Metagame Chimera 1v1

Alright, since one liners will get deleted, l'll just write up some ideas of strong combinations.

Slow Bulky Prankster + Copycat + Dive/Fly/Dig Stall

The idea is to become unhittable by pulling off a slow two turn move, then using priority Copycat to become unhittable. Could choose a typing that provides STAB and use Toxic in the last slot to attempt to win without PP stalling, however Dark types are unhittable. Could also use substitute to improve your chances of pulling off a slow two turn move. With the DLC came a large selections of Ubers which provide bulk, such as Lugia, which also provide useful abilities, such as Multiscale in the case of Lugia.

Psychic Surge Psychic Spam

The premise is simple, maximize your Sp. Atk (or Atk) stat with an Uber Mon like Necrozma-Dawn-Wings or Kyurem-White, add STAB, the Terrain Boost, and possible Choice Specs to nuke the opposing Pokemon with Photon Geyser to bypass Sturdy/Multiscale/Shadow Shield. Psychic Terrain also protects you from priority moves. With that said...

Extreme Speed + Max Atk + Pixelate

Another simple but effective strategy. Maximize your attack state with an Uber like Kyurem-Black paired with Extreme Speed+STAB+Pixelate+Possible Choice Band. Obviously hard counter by Psychic Surge, however you have options to get creative here and use a slower terrain setter... If you can manage to fit the option on your team.

Ground Type Prankster + Electrify Stall

Another fun concept, use a ground type with Prankster and then spam electrify. Use toxic or similar residual damage before hand to secure a knock out before you run out of Electrify PP. Struggles against faster priority like Extreme Speed, dark types immune to prankster, and steel types immune to toxic, but if you get creative with your team this can be a powerful and fun combination!

There are other fun combinations in Chimera 1v1 like Simple+Set Up+Priority, Fast Skill Swap+Truant (nvm this is banned), Steely Spirit+Sunteel Strike, and Contrary+Dragon's Ascent and/or V-Create. You can pull inspiration from Balanced Hackmons and 1v1 to come up with some powerful combinations. Of course, the more flexible your combinations, the better for climbing this ladder when it's playable.

As you can probably tell, I really like this meta.

And I still have hope :boatogostandode:
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Extreme Speed + Max Atk + Pixelate

Another simple but effective strategy. Maximize your attack state with an Uber like Kyurem-Black paired with Extreme Speed+STAB+Pixelate+Possible Choice Band. Obviously hard counter by Psychic Surge, however you have options to get creative here and use a slower terrain setter... If you can manage to fit the option on your team.
Last time this meta was playable I actually went a different route, Espeed + adaptability. Rather than changing the type with an -ate ability, I just embraced the normal type and went in hard on the Espam. If you look back a little while you might see my post about the team I used. Unfortunately the team is no longer possible, as I lost a member to dexit, but it might be replaceable.
Last time this meta was playable I actually went a different route, Espeed + adaptability. Rather than changing the type with an -ate ability, I just embraced the normal type and went in hard on the Espam. If you look back a little while you might see my post about the team I used. Unfortunately the team is no longer possible, as I lost a member to dexit, but it might be replaceable.

Well without Z-detect in Gen 8 cheesing a Espeed miss, your team should be stronger now! And yeah there's replacements for Kecleon :smogduck:

Kinda unfort we don't get Poison Heal this meta, always fun to combat the Trick mons that are bound to be around this Gen.

Also who do I ask about getting Chimera added to custom battle? I'd like to at least be able to ask OM chat if anyone wants to try out this meta.
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Gyarados @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Crunch

Magikarp @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Splash
- Tackle
- Bounce

Nidoking (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Earth Power
- Sludge Wave
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower

Calyrex-Shadow @ Life Orb
Ability: As One (Spectrier)
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Astral Barrage
- Energy Ball
- Psychic
- Giga Drain

Pelipper @ Life Orb
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
- Scald
- Hurricane
- Ice Beam
- Facade

Kyurem @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Blizzard
- Focus Blast
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
A team I've been using lately, here's what it looks like.

