[1v1] Genesect [QC 0/3-GP 0/1]


Retirement house
-Genesect in 1v1 is not what immediately comes to mind when you think of top-tier threats. Your mind might instead go to Kyurem-Black, or Mega Gyarados, or perhaps Tapu Koko. However, the unassuming Bug-Steel can beat all of these and more thanks to its stats, movepool and Ability.
-Take Download, its ability, for example: Genesect's middle-to-high base stats of 120 in each attacking category, while good, rely on the Download boost to net crucial matchups such as Kyurem-Black and Mega Gyarados.
-This boost also allows for Genesect, even while Scarfed, to have attacking stats on par with many other common attackers in the metagame.
-However, Bug / Steel STAB cannot hit the larger part of the metagame super-effectively, due to Electric, Water, Fire, and Dragon-type Pokemon being popular in the form of Magnezone, Mega Gyarados, both Mega Charizard formes, and Garchomp.
-This is where Genesect's movepool comes in. With Electric, Ice, Fire, Grass, Dark, and Psychic coverage on the special side, as well as Poison, Ghost, Flying, Psychic, and Fire on the physical, Genesect can hunt down opposing Pokemon's Weaknesses. It also gets Extreme Speed as a utility move to secures KOs against weakened Pokemon.
-This also helps to get it enough power to one-hit-KO most common 1v1 threats such as Mimikyu, Landorus/Landorus-Therian, and Mega Mawile.
-However, Extreme Speed here is not as useful as it would be on other Pokémon, as most Special sets would be forced to run a Defense-hurting Nature to use its coverage.
--Bug / Steel typing, coupled with 71/95/95 defenses, allow it to take many of 1v1's most potent attacks with proper investment. Its typing allows it to resist the STABs of Tapu Lele, Kyurem-Black, Mega Metagross, and many other common 1v1 Pokemon.
-However, all this coverage comes with a cost. Genesect is forced to carry certain moves to beat specific threats, and as such is not as much of a blanket killer as Mega Gyarados or Tapu Koko.
--The common Mega Charizard formes that flood ladder easily deal with Genesect as well, as Fire is its lone Weakness. Many Pokemon that have Fire-type coverage, such as Tapu Lele and Magearna, also OHKO Genesect with their coverage moves.
-Genesect must also invest an uncomfortable amount of EVs to take hits even with its Defenses, and therefore Genesect must choose between speed and tankiness.
-Genesect is best used as a specialized killer for specific threats to a team and therefore is often seen with things that beat larger portions of the metagame such as Mega Charizard X, Donphan and other Sturdy users.


Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bug Buzz
- Flash Cannon
-Flamethrower / Hyper Beam / Ice Beam / Thunder
- Flamethrower / Hyper Beam / Ice Beam / Thunder


-Bug Buzz is Genesect's most powerful STAB move and takes out such threats as Greninja, Hoopa-U, and Mega Alakazam.
-Flash Cannon helps in KOing Ice-, Fairy- and Rock-type Pokemon like Kyurem-Black, Tapu Lele and Archeops.
-Flamethrower is used to KO the Steel types Mega Mawile, Mega Metagross, and Durant, as well as fellow Genesect.
-Hyper Beam is Genesect's most powerful neutral move, and as such is used to kill Tapu Koko. Its recharge turn doesn't matter as much in 1v1, as Genesect will likely be dead by the next turn anyway if Hyper Beam does not KO.
-Ice Beam is more of a niche set meant to beat Landorus, Landorus-T, and Garchomp.
-Thunder is used to beat common Water-types such as Tapu Fini and Mega Gyarados.

Set Details
-Maximum Speed investment with Choice Scarf is used in order to outspeed and OHKO the intended targets including Mega Gyarados even at +1, allowing it to 2HKO.
-252 Special Attack EVs investment with a Modest nature is necessary over Timid speed to net a few crucial KOs against Pokemon like Tapu Koko, Mimikyu, and Mega Gyarados.
- Download is necessary to OHKO Pokemon such as Tapu Koko and Mega Mawile.

