Tournament 1v1 WC VII Discussion Thread

Hello, if you would like to play for US SOUTH, we will be holding a talent show this year for tryouts. Please record a video of your special talent and send it to DEG on smogon or @d.e.g on discord. We look forward to seeing what kind of talent can is hiding in the good ol south!
Elo Bandit I wish I didn't bet against your Hawlucha and I hope I never have to do anything like this ever again.

Aspac chat I am sorry. However I am, if nothing, a man of my word.


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done with mopo so here are the mons (s/o Turbo Drif ♥ once again)

annihilape: survives cb adamant shadow claw, always bulk up t1, taunt and encore are pretty interchangeable i changed it a lot
foongus: tbh this set sucked it's just a worse version of what everyone else is running (growth sludge bomb clear smog synthesis)
golduck: this mu sucks, it used to be perfect in gen 8 but now it just sucks (MattC (Banned) knows more about this), this set used to be mental herb with trailblaze gknot iirc but i switched it for encore disable last minute.
inteleon: always icy wind t1, lives specs beam, loses to sd variants
zweilous: max hp lives scarf outrage, 50/50 vs cb and other max speed variants, you can run draco meteor for consistency (which i did sometimes)

i never made any major changes outside of duck but yeah, ty turbo drif, i'll give you mopo next year if i make latam again.
hopefully obituaries revive this dead thread (lol) just my opinions on teams so if i don't say ur team was broken my bad! all meant in good fun


expectation: a team with a lot of strong tour players in other tiers so could potentially contest for 4th/5th seed depending on the ceiling of known players in our community/how well the tour players source teams.
reality: no positive players as well as current gen being pretty lacking compared to the rest of the teams in the tour. shoutout to LpZ for having a decent oras showing though and he seemed to pick up the gen pretty quick. would be cool to see some of these players come back in the future since a lot had potential but the climate for this year was definitely not in their favor.

expectation: bernian burnout simulator
reality: bernian burnout simulator that featured a lot of surprise upsets and really threw a lot of teams off balance by winning which wasnt exactly expected from many of their slots lmao. like brazil didnt have a positive player (rip) but similar to them i think being a new team formed this year with only 1 mainer with no real broad experience in either managing or playing really limited the ceiling they could reach. at least they weren't last seed woo! but i don't think many people had a ton of faith in them being able to keep up. hopefully it was another learning experience similar to brazil and they can get better over time as bernian gets more time to shine as a player.

expectation: that i wouldnt be writing this until after semis at least LMAOOO. being fr thought this would easily be a second seed team and had a really strong roster on paper, west has been prone to fumbles in the past and had some clashing before the season started but i figured there was still a chance of the culture changing and forming around new current gen players.
reality: eblurb hit plat in tft. p much west legacy of having solid teams on players and underperforming rosters in general, their current gen was surprisingly hit or miss and they still had some clashing personalities in between all of it which didnt help them while they were already down. they had 1 player go positive WOOOO!!! shoutout to waylaid for breaking west's SS record from the past 3 years on his own btw what a goat.

expectation: i thought they looked pretty solid on paper, but lumii not wanting much to do with the tier/start really held them back a lot. Also Taka and Slip stepping up to manage was pretty interesting to see as well considering Itchy has held it down in the past. taka and slip have definitely managed other tours enough to know what they're doing on that front so should be fine to fill it in. also got random players known to be solid come back like crying and tort so interesting to see what they're up to in 2023. no bird rip :((
reality: played super late but couldn't pull it all together later on. akuu got unlucky with pools as per usual and broke even. south's sv was fairly average and none of them had more than 2 wins :(. i feel like they had a lot of role players but nobody really glueing them all together? no real person to step in and build a ton or just inspire since most of the prep seemed kinda weak into some trending mons. Also unfortunately had some act issues later on in the season which made it even harder since subbing out edgar for lumii and nick for itchy was really tough to recover from since both the starters were pretty confident in their own tier. had south hit their stride they definitely could've had a good run to make it into tb or playoffs but unfortunately the cards just weren't in their favor towards the end of pools. taka had another solid showing after his PL which was expected since this team has the most amount of ppl to throw ideas in BW with. other than that the team had mono 2 win slots besides SV4 and SS.

expectation: they randomly got a ton of people back from the dead like charm aliss and blazikin which was cool to see. the QWILY draft was also really cool but no leru this year is a huge loss. Sword bo7 was interesting since he hasn't had a tour i've really seen him come into his own at this point instead of throwing someone else in there. wanted to see eeveekid on this roster :((( they get done dirty for what!! if the names can match with results then i could totally see them not having to tb for once! (especially since their tb doesn't seem that much better compared to other rosters) but it really hinges on people that were performing well a while ago being able to hold up after all those years.
reality: the crust was really unkind to neu, with most of the older known players putting up a 1-3 record and the team really didnt have too many carries besides 4-0 neomonster to help balance out the deficit. the sv2 and 4 slots were pretty solid putting up 3-1s. Sword got subbed ripp but QWILY was finally given decent teams in a team tour WOOOO (anti shoutout to dez for magnet pull zone tho). their wincon was having a lower number of wins be able to tb but unfortunately other teams just kept winning out and neu was at a point where they couldnt match the pace after their non-ideal start.

