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  • hey there! We're matched up for the final round of that SM RU RoA tour. I'm GMT-5 and later in the week works for me. How about you?
    But if you were to ask me for the best time, it might be on Thursday like 10am after I eat breakfast and that would be Wed 9pm at yours if I calc it right. Is that fine or you have other sched in mind?
    That would be correct. My 9pm is your 10am next day. So, Wed at 9pm for me (10am Thursday for you) works out perfectly!
    Im already up. I know its still an hour early but I'll just say we can have it when you're ready. I'm DiannieRatson on PS
    I'm your opp for the next round of ORAS UU Open, PS Name is BeeOrSomething (same as smogon profile), time zone is GMT-4 (EST), and I can play tomorrow before 3 PM and after 8:30 PM, any time on saturday, and any time on sunday before 3 PM and after 8:30 PM
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