Pet Mod Bust a Move (Playable on Dragon Heaven!) [See you in SV!]

Move Name: Iron Tail
Type: Steel
Category: Physical
BP: 100-> 90
Acc: 75->100
PP: 15 (max 24)
Has a 10% chance to lower the targets defence by 1 stage. (contact)
New Users: none
Viable Users: :Charizard mega x: :garchomp: :aerodactyl mega: probably more
Description: A steel move with higher BP than Iron Head. Similar to the original move but now much more reliable.

Move Name: Poison Tail
Type: Poison
Category: Physical
BP: 50 ->60
Acc: 100->90
25 (max 40)
Has a 90% chance to badly poison
New Users: none
Viable Users: :Gliscor: :Dragalge:
Description: An alternative to Toxic for more passive walls. A bit more inconsistent (81% chance to poison instead of 90% from toxic), but the chip damage can help to offset that. As well, it can't be magic bounced or taunted.

Move Name:
Tail Whip
Type: Normal
Category: Status
Acc: 100
PP: 30 (max 48)
Lowers the target's defence and special defence by two stages.
New Users: none
Viable Users: :Melmetal: :Ambipom:
Description: A new way for some wallbreakers to apply pressure. The defence drops can force switches and make counters fall to pieces. I'm not sure how many pokemon will be able to actually use this, but I think it could work.
Move: Iron Tail
Type: Steel
Category: Physical
BP: 100
Acc: 75%
PP: 15 (24)
Effect: Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Def by 1. [Contact]
New Users: None
Viable Users: :perrserker::steelix::aggron-mega::haxorus::zygarde:
Description: Iron Tail but the effect chance is increased to be a stronger but inaccurate Steel-type Grav Apple.

Move: Poison Tail
Type: Poison
Category: Physical
BP: 40
Acc: 100%
PP: 20 (32)
Effect: Has a 100% chance to Badly Poison the target. [Contact]
New Users: :stunky:
Viable Users: :gliscor::arbok::dragalge::drapion::nidoqueen::sandaconda:
Description: Toxic but offensive. Offensive move vs stats move is questioned as which is better. Status is more passive while attacking moves can hit immunities. Poison Tail doesn't have to worry about that as Steel-types are already immune. This essentially allows Toxic to add even more extra chip & give a pokemon like Sandaconda Toxic.
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Feedback time!

Ema Skye: While accuracy was the main issue with canon Iron Tail, this goes a little overboard in correcting it. Given your additional secondary effect, I'll ask you lower BP or decrease PP and slightly nerf accuracy.

Everyone has 24 hours to submit and/or edit.
And it's voting time! Here are the eligible subs:

Move Name: Iron Tail
Type: Steel
BP: 95
: 16
Accuracy: 90
Secondary Effect
: 30% chance to lower foe's defense. The effect rate is increased to 50% if the user of this move is a Steel-type.
New Users
: good with what we have
Viable Users: :sandslash-alola: :perrserker: :steelix: :aggron:
Description: Useful coverage move for Fairies being stronger than Iron Head. Steels are usually slow and so appreciate the extra damage boost they get from this move.
Move Name: Iron Tail
Type: Steel
Category: Physical
BP: 100
Acc: 75% -> 85%
PP: 15
Effect: 30% chance to lower the target's Defense.
New Users: :copperajah:
Viable Users: :dragonite: :steelix: :haxorus: :zygarde: :kommo-o: :copperajah: + more
Description: Iron Tail is really close to being usable, particularly as a stronger alternative to Iron Head and Poison Jab on Dragons that want Fairy coverage. Just needs a small accuracy bump. Copperajah has a stronger Sheer Force-boosted STAB now.
Move Name: Iron Tail
Type: Steel
Category: Physical
BP: 100-> 90
Acc: 75->100
PP: 15 (max 24)
Effect: Has a 10% chance to lower the targets defence by 1 stage. (contact)
New Users: none
Viable Users: :Charizard mega x: :garchomp: :aerodactyl mega: probably more
Description: A steel move with higher BP than Iron Head. Similar to the original move but now much more reliable.
Move: Iron Tail
Type: Steel
Category: Physical
BP: 100
Acc: 75%
PP: 15 (24)
Effect: Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Def by 1. [Contact]
New Users: None
Viable Users: :perrserker::steelix::aggron-mega::haxorus::zygarde:
Description: Iron Tail but the effect chance is increased to be a stronger but inaccurate Steel-type Grav Apple.