Usage Tips

-This Pokemon is best used as a fast killer of certain targets like Kyurem-Black and Tapu Koko, and to shore up specific weaknesses a team might have. In fact, that is its only real usage.
-Avoid sending this Genesect set against Sturdy Pokemon or Pokemon that are Fire-types.

Team Options
-Some good team options are Sturdy Pokemon, especially Donphan as it appreciates the killing of Mega Gyarados and Kyurem-Black.
-Donphan can in return handle Aegislash, Sturdy Pokemon like Golem and Magnzonze, and the Fire-types like both Mega Charizard formes and Mega Blaziken that Genesect fears.
-Another good option is Mega Charizard X, as it likes to have the Water and Dragon types like Mega Gyarados, out of the way.
-Checks to specially defensive walls like Chansey would also helpful for Genesect, as it has no way to break them.


Genesect @ Choice Specs
Ability: Download
EVs: 232 HP / 240 Def / 36 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- Bug Buzz
- Flash Cannon


-The moves on this Genesect are built pretty much the same as on the previous set, two STABS and two coverage moves.
Set Details
- 232 HP/ 240+ Def helps in tanking two hits from most physically Sturdy Pokemon like Donphan and Golem, and the 36 Special Attack boosts the Special Attack as high as it can go with those defensive requirements.
-This lures in many of the counters to the previous set.

Usage Tips
-Obviously, this functions very well as a lure for Scarf Genesect's counters, but is also a potent special attacker in its own right.
-With Specs, the added Special Attack boost means that you can oneshot Tapu Lele and Mega Metagross, which helps against HP Fire Lele and Mega Metagross with coverage to counter Genesect.

Team Options
-Some good teammates for this Genesect are, for the most part, the same as the previous one.
-Charizard X is a very good teammate, as it beats Tapu Koko and appreciates the Sturdy coverage this Genesect brings.
-However, a counter to Tapu Koko must be included as this Genesect cannot beat it.

-Physical variants on Scarf are somewhat popular, as an Adamant Giga Impact can oneshot Charizard Y, and Gunk Shot can OHKO and 2HKO Primarina and Tapu Fini respectively.
-However, Genesect is more limited in coverage on the physical side, leading these to be less popular.
-Various Z-Moves are used, but these have no advantages over Specs or Scarf besides the allowed usage of Extreme Speed and Substitute.

-Most Fire Types- Obviously, Genesect's 4X Weakness to Fire means that any Fire types, in fact most things that merely have Fire-type coverage, kill Genesect in one hit.

-Aegislash- Genesect cannot oneshot with Flamethrower and Aegislash KOes back with Never-Ending Nightmare + Shadow Sneak.

-Sturdies if not using Bulky Specs- Genesect gets KOed in one turn after activating Sturdy.

-Tapu Koko if not using Scarf- Genesect gets demolished before it can land a hit.
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This looks much better now since the formatting is fixed! While you're at it, there are some more things left
Read through this: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/guide-to-creating-analyses.3599128/ and then write in analysis in points form (From the start)
Remove the nicknames

This Genesect set has a penchant for beating top 1v1 threats, as it can beat Kyurem-Black, Mega Gyarados, the Tapus, Mega Mawile and Metagross, Landorus T and I, and even some physically bulky Charizard X. It does this by mixing and matching moveslots.
There should be nothing in the Set Comments section just blank here
Full credit must go to MaceMaster for this post on Genesect, as that is the set I include here. It beats most of the threats that the previous set loses to, such as Sturdy Donphan and Golem and as such is a good lure. With Specs, you no longer have to worry about Thunder accuracy when facing MGyara, or that Kyurem-B might be Assault Vest. However, it also loses to some threats that Scarf beats, such as Tapu Koko and Curse Mimikyu.
Again Remove this
The content is good just need to match with the format
Heres an example (Linked that one since its still in the points form before the 3rd QC)
Once finished with these, change the header from WIP to Quality Control and then the QC members would do the needful (As they're advised to give feedback on the analysis only after that)
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This looks much better now since the formatting is fixed! While you're at it, there are some more things left
Read through this: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/guide-to-creating-analyses.3599128/ and then write in analysis in points form (From the start)
Remove the nicknames

