidrago is in a position where it can come in and click dragon energy as safely as possible. specs dragon energy hits so fucking hard it's unreal. It's a really fun ladder team, so uhhh here-

[EXPERIMENTAL] Lando Bulldoze Stuff:

This is another version of my shuca metagross team i was tinkering with. I might make some changes down the line, but uh... sneak peak ig? I mean it works, i tested it, dont get me wrong, i'm just not sure if this is gonna be the final version i go with. idk, anyway, it's pretty fun on ladder so uh... try it ig, you might like it, idk

So i made a dou team with only duu mons:

Ok, love me or hate me, you gotta admit this is kinda cool. Name one other player that will willingly bring a team of duu mons to a dou game? i'll wait. But in all seriousness, im not sure where to post this. Like, it's for dou, its made to deal with dou mons, but it's all duu mons... idk, but here

Ok, that's probably everything. Again, sorry if the short descriptions bother you, i wanted to try something new this time, but constantly changing the way i write these posts is probably kinda annoying to some people, idk.
Coaching Zeraora Offense

:sm/rillaboom: :sm/zeraora: :sm/genesect: :sm/heatran: :sm/zygarde: :sm/Kyurem-Black:


Team Description

The core of this team is made up of Zeraora, Zygarde and Kyruem Black with the other 3 pokemon there to help eliminate the checks to zygarde and Kyruem or to provide useful type coverage. When paired with this support orientated Zeraora set, the 2 dragons are easily capable of blowing a big hole in the opponent's defences and can in some cases against already weakened or unprepared team, just automatically win the game.

:Rillaboom: Rillaboom is a useful support pokemon. It provides grassy terrain, it can act as the main fake out user in the event Zeraora is knocked out and it counters tapu fini who can be a potential obstacle otherwise.

:Zeraora: Zeraora is linchpin of this team. It is the fastest fake out user in the tier and in addition to coaching it also has taunt to stop opposing speed control such as tailwind and trick room and the occasional will-o-wisp from mew or dusclops. Zeraora also has electrowebs which is great for slowing down pokemon that are naturally faster than zygarde or Kyruem which allows them to land the KO.

:Genesect: Genesect is an already fast pokemon made even faster with the addition of a choice scarf. With u-turn, flamethrower, ice beam and iron head it acts as a great answer to rillaboom, both Landorus Forms, and tapu lele, with the latter 2 being especially important.

:heatran: Heatran greatly benefits from Zeraora's electrowebs support as it allows it to fire off very powerful eruptions without the risk of being damaged by normally faster pokemon. Its fire typing also provides useful coverage vs genesect.

:Zygarde: Zygarde benefits greatly from the support it gets from Zeraora as boosted choice band thousand arrows or thousand waves coming off its respectable 100 base physical attack stat is capable of sweeping through teams as outside of grass types there aren't many pokemon that can reliably switch in on it.

:kyurem black: Kyruem is another main partner for zeraora as the combination of electric and ice type moves is very hard to switch into as no pokemon in the DOU tier resists both types and Kyruem boasts a monstrous 170 base physical attack stat (The highest attack stat in the current Doubles OU tier) which when combined with coaching support and its own dragon dances gets boosted to ridiculous levels.

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These are teams I meant to share in my last post, but forgot to add lol I have found success with these teams but unfortunately lots of them have been shamed by me getting knocked out of tournaments while using them lol But I suggest you give them a try, and send me any cool edits if you can happen to improve upon them. Enjoy!

Specs Fini Tr
:Tapu Fini: :Diancie: :Tsareena: :Rillaboom: :Volcanion: :Mew:

In my last post here, I shared a team called "Specs Fini Tailroom." This was made right after that with the same idea of using diancie and fini together. This is more of a full room type team, though not everything is incredibly slow. This team works best when people don't know the sets, as people don't expect trick room to be used with mew, nor do they expect choice band tsareena. While I've found success with this team, and find banded grassy glide super fun to use, I do find that it can be a little bad in some situations. I think if anyone wants to use this, they could opt to make tsareena av or something.

Seasonal Match Vs Toxigen
:Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: :Mew: :Incineroar: :Rillaboom: :Celesteela: :Kyurem-Black:

This team is something that I have been taking time to refine, as the initial version that I used vs Toxigen was a little different. It was made with the intent of beating a lot of common semi room type builds, and I've found that it does a decent job of doing just that. I know I wrote in the vr rankings that celesteela is tier 4 at best, but I find myself using it a ton still. it can snowball games at times, but it also kinda beats diancie which is what I find most appealing. Urshifu pairs nicely in that it threatens p2 which celesteela struggles to break, and it beats most of the steela checks in heatran, and kyurem. A form of speed control was needed, and I found that the best support was offensive support. Mew kind of adds secondary offensive options to things I already can hit, which can ease the pressure for things like steela. I had ice beam over psychic, but I found that urshifu was too hard to play around, so psychic was added. Kyurem black could be swapped to life orb, but I've ebelt to function fine. Team is a little weak to dragapult, so if you use this I suggest trying to edit the team to check it a little more consistently.

Double DD Veil
:ninetales-alola: :Kyurem-Black: :Genesect: :Zygarde: :Blastoise: :Rillaboom:

I had a burst of creative energy one day and pumped out a bunch of teams that had pokemon I haven't used before. Most of those teams are garbo, but this one is not the worst. Veil isn't an original idea, and veil with set up mons most certainly isn't anything new either, but it isn't semi room so that's cool. I feel like there isn't much to explain with this one. You set up veil and try to get zygarde or kyurem to win.
Quick post before dwcop starts (and by quick i mean my most detailed post so far. Hope you like reading!)

:landorus: :incineroar: :tsareena: :tapu fini: :kyurem black: :metagross:
Practice for building dwcop teams:

The Process: i wanted to practice building for dwcop. i build an insane amount of teams so im not too worried about counterteaming, but i wanted to practice building teams by subverting expectations and abusing my opponents usage stats. I chose crunchman for this project because i feel like we're around the same skill level and i would consider us friends, or at least acquaintances. A lot of my teams are weak to HO teams so i built this team specifically to deal with that and ik crunch uses a lot of semiroom with very high diancie usage specifically so i had to be prepared for that. Let's go over the squad shall we?

Meet the Squad:

:Landorus: Landorus:
Scarf lando is the true mvp of this team. scarf lets it outspeed naga, the premier offensive tailwind setter post kart ban and lets it outspeed genesect which is nice and ended up coming in clutch in the game i played against them, but we'll get to that. It also has toxic over psychic because p2 and i dont think lando needs an attack that isnt earth power or sludge bomb, ground poison is already pretty optimal coverage. A lot of this team hinges on lando, so dont let it die under any circumstances. youre usually leading it + fake out or icy wind, worst case scenario you switch to tsar and u turn out, theres no real reason not to lead it unless it has a really shitty mu into your opponents team

:incineroar: Incineroar: Incin is probably the weakest member of the team. its here because i wanted intimidate support and knock off. This is a pretty standard set, i wont bore you with the details

:tsareena: Tsareena: This is my signature tsareena spread. hits all the benchmarks the sample hits while also living a flare blitz from incin and ohkoing pult with triple axel. Tsar is here for its priority blocking because zera is always a thorn in my side (which lando also helps with but blocking its fast fake out is nice and removes a lot of the mind games that come with fake out wars with it) it's assault vest because this team is pretty slow and i intentionally made this team to function without tailwind to work better into semiroom so i didnt feel taunt was necessary, and the bulk from av also ended up coming in clutch in the actual game.

:tapu fini: Tapu Fini: This pokemon wasnt nearly as important as i thought. I wanted misty terrain support, a bulky water and trick so i added specs fini. Moonblast is mandatory, hydro pump because i think its better than muddy water on specs and dazzling gleam to deal with kyube + redirection. It didnt actually end up doing much in the test games or the actual game but having trick fini as an option is nice

:kyurem black: Kyurem Black: Kyube is here for its potent coverage and speed control in icy wind. The bulk from av also helps with the lando mu. Again, this is just the sample, i dont have much to say about it

:metagross: Metagross: Shuca metagross is back! I know crunch has high diancie usage so i added metagross to deal with it. The evs let it ohko naga, oneshot diancie at +2, lives zygarde tarrows with 50%+ to spare and the leftover evs are put into speed because it probably gets past something after an icy wind, idk.

In conclusion, i really like this team. It felt a bit weird to pilot at first but as i startedto understand everything's roles better it ended up becoming one of my favorite teams

Test Game:

Roomtour game vs crunch:

I ended up losing due to tsareena being a shitty pokemon and missing a triple axel, but i think i played ok up until that. What did i learn from losing? always run wide lens on tsar.

Sorry crunchman, i did it for science

:zapdos galar: :tsareena: :kyurem black: :tapu fini: :heatran: :mew:
Anti Meta Bulky Offense:

The Process: DD Kyube is actually broken. at +1 it at least trades with everything and very few things can actually switch into it. In addition, one of the most consistent ways to beat it is intimidate spam, so i added zapdos galar and tsareena so you cant even fake it out and stall for turns. The rest of the team is just speed control and immediate offensive pressure. Lets get into the team

Meet the Squad:

:zapdos galar: Zapdos Galar: Zapdos galar is just here for intim and to deal with genesect which is a kyube check. its the same scarf set youve seen me use 200 billion times, nothing to say here

:tsareena: Tsareena: Tsar is here for priority blocking and taunt, which i couldve just given to mew but super fang is based. I dont think protect is good on tsar so i added triple axel. I also took out some speed from the sample and added some hp.

:Kyurem black: Kyurem Black: I dont have much to say about this pokemon, its just broken. The set is pretty standard, not much to say there, just.... fuck this pokemon, why is this thing allowed?

:heatran: Heatran: Heatran has synergy with kyube and fini. It removes the threats to both of them so they can do what they do best which is D E S T R O Y. . . but anyway, that's it for heatran!

:tapu fini: Tapu Fini: I added tapu fini because trick room is a move and i would like to not lose to that. It's specs so it can trick and its the same set as the last team (im too lazy to chnage this but its more efficient to take the 24 speed evs out of hp, you need the special atk to ko diancie) i just changed the spread to work in tailwind rather than icy wind.

