Gimmicks and Their Role in the OU Metagame


Crobat (M) @ Expert Belt
Trait: Inner Focus
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Giga Drain
- Heat Wave
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Well, that could be considered a joke but it work perfectly. Trapped TTar, Tales and Heatran with a Dugtrio it's a GG. Crobat +2 Spatk is 478, not bad, with a speed of 394, to otspeed scarftoed and others scarfer like TTar(to clean with giga drain after others damages), magnezone(heat wave). Setupping? Easy. On Secret Sword of Scarf/specskeldeo, CC of Scarf/band Kion, Superpower of Scizor, Superpower of ttar. With this set he ohko ferrothorn, landorus-t, gliscor, scizor, rotom-w,forretress, skarmory who things that crobat is physical with brave Bird, u turn etc. No, this crobat is seriously dangerous in lategame with the amazing coverage of the banned Genesect(Ice Fire Grass).
Yes, I understand. Roost really is a major advantage over Ferro. I just feel like an Impish Skarmory (with 252 Defense EV's and 248 in HP) Won't be taking much from physical attackers in the first place... So, "eliminating dangerous sweepers" seems kind of redundant honestly. Then again, to be fair... the set does carry Rocky Helmet. That in conjunction with Counter could end up doing a decent amount.

That's the point, it doesn't really take a whole lot from physical attacks, but enough that a counter + rocky helmet damage will put a major dent in it. If it's a dragon, they're usually gone after 1-2 outrages, while I'm still healthy enough to be able to roost when they are dead. Also, I've seen times with this set when an opponent with a life orb ends up doing enough damage to itself compared to what it's doing to me that it's not really worth countering them (since the opportunity to put more spikes down is more valuable), and I could just roost back all the damage and save the countering for another physical attacker later in the game. People often also forget that countering does double back to them. So 30% damage to me is ~60% back to them (probably more if they're not bulky), combined with rocky helmet damage, hazards, life orb, etc is a considerable chunk of damage. If their spinner is dead, and I get them below what they'd take from hazards anyway, even that ~60% damage + rocky helmet damage has effectively removed them from the game.
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Aerodactyl (M) @ Power Herb
Trait: Unnerve
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Sky Attack
- Stone Edge
- Fire Fang
- Earthquake

Really nice set of Aerodactyl. It is a fake lead and can do serious damage with Sky Attack + Power Herb what don't need to charge. Fire fang 2hko ferrothorn, ohko scizor, stone edge main stab to flying and EQ for coverage to take Jirachi, Tyranitar, Heatran etc. A nice sweeper


Breloom (M) @ Figy Berry
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Spore
- Bullet Seed
- Mach Punch
- Natural Gift

With this set, Natural Gift became a bug physical move of 60 power, boosted by technician. Ngift ohko celebi and latios, and do serious damage to Latias(i think ohko after SR). For the rest classic moveset. Sleep move + 2 stabs.
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Been using power herb on aerodactyl for quite some time its very effective ( i do run adamant nature ) . it does a lot of damage scoring some nice KO's
Too bad it doesn't learn bravebird
Wow, I really like that Breloom set. I've never seen it before, but it seems seriously good to nail Celebi or Latias on the switch. Although I think it's generally outclassed by the Fighting Gem Focus Punch set for punching holes in the opposing team, it really can work as a fantastic lure to Celebi and Latias. Really cool set.
The only problem with that Breloom set is that if you predict a switch to Celebi and you're wrong, you just wasted your only chance at killing and of Breloom's counters. Not to mention you're still walled by Skarmory, Xatu, Dragonite, etc.
The only problem with that Breloom set is that if you predict a switch to Celebi and you're wrong, you just wasted your only chance at killing and of Breloom's counters. Not to mention you're still walled by Skarmory, Xatu, Dragonite, etc.

Yeah, that's why I said I think it's generally outclassed by the Focus Punch set, regardless you're still walled by Dragonite and Xatu once Fighting Gem has been used up. But if you really need to lure Celebi / Latias in for another Pokemon to sweep, it could really be an effective set (maybe pair it up with Keldeo?).