Move Name: Poison Tail
Type: Poison
BP: 50
PP: 40
Accuracy: 100
Secondary Effect: Inflicts Poison on the target. If the target is poisoned, this move always critical hits.
New Users
: :slowpoke-galar: :poipole: :stunky: :salazzle:
Viable Users: :arbok: :drapion: :skuntank:
Description: The guaranteed crit allows it to function as the primary STAB for the mons, allowing it to pull double duty for status spread strategies.
Move Name: Poison Tail
Type: Poison
Category: Physical
BP: 50 -> 65
Acc: 100
PP: 25 -> 15
Effect: If the user moves before the target (Bolt Beak rules), doubles in power. 20% chance to poison.
New Users: N/A
Viable Users: :nidoking: :drapion: :scolipede:
Description: Poison Tail serves as a much stronger Poison STAB for these Pokémon thanks to doubling in power on moving first, particularly with Scolipede and its Speed Boost, making up for their lack of Gunk Shot. Nidoking can also use it on mixed sets thanks to getting a Sheer Force boost.
Move Name: Poison Tail
Type: Poison
Category: Physical
BP: 50 ->60
Acc: 100->90
PP: 25 (max 40)
Effect: Has a 90% chance to badly poison
New Users:
Viable Users: :Gliscor: :Dragalge:
Description: An alternative to Toxic for more passive walls. A bit more inconsistent (81% chance to poison instead of 90% from toxic), but the chip damage can help to offset that. As well, it can't be magic bounced or taunted.
Move: Poison Tail
Type: Poison
Category: Physical
BP: 40
: 100%
PP: 20 (32)
Effect: Has a 100% chance to Badly Poison the target. [Contact]
New Users: :stunky:
Viable Users: :gliscor::arbok::dragalge::drapion::nidoqueen::sandaconda:
Description: Toxic but offensive. Offensive move vs stats move is questioned as which is better. Status is more passive while attacking moves can hit immunities. Poison Tail doesn't have to worry about that as Steel-types are already immune. This essentially allows Toxic to add even more extra chip & give a pokemon like Sandaconda Toxic.

Move Name: Tail Whip
Type: Normal
BP: -
PP: 48
Accuracy: 100
Secondary Effect: Lowers foe's SpD and Spe
New Users
: probably good with what we have rn
Viable Users: :jolteon: :ninetales-alola: :dragalge: :spectrier: (probably more given how common this move is)
Description: An interesting way to punish switches as not only do you make the switch take more damage, you also increase the odds of outspeeding them.
Move Name: Tail Whip
Type: Normal
Category: Status
BP: --
Acc: 100% -> 90%
PP: 30 -> 20
Effect: The target is forced out of battle. The incoming ally has its Defense lowered one stage. Priority -6.
New Users:
Viable Users: :chansey: :umbreon: :blissey: :furfrou:
Description: Tail Whip is another weird move because its distribution is so wide that making it too strong seems ill-advised, so here's a weird alternative to Roar and Dragon Tail and co. Lower accuracy than Roar and Whirlwind, but a side-effect that can put the incoming Pokémon at a disadvantage - just be careful not to shuffle in a Defiant Bisharp or anything.
Move Name: Tail Whip
Type: Normal
Category: Status
Acc: 100
PP: 30 (max 48)
Effect: Lowers the target's defense and special defense by two stages.
New Users:
Viable Users: :Melmetal: :Ambipom:
Description: A new way for some wallbreakers to apply pressure. The defence drops can force switches and make counters fall to pieces. I'm not sure how many pokemon will be able to actually use this, but I think it could work.

