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  • What's up? You came with Ashton Cox to the MA Regional yesterday, right? We fought in the second round, taking it to a Game 3. We had a pretty good time, and I think that was one of the last battles to finish that round. How did you end up doing the rest of the day?
    After facing you I lost round 3 and went to 1-2 before winning out (going 5-0 in rounds and 10-0 in games) to finish with a 6-2 record. Also, did you notice that my Xerneas didn't have a Power Herb? When I used Geomancy against you Game 1 I saw it didn't fully activate, and I realized that my Xerneas wasn't holding an item #rip
    Lowest 6-2 btw, 19th place finish
    Congrats on the finish!
    Yeah, I noticed no herb. Ashton talked to me before our battle and he was sure that the Xerneas he traded you had it.
    I left after round 6 because I was mentally exhausted and started making too many misplays at that point. Went 3-3 after Round 6 and didn't think I'd make enough of a comeback, so I left without checking my place. I didn't have the stamina to stay sharp for that many fights in a row.
    I'll just do better next time. Still thought I did well despite having zero Bo3 experience beforehand.
    what the fuck are "official minimodding duties"
    Lucariojr is working on getting me modded and in the mean time he has asked me to moderate the forums and contact him or lag to take action if needed
    *ksh not lag
    So Serapis, we need to get those rankings in shape. I'll pm you in a few hours
    Hey when do you want to play for Doubles Seasonals, I'm GMT+0 and should be free whenever
    rip getting back to this. If you haven't already, feel free to claim the activity win
    Yeah rip I did get the activity win. Lost the next round though so maybe you should have been the one to get through lol,,,
    Do you know when the sample team threas will be up for 2016?
    I'll probably be the one to post the thread. Atm I'm waiting for @lucariojr's approval, and once I get it there'll be a few days delay before I get enough teams compiled for a decent opening post. So. . . maybe later next week?
    Take Azelfie
    Take Azelfie
    kewl just curious
    looks like you're my opponent for the girafarig cup. we need to set up a date for our battle, when are you free?
    were u the guy who uploaded a couple vgc videos today? i want to get a regular upload schedule going but i can't if i've got some rogue uploader on the loose. jio said it might be you. if it was you (or you know who it was) pls meet me to chaterino.
    we up for doubles ssnls

    can fight on the 4th, 5th and 6th. Im on beach trip rn with no teams.
    Any chance you could play later tonight? (like 9 PM EST)
    sure im down
    I got a show at 11 though be swift
    also i'll be playing from an ipad whilst probably drunk
    keep that in mind and bring shit team pls
    Dude, your Regionals team together with other teams that i was analysing gave me an idea of what i can write for my next article! So thanks!
    @ the nuke compendium I'm pretty sure Mega Glalies Explosion and Mega Pinsirs Flail (at < 5% HP) hit harder than some stuff in the list. They both hit 150-160% on level 100 so that won't change too much at level 50
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