AlphaMod XY V0.1.6- a new way to play (WIP)

What moves should be made better?

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Why does Feraligatr have Strong Jaw when its most useful attacks aren't biting moves? (ex. Waterfall, Ice Punch, Close Combat)
Ice Fang is way stronger than Ice Punch after Strong Jaw, Crunch is useful, and it's a crocodile, which are known for having powerful jaws. It also gets Poison Fang and Fire Fang as new moves in this mod.
Ice Fang is way stronger than Ice Punch after Strong Jaw, Crunch is useful, and it's a crocodile, which are known for having powerful jaws. It also gets Poison Fang and Fire Fang as new moves in this mod.
They should at least make stronger moves affected by Strong Jaws as well, such as a water-type or fighting-type move for STAB. However, you have made me see the light.

EDIT: I have ideas for said water- and fighting-type fang moves. Water=Ocean Fang, Fighting=Furious Fang. That is, if making new moves is possible.
Mantine should get Parental Bond. It carries a Remoraid, and while they do not have a parental bond, they do have a friendly bond. ;)
Some Pokémon consisting of multiple bodies should also have Parental Bond.
It would help it, but I can't really picture a clam shooting shurikens. I'll consider the sp.def, but thanks for the idea.

EDIT: I do know it would really compliment both it's ability and STAB, but flavour wise... meh...

If it can compress ice into spears, it can compress water into shurikens. Just imagine the shell squeezing the water into a shuriken shape.
They should at least make stronger moves affected by Strong Jaws as well, such as a water-type or fighting-type move for STAB. However, you have made me see the light.

EDIT: I have ideas for said water- and fighting-type fang moves. Water=Ocean Fang, Fighting=Furious Fang. That is, if making new moves is possible.
I don't think I'll add new moves any time soon unfortunately. The only other option could be to make Feraligatr Water/Poison, but I'm not so sure about it.
Mantine should get Parental Bond. It carries a Remoraid, and while they do not have a parental bond, they do have a friendly bond. ;)
Some Pokémon consisting of multiple bodies should also have Parental Bond.
Thanks for the ideas! :)
If it can compress ice into spears, it can compress water into shurikens. Just imagine the shell squeezing the water into a shuriken shape.
I'll think about it.
Ooohhhh! We can suggest sets?! *Checks* "Set Examples". Yay! We can!

Feraligator @ Life Orb
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 4 HP (252 if Adamant Nature) / 252 Atk / 252 Spe (4 if Adamant)
- Mach Punch
- Poison Fang
- Fire Fang
- Ice Fang / Waterfall

I did some calcs, but didn't post 'em on here, but Mach Punch Destroys Chansey.

As for Parental Bond Pokemon, Kangaskhan-M :D Lol Nope
Er... maybe... erm... I DON'T KNOW!
Its 2:13 AM, I'm not thinking straight. I'll probably have an Idea tomorrow... I'll edit this if I do, if I can even remember.
Magnezone should get Parental Bond. I know its more of a magnetic bond, but still, the other two magnemites around it are significantly smaller in size than the main one.
It gets Comet Punch, it just has no reason to run it because, seriously, it's got Return/Frustration and Parental Bond gives it the ability to break Substitutes/Sashes/Sturdy without an actual multi-hit move. (And also Comet Punch is bad and nothing runs it ever)
Bisharp should get it. While it's not as much of a "parental bond" multiple entries mention it fighting alongside Pawniard to catch prey but idk.
Bisharp should get it. While it's not as much of a "parental bond" multiple entries mention it fighting alongside Pawniard to catch prey but idk.
Bisharp doesn't need any more help. We don't need Pokemon taking STAB +2 Knock Offs and Sucker Punches off of 125 base Attack that hit for 1.5x the original damage. Yes, Bisharp loses Defiant, but who needs that when you can essentially be at +1 attack all the time with Parental Bond?
I must say this pet mod is kinda outdated.
I'm kinda busy with another Pet Mod, so I might update the mod to incorporate ORAS features etc. , I might not.

About Parental Bond, same thing really. I'll see how things go.
It took me a while... so now instead of having to off Smogon to Pastebin, I have listed a few of the changes to Pokemon in the OP.
I have also started to code a bit too:
exports.BattleAbilities = {
inherit: true,
"victorystar": {
onAllyModifyMove: function (move) {
if (typeofmove.accuracy === "number") {
move.accuracy *= 1.4;
} //BTW I know I didn't indent

I'm pretty noobish at coding so if I'm doing something wrong please tell me!
For the most of it, this code looks decently correct, just one thing though.

You need to move the inherit: true into the ability's code.
exports.BattleAbilities = {
    "victorystar": {
        inherit: true,
        onAllyModifyMove: function (move) {
            if (typeofmove.accuracy === "number") {
                move.accuracy *= 1.4;

Use this code, and it should work perfectly fine!
Oh dear God... :O
Why has there been no activity on this thread for more than three months now?