There should be nothing in the Set Comments section just blank here

Again Remove this
The content is good just need to match with the format
Heres an example (Linked that one since its still in the points form before the 3rd QC)
Once finished with these, change the header from WIP to Quality Control and then the QC members would do the needful (As they're advised to give feedback on the analysis only after that)
Alright, thanks! I know that it must be a pain to deal with my ineptitude
-Genesect in 1v1 is not what immediately comes to mind when you think of top-tier threats. Your mind might instead go to Kyurem-Black, or Mega Gyarados, or perhaps Tapu Koko. However, the unassuming Bug-Steel can beat all of these and more thanks to its stats, movepool and Ability.
-Take Download, its Ability, for example: Genesect's middle-to-high base stats of 120 in each attacking category, while good, rely on the Download boost to net crucial matchups such as Kyurem-Black and Mega Gyarados.
-This boost also allows for Genesect, even while Scarfed, to have attacking stats on par with many other common attackers in the metagame.
-However, Bug/Steel STAB cannot hit the larger part of the metagame supereffectively, due to Electric, Water, Fire, and Dragon's popularity.
-This is where Genesect's movepool comes in. With Electric, Ice, Fire, Grass, Dark, Psychic, and [insert Drive here] Techno Blast coverage on the special side, as well as Poison, Ghost, Flying, Psychic, Fire, and Extreme Speed on the physical, Genesect can hunt down opposing Pokemon's Weaknesses.
-This also helps to get it enough power to one-hit-KO most common 1v1 threats.
-Bug-Steel typing, coupled with 71/95/95 defenses, allow it to take many of 1v1's most potent attacks.
-However, all this coverage comes with a cost. Genesect is forced to carry certain moves to beat specific threats, and as such is not as much of a blanket killer as Mega Gyarados or Tapu Koko.
-The common Charizards that flood ladder easily deal with Genesect as well, as Fire is its lone Weakness.
-Genesect must also invest an uncomfortable amount of EVs to take hits even with its Defenses, and therefore Genesect must choose between speed and tankiness.
-Genesect is best used as a specialized killer for specific threats to a team and therefore is often seen with things that beat larger portions of the metagame such as Donphan/other Sturdy users.


Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bug Buzz
- Flash Cannon
- Blizzard / Thunder / Flamethrower / Hyper Beam -> Thunderbolt / Hyper Beam / Ice Beam / Thunder
- Hyper Beam / Blizzard / Thunder / Flamethrower -> Flamethrower / Hyper Beam / Ice Beam / Thunder

(In my opinion, Thunderbolt is more viable than Thunder. Thunder is indeed prediction-free against Mega Gyarados, but it's also extremely unreliable (it has only a 54% chance to win). Thunderbolt on the other hand, wins against non-bulky Gyarados always and you at least 50/50 against bulky variants with Bug Buzz/mega evolution mind games. Blizzard is also obsolete to Ice Beam as Blizzard doesn't OHKO Dragonite and Ice Beam still OHKOs Garchomp, Lando, etc. The order has also been modified to a more uniform approach that A). looks better B). puts things in what I would consider to be a more viable order and C). is more space efficient.)

-Thunder: Thunder is used to beat common Water-types such as Tapu Fini and Mega Gyarados.
-Hyper Beam: Used solely to kill Tapu Koko.
-Bug Buzz is Genesect's most powerful STAB move.
-Flash Cannon helps in KOing Ice-, Fairy- and Rock-type Pokemon like Kyurem-Black, Tapu Lele and Mimikyu.
Add Thunderbolt explanation
-Blizzard is more of a niche set meant to beat Landorus and Dragonite. It also beats pretty much anything it hits supereffectively with its STAB, such as Mimikyu etc. Change to Ice Beam
-Flamethrower is used to OHKO the Steel types Mega Mawile and Mega Metagross.

