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  • my post got deleted for some reason but yeah you should use heatran instead of jirachi, both work in a similar way
    How am I supposed to believe that someone who can't type or spell proper English "calced" something when you have no idea what I could do? Not sure if serious or trolling. And seeing how you posted on AceTrainer's wall saying your Wifi went down, I'm sure it's a common problem with poor children your age. You should be in school around the time we battled so maybe you were trying to use school Wifi? Probably.
    Uh yeah, a +2 bulk up Conkledur does not equal a win. "The connection with the other person has been lost". You realize that not all d/c's are from the other person right? Besides, you were the one having connection issues from the get-go. Don't cry, k?
    I'm not in the mood for UU. Do you play monotype? The rules I go by is that you can use 1 non-typed pokemon and DW politoed and Ninetales are banned.
    GG, sorry about the flinch on cress. I'm suprised that I made it for quite awhile without switching in Abomasnow.
    I am now speaking with the nice lady in order to enter the wifi room :3
    Ok, I just have to get my team from the PC and I'll be ready :P

    My FC is 5114 5368 7270. My team probably sucks but oh well!
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