Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer (CAP V. 3.0 READ THE OP!)

Fidgit: Persistent in gen 5?

Shouldn't this move also affect wonder room and magic room? and somehow Fidgit learn those moves? or were they excluded on purpose?
Well, both moves are pretty bad, so there's little reason to put them on Fidgit's movelist.

From a purely flavor perspective, one way I can think of to implement them is to change Persistent's effect to include its partner(s) in non-single battles, and then add the two moves to the effect, but not to the movepool. Since there is no double battle CAP metagame and is unlikely to be one for quite some time, this could be a neat way to say "yeah, these moves exist, but Fidgit shouldn't be bothering with them".

However, it seems to me (though I'm no regular CAP contributor, so take this for what it's worth) that the current position for Gen IV CAPmons is to keep them as they currently are, barring changes to moves already in their movepool (e.g. Syclant now having a +3 boosting move by virtue of the buff to Tail Glow). So I don't think it's likely that this will be implemented, especially since as previously stated, neither Magic Room nor Wonder Room has significant competitive merit.
As of right now, there has yet to be any decisions made on potential changes to gen 4 CAPs and CAP stuff. As such, I do not believe they should be currently included (though I cannot speak for how it is actually implemented in PS!). While it is logical for those moves to be included, and for Fidgit to receive them, decisions on if and how such things will be updated have not yet been made.

On a different note, for future reference, something like this should probably go in the Simple Question, Simple Answer thread.

MOD EDIT: Moved to SQSA.
With the introduction of move tutors in B2W2, will CaPs 1-3 be receiving any new moves through them or not?

I wish I had a firm answer for this; unfortunately, I do not. For right now, you can assume that they are not going to be receiving any new moves. CAP is focused on building a Pokemon. The CAP Metagame (which would feature these updates) is a secondary focus of ours. So for right now, the answer to your question is no, they will not be receiving any new moves.
That's it, I give up trying to find the answer on my own, I'm asking: when the next project starts, how do we submit? Is that private messaging? Because I was looking for the forum that included choosing the concept for Mollux and couldn't find it. Or do you take those forums down once they're completed? (wait, that's not even possible, is it, else why would there be that cool "closed forum" icon?)
Actually, it is possible, and it's exactly what we do. CAP process threads are posted in the main forum, where all the discussion takes place. However, when we finish a CAP, all of its threads save Playtest and Final Product go in the CAP Process Archive subforum. Reading through those threads should give you a good idea of how to submit. The rules also help though hehe

EDIT: also i think the final products and stuff go in there after the playtest ends i'm not sure though
2 questions regarding CAP abilities.

This first one might just be a showdown bug, but I'd still like an answer.

1. Mountaineer says it gives Syclant immunity to rock type attacks, and yet yesterday I got OHKO'd by a Paelo Wave. Is Mountaineer just a Stealth Rock immunity, and if yes, why not just give it Magic Guard?

2. Is Rebound ever going to get renamed to Magic Bounce?
2 questions regarding CAP abilities.

This first one might just be a showdown bug, but I'd still like an answer.

1. Mountaineer says it gives Syclant immunity to rock type attacks, and yet yesterday I got OHKO'd by a Paelo Wave. Is Mountaineer just a Stealth Rock immunity, and if yes, why not just give it Magic Guard?

2. Is Rebound ever going to get renamed to Magic Bounce?
Mountaineer gives Syclant immunity on switch-in. It only lasts until the end of the turn it switched in.

Rebound is not the same as Magic Bounce. Different flavor, sir. Much like Huge Power and Pure Power being the same move only different names.
Mountaineer gives Syclant immunity on switch-in. It only lasts until the end of the turn it switched in.
Ah ok, that explains a lot.
Rebound is not the same as Magic Bounce. Different flavor, sir. Much like Huge Power and Pure Power being the same move only different names.
Was Rebound the flavor ability or something? Wouldn't it be better to have a real ability for a CAP over a user created one?
Magic Bounce was introduced in 5th gen. Colossoil was a 4th gen CAP.

2. Is Rebound ever going to get renamed to Magic Bounce?
Well aware of that. I only asked since Magic Bounce is now a thing and I thought Rebound did the same thing, which it doesn't. At all.

