1v1 1v1LT Playoffs [Won by UnleashOurPassion]

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Approved by The Immortal

Welcome to the 1v1 Ladder Tour Playoffs thread where qualifiers will clash to crown a champion. This will be a Double Elimination 1v1 Bo5 tournament where the winner will get a Custom Title of his THEIR choice on Smogon.

Cycle 1
Cycle 2
Cycle 3
Cycle 4

Players list:
gyffyrd (#1)
Downcoming3 (#2)
The Official Glyx (#3)
Wrath of Alakazam (#4)
charizard8888 (#6)
dusk raimon (#7)
UBERLandon21 (#8)
motogp (#9)
WhalemanCheng (#10)
UnleashOurPassion (#11)
Chickenpie2 (#12)
Scraftionite (#13)
Santu (#14)
partys over (#15)
toadandhishaxx (#16)

Substitutes: RNGIsFatal, lmni 1v1, TGC Disunited

Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4 (Losers Bracket)
Round 5
Round 6 (Losers Bracket)
Round 7 - Finals
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Please dont quote me on these "guesses"

WhalemanCheng vs motogp
partys over vs Downcoming3
Wrath of Alakazam
UBERLandon21 vs gyffyrd (Undecided)
Scraftionite vs Chickenpie2 (...Skip)
charizard8888 vs UnleashOurPassion
toadandhishaxx vs The Official Glyx
Santu vs dusk raimon
Please dont quote me on these "guesses"

WhalemanCheng vs motogp
partys over vs Downcoming3
Wrath of Alakazam
UBERLandon21 vs gyffyrd (Undecided)
Scraftionite vs Chickenpie2 (...Skip)
charizard8888 vs UnleashOurPassion
toadandhishaxx vs The Official Glyx
Santu vs dusk raimon
When your so inconfident in ur choices you have to say please don't quote me on these "guesses" wew
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WhalemanCheng vs motogp*
I think MotoGP is underrated as hell hes a solid player and I actually think he will win the whole tour, so I'm gonna star him as my pick to go all the way.

Partys over vs Downcoming3
The ladder hero or the lillie rapist. Lillie rapist.

Wrath of Alakazam vs XSTATIC COLD
This is the HL match to end all HL matches and it's in round 1, honestly this could go either way but #EXLSFDOESNOTLOSE

UBERLandon21 vs gyffyrd
Honestly while some people have been saying this will be a Hl match I believe gyff will be put down by the clinically consistent landona

Scraftionite vs Chickenpie2
Scrafty used to be in dusk so it's a no brainer who I'm picking

charizard8888 vs UnleashOurPassion
A HL match imo this will be incredibly interesting but how can I predict against the mono elec God

toadandhishaxx vs The Official Glyx
Glyx is overall a lot more experienced than toad and although toad seems ok I think glyx should take this easily

Santu vs dusk raimon
Idk much about either of these players so I'm just gonna go with whoever looks hotter
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Whaleman Cheng vs motogp (nah not predicting myself)

partys over vs Downcoming3 (This matchup seems even but i am giving the slight edge to Downcoming3 because I haven't seen partys lately)

Wrath Of Alakazam vs XSTATIC COLD (If someone can beat the #1 1v1 player, it will most definitely be WOA.XSTATIC COLD himself stated that he isn't in a very good condition nowadays)

UBERLandon21 vs gyffyrd (I believe in Landon)

Charizard8888 vs UnleashOurPassion (Yeah, another even matchup but I am giving the slight edge to Zard because idk I have a feeling that he'll win)

toadandhishax vs The Official Glyx (who even is toadandhishax lmaoo)

Scraftionite vs Chickenpie2 (Scrafty got Seed #1 I believe in him)

Santu vs dusk raimon (Raimon can and will win this cuz he good)
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Just predicting, I don't really mean anything and anyone listed here can always prove me wrong:

Whaleman Cheng vs motogp

Underrated player, have faith in yourself.

partys over vs Downcoming3

partys over has so many teams he can choose from, and this might be true for most 1v1 players but during the tryout with him, I noticed he makes some unexpected EV spreads to survive Z moves and stuff. I won't be surprised if Downcoming3 does it to partys, however.

Wrath Of Alakazam vs XSTATIC COLD

The Xsatic has been tilted and now is your chance to take an action. I predict second HP Ice meme on Landorus-T mirror matchups.

UBERLandon21 vs gyffyrd

Let's do it, landon. That doesn't mean I don't wish you good luck, gyffyrd.

Charizard8888 vs UnleashOurPassion

Both players are close to me and they are one of the best 1v1 players I know so I will just make a meme here;

Charizard8888 vs UnleashOurPassion

Choice Band Hustle Durant has 64% chance of hitting Stone Edge against Mega Charizard X but Stone Edge doesn't hit because as the smart person says here, Stone Edge does not hit but instead does nothing. Therefore, Mega Charizard X can OHKO Durant with Flare Blitz and win.

toadandhishax vs The Official Glyx

Not gonna predict this highlight match.

