ADV ADV OU Winter Seasonal #5 - Round 1

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Art by Blazenix">Blazenix


Entering this seasonal earns you points in qualifying for the ADV OU Championship, and winning it qualifies you to play in the RoA Forum Championship 2023.

Winning this tournament will allow you to display
in your signature.


  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.​
  • This is a standard Gen 3 OU Tournament. All matches must be played in "[Gen 3] OU".​
  • This tournament will be Double Elimination.​
  • In the situation where both players end the game with no Pokemon left, a tie is declared.​
  • All rounds will be First to 2 Wins. You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.​
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown (or smogtours server).​
General Tournament Rules:
  • Identity: I expect many battles to be completed under alts. This can be bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions.​
  • Timer Clause: As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time.​
  • Disconnections: Finally, in the case of a disconnect, the decision is in the hands of the player who did not disconnect. The options are: redo the battle move for move, redo the battle with the same teams but different moves, or redo the battle with completely different teams. If the battle was without a doubt over, they may also take the win. Any suspicion that a disconnect was committed on purpose to redo a match may be appealed to me, and if I feel this happened there will be severe consequences, don't do it.​
Here are the ADV OU Resources.

Round 1

Kristyl  vs  TLTK
ShootingStar  vs  Ara
BIG WILL  vs  airfare
King Billu  vs  Jisoo
reymaki  vs  JasonGetCheese
Skrublax  vs  Zokuru
jawabarat  vs  martinvtran
Aliss  vs  amstro
Danny  vs  kael
rubycandy  vs  ADF Test
jetou  vs  64t
weirlind120  vs  Arcanine1929
Fener  vs  DarthTyros
Amir  vs  MTB
spookykitten1  vs  Gainery
Haarper  vs  Dan24
eifo  vs  PabloERS
Redless  vs  Jirachee
AV11  vs  Shitrock enjoyer
baddummy  vs  Medeia
Shock3600  vs  the winking dol
Rikson  vs  pkThunderbolt
Shiba  vs  McMeghan
Quarante8  vs  Meraki Kiel
Arcanis Prime  vs  No Luck No Life
Isza  vs  OhHiMark493
SquareRootOf22  vs  Mollymiltoast
Ankanjessús  vs  Cristian Jimenez
Corperate n  vs  pokology
Drivetacos  vs  Funkybeangamer
Endill  vs  Indulge in dreams
RBN  vs  Wahab
Sneakyplanner  vs  TDR
Marshy.  vs  CDW Enrique
Royal1604  vs  Churielix
Ctown6  vs  Ara ara
7DyRex  vs  JuanSG
cherryb0ng  vs  Thor
mael  vs  Enzonana.
Staxi  vs  giove97
Plankh  vs  grimx11
velvet  vs  Rubyblood
CreamyPeachy  vs  Carkoala
Spl4sh  vs  Oskari
Hamza-1815cls  vs  ASKid679
Kjaser  vs  paolode99
Your mom op.  vs  Vanchamp
cactuTH6  vs  LizzieTheGamer
robjr  vs  cleffa hater
Shakur  vs  XelloW
Elian  vs  giraffefromholland
AquaticCarlie  vs  Sharow
Shaun | CCGeek  vs  susciety
Neblina  vs  mankeygaming123
Maxisc23  vs  earl gr3y
MrSoup  vs  deathdragon25o
Surfy  vs  NoahDeKnight
Laurel  vs  Abyssal Ruins
monchooo  vs  LonelyMikage
megasalappo  vs  Concept Everything
SpaceSpeakers  vs  gorex
Broken Promises;  vs  melancholy0
damien the genius  vs  Sheik :
5imian  vs  RampageWebber
SM Larvitar  vs  Yung Nuggets
Mister Magnus  vs  Akashi
Lord Ninjax  vs  Bhol
gnont  vs  Monai
Ann.pokepoke  vs  ukaaa
HydreigonTheChild  vs  RandyMcRandFace
Alpha1013  vs  HumYum
Gul Macet  vs  egalvanc
Pkmn trainer Rizzo  vs  shadowtime2000
SunnyDTheSunGod  vs  bydy
marsandback  vs  Blox
Emporio  vs  DezShizzels
Trogba Trogba  vs  RichardMillePlain
Kaneki-san  vs  Skooma
Hiro'  vs  LoD Shiddo
abbehzt  vs  Mr.Bossaru
DrainU  vs  Victario
Vnc  vs  le LLiolae
mentalsoft  vs  Coton
Yak Attack  vs  OmBrArch
Spellcaster  vs  Jhonx~
SOMALIA  vs  ojr
Bless  vs  ArcticBreeze
Nael222  vs  Segale
SuckyLucky  vs  Athena's Myth
Zerkas  vs  FriendlyRhydon
THE918th  vs  Unamed
Caloom  vs  kenny
Vileman  vs  TyCarter
Kale EO Trixiewagon  vs  EB Groupe
MST20  vs  Voyager
Elfuseon  vs  Alecss
luisin  vs  MultiPokemon
Trade  vs  EarthTraveler413
IllusionLaser  vs  artificialdeath
Ruizera  vs  Void
RL  vs  blank who
Magician  vs  ruuko
Lynch mi A2  vs  FastCarVroom!!!
Siglut  vs  Bhalal
theBigbrother17  vs  Yisus piola xd
Deezcastforms  vs  Ghostfall22
Expulso  vs  airports
urrgh  vs  Synoh
Éric  vs  JabbaTheGriffin
oldcvcv  vs  Lialiabeast
Huargensy  vs  Yves Stone
BigFatMantis  vs  false
Almarkowbender  vs  javitu
lolebruh  vs  Sailorgreatest
TGA  vs  Star
Marshall.Law  vs  Leru
toytean  vs  Lhions
touc  vs  Jimothy Cool
Kollin7  vs  TheLonelyNIhilego
CyberOdin  vs  Zacpz
Shedinja-43152  vs  Mendeez
Exublem  vs  Shamankingaursu
patboiii  vs  lele3
Karmagisax  vs  mushamu
BlazingDark  vs  SpectralThief
ChiZGritz17  vs  Iguana
Farce Of The Death  vs  m rodrigues
TheMemeHead  vs  Colteor

Pairings were generated at

The Deadline is Sunday, February 5th, 11:59 PM GMT-5.
Contacting my opponent now on smogons private message. This is my first tournament, so sorry if I comment on here again asking for any help on any matters
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