By the way, there is quite a LOT of stuff people need to read and learn about if they're going to partake in this piece of awesomeness! I want in!
Oh dear God... :O
Why has there been no activity on this thread for more than three months now?

By the way, there is quite a LOT of stuff people need to read and learn about if they're going to partake in this piece of awesomeness! I want in!
Thanks, I might bring in a huge update for ORAS too soon, so look out that!
Disclaimer: I'm new to the thread. I may or may not have read anything here, so forgive me if I make a suggestion already made. Also, I don't know if I'm allowed to make a suggestion, so if I'm not, ignore this.

I'm gonna make a ballsy suggestion, so here it goes: Sheer Force Regigigas.

Now I know what some of you might be thinking, "lol that's too broekn fuk no." But when you look at Regigigas' movepool, you'll find that it is kind of lacking, but it does have enough moves to use with Sheer Force. On top of that, think about how Sheer Force Regigigas would fare in regular OU; it's p slow compared to some top tier threats and it probably wouldn't do too well against offense due to typing and mediocre speed.

However, it does have its merits: it has enough moves to abuse with Sheer Force but enough so that it doesn't have too many moves to abuse, and its speed tier is still pretty good, outspeeding some slower threats such as defensive Lando-T, Rotom-W, and Dragonite. With a Choice Band, this thing can hit pretty hard.

It also has some pretty decent bulk and its Normal typing makes it only weak to Fighting (though it has no other resistances besides Ghost).

That's all I have to say, so yeah. Regigigas.

EDIT: It hasn't even been a minute yet but I just now realized that this thread has been inactive for a month. Dunno what else to say.
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Disclaimer: I'm new to the thread. I may or may not have read anything here, so forgive me if I make a suggestion already made. Also, I don't know if I'm allowed to make a suggestion, so if I'm not, ignore this.

I'm gonna make a ballsy suggestion, so here it goes: Sheer Force Regigigas.

Now I know what some of you might be thinking, "lol that's too broekn fuk no." But when you look at Regigigas' movepool, you'll find that it is kind of lacking, but it does have enough moves to use with Sheer Force. On top of that, think about how Sheer Force Regigigas would fare in regular OU; it's p slow compared to some top tier threats and it probably wouldn't do too well against offense due to typing and mediocre speed.

However, it does have its merits: it has enough moves to abuse with Sheer Force but enough so that it doesn't have too many moves to abuse, and its speed tier is still pretty good, outspeeding some slower threats such as defensive Lando-T, Rotom-W, and Dragonite. With a Choice Band, this thing can hit pretty hard.

It also has some pretty decent bulk and its Normal typing makes it only weak to Fighting (though it has no other resistances besides Ghost).

That's all I have to say, so yeah. Regigigas.

EDIT: It hasn't even been a minute yet but I just now realized that this thread has been inactive for a month. Dunno what else to say.
I'll consider it along with the big update soon, if I have time for the update. Thanks for the suggestion!
MegaGallade ily for giving torterra shell smash, but aren't you worried tree turtle would be quite overpowered? Since it had nice physical attack and reliable recovery?
MegaGallade ily for giving torterra shell smash, but aren't you worried tree turtle would be quite overpowered? Since it had nice physical attack and reliable recovery?
Torterra is PU. Giving it Shell Smash makes sense flavour-wise (It has a shell, what more is there to say), and makes it more viable.
There is Skarmory, however, which can wall Torterra due to the fact it is immune to EQ, resists Wood Hammer, and only move that can try to hit it is SuperPower, which lowers Torterra's attack and defenses anyway, and even that is a 3HKO after leftovers.

+2 252+ Atk Torterra Superpower vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 144-170 (43.1 - 50.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252+ Atk Torterra Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 120-142 (35.9 - 42.5%) -- 95.1% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
0 Atk Skarmory Brave Bird vs. -1 0 HP / 4 Def Torterra: 308-366 (93 - 110.5%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
0 Atk Skarmory Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Torterra: 204-242 (61.6 - 73.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

It does get Solid Rock, however. Then again,

8 Atk Avalugg Avalanche vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Solid Rock Torterra: 432-507 (130.5 - 153.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 Atk Torterra Superpower vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Avalugg: 214-252 (54.4 - 64.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Sure, it's a threat, but not much so that it needs banning, imo. If you're scared of it, use Skarm or rather Avalugg.

I'm in progress of making a big update for this pet mod anyway. It's quite outdated, and even I question myself for some of the features here. It's taking a while, due to all these inspirations and ideas popping up in my head. If anything, I might as well make a check for Torterra.
Thanks for the feedback. :]
I also want to ask, do you still take Pokemon requests for this meta (it's one of the best I've seen in a while :) )