expectation: couple new faces but off rip their current gen didnt seem as outspoken in the gen/as dominant as others so it looked to stick out like a sore thumb for them. 3 of the cg players haven't played SV in a team tour and seu has no notable sv builders that seemed sustainable so it definitely looked like a WIP for them. Close is the goat so no need to deep dive rly, great player that really wants to win so he's gonna try/care a ton. ACII is someone who is historically competitive so excited to see him back in the game. seroo could've been anyone really since close/others can just pass a bunch of ORAS to anyone and they'll have decent odds at claiming a few wins. PA apparently built a decent amt of BW in PL so should be fine to leave him to his own devices here. ncal got tourbanned for fun so don't have him on roster which may or may not have been fine?? only 1 ss slot and shit ton of seu players play that tier. denis also gone :(( (i miss u denis come backkk) but realistically both chill in the teamcord at least a little bit to drop pastes or something. the bench depth is probably in the lower half of the tour besides LBDC who is usually pretty busy so idk if they would even be able to get in realistically.
reality: cg went better than expected (even if most was just breaking even lmao) but seu went 0-4 in sm???? definitely not what i would've expected looking at the roster and realistic amount of support they could've gotten here but it was definitely weird to look at on the sheet. goat close 4-0d his pool which was really likely to happen. seroo and PA both did kinda average, PA had the harder BW pool so was expected and same for seroo with a relatively easier ORAS pool imo. lot of consistency but 0-4 in SM really killed a ton of the great things they had going on. Wonter subbing in over LBDC was also worse but there probably weren't any other options to rely on with the bench.

if u read this far thx hopefully it was a good read :D. here's standings for teams i mentioned in da post if u want to see player records specifically i like half covered them so probably best to check the sheet for it.
hello! uhh been a while huh? well it hasn't but that's not the point

today i decided that since i have all the time on the world now, might as well talk about LATAM's origin story, my mental health, my players, and some miscellaneous stuff, so here we go!

reading music: just listen to daft punk or something lol

i'm pretty sure everything started with a DM from TrainerPla, basically just telling me if i was interested in having a team in latam (i was half-expecting to go in south) and gave me a special list of players that would be interested if i asked around (DEG also contacted me with the same list and told me if i did it just let him know)
(i only messaged 4 of these people lol)

i asked deg basically who from these people would be willing to co with me, and he mentioned dybala so i talked to him, we ended up talking a bit and decided to grab some people from this list, specifically long spirit for oras and tarre for ss (he peaked 1800 on ladder apparently), which would be helpful in old gens, i was kinda freaking out tho cuz i didn't know anyone else
(picture of me planning before going to bed, one last kiss is banned lol)

after all of this i recruited raulito, since i knew him from the 1v1 chat room and thought he was decent at the game.
during this time i was also trying to get fakee on the team, but he rejected my offer (at first)

as it turned out, a bit of luck would get me this time as in bw classic i had to face portrait of ruin, who at the time didn't know he was diputadesindecises, a room voice in eventos (a spanish subroom), after knowing this (and losing to him in 5) i decided that he was gonna be our bw slot unless fakee showed up, and that was our team before signups.

when signups started, i was quick to announce it to anyone in the eventos discord server, and two people took interest: haxlolo, who told me i could draft them if i had no one else, and fakee, who i gladly let him join as our bw slot.
cosmic, enzonana and crossaint were recruited at around the same time after i talked to them on smogon.
and finally, jesusgameplays2, tempo di anguria and raahel were chosen as the final players, all of them invited by dybala (ty again)

as for the logo, i started looking for people when signups began (bad idea), krytocon told me he could pay a commission for me if he needed to but in the end my guy Arvinraj K III C decided to do it for free, which is crazy. tysm you're awesome.

that sums up the origin story of latam pretty well i'd say, so yeah, thanks to dybala for all of the help in recruiting.

1. Bernian
Tier: SV Bo7, Monopoke
Record: 2-2 (4-4 with monopoke)
Review: i'll go deeper on this on the mental health section, but i really wasn't expecting anything from myself, but i think after this showing i can say that i think i solidified myself as a good player, but not quite in the level of bo7, however i didn't have much of a choice and i didn't want to send any of my other players to suffer through it, i'm very glad and thankful that i went neutral, hopefully that means bernian stocks have risen.

