Full-Time Pokemon Player

Holy shit dude thank you,

I thought I was bad because I hopped on this site every few days to see what was going on, but after reading your post I am physically disgusted at how much of a waste even 3 hours a week in this place is. This is like the time Robert D Junior quit weed because he ate a burger from Burger King so bad it made him rethink his life choices. Your post makes me feel so bad for you I want to go to the gym, eat healthy, and hang out with my friends more.

Thank you for being the Burger King to my Robert Downey Junior
Hopefully this response will address all questions/comments asked:

I am taking a gap year from college. I will be on a pokemon grind until I accomplish something on this site. I am doing this for a few reasons, but the biggest reason sums down to my addict with pokemon. My semester grades took a severe dip as I played pokemon too much. I have come to the conclusion that it would be beneficial for me to take a gap year and win something on this site to fulfill the insatiable passion that I have right now for the game of pokemon. More so, I think doing something I love for a year, with limited responsibilities and stress (I guess performing well would be my only one) will be something fulfilling in life and an opportunity not everyone has.

As for starting a youtube channel. There has been an expressed interest for me to make videos detailing my life and how I spend my days/what I do. I am still undecidedly if I will do a monthly, bi-weekly or weekly video answering all the question you have and also updating my process. (If anyone would wanna call for a preliminary video lmk via pm or in this thread)

If any of you didnt read the op, this will not be my job because I will not be making money, however I will be dedicating whatever time I would for school/work on pokemon instead, hoping to accomplish something and fulfill one of my goals in life right now! :]
I think it would be more beneficial to spend the year getting mental help. There are people who will be able to get you on track. In life, not Pokemon.
I believe life requires balance. I think personally this idea is dumb as fuck. Your not generating any income from this and your only reward is the satisfaction of winning which u will realize wasnt wprth dropping out of school for a year just to play pokemon. I think playing as much as you say will do more harm then good tbh there is such a thing as over playing. Id say i spend about 15 to 20 hours a week playing pokemon altho i think it used to be more and i feel like that is more then enough to become good enough at this game. If i were u id take teals advice and talk to him he works full time and has made multiple official tour playoffs while doing this. I also work full time while going to grad school and made it to an official tour finals this year without anny drop off in grades or slow down in work. Rethink this please, dont just be lazy to play pokemon full time bc you dont want responsibilities. Or at least play vgc so u can make money

E. If u need to play full time to win a tournament i dont think your gonna win one.
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Hi there.

In private channels there has been some interest in my endeavors starting January 15th and I have decided to publicize my intentions in terms of pokemon and life.

About me: I am a 28 year old living in Toronto, Canada. I am single, work at an IB firm and have a passion for pokemon. Two years ago I was discussing with a good friend of mine what the purpose is in life. We both came to the conclusion that doing what truly makes you happy is something that is very fulfilling in life. As a result, I really pondered what made me happy. After coming onto smogon and being more involved in the pokemon scene, I realized that my passion in life and my favorite hobby is playing Pokemon. Over the past two years, I have been rationing money in order to try something that I think will be very rewarding: playing Pokemon full time.

This endeavor will start January 15th. I will be spending roughly 40-50 hrs weekly (what I would if I were working that year) on PS and just playing pokemon. To say it plain and simple, Pokemon will be my job for the year. I will also be taking vacation breaks, just as a real job and I will also be competing in tournaments and training for them as my job. A lot of people have tried to talk me out of this online and in real life, while I have also found some support in my good friend and a few friends I made online.

I just thought this thread would be a good place for discussion and have some interest, so if you have any questions, comments or advice then just feel free to PM me. I will be keeping a log of my weekly accompishments/projects I choose to do in the posts below.

Anyways feel free to discuss your thoughts or ask questions!

(I wil

Man I was thinking how much I missed having really introspective conversations like that in college and you saying you were still having them at 26 made me smile but now it all makes sense again.
tons of youtubers make a living off of making videos. depending on how popular you are you can make millions.
In terms of Pokemon, the only yter that comes to mind popular enough to do it full time is pokeaimmd. there are probably a lot more but I dont watch enough Pokemon on yt to know
While this is true, I believe a lot of people underestimate how hard it is to do so nowadays. The add money isn't what it used to be. Pokeaim has a Tempo Storm sponsorship, which I suppose help a lot. He is also pumping out videos like crazy, which kinda make him just as much of a content creator as a full time pokemon player. If not more.
Hi there.