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Iron Head
- Substitute
- Psych Up
- Swagger

Swagger + Psych up is a wonderful combo. First boost you oppo(use it on special pokemon), second sub, third use psych up and at last say GG xD A nice atk + a dangerous flinch rate is great combo

Donphan (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Rock Polish
- Seed Bomb/ Gunk Shot / Fire Fang

Whit an attack of 372 and a speed of 398 it could be a nice lategame sweeper. How? A nice coverage of Rock+Ground and LO to moar power. At the least a nice coverage move, but it is subjective. Are you weak to ferrothorn, forretress and scizor? Choose fire fang. Are you weak to jellicent and rotom-w ? Choose seed bomb. Are you weak to Celebi and grass (BAN ME PLEASE)? Choose Gunk Shot. It work really nice =)
I use a similar set.
Donphan@ Life Orb
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Head Smash
- Ice Shard
- Rapid Spin

This offensive rapid spinner 2HKO's and outspeeds any standard Jellicent after rocks, OHKO's Gengar, OHKO's Chandelure, has a chance of OHKOing Sableye after rocks, and outspeeds Sableye so it can pick it off with ice shard incase it doesn't.
It's also an excellent dragon check who is guaranteed to OHKO standard Salamence and Dragonite after rocks, and does up to 82% to standard garchomp.
It also has a 87.5% chance of OHKOing 4 hp Rotom-W after rocks, which is an incredibly common switch-in.
Speed EVs allow it to outspeed rest talk gyarados, which takes a massive 62.84-74.04% from head smash.

Gengar @ Black Sludge
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

i'm really shocked that anyone didn't post it before because this set really wrecks in the current metagame. probably one of the best lurer around. basically, it's a perfect partner for mons like alakazam, reuniclus, tornadus and lati twins which really appreciate the burn of will-o-wisp on tyranitar, scizor, jirachi and other mons which think they can actually switch into gengar easily. definitely a set to try out sometime

Donphan (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Rock Polish
- Seed Bomb/ Gunk Shot / Fire Fang

Whit an attack of 372 and a speed of 398 it could be a nice lategame sweeper. How? A nice coverage of Rock+Ground and LO to moar power. At the least a nice coverage move, but it is subjective. Are you weak to ferrothorn, forretress and scizor? Choose fire fang. Are you weak to jellicent and rotom-w ? Choose seed bomb. Are you weak to Celebi and grass (BAN ME PLEASE)? Choose Gunk Shot. It work really nice =)

Why would you ever use Rock Polish Donphan when there's a thing called Double Dance Landorus-T that's not only faster and more powerful, but it also has a better defensive typing? It's just so outclassed that there's no point in using it, and even without a boost its Attack stat is pretty underwhelming for a sweeper. Besides, it's also still very slow and finds itself still being out sped by every common user of Choice Scarf in the OU metagame. That's not a good lategame cleaner at all. Use Landorus-T.

I use a similar set.
Donphan@ Life Orb
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Head Smash
- Ice Shard
- Rapid Spin

This offensive rapid spinner 2HKO's and outspeeds any standard Jellicent after rocks, OHKO's Gengar, OHKO's Chandelure, has a chance of OHKOing Sableye after rocks, and outspeeds Sableye so it can pick it off with ice shard incase it doesn't.
It's also an excellent dragon check who is guaranteed to OHKO standard Salamence and Dragonite after rocks, and does up to 82% to standard garchomp.
It also has a 87.5% chance of OHKOing 4 hp Rotom-W after rocks, which is an incredibly common switch-in.
Speed EVs allow it to outspeed rest talk gyarados, which takes a massive 62.84-74.04% from head smash.

Now I have to agree that Spinda's set is a much more practical gimmick. The ability to beat both Gengar and Jellicent is huge for a rather lackluster Rapid Spinner like Donphan. I've used almost every set that Donphan can possibly run in this OU metagame, and although the lack of bulk is frustrating, I love the fact that Donphan isn't complete setup fodder against every single spin blocker in OU when running Head Smash and some Attack EVs. Another plus is that Donphan can literally smash through Volcarona, who would otherwise find it easy to setup 1-2 Quiver Dances on Donphan if it only has EQ and Ice Shard. The biggest problem with this set is its longevity issue, because with its low speed, incredibly shitty Special Defense, and recoil from Head Smash and LO, Offensive Donphan dies very quickly, and it isn't a very reliable spinner. It's a decent gimmick though, and it has its niche on very specific offensive teams that need a spinner but can't afford to use Starmie. I wouldn't really recommend it though.
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I prefer giving Terrakion HP Ice only when I use Life Orb, since being locked into HP Ice on Terrakion is TERRIBLE. You're basically just asking for something to get a free switch. With Life Orb, you can hit harder (obviously) and you don't have to have nearly as good prediction skills, since you can actually easily "OHKO" Lando and Gliscor with a Stone Edge and then a HP Ice. Not saying that HP Ice isn't a viable option for the last slot on Choice Band, but being locked into it sucks.