As usual, you have 3 days to vote and make sure you follow the voting rules. And while you're at it, don't forget to vote below to help decide which moves we look at next slate.
:ss/Ludicolo: >>Slate 35 Poll<< :ss/Ludicolo:
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Iron Tail: Ema Skye, Z-nogyroP
Poison Tail: Ema Skye, Z-nogyroP, cheesesir(self vote)
Tail Whip: Z-nogyroP, cheesesir(self vote), ema skye

Edit: Sorry, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to edit voting posts but I would like to add PalpitoadChamp as a 3rd vote for Iron Tail
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Iron Tail: Palpitoad Champ, Ema Skye, Z-nogyroP
Poison Tail: Ema Skye, Z-nogyroP, Palpitoad Champ
Tail Whip: Z-nogyroP, cheesesir, Ema Skye
And the votes are in! Here are the winners!

For Iron Tail: PalpitoadChamp!
Move: Iron Tail
Type: Steel
Category: Physical
BP: 100
Acc: 75%
PP: 15 (24)
Effect: Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Def by 1. [Contact]
New Users: None
Viable Users: :perrserker::steelix::aggron-mega::haxorus::zygarde:
Description: Iron Tail but the effect chance is increased to be a stronger but inaccurate Steel-type Grav Apple.
PalpitoadChamp: 6 (2 1st)
Ema Skye: 6
Z-noygroP: 5

For Poison Tail: Ema Skye!
Move Name: Poison Tail
Type: Poison
BP: 50
PP: 40
Accuracy: 100
Secondary Effect: Inflicts Poison on the target. If the target is poisoned, this move always critical hits.
New Users: :slowpoke-galar: :poipole: :stunky: :salazzle:
Viable Users: :arbok: :drapion: :skuntank:
Description: The guaranteed crit allows it to function as the primary STAB for the mons, allowing it to pull double duty for status spread strategies.
Ema Skye: 9
Z-nogyroP: 5
PalpitoadChamp: 3
cheesesir: 1

For Tail Whip: Z-nogyroP!
Move Name: Tail Whip
Type: Normal
Category: Status
BP: --
Acc: 100% -> 90%
PP: 30 -> 20
Effect: The target is forced out of battle. The incoming ally has its Defense lowered one stage. Priority -6.
New Users: N/A
Viable Users: :chansey: :umbreon: :blissey: :furfrou:
Description: Tail Whip is another weird move because its distribution is so wide that making it too strong seems ill-advised, so here's a weird alternative to Roar and Dragon Tail and co. Lower accuracy than Roar and Whirlwind, but a side-effect that can put the incoming Pokémon at a disadvantage - just be careful not to shuffle in a Defiant Bisharp or anything.
Z-nogyroP: 9
cheesesir: 6
Ema Skye: 3

Congratulations to all our winners! And now, Slate 35:
:ss/Bulbasaur: :ss/Charmander: :ss/Squirtle:
Slate 35: Get it Started
Starters. The first Pokemon you'll ever use, and while it may take a while (before recent gens), you'll get a STAB move for your starter. But sadly the trio of Vine Whip, Ember and Water Gun don't have the power to complete your starter's journey with you. That is what we'll be fixing this slate. No special rules, one week as usual, so go crazy (within the standard parameters, at least) and Bust a Move!
Move Name: Vine Whip
Type: Grass
Category: Physical
BP: 40
Acc: 100%
PP: 20 (32)
Effect: Has 2x damage & hits before the target switches if the target was switching.
New Users: :lileep::pumpkaboo::budew::ferrothorn:
Viable Users: :serperior::tangrowth::chesnaught::gogoat::victreebel::zarude::gourgeist:
Description: Grass Pursuit is cool as it helps trap the many good Water-types there are.

Move Name: Ember
Type: Fire
Category: Special
BP: 40
Acc: 100%
PP: 25 (40)
Effect: Has a 100% chance to Burn the target.
New Users: None
Viable Users: :infernape::moltres::salamence::arcanine::torkoal::turtonator:
Description: Offensive 100% accurate WoW with limited distribution.

Move Name: Water Gun
Type: Water
Category: Special
BP: 40
Acc: 100%
PP: 30 (48)
Effect: Has +1 priority.
New Users: :keldeo::tympole::wimpod:
Viable Users: :slowbro-mega::primarina::clawitzer::gorebyss::octillery::politoed::volcanion:
Description: Water priority for the slower special waters.
Move Name: Vine Whip
Type: Grass
BP: 45->85
PP: 15(max 24)
Accuracy: 100%
Secondary Effect: 50% chance to lower the targets defence by 1.
New Users: :Ferrothorn::Cacturne:
Viable Users: :ferrothorn::zarude::tangrowth:
Description: A grass type clone of fire lash, useful for both breakers and walls. Breakers can use it to apply pressure on switchins, while walls can use it to deal increasing damage and force switches.