:mew: Mew: Super fang mew based. I added mew for speed control because i had most things covered with the first 5 mons. It also provides fake out support and the EPIC super fang which means you cant ignore it unlike other mew sets, which is my main problem with using defensive mew on teams like this.

Conclusion: This team is really good, it supports dd kyube pretty well and works into most things, and its very easy to use, kyube takes like 2 brain cells to position correctly, especially relative to how hard your opponent has to work to beat it.
:porygon2: :dragapult: :tsareena: :heatran: :urshifu rapid strike: :zeraora:
P2 Cimematic Universe Finale:

The Process: What is it with me and building teams with similar compositions to scl teams? i swear im not copying these teams, it just kinda happens. This team is similar to a team frania used in scl. I dont really have much else to say about this team, so uhhh next section!

Meet the Squad:

:porygon2: Porygon2: p2 is a pretty situational pokemon on this team. depending on the matchup you turn trick room on and off to have more control over the speed. the actual set is pretty standard though so i wont say much there, its kinda just here to sit there and turn tr on and off depending on the state of the game. You could also run twave icy wind p2 on this, which i tried, but it didnt feel as good. Its definitely an option though

:dragapult: Dragapult: This was originally naganadel for a tailwind mode but i liked dragapult better because ghost is busted. Same dragapult set ive been using for months, nothing to say there either

:tsareena: Tsareena: Fini was originally in the dragapult slot on an earlier version of the team and i kinda just... didnt change tsareena. It works fine on this version anyway despite this team being less weak to fake out. It's the same spread and set as the first team, its just here because of its great coverage and it blocks rillaboom's grassy glide which is nice for urshifu

:heatran: Heatran: Another pokemon that was on an earlier version that i kinda just forgot to replace. It still works on this team though so i havent changed it yet. Once again, very simple set, theres not much point in explaining it

:urshifu rapid strike: Urshifu: LO shifu is amazing. This team doesnt have many protects so i added it. I kept ice punch because i was worried about zygarde though. Urshifu is mainly here because its really strong and beats heatran which is something nothing else on this team does

:zeraora: Zeraora: Zera is here because fast fake out is good and it beats urshifu with magnet. You could run a sitrus berry set with max hp if youre not as worried about urshifu but i like magnet more

Conclusion: This team feels a little weird to use at times but i enjoyed using it in the test games i played with it (i forgot to save the replays, automatic replay saver when?) and i would definitely recommend trying it

:urshifu: :heatran: :genesect: :zeraora: :rillaboom: :naganadel:
Post kart ban offense:

This six isnt exactly original so im not gonna go into as much detail as the other teams, but this is basically what offense looks like rn. rillaboom and zera for double fake out, naga is a fast offensive tailwind setter, heatan genesect and urshifu provide immediate offensive pressure under tailwind. This is a really fun composition, offense is a lot better than i thought it would be in this meta, even without kart, urshifu is still urshifu
:urshifu: :tsareena: :zeraora: :naganadel: :heatran: :zygarde:
Subshifu + Coaching:

I took the post kart ban offense team idea one step further and added life orb urshifu and coaching zera. this team is a classic example of me taking a formula proven to work and ruining it. But seriously, i really like this team, i saw teams like this every now and then during kart meta and i thought it was a neat idea so i did what i do best and stole it and made it better. Most of the sets are either sandard or sets ive gone over before and because this post, up until this point, has already taken 4 hours and a sizeable chunk of my sanity to write, i wont be repeating myself to save you and me and everyone else time, but this team revolves around getting urshifu behind a sub and winning with coaching in the late game. this was definitely better back in kart meta but its still fine now

:cresselia: :zygarde: :zapdos galar: :rillaboom: :volcanion: :genesect:
Ebelt Cresselia:

The Process:
I was watching 2012 worls championships games (vgc) to get ideas because vgc has a ton of creative teams and i found out about ebelt cresselia, so i stole it! zygarde ended up being a decent partner for it due to its trapping utility which allows cresselia to more safely pick things off and set trick room and it hits a lot of the pokemon cresselia doesnt do well into, like pokemon it cant hit for SE damage (i.e incineroar, volcanion, heatran, ect.) i also added zapdos galar as both of these pokemon lose to genesect. From there, i added rillaboom to allow cress to more easily get trick room up and provides terrain control, volcanion was added as a slow safety googles user to check amoonguss and av genesect was added for coverage.

Meet The Squad:

:cresselia: Cresselia: Cresselia is very bad. everything i tried to use it for something else did better, so this is my attempt at trying to build with it. Ebelt cresselia ohkos pult with ice beam and probably 2hkos something relevant with moonblast like kyube or something (editor prim here, i checked and it does in fact 2hko kyube with moonblast with this spread, and kyube cant do much of anything back..... cresselia as a dd kyube check mew meta?????) psychic was just added for stab. Its also running trick room because its a cresselia. The spread lets it do all the things i just mentioned and the max hp and 44 def were just leftovers. Cresselia ended up being decent on this team, its kinda like p2 if p2 was worse.

:zygarde: Zygarde: I dont have much to say about our snake friend this time around, the set is pretty standard. One thing i will say is on bulkier teams like this, i find zygarde's main draw is its utility. It has good natural bulk and the trapping effect from twaves is really nice for getting tr up for free or just forcing your opponent to play a 4v6 or 5v6 immediately. And it does all of this while doing decent damage too (assuming it has choice band)! i honestly think a full supportive set for zygarde (twaves sub/dtail/breaking swipe protect and glare) could work well on setup heavy teams/semiroom (and expect me to make a team using it in the very near future)

:zapdos galar: Zapdos-Galar: Zapdos galar, your friendly neighborhood genesect hunter. Scarf, assault vest, shift gear, it doesnt matter, zapdos galar will hunt it down and gladly blaze kick it to hell and back. It's base 100 speed tier + scarf allows it to outspeed most of the tier and wreck eevrything from urshifu to kyurem black with its fighting/flying stabs. Try scarf galarian zapdos today, all for the low-low price of $99999999999.99 (choice scarf sold seperately)

:rillaboom: Rillaboom: I also dont have much to say about rillaboom. It's a rillaboom doing rillaboom things in this rillaboom world. This is the same set youve seen on my teams for the past 7 billion years so im not gonna bore you with the details

:volcanion: Volcanion: Volcanion is here to exterminate those pesky amoonguss running around (wait, can amoonguss run? its a mushroom, i dont think it has feet.... or does it?...) Complete withsafety goggles and sludge bomb to remove fini, This thing is a very reliable trick room mon and works well on this team

:genesect: Genesect: Ok guys listen up this is probably the last time im gonna use av genesect. Genesect is just here for coverage, its av because i didnt want 2 scarfs (we dont run 3 choice items in this house anymore, this is a new era of primrose building!)

Conclusion: Pretty cool team, would recommend. Cresselia is cool, it kinda just... doesnt die, and it doesnt disintegrate after getting knocked like p2 does. I dont use this team often but when i do its a good time, so try it!

:moltres: :tsareena: :tapu fini: :diancie: :landorus: :metagross:
Kanto Moltres:

The Process:
I said i would make a kanto moltres team a while ago and i thought it was finally time, so i did. I think moltres' best (and only) niche is a kinda fast tailwind setter and a very shaky check to pokemon like dd kyube and zygarde. I added tsareena because priority trolls this team, specs fini provides an answer to p2 (this team doesnt have a fighting type) Diancie is here for matchups where trick room being up is more favorable (i like babiri berry more than weakness policy here because diancie is gonna be switching in and out and switching tr on and off a lot throughout the game and weakness policy doesnt really support that style of play. goggles or shuca berry are also options) and lando and metagross are immediate offensive pressure with metagross working in and out of trick room/tailwind

Meet the Squad:

:moltres: Moltres: I also dont think this pokemon is good, but i said i would build around it so here we are. Tailwind is mandatory, burning jealousy provides a very shaky way of dealing with sweepers like kyube, air slash for a secondary stab (a ground move like scorching sands is also an option) and protect because its protect.

:tsareena: Tsareena: tsareena is here for fake out blocking and coverage, same set as the other teams, not much to say here

:tapu fini: Tapu Fini: i wanted misty terrain because amoonguss and trick so i added fini. Same set as the other teams again, but because im lazy i didnt fix the evs. Take the 24 speed out of hp, not special atk, you need 252 modest to ohko diancie

:diancie: Diancie: I remember when i first started playing the tier, i used babiri berry diancie a lot on semiroom. good times. Imma be honest, im just tired of seeing p2 everywhere so i used diancie instead. This is a pretty normal diancie set, its body press over moonblast because p2 though

:landorus: Landorus: I like scarf landorus here because i wanted something fast out of tailwind that could work as a pivot. It also has toxic because random ladder demon sets go brrrr and i would like to stop them from going brrrrr

:metagross: Metagross: I also dont have much to say about this metagross, you know it, you tolerate it, its shuca metagross. Ive already explained what the evs do, the move choice, i dont have much to say that i havent already, so uhhhh skip-

Conclusion: I wouldnt recommend this team for actual tournament use, if youre bringing moltres to a tournament youre an actual madlad, but its pretty good at beating random ladder sets with burning jealousy + toxic + trick + prioblock. The only things it needs are follow me and haze to be THE anti ladder team

:whimsicott: :landorus: :volcarona: :tapu fini: :kyurem black: :zeraora:
Fake Tears Whimsicott + Focus Blast Landorus:

I hate whimsicott. Let me rephrase. I dont hate whimsicott, i actually think its cute and has a genuine niche in the meta, i hate what it represents, which is stupid ladder gimmicks that are just weird enough to still work but are impossible to prepare for. But tbh, i really like this team. This team is built around using lando early game and kyube late game once everything is heavily chipped. Lando and kyube are 2 pokemon you do not want to be giving free turns and this team is really good at generating free turns. This team is very similar to my lando i team from last post so i'll only go over the stuff that's different. I gave lando focus blast over sub and whimsicott fake tears. kyube and p2 both drop to -2 focus blast (if you hit) and combined with trick fini and taunt zera along with volcarona to burn diancie AND encore on whimsicott this team's trick room MU is pretty good i would say. I also added trick fini because i was worried about amoonguss. This team basically plays like a more modern version of the LO shifu team i posted last time, use volcarona and zera to generate free turns for kyube and lando, win with kyube + redirection and fake out. Its a simple but deadly gameplan because kyurem black is actually insanely broken and i dont know why its allowed.

Ok, now all the teams have descriptions, sorry i couldnt add them all at once, i was REALLY tired. For some reason some of the teams have 2 spoiler marks and i cant get rid of the first one, just click on the second one, it has all the information and stuff. I think all of these teams are pretty cool in their own way, hope you enjoy using them :3
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After seeing a bit of discussion in the Discord about switching from GravSleep clause to a simple Gravity ban, I got to thinking. Lando-I is really good right now, but what if it could also hit Zapdos and Celesteela? So I kind of half-heartedly threw a Gravity Sableye in with Lando, giving it Focus Blast for good measure, and left the team sitting unfinished for a while. Most of the ideas that came to mind for working with Gravity were either memes (Blizzard + Zap Cannon Genesect), unusable due to mechanics I was unaware of (Tsareena can't use HJK in Gravity), or teamcomps that could be improved by just using something else and didn't take advantage of Gravity.

I think I finally found one that works though, and it's not overly gimmicky. Here's the team I came up with:
:landorus: :sableye:
Landorus (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Earth Power
- Focus Blast
- Sludge Bomb
- Protect

Sableye @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 248 HP / 176 Def / 84 Spe
Impish Nature
- Fake Out
- Gravity
- Will-O-Wisp
- Quash

Sableye provides Fake Out support for Lando, helping it get free turns, and also can use Prankster Will-O-Wisp for general utility. Quash is great for some of the middling-speed Pokemon on the team, since the fastest Pokemon is Landorus-I. Gravity is obviously the reason that I chose to use it in the first place though, and it lets Earth Power hit Flying-types and makes Focus Blast hit your foes instead of the side of the screen.

Lando's pretty standard, but Sableye outruns 0 Spe Incineroar to win the Fake Out war if they didn't creep and has enough bulk to take CB Urshifu-R Surging Strikes unless you get very unlucky. It's kind of useless into some things, but it's really here as a Fake Out / Gravity bot anyway so I just decided to live with that.

:zapdos: :metagross:
Zapdos @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Static
EVs: 88 HP / 168 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Hurricane
- Tailwind
- Toxic

Metagross @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Atk / 32 SpD / 48 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Ice Punch
- Stomping Tantrum
- Stealth Rock

The next two team members are dedicated to patching up some matchups and providing a bit more utility. For Tailwind support, Zapdos matches up pretty well into the Waters and Grasses that can be a little annoying for Lando and has Toxic to punish the really fat things like Porygon2. Metagross gives a pretty sturdy answer to Kyurem-B and an actual switchin to Diancie while also chipping things with Stealth Rock. I originally had Toxic on Metagross, but everyone switched out their Porygon2 when facing Metagross in case of Toxic, so putting it on something somewhat surprising helped.

Both Zapdos and Metagross happen to benefit (at least somewhat) from Gravity too -- Hurricane and Meteor Mash, each of their most powerful STAB attacks on these sets, suffer from poor accuracy and can be a little scary to click. Zapdos has enough HP to take Specs Draco from Timid Pult, and Metagross outruns Naganadel in TW (which is really just an excuse to creep opposing Metagross/Volcanion). 176+ Attack on Metagross ensures that Meteor Mash KOes 120 HP Kyurem-B after SR, and the dump is in bulk.

Volcarona @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Heat Wave
- Giga Drain
- Quiver Dance
- Protect

I got a little bit stuck here, and then realized that QD Volcarona is helped out by Tailwind, Fake Out, Will-O-Wisp, Diancie killers, and even Gravity. Heat Wave missing after finally getting the right setup is really annoying, so Gravity lets you avoid that headache. Giga Drain is here for Urshifu-R and (kind of) Fini, supported further by the next member:

Rillaboom @ Assault Vest
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 240 HP / 36 Atk / 40 SpD / 192 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Grassy Glide
- U-turn
- High Horsepower

I'm not entirely sure that it's possible to build an optimal SS team without Rillaboom. I got to the end and had so many issues to patch up: Fini check, pivoting, Heatran lure, Fake Out/general support, Water resist, revenge killer... and Rillaboom just answered all of that. The spread is I think standard for HHP Rillaboom, outruns has enough Attack to OHKO 0/4 Timid Tran, with the rest in bulk to take either two Specs Pult Dracos or Lando-I Earth Power + Sludge Bomb thanks to Grassy Terrain.

Overall, the team could definitely be stronger against Porygon2, especially Toxic variants, and Incineroar is actually kind of frustrating to face, but if you get a Gravity off at the right time, it's actually really useful and a neat tech to have available.

Full importable: :landorus: :sableye: :zapdos: :metagross: :volcarona: :rillaboom:
I was gonna wait until after dwcop ended to post this but im bored and if i did that this post would take weeks to write and aint nobody got time for that. I dont even know if im gonna be playing and if i do i plan to build original teams for each opponent anyway so you probably won't be seeing any of these used by me during the tournament. But anyway, TEAMS!

Celesteela + Amoonguss Balance
:celesteela: :tapu fini: :amoonguss: :landorus: :incineroar: :porygon2:

This is my favorite team im posting this time so im doing it first! I wanted to build a team using the combination of celesteela and tapu fini. I think this is a super good pairing, fini can't set up in front of grass types and kyube, both of which steela obliterates with air slash and flash cannon/meteor beam respectively. Additionally, Celesteela hates fire types, which fini can easily set up on as well. This is just a super good setup spam pairing, you can kinda just alternate between them and win games. I added amoonguss, mainly as a redirector because i think steela + amoonguss is super strong, but pollen puff keeps everything healthy and spore can help with the trick room matchup. Next up, both of my wincons are weak to electric types so i added landorus. Landorus provides immediate offense by 2hkoing everything and smashing through teams and also serves as a zeraora switch in for celesteela and tapu fini and proceed to force it out. The worst zeraora can do to lando is knock it off but lando's damage output is so unbelievably high getting knocked off can end up not even mattering in some games because it just proceeds to kill everything anyway. Im running focus blast on this landorus because p2 scary. After testing, amoonguss felt like it got stretched really thin between generating free turns for celesteela an fini, keeping everything healthy and being a trick room check on its own, so i added incin as a secondary way to generate free turns for these pokemon so amoonguss could switch out and get some of it's health back. I also added porygon2 because amoonguss spore under trick room is brutal and gives the team a better way to deal with offensive teams that would otherwise overwhelm it. I thought about diancie in this slot but settled on porygon2 because it's a much more consistent setter, has coverage that's more consistently useful and porygon2 also takes advantage of tapu fini preventing toxic. Overall, this is a team that can be really hard to break down and has a ton of versatility.

I actually have a replay for this one:

Necrozma Semiroom
:porygon2: :volcanion: :metagross: :rillaboom: :landorus: :necrozma:

I also think this is a really cool team. I built this team because i needed a diancie-less semiroom team for the frameworks thread. I started with porygon2 and added volcanion with shuca berry as lando bait. I then proceeded to add rillaboom as a form of disruption to get trick room up. Landorus was added as a fast attacker, i added goggles metagross (evd to live dragapult shadow ball) as an amoonguss switch in and gave it meteor mash to make up for its minimal atk investment. This necrozma set capitalizes on its good bulk when combined with prism armor and investment and it's deceptively optimal ground psychic coverage to be a consistent secondary setter and do good damage to most pokemon in the tier. This team relies on constantly turning trick room on and off to keep control of the pace of the match. It's also a fairly bulky team that can be difficult to break for some teams. I would absolutely recommend trying this team, trick room necrozma is really good even without psychic terrain and shuca volcanion is a very fun set

Sylveon Semiroom
:sylveon: :diancie: :rillaboom: :volcanion: :landorus: :kyurem black:

Im noticing a theme. This post is really just "heat mon + semiroom + random heat set" huh? Well regardless, this team is super fun. Sylveon + landorus is a really good core bc ground fairy broken, sylveon also frees you up to run the better water type volcanion rather than being stuck with the other resident calm mind user fini (yes, even i, the number one fini stan admit volcanion is better) and put roar on it to help with the meteor beam steela and p2 matchups. I proceeded to add diancie and rillaboom because diancie likes landorus removing steel types and volcanion and rillaboom working well with it as well, and kyurem black is speed control outside of trick room. also i would like to point out i made this before crunchman made his sylveon team, i was the original sylveon enjoyer.... actually that was gma BUT STILL-
Double Roar Balance
:zapdos: :kyurem black: :metagross: :zygarde: :rillaboom: :tapu fini:

I hate these kinds of builds so im not spending too much time on this but objectively this is a fine team i guess. The whirlwind on zapdos is for stuff like diancie and necrozma that try to set trick room vs this team and dont expect whirlwind as well as calm mind fini and dtail kyube is for p2 and the 2 setup dragons, zygarde and kyurem black. I added metagross as lando bait and rocks to chip stuff overtime. I gave it toxic because p2 scary. I added zygarde over lando bc i wanted a zapdos check specifically, rillaboom is knock bc p2 and i added specs fini as a sleep check and another strong spread attacker (dazzling gleam is EXTREMELY spammable in this meta)

Calm Mind Fini + Meteor Beam Steela but before i made the other team
:celesteela: :landorus: :tsareena: :mew: :tapu fini: :incineroar:

This was my first crack at making a dedicated celesteela team and it's generally fine. Celesteela acts as a lando check, we have scarf lando + tsareena to help with the hyper offense matchup (tsareena is taunt for trick room and is evd to live landorus sludge bomb). Expert belt mew provides tailwind and coverage, incineroar is evd to live steam eruption from volcanion and outspeed landorus in tailwind and calm mind fini is another wincon that's evd to outpace zeraora in tailwind and always ko urshifu with moonblast
Nihilego Rain
:nihilego: :urshifu: :tornadus: :pelipper: :metagross: :tapu lele:

I was looking through vgc forums again to get some ideas and i saw this super cool nihilego rain team with urshifu + nihilego +tornadus with kyogre for rain. The core of nihilego + urshifu + tornadus seemed fun and the current trends are making it seem like nihilego could make a resurgence so i made a team attempting to recreate the team. I added pelipper for rain and a secondary tailwind setter bc this team is REALLY reliant on tailwind (also i was just tired of politoed) i added metagross for steel roller because i planned on adding specs lele which also ended up being really good on this. Its a fun rain team, you're mainly using tailwind to outspeed and ohko everything and winning that way. Pelipper also ended up being suprisingly good and i would recommend trying it
AV Tapu Koko Semiroom
:tapu koko: :diancie: :rillaboom: :volcanion: :landorus: :metagross:

See what i meant about the "heat mon + semiroom + random heat set" trend? Nails said in doucord that koko was viable as a sleep check/support mon so i built a team with it. Fast taunt on offensive teams would be nice but pinch berries are shit now and sitrus just isnt enough recovery so i settled on assault vest. The evs let it outspeed lando i, live a stab thousand arrows/earth power from zygarde and landorus respectively and 2hko fini with wild charge. You can also pivot with u turn and chunk everything in the game with nature's madness. I liked the idea of diancie with koko because it means it doesn;t have to worry about setting in front of amoonguss as much because it makes it's spore useless and freed it up to run an item that wasn't goggles, so i put it on a semiroom team as a means of non trick room speed control. I proceeded to add a standard DVR semiroom core + landorus because diancie and lando have good synergy and shuca metagross as lando bait that takes advantage of the two terrains. Roar volcanion ended up beign solid on this, roar is a super fun 4th move on volcanion.

Fini Tini Fullroom
:torkoal: :diancie: :tsareena: :tapu fini: :porygon2: :victini:

I wanted to try building fullroom for once. Diancie + torkoal was a good starting point, i added knock off tsareena for priority blocking and oppoisng p2, scarf fini chunks anything this team can't deal with and can heal pulse torkoal back up to full so it can continue to spam its devastating eruptions, porygon2 is a more consistent setter that provides good coverage against everything in the tier and final gambit victini was added as a sun abuser pivot and a form of disruption to get trick room up. This ended up being a really fun team, 10/10, would recommend. I never really saw the appeal of fullroom but after using it myself i like it a lot. It's like a weird kind of hyper offense and i'm here for it!
now that im thankfully out of invis, here are the teams i used + some brief descriptions

vs Mishimono
:mew::incineroar::shedinja::chansey::tapu fini::genesect: - Shed Durdle
Shedinja + Chansey for prepping against Lando-I, Volcanion, Naganadel and Metagross; Incineroar for KB and Gene which exploits them. Mew can neuter pretty much anything slower, with Wisp being handy for making Chansey beat every physical attacker in the metagame except Ursh. Chansey is max Speed because being able to Softboiled on more stuff is better than a somewhat improved ability to take Special Attacks; this actually mattered as I Softboiled my Chansey out of range of a Blastoise Flip Turn. Tapu Fini because the team needs to win somehow, Telepathy because the team needs to apply status consistently. It helps that it also fakes Exploson on Gene. Genesect is there to just check stuff, Flash Cannon to beat Coaching strats with KB.
:zeraora::kyurem-black::amoonguss::urshifu-rapid-strike::volcarona::landorus: - Scarf Lando-I Goodstuffs
it's a normal team, except it has scarf Lando-I. Scarf Lando-I is good because it's still a strong mon, and it's especially good in this matchup because Mishi likes to spam Ursh and Naganadel, two things I can pick off turn 1 if ever (it did). Volcarona feels really good in the meta because it can stand up to Lando-I and KB, sorta, and can delete Mew; as long as the TR match-up is accounted for it's p good.

vs Zeefable
:regieleki::tapu koko::incineroar::kyurem-black::urshifu-rapid-strike::cresselia: - Elec Spam
I opted to use Regieleki because it outruns Accelgor, Choice Scarf Tapu Fini, and Kingdra in rain, three threats that Zee likes. Tapu Koko because why not lol. CM Cresselia to give me a good way to answer Lando-I, has Electric Seed synergy which is p epic + the elecs can check Urshifu-R for me.
:naganadel::rotom-wash::incineroar::rillaboom::kyurem-black::celesteela: - Scarf Naga Scarf Thomas
I opted to use Choice Scarf Naganadel because it outruns Accelgor, Choice Scarf Tapu Fini, and Kingdra in rain, three threats that Zee likes. Scarf Thomas is there to have a good match-up agaisnt Tapu Fini / Celes / Lando-I, a core which Zee also likes. Rest is proven stuff that should synergize well.
:zeraora::kyurem-black::amoonguss::urshifu-rapid-strike::volcarona::landorus: - "Scarf Lando-I Goodstuffs"
Same Pokemon, same order, same nicks as the team I used against Mishimono, but with different sets on some mons. Figured faking it could possibly help, but Invitational-level players should scout so it was more of a hopeful idea. Team was still solid otherwise, still takes advantage of QD Moth being good + more focused on tried and true sets.
Did far better in invites than I expected, here are the more interesting teams that I built for it. Some of the other ones were reused from Fespy Mishi SCL. It was a fun run, looking forward to the next circuit!

NP Tales Hail
Nido hadn't really played in a while, but we were very often testing partners. I decided I'd just go for some dumb offense with some whack sets because I felt he wouldn't bring TR. In my opinion, NP Tales is just better than Veil because it has the speed tier to run away with games. Ebelt Gene and AV Kyurem are other Blizz spammers, with a bit of role reversal. The other three members are mainly just there to round out matchups so I don't instalose to things like Incin or Gene.
I like Crobat, the typing and Inner Focus and the utility all seem quite helpful. With Wacan, you also don't totally lose to Zera. I added Lando and Metagross to form a decent core. Roar Incin was next because I didn't want to lose to TR, and it certainly came in handy in the match. By this point, I felt like the team was getting too "down to earth," so I added CB Kyube. Naga's the second TW.
Cobalion: The Mewsical
By now, I'm sure people know I've got a soft spot for Beat Up. This is probably like the dozenth Beat Up team I've made this gen, but I hope I dug deep enough this time. More than anything though, this one was centered on the cute Scarf Mew set, which also happens to snipe Gene and Lando right now. Unfortunately, Scarf Naga is meta in the hell we live in now, so we didn't really get to see that part. I've never used physical Pult on a Beat Up squad before, so I wanted to try it out. Roar Wacan Volcanion's there to hopefully path some holes, though it backfired on me in the real game.
Gourg, Redux
Gourgeist, another of my favorites. The typing can be really helpful defensively, and Polt/PWhip hit surprisingly hard. The rest is just some semiroom nonsense, though I added Specs Fini and Meteor Beam Celest because I don't use them too often and wanted to try them out.
I honestly didnt expect to be writing another one of these, i was kinda running out of ideas in my last post and uh... it shows, but after taking a break for a few months, i finally made a few teams that are worth using

Misty Terrain Recovery Spam Balance
:tapu fini: :porygon2: :kyurem black: :heatran: :zeraora: :landorus:

This team is probably my favorite team ive built this time around. I had a stupid idea to run misty seed freeze dry roost kyurem on hail, so i did that but i didnt add hail bc this ended up being much more solid. Its a pretty standard balance team on the surface, but with a few twists to keep it interesting. Fini nearly ended up with heal pulse but trick was more consistently useful in more situations, kyurem black having misty seed and roost let it sit on the field longer and allows it to take a good bit of damage while still bieng a valuable asset to keep around bc you can always create a position where you can bring it back in to roost back up (switching obviously isnt ideal bc misty seed is consumed but thats a pretty worthwhile tradeoff as kb is faily bulky even without misty seed), and it also benefits from misty terrain actually letting it beat mons like naganadel and dd pult one on one due to dragon type damage being halved. Heatran is life orb and bulky which lets it beat dd kb one on one and because we're not running eruption you dont have to be afraid of switching into a big hit or two, and zeraora is magnet to ohko urshifu and also can shut down tailwind and trick room along with various setup sweepers due to it being the fastest fake out/taunt user in the tier. knock off is also valuable in the p2 matchup. freeze dry is also great on ladder bc of the abundance of dracovish and gastrodon along with teravolt making dealing with stuff like lvl 1 sturdy togedemaru the easiest thing youve ever done in your life. CM fini is an option, i just prefer specs because of its immediate damage output and dazzling gleam spam. also fini is evd to outspeed lando after an icy wind. Good luck, have fun.
Spectrier + Volcarona Setup Spam
:spectrier: :urshifu: :volcarona: :rillaboom: :zeraora: :genesect:

I think spectrier + urshifu have insanely good synergy. ghost fighting has no resists and urshifu removes everything that resists spectrier's shadow ball with surging strikes or close combat. I added QD volcarona with safety goggles for the amoonguss matchup and also to beat rillaboom which both of these mons are weak to. hh rillaboom completes the fwg core and stomps all heatran variants. Zeraora is another fake out user and solidifies the tr matchup and smites celesteela, genesect was added bc i needed a steel type and a landorus answer and genesect genuinely seemed like the best choice somehow. This team looks like actual hot garbage but its actually solid somehow? i have no idea, try it, its suprisingly functional
Snowball Naganadel Semiroom
:naganadel: :diancie: :landorus: :rillaboom: :volcanion: :kyurem black:

This team is really fun. Naganadel hits super hard for no reason, draco kb is... tbh i just added it so i could make a drop a draco joke but it works a lot better than i thought it would! the rest of the team is pretty standard semiroom stuff. The general idea is to use naga and lando early game to do big damage along with kb to fuck up the opponent's positioning with icy wind spam and a surprise draco, and late game get diancie and volcanion next to each other and click your powerful spread moves to win the game. sometimes naganadel will get a kill early on, get a beast boost and proceed to oneshot the entire opposing team combined with fake out and icy wind support, it just kinda happens. a lot of games i played i didnt even set tr, diancie and volcanion just sitting there clicking buttons was enough to win, no trick room needed. This is a really volatile team, as diancie semiroom generally is, but naganadel and draco kb just add to that and can just win games on their own if your opponent fucks up once. Its kinda like meteor beam celesteela in the sense that its really strong and can snowball out of control pretty quickly and that they both drop literal meteors and oneshot like half the tier with it.
Cresselia Semiroom
:cresselia: :landorus: :diancie: :volcanion: :rillaboom: :metagross:

I threw this team together to get reqs for the lando suspect (i actually didnt even end up using it lol) and after a few tweaks this team is... its just annoying for no reason and i love it. Cresselia was originally just a lando check but in every test game i played with it (that i won) cresselia just... didnt die (hence the name). Cresselia is really hard to remove and this set makes it near impossible to ignore bc it will cm up to +6, toxic your whole team and win the game. The idea behind this team is between the two toxic users, stealth rock and a bunch of bulky mons clicking buttons, diancie can clean up late game under tr with broken diamond storm and body press, but cresselia is so bulky it can 1v1 or even sometimes 2v1 pretty much everything in the tier, so you can just play to force that outcome as well. Outside of cresselia, this team is pretty boring though, its just diancie semiroom stuff
also replay. im still proud of that play i made vs jail mew, that was hilarious

Ladder Setup Spam
:celesteela: :kyurem black: :tapu fini: :landorus: :zeraora: :amoonguss:

Ah, the ladder. a strange limbo where nothing makes sense and all your moves that can miss will. Good times. So yknow that fini + celesteela team i made? its not very good on ladder. In games vs actual players its perfectly fine but as soon as you load up a ladder game you get double flinched by rock slide 3 turns in a row only to miss an air slash when the game finally decides you get to move again only to immediately get put to sleep by hypnosis. H Y P N O S I S . . . And they got a 3 turn sleep btw. So i made this team. This team has no moves that can miss (except mbeam) and coaching + dd kb which 6-0s 90% of ladder teams (and a fair bit of actually good teams bc this pokemon is very balanced and healthy for the metagame :) ) its also decent vs players that know what theyre doing bc, well, its setup spam, you cant go wrong with some good ol' setup spam. To all my ladder playing friends, good luck and god speed, may the odds be ever in your favor bc god knows they arent in mine.
Stealth Rocks Taunt Heatran Hazard Stack
:heatran: :mew: :zygarde: :kyurem black: :zapdos galar: :rillaboom:

Ok guys listen up this is the last time im going to acknowledge the existence of zygarde. I like zyg on hazard stack. It has some good qualities about it such as its bulk, its ability to spam sub tect after a few speed boosts to buy turns for you to position your partner pokemon so you can get another dd up, and its a spread attacker, but its pitifully weak. Hazards give it the strength it needs to start doing some real damage to your opponent once it hits the field. mew and heatran are your hazard setters, this heatran set damn near hard counters trick room. immune to rage powder and spore, can taunt both tr setters, can just straight up kill diancie with flash cannon and rocks let it indirectly deal with volcanion. it also has heat wave for rilla and amoonguss. It struggles vs a lot of fast attackers semiroom likes to run such as lando and av kb but it still pulls a lot of weight in the semiroom matchup despite this. Its good natural bulk and stab flash cannon also let it beat dd kb one on one. Earth power would be useful for naga but you already hard wall naganadel anyway and flash cannon gives this team a better matchup into a lot of threats. plus, stab flash cannon is still hitting naga for good damage anyway, stab 80 base power moves coming off of 130 special atk with max investment dont exactly hit like wet noodles, especially if youre named naganadel and have 73 hp and special defense. gapdos also appreciates rocks and spikes and also makes incin think twice before coming in on your zygarde to drop its atk. dtail kb could help solidify your trick room matchup but i feel like you need fusion bolt for threats like fini and volcanion. You have to play carefully around a lot of pokemon with this team, but its still solid into most things... kinda...
Coaching Mew Setup Spam
:mew: :celesteela: :kyurem black: :incineroar: :landorus: :amoonguss:

I made this team to try out snarl wisp mew and i get the hype now. Its decently fast and the combination of snarl and WoW shuts down so many things and reduces the amount of threats the rest of your team has to worry about. This team is pretty straightforward, set up tailwind with mew, use celesteela or kb to set up and get kills and use incin and amoonguss to buy time for them to do whatever they need to do before immediately killing everything, amoonguss + celesteela is a massive threat that semiroom players have to be careful setting in front of, landorus is immediate ofensive presence, anything this team cant immediately deal with mew can come in on and cripple it and punish switches by making predictions and coaching into your kb and winning the game from there. thats basically it, bye (also celesteela is evd to outspeed zera in tw)
Celesteela Rain
:urshifu: :politoed: :mew: :indeedee: :celesteela: :landorus:

Im not really sure how solid this team is but its fun. Celesteela under rain can be a monster (one might even say a pocket monster) to deal with because its main weakness (being fire) is removed and landorus obliterates electric types (urshifu oneshots kb and zapdos just dies to mbeam). Politoed with sitrus can actually 1v1 landorus (earth power wont 2hko through sitrus and scald kills on a roll) and i added a psyspam core because why the fuck not? I also brought back that osdt mew set thats trying really hard to be necrozma but isnt, thats fun. landorus is scarf bc it needs the speed to deal with some threats like naganadel and zeraora. I dont have much to say about this one, again, not sure how solid this is, i have a pretty limited sample size of games played with this compared to my other teams, but its very fun to use and celesteela is god with rain up.
What's that i hear? teams i threw together to pad out the length of this post but are solid enough for me to recommend them in good faith? Nah, i totally wouldnt do tha-

DD Pult vs. The World

:dragapult: :celesteela: :kyurem black: :amoonguss: :incineroar: :landorus:
Para says dd pult is good so imma use it. Im suprised i havent done this yet actually. dd pult is fast. like, really fast. So fast that with icy wind alone it outspeeds most things under tailwind... at +1 obviously. Celesteela + amoonguss because trick room and also steel + dragon is good, incin bc amoonguss needs a break every once and a while and dd kb is scary and landorus for immediate damage against everything in the tier because.... idk, idk who thought this thing was ok

:umbreon: :heatran: :kyurem black: :naganadel: :landorus: :urshifu:

Umbryon is about as close to a trick room hard counter as you can get. goggles + inner focus means you cant be redirected or faked out and youre guaranteed a taunt onto the opponent's trick room setter no matter what. the only thing that stops umbryon from shutting down opposing trick room is indeedee, but not only does it have an amazing psyspam matchup, being a dark type with snarl and all, but urshifu oneshots indedee through sash with surging strikes, allowing umbryon to get a taunt onto the opponent anyway. The idea behind this team is umbryon + urshifu handles your trick room problems, the rest of the team handles everything else. Its not the most solid team ever, umbryon can feel kind of clunky on offense and there is some opportunity cost of running it on this team but when it works it works, so just hope it works

Fini Incin Rilla Balance
:tapu fini: :incineroar: :rillaboom: :naganadel: :landorus: :celesteela:

This is a reboot of my first team ive ever posted here. I kept fini incineroar rillaboom but i added speed control which the previous team lacked, gave the team some pokemon with protect because you kinda need it and used more modern pokemon. This team is supposed to be balance but it plays more like "throw your setup mons at the opponent until the game ends". Naganadel can run away with games pretty quickly, celesteela can get out of control in as little as one turn, landorus is landorus, fini can come in on 90% of the tier and set up calm minds, its a good time. The main problem with fini incin rilla in my eyes is the lack of immediate damage and, uh, i think i fixed that... This team is pretty solid into most things but you have to play well for it to work (similarly to the old version of this team). If im being honest, that team felt like it was really only good (or at least felt good) because of the amount of time i spent using it, it definitely had some problems, but i think i did a pretty good job of fixing those up. This felt like a nice way to wrap up what is (probably maybe i dont know probably not) going to be my last team bazaar post. Enjoy :3
So yeah, thats everything ive made thats worth posting. With this im pretty sure ive posted the most team bazaar teams out of anyone (most of them are outdated by now but i have made some certified bangers, though thats kinda to be expected when you build so many things. eventually something is gonna stick. maybe i'll make another post optimizing all my older teams, idk) This post is a little short by my standards and i apologize for that, im busy with school related things at the moment, but i really did try to include something for everyone here, and i hope you guys enjoy it... Ok bye :3
I'm finally done with midterms/college stuff, let's share some teams! I've been building teams every now and again this past week, just a bunch of random mons i like, nothing too serious, but some of these teams actually ended up being good somehow? you'll see, idfk, but i love it

Support Buzzwole Semiroom
:buzzwole: :diancie: :volcanion: :rillaboom: :landorus: :kyurem black:

I don't know why this works. I mean i know why this works but... Why? Why did i think of this? And why do i love it??? I like buzz + diancie, diancie doesn't like steel types, and buzz doesn't like flying types, fighting kills steel and rock kill bird, synergy go brr. I was just gonna do standard assault vest or life orb buzzwole but as i was scrolling to find close combat i saw that it got coaching, and i immediately knew what i had to do. You could prob fit roost or protect over toxic, but i wanted toxic on something to cripple p2 and put stuff like cresselia and kb on a timer. I added volcanion, mostly just bc its a good mon but it removes steela after mbeam happens which both of these mons are weak to. Knock rilla for p2 and to give buzz more recovery bc it totally needs it. It also solidifies the psyspam matchup which is nice. lando for immediate, concentrated ground type carnage and kyurem black as a secondary wincon. It was originally av bc buzzwole has a great speed for icy wind benchmarks but the team felt too reliant on diancie to win games, but i still wanted kb's coverage so dd it is, and it fucking works. This team is more or less standard other than the crackhead buzzwole but don't worry my dear, sweet friend, we'll get to the jank, don't worry :)
:urshifu: :incineroar: :rillaboom: :celesteela: :naganadel: :landorus:

This is the only completely normal team you're getting today, have fun. It's similar to my fini team from last post but ushi also works in the fini slot, it actually feels better to use in my opinion. Youre slightly weaker to amoonguss if tr goes up but you have tools to kill amoonguss before tr goes up and you also have the ability to stop tr from going up between half your team oneshotting diancie and 2 fake outs, both of which with pivot moves. ushi also means diancie can't protect to stall out the fake out turn, so you can very easily create situations where the opponent's only options are to just not set tr and try again later or lose a diancie in exchange for... nothing, they just lose a diancie. The tr matchup definitely takes a lot more thinking and positioning without fini, especially compositions with amoonguss, but urshifu's immediate offensive presence works better with what this team wants to do as opposed to what fini does. I personally like this version better but they're both fine. You could probably run goggles on incin to help with amoonguss too, or if you're an insane person put goggles on ushi, i tried both and neither seemed worth it, but maybe it'll work for you, idfk. This team has made me realize how much i like ushi, i should build more ushi teams... Expect more ushi teams in the future!

Support Zera Semiroom
:zeraora: :volcanion: :diancie: :landorus: :rillaboom: :celesteela:

This team is also relatively normal but don't worry, this is definitely the last non crackhead team, promise. Ninjasnapple said their favorite dou mon was zeraora so i made a zeraora team. Zeraora on semiroom was something i hadn't tried and apparently it's really good so i tried it and i love it. I decided to run support zera with taunt and coaching bc i wanted both and max hp bc max atk doesn't make sense with one attack (fake out does not count) and added volcanion and diancie bc i put them on every semiroom team i make ever (also i had to justify coaching somehow *shrugs*) I'll be honest, i forgot why lando is here. It's just white noise at this point, it's on basically everything i build, its just a good mon that literally fits on everything. Celesteela is a secondary wincon and is the only steel i haven't used on semiroom yet. This team is pretty normal tbh, the only kinda weird thing here is max hp zera, which has been used before, but now that we've gotten the normal teams out of the way, lets talk about the jank

Gourgeist Semiroom
:gourgeist: :metagross: :landorus: :zeraora: :volcanion: :kyurem black:

Gourgeist is actually not bad. Ghost grass is a decent typing, it gets strong stabs in power whip and poltergeist and sets tr for itself. I added volcanion and lando, my usual semiroom mons, but bc gourgeist compresses rillaboom's grass coverage and diancie's tr setting, i got to use some crazier stuff in the other slots. AV metagross solidifies the psyspam matchup bc we have no terrain (steel roller is to remove opposing terrain) ebelt zera removes pult who runs modest now so you can afford to go adamant, along with the previous benchmark of killing ushi guaranteed. Coaching is good for metagross and gourgeist and can also be used defensively on kb to counteract hasty. kb is just a secondary form of speed control + coverage for lando and heatran. This team looks like complete garbage, to which i say you are absolutely correct, but its garbage that works and i love it (that kinda just summarizes every team you're gonna see from here on out)

Ace in the Koal (Cinderace Sun)
:cinderace: :genesect: :torkoal: :diancie: :rillaboom: :landorus:
:zeraora: :genesect: :torkoal: :diancie: :tsareena: :landorus:

Now this is jank. Cinderace + Gene is good into everything outside of tr, its 2 fast mons with good coverage, diancie + torkoal is good into everything in tr, eruption + diamond storm literally 2hkos every mon in the game. Rilla adds grassy terrain because i was worried about psyspam and fake out is nice for diancie and landorus also kills everything if tr is not up. The second team is a more normal version of this. It's worse into psyspam but with zera + gene it's probably fine most of the time. Both of these teams are really fun and if you like living on the edge and missing every move with cinderace then it's also great on ladder bc diancie + torkoal beats 99% of ladder jank.

Pheromosa's ring fit adventures
:pheromosa: :torkoal: :diancie: :celesteela: :zeraora: :rillaboom:

This team is similar to the last one but we have speed swap this time. I've been using fullroom a lot on ladder and one thing that's a problem higher up on the ladder is setting trick room again once it ends. With this team, you can just bring in pheromosa and speed swap into torkoal or diancie and continue your rampage. Pheromosa was originally sash but without life orb or choice band it struggles to delete things like you would want from a glass cannon like pheromosa. Ground move rilla was added bc i was worried about heatran and zera is another fake out user and fast attacker. Speed swap pheromosa allows for very interesting lines in some games, its very fun to use, especially when paired with such potent attackers like torky and diancie

Nihilego Semiroom
:nihilego: :volcanion: :porygon2: :metagross: :landorus: :rillaboom:

I threw this team together a few days ago bc i felt bad for not acknowledging nihilego. It's not unusable, it is indeed a pokemon that exists. I like the core of nihilego + volcanion so i decided to do semiroom here. p2 over diancie bc you already have a potent rock snowball (rock snowball? rock ball????) in nihilego, plus you need the coverage p2 has here, it helps a lot vs stuff like celesteela for example. Metagross gives nihilego rocks and toxic which helps it gets kills and snowball faster, rillaboom helps vs p2 with knock and psyspam because of the terrain as well as just offering fake out support and landorus is landorus, its a very good mon. I officially do not hate nihilego, its very much capable of winning games. This probably isn't the best nihilego composition but it's perfectly servicable and i like it, try it, you might like it too, idk

The Notorious B.U.G
:shedinja: :tapu lele: :mew: :urshifu: :landorus: :amoonguss:

Its a shedinja team. So basically, idk if you've noticed, but most pokemon in the game have something called weaknesses. Shedinja has this funny little ability called wonder guard, which means anything that's not super effective against it will do 0 damage. So if the other 5 pokemon on this team have weaknesses that shedinja doesn't have, it can come in for free and do things. This team is basically just normal psyspam other than that, but wait, there's a twist! if you look closely at mew and shedinja, shedinja has hex. well that doesn't make sense, why does shedinja have a - special atk nature and 0 special atk ivs with hex, a weak ghost move? that's gonna do no damage, right? Well yes, that hex would appear to do no damage, but mew is holding a weakness policy! so yeah i added a weakness policy gimmick because i thought it would be funny, and it was! I'm not sure how solid this team is at high level play bc, uh, its a shedinja team, but its definitely very fun

Im pretty sure that's all the teams i've built. I have one other team i like but its pretty similar to an scl team and similar compositions have been used so many times by so many people that just... nope, not touching that, a pretty similar team is in the scl team dump thread emma made a bit ago, just go look through that, it has a ton of cool teams. ok bye, frameworks update coming soon, if this gets an arbitrary amount of reacts i'll make a new post going through every team ive ever posted and update them to be as optimal in this meta as i can make them while keeping the core ideas the same. ok bye-
So i made more teams. We've got nothing but the finest of heat this time around, let's get right into it:

:rotom wash: :rillaboom: :kyurem black: :celesteela: :mew: :zygarde:

This team has shown me the value of zygarde. I wanted to make a scarf thomas team because memoric did it, and i decided to pair it with kyurem black because it can burn the things kyurem is weak to like metagross, diancie and urshifu and kyurem is good into a lot of the things rotom doesn't like, like grass types and zygarde. I added mew for coaching and tailwind support, rillaboom provides another fake out and terrain control, celesteela is a check to pretty much all genesect variants and diancie and zygarde was originally lando but zygarde's typing and signature move make it a much better fit for this team (defensive and offensive celesteela check, beats zapdos, has toxic for p2 and cress, and can threaten damage on kb and p2 which lando cant do consistently) thomas is a cool pokemon, scarf lets it check a very specific pokemon that would otherwise give this team trouble. trick will o wisp is a good support combo and volt switch is great for momentum, especially when combined with its stab hydro pump, which oneshots landorus attempting to block volt switch. And if you don't want to be locked into a move and you dont need the speed, you can always just trick away your scarf to the opponent. The general idea is to just cripple everything with rotom and mew and use zygarde to break stuff until kb or steela are in a position where they can win, but zyg also functions as a wincon itself bc of coaching and tailwind support from mew. This team is a certified banger, one of my favorite teams i've made so far

Crobat Tailwind Bulky Offense
:crobat: :kyurem black: :landorus: :rillaboom: :volcarona: :celesteela:

I don't personally like crobat, it's too passive for me, but i decided to make a team with it. I gave it safety goggles bc i couldn't give it anything else (sash sucks bc brave bird and i couldnt think of any other items, maybe mental herb? idk, the item can easily be changed) and i added kb bc they cover each other's weaknesses nicely (its moreso kb making crobat feel less shit but that sounds less good) lando was added because zera was a problem for both of these mons, and i decided to add rilla volc as a redirection fake out pair. Volcarona is another pokemon i personally dislike, it's too difficult to ev for it without missing out on something you would really like to have (the power to ohko celesteela and rilla, the bulk to actually function as a redirector and the speed to outspeed threats like kb and urshifu to burn them/click tailwind. With most spreads, you get to pick 2, but miss out on the third) but it fits this team decently well, as none of the other fires felt right. I decided to go with a fast bulky volcarona bc i really wanted the speed for kyurem and shifu and the bulk is a must on rage powder volc. This means overheat isnt doing as much damage to steela and rilla as i would like but its enough damage that they're forced to not ignore it so i guess its fine. celesteela was added to check lando and to help in the steela mirror with flamethrower. This team has a few flimsy matchups and a few mons that are only checked by one thing, which isnt ideal but i spent like 2 hours on this and refuse to spend any more time thinking about crobat, so for all intents and purposes, this is the best crobat team im capable of making without copying yellow paint, have fun

Fat Charjabug Webs
:charjabug: :naganadel: :urshifu: :heatran::rillaboom: :landorus:

This is a matchup fish. No way around that, webs will always be a matchup fish, so i just embraced it. If you're just gonna click damaging moves until the game ends, click damaging moves until the game ends. Yellow paint told me to build with charjabug so i made this webs team. Charjabug with eviolite is suprisingly fat, its bulk is almost p2 levels of crazy, which is good bc it lets it sit on the field longer which means more damage. It has eweb and toxic just so it has something to do while its sitting there, though the eweb speed control has come in clutch on more than a few occasions. From there i just piled on special attackers and added rilla and ushi bc they're just strong mons that like being on webs. rilla also provides terrain control which is nice for the fini and psyspam matchups. This team looks like hot garbage but i actually won a roomtour with it! Not exactly the most prestigious achievement but i also don't play in tournaments and even if i wanted to play in real tournaments (which i don't) i don't think my college + work schedule would allow it, but anywayyyyyy my roomtour win on my charjabug alt (i could've ended the game a lot cleaner if i didnt misclick and click tailwind instead of draco):