Set Details
-Choice Scarf is used in order to outspeed and OHKO the intended targets, including Mega Gyarados even at +1, allowing it to 2HKO.
-Modest is necessary over Timid speed to net a few crucial KOs like Koko, Mimikyu, and Gyarados.

Usage Tips
-This Pokemon is best used as a fast killer of certain targets, and to shore up specific weaknesses a team might have. In fact, that is its only real usage.

Team Options
-Some good team options are Sturdy Pokemon, especially Donphan as it appreciates the killing of Mega Gyarados and Kyurem-Black.
-Donphan can in return handle Aegislash and the Fire types that Genesect fears.
-Another good option is Mega Charizard X, as it likes to have the Water and Dragon types out of the way.


Genesect @ Choice Specs
Ability: Download
EVs: 232 HP / 176 Def / 100 SpA 232 HP / 240 Def / 36 SpA
Modest Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- Bug Buzz
- Flash Cannon
(This one is my mistake. As the one who made this set, I can tell you that I made it in the period where Golem was never used and the only popular Donphan set was Rockium Z. This is an updated spread that does largely the same thing but actually works in the current meta.)


-The moves on this Genesect are built pretty much the same as on the previous set, two STABS and two coverage moves.
Set Details
- 232 HP/ 176 Def 232 HP and 240 Defense with a Bold nature helps in tanking two hits from most physically Sturdy Pokemon like Donphan and Golem, and the 100 Special Attack with a modest nature helps in taking out those Pokemon. The remaining EVs are put into Special Attack to maximize offensive potential.
-This lures in many of the counters to the previous set.

Usage Tips
-Obviously, this functions very well as a lure for Scarf Genesect's counters, but is also a potent special attacker in its own right.
-With Specs, the added Special Attack boost means that you can oneshot Tapu Lele and Mega Metagross, which helps against HP Fire Lele and Mega Metagross with coverage to counter Genesect.

Team Options
Some good teammates for this Genesect are, for the most part, the same as the previous one.
-However, a counter to Tapu Koko must be included as this Genesect cannot beat it.

-Physical variants on Scarf are somewhat popular, as an Adamant Giga Impact can oneshot Charizard Y. Mention Gunk Shot as well which OHKOs Primarina and 2HKOs Tapu Fini.
-However, Genesect is more limited in coverage on the physical side, leading these to be less popular.
Mention that Z-Crystals can be viable on Genesect as they allow Genesect to utilize moves like Substitute and Extreme Speed, but are outclassed by Choice Specs except in this manner.
-Various Drives, especially Douse, are popular despite the fact that it misses many KOs that Scarf or Specs would get easily (Including the Charizards, a fact that makes one wonder why Douse Drive is even used at all). Drives are both non-viable and non-popular. There is no reason to include them.

-Most Fire Types- Obviously, Genesect's 4X Weakness to Fire means that any Fire types, in fact most things that merely have Fire-type coverage, kill Genesect in one hit.

-Aegislash- Genesect cannot oneshot with Flamethrower and Aegislash KOes back with Never-Ending Nightmare + Shadow Sneak.

-Sturdies if not using Bulky Specs- Genesect gets KOed in one turn after activating Sturdy.

-Tapu Koko if not using Scarf- Genesect gets demolished before it can land a hit.
AMQC. Really good analysis n_n
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A few suggestions!