2. Long Spirit
Tier: ORAS Bo5
Record: 2-2
Review: man i don't even know where to start, i knew from the moment i drafted you and lost that bo5 vs you that i really had a hidden gem of a player that no one had ever seen before, and i'm glad i did it. you have a very bright future ahead of you and if you keep going i can assure you that it will go very well, if you need any help you can always consult me and everyone in 1v1cord, i'm sure they can teach you more, thank you for accepting!

3. Tarre25
Tier: SS Bo5
Record: 1-3
Review: while your record might make you seem as underwhelming, this is really not the case, just like long, if you can get more experience i can assure you that you can and will go far, idk if you will actually but you're by no means a bad player, good luck on your endeavors!

4. LaViejaRaulito
Tier: SV Bo5
Record: 0-3 (subbed out)
Review: i think you can start winning with enough practice, i should've probably helped more, sorry.

5. Portrait or Ruin
Tier: SV Bo5
Record: 1-1 (subbed in for Raahel)
Review: you played remarkably well, putting up a fight and even beating a member of the 1v1 council! you also have a bright future in 1v1 and i know i can trust you playing any gen, thank you so much for accepting!

6. Fakee
Tier: BW Bo5
Record: 2-2
Review: you lived up to my expectations, and you played really well, you should've gone 3-1 but we got ultra haxxed by ahd, but that's okay. you are an amazing player and you have the experience, i will be more than glad to play with you again next year, thank you for accepting my request, despite denying it at first.

7. Enzonana.
Tier: SV Bo5
Record: 2-2
Review: you're actually insane dude, from a pool that i probably would've played, you did just as well as everyone else, this is an amazing accomplishment for someone who came from 2v2 to here, if you start signing up on SV tours i have zero doubt in my mind that you will do excellently, you are a great player.

8. Crossaint
Tier: SM Bo5
Record: 2-2
Review: i actually completely expected nothing out of this tier, but you beat some notable mainers and put up a fight against the strongest players, just like enzo, long and portrait, i have no doubt in my mind that if you keep practicing you can be a force to be reckoned with, thank you for participating.

9. Divine10
Review: while you didn't participate in any tiers, you were a good help when it came to subs, i'm glad i drafted you!

10. JesusGameplays2
Review: etcetera

11. Tempo di anguria
Tier: SV Bo5
Record: 0-1 (subbed in for LaViejaRaulito)
Review: had to sub you in due to raulito being offline, but i still think you have future as a player! thanks for participating.

12. Raahel
Tier: SV Bo5
Record: 0-2 (subbed out)
Review: i had hopes but it wasn't meant to be i guess

thanks to everyone for taking time out of their lives to play this with me and making my dream come true.

so i haven't talked about my mental health ever since i tried to do... it, but some people might care so here it is.
this tour, for a while, meant everything to me in life, after i left the psych ward and started planning this it was the only thing i could focus while i was still on school break, i couldn't talk to anyone, i was scared of everyone irl, and i thought i would never be able to recover.
i did recover tho, in no small help thanks to my psychiatrist and psychologist which kinda brought me back to life and made me excited to compete.
sometimes the participation trophy is all you need to get to be happy, i'm so incredibly glad to have all of these people around me and help me with everything, i would never exchange this bond with anything in life, and i hope i can keep being friends with everyone i know so far.
losing is disheartening, but winning is so hype, and that's how latam rolled for the majority of the tour, just happy to be here and punching holes in teams, we definitely weren't gonna be cut-off for playoffs in our first tour ever, but at least we didn't get last place, even though we were pretty fuckin close to. huge thanks to everyone that supported me n stuff, y'all are crazy.

ALL OF LATAM, which all have already been mentioned.

ALL OF THE HAMBURGLARS. delemon bored_glitch Jamez Fancy1 Marshme1to, y'all are super cool, thanks for everything.

ALL OF THE SUPPORTERS. bea stravench DripLegend Eeveekid10 Turbo Drif ♥ Itchy Elo Bandit, thank you for helping.

MENTAL HEALTH THERAPY. bea Opchurtle100 Lumii DripLegend @hamburglars. tysm.

AND ESPECIALLY Dybala jr, thank you for making my dream come true, ily.

i think that's it, if i forgot someone tell me on discord.

if you read everything, thank you for wasting your time on reading a lone person's thoughts, it means a lot to me
see you guys on dlc2 kickoff

gn :cramorant:
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Just wanted to make a quick post for neuk because even though this didn't end how we wanted it to, I'm happy with how some of this tour went. The 0-5 start really killed us, we gave ourselves a mountain to climb and we very nearly did but ultimately the cutoff didn't end up where we needed it. To go from 3-10 to neutral is a commendable effort especially since in past years that would have been enough for tiebreak. Didn't work out that way this time, but I'm still proud that we nearly made the comeback.