This is a very fun team, if you play trick room you kinda just lose but that's just the nature of webs, you don't exactly use webs for its superb trick room matchup. Have fun, just dont play trick room

Scarf Victini Offense
:urshifu: :zapdos: :victini: :celesteela: :landorus: :rillaboom:

I've already written a banger description for this in my frameworks thread (which you should definitely go read and like btw ;) ) so i'll just give you the basic rundown of how this team works and then copy and paste the description i already wrote for the frameworks thread: Use victini early on to trade with threats that would stop you from winning the game (prime targets are naganadel, heatran, and boosted kyurem black) and then use the momentum from that to attempt to snowball and win the game. This team doesn't really have hard counters to stuff like trick room, but trick room soft checks are sprinkled throughout the team to make it easier to remove trick room setters at any given moment, or at least that's the idea. Suprisingly, i've had the most problems with offense, mons like naga and heatran (heatran is only really a problem when combined with naganadel or pretty much any tailwind setter that can get tailwind up before dos can) are huge threats, but victini helps out a ton because you can trade with naga as it attempts to tailwind and even if they predict and switch, what do they switch into? what pokemon in the tier wants to take a final gambit?pretty much nothing, there's like 2 exceptions, dragapult and spectrier, neither of which are all that good rn. Last thing before i show the frameworks description: Victini is evd to kill steela and amoong with v create and is left with just enough hp to kill dd kb with final gambit, and also outspeeds kb at +1 so even after it gets boosted you can still trade. ok, that's basically all i wanted to say, this is a really fun team and i think victini is a super cool mon rn.
I want to use more urshifu and zapdos is the only tailwind setter i haven't used yet, let's try them! zapdos could run goggles whirlwind to be a pseudo trick room check as it can't be redirected by rage powder and whirlwinds through protect, and urshifu can kill diancie and p2, two of the most common trick room setters. this seems like a great core for an offense team! Celesteela could end up being a problem though, an offensive landorus check would also be nice here

- What if we tried scarf final gambit victini? It offensively checks celesteela and lando, adds another layer of defense vs trick room with scarf trick, and can trade with most of the meta with final gambit. Using victini as a way to remove or cripple threats in exchange for, well, a victini seems like an interesting idea on offense, and because we're using victini and not heatran, we still need a steel type slot, which lets us use celesteela as our steel type to defensively check landorus and act as a late game cleaner. Celesteela also removes grass types for urshifu and does good damage to kb with meteor beam.

- From here, lando seems like a good pick, urshifu + landorus is a good offensive core and landorus is just a good mon in general. It also further adds to our trick room defense as it threatens amoonguss with psychic, rillaboom with sludge bomb and volcanion and diancie with earth power. This seems solid so far, but this team looks like it gets completely wrecked by psyspam, and a fini check that has physical attacks also seems like a good idea. Rillaboom makes the most sense here, as it has good role compression with fake out, terrain control, pivoting, and grass type coverage. It also further adds to our trick room matchup with knock off, and because we don't need high horsepower and therefore dont need to outspeed heatran, we can afford to run a bulkier utility based set. I really like this team, it has some cool ideas and i've been wanting to use victini for a while, let's go through the checklist again:

- CM Fini is covered by rillaboom, zapdos, poison jab urshifu and sludge bomb landorus, Kyurem Black is checked by celesteela who lives an unboosted fusion bolt and does big damage with meteor beam, urshifu who kills with close combat, and victini who has just enough hp investment to trade with standard dd kb with final gambit while still ohkoing celesteela and amoonguss, and even outspeeds +1 kb, porygon2 is checked by urshifu and victini can trade with it, we also have knock and whirlwind for less immediate ways of dealing with it, landorus is covered by celesteela, victini, our own landorus, and rillaboom, diancie loses to urshifu, whirlwind from zapdos, rillaboom can knock off its weakness policy, landorus and celesteela ohko it unboosted, and, of course, victini can trade with it if it becomes a problem, and meteor beam celesteela dies to v create from victini, zapdos does a decent chunk to it with stab tbolt, urshifu cc does good damage and our own celesteela has flamethrower.

- We have 2 switchins to spore, nothing on this team really wants to come in on eruption but we have several offensive tran checks and our own tailwind, naganadel is something i'd be willing to trade victini for but we also have celesteela who just barely lives a modest fire blast and does big damage back with +1 flash cannon or meteor beam, plus it's not like naganadel likes having to switch in vs a lot of these mons. We have our own tailwind vs offense and have several ways to stop trick room from going up, this team unfortunately doesn't have a spread move, but at least our diancie checks can beat it regardless of defense boosts. This team does look a little weak to some offense mons like naganadel and heatran if the opponent manages to get tailwind up before us, but we have victini to trade with threats like that early on to make the rest of the game easier. This team does feel kinda reliant on victini in a lot of matchups, it's still a formidable and overall solid team that has some cool ideas.

Coaching Zapdos-Galar Balance/Semiroom
:porygon2: :zygarde: :rillaboom: :metagross: :volcanion: :zapdos-galar:

Alright this gapdos looks like shit but hear me out: Gapdos' 4th move has always been pretty flexible. The go-to in kart meta was blaze kick but after kart's ban blaze kick only hits genesect harder than just raw brave bird, and genesect's usage has fallen off a cliff recently, only being used 5 times in scl by my count and losing 3 of those times, and it's only gone down from there to my knowledge. Because of this, moves like low sweep have seen more usage on it, which isnt a bad move, but i wanted to use something a little different, and then i remembered it got coaching. I was already building a zyg team because yoda lost to zyg in seasonals and coaching fit pretty well on said zyg team, so i decided to use it as a 4th move. Pretty standard outside of that, the idea is to use zyg to break everything, use your bulky mons to throw attacks around and win with zyg + coaching or trick room. This six probably isnt original, i can't remember any instances of this exact six being used rn, but i doubt that team had coaching gapdos if this six was used before. I really like this team, I've really taken a liking to semiroom recently and p2 specifically is one of my favorite mons to use on it rn because of its longevity and consistent tr setting, not to mention i'm just tired of using diancie all the time, so i really like this team for obvious reasons

Coaching + Tyranitar Bulky Offense
:tyranitar: :zapdos-galar: :mew: :rillaboom: :kyurem black: :landorus:

This is pretty janky but it's fun when it works. I had this idea to use ttar with coaching mew and galarian zapdos and, with a little help fromthe smogon doubles showdown room, built this team. Stone edge on ttar has much better calcs than rock slide bc rock slide is very weak, so i chose it here, dtail also helps the trick room and setup spam matchups. Gapdos has low sweep for it's 4th move bc its probably the most consistently good option, mew just weakens everything and has coaching which is important, rillaboom is terrain control and has knock for p2, Life orb 3 attacks kb is a mon i didn't expect to use unironically but here we are. Life orb 252 adamant hits insanely hard and iron head is a good move to hit itself and comfortably oneshots unboosted diancie. Landorus is here because i didn't want to have 5 physical attackers and lando is a good late game cleaner/breaker. Zyg could potentially work in this slot too ig. This is heat, very cool team, life orb kb is somehow actually decent and i think i kinda like ttar now

Cresselia Balance
:cresselia: :landorus: :rillaboom: :kyurem black: :incineroar: :tapu fini:

These sets are pretty boring so i won't bore you with the details but essentially, this team uses cress as a solid defensive switch into most things and speed control, fini and kb are powerful wincons, rilla and incin are here for fake out, terrain control, and intim respectively, and lando is here for immediate damage. This composition is suprisingly solid. I had a different version with steela and amoong instead of fini and rilla but the team had no terrain control and i kinda literally copied the 6 that ninjasnapple and yoda built together, so i changed it to this which i'm fairly sure hasn't been done before and it actually feels more solid, at least in theory. This team is pretty boring, it works but it's nothing special, so i usually don't use it, but someone else might like it so i'm posting it

Lando + Ushi Offense
:landorus: :urshifu: :volcarona: :mew: :rillaboom: :metagross:

I don't really have much to say here, so let's just get into the team: lando + ushi is a great offensive core, i really like snarl wisp mew bc it weakens everything and makes it easier for your other mons to sweep, i gave it ice beam for lando and tailwind for obvious reasons, metagross was added for rocks and i needed a steel type anyway, rillaboom is terrain control and a fake out user and volcarona provides a unique combination of checking trick room with whirlwind, strong fire type damage that oneshots mons like steela and rilla, rage powder redirection, and bulky tailwind. It has decent role compression with this spread and moveset and fits this team well but i HATE eving this thing, it just doesn't have enough evs to do everything it wants to and its sad. I fully expected this team to not work but in theory its fine and in practice its a little clunky but servicable ig. This is another team i'm not personally a fan of but maybe someone else will like it
This post is also pretty short, i don't have a reason this time, i just ran out of ideas and decided to post it now anyway. Also if this post gets... idk, 10 reacts, i'll do the post i said i was gonna do last time (WARNING: It will indeed be quite the long boi, as i have posted 40+ teams here and i would be remaking the majority of them because a lot of them are kart meta teams or are just bad)

:cresselia: :landorus: :incineroar: :kyurem black: :celesteela: :amoonguss:

This team was created with the help of Yoda2798 in our recent coaching sessions. We looked at recent metagame trends and noticed a rise in the popularity of Landorus-Incarnate as well as semiroom teams following the banning of Kartana and built this team in order to counter that.


:sm/cresselia: Cresselia was added to this team specifically to counter Landorus as with its ability Levitate making it immune to earth power combined with its amazing base 130 special defence, it can take its attacks extremely well and threaten to deal massive damage with ice beam. Cresselia also has important utility outside of acting as an effective answer to Landorus. With it's aforementioned great bulk in combination with the move toxic and reliable recovery in the form of moonlight it can greatly hinder setup sweepers such as Dragon Dance Kyurem-black as well as fellow bulky trick room setter Porygon2.

:sm/Landorus: Landorus was added to the team as it a strong, fast attacker with sheer force and life that has good coverage in earth power which is crucial for dealing with Incineroar and Metagross, and sludge bomb, which allows it to hit Rillaboom ,Tsareena and Tapu Fini for super effective damage all of whom otherwise cause an issue for it.