Keldeo hates being locked into HP Ghost against something like Lucario. If Keldeo can run HP Ghost and Specs to nail Jellicent, HP Ice Naive CB Terrakion is more than viable to use to smack LandoT (2hkos 200 Hp variants after SR with min rolls) and Gliscor imo. Offense is about flaunting 50 / 50s anyway so it all depends really. It's better than QA (which is super weak) and X-Scissor (that no one falls for, even at PS skill level).
Keldeo hates being locked into HP Ghost against something like Lucario. If Keldeo can run HP Ghost and Specs to nail Jellicent, HP Ice Naive CB Terrakion is more than viable to use to smack LandoT (2hkos 200 Hp variants after SR with min rolls) and Gliscor imo. Offense is about flaunting 50 / 50s anyway so it all depends really. It's better than QA (which is super weak) and X-Scissor (that no one falls for, even at PS skill level).

The difference is 60 points in base spatt... and 252 evs.

If you aren't using life orb/ebelt/etc, hp ice has no place.

0 SpA Terrakion Hidden Power Ice vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Lucario: 26-31 (9.21 - 10.99%) -- 9HKO at best
252 SpA Choice Specs Keldeo Hidden Power Ghost vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Lucario: 76-90 (26.95 - 31.91%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

You can't seriously be telling me that those two are comparable... especially late game

And doesn't CB Stone edge 2hko both after rocks anyway?

Edit: was thinking offensive lando
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The difference is 60 points in base spatt... and 252 evs.

If you aren't using life orb/ebelt/etc, hp ice has no place.

0 SpA Terrakion Hidden Power Ice vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Lucario: 26-31 (9.21 - 10.99%) -- 9HKO at best
252 SpA Choice Specs Keldeo Hidden Power Ghost vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Lucario: 76-90 (26.95 - 31.91%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

You can't seriously be telling me that those two are comparable... especially late game

And doesn't CB Stone edge 2hko both after rocks anyway?

Not after intimidate; SE does around 40%.

Those calcs mean nothing; you're going to switch out Rak or Keldeo on Lucario if you 4HKO or 9HKO wtf. Unless you're saying you'll let Lucario CC or SD...

Anyway, I'm only saying HP Ice is a viable option because X-Scissor and QA are meh on Terrakion, and HP Ice warrants the same meh ranking as QA and X-Scissor. Also try the set before you bash it ok? If you're spurring calcs like that it's hard to take you seriously. Yeah, I get that lategame the damage is a bit more appealing, but HP Ghost vs. HP Ice are very similar in their roles. HP Ice is meh in the regard that you dont want to be locked into it but it warrants some merit in the fact that it can 2hko LandoT. All I have to do it hit LandoT once with an HP Ice and its in 2hko range for -1 SE (aka can't switch in again, so you only need to accurately predict once).

EDIT: Also, being locked into X-Scissor / QA on Lucario isn't any better so it has merit compared to it's other options lmao that was the point I was trying to make in my OP but no one reads anything I say anymore :S (I'm not sure how much it does to offensive lando but I can tell you HP Ice also nails Gliscor, which after Protect + Poison Heal isn't 2HKOd, though it is 3HKOd). Compared to X-Scissor and QA, it warrants merit enough so that it has use (I'd say it's better than X-Scissor and QA, but meh maybe I'm the only one who uses Terrakion and never once uses any of those moves, and the one time I do *like QA* it's so weak it often even costs me the game if I make it my Win Condition).
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The difference is 60 points in base spatt... and 252 evs.

If you aren't using life orb/ebelt/etc, hp ice has no place.

0 SpA Terrakion Hidden Power Ice vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Lucario: 26-31 (9.21 - 10.99%) -- 9HKO at best
252 SpA Choice Specs Keldeo Hidden Power Ghost vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Lucario: 76-90 (26.95 - 31.91%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

You can't seriously be telling me that those two are comparable... especially late game

And doesn't CB Stone edge 2hko both after rocks anyway?

I fucking wish it did o.o
It has a chance to 2HKO both. The current Defensive Gliscor set has like a 10% chance.

And yeah, Shurt, I understand that all Choice-locked Pokémon have moves that can be set up on, you're right. But at the same time, a Pokémon using a base 70 move from an uninvested base 72 SAtk can't really be compared to HP Ghost from Specs Keldeo. I do get your comparison though. It's kinda like Scarf Salamence using Fire Blast.

Gengar @ Black Sludge
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

i'm really shocked that anyone didn't post it before because this set really wrecks in the current metagame. probably one of the best lurer around. basically, it's a perfect partner for mons like alakazam, reuniclus, tornadus and lati twins which really appreciate the burn of will-o-wisp on tyranitar, scizor, jirachi and other mons which think they can actually switch into gengar easily. definitely a set to try out sometime

This was posted in the bluff thread too. Its not so much of a gimmick that it only works to surprise once and then is done, but rather a neat deviation from the standard that, once revealed, continues to threaten the opponent's team throughout the whole match. It makes the aforementioned pokemon think twice about switