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  • hey, we're paired fo hoenn cup and deadline is tomorrow? when would u like to play? i can play p much anytime o.o
    I just got back from Ibiza with Monica. There's a sorority party coming up in a few weeks at ASU. I just got the okay from Monica plus she's heading to New York for an interview with CBSnews. You want to go? I can get you a fake. But if you fuck up I will ditch you in Arizona.
    I have a gun and I will come to your house and kill your entire family. You. Emily. Your Father. Both your Moms. And I will set David's corpse on fire. No one will survive.
    Same as what soge was saying. whenever you get the chance for a battle, let me know.
    You know, that match wasnt really haxy. The freeze on your pokemon didnt change much since you thawed and recovered. Just wanted to throw that out there.
    It was haxy enough to make me have to play at a disadvantage, but in the end you didn't play bad in any way and I am not saying I would have won without the luck. GG either way.
    yep it was fun regardless of the slight hax. gl with the rest of the tourney.
    when can we play for hoenn cup?
    im gmt-3.
    I use lots of random letter alts. oo
    Can u play now?
    but im in #baril most times.
    Sorry I can't play at the moment but hopefully tomorrow we can get this done, I'll go onto #baril tomorrow as Lunar so it should be hard to miss me.
    Hi Lunar! :)
    My mom attempted a prank but it was a bad one so it kind of sucked lol, I am going to a vgc regional soon which is pretty cool.
    I always wanted to go to the vgc but I always forget or put it off. Good luck! :D
    They are really fun with nice people, I don't know what region you are in but there are some really nice people in all regions, also thanks I'll do my best!
    Looks like this plan doesn't work, can you play tomorrow one hour before the Tour?
    Yea I can do that, meet me on smogontour ps server tomorrow. See you then.
    Hey, we need to play for ost. I'm gmt+13 and available from 5pm-12am during the week but can be pretty flexible during the weekend. When are you available?
    I am fine with that as long as you don't john me if you get the coin flip, but I am sure you wouldn't do that, do you go on #pokemon irc?
    I'll go on #pokemon irc tomorrow under the name Jarryd Hayne.
    I'll be on as Lunar
    Are you going to be ready soon?
    The Wolf
    Friday would be the best. I'd prefer to play at night any time from like 6pm to whatever. Thursday is cool as well, same time as well.
    Sounds good to me, I am not going to be home Saturday since I will be doing a vgc tournament but anytime before then works for me.
    The Wolf
    I'll be on irc as thewolf whenever you're ready.
    yo, we're paired up for ost. My timezone is gmt -5. I'm available on Monday to Wednesday past afternoon until like 4pm or so. I'll be available at night around 9pm my time or so.
    The Wolf
    That's fine, just lmk whenever.
    Hey dude things have come up and I don't think I'll be able to play either of the days, is there a time over the weekend that works for you?
    The Wolf
    Uhh I might be going to PA this weekend. I can probably play on Sunday night when I get back home.
    Hi. We're facing off for farm league this week. When do you want to do this? I'm GMT +5:30. Lemme know yours.

    I'd rather do it over the weekends thanks to my timezone and my workload.
    Hello, how are you? I'm your oponent of this week's faming league, which day is better for you? For me would be good to battle after wednesday pretty much anytime, Im at GMT -3 btw, see ya.
    i'll probably be ready on the deadline day, and will be on IRC from 16h to 1-2 AM my time (GMT+1), would that work for you?
    Yea that should work for me I'll go to #spl as Lunar when the time comes.
    Hey we are supposed to fight for Farm League, when do you wanna get it done? My timezone is GMT -8.
    Want to play now on PS ori?
    oo sorry for the delay, are you still on? I can play atm
    ok im done with finals so maybe late saturday/sunday or monday would be good?
    Something came up and I am pretty badly hurt at the moment so today isn't the best for me, Monday may be better but if not I'll give the win.
    oh ok, sorry bro i understand. i should be on a lot tomorrow in case you still want to battle
    hey bro we gotta battle for walkthrough tour, maybe we can battle on sunday or early next wk cuz i have finals right now
    Sounds good we can decide a time as it comes closer.
    Wassup. When do you want to battle for battle fac?
    I would say now but I haven't made my team yet, if you can wait like 5/10 minutes we could meet on Ori server, my name is Dianciee on there.
    well i'm fed up of posting in the thread so I just want to vm you to let you know rematch hasn't never given me a time, he's inactive for a lot of days in forums and then claims activity. you can easily check the vms i sent him. thank you
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