:sm/incineroar:Incineroar provides valuable utility in it's ability Intimidate, its access to fake out and knock off as well as parting shot which makes it great at pivoting on and off the field. On top of this, its relatively low speed compared to the other common fake out users makes it more well suited for trick room. Incineroar initially has heavy duty boots but after some testing on ladder I changed the item to safety goggles to better deal with opposing amoonguss in trick room.

:sm/Kyurem-Black:Kyurem Black is the main win condition for this team. It has a great boosting move in Dragon Dance combined with Icicle spear and fusion bolt which allow to hit the entire tier for at least neutral damage. When paired with amoonguss who provides redirection support you can rack up lots of boosts and put a lot of offensive pressure on the opposing team.

:sm/celesteela: Celesteela acts as a secondary win condition while also being a great answer to landorus due to it's typing making it immune to it's two most common damaging moves while threating big damage with power herb meteor beam. It also pairs amazingly with amoonguss under trick room as with its ability beast boost and the +1 special attack boost it gets from meteor beam allow it to quickly snowball and also offensively pressure the opposing team.

:sm/amoonguss: Amonguss is an amazing support Pokémon that helps enable Landorus, Kyurem-Black and Celesteela by providing valuable redirection with rage powder and putting Pokémon to sleep with spore. Due to its low speed it benefits greatly from Cresselia setting up trick room though it is able to function without it.

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I havent done this since 2020, but im going to make a post focused on only one team today. Why? I don't have enough teams to write a longer post but i still want to share this team bc its funny:

:dracovish: :tyranitar: :heatran: :mew: :tsareena: :zeraora:
Mystic Water Dracovish + Choice Band Tyranitar Sand

Idk what i was smoking when i made this team but it somehow works. I wanted to build a dracovish team bc i havent done that in a while, and crunchman suggested mystic water sub tect vish, so i did it. Stone edge is to hit volcanion and kyurem black, which vish can't hit otherwise. Choice band tyranitar is another thing crunchman suggested so i also used it here because this is probably the last time im going to acknowledge the existence of tyranitar in this tier. It actually has really good coverage and natural bulk because of sand boosting spdef, making it a good slow strong bulky mon. It's evd to outspeed lando in tw with the remaining evs being dumped into hp. I realized that, because both of these mons are weak to rillaboom and we still needed a steel type, that life orb heatran was a great fit for this team. The combination of heat wave, flash cannon and earth power is really good coverage for a team like this and with life orb heatran does pretty impressive damage. For the tailwind setter, i tried zapdos but nothing i did with the last 2 mons felt right, so i tried snarl wisp mew with ice beam for lando, and it worked pretty well. For the last 2 mons i slapped on tsareena for priority blocking and zeraora for coverage and fake out. This version wasn't supposed to work but this team is actually a lot more solid than i expected it to be. I recommend giving this team a try, at least band ttar, it actually does really good damage and is pretty resilient considering its 8 weaknessses. I will admit i was on a bit of a weird item/move kick with this team but it worked out in the end so i'll take it
Idk how to start this

:metagross: :rillaboom: :incineroar: :landorus: :tapu fini: :naganadel:
Cosmic Power Metagross

Cosmic power metagross was used in dpl so i decided to try it. I built 2 versions of this but this is the best one so im posting it. Demon metagross plays pretty similarly to registeel except it kills lando with ice punch which is important. The evs i may or may not have taken from paraplegic, i have no idea what they do but i didnt feel like making my own spread so i used it. Rillaboom incin and lando were just leftover from the last version of this team, i swapped out the mew i was using for naga bc it covered most of the same things the mew did but had the benefit of being stronger and faster, and scarf fini was added over the urshifu i originally had for more immediate speed and nature's madness chip making it easier to win with metagross. Misty terrain also eliminates the need for goggles and makes metagross immune to burns. This team is pretty solid overall and is probably my second favorite team rn.

:zygarde: :mew: :tapu fini: :heatran: :rillaboom: :metagross:
Dragon Dance Zygarde

I made another dd zyg team. This was originally a hazard stack team but i got rid of spikes on mew bc psychic was better. stacking steels (or types in general) isnt something i usually like to do but heatran and shuca metagross cover each other's weaknesses fairly well, and i couldn't get this team to work the way i wanted it to without using both, so i just did. so i think it's fine. Rilla has hhp which it doesn't necessarily need, but i tried to cover as much as i could with this team without needing to use zygarde because i didnt want it taking unnecessary damage until it could win, plus it doesn't really need any other moves more than hhp, so its fine anyway. scarf fini was used again here bc i wanted more speed outside of tailwind, as this team is pretty slow overall. nature's madness + trick is also nice, and scarf fini can also snipe lando and pult (though pult lowkey sucks so idk how useful that is in this meta). I don't like this team because i'm an awful dd zyg player but it's definitely at the very least a usable team

:lucario: :tapu fini: :kyurem black: :incineroar: :landorus: :naganadel:
Lucario Setup Spam

Lucario was used in world cup a while ago and i thought it was interesting, so i tried it. Lucario has the combination of steel and fighting stabs, which hits both of the common trick room setters in this tier (diancie, porygon2) for good damage, and stab cc is a roll to kill dd kyurem black which is good. It also speed creeps heatran with adamant which is funny, it literally has just enough speed lol. I also wanted to experiment with it's support options, so i gave it follow me to synergize with fini (fini + steel types sogood) and coaching for our kyurem black (kb + coaching sogood) I then added an incineroar for additional free turns, landorus for immediate damage, and naga for more damage and tailwind. I actually don't hate lucario, i think it fits this team very well, its still an unmon but it works on this specific team

:mew: :celesteela: :rillaboom: :zeraora: :urshifu: :landorus:
Demon Mew

This team is evil. I wanted to try demon mew bc i wanted a mon similar to cresselia to build around (I really like cresselia if you couldn't already tell, i have a problem) the benefit of mew over cress is its speed allowing it to be more useful as an icy wind user, but also it's unpredictability. Mew literally learns (almost) every move, it has effectively infinite sets, which means you can never really be sure what it's going to do on preview. To even further add to this, i intentionally didn't use tailwind on this team so your opponent is more likely to think the mew has tailwind and would therefore not be a demon set. I added steela, mostly bc i wanted to use it more, its a very good mon, and then i added rillaboom for grassy seed. Zera provides another fake out and coaching, urshifu is a secondary coaching target (coaching was originally for mew to boost stored power) and i added a lando for a last mon bc i use lando on everything. This team isnt as good as my cress team imo but it's still really good, I think the decision to not add tailwind on this team was pretty smart, but kinda doesn't matter now bc this team is public, for all to see and know i don't have tailwind lol.

:urshifu: :tsareena: :rillaboom: :naganadel: :landorus: :incineroar:
Grass Spam

I made this team as an edit to a team someone else posted in the smogon discord (im not counting this as team stealing bc i literally changed half the team and all of the sets, it's basically a completely different team from what they posted at this point) and after using it myself its really fun. I haven't used tsar in a long time, it's a really fun mon to use, especially on ladder. Scarf urshifu helps out vs faster threats and naga is timid bc it actually wants the speed here and timid is better into opposing naga, which run modest for the most part now (at least from what i've seen) I also really like sub lando here, it forces switches on mons that have to run from it like heatran, urshifu, ect. and gets a sub up, which makes it harder to remove and lets it click more of its powerful attacks without worrying about fake out and even lets it beat some things that would beat it otherwise. I really like how this team plays, would recommend.

:duraludon: :tapu fini: :rillaboom: :mew: :landorus: :victini:
Specs Duraludon + Calm Mind Fini

I had the idea to use duraludon with fini because steel dragon resists all the types commonly used to hit fini for supereffective damage, so i built a team around it. Rillaboom and mew were added for fake out and speed control, landorus is immediate offensive pressure, and victini offensively checks celesteela and landorus and beats all genesect variants. Scarf final gambit and trick are also nice to have here. I don't actually have much to say here, it's a pretty simple team. I don't really like duraludon as a pokemon, in hindsight celesteela is just better and easier to build around, but i used duraludon anyway bc i was bored and wanted to use weird mons.

:latias: :rillaboom: :urshifu: :incineroar: :zygarde: :genesect:
Latias Tailwind Balance

I wanted to use latias bc it's a lando check, tailwind setter, and most importantly i was bored. I really wanted to use it with heatran but i didn't like any of the teams that came out of it despite lati and tran having really good synergy with each other, so i tried incin and went with a pretty standard balance build. Rillaboom and ushi were added to forma pivot core with rilla + incin and ushi is just a good mon, and suprisingly i went with zygarde genesect as the last 2. I haven't used this core in over a year now, and tbh i don't miss it but it works for this team so fine ig. This feels like a kart meta team but it still works fine now, even though i'm not the biggest fan of latias
:genesect: :landorus: :zeraora: :urshifu: :rillaboom: :naganadel:
Shift Gear Genesect Offense

Ok, last team (for now). I wanted to use shift gear genesect for some reason, and lando covers its weaknesses nicely, so i used them together. Zera was added for coaching and fake out, urshifu is a secondary coaching target and lando + ushi is good, rillaboom is another fake out user and has hhp for heatran which i was worried about bc half this team is walled by it/dies to it. Naga is tailwind and a secondary wincon (kinda) with beast boost. Im ngl, i threw this together in like 10 minutes, but it works and i don't really feel like spending more time building around this pokemon so for all intents and purposes this is the best i could do :D

:clefairy: :kyurem black: :celesteela: :incineroar: :landorus: :mew:
Clefairy Setup Spam

Totally didn't almost forget to include this team :D. Clefairy is a pretty cool mon, i like the idea of slow after you for the trick room matchup, so i built a team using it. It's pretty simple setup spam, i didn't put too much thought into it. Kb and celesteela are your setup mons (if you consider celesteela setup, which i do) incineroar is fake out, lando is for immediate damage and mew is tailwind and utility. Not much to talk about, but i enjoyed making it. Enjoy *tips fedora*

Ok that's everything's i've built in the past 2 weeks, i really like most of these, I feel like i've gotten better at building consistently functional teams. Also go read my cress rmt that team slaps k bye
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