Not that it matters since they don't even function the same way like I thought they did. That confusion was caused by showdown's ability, and the flavor text on the CAP site not being detailed until you actually click on it.
Hey i was just wondering if someone has some sort of hint of when CAP 4 will start. I know we need to let the metagame chill out for a while, but for how long?
read the top post of this page boy
Deck Knight said:
Do not ask "When is <X> going to start?", "When is <X> going to happen?" or any other questions related to future project occurences. The CAP project does not follow any set timelines, so don't ask questions about it. If you are asking about the overall future project direction, the answer is in the stickies, or it isn't a simple question. Either way, don't ask that stuff here.
Quick question. I'm new to CAP, and I've been noticing that quite a lot of analysis appear to be outdated, but my real question is:

Pyroak's analysis mentions Dragon Dance quite a bit, yet there is no DD analysis and it can't learn it Showdown. Was it's movepool changed to omit DD?

EDIT: On an SD Pyroak, is Max Speed really necessary to outspeed certain things, or is it better off running Max HP, considering its natural bulk and poor base speed?
Quick question. I'm new to CAP, and I've been noticing that quite a lot of analysis appear to be outdated, but my real question is:

Pyroak's analysis mentions Dragon Dance quite a bit, yet there is no DD analysis and it can't learn it Showdown. Was it's movepool changed to omit DD?

EDIT: On an SD Pyroak, is Max Speed really necessary to outspeed certain things, or is it better off running Max HP, considering its natural bulk and poor base speed?

Yes, the Pyroak analysis is indeed outdated. Originally it did not learn Dragon Dance, but then via revisions that were made to the early CAPs, its stats and movepool were changed to make it more of a physical sweeper. This added moves such as Dragon Dance to its set. However, since then, the CAPs were changed again to realign them with their original purposes, and thus, it went back to its original stats and movepool, being more of a tank than sweeper, and losing Dragon Dance in the process.

As you have noticed though, the Pyroak analysis, as well as some of the others, are out of date, as they references the additions that have since been reverted.

As for your speed question, Pyroak doesn't need Max Speed, but it can be useful. It lets you out-speed and easily beat uninvested guys like Scizor, Metagross, Vaporeon, and Skarmory. However, if you are not so worried about these guys, then there is no reason not to invest some in HP, as very few if any Pokemon with a lower speed stat will be running an EVs in Speed, meaning you don't lose out to much at all. Indeed, I am fairly certain that is outdated too, as the analysis references outspeeding base 110s, which is nowhere near possible with its current stats.
What are the rules of partaking in the CAP Process? I would like to join, but I noticed it is already underway, is it alright if I hop on to contribute?
absolutely! :D just make sure you read the rules and participate within the boundaries. new blood is always cool in CaP (VOTE FOR CAPEFEATHER)
Can I create my own pokemon, because I already have an idea...?

Nope! Check out the first bullet point here:

CAP Project Mission Statement said:
This is NOT a forum to submit pre-built custom Pokémon from a Pokédex you created.

Here in the Create-A-Pokemon Project, we make Pokemon as a community, which requires intensive rounds of submitting ideas and voting on them. We don't accept already created ideas simply because there is no sense of community in them. Check out the CAP Newcomer's Guide if you have more questions.

You can always send me a private message if you have more questions; I'd love to help. Welcome to Smogon!
This may sound like a noobish question, but I'm a noob in this tier, so...

What would you say are the top, say, 10 most popular pokemon/sets/strategies I need to know about if I want to get accustomed to the tier?
1-9) rain
10) tomohawk

though that above synopsis is true, i'd assume you want a more detailed answer.

The first thing to note is that while some CAPs are stronger than others, a weakness to any of them is a bad idea, because all 14 CAPs are in the top 15 most used Pokemon. The only mon that breaks this streak? Politoed. Be ready for a lot of rain, because so many CAPs abuse it - Tomohawk, Krill, Cyclohm, and Mollux most directly, though Necturna, Kitsunoh, and Syclant appreciate the mitigated fire weakness.

Definitely you'll need a hard counter for SubRoost Tomohawk if you don't want to lose every serious CAP battle, and i'd suggest not getting swept by Tail Glow Syclant or Shell Smash Necturna. those are the three most immediately threatening CAPs, although Cyclohm, Kitsunoh, and Colossoil are all around good mons that you want to be prepared for. Last on your list would be jas hail - it's very anti-meta right now so you should definitely build a team that's able to take hail with abusers such as heatran, reuniclus, syclant, and krillowatt.

OH! And don't use pyroak no matter what. he sucks :l
Thanks for expanding, I sortof understood the whole deal with rain and was more interested with how it's abused and how the rest of the metagame deals with it.

By the way, where do you get your statistics?