-Genesect in 1v1 is not what immediately comes to mind when you think of top-tier threats. Your mind might instead go to Kyurem-Black, or Mega Gyarados, or perhaps Tapu Koko. However, the unassuming Bug-Steel can beat all of these and more thanks to its stats, movepool and Ability.
-Take Download, its Ability, for example: Genesect's middle-to-high base stats of 120 in each attacking category, while good, rely on the Download boost to net crucial matchups such as Kyurem-Black and Mega Gyarados.
-This boost also allows for Genesect, even while Scarfed, to have attacking stats on par with many other common attackers in the metagame.
-However, Bug/Steel STAB cannot hit the larger part of the metagame supereffectively, due to Electric, Water, Fire, and Dragon's popularity.
-This is where Genesect's movepool comes in. With Electric, Ice, Fire, Grass, Dark, Psychic, and [insert Drive here] Techno Blast coverage on the special side, as well as OHKO
Ghost, Flying, Psychic, Fire, and Extreme Speed
mention here that Extreme Speed is not as useful, since it has to come with a Hasty Nature on the physical, Genesect can hunt down opposing Pokemon's Weaknesses.
-This also helps to get it enough power to one-hit-KO most common 1v1 threats.
-Bug-Steel typing, coupled with 71/95/95 defenses, allow it to take many of 1v1's most potent attacks.
-However, all this coverage comes with a cost. Genesect is forced to carry certain moves to beat specific threats, and as such is not as much of a blanket killer as Mega Gyarados or Tapu Koko.
-The common Charizards that flood ladder easily deal with Genesect as well, as Fire is its lone Weakness.
-Genesect must also invest an uncomfortable amount of EVs to take hits even with its Defenses, and therefore Genesect must choose between speed and tankiness.
-Genesect is best used as a specialized killer for specific threats to a team and therefore is often seen with things that beat larger portions of the metagame such as Donphan/other Sturdy users.


Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bug Buzz
- Flash Cannon
- Blizzard Ice Beam/ Thunder Thunderbolt / Flamethrower / Hyper Beam
- Hyper Beam / Blizzard Ice Beam/ Thunder Thunderbolt /Flamethrower

Thunder is really unreliable and fails to ohko even 0 HP Tapu Fini while
252+ SpA Tapu Fini Hydro Vortex (185 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Genesect: 279-328 (98.5 - 115.9%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
On the other hand, instead of hitting 2 Thunders against Gyarados-Mega you can use 3 Thunderbolts (if it is bulky) and 2 (if it's fast) providing they Mega Evolve and OHKO in any case if they do not Mega Evolve. +1 252+ Atk Mold Breaker Gyarados-Mega Waterfall vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Genesect: 256-303 (90.4 - 107%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO. Blizzard does not OHKO Dragonite by any means unless it it's Defense invested so Ice Beam does the same thing but with more accuracy and better (it OHKOS Landorus-Therian)


-Thunder: Thunder is used to beat common Water-types such as Tapu Fini and Mega Gyarados replace all of this with Thunderbolt and mention what I told you before.
-Hyper Beam: Used solely to kill Tapu Koko.
-Bug Buzz is Genesect's most powerful STAB move.
-Flash Cannon helps in KOing Ice-, Fairy- and Rock-type Pokemon like Kyurem-Black, Tapu Lele and Mimikyu.
-Blizzard is more of a niche set meant to beat Landorus and Dragonite.Replace this with Ice Beam.
- It also beats pretty much anything it hits supereffectively with its STAB, such as Mimikyu etc.
-Flamethrower is used to OHKO the Steel types Mega Mawile and Mega Metagross.

Set Details
-Choice Scarf is used in order to outspeed and OHKO the intended targets, including Mega Gyarados even at +1, allowing it to 2HKO.
-Modest is necessary over Timid speed to net a few crucial KOs like Koko, Mimikyu, and Gyarados.

Usage Tips
-This Pokemon is best used as a fast killer of certain targets, and to shore up specific weaknesses a team might have. In fact, that is its only real usage.