Scraftionite vs Chickenpie2

Read motogp's post.

Santu vs dusk raimon

Have seen dusk couple times in ladder but I haven't seen Santu (if I have, I didn't recognize him or don't remember). I can't really judge so therefore I will just say may the RNG be with both of you.


Again, this is p baseless prediction and I wish you all luck unless one / some of you are the one who ****ed me with Brightpowder Whimsicott.​
Aright people time to get EXCITED!!! PLAYOFFS ARE HERE!!!

Am i the only one this excited well I BETTER NOT BE!!

i am really hyped for this and i again better not be the only one.

Now that you are all equally hyped as me i wish everyone the best of fun, because luck is overrated and fun is more important anyway.

Crusher out
alright so i had an idea and i'd like to put it into action and it is LT interviews, so as my first interview we have Esteemed 1v1 voice dusk raimon

Question #1: alright so you qualified in Cycle 2 at seed #7 do you think you could have done better or are you satisfied with this position?

Answer #1: firstly, i believe i could have done better easily if i had not second guessed myself and stuck at 1700 for a bit longer midway through the week, but I'm not annoyed about my placement i didnt care where i was seeded if i qualified since i fancied my chances versus almost anyone i could potentially be matched up with.

Question #2: what tactic did you use when laddering if any tactic at all?

Answer #2: I know other people tried to ladder at specific times but what i tried to do was just hit the ladder hard at the start of the cycle then play 1 game a day to stop decay, obviously this backfired and i ended up tilting massively and having to then untilt for a very stressful last hour of the cycle, but that was my plan i tried to employ.

Question #3: Your first opponent is Santu, are you looking forward to this match and do you believe you can win?

Answer #4: yes to both, i dont think santu is that experienced but I'm still nervous to play him, however I'm backing myself going into this.
cycle 4 scrub aint topping me !!

Question #4: Which matchup for round 1 are you most looking forward to?

Answer #4: UOP versus zard8888 without a shadow of a doubt, not only are two of the best players in the tour matched up round 1, but its two players who use innovative sets in a lot of their teams which really excites me, and i cant wait to see which way it will go. I'm honestly not sure who will win but its gonna be an insane match or set of matches, w/e.

Question #5: Any words to your fellow qualifiers?

Answer #5: bl hf!

alright this has been the first interview if this one was enjoyed i will be interviewing more people. (please do tell if you enjoyed this and if you wish to be interviewed Pm me.)

~Iron Crusher
WhalemanCheng vs motogp - i watch motogp time to time so this guy must be good
partys over vs Downcoming3 - saw him around in OM room
Wrath of Alakazam vs XSTATIC COLD - heard good things about both, but Xstatsic is the god of the tier
UBERLandon21 vs gyffyrd -#1 qualafier
Scraftionite vs Chickenpie2 idk
charizard8888 vs UnleashOurPassion - king of the tier
toadandhishaxx vs The Official Glyx - one of the few who exceels in other tiers
Santu vs dusk raimon - raimon is a higher being than God. he shall win this tour
Alright another interview, this time motogp

Question #1: you finished as the #1 in the 3rd cycle getting you seed 9, what tactic if any did you use during laddering?

Answer #1: I managed to bring 2 accounts in high ladder and then played 1 game on the first-1 game on the second, something that helped me reach seeds without dropping on my highest account.

Question #2: Are you looking forward to your match against Cheng (because i sure am) and do you believe that you can win?

Answer #2: I am so anxious about that match. Cheng is a decent player and i think he has huge potential to beat me, but i will try my best and hopefully grab a win.

on #3: Is there someone you would look forward to be paired against next?

Answer #3: Well, Attidude would provide some interesting and tough games, but I would like to be paired against Scrafty.
What is the reason for that?: Well, I have supported him a lot in order to help him qualify and would like to see how he can fare against me.

Question #4: Which matchup are you the most excited for this round?

Answer #4: The matchup I was the most excited about has already happened, so I'd say Unleash Our Passion vs charizard8888.
what did you think about the outcome of the WOA vs XSTATIC match?: I sure did want WOA to win and I believed in him, I was a little bit disappointed by the outcome.

Question #5: Any words to your opponents?

Answer #5: Good luck, have fun, and play fair.

Alright this was the second interview this time with motogp hope you all enjoyed this one and more interviews will be later.

~Iron Crusher
WhalemanCheng vs motogp - i watch motogp time to time so this guy must be good
partys over vs Downcoming3 - saw him around in OM room
Wrath of Alakazam vs XSTATIC COLD - heard good things about both, but Xstatsic is the god of the tier
UBERLandon21 vs gyffyrd -#1 qualafier
Scraftionite vs Chickenpie2 idk
charizard8888 vs UnleashOurPassion - king of the tier
toadandhishaxx vs The Official Glyx - one of the few who exceels in other tiers
Santu vs dusk raimon - raimon is a higher being than God. he shall win this tour
TFW I'm king XSC is God and Raimon is above god
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