Not gonna do individual shoutouts for everyone but I wanted to do a few. Shoutouts to all the new blood like Rudi and Qwily who put up good records, neuk has been using the same people for years so its nice to see newer players performing. Shoutout to the goat Neomonster who 4-0d his whole ass pool by end of w2, goat behaviour. Shoutouts to Kry for winning the last 2 games, even though they didn't end up mattering they were clutch wins and I appreciate that.

Most importantly, massive shoutouts to my main man DezShizzels who put in a massive amount of effort this tour. Our SV went 9-7 in the end and a lot of that was down to you (magnet pull zone notwithstanding). Most people don't know how much effort you put into both CG and old gens, but I know and I also know we'd have come last without you. This tour took years off both our lifespans but you deserved to make poffs more than anyone and I'm sorry we couldn't deliver that. You're the goat and if they don't let you manage in PL I will be donating a 2003 ford focus to the TDs.

God I'm never making poffs am I? Whatever the record is for most tours without qualifying, I've got to be getting close lol. Anyway, this was my first time managing in a 1v1 team tour and a lot of people seemed confused that I didn't choose to play. I knew I wouldn't have time to play because of my masters (I actually somehow had even less time than I anticipated) but getting this fucking team to poffs is a personal goal of mine but I still wanted to be involved, and me and dez have been talking about doing this for a while. In terms of my own management, I'm relatively happy with how I did. I'm not the kind of manager who feeds every slot but I was always around at scheduled times to harass opposing managers when their players didn't show and support my players. I tried my best to be the kind of manager I want when I'm a player and I think I did an ok job at that. In terms of decisions throughout the tour, there were a few things I'd change but given what info and options we had at the time I think they were pretty reasonable. As is the nature of mons, a lot of people offered their opinions on how me and dez handled certain things (I'm not salty, I do this myself) but given what was apparent to us before and during the tour, I think most of our calls ended up benefitting the team.

Anyway this is getting rambly so I'm gonna stop here before I start complaining about how South were allowed to play basically no games before the 2 week cutoff lol. I have no intention of playing individuals for the time being so I'll see yall at the next team tour, maybe. Cheers.
Its been a couple days but I wanted to make a fairly informal shoutout post to Team Niagara this will probably be a bit on the longer side so I'll just start in no particular order then talk about my experiences as a whole as a (technically) first-time captain.

You did super amazing this tour going 4-1 is super impressive and with a lot of very convincing wins I am super thankful to have you on the team. I saw you put in the effort and was always supporting and bringing up the moral for the rest of the team as well. I felt I could rely on you and I am glad I did, you're still early in your 1v1 career and I'm sure in your next tours you are going to do great. Only gripe I have is that I can't type out "Career's 1v1 career" without it looking silly ;). Nice person and great player I am really glad I got to meet you. And please give my thanks once again to your friend for the logo I very much appreciated it!
You did really well this tour and I saw just how much work you put into your slots as well as every other SV slot and I am super happy to have slotted you and have no regrets. Building 6 teams per week is not normal but it really shows much effort you put in and you were just such a big help for our SV overall so I am extremely thankful for that. Even with all the scheduling complications you were able to win your games even under all the pressure so I know you have the mental fortitude of a strong player and I hope you realize that yourself. You are a great SV player and I hope to see you continue to do great things. Just stop blocking me >:( !
Your record doesn't properly reflect the skill you have and I know that if things went just a little differently you would be at the top of the metagame. Your help was invaluable in BW as well and I am super glad to have had you on the team. Hopefully next year the timing will be slightly better as well but regardless I hope to see you continue to improve and I am sure I'll be seeing you doing great in other tours in no time!
You already know this but I do truly apologize for the situation I put you in. I have seen the type of player you are and I know it is nothing what the record entails. Timing issues between myself and the fact that you're doing a mf postgrad means that 1v1 is rightfully not at the top of your priority list, hopefully next year timing will be better for the both of us and I would love to see you join us again. I have a lot of respect for you as a person and a player so I'll just say good luck with your postgrad and I'll see you around.
Thank you for giving us our SS win at the very least Niagara didn't go 0-X. Your environment was also strange considering by the time you did get a chance to play we were already guaranteed playoffs so sometimes there's not much you can do. I hope to see you around next year and hopefully you can be a part of leading our SS to be more successful! I'm confident in your ability to do so!
I am so glad I took the chance and started you in SM and I have no regrets doing so. I know you have the skills and knowledge that it takes to be a good SM player and I hope in PL you will be truly able to show your stuff. All you need is to be more confident in yourself and start seeing yourself as a good player because honestly the only thing holding you back is your mindset (as well as seeing ghost sets everywhere). Trust yourself to be the better player and you will do great, the situation in semis was incredibly unfortunate but nothing can really be done except moving forward and winning the next game! I hope to see you next PL and next WC being more confident and ignoring everyone who doubts you in the process! I've seen the work you put in, now it's time to put it into action!
Mr. Pokesartscooly you have always been reliable and able to win games when needed. I don't know how you do it considering you never build in your channel but I know that I can randomly ping you a day before your game and then I'll see 5 teams built and a series won and not much else I can ask for. You still the goat and I am glad I was able to team with you again
I was really impressed with your play in BW even if you haven't really touched the tier in a long time you still were able to pick up a lot of the tier's nuances and win. I wish we could have given you more support but hopefully now that you have a couple more games under your belt you will be able to play more BW if you so choose. That Kyurem game was one of the best games I have ever watched and it was great play so I am confident you have what it takes for the future in BW. I wish I could have been more help aside from posting Kaif teams during pools but you got your games done and got us a couple of wins so all's well that ends well. Very happy to have you on the team and hopefully I'll be seeing more BW out of you in the near future!
I wish I was able to give you a chance to play this WC but the way the slots worked out it didn't really happen but sometimes that's just how it is. You were able to help from time to time in SM and I am thankful for that, good luck with everything and I'll hopefully see you around!
The other mish who has made it impossible for me to have mish tag me on PS, for that I will never forgive you /j. We didn't really get to talk much but I am sure if I had a chance to slot you that wouldn't be the case. Keep on winning in 2v2 and good luck moving forward irl and online!
Last but certainly not least Delemon. I am so glad I was able to captain with you, you are for sure one of the best players and captains of all time. I have no clue how you do it but you were able to not only help in SV but also inspire everyone to be the best version of themselves in SV and for that I am thankful. You were also giving support in every channel and I'm not convinced you're not a robot considering how much time you put in but I truly am thankful for all of it! I really am glad that I had someone to rely on and I hope I'll be able to team with you again. Even though we didn't get our win this year I am confident that next year we have what it takes and I am always glad to team with you! Even with everything I have said it really doesn't feel like it's enough but hopefully you understand the amount of respect I have for you as a captain and as a player! I'll see you in champs either facing you or stealing your teams!

