General Introduce yourself!


a sky full of lighters ☆
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Welcome to Smogon! This is the forum where basically... everything about Smogon is found. That includes a place to introduce yourself (so fitting into the community is easier!)

The purpose of this thread is so you can introduce yourself, you can get chatting with older Smogoners (and other new Smogoners, like yourself) and hopefully form a few friendships from this too.


You can post as much as you want in this thread.

The cool thing is now you can introduce yourself, and if someone wants to know a bit more about you, they'll send you a reply here, and you can essentially hang out here at first. Once you feel familiar with someone, you can take the conversation to private message or visitor message. Obviously if things go a little too off-topic we'll suggest you take it privately, but while you're getting started here this is your hangout!

Only new users should introduce themselves, but older returning members can introduce themselves as well.
While only relatively new users (or returning members) can introduce themselves, we'd love it if our older members and mentors greeted people in the thread here and replied to their posts.

Finally, please don't post more than once in a row, thanks!

Also, don't worry about your English, a lot of people on Smogon don't speak English as a first language, so we're certainly not going to judge. Just be yourself and we'll be happy with that!

Also, don't feel rejected if nobody replies to your post, the intro thread team can be pretty busy and might not get the chance to reply, but know that your post was definitely read, and we're glad to have you in the community.

If you have ANY questions though, or concerns, PM skylight, Fluke, QueBien or Chesty and they'll help you out straight away.


If you find posting in this thread really awkward and don't know what to say, here's a few things you can discuss that can break the ice.
  • Your favourite Pokemon
  • Are you on PS?
  • What you plan to do here
  • Things you might need help with
  • A little background info about you in real life, if you're ok with sharing that
  • Favourite Pokemon games
And so on. This thread just helps us get to know you a little better, and helps you feel a little less intimidated suddenly jumping into other areas where people may not be as nice as they are here (and if that's the case, this can be your Smogon happy place!)


If you have the time, please do reply to 'What brought you to Smogon?'. We're interested in knowing what exactly brought you here!

On another note if you need help around here, you can use the Help form!

Final note: You can obtain a badge from helping out here.
Pre-Contributor Conditions For Smogon Info Hub
  • Be active in both Simple Questions as well as Introduce Yourself
  • Actively be involved in Info Hub for a five month period (you don't have to post everyday, but have a presence)
  • Have no active infractions or sketchy history with other areas of the site in the last five months
  • Post detailed welcomes (don't just link a whole ton of things, talk about the user, chat to them as if you've been friends for years)
  • Follow up on the people you've introduced over VMs (this is purely so that getting a badge nomination through IS has evidence outside of the forum that you're actively helping. about a month after you've welcomed them, check up on them, see if they need any help. you don't need to do this for everyone but users who you've gotten along quite well with in the thread you should probably check up on them).
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hi everyone o/ the name is Darnell

I've been on Smogon for quite a while now but originally made my account only to use the Wi-Fi battle finder for my YouTube channel. I eventually started using Pokemon Showdown and gathered knowledge of Smogon and its community with the help of Redew. Thanks for your time n_n

Feel free to PM/VM new users and I'll be happy to help!
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Hullo, I'm Lizzy and I'm 19!
Started playing in gen 4 and have played all of them since, but never really played competitively, though I do breed/train competitive level pokemon. I've been lurking around smogon for literally years- started using the strategy dex in DPPt, but only recently started posting, thanks to ORAS hype! (Six more days lmao.)
hey guys, im cherub agent, 20
ive been here for a long time now and don't really do much on the forums anymore, but i've taken a liking to breeding in sixth gen and still keep up with the tiers and metagame trends :) if you're feeling lost feel free to message me, as i've dabbled in most aspects of the site and can definetly help point you in the right direction. have a fun time here, it can seem intimidating at first, but once youve settled in i can guarantee you that you'll have a blast