Team Options
-Some good team options are Sturdy Pokemon, especially Donphan as it appreciates the killing of Mega Gyarados and Kyurem-Black.
-Donphan can in return handle non-Magnet Rise Aegislash and the Fire types that Genesect fears except Bulky Will-O-Wisp Mega Charizard X
-Another good option is Mega Charizard X, as it likes to have the Water and Dragon types out of the way.


Genesect @ Choice Specs
Ability: Download
EVs: 232 224 HP / 176 252 Def / 32 SpA
Modest Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower / Ice Beam
- Bug Buzz
- Flash Cannon

Always take a Rockium Z + Sucker Punch from Golem, so that the Golem mention below is correct.You also take any 3 hits from 252+ Metagross Mega except Hammer Arm which lowers speed, meaning you outspeed them next turn. Also, most of the time you don't even need Flamethrower, as Bug Buzz should 2HKO any set bar the Specially defensive, which Flamethrower kills (yeah you also need Flamethrower for Fire Fang Mawile-Mega.
-The moves on this Genesect are built pretty much the same as on the previous set, two STABS and two coverage moves.
Set Details
- 224 HP / 252+ Def helps in tanking two hits from most physically Sturdy Pokemon like Donphan and Golem, and the 32 Special Attack helps in taking out those Pokemon.
-This lures in many of the counters to the previous set.

Usage Tips
-Obviously, this functions very well as a lure for Scarf Genesect's counters, but is also a potent special attacker in its own right.
-With Specs, the added Special Attack boost means that you can oneshot Tapu Lele and Mega Metagross, which helps against HP Fire Lele and Mega Metagross with coverage to counter Genesect.

Team Options
Some good teammates for this Genesect are, for the most part, the same as the previous one.
-However, a counter to Tapu Koko must be included as this Genesect cannot beat it.
-Add more Team Options for this F. E. things that lose to Sturdy Pokemon.

-Physical variants on Scarf are somewhat popular, as an Adamant Giga Impact can oneshot Charizard Y.
-However, Genesect is more limited in coverage on the physical side, leading these to be less popular.
-Various Drives, especially Douse, are popular despite the fact that it misses many KOs that Scarf or Specs would get easily (Including the Charizards, a fact that makes one wonder why Douse Drive is even used at all).Heatran?
-Firium Z is also a niche set that makes Genesect able to counter every Steel Type, including Aegislash but makes it miss KOs on most other things.

-Most Fire Types- Obviously, Genesect's 4X Weakness to Fire means that any Fire types, in fact most things that merely have Fire-type coverage, kill Genesect in one hit.

-Aegislash- Genesect cannot oneshot with Flamethrower and Aegislash KOes back with Never-Ending Nightmare + Shadow Sneak.

-Sturdies if not using Bulky Specs- Genesect gets KOed in one turn after activating Sturdy.

