Pet Mod Brokenmons Unchained Mk II

Abilities:Magic Guard
Added Moves:Fire Lash,Brave Bird
Explanation:Stronk breaker with Fire Lash go brrrrrr
Abilities:Damp/Water Absorb(Unaware)
Added Moves:Spikes
Explanation:GodQuagsire gets a sizeable bulk increase alongside an increase to both attacking stats,making it less passive.Spikes for some extra utility.
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time to break.
Pokémon: Drapion
Stats: 70 / 135 / 120 / 60 / 105 / 115 (605 BST)
Type: Dark / Poison
Abilities: Battle Armor / Sniper / Tough Claws (HA)

Added Moves: First Impression, Coil, Gunk Shot
Explanation: more attack, better STAB, better(?) set-up, a WAY better ability, everything Drapion could ask for.

Buffed Items: Poison Barb: Holder's poison moves are boosted by 1.2x power, contact. moves gain a 30% chance to poison.
Explanation: yeahhh, having that poison chance is definetly big, since that leaves room for chip damage, because it leaves your opponent poisoned, always taking damage, vulnerable to further damage.
My Thoughts:
This mod is frickin dead and should be ended already. By that I meant there's near to no one who submit things for the mod, hence there's no reason to continue. You can still go on, this is just a thought, time will prove it.

Here's my subs anyway.
Pokémon: Cursola
Stats: 70 / 95 / 130 / 145 / 130 / 40 [BST: 600]

Abilities: Regenerator | Perish Body (HA)
Added Moves: Nah
Explanation: Just imagine Toxapex that's also able to go offensive, this is that.

Pokémon: Regidrago
Stats: 180 / 90 / 80 / 110 / 80 / 120 [BST: 660]

Abilities: Dragon's Maw
Added Moves: Nah
Explanation: Regidrago is my favorite Regi (excluding Regice) because of its signature move, so I made it able to use Dragon Energy more viably.

Pokémon: Umbreon
Stats: 125 / 65 / 120 / 110 / 120 / 85 [BST: 625]

Abilities: Dark Aura / Fairy Aura | Magic Guard (HA)
Added Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Fiery Wrath, Light of Ruin, Moonblast, Nasty Plot, Play Rough
Explanation: A Bulky Offensive Mon with Magic Guard + Life Orb and some hard hitting moves like Fiery Wrath and Light of Ruin.
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Still alive dont worry sorry about being dead.


Pokémon: Mime Jr.
Stats: 95/25/93/141/143/83 (580 BST)
Type: Ghost/Water

Abilities: Liquid Voice/Filter/Technician (HA)
Added Moves: Boomburst, Hyper Voice, all non-signature special Ghost- and Water-type moves, Rapid Spin, Life Dew, Rain Dance, Waterfall, Aqua Jet, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Focus Blast, Water Sport, Will-O-Wisp, Curse, Shadow Sneak
Buffed Moves: Shadow Ball: 90 BP, because we all hate that almost all of Ghost-type moves are pathetically weak. Unless they're signature, yep.
Explanation: Mime jr, a mime (junior), shouting at the top of its lungs. My type of submission definately yep. Basically you get Liquid Voice Boomburst and the rest are just for show. Ghost STAB is really nice for neutral coverage. Its really fat and can go the Calm Mind wincon route or just go Specs and blast stuff to oblivion. The silence is deafening.

Edit: its not Cursola.
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Pokémon: Archeops
Stats: 75 / 165 / 90 / 130 / 90 / 135
Type: Rock / Flying
Abilities: Magic Guard
New Moves: Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, Wood Hammer

Archeops is now the beast it always supposed to be. An all out attacker fearing no rocks or recoil, can go with Sash + Hone Claws / Choice Item or Life Orb.
252 Atk Life Orb Archeops Head Smash vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 325-383 (73.1 - 86.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


Pokémon: Serperior
Stats: 75 / 75 / 95 / 110 / 95 / 115
Type: Grass / Dragon
Abilities: Overgrow / Contrary
New Moves: Draco Meteor, Overheat, Psycho Boost

Gonna go at them legends!
You gotta ensure it hits at least one of its moves before sweeping since the base SpA isn't that high.