I closed my eyes and I slipped away...
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Hey. I'm Ununhexium, and I've been a member since January. I'm 15 and from New Hampshire. I'm mostly a UU player though I dabble in OU and I'm a large participant in the CAP Project (currently serving on the Policy Review Committee). That's pretty Mich all you need to know about me.
Yo! I'm Cido, and I'm a quite recent member of Smogon, approximately a month. I am 18, and I live in Lithuania. Mostly I play OverUsed, although battling is not my main niche around here, as I've stepped over those boundaries with the help of Darnell and Redew, and now I try to contribute regularly to the community, with whatever ways I can. n_n/
Hullo, I'm Lizzy and I'm 19!
Started playing in gen 4 and have played all of them since, but never really played competitively, though I do breed/train competitive level pokemon. I've been lurking around smogon for literally years- started using the strategy dex in DPPt, but only recently started posting, thanks to ORAS hype! (Six more days lmao.)
Hey there Lizzy, welcome to smogon! Glad you finally decided to start joining in with the great community here :] It seems as though you like the gen 4 meta so i would check out the Ruins Of Alph sub forum for some Past-Gen discussion. Also, ORAS HYPE!!!! Im going to be getting Alpha Sapphire, what about you? Personally i cant wait to discuss the new games in the Orange Islands subforum when it gets released next Friday, hope to see you in there when you get it :D!

Hope you have fun on Smogon, if you need any help please dont hesitate to post in the Simple Question Simple Answer thread , or PM/VM me !
I'd just like to introduce myself, I feel like you guys don't know me sometimes! Well, anyways, my name's private but you can call me unfixable :D. I'm not gonna give away too much personal info, but I'll share that I am a male who loves science and loves dogs :o. I'm into Other Metagames for the most part, so if you EVER need help there PM me :]. I also write a bunch of analyses and know HTML, if you need help with either then let me know. So yeah, small bit about me :o.
Hey everyone! I've been a member of Smogon for two years as of Tuesday, but not many people know me. This is probably because I'm an Other Metagames player through and through.

When I started on Smogon, I was immediately attracted to Balanced Hackmons, and I've been playing it ever since. I'd say I've gotten pretty good over time, and I've played a great deal of battles, particularly over the last year. PlatypusVenom introduced me to 1v1, and that has become my other favorite metagame.

The downside of being so interested in OMs, though, is the fact that there's no solid way of contributing to Smogon; besides PU, which might as well be standard at this point, no OM has gotten onsite analyses. I hope one day that the long-forgotten BH C&C project will be revived so I can contribute more effectively.

As for PS, from very early on I became a member of the OMs room, and I became % there over the summer. I'm also a + in the Hangout room because I helped unfixable with the OM workshop.

Thanks to all my friends from Other Metas, and everyone else who has been kind to me.
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Also, ORAS HYPE!!!! Im going to be getting Alpha Sapphire, what about you? Personally i cant wait to discuss the new games in the Orange Islands subforum when it gets released next Friday, hope to see you in there when you get it :D!
Cool! I'm getting Ruby, since I tend to buy the red versions- though might see if I can get Sapphire over christmas, I want a spare gen 6 game for replaying/nuzlocke purposes. I've been hanging around orange islands, trying not to spoil myself too much though!
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I'm 17 and I have been on this site for quite a bit of time. The areas I specialize in are Ru and Nu (and pu if you are into that) and I am an official b101 tutor so I can help you with battling and stuff like that. I can also help to begin writing analysis so just vm/pm for any of the above.
I also speak Italian if you aren't very confident with your english so don't be afraid! :)
Hi Smogon! I'm Geoffrey, older member who's been out of the loop for a few years at this point. Used to dedicate all my time to this stuff and now it's more of a "if I have time, I'll play" kind of thing. Playing through ORAS though has me inspired to get back into the competitive game so I'm considering a comeback. We'll see, but I figured I'd post here regardless since I plan to at least lurk around here a bit more if I don't necessarily jump back in the scene right away.