-Tapu Koko if not using Scarf- Genesect gets demolished before it can land a hit.
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A few suggestions!
Thanks moto! I implemented pretty much everything except for getting rid of Thunder, because a Bulky Gyarados can get up to +2 and OHKO Genesect easily if you run Thunderbolt, a fact I learned the hard way. But still, thank you for these suggestions! You are right about Blizzard, I'm not really sure why that was there.
-Genesect in 1v1 is not what immediately comes to mind when you think of top-tier threats. Your mind might instead go to Kyurem-Black, or Mega Gyarados, or perhaps Tapu Koko. However, the unassuming Bug-Steel can beat all of these and more thanks to its stats, movepool and Ability.
-Take Download, its ability, for example: Genesect's middle-to-high base stats of 120 in each attacking category, while good, rely on the Download boost to net crucial matchups such as Kyurem-Black and Mega Gyarados.
-This boost also allows for Genesect, even while Scarfed, to have attacking stats on par with many other common attackers in the metagame.
-However, Bug / Steel (Spacing) STAB cannot hit the larger part of the metagame super-effectively, due to Electric, Water, Fire, and Dragon-type Pokemon being popularity in the form of Magnezone, Mega Gyarados, both Mega Charizard formes, and Garchomp.
-This is where Genesect's movepool comes in. With Electric, Ice, Fire, Grass, Dark, Psychic, and [insert Drive here] Techno Blast coverage on the special side, as well as Poison, Ghost, Flying, Psychic, and Fire, and Extreme Speed on the physical, Genesect can hunt down opposing Pokemon's Weaknesses. It also gets Extreme Speed as a utility move to secures KOs against weakened Pokemon. (Really don't know if Dark, Psychic, Grass, Flying coverage moves are that helpful; mention the ones which are more relevant)
-This also helps to get it enough power to one-hit-KO most common 1v1 threats such as
-However, Extreme Speed here is not as useful as it would be on other Pokémon, as most Special sets would be forced to run a Defense-hurting Nature to use its coverage.
-Bug / Steel typing, coupled with 71/95/95 defenses, allow it to take many of 1v1's most potent attacks with proper investment. (Give more info about its typing: Its Bug / Steel typing provides it resistance to prevailing offensive types such as Fairy, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, and Steel which lets it take on common threats like Tapu Lele, Kyurem-B snd Mega Metagross
-However, all this coverage comes with a cost. Genesect is forced to carry certain moves to beat specific threats, and as such is not as much of a blanket killer as Mega Gyarados or Tapu Koko.
-The common Mega Charizard formes that flood ladder easily deal with Genesect as well, as Fire is its lone Weakness. Also mention here as well that its only weakness is a 4x one which can be exploited by Pokemon with Fire-type attacks
-Genesect must also invest an uncomfortable amount of EVs to take hits even with its Defenses, and therefore Genesect must choose between speed and tankiness.
-Genesect is best used as a specialized killer for specific threats to a team and therefore is often seen with things Pokemon that beat larger portions of the metagame such as Mega Charizard X, Donphan other Sturdy users.


Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bug Buzz
- Flash Cannon
- Flamethrower / Hyper Beam / Ice Beam / Thunder
- Flamethrower / Hyper Beam / Ice Beam / Thunder


-Thunder: Thunder is used to beat common Water-types such as Tapu Fini and Mega Gyarados. Also mention about the Paralyze chance which may be crucial (in some matchup? If it isn't then don't) and that it also has a fair chance of missing.
-Hyper Beam: Used solely to kill Tapu Koko. Hyper Beam is Genesect's most powerful move against neutral effectiveness which lets it OHKO Tapu Koko. Although it comes with a recharge effect but it matters much less in 1v1.
-Bug Buzz is Genesect's most powerful STAB move. (Just like the other moves desc, give examples of what it hits; that makes this good and detailed)
-Flash Cannon helps in KOing Ice-, Fairy- and Rock-type Pokemon like Kyurem-Black, Tapu Lele and Mimikyu. (Replace Mimikyu with a Rock-type Pokemon example which can be KOed with Flash Cannon)
-Ice Beam is more of a niche set meant to beat Garchomp, Landorus-T, Landorus. (I'd rather say that it provides greatIce-type coverage)
-It also beats pretty much anything it hits supereffectively with its STAB, such as Mimikyu etc.
-Flamethrower is used to OHKO the Steel types Mega Mawile, Mega Metagross, and Durant.

[So now that you're done with adding moves info here, reorder the points here to match with the set; so like Bug Buzz's bullet as the first one and so on]

Set Details
-Maximum Speed investment with Choice Scarf is used in order to outspeed and OHKO the intended targets including Mega Gyarados even at +1, allowing it to 2HKO.
-252 Special Attack EVs investment with a Modest nature is necessary over Timid speed to net a few crucial KOs against Pokemon like Tapu Koko, Mimikyu, and Mega Gyarados.
- Mention how Download helps it