That's everyone on the lineup which took more time than I expected now to move on to everyone who helped and I am extremely thankful to everyone else who helped, if I miss you I apologize there are a lot of people I need to go through but this isn't a reflection on you whatsoever.

Was El Spicy really worth it? Come on, do better, next year don't get tourbanned over something so stupid. Also stop giving us a bad image, that's my job and I'm unionized! All jokes aside, you have that fire in you to cheer on East and I am always thankful for that, you helped here and there and I am thankful for whatever help you did give, hopefully next year you will be able to help more actively considering you won't be tourbanned!
Another tourbanned user, this one for something arguably dumber than Jamez's tourban but it is what it is. I am always glad to team with you and your help is always appreciated, I understand you were busy because of the WC timing so hopefully next year I'll be able to team with an unbanned luser with more time and I'll see you then. Also monopoke will always be waiting for you.
I'm glad that you joined the server and helped in monopoke and a couple of other channels, all help is always appreciated and it was nice talking to you as well! I'll see you around
You were a bunch of help in SM and I am so thankful I was able to bounce ideas of you. Sometimes you cooked a little too hard and I needed to bring you down to Earth but our SM wouldn't have been nearly as good if it wasn't for your help and for that I'm always thankful!
THE PTCG mansplainer you were able to keep moral up with your QOTD and I am truly thankful for that, you also stepped in for monopoke which I have always insisted is the most important slot in the tour! I know that when you decide to fully invest yourself in whatever tier you will have the skills you need to succeed so hopefully I'll be seeing more of you soon! Always love talking to you and I'll definitely see you soon!
You're my goat for that Kyurem set even if that was for sure NOT what it was intended for idc that was fire! You were so much help in BW even if it was exclusively for playoffs you literally had so many lines and I wish they gave us DMV so badly and you can properly be a part of East and subsequently Niagara. I'll keep hoping that next year East will actually be East instead of being fragmented as it is rn. Like seriously who genuinely considers mf DELAWARE to be south like AHHHHHH, let alone rest of DMV but whatever.
Another East member stolen from us by 19th century plumbing NOOOOOOO. They cannot deny us DMV forever we will be united as East soon hopefully next year! Thank you for your help I really appreciated it and I am sure if you are properly on East we'll be unstoppable
I am super thankful that you joined during playoffs and you were a lot of help in a lot of slots, except in SS >:(. I'll be throwing you in the hell slot (SS 1v1) next WC so beware! Ok in all seriousness I am glad that you are enjoying yourself and I am glad that you joined at the end and hopefully next year you can just chill in the discord and cheer us on. We finally got East and Canada combined after talking about however many years ago so at least we can say we did it! Good luck in everything you do and I'll hopefully see you around!
Thank you for helping in BW and helping Alyssa, I'm sure if the timing wasn't so bad you would be able to help even more and for that I am thankful. I'm always thankful for help and you were very active considering irl and I wish you the best of luck moving forward!
I saw this card recently and thought of you! Thank you for the help and support and in general news you did pretty well captaining considering it's your first time and I hope to see LATAM do even better next year, I'm always cheering you guys on!
I didn't really talk to you before but I am glad I was able to because you're a really nice guy and really fun person to talk to. Thank you for the help in SV as well and I hope I get to talk to you more you bring up a lot of thought provoking ideas that were a lot of fun like I said!
Thank you for the BW help and it was great talking to you, I was also really impressed with that Swellow game and the power team of you and Doug seems unstoppable, good luck with everything!
Thank you for helping Bea and SV in general it was very helpful seeing your perspective! Wish I got to talk to you more but you seemed really nice, once again thank you for helping us in playoffs!
Thank you for the help in SM even though the unfortunate circumstances means we never got to put it to use. I hope I'll be able to team with you soon it's always a pleasure talking with you and you're a great person all around! Best of luck with everything irl and I'll hopefully see you around!
Thank you for joining and helping in SV and SM even if we weren't able to show off the hard work I still very much appreciate it!
Your input on Mubs team was definitely helpful and I am sure that with your help to Mubs that finals would be a breeze, always a pleasure talking with you!
Glad to have you in the server you're definitely someone whose messages keep me on my toes. Hope everything's going well and continues to do so!
Thank you for the help in SM I feel like we had so many people helping it was a guarantee we would have done great wish that our hard work would have payed off but can't really control that. Hopefully everything is good with you and I always enjoy talking with you!
One of the goats of all time I was truly hoping for you to win classic ahhhhhhh. Even if it was only for a little bit I am thankful for the help and I always love teaming with you and hope I'll get that opportunity in the future soon!
Thank you for hosting! While there were some issues in the process I still think that it overall went extremely smoothly and hopefully the easy fixes for those problems will be implemented for the next edition. Hosting is very much a thankless job so I just wanted to reiterate my thanks and hopefully if you decide to host next year it will be even better! Thanks Heika !!!