I'm 21 years old, from southwest Indiana. I'm a junior in college majoring in journalism. I started playing pokemon way back when red and blue were first released and have bought every main game in the series since. I love Taylor Swift and am currently addicted to her latest album. So yeah, that's me. :)
Hey guys
Names Pandon and I happen to hang around this forum. I'm age 15 and I've been in Smogon for almost a year and have been into Pokemon for a long time (Hoenn being my favourite region). Anyway I happen to be a Pokemon Showdown! driver and i'm a mentor there so if you need any help on Showdown, hit me up with a PM/VM on Smogon or message me via on Showdown (You can find me in Lobby and various of other rooms as well) and I'll try my best to help :)


for sure
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sup nerds
I'm xzern, I'm much cooler than Redew, and I'll be turning 16 in february. I first joined smogon to join the wifi room's staff convo (i think). some time after that, a friend invited me to a different conversation with a bunch of people and thats where i got my first real taste of the smogon community. It seemed like my kind of place, so I stuck around for a while. I tested the waters and found that i really liked the neverused and smogon doubles communities, so those are the tiers I'm best at.

I'm a smogon mentor, meaning that any of you new guys can feel free to pm ("start a conversation") me if you have any general questions about the community ;o
you can also find me in the nu, doubles, and smogon hangout rooms on PS if you want to just chat with me
yo i play pokes mainly ou which is what Im best at also like a ton of anime series. Didnt really knew about competitive mons until x and y came out got interested than found out about smog after. I gotta say this site has everything you need. Pokedex, teams, tips etc. I like oj and sushi plus italian shit. Trying other tiers like ubers and uu. Upload vids on yt go ahead and dislike all my vids. Im from hawaii and thats pretty much it. Got #424 on the ou ladder p garb but been kinda lazy to ladder mainly make teams and rate peoples rmt. Looking for battles all the time just to have something to upload lol i guess pm if ur interested :] Dont got too much to say check out this load of crap channel
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Hey guys i mainly play Ou UU and a bit of Ubers imo OU is my favorite tier and i mostly spend my time on PS so Pm if you want to battle or what not. My name is the same.
Hi, I have been playing Pokemon for a long time but I only started getting into competitive battling recently. I really want to improve so any help would be appreciated :)

EDIT: yeah I kinda forgot about the other stuff. I found out about smogon from a friend at school years back but I never really went on it much. I like anime and manga and well apart from Pokemon I play League of Legends. I study computer science at uni and I'm 20 years old.
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hey Subside here. i stopped playing after crystal then i started playing again cause i found out pokemon can be competitive :o
SO i'm here tryna learn something and be more experienced. About me: i love music, i love rapping, i love smoking & the bacanator is the recipe of love. <3


I hope you make a million dollars
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Hi I'm NixHex. I've been on smogon for 5 years now I've dabbled around quite a bit in different areas of the site. I started with writing articles and grammar checking and suddenly found myself with a badge. From there I went onto mod gen 5 OU and eventually C&C, the heart of the content of Smogon that we all hold so dear. Nowadays I'm a mod on showdown. Look at the lobby or help user list and if you see me, send me a message; I'd love to talk with you! Also I'm 28 so I'm quite a bit older than the majority of active users (besides Haunter he's like 40 or something). It kinda freaks me out to think that I'm almost twice the age of a certain active tier leader. Right now I serve at my church playing bass guitar ... I'm playing tomorrow 11/23 at 8, 9:45, and 11:30 pacific standard time and you can watch the live stream of any of the services at and see me in the shadows =)JK guest artist!