In private channels there has been some interest in my endeavors starting January 15th and I have decided to publicize my intentions in terms of pokemon and life.

About me: I am a 28 year old living in Toronto, Canada. I am single, work at an IB firm and have a passion for pokemon. Two years ago I was discussing with a good friend of mine what the purpose is in life. We both came to the conclusion that doing what truly makes you happy is something that is very fulfilling in life. As a result, I really pondered what made me happy. After coming onto smogon and being more involved in the pokemon scene, I realized that my passion in life and my favorite hobby is playing Pokemon. Over the past two years, I have been rationing money in order to try something that I think will be very rewarding: playing Pokemon full time.

This endeavor will start January 15th. I will be spending roughly 40-50 hrs weekly (what I would if I were working that year) on PS and just playing pokemon. To say it plain and simple, Pokemon will be my job for the year. I will also be taking vacation breaks, just as a real job and I will also be competing in tournaments and training for them as my job. A lot of people have tried to talk me out of this online and in real life, while I have also found some support in my good friend and a few friends I made online.

I just thought this thread would be a good place for discussion and have some interest, so if you have any questions, comments or advice then just feel free to PM me. I will be keeping a log of my weekly accompishments/projects I choose to do in the posts below.

Anyways feel free to discuss your thoughts or ask questions!

(I will only be playing smogon/ps pokemon, not vgc)
This is what people mean when they talk about privilege. Back when I was a wee lad I had to work down t' mine 32 hours a day, nine days a week just to buy a loaf of bread for my sixteen starving siblings. Sometimes even this wasn't enough but at least the pressure eased when Wee Jimmy passed away. He was the first to go but pneumonia soon returned and took another of my brothers, the worst part of it was our family was so poor we couldn't even afford to give him a name.
This is what happens when you parrot to your children that their interests are the most important thing in the world. Oh, you want a 40,000$ gender studies degree? Who cares you won't be able to pay it off. After all, that's what the government's for. Oh, you want a 40 hour work week with maximum benefits, a 25/hour salary, at a lemonade stand? That's fine, after all you're entitled to anything you want.

On one hand I'm happy you gave me such a good laugh but on the other I realize you're probably going to be taking taxpayer's money to fund your meme year off from school to play Showdown full-time.

no it isn't
i play a total of about 20 hours of pokemon a year and manage to be better than most people.. pokemon is more of having a high iq.. and if u werent born with it, then u will fail in this game. i remember accidentally qualifying for olt because hurricane harvey shut down school and i had nothin to do but watch one piece and ladder on the other tab. my point is that if u wanna get better at pokemon, then dont train in mons, but train in ur cognitive abilities.. read a textbook or somethin dewd
*insert funny meme to farm likes on ww subjagator II*

I feel like this is bait, ngl, but if it's real, holE fuck, that's a bad idea, but if it's what you enjoy, do it, I can't stop you. Have fun, I guess.
Update for all those interested:

NJNP expressed interested in asking questions and talking with me; we will be doing an interview on his youtube channel in the coming week!


This is freaking bullshit you get to make videos with njnp for nothing, i donated him twenty dollars on patron and the only thing i got was a thank you in discord pm and a role that showed i was dumb enough to donate in thr good friday server
here's a MUCH better idea: take a year off work/school to learn how to draw cartoon boobs

here is exhibit A of why you should learn how to draw cartoon boobs instead of play pokemon:


look at that garbage. this human being has 6,000 people willingly subscribed to PAY them to draw fictional chicks in minimal to no clothing.

let me break down what this means:

a) 6,050 "patrons" equates to 6,050 people signed up to pay this person twice a month (minimum of $1, twice per month)
b) Minimum of $1 twice a month means minimum of $2 per month
c) 6,000 * $2 * 12 months = $144,000/year at MINIMUM---only god knows how many people pay more, cranking up the yearly income. obviously i'm not accounting for taxes but this shit is still obscene. this guy makes around four times as much as a public school teacher does by just sticking nipples on some photoshop canvas.

