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  • You know i dont get a notification if you write in your own wall..

    Have you ever heard the song The Sound of Silence? Theres a line that goes: "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls" and i always imagine a crazy hobo guy drawing weird symbols in the Subway restaurant. U know cuz subway walls?
    Did you see that Seymour isnt going to sign unless Atlanta offers him more money? Greedy S.O.B. Im still hoping he signs. We did nothing to replace Vance Walker. Im also still hoping they sign a linebacker like Dansby or something. Its either that or Nick Clancy and/or Brian Banks become surprise contributors, and I doubt that's likely.

    As for some hero, that is probably the worst mock draft team I have ever seen.
    1: McCoy, LeSean (RB)
    2: Thomas, Demaryius (WR)
    3: Brady, Tom (QB)
    4: Nicks, Hakeem (WR)
    5: Romo, Tony (QB)
    6: Brown, Andre (RB)
    7: Smith, Torrey (WR)
    8: Myers, Brandon (TE)
    9: Bennett, Martellus (TE)
    10: Randle, Rueben (WR)
    11: Brown, Bryce (RB)
    12: Celek, Brent (TE)
    13: Hunter, Kendall (RB)

    Thoughts on this draft? Or should I go easier on the TEs?
    Calm down dude. Not everyone can be a sidekick like me. I can see into the future. Wtf ami even saying <_< this iswhat no football turnz me into.

    1 MO MONTH. Then Hard Knocks and preseason games. And mah burthday on august 17. So yeah just have to grind through damn july.

    Wirkd war z was a hige dissapp man. No gore or guts and not even attempting to be realistic. Plus pitt is too pretty :( so now im hoping wolverine is better than im expectin
    Aint nobody got time for this(looking thru our convo)

    See? Xbox fixed everything, as I(muthafucking ME) predicted. Wasnt even a big deal'o.
    Dude wtf, u told me u went to vgc events or somthin. Wearin pony shirts iirc.

    Also, its a pokemon site.
    Like wut?

    Whens the last time u didnt use a pony picture?

    U liek How it Ends by devsomthin? The song from the gears 2 trailer LAST DAY. Ill always love gears cuz of this song. Its become oneof my favorites
    Sometimes i wish there were no divisions. I seriously HATE all division games for my favorite teams. Too much emotion. Plus good teams would lose less often to bad teams.
    25-0??? I can totally picture a spartan with the trollface killin u. But eh 25-0 aint even hard.

    No, NO! U did not spend ur day in the wilderness! You cannot relate to someone as complicated as me damn it!

    But nintendoh is for lil kids(says the guy who plays yugioh)! Plus they dont got no rpgs :( or headshots :( and all their exclusives are just sequels of games with very simple, never changing mechanics :(
    Hehe but seriously, if it stays EXACTLY this way imma buy a ps4. But i doubt it and 'soft will come around as we reach novembah.
    After spending all day in the wilderness looking back at my past failures, ive made up mah mind. Not gunna buy the xbone if it stays like this. It hurts me soo much, saying this. But its true. The xbox i used to know is dead to me. I may have raised my crossed arms and shouted "xbox for life!" in the past but even my loyalty has limits. As much as its shocks you to hear that. It does. I cannot support microsoft in this decision. Theyve always known best, always cared about us the gamers but this time its too obvious their wallets are more important. Sure i always knew that was the case but i was able to sleep at night knowing that they were at least trying to hide it. Now their power has gone to their heads. They think they're untouchable. One of their spokespeople said "we'll let the consumers vote with their wallet"(or somethin, i forget). That made me so angry that i had to run away from my life and all my wordly possessions out of disgust. Everything i've known... A damn lie.. Damn it!
    cod is obligatory on xbox :/

    basically any multiplayer game beside's EA's shooters.
    talking about microsoft? lol.

    i own a ps2, enjoyed it for years. still own games for it. but i enjoy online games (microsofts strength) more than single player games (sony's strength). hell i own a ps3, but i only use it for bluray movies, might pick up TLOU if I get hyped enough for it.
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