To the new (and hopefully interested!) user: do you want to help build our strategy dex? Head over to Contributions & Corrections and help out.
Also galbia nice avatar!
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Hiya! o/
I'm Lunistrius, one of the newer members of the Smogon community. Most of you probably know me from Pokemon Showdown!, I'm pretty active there. I probably came around a few months ago, and it's something that I haven't and never will regret. I love to rate teams, so feel free to message me if you want your team rated (I can also try to help with general questions!) Otherwise, I'm just a strange 14 year old with a passion for making music (I have a SoundCloud under my name!) and writing. I'm pretty friendly (at least I like to think so), so feel free to message me!
Thanks for reading about me, and I hope to meet you in the future! =)


"to sea, or not to sea" ~Melodramatic Sailor
Well I do suppose all the cool kids are doing it and I did miss my chance to do this in the other thread, so here goes:

Hey everyone, I'm slayer though I'm commonly referred to as Alex since, as fate would have it, that's my name. I've gotten more into contributing to Smogon recently, sometime around October or September or something (whenever the NU analyses were still in the 'sign up' phase) and from there I grew to love the community and most of the people in it. Outside of this website, I'm a somewhat stereotypical sophomore in high school who is typically burdened by last-minute homework I need to do and sports now that I am finally cleared to do them again (silly knee injuries). Anyways, I hope to enjoy my time here on Smogon and unnecessarily tag Redew, Xylen, and Darnell as much as I can! Cheers.
Hey all. I've been playing Pokemon since it came out in the US, in fact my first Pokemon game was blue. I've been hooked ever since. Only recently have I been interested in competitive battling, but I am a bit behind with the games. The last game I had the most time and experience with was Platinum, which I put over 300 hours into it to build the best team. And so far it is my favorite generation. I have a large amount of knowledge of the type matchups and moves and abilities, but am a bit of a noob with breeding and EV's and the like. I recently heard about smogon nd decided that this is the best place to start learning about competitive battling. Can't wait to get started!


get a dog little longy, get a dog
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Hello! I am Kris[tofer], but I'm more commonly referred to as Langur! I know I've been on the site for a while now, but I've truly never introduced myself. I would like to state right now that I don't bite on Thursdays. I have been playing Pokemon since 3rd gen Ruby, and have gotten almost every mainstream game from that point on (Not Y tho ;-;). When I was on Pokemon Showdown for the first time, and every really talked, and even when I did, nobody noticed, so I guess I'm still technically new :P. I have never really gotten intense with laddering, the most battling I've done is in a scripted Tournaments room tournament. I am a moderately good team builder, a good coder/programmer, a concept artist, and more! I know a lot about the OU and Ubers metagames, especially CAP, but I would like to learn more about OU and Ubers. If you guys have any suggestions for what you think I should get my main focus on, let me know!
Hello! I've never actually played any of the Hoenn games (so I'm really looking forward to my ORAS play through!) haha, but Y is actually really good in my opinion. Showdown is sort of hard to get into at first because there are so many people !_! It's like trying to whisper at a train station. Try picking a room on Showdown and chill out with people that have similar interests. A good place to do so would be at the "Smogon Hangout" room or #mentor (Can someone that's actually been here for the past couple of months confirm if this is still a thing x_x?)! If you like programming, check out the Technical Projects subforum here and skim through the threads. You might end up seeing something that will catch your eye! Participating in CAP is also a lot of fun (I've voted a few times haha)! @Aenoasdfads is an Uber mentor that you could talk to, and my mind is blanking on OU ones right now, sorry @_@. Good luck!
Hey all. I've been playing Pokemon since it came out in the US, in fact my first Pokemon game was blue. I've been hooked ever since. Only recently have I been interested in competitive battling, but I am a bit behind with the games. The last game I had the most time and experience with was Platinum, which I put over 300 hours into it to build the best team. And so far it is my favorite generation. I have a large amount of knowledge of the type matchups and moves and abilities, but am a bit of a noob with breeding and EV's and the like. I recently heard about smogon nd decided that this is the best place to start learning about competitive battling. Can't wait to get started!
EVs, IVs, Natures, and whatnot are a must if you want to learn Competitive Battling! I'm sure Smogon has a guide somewhere, but I'm not sure where it is lol. I also have PLatinum and Sinnoh is probabaly my favorite region too n_n

it's good to be back ^_^

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