Gyarados @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Hurricane
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
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Well someone just accused me of taking my team from the forum so I'll put it here.

Main strategies are Slot 5 Malamar + Slot 6 Toxapex, Slot 3 Malamar + Slot 5 Kommo-o + Slot 6 Rayquaza, Slot 3 Sylveon + Slot 5 Toxapex/Regigigas + Slot 6 Malamar/Kommo-o, and Slot 3 Sylveon + Slot 5 Rayquaza + Slot 6 Regigigas.
glad to see chimera finally get some traction. i wanted to ask for your guys' opinions on some centralizing and potentially overcentralizing strategies:

- water bubble
- contrary

- electrify
- trick (+ a choice item)
- very high bp attacks (v-create, bolt beak, fishious rend, water spout, eruption)
- shell smash? geomancy?

- leppa berry

+ other stuff like weather, -ate boomburst, etc.

additionally there is a bug i'd like to address that seems to incorrectly interpret hp. earlier I recovered 68% on my drifblim and encountered a sableye which dealt 13% to itself by struggle. i'm not exactly sure what's going on here but i suspect it has to do with the 1st pokemon's hp incorrectly being handled. tagging Kris to look at it.
- water bubble
- contrary

- electrify
- trick (+ a choice item)
- very high bp attacks (v-create, bolt beak, fishious rend, water spout, eruption)
- shell smash? geomancy?
I think water bubble + water spout isnt broken, it's counterable with a water/dragon/grass type pkm.
I didnt fight a contrary so idk. But i think it should be broken because contrary is broken !
Trick is so annoying, it prevents you to setup a pkm which is very annoying in this meta (i think).
Idk for the others.
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Electrify should be banned as it allows the easy abuse of choice users and is restraining as it requires a dark type for prank variants. Contrary is quite strong but idk if id say ban worthy yet. Trick + choice item annoying asl but counterplay is possible without restricting your team much. Others Anpawo covered or idk enough abt them to form an opinion
A fun option might be Pincurchin

It has a really good ability in the form of electric surge providing sleep immunity and powered up electric attacks

Has a surprisingly diverse movepool with examples such as: Recover, Sucker Punch, Surf, Scald, Liquidation, Zing Zap, Poison Jab, Hex and Thunderbolt

Pure electric typing is actually pretty solid

Only downside is it can't really be used with its stats since they're not very good
Just got to the top of the (very early) ladder using a pretty silly team with Exploud, Drampa, Dialga, Shuckle, Lucario and Sableye. Most people seem to underestimate the team, which definitely helped me. The team composition points to a Boomburst strategy as the main mode, with Dialga as the only obvious stat-passer. However, the main mode is actually Body Press Lucario, which uses Shuckle's stellar defense, as well as Exploud's Scrappy to get around ghost types. Prankster is also an option for the ability (I use it mostly for a quick Iron Defense against super-effective physical attackers), but Sableye's main role is to bait out Dark types, which Lucario loves to face.

I'll probably refine the team a bit now so it can perform better at a higher rank, but I think Body Press could be a big addition to the metagame this gen.
Hi ya'll just dropping a p cool team taht im bored of using since chimera 1v1 is infamous for being hard to build for. It does rely on a little prediction and luck but that's 1v1 for u.

Its a psyterrain team with an array of diff combos to strengthen it and increase versatility,
:Calyrex-Shadow: :Zacian: :Lunala: :Solgaleo: :Perrserker: :Tapu Lele:

Combo List:
ExpandBreaker: LZTCNP (great for espeed teams and is a secondary nuke)
IntrepidNuke: TCZNPL (great of u can live a hit and smack)
Scarf Ssheild: PTLZCN (the sole stab user of sunsteel)
ScarfTrick: TLPNZC (great for most stalls)
Fast Scarf Ssheild: TCLZPN (use sunsteel for sturdy, great for outspeediing the fast frail breakers)
Fast scarf sheild special: ZNLCTP (great for beating the fast frail breakers)