Pokémon: Mega Garchomp
Stats: 108 / 180 / 115 / 80 / 95 / 122 [BST: 700]
Type: Dragon / Ground
Abilities: Tough Claws
New Moves: Dragon Hammer, Precipice Blades

#RESPECT Mega Garchomp is now here to slice through the mythicals.
252 Atk Tough Claws Garchomp-Mega Dragon Hammer vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 210-247 (47.2 - 55.6%) -- 76.2% chance to 2HKO
252 Atk Garchomp-Mega Precipice Blades vs. 136 HP / 0 Def Groudon-Primal: 332-392 (88.5 - 104.5%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Tough Claws Garchomp-Mega Poison Jab vs. 0 HP / 168 Def Xerneas: 256-302 (65.1 - 76.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


Buffed Move: Wing Attack
Category: Physical
Type: Flying
Base Power: 100
Secondary Effect(s): 10% chance to flinch the target.
Distribution: Same as before
Explanation: Will help out mons stuck without Brave Bird or those who want to avoid recoil.
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Pokémon: Klinklang
Stats: 75 / 125 / 130 / 100 / 90 / 85
Type: Steel / Normal
Abilities: Technician / Clear Body | Transistor
New Moves: Double Edge, Tail Slap, Volt Tackle, Zing Zap, Double Hit, Storm Throw, Return, Bulldoze, Flame Charge


Pokémon: Centiskorch
Stats: 95 / 135 / 90 / 70 / 115 / 75
Type: Bug / Fire
Abilities: Flash Fire / Unaware | Mountaineer
New Moves: First Impression, Close Combat, Pyro Ball, Heal Order, Extreme Speed, Strength Sap, Sticky Web, U-turn, Body Press, Glare


Pokémon: Exeggutor-Alola
Stats: 125 / 125 / 90 / 135 / 90 / 65
Type: Grass / Dragon
Abilities: Magic Guard / Persistent | Long Reach
New Moves: Dragon Hammer*, Flare Blitz, Wood Hammer, Shift Gear, Fire Blast, Quiver Dance
Dragon Hammer - Dragon type Double Edge clone


Pokémon: Kommo-O
Stats: Sae As In Standard
Type: Dragon / Fighting
Abilities: Bulletproof / Punk Rock | Magic Bounce
New Moves: Recover, Power Trip, Sparkling Aura, Overdrive

Kommonium Z is compatible and usable.


Ill get the explanations done soon enough.
Friendly reminder:
You're not limited to only breaking Pokémon; you may also break moves, items, and abilities, like before.
It's also worth noting that NFEs are also fair game.

I'll probably make a small contribution myself later :trapinch:
Buffed Move: Bestow
Category: Status
Type: Normal
Base Power:
Effect: User switches out and the replacement gets +1 in speed, attack, and spatk.
Distribution: :bidoof: :infernape: All :lycanroc:'s :Yamper: :Boltund: :lopunny: :Corviknight: :mew:+ Old Distrubtion
Explanation: Hero creation copy from ssb but in speed instead so you can pass some speed to your slow breakers

Pokémon: Bidoof God
Stats: 80/100/100/100/100/150
Type: Normal
Abilities: Same
New Moves: Recover, Earthquake, Origin Pulse, Precipice Blades,
Decription: All hail our saviour.
Also... Simple workup lol
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I've updated the spreadsheet! (Partly– I'm still working on it, but I got most of the basics!)

Pokémon: Trapinch
Stats: 90 / 135 / 70 / 90 / 80 / 10 (475 BST)

Abilities: Hyper Cutter + Arena Trap | Sheer Force

Added Moves:
Snap Trap, Infestation, U-Turn, Leech Life, X-Scissor, Clamp, Baneful Bunker, Crush Grip, Poison Fang, Jaw Lock, Knock Off, Pursuit, Hyper Fang, Super Fang, Fire Fang, Energy Ball, Stone Edge, Mud Sport, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Smack Down, Payback

Explanation: Hyper Cutter and Sheer Force are present on Trapinch, Mawile, Krabby, and Kingler. I'm not one to break a trend. Krabby lost Sheer Force when it broke, so I'm not going to say it'll never happen. However, I do like the idea of utilizing the Sheer Force + Life Orb combo for an immense power gain.