Hopefully I didn't forget anyone but truly thank you thank you thank you to everyone who helped, large and small. I am super proud of the team and where we got to and I feel that this team is a WC winning team and next year we can only improve so I can't wait to team with everyone again next year and hopefully stuff will go more our way! Team Niagara for the win

Technically this was my first time captaining a team so getting Semis is great. In all seriousness though I am really glad we got to defy expectations that we wouldn't even make playoffs but I believed in our team and I truly believe we had it in us to win it all. Personally I do wish I could have done more, our SS which I promised to support was lacking and I was forced to simply pass old teams instead of building new ones and for that I am sorry to my team and especially Fragments and Tenzhii. I wish IRL didn't nearly kill me and the whole timing of WC wasn't great and there were a lot of external issues surrounding the tour which made me feel like I didn't give my best all the way through. Towards the end I did try to pour everything in and sometimes it just doesn't work out. I really am thankful that I was given the opportunity to captain and I probably will want to next year if the team wants it. I tried to be as democratic and accountable as possible during the tour and I think that I did a decent enough job in that regard. I know it isn't helpful to dwell on the past but I do see Niagara losing in semis to be solely resting on me, this isn't to take away from Xander whatsoever I do have a lot of respect for him as a player but it still feels bad in the moment and in retrospect. I'm kinda ranting at this point but I guess I just had even higher hopes for Niagara and my fault between the misclick and hax just makes the whole situation bittersweet. I don't know if I'll continue to play 1v1 I think I will prefer to just stick to building but ig we will see. I also hope we get DMV region to East but alas having regions decided by non-Americans means that people genuinely believe Delaware is a Southern state but now I'm actually ranting. Thank you to anyone and everyone who read this far!
i sold but everyone on central is amazing so i'd rather give them the spotlight here. grateful that we were able to get such a hard-working group of people here and make it to finals when a lot of people assumed we would just flop/fold without a lot of people being back this year. was a pleasure getting to work with all of you and im glad i was able to take part in leading such a team <3

