A Circus Game TV Show?


Let's Keep Fighting
is an Artistis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
Hello dear circus goers, I write to you today to start to gauge interest in for a social game show that would actually have filmed sections that would create episodes for viewing post-game. The game would happen late spring/early summer 2018 with the episodes being fully produced by no later than spring 2019.

Participants will have to, on their own volition, periodically film themselves both when doing certain challenges (not all challenges will have to be filmed), while having "monologues" in which they talk to the camera and share their thoughts on the happenings of the game, and potentially while talking to other players (as applicable). If for some reason, someone wishes to join but does not wish to show his/her face, he/she may opt to film the image of a potato or some other weird thing and have their voice coming from off camera as they narrate (i.e. I care more about the voice, and I can make use of images in place of a person's actual body as needed. If you never want a picture of your face to appear on the program, then simply never send me an image of your face and it will be all good).

I myself will not be doing any filming but instead will be editing the clips and providing visuals/graphics for the challenges (I'll also be designing the challenges myself as well, of course). By and large participants will have a large range of creative freedom during their own filming. I might at times offer suggestions or requirements within certain film segments, but beyond those parameters you'll have plenty of room for autonomy. I would *hope* for a typical player to send in at least 15 minutes worth of audio/film for each weekly cycle, though much more would obviously be permissible.

The style of the game challenges and elimination cycles will be a bit similar to Survivor, Big Brother, and The Genius. I plan on having each challenge cycle last either weekly or every two weeks (a challenge would last either 6 days or 13 days, with the last day reserved for elimination "ceremonies" whatever they end up entailing.) As a social game, how a player interacts with fellow players during a challenge and during elimination ceremonies will be very crucial to winning the game. Typically, Survivor and BB have a mix of athletic and intellect based challenges whereas the Genius has a composition moreso of social strategy mixed a little bit with individual smarts. This game will not have any traditional "athletic" challenges and really one of the most common things that will be tested is cooperation between players. I'm also toying with the idea of having certain challenges with "options" that let players take an alternative path and complete the challenge with the help of a guest that they know from real life. I'm still mulling this idea over, so it may get canned, and even if it does happen no player would ever be required to take this option and the game's overall focus will be on player vs player relations.

Most smart phones and not-shit-webcams will have cameras and voice recording that will be suitable for filming, but if you have fancier equipment then you can definitely use that as well. I am NOT saying that every one interested needs fancy equipment and really average, normal equipment should suffice.

I still need to do research on legal stuff for waivers and whatnot, but probably the easiest way for this to function legally would involve all participants being 18+ years of age and perhaps a United States citizen. If you're younger than 18 but would like to participate, then your parent or legal guardian would likely need to sign waivers as well. There's also potential issues of identity and security, so I'll be looking into waiver methods that do not require me to learn anyone's real name if they so wish not to share (as in digitally signing wavers with a code or with your username and only providing your initials, etc.). But the basic gist of this is you would be volunteering to give voice clips, video, etc for the sake of the program. The program is volunteer based, and any film/audio you send to me you are giving me permission to use for the episodes and accompanying promotional material, etc. The episodes likely will just be posted on youtube, with possible "extended" versions of certain challenge performances existing outside of normal episodes.

So at this point, you may be thinking, "Hey HeaL, this sounds like a lot of work! I have to film myself while playing a game? Why would I put in that much effort?" What do you mean why!? Isn't having fun playing a new game enough!? Oh... it's not enough? Well then... Ahem... The winner of this game will receive a small, nominal amount of prize money, starting at $25 and may increase based on my ability to fund this project and perhaps on the performance of the winner him/herself. I'm not rich. I'm not doing this project to make money off of it. So... I can't have ridiculous prizes.

In order for this game to run, I am looking for a range from 10 to 20 people to play. I will potentially be getting some people from outside of circus as well, but in order for it to work I do need at least a handful of circusers. I know a lot of details of this game are very vague at this point, but if there is at least a tiny bit of interest in this game then more details will get fleshed out over the coming months. (Sidenote: There also may be some sort of short and sweet online interview process to "get on the show" that would probably be more about introducing players than having people flat out audition, though if slots fill up then auditions might be necessary).

Really, my biggest question is if there's any of you circus goers who would be willing to play a game that requires you to film yourself or record your voice with and allow this material to be edited into post-game episodes? And if yes, then what other things would you like to be included in the game or things you would not want to be included?

Is this something you think you'd never do in a million years? Well that's cool, you can by and large leave this thread alone (unless you're idk expressing interest in watching the finished episodes or something). If this is something you'd maybe consider, then please reply and say what you'd like to see to actually be willing to sign up (winning a million dollars is obviously not a valid condition, sorry).