Usage Tips
- This Pokemon is best used as a fast killer of certain targets like?, and to shore up specific weaknesses a team might have. In fact, that is its only real usage.
- So the first line describes whom to send it by seeing the Team Preview so state here when not to; Try tovoid sending Genesect against...
- Mention that if none of Genesect's attacks can OHKO the foe (like Mega Lopunny) then it should go for Ice Beam to look for a Freeze rather than straightaway losing. (You gotta make the best out of the moves so yeah)

Team Options
-Some good team options are Sturdy Pokemon, especially Donphan as it appreciates the killing capability of Genesect of checking Sturdy-breakers like Mega Gyarados and Kyurem-Black.
-Donphan can in return handle Aegislash, Sturdy Pokemon like Golem and Magnzonze, and the Fire-types like both Mega Charizard formes and Mega Blaziken that Genesect fears.
-Another good option is Mega Charizard X, as it likes to have the Water and Dragon types like Mega Gyarados, out of the way.
- Some checks to Specially Defensive walls like Chansey and Blissey?


Genesect @ Choice Specs
Ability: Download
EVs: 232 HP / 240 Def / 36 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- Bug Buzz
- Flash Cannon

[Move the STAB moves above the coverage ones ^]


-The moves on this Genesect are built pretty much the same as on the previous set, two STABS and two coverage moves.
Describe them again even though they are same. (Different wording from the above one)

Set Details
- 232 HP EVs help in increasing Genesect's overall bulk. 240 Defense investment in conjunction to the HP investment along with a Bold nature lets Genesect tank physical hits from Golem, Donphan, and Mega Gyarados. The remaining 36 EVs are invested in Special Attack with Choice Specs to make the Special Attack as high as it can go with those defensive requirements.
-This lures in many of the counters to the previous set. such as?
- How Download helps it

Usage Tips
-Obviously, This set functions very well as a lure for a lot of Choice Scarf Genesect's counters such as Golem, but is also a potent special attacker in its own right.
-With Specs, the added Special Attack boost means that you can allows Genesect to oneshot KO Tapu Lele and Mega Metagross. which helps against HP Fire Tapu Lele and Mega Metagross with coverage to counter Genesect. (Bulky Mega Metagross can take a +2 36 SpA Flamethrower but can't do anything in return though)

Team Options
-Some good teammates for this Genesect are, for the most part, the same as the previous one.
-Charizard X is a very good teammate, as it beats Tapu Koko and appreciates the Sturdy coverage this Genesect brings.
-However, a counter to Tapu Koko like Golem must be included as this Genesect with this set cannot beat it.

-Physical variants of Choice Scarf are somewhat popular, as an Adamant Giga Impact can oneshot offensive Mega Charizard Y, and Gunk Shot can OHKO and 2HKO Primarina and Tapu Fini respectively.
-However, Genesect is more limited in coverage on the physical side, leading these to be less popular.
-Various Z-Moves are used, but these have no advantages over Specs or Scarf besides the allowed usage of Extreme Speed and Substitute.

-Most Fire Types Fire-type Attacks: Obviously, Genesect's 4X weakness to Fire means that any Fire-type like both Mega Charizard formes, in fact most things Pokemon that merely have Fire-type coverage like Magearna with Hidden Power Fire to kill OHKO Genesect in one hit.

-Aegislash- Genesect cannot oneshot with Flamethrower and Aegislash KOes back with Never-Ending Nightmare + Shadow Sneak.

Specially Defensive Pokemon: Chansey Blissey

Bulky Offensive Pokemon: Mega Blastoise, Snorlax, bulky Dragonite,

Mega Aggron (Metal Burst)

Set dependent counters: (Merge all the ones mentioned below in here)

-Sturdies if not using Bulky Specs- Genesect gets KOed in one turn after activating Sturdy.

-Tapu Koko if not using Scarf- Genesect gets demolished before it can land a hit.
This is mostly good. I like the way how this is interactive from the beginning.
Great job on the AM checks.
Implement these changes for now, will stamp after that (As I have a few more suggestions about the physical sets and more other options; gotta check if they work, will add in then). Feel free to counter question wherever you disagree.
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