looking out for newbloods you kinda made yourself known with random deep classic cup runs and even though you lost in classic playoffs it was still really impressive for you to beat out a lot of known players in cups. sucks that we didn't have the slotting to throw you in any oldgens but the wins you were able to pick up in SV were all huge and you really came in clutch when we needed you to. hopefully you stick around and learn more (and hopefully get to play the tiers you like) since you're still a new face. it was great seeing you get out and show what you were made of in your first team tour and i wish you nothing but the best in case you decide to stick around!
ngl the way i found you was one night looking through a ton of old WC threads and looking around to see who would qualify for us LMAO. finally after a bunch of searching i found someone that fit the bill 1. i recognized and have talked to before and 2. "probably would not say fuck no why would i play in a 1v1 tour". the overlap from 2v2 also helped a ton i think, and you went 3-1 in a pretty strong pool for your first tour which was really awesome to see. you have a lot of heat ideas so hopefully you find a meta where it's more rewarded than in SV.
i recognized the name and seeing you come back and not be on east was pretty wild lmao. you've been around the community for a longer amount of time than a lot of us so seeing the mix of old and new was really cool. unfortunately i put you into SV which is kinda hell-ish for someone who hasnt been around since 2021 LOL. you always put up a fight though and put in a decent amount of time picking up what you could. it was also nice just being able to throw a bunch of teams at you and get games in which is probably the best way to start getting ahold of the tier. even if you weren't playing or didnt know what was happening you were always right there on the sidelines cheering for us.
im glad urf randomly saw you online on PS and asked if you wanted to come back LOL. it was really lucky and even if u didnt play this year you were on to talk and chill which is still a good thing to have. also the aero skeleton custom is cool and whenever i see you on the userlist somewhere i look at it again LOL.
we get you every year and ppl usually meme since you usually don't have to go in or play but you were always there when we could've needed a sub and it was really nice knowing we could rely on someone in a pinch to be there.
really glad you were able to sign up and be there even if you only played in semis. was nice having someone from last year be there when we were worried about not filling the roster. even while you weren't playing you were dropping ideas/teams/giving a lot of insight that was really valuable to have even if you weren't playing for most of the tour. may all your gacha pulls be blessed.
spooooobert! instead of getting to be on LeSuperTeam bench you actually came off and broke the c?o 0-x ORAS curse. glad we were able to get you in some games this tour and you won in sv which was a great series to watch. unfortunately i didn't have the time to photoshop your hat onto anything this tour but i'm gonna be cooking for next year just wait >:)
i remember randomly dropping the world cup map in our PL cord and seeing how you were like "oh im in purple" and i was really excited to team with you again after expertly scouting u in PL B). put you in harder pool than i would've liked (mostly bc it wasnt randomized) but you never gave up hope even if you were dooming a little after some losses. but i think you more than made up for it since you not only clutched us into playoffs but finals too!! i'm excited to see what you do in the tier without me! (P.S. please use google before making a new alt, thanks!)
my boi!! you probably had the least amount of lines in the cord this year but you still clutched up for us multiple times and always showed out whenever you were there!! i don't think the world is ready for an active xander, and even then is the world ready for a dead one?
still feels surreal after all these years that the one world cup im here you're not on the roster :(. (don't count wc4? or whichever one i was here for since i dont even remember it + didnt do much besides post mr mime sets). it was more of an activity thing of us not putting you on since you've really been popping off with the videos lately (you guys should watch the latest one btw it's so good). and i think it's the most logan thing ever to be active as hell after saying that he would be dead for most of the tour LOL. like counting the past 2 weeks you have 7k lines LMAOOOO. and even if you weren't always suggesting good mons (looking at you kilowattrel) they always say you never know how much you miss something when you don't have it and i did really miss you man ;w;. it was a lot of fun talking to you again and you rly helped me in SV when it was really getting old to me shoutout to having 4 different espathra teams in my builder all named SHOP AT T EMU. glad you're finally getting the success you've deserved through youtube but hopefully we can steal you back for a full season in the future :).
combing through the list of people from last year i reached out to, after 3 no's i was really starting to lose hope as well as a couple "im not sure but i wouldn't get your hopes up". then i randomly get a dm along the lines of "hey do you think i could sm" which immediately made my day to see. you were really a backbone player and were always around to drop a gg1,2,3 etc. you also put up some nice wins in pools and you were a player i could really rely on when the going got tough. also one of the funniest people around, i know when i see you join a battle chat or vc im gonna have a good time.
at first when you reached out to me being your co i was kinda worried since i would be going 2/2 on playing in and managing the first time i played in a given team tour. i was cautious at first since i knew we weren't gonna get a lot of notable tour players ahead of time this year. I finally decided i really wanted to step into the role again and we really spent a lot of time worrying we couldn't even field a roster. But we both randomly found a lot of people that could play and it was really awesome getting to manage with you. Going x-0 is a great feat and even if the weeks are less in number than PL you really got us a lot of momentum in both pools and in playoffs. you were also ready to help out whenever and filled in a lot of gaps for me with test games and stuff which was really valuable for our newer players so i thank you from the bottom of my heart. hate that i was the one to kill our run entirely but i know that if we went into tb you would still come out x-0. thanks for reaching out and appreciate all of the help, even when you didnt play much sv you still knew enough to have good criticisms/comments which is really valuable.