Buffed Ability:
Arena Trap – Prevents adjacent opposing Pokémon from choosing to switch out unless they are immune to trapping or are airborne. This Pokémon is immune to trapping. Pokémon trapped by this Ability lose 2 additional PP for moves they use while this Ability is active. If this Pokémon has no held item and any Pokémon on the battlefield (including this one) drops a held item while this Ability is active, then this Pokémon will obtain the dropped item (regardless of whether Pokémon are trapped) at the end of the turn. Switching moves (Volt Switch, Parting Shot, Flip Turn, U-Turn, etc.) have no effect on this Pokémon.
Explanation: If you've seen ants falling into an antlion larva's trap, you know how much they struggle before getting caught. By treating Arena Trap as a sort of vortex, Trapinch can deplete affected opponents' energy quickly, and also has a means for unfairly recovering dropped items in a way that is still considerably balanced. In a multiples setting, flung or knocked-off items would be donated to this Pokémon at the end of the turn on which they fell. This also turns Knock Off into a kind of delayed Thief with greater power. The 'balance' is that an item cannot be recovered if the means by which it was lost involve consumption or usage, and that it only occurs at the end of a turn.

New Move: "Subterranean Strike"
Power: 60
This attack takes the target under the ground with the user on the first turn and executes on the second. Damage doubles during sandstorm. Pokémon weighing 200 kg or less cannot be buried. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Bulldoze, Earthquake, Magnitude, Land's Wrath, Thousand Arrows, and Fissure. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokémon, even if they are grounded. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, Subterranean Strike, [Keelhaul Plunge,] or Sky Drop.
✓ Contact (affected by many abilities like Iron Barbs and moves like Spiky Shield and items like Rocky Helmet)
Distribution: Trapinch, Diglett, Dugtrio, Silicobra, Sandaconda, Onix, Steelix, Bunnelby, Diggersby, Drilbur, Excadrill, Krokorok, Krookodile, Sandygast, Palossand, Runerigus, Gabite, Garchomp, Garchomp-Mega, Hippopotas, Hippowdon, Sandslash, Nincada, Groudon, Groudon-Primal, Palpitoad, Seismitoad, Mew, Gastrodon, Marshtomp, Swampert

New Move: "Keelhaul Plunge"
Power: 60
This attack takes the target under the water with the user on the first turn and executes on the second Damage doubles during heavy rain. Pokémon weighing at least 100 kg more than the user cannot be submerged. On the first turn, the user and the target avoid all attacks other than Hurricane, Thunder, Surf, and Twister. The user and the target cannot make a move between turns, but the target can select a move to use. This move cannot damage Flying-type Pokémon. Fails on the first turn if the target is an ally, if the target has a substitute, or if the target is using Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Phantom Force, Shadow Force, [Subterranean Strike,] Keelhaul Plunge, or Sky Drop.
✓ Contact (affected by many abilities like Iron Barbs and moves like Spiky Shield and items like Rocky Helmet)
Distribution: Water 2 (egg group), Kyogre, Kyogre-Primal, Cramorant, Eiscue, Grapploct, Seismitoad, Lapras, Blastoise, Feraligatr, Drednaw, Walrein, Dragonite, Mew, Gastrodon, Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert

If I'm being to balanced or somehow too broken, please let me know on the Discord! :bloblul: (or on here or if you don't prefer Discord)

Also, The Main Mon: I just noticed while updating the spreadsheet: Your Kyurem has only 650 BST. Are the current stats intentional? or did you forget to redistribute the remaining 10? (You listed it as having 660 BST)
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It appears that everyone who was going to post has posted, so the council will now look over the current submissions. New submissions are still welcome, but it would be weird to post an assessment of an existing submission after it undergoes significant changes, so please postpone edits.

Peace and carrots! :blobnom:
this mod is cool and fun so I will sub

Pokémon: Zarude
Stats: 105/130/105/70/105/120

Abilities: Tough Claws/Leaf Guard
Buffed Ability: Leaf guard no longer requires sun to be active
Description: If you know ou theorymons you’ll know this mon too. Had to buff it stats too to make it sure it’s extra broke. If u really wanna have leaf guard it’s also usable now too.