so yeah. this genius human being has found a way to make an absurd amount of bank by drawing anime titties and selling them off to who knows (pre-teens who stole their dad's credit card? random dudes with too much money? people that don't know theres actual petabytes of free porn on the internet?).

a full year of dedicated pokemon playing will only result in a profound sense of emptiness and higher cholesterol levels. if you hit up photoshop right this second, you could learn how to draw boobs AND profit handsomely.

here's your starter kit:
photoshop: http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop.html
patreon (if you pretend to be a girl you'll probably get more subscribers): https://www.patreon.com/
Back when I was a young boy my father told me that I need to work hard to be what I wanted to be. To achieve what I truly wanted. He passed during my sophomore year of highschool, and even before he passed, he told me to never give up on my dreams. That as long as I worked hard, I could achieve happiness. And I truly thought that was the case. For you, your happiness is clearly being a full-time pokemon player. For me, it was singing. I thought that even if I might not earn the most money, or have the most respected job, that if I worked hard, I would be happy.

Unfortunately, this wasn't the case. Reality was much harsher than what my father had made it out to be. After his death, I was burdened with bills, a brother that refused to accept the facts, and a mother that was too grief-stricken to work. It felt like my life was crumbling around me, falling into pieces. Perhaps it was my hormones that made me so dramatic, but I truly felt like I was at the end of my line. But even throughout all this, there's one thing I did.

I sang.

I sang my troubles out, I sang my sadness out, I sang everything that had bottled up within me out. I practiced for hours, staying in the choir room by myself after school. My voice and the music I made with it was my only comfort during those days. It was the reason I held fast, and it was the reason I am here, typing this today, to tell my tale. Eventually, life started picking up. I won't pretend like it was my singing that did it, but it was my persistence that was reinforced by my voice that pulled me through. Every morning, I would cook breakfast for my mother, still bedridden, and go to school. After school, I worked. After work, I sang. After I sang, I would eat, kiss my mother goodnight, sleep for a couple hours, then repeat the process. My mother eventually recovered, and one night I came home to her waiting for me, out of her bed. She embraced me with tears in her eyes, apologizing for being such a burden the past few months, saying what a good young man I was, how proud she was of me, how she missed my father, how she was sorry about everything, how she would be my mother again.

I'm not going to lie. In that moment, I felt like I was a baby again. After months of hardening myself, killing my emotions, and trying to be a harder man that I was, it all broke down when my mother hugged me. I sobbed into her shoulder for a solid thirty minutes, and we just stood there like that, hugging each other in the doorway. It is one of my fondest memories of her.

My mother passed on December 9th, 2017. Just over four days ago. A drunk driver ran a red light and rammed into the side of her car at 70 miles per hour. Even now, as I type this, I feel numb inside. When I heard the news, it felt like something inside of me died. Something important. I found out what it was. Two days after her death. It pains me to write that. It feels so surreal. Her death. My mother is dead. Two days after her death, I tried to sing.

The only thing that escaped my open mouth was a sob. As I crumpled down in my room, a sobbing heaving mess, I realized what had died inside of me. My passion. My love for singing had died, along with my mother. I had thought I had hit my lowest low, and now, not only have I hit lower, but my one light of salvation had also been put out. I had dark thoughts. Troubled thoughts. Thoughts of just ending it all, to be with my parents, wherever they may be.

But yesterday. Yesterday, something flickered inside of me. Something told me that I could not give up here, that I had more to do. So I decided to share my story. Share my story with those who truly need it. I happened to read your story, and I have to say, this shit was actually so fucking stupid that I can't believe I wasted twenty minutes of my time typing this bullshit like Jesus fucking Christ man you're close to your thirties and you want to play Pokemon to help your Pokemon addiction? Bro imma tell you straight up right now like addiction ain't some Pokemon battle man you gotta get some fucking help like get a fucking psychiatrist or some shit the nerve of some people I swear to God. Wait hold up you're not even actually in your thirties, and you're lying to your parents too? Man I swear if my son told me he took an off year from school that I'm probably paying for to do an online job and see him playing Japanese furry-dominating self-insert video games, I'd kick his broke delusional ass outta my house smh
Isn't Toronto pretty $$$? How have you saved up enough to justify living there with no degree and however much debt you have from your 1 year of college?

Always hard to tell when a tournament player is trolling cause this sounds exactly like something they would do.