Tournament 2017 Battle Spot Singles Circuit

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Welcome to the Smogon Battle Spot Singles Circuit, where we will be hosting a year-long circuit in the Battle Spot Singles format! The goal of this circuit is to provide a highly competitive environment for the people in the community, incorporating both people who play cartridge and people who play on Pokemon Showdown. This thread will serve as a central hub for the circuit, where you can find information about the circuit and the leaderboard.

Top 12 Leaderboard [Google Sheets Version]

221 chemcoop [PS3] [PS4] [PGL5]
168 greilmercenary9
153 Mishimono
143 Doobzi [PGL4]
132 Solerme
123 Natalie. [PS2] [PGL3]
107 Jmal98 [PGL2]
101 Psynergy [PGL6]
77 Theorymon
72 Jhon [PS5]
70 KarimTheRaisin

Information on Circuit Points (CP) and Seasonal Champions:

The Battle Spot Singles Circuit (or BSSC for short) will operate around the Pokemon Global Link (PGL) season system. One PGL season lasts 2 months. Every season, players will receive Circuit Points (CP) based on their performance in the Battle Spot Singles format on cartridge and on Pokemon Showdown. There will also be two seasonal champions each season: one from the cartridge side and one from the Pokemon Showdown side.

Does this mean that in order to have a lot of CP, you need to participate in everything every season? No, it does not. Your overall CP will only take into account your 5 highest CP in the 10 events that will be held this year ([1 PS + 1 PGL] x 5 seasons). In other words, 5/10 events will not be counted for CP (though the more you participate, the more chances you will have for boosting your overall CP).

CP and seasonal champion titles are used to qualify for the play-offs, called the Invitational. Details will be shown below.

Events and Rewards:

Every season, the BSSC will have three events taking place that rewards players with CP and Seasonal Champion titles:
  • Cartridge Rated Battles
    • Players will receive 1CP for every 10 points above 1500 at the end of the season on the PGL Battle Spot Singles ladder (NOTE: not the PS ladder). Players cannot receive negative points for being below.
    • To receive points, you must post your scores in this thread.
  • Cartridge Ladder Tournament
    • The top 8 players of a season on the cartridge ladder will be invited to join a best-of-three, single elimination cartridge tournament. Team switching is allowed.
    • The tournament will be seeded according to ladder placement.
    • The winner will earn a Seasonal Champion title and a custom banner for a season.
  • Pokemon Showdown Tournament
    • Best-of-three, single-elimination tournament, team switching allowed.
    • Seeded according to current overall CP. High seeds will get round 1 byes in the event of a non-tournament number.
    • Players receive (Sum of rounds won x 2) CP. For example, if you lose in round 5, then you receive (1+2+3+4)x2=20CP. You will not receive CP for a bye/coinflip unless you win the next round.
    • The winner will earn a Seasonal Champion title and a custom banner for a season.
Custom banner:

Information on the Invitational:

The BSSC has playoffs in the form of an Invitational where 12 players who qualify are invited to a best-of-five, single elimination tournament to decide once and for all, the best Battle Spot Singles player of the year!
  • Qualifications for the Invitational
    • The top 10 players on the leaderboard are qualified to play in the Invitational.
    • For the 11th and 12th spot, the two highest ranked players within 11-24th place in the leaderboard with a seasonal champion title will qualify. If not applicable, the highest ranked player will qualify.
    • In the event of a tie that makes the tournament have more than 12 players, the players involved in the tie with more Seasonal Champion titles in the past 6 seasons will proceed. If there's still more than 12 players, the players involved have one week to do a best-of-three round robin against each other until 12 players are in the tournament.
  • Invitational format
    • Best-of-five, single elimination. Team switching allowed. Seeded bracket.
    • The tournament will be held on Pokemon Showdown.
    • Top 4 players get a round one bye. Tiebreakers for top 4 use the same format shown above and will be done before the tournament.
  • Prizes
    • Custom banner on forums: "[year] BSS Champion"

    • Custom role on discord and voice in the Battle Spot room on Pokemon Showdown
This thread will be updated with news regarding the circuit, so make sure to watch this thread! If you have any questions/suggestions, pm me on Discord or Pokemon Showdown.
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Season 2 Cartridge Tournament Champion: Jmal98
Season 2 PS Tournament Champion: Natalie.

Season 3 Cartridge Tournament Champion: Natalie.
Season 3 PS Tournament Champion: chemcoop

Season 4 Cartridge Tournament Champion: Doobzi
Season 4 PS Tournament Champion: chemcoop

Season 5 Cartridge Tournament Champion: chemcoop
Season 5 PS Tournament Champion: Jhon

Season 6 Cartridge Tournament Champion: Psynergy
Season 6 PS Tournament Champion: Megazard

BSSC Invitational I Champion: Jmal98
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This is a brief representation of what the BSSC's schedule is going to look like:


Since we didn't have any events in place during season 1, take note that the 2017 Invitational will only take seasons 2-6 into account.

Signups for the Season 2 PS tour will be posted in the Circuit Tournaments forum on the day season 2 starts.
Since there were some people who seemed confused, the PS BSS ladder elo does NOT contribute to CP.

It's only your rating on the 3ds ladder.
ANNOUNCEMENT: The total CP system has been changed.

Previous system: Top 3/5 CP from ps tournaments and top 3/5 CP from pgl ladder rating contributes to the total CP
New system: Top 5/10 CP from ps tournaments AND pgl ladder rating contributes to total CP

The new system is in place to better accommodate players who don't play on both PS and PGL, as they will only have 3 sources of CP compared to 6. Now, all players will have 5 sources of CP (because there's 5 seasons this year. Next year there will be a best finish limit of 6). Players who play both PS and PGL still have the advantage as they have more opportunities to increase their total CP.
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Season 2 has ended and results are out on the PGL website!

Please put your results in this thread or send it to me via PM so that your record can be reflected to get CP.

If you already posted your PGL profile link on there or shared it with me in the past, you don't have to do anything as I will check your profile and update the score.

Deadline to post your profile/screenshot is the end of the month. If you don't you will not be in the running for the cartridge tournament.

Season 3 PS Tournament will be open soon
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Season 3 has ended and results are out on the PGL website!

Please put your results in this thread or send it to me via PM so that your record can be reflected to get CP.

If you already posted your PGL profile link on there or shared it with me in the past, you don't have to do anything as I will check your profile and update the score. If you only shared a screenshot you will need to give me a new screenshot.

Deadline to post your profile/screenshot is the end of the month. If you don't you will not be in the running for the cartridge tournament.

Season 4 PS tournament is now live!
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Announcement regarding BSSC Season 7

There will not be a Pokemon Showdown or a Cartridge Tournament for season 7 of BSSC. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon will be new releases and we want everyone to focus on enjoying those new games and focus on the first invitational of BSSC.

During this time I will also be revising the BSSC system and make improvements for the second year. More information on the new circuit that will resume in Season 8 will be announced at a later time.
Congratulations to our Season 6 Cartridge Tournament qualifiers!

cant say

As for the difference this makes for the Invitational race, ThickFatAzumarill is currently 13th and cant say is 15th. If either one of them wins the tournament they will get the 12th slot over Megazard, as the two highest ranked title holders after 10th would be Jhon and cant say or TFA.
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