Pokémon: Castform
Stats: 100/110/100/110/100/120

Abilities: Forecast
Buffed Ability: Forecast, castform now becomes rock type in sandstorm and gets additional ability depending on typing. If user is holding heat, damp, icy or smooth rock, sets the respective weather on switch in and sets the weather for 8 turns. Additional abilities per form:
: Freeze Power (Solar Power but ice, other mons can get this too if this wins)
: Solar Power
: Dry Skin (hell no I ain’t giving this swift swim, I ain’t that crazy)
: Sand Rush (crazy enough for this tho)
New Moves: Swords Dance, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Blast, Calm Mind
Description: Castform now is good with a lot of set flexibility being able to have up to 4 different types and setting a weather for you to abuse with each type. Each forms niche will be ice and fire, breakers with a low life expectancy with rocks weakness and slowly killing itself. Water will be a fast wallish thing with high life expectancy with 12% heals every turn. And sand rush is sd edgequake go brrr. Should be a very fun mon to use.

Pokémon: Sunkern
Stats: 40/30/160/120/160/30

Abilities: Prankster/Mold Breaker
New Moves: Taunt, Flamethrower
Description: Yoo funny worst mon now broken. The idea is sub seed with low hp and high defenses to leech a lot more health. Possibly one of the most min maxed mons in existence. Be as annoying as possible and have fun while ur opponent cries. Also this thing naturally gets earth power for coverage which is cool for steels and fires. Prankster is ur main ability while mold breaker screws any mbouncers and let’s u leech dark types.

Pokémon: Blipbug
Stats: 255/10/10/10/10/255

Abilities: Swarm/ Compound Eyes/ Magic Guard
New Moves: Endeavor, Extreme Speed, Pursuit, Final Gambit
Description: you like cheese? Here is ur last resort mon. This mon has like 5 moves lmao so it’s really only use is to final gambit or endeavor extreme speed/pursuit cheese with magic guard sash. It also has webs tho if ur into that.

Buffed Item: Protective Pads
Effect: Same effect but now blocks recoil damage too.
Explanation: let’s u spam recoil moves more, and makes sense flavor wise.

New Item: Candle
Effect: When user is hit with or uses a fire move, its fire moves will then deal 1.5x damage till the user switches out. (Doesn’t activate same turn using the fire move so ull only get the buff the next time u use a fire move)
Explanation: Fun item for offensive fire types who don’t like boots or locking in on specs.

Man I love this mod, so laid back compared to the others and u can sub some goofy and broken things in it. Would love to see it revived.
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Cratersmash were back

ANYWAY here is the long overdue review slate that people don't care about anymore so the deadline's uhh Monday June 27th since anyone who still cares about this mod and was pinged would edit their subs by then probably. Without further ado:

Cratersmash Hi
:charizard-gmax: I doubt the stats would cut it in an ubers based metagame. Fire Lash is nice but Ho-Oh does exist and Charizard honestly don't do that much compared to it and is just kinda meh.
:swampert-mega: Its literally a nerfed Mega Swampert with fighting coverage. Reminder that megas are now their own pokemon with their own stats.

Subterranean Strike, Keelhaul Plunge: Yeah nobody uses Sky Drop so they don't cut it as standalone subs.

That's it

Hopefully once we wrap up this 7-month-long slate we can restart this for real.
Alright, review phase is over, OPStellar's Sky Drop clones are still ineligable but the rest are fair game. Voting begins!

Abilities:Magic Guard
Added Moves:Fire Lash,Brave Bird
Explanation:Stronk breaker with Fire Lash go brrrrrr
Abilities:Damp/Water Absorb(Unaware)
Added Moves:Spikes
Explanation:GodQuagsire gets a sizeable bulk increase alongside an increase to both attacking stats,making it less passive.Spikes for some extra utility.
time to break.
Pokémon: Drapion
Stats: 70 / 135 / 120 / 60 / 105 / 115 (605 BST)
Type: Dark / Poison
Abilities: Battle Armor / Sniper / Tough Claws (HA)

Added Moves: First Impression, Coil, Gunk Shot
Explanation: more attack, better STAB, better(?) set-up, a WAY better ability, everything Drapion could ask for.