Move Name: Water Gun
Type: Water
PP: 15 (max 24)
Accuracy: 100
Secondary Effect: Has -1 Priority (same as vital throw). This move never misses.
New Users: None
Viable Users: :slowbro-mega::volcanion::tapu fini:
Description: A high powered water move, but almost always goes last. This is a new tool for water types that don't want to deal with the risk of hydro pump, while having a much higher power than surf or scald. The reduced priority stops sweepers from utilizing this move.

EDIT: Changed the effect of vine whip to now be a 50% chance
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Move Name: Water Gun
Type: Water
BP: 120
PP: 16
Accuracy: 90
Secondary Effect: Charges turn 1, attacks turn 2. If the user has already attacked using this move since switching in, the charging turn is ignored (because the gun is now loaded).
New Users: None
Viable Users: :empoleon: (probably more)
Description: Meteor Beam sidegrade. Has no downside after the first switch with Power Herb, letting you fire off stronger Hydro Pumps at the cost of your item slot. Ends up being tricky to use due to the item requirement.

Move Name: Vine Whip
Type: Grass
BP: 15
PP: 8
Accuracy: 90
Secondary Effect: Locks the user into the move for 3-5 turns, though the user can switch out at any point to end the lock. If the user is faster than the opponent, the opponent cannot attack (even on the turn the user switches out). When the user is no longer locked into the move, their speed drops 1 stage.
New Users: None
Viable Users: :serperior: :zarude: :tangrowth:
Description: Gen 1 Wrap with some balancing on it. Ends up being a unique pivoting move (doing minimal damage that is probably negated by lefties but guaranteeing a safe switch).
Move Name: Vine Whip
Type: Grass
Category: Physical
BP: 45 -> 65
Acc: 100%
PP: 25 -> 20
Effect: Removes the target's item. Boosted by 50% against a target holding an item that can be removed. (Knock Off clone.)
New Users: :ferrothorn: :tsareena:
Viable Users: :venusaur: :tangrowth: :ferrothorn: :chesnaught: :tsareena: :zarude:
Description: I will always maintain that Grass-types are most in need of slot compression if they want to run support. A Knock Off clone lets them do exactly that. All of these except Chesnaught run Power Whip now, and while the extra damage is certainly useful, the reliability and utility of Vine Whip lets it slot in as an option on the offensive-leaning ones like Zarude, while Ferrothorn can compress Knock and Whip into one slot and have a free moveslot for something else.

Move Name: Ember
Type: Fire
Category: Special
BP: 40 -> 60
Acc: 100%
PP: 25 -> 20
Effect: +1 priority during harsh sunlight.
New Users: N/A
Viable Users: :ninetales: :torkoal:
Description: Sun propaganda. I could pretend like there would be other things that run this on a sun team, but let's not kid ourselves here, only the things that auto-set their own sun will be using this. Less powerful than Grassy Glide because sun is a larger boost (50% over 30% - they break just about equal), and while Fire is a much stronger offensive type than Grass, Ninetales and Torkoal are way less optimized than Rillaboom and have their own problems (do you run Specs to make yourself a nuke or HDB to avoid hazard damage?).

Move Name: Water Gun
Type: Water
Category: Special
BP: 40 -> 80
Acc: 100%
PP: 25 -> 10
Effect: This move's damage ignores active weather conditions.
New Users: N/A
Viable Users: :starmie: :volcanion: + whatever other Water-types sun teams run
Description: Sun propaganda........... 2!!!!!!!!!! Water-types on sun teams have historically had some issues since they can't reliably make use of their Water STAB, but Water Gun helps with that as it's not weakened during sun. Since it ignores all weather conditions and not just sun, it also has the very minor benefit of ignoring the boosted Sp. Def of Rock-types during sandstorm. Not a big difference, but maybe it'll come in handy some day! (It won't)
Feedback time:
cheesesir: Your Vine Whip is basically just Grav Apple but without the additional effect, and I'm not fond of making a decently strong move with a guaranteed Def drop out of something so common that has no real downside.

