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how many of the gen 9 starters you think that will manage to stay in OU by the end of the month?
(I am not saying that skeledirge WILL fall but it kinda struggles to stay relevant)
What made you choose to get into OU? Personally I never have been interested in OU and want to see why others chose it.
Why did you stick with it?
Favorite non-OU tier?
my friend lent me a bunch of otome games. which guy would you romance first

View attachment 462818
defo 4th

Hi mods, nice to see this thread again.

Four questions (answer whichever ones you like):
  • What kind of music are you into?
  • What is your favourite Pokemon Generation?
  • If you could visit one country or city in the world for a week, all expenses paid, where would you go?
  • Funnest Smogon memory?

1: i listen to whatever music sounds good, no particular genre rly
2: gen 4 for sure
3: netherlands
4: taco

Thought on the new upcoming pokemon games?
which gen9 starter will you be choosing?
if you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

1: the good parts are amazing, the bad parts are hilarious
2: cat
3: netherlands, because cool food/locale and i have a lot of friends there

Hi mods!
Quick question from me, what are your thoughts on Gen 5?

awesome gen with rich story

how many of the gen 9 starters you think that will manage to stay in OU by the end of the month?
(I am not saying that skeledirge WILL fall but it kinda struggles to stay relevant)

quaval i could see falling off but dirge/meow are legit rn

What made you choose to get into OU? Personally I never have been interested in OU and want to see why others chose it.
Why did you stick with it?
Favorite non-OU tier?

i love how much role compression u get out of top tier mons usually which makes it easier for me personally to experiment. higher power ceiling is also satisfying at points. stuck w/ it because i kept playing it a lot and it's usually getting the most active metagame development which makes it fun and easy to watch and play

sm ubers every time, if usage tier, sm uu

what is your favorite anime (this is mostly directed at ironwater or ironweeb)

jojo and brand new animal (bna)
For anyone to answer, how did you get introduced to Pokémon and of the Old Gens; which one did you like (can also be spin-offs too) Cheers! :tymp:
I finally decided to catch up.
Favorite foods? and foods you wouldnt eat even if paid?
I like lots of foods, especially Italian and Mexican.
I'm not a big fan of licorice.
Advice for people wanting to get more involved with Smogon in gen 9?
Participating in the various forum projects and helping people out in the SQSA thread are good ways of starting out.
Hello, any advice on how to get noticed for tourneys or such? seeing as you all are, quite obviously, noticed by the whole smogon community
If you mean to get drafted for team tournaments, it can be a good idea to ask managers to join the team server as a helper. If you show that you're a helpful presence (sharing ideas, building, testing, scouting, etc.) you might get drafted in a future edition.
my friend lent me a bunch of otome games. which guy would you romance first

View attachment 462818
Middle guy seems cool.
Asking for legit advice. When in a tournament game and you get rnged, like the other guy could lose on that turn and gets lucky and the battle drags on for god knows how long or worse you end up losing, how do you not lose your shit? How do you still maintain your composure that you have to win this and not get tilted? If it's on the ladder then not tilting seems understandable because it's not like dota 2 where getting your elo higher can get you reward with playing on a professional team or something but in an actual tournament where something's at stake, just how do you do that?

Got a question that's similar to the previous one. Have you ever been in a sitaution where you wanna test a team on the ladder and then you suddenly run into like five consecutive battles against random shit that counters your team? If you have, how do you not just give up on that team?

I also got a couple questions just out of curiosity

- What is the one thing that you absolutely despise about pokemon?
- Other than pokemon, what other games do you play?
- Try to focus on things that you can control rather than think about the uncontrollable RNG, though this is not easy. Pokemon can be a cruel game and you'll inevitably get unlucky (and lucky) in important games.

- Yes, I just look for more games. If the team continues to lose to 'random' stuff, then it might be a good idea to try to identify the exact things that caused you to lose, small things that may be symptomatic of a larger problem. For example, maybe the team is weak to cheese because you tunnel visioned on beating standard teams and so the team isn't 'flexible' enough.

- Despite what I answered to your first question, losing a game you played well because of sheer bad luck sucks.

- I play games like Overwatch and League of Legends with friends from time to time.
Hi mods, nice to see this thread again.

Four questions (answer whichever ones you like):
  • What kind of music are you into?
  • What is your favourite Pokemon Generation?
  • If you could visit one country or city in the world for a week, all expenses paid, where would you go?
  • Funnest Smogon memory?
- This question is always hard for me to answer because my music taste is super eclectic, but mostly pop music I suppose.
- In-game I'd say gen 4 (big fan of HGSS and Platinum, though DP suck in comparison), competitively I'd say 8 (but others are quite close).
- If all expenses are covered I'd pick a far away country, probably one of China, Japan, South Korea, Australia or New Zealand.
- Hard to say, but a very fun recent memory is from the past Smogon Champions League:


The ensuing game: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen8ou-659546
what's the best way to get better / increase your metagame knowledge besides just playing a bunch?
Building your own teams, watching and interacting with tournament players, and participating in forum activities are a couple good ones.
Thought on the new upcoming pokemon games?
which gen9 starter will you be choosing?
if you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
The games look good, outside of the lag and the bugs. I won't be playing them because I don't own a Switch (I actually haven't played any of the games after gen 5), but I would pick Fuecoco if I did because I like Skeledirge the most out of the starters designwise.
See my answer to one of the previous questions:
If all expenses are covered I'd pick a far away country, probably one of China, Japan, South Korea, Australia or New Zealand.
Hi mods!
Quick question from me, what are your thoughts on Gen 5?
In-game I quite like gen 5, probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite after gen 4 and maybe 3. Competitively I think BW OU is cool but not really my cup of tea due to how punishing making small mistakes feels in addition to how matchuppy it feels.
how many of the gen 9 starters you think that will manage to stay in OU by the end of the month?
(I am not saying that skeledirge WILL fall but it kinda struggles to stay relevant)
I think Skeledirge is the most viable among the starters by a decent margin actually, it has a really nice and unique defensive profile. Maybe Quaquaval will fall, we'll see.
What made you choose to get into OU? Personally I never have been interested in OU and want to see why others chose it.
Why did you stick with it?
Favorite non-OU tier?
I kinda just started playing it because it's Smogon's flagship tier and continued to because I really enjoy it. I think having a fairly high power level and less of a need to be 'conservative' tiering-wise than Ubers for instance tend to make OU a fun tier to play, with a lot of viable options. The fact that it's comparatively more active than other tiers is something I enjoy too.
My next favorite is UU in most gens.
what is your favorite anime (this is mostly directed at ironwater or ironweeb)
One Piece, though I also have a lot of appreciation for JoJo.
hope everybody is having a nice day. who is your go to character in mario kart?
Thanks, I hope you're having a nice day as well.
For anyone to answer, how did you get introduced to Pokémon and of the Old Gens; which one did you like (can also be spin-offs too) Cheers! :tymp:
I got introduced to Pokemon when I was like 6 years old by my brothers playing it (I think we had all of Pokemon Yellow, Sapphire and LeafGreen on the Game Boy Advance at the time).
In-game I'd say gen 4 is my favorite (big fan of HGSS and Platinum, though DP suck in comparison), competitively I'd say 8 (but others are quite close).
whats a way to make friends, especially those who would like to play unpopular metagames (specifically, id like to look for more people to play ss ubers with, some people have recommended me to play sv ubers and befriend some ubers mains but im not intersted in sv ubers, any advice on that too?)

Edit: and for long tournaments (say, seasonal), do you build a bunch in advance or do you wait till the week comes to build?
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