Buffed Items: Poison Barb: Holder's poison moves are boosted by 1.2x power, contact. moves gain a 30% chance to poison.
Explanation: yeahhh, having that poison chance is definetly big, since that leaves room for chip damage, because it leaves your opponent poisoned, always taking damage, vulnerable to further damage.
My Thoughts:
This mod is frickin dead and should be ended already. By that I meant there's near to no one who submit things for the mod, hence there's no reason to continue. You can still go on, this is just a thought, time will prove it.

Here's my subs anyway.
Pokémon: Cursola
Stats: 70 / 95 / 130 / 145 / 130 / 40 [BST: 600]

Abilities: Regenerator | Perish Body (HA)
Added Moves: Nah
Explanation: Just imagine Toxapex that's also able to go offensive, this is that.

Pokémon: Regidrago
Stats: 180 / 90 / 80 / 110 / 80 / 120 [BST: 660]

Abilities: Dragon's Maw
Added Moves: Nah
Explanation: Regidrago is my favorite Regi (excluding Regice) because of its signature move, so I made it able to use Dragon Energy more viably.

Pokémon: Umbreon
Stats: 125 / 65 / 120 / 110 / 120 / 85 [BST: 625]

Abilities: Dark Aura / Fairy Aura | Magic Guard (HA)
Added Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Fiery Wrath, Light of Ruin, Moonblast, Nasty Plot, Play Rough
Explanation: A Bulky Offensive Mon with Magic Guard + Life Orb and some hard hitting moves like Fiery Wrath and Light of Ruin.

Still alive dont worry sorry about being dead.


Pokémon: Mime Jr.
Stats: 95/25/93/141/143/83 (580 BST)
Type: Ghost/Water

Abilities: Liquid Voice/Filter/Technician (HA)
Added Moves: Boomburst, Hyper Voice, all non-signature special Ghost- and Water-type moves, Rapid Spin, Life Dew, Rain Dance, Waterfall, Aqua Jet, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Focus Blast, Water Sport, Will-O-Wisp, Curse, Shadow Sneak
Buffed Moves: Shadow Ball: 90 BP, because we all hate that almost all of Ghost-type moves are pathetically weak. Unless they're signature, yep.
Explanation: Mime jr, a mime (junior), shouting at the top of its lungs. My type of submission definately yep. Basically you get Liquid Voice Boomburst and the rest are just for show. Ghost STAB is really nice for neutral coverage. Its really fat and can go the Calm Mind wincon route or just go Specs and blast stuff to oblivion. The silence is deafening.

Edit: its not Cursola.
Pokémon: Archeops
Stats: 75 / 165 / 90 / 130 / 90 / 135
Type: Rock / Flying
Abilities: Magic Guard
New Moves: Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, Wood Hammer

Archeops is now the beast it always supposed to be. An all out attacker fearing no rocks or recoil, can go with Sash + Hone Claws / Choice Item or Life Orb.
252 Atk Life Orb Archeops Head Smash vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 325-383 (73.1 - 86.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


Pokémon: Serperior
Stats: 75 / 75 / 95 / 110 / 95 / 115
Type: Grass / Dragon
Abilities: Overgrow / Contrary
New Moves: Draco Meteor, Overheat, Psycho Boost

Gonna go at them legends!
You gotta ensure it hits at least one of its moves before sweeping since the base SpA isn't that high.


Pokémon: Mega Garchomp
Stats: 108 / 180 / 115 / 80 / 95 / 122 [BST: 700]
Type: Dragon / Ground
Abilities: Tough Claws
New Moves: Dragon Hammer, Precipice Blades

#RESPECT Mega Garchomp is now here to slice through the mythicals.
252 Atk Tough Claws Garchomp-Mega Dragon Hammer vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 210-247 (47.2 - 55.6%) -- 76.2% chance to 2HKO
252 Atk Garchomp-Mega Precipice Blades vs. 136 HP / 0 Def Groudon-Primal: 332-392 (88.5 - 104.5%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Tough Claws Garchomp-Mega Poison Jab vs. 0 HP / 168 Def Xerneas: 256-302 (65.1 - 76.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


Buffed Move: Wing Attack
Category: Physical
Type: Flying
Base Power: 100
Secondary Effect(s): 10% chance to flinch the target.
Distribution: Same as before
Explanation: Will help out mons stuck without Brave Bird or those who want to avoid recoil.