24 hour warning to edit/submit.
Here are the options, get to voting:

Move Name: Vine Whip
Type: Grass
Category: Physical
BP: 40
Acc: 100%
PP: 20 (32)
Effect: Has 2x damage & hits before the target switches if the target was switching.
New Users:
Viable Users: :serperior::tangrowth::chesnaught::gogoat::victreebel::zarude::gourgeist:
Description: Grass Pursuit is cool as it helps trap the many good Water-types there are.
Move Name: Vine Whip
Type: Grass
BP: 45->85
PP: 15(max 24)
Accuracy: 100%
Secondary Effect: 50% chance to lower the targets defence by 1.
New Users
: :Ferrothorn::Cacturne:
Viable Users: :ferrothorn::zarude::tangrowth:
Description: A grass type clone of fire lash, useful for both breakers and walls. Breakers can use it to apply pressure on switchins, while walls can use it to deal increasing damage and force switches.
Move Name: Vine Whip
Type: Grass
BP: 15
: 8
: 90
Secondary Effect
: Locks the user into the move for 3-5 turns, though the user can switch out at any point to end the lock. If the user is faster than the opponent, the opponent cannot attack (even on the turn the user switches out). When the user is no longer locked into the move, their speed drops 1 stage.
New Users
: None
Viable Users: :serperior: :zarude: :tangrowth:
Description: Gen 1 Wrap with some balancing on it. Ends up being a unique pivoting move (doing minimal damage that is probably negated by lefties but guaranteeing a safe switch).
Move Name: Vine Whip
Type: Grass
Category: Physical
BP: 45 -> 65
Acc: 100%
PP: 25 -> 20
Effect: Removes the target's item. Boosted by 50% against a target holding an item that can be removed. (Knock Off clone.)
New Users: :ferrothorn: :tsareena:
Viable Users: :venusaur: :tangrowth: :ferrothorn: :chesnaught: :tsareena: :zarude:
Description: I will always maintain that Grass-types are most in need of slot compression if they want to run support. A Knock Off clone lets them do exactly that. All of these except Chesnaught run Power Whip now, and while the extra damage is certainly useful, the reliability and utility of Vine Whip lets it slot in as an option on the offensive-leaning ones like Zarude, while Ferrothorn can compress Knock and Whip into one slot and have a free moveslot for something else.

Move Name: Ember
Type: Fire
Category: Special
BP: 40
Acc: 100%
PP: 25 (40)
Effect: Has a 100% chance to Burn the target.
New Users: None
Viable Users: :infernape::moltres::salamence::arcanine::torkoal::turtonator:
Description: Offensive 100% accurate WoW with limited distribution.
Move Name: Ember
Type: Fire
Category: Special
BP: 40 -> 60
Acc: 100%
PP: 25 -> 20
Effect: +1 priority during harsh sunlight.
New Users:
Viable Users: :ninetales: :torkoal:
Description: Sun propaganda. I could pretend like there would be other things that run this on a sun team, but let's not kid ourselves here, only the things that auto-set their own sun will be using this. Less powerful than Grassy Glide because sun is a larger boost (50% over 30% - they break just about equal), and while Fire is a much stronger offensive type than Grass, Ninetales and Torkoal are way less optimized than Rillaboom and have their own problems (do you run Specs to make yourself a nuke or HDB to avoid hazard damage?).

Move Name: Water Gun
Type: Water
Category: Special
BP: 40
Acc: 100%
PP: 30 (48)
Effect: Has +1 priority.
New Users: :keldeo::tympole::wimpod:
Viable Users: :slowbro-mega::primarina::clawitzer::gorebyss::octillery::politoed::volcanion:
Description: Water priority for the slower special waters.
Move Name: Water Gun
Type: Water
PP: 15 (max 24)
Accuracy: 100
Secondary Effect: Has -1 Priority (same as vital throw). This move never misses.
New Users
: None
Viable Users: :slowbro-mega::volcanion::tapu fini:
Description: A high powered water move, but almost always goes last. This is a new tool for water types that don't want to deal with the risk of hydro pump, while having a much higher power than surf or scald. The reduced priority stops sweepers from utilizing this move.
Move Name: Water Gun
Type: Water
BP: 120
PP: 16
Accuracy: 90
Secondary Effect: Charges turn 1, attacks turn 2. If the user has already attacked using this move since switching in, the charging turn is ignored (because the gun is now loaded).
New Users
: None
Viable Users: :empoleon: (probably more)
Description: Meteor Beam sidegrade. Has no downside after the first switch with Power Herb, letting you fire off stronger Hydro Pumps at the cost of your item slot. Ends up being tricky to use due to the item requirement.
Move Name: Water Gun
Type: Water
Category: Special
BP: 40 -> 80
Acc: 100%
PP: 25 -> 10
Effect: This move's damage ignores active weather conditions.
New Users:
Viable Users: :starmie: :volcanion: + whatever other Water-types sun teams run
Description: Sun propaganda........... 2!!!!!!!!!! Water-types on sun teams have historically had some issues since they can't reliably make use of their Water STAB, but Water Gun helps with that as it's not weakened during sun. Since it ignores all weather conditions and not just sun, it also has the very minor benefit of ignoring the boosted Sp. Def of Rock-types during sandstorm. Not a big difference, but maybe it'll come in handy some day! (It won't)

Votes close in 3 days.
And the votes are closed! Here are the winners:

For Vine Whip: Z-nogyroP!
Move Name: Vine Whip
Type: Grass
Category: Physical
BP: 45 -> 65
Acc: 100%
PP: 25 -> 20
Effect: Removes the target's item. Boosted by 50% against a target holding an item that can be removed. (Knock Off clone.)
New Users: :ferrothorn: :tsareena:
Viable Users: :venusaur: :tangrowth: :ferrothorn: :chesnaught: :tsareena: :zarude:
Description: I will always maintain that Grass-types are most in need of slot compression if they want to run support. A Knock Off clone lets them do exactly that. All of these except Chesnaught run Power Whip now, and while the extra damage is certainly useful, the reliability and utility of Vine Whip lets it slot in as an option on the offensive-leaning ones like Zarude, while Ferrothorn can compress Knock and Whip into one slot and have a free moveslot for something else.

Z-nogyroP: 7
Ema Skye: 6
PalpitoadChamp: 6
cheesesir: 1

For Ember: Z-nogyroP!
Move Name: Ember
Type: Fire
Category: Special
BP: 40 -> 60
Acc: 100%
PP: 25 -> 20
Effect: +1 priority during harsh sunlight.
New Users: N/A
Viable Users: :ninetales: :torkoal:
Description: Sun propaganda. I could pretend like there would be other things that run this on a sun team, but let's not kid ourselves here, only the things that auto-set their own sun will be using this. Less powerful than Grassy Glide because sun is a larger boost (50% over 30% - they break just about equal), and while Fire is a much stronger offensive type than Grass, Ninetales and Torkoal are way less optimized than Rillaboom and have their own problems (do you run Specs to make yourself a nuke or HDB to avoid hazard damage?).

Z-nogyroP: 6
PalpitoadChamp: 5

For Water Gun: PalpitoadChamp!
Move Name: Water Gun
Type: Water
Category: Special
BP: 40
Acc: 100%
PP: 30 (48)
Effect: Has +1 priority.
New Users: :keldeo::tympole::wimpod:
Viable Users: :slowbro-mega::primarina::clawitzer::gorebyss::octillery::politoed::volcanion:
Description: Water priority for the slower special waters.

PalpitoadChamp: 7 (2 first votes)
Ema Skye: 7
Z-nogyroP: 4
cheesesir: 2

Congratulations to our winners!
After a good number of delays (sorry about that), we've finally had a major update in coding for the mod! The following moves are now finally playable on Dragon Heaven: Acupressure, Aerial Ace, Avalanche, Bone Rush, Brick Break, Comet Punch, Disarming Voice, Drill Peck, Eerie Impulse, Extrasensory, False Surrender, Flame Wheel, Flower Shield, Guillotine, Hyperspace Hole, Inferno, Iron Tail, Leaf Tornado, Life Dew, Magnetic Flux, Magnitude, Misty Explosion, Night Daze, Nightmare, Petal Dance, Poison Tail, Rock Wrecker, Scary Face, Shadow Force, Sheer Cold, Spark, Sparkling Aria, Tar Shot, Triple Kick, Trump Card, Twister, and Zap Cannon. Huge amount of thanks to Rasdanation for getting these all working and submitting the patch!
:Marowak: :Grimmsnarl: :Hoopa: :Serperior: :Zoroark: :Vileplume: :Seviper: :Rhyperior: :Giratina: :Primarina: :Coalossal: :Hitmontop:
With these moves now complete, we are going to be taking a break so that everyone can try out these moves and see how they pan out in practice! We'll be off for the next few days to test these out (though you're still welcome to discuss your findings) and once we've had the opportunity to try them out we'll be moving into our second balance discussion! If you find any bug or other problems in this batch of moves, make sure to let me know through Discord! But otherwise, we need to get as much feedback on these newly implemented moves as possible, so get on Dragon Heaven and Bust a Move!
:Bulbasaur: :Charmander: :Squirtle:
Two quick updates: First, thanks again to Rasdanation, Slate 35 is now live! Speaking of:

:ss/Mimikyu: Rasdanation sneaks into battle! :ss/Mimikyu:
Yes, Rasdanation has officially joined the Bust a Move Council! With the recent breakthrough in coding, Rasdanation has undeniably made a huge impact on the mod, and I can't wait to see what they contribute going forwards. Huge thanks to you, Ras, and welcome to the council!​
Hey. I know it's been a while, I've been busy with a lot of general life stuff and several projects I wanted to get out at present and in the future, and this mod kind of got lost in the shuffle. There were things I wanted to do with you guys, but I dropped the ball, I didn't promote things enough or get around to the behind-the-scenes things necessary to organize some of those goals. I admit that's on me, and consequently my original idea for picking the last slate of the generation had to be scrapped. But with this generation coming to a close and SV around the corner, I figured we might as well end this first part of our journey off with a bang, especially since we are going to have to break so the SV meta has some time to develop (namely so we can gauge the usefulness of new moves and see if any old ones drop off). So, for our final, special slate of Gen 8:
:ss/Kyurem-Black: :ss/Eternatus: :sm/Smeargle::ss/Kyurem-White:
Slate 36: Final Countdown
With a big slate, it only makes sense to renovate some big moves, and I wanted to look to Ubers and get one physical, special and status move- then realized the one underwhelming Ubers physical sig was kind of a package deal, so you get four new moves instead.
  • :Kyurem: Freeze Shock and Ice Burn are meant to demonstrate the power of a fused Kyurem, but taking two turns is always an issue, so much so that everyone just pretends Black had no physical Ice STAB before Gen 8 (unless you gave your item slot for it). Freeze Shock is a move so bad it cost its user Ubers status for 3 generations, so it and its partner are overdue for a revamp.
    • Since we're working with a NDOU context, you may distribute each of these moves to ONE additional, non-Ubers Pokemon.
    • In general, try to keep your revamped Kyurem moves roughly similar in terms of power and effect; there are nuances between physical and special or homaging fire and electric that mean you don't have to keep effects chance or BP the exact same, but try to make them about equally good.
    • Not strictly necessary, but given these moves are meant to signify fusing with Zekrom/Reshiram, homaging Electric and Fire is appreciated. (Also keep it in mind when picking any additional distribution).
  • :Eternatus: Eternabeam is the lesser signature of Eternatus, a monster that has come to define Gen 8 Ubers, thanks to its recharge status, being just a slightly stronger version of Roar of Time, so what better way to close Eternatus' generation of domination than by letting this other move have the power befitting the progenitor of Dynamax.
    • Again, you can distribute this to ONE non-Ubers mon. Try to keep flavor in mind.
  • :Smeargle: Finally, since the signature status of Ubers has a weird asterisk attached and is arguably straightforward to fix, we're gonna throw in a curveball with a status move that has proved too much for even this tier of gods: the infamous Baton Pass. With its signature ability to turn any Pokemon into an unstoppable monster, Baton Pass is easily one of the most contentious moves in competitive history. So in this case, we're actually going to be doing a nerf here: make BP not broken challenge (possible(?)). Basically, you have carte blanche to take the move in any direction you want as long as it would be balanced but good (also keep it as a status move).
Given the delays on my end (oops.), submission phase is going to be a bit shorter, closing on 0:00 GMT on Wednesday, November 16th, in 5 days! Keep all the basic rules in mind, barring the leeway allowed above, but otherwise get out there and Bust a Move! (Yes, subs are open).
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Move Name: Freeze Shock
Type: Ice
BP: 140 -> 100
: 5 (max 8)
Accuracy: 90 -> 85%
Secondary Effect
: Has a 20% chance to paralyze
New Users: :Arctozolt: (Also want to add :rotom frost: but only one non-uber is allowed)
Viable Users: :Arctozolt:
Description: A strong physical ice move, has slightly worse accuracy than Icicle Crash but makes up for it with increased base power and a chance to paralyze. I gave it to the electric-ice types for flavour, I feel like rotom-frost should also get it for obvious reasons, but the limit on non-ubers who receive the move stops that.

Move Name: Ice Burn
Type: Ice
BP: 140 -> 75
: 5 -> 10 (max 16)
: 90 -> 100%
Secondary Effect
: Has a 30% chance to burn
New Users: :Ninetales Alola:
Viable Users: :Ninetales alola:
Description: Ice type Scald anyone? Alolan Ninetales falls back on it's fiery heritage by getting a new ice move that can really mess with physical attackers. Less power than Ice Beam or Blizzard, but can punish switchins hard.

Move Name: Eternabeam
Type: Dragon
BP: 160 -> 110
PP: 5 (max 8)
Accuracy: 90%
Secondary Effect: The users loses 10% of it's max health
New Users: :Regidrago:
Viable Users: :Regidrago:
Description: A less powerful Draco Meteor, but much more spammable. It's given to Regidrago because of the idea that the regis are ancient, which ties into the eternity mentioned in the moves name. A big nuke for Regidrago to exploit, essentially.

Move Name: Baton Pass
Type: Normal
PP: 40 -> 20 (max 32)
: N/A
Secondary Effect: The user switches out. The pokemon that switches in receives +1 speed
New Users: :Cinderace:
Viable Users: :Clefable: :Diancie-Mega: :Gliscor: :Scizor-Mega: :Hatterene:
Description: Like a runner passing the baton on to the next runner of a relay, the pokemon gives a speed boost to whoever switches in. This gives a new pivoting option for walls and pokemon that previously lacked good pivoting options, as well as enabling breakers and some sweepers to accomplish their goals and outspeed key threats. This move may be a little too much, let me know if it needs to be adjusted.
Move Name: Eternabeam
Type: Dragon
BP: 75
PP: 5 -> 10
Accuracy: N/A
Secondary Effect: The user receives Max Effect on their moves for three turns.
New Users: :Toxtricity:
Viable Users: :Eternatus: :Toxtricity:
Description: The Pokemon surrounds Dynamax power around itself, giving its moves for 3 turns the Dynamax secondary effect. If Toxtricity is G-Max, the effect is G-Max StunShock. It is useful on plural sets: offensive can use Ooze to boost its SpAtk, Wyrmwind to lower Attack, and StunShock to spread Statuses.

Move Name: Ice Burn
Type: Ice
BP: 140
PP: 5 -> 10
Priority: -1
Accuracy: N/A
Secondary Effect: If this Pokemon is hit with a contact move when it charges, they are burnt.
New Users: :Ninetales-Alola:
Viable Users: :Kyurem: :Kyurem-White:
Description: This Pokemon surrounds a polar cold around it self that frostbites everything that approach it.

Move Name: Freeze Shock
Type: Ice
BP: 140
PP: 5 -> 10
Priority: -1
Accuracy: N/A
Secondary Effect: If this Pokemon is hit with a contact move when it charges, they are paralysed.
New Users: :Arctozolt:
Viable Users: :Kyurem: :Kyurem-White:
Description: This Pokemon surrounds a polar cold around it self that freezes with static energy everything that approach it.

Move Name: Baton Pass
Type: Normal
BP: -
PP: 40
Accuracy: N/A
Secondary Effect: The user switches. Depending of the user's higher stat, the arrivant has a stat raised.
New Users: :Cinderace:
Viable Users: :Clefable: :Diancie-Mega: :Gliscor: :Scizor-Mega: :Hatterene:
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