deleted the og part of me dooming since i really tossed centrals chances in finals lol. i should be kinder on myself but these past few weeks have just been hard and unfortunately it bled into mons which i try to avoid. right after pools ended i got diagnosed with clinical depression which really hampered a lot of what i wanted to accomplish in the post-season. which is why if i seemed kinda off the past 2 weeks or was kinda dead for semis + finals that was why, and im sorry i let it get in the way a ton for us lmao. overall though im incredibly proud of the effort we were able to put forward and to get to finals with this roster even without all the superteam names is a huge accomplishment in its own right. hopefully i don't have flare ups in the future but at this point it's pretty unpredictable to manage if im being honest. shoutouts to all my friends that have been supporting me through all of this you guys mean more than you'd know <3
non c?o friends time :3
due to the aforementioned circumstances i was pretty dead and my building has always been something to pride myself on, not being able to do it in my full capacity for the latter half of the season was really hard to deal with. you really came in and took a lot of the burden off my shoulders, and even though you didn't plan on doing a ton you really saved my ass when i needed it. i've also just got to know you more lately and you're a rly chill guy :D. can everyone please say thank you to this guy for the setcomp btw? he does a ton of shit and i still feel like we could appreciate him even more!! shoutout to squawkabilly and grafaiai too. i always like watching ur series and waiting for u to bring some random ass optimized mon nobody has seen usage of before. i think the way you see the game is really interesting and hope you'll be able to get your flowers soon (or at least a good thank you for the set comp!!).
[15:23:07] Waylaid: ooh what if we both missed playoffs :3
[15:23:32] DripLegend: :3
spoiler: we did not both miss playoffs ;w;. even if we were on different teams this time around you still helped a lot with what we did in PL and i know that when the time comes again we'll connect all the dots. playing random shit with you that isn't mons is also fun except when u cheat in fps chess and camp me!!! gz on breaking the us west SS win record all on your own with one slot, hopefully someday you can put up records in tiers you have fun playing though :heart:
you were also amazing and talking with you was always fun. the qotds you made were really fun and got me thinking and you were a nice glue for us even if you were just helping with the vibes. glad to have gotten to know you better this year and never stop making setcomps please.
blarts i really didnt start talking to u a ton until recently but it's been so fun getting to know u man. only issue is the timezone incompatibility definitely tanked my sleep scheduled over break but i don't think i've ever had a day where i regret staying up. i think the difference makes it funny when i just send you something random that you wake up to lmao. hopefully i dont have to fight you more after this ;w; but i still love seeing u win (not against me).
i always have so many people to shoutout lmfao, but i still appreciate anyone i was able to interact with throughout this tour. i don't have much to say without repeating myself, hopefully i'll be able to be satisfied with a tour outcome sometime soon (irl willing).
after a riveting semifinals appearance earlier in the year (only to be cut short by spain) it is only a canon event that oceania (or APAC) will be winning the inaugural 1v1WCOP.
WOO GGs to Central and everyone else, this 1v1wcop was very entertaining to watch and participate in, considering this is my first ever proper team tour in the 1v1 scene. I'd like to extend my gratitude to Kaif and DEG for getting me on board, you two are amazing managers, as well as RTM for frankly sparking my interest in 1v1 again after I last played in NPA (or else I wouldve likely never signed up in the first place). As an OU main and someone who had only recently gotten into 1v1 I would like to say that I have really enjoyed being amongst the 1v1 community, seeing how supportive and encouraging everybody is, and seeing how excited and motivated everyone is to play and help, something that I personally have not seen as much to this extent in other team tours I have played in. Due to exams and having to manage and play in a lot of other tours such as PTPL and OUPL I must admit that my activity and engagement was less than what it shoudlve been in comparison with everyone else, I do apologise for that. On the other hand, the team environment and vibe was great and really fun, and I geniuenly enjoyed spending time and talking to every single one of you on the team, whether it was about Teamfight Tactics, 1v1, OU, anime, anything - I truly enjoyed my time on the team here and watching everyones games and dedication for the tour was truly special. I will likely immerse myself more in the 1v1 community and get to know more people better from here on out, but just wanna give a massive s/o to everyone on the ASPAC team for creating such an awesome team environment and being so chill yet dedicated and motivated, it was really great knowing you all. Lastly I want to shoutout all my good friends in Clodsires, Jirachis, APAC, Oceania for always supporting me in mons as well as everyone who supported ASPAC and helped us, we will be back to win it again next year :D
looking out for newbloods you kinda made yourself known with random deep classic cup runs and even though you lost in classic playoffs it was still really impressive for you to beat out a lot of known players in cups. sucks that we didn't have the slotting to throw you in any oldgens but the wins you were able to pick up in SV were all huge and you really came in clutch when we needed you to. hopefully you stick around and learn more (and hopefully get to play the tiers you like) since you're still a new face. it was great seeing you get out and show what you were made of in your first team tour and i wish you nothing but the best in case you decide to stick around!

toast is actually insane at the game you have no idea y'all are so lucky he's c?o
back me up eavo Miyoko