Pokémon: Klinklang
Stats: 75 / 125 / 130 / 100 / 90 / 85
Type: Steel / Normal
Abilities: Technician / Clear Body | Transistor
New Moves: Double Edge, Tail Slap, Volt Tackle, Zing Zap, Double Hit, Storm Throw, Return, Bulldoze, Flame Charge


Pokémon: Centiskorch
Stats: 95 / 135 / 90 / 70 / 115 / 75
Type: Bug / Fire
Abilities: Flash Fire / Unaware | Mountaineer
New Moves: First Impression, Close Combat, Pyro Ball, Heal Order, Extreme Speed, Strength Sap, Sticky Web, U-turn, Body Press, Glare


Pokémon: Exeggutor-Alola
Stats: 125 / 125 / 90 / 135 / 90 / 65
Type: Grass / Dragon
Abilities: Magic Guard / Persistent | Long Reach
New Moves: Dragon Hammer*, Flare Blitz, Wood Hammer, Shift Gear, Fire Blast, Quiver Dance
Dragon Hammer - Dragon type Double Edge clone


Pokémon: Kommo-O
Stats: Sae As In Standard
Type: Dragon / Fighting
Abilities: Bulletproof / Punk Rock | Magic Bounce
New Moves: Recover, Power Trip, Sparkling Aura, Overdrive

Kommonium Z is compatible and usable.


Ill get the explanations done soon enough.
Buffed Move: Bestow
Category: Status
Type: Normal
Base Power:
Effect: User switches out and the replacement gets +1 in speed.
Distribution: :bidoof: :infernape: All :lycanroc:'s :Yamper: :Boltund: :lopunny: :Corviknight: :mew:+ Old Distrubtion
Explanation: Hero creation copy from ssb but in speed instead so you can pass some speed to your slow breakers

Pokémon: Bidoof God
Stats: 80/100/100/100/100/150
Type: Normal
Abilities: Same
New Moves: Recover, Earthquake, Origin Pulse, Precipice Blades,
Decription: All hail our saviour.
Also... Simple workup lol
I've updated the spreadsheet! (Partly– I'm still working on it, but I got most of the basics!)

Pokémon: Trapinch
Stats: 90 / 135 / 70 / 90 / 80 / 10 (475 BST)

Abilities: Hyper Cutter + Arena Trap | Sheer Force

Added Moves:
Snap Trap, Infestation, U-Turn, Leech Life, X-Scissor, Clamp, Baneful Bunker, Crush Grip, Poison Fang, Jaw Lock, Knock Off, Pursuit, Hyper Fang, Super Fang, Fire Fang, Energy Ball, Stone Edge, Mud Sport, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Smack Down, Payback

Explanation: Hyper Cutter and Sheer Force are present on Trapinch, Mawile, Krabby, and Kingler. I'm not one to break a trend. Krabby lost Sheer Force when it broke, so I'm not going to say it'll never happen. However, I do like the idea of utilizing the Sheer Force + Life Orb combo for an immense power gain.

Buffed Ability:
Arena Trap – Prevents adjacent opposing Pokémon from choosing to switch out unless they are immune to trapping or are airborne. This Pokémon is immune to trapping. Pokémon trapped by this Ability lose 2 additional PP for moves they use while this Ability is active. If this Pokémon has no held item and any Pokémon on the battlefield (including this one) drops a held item while this Ability is active, then this Pokémon will obtain the dropped item (regardless of whether Pokémon are trapped) at the end of the turn. Switching moves (Volt Switch, Parting Shot, Flip Turn, U-Turn, etc.) have no effect on this Pokémon.
Explanation: If you've seen ants falling into an antlion larva's trap, you know how much they struggle before getting caught. By treating Arena Trap as a sort of vortex, Trapinch can deplete affected opponents' energy quickly, and also has a means for unfairly recovering dropped items in a way that is still considerably balanced. In a multiples setting, flung or knocked-off items would be donated to this Pokémon at the end of the turn on which they fell. This also turns Knock Off into a kind of delayed Thief with greater power. The 'balance' is that an item cannot be recovered if the means by which it was lost involve consumption or usage, and that it only occurs at the end of a turn.

Voting ends uhhh until further notice but expect it to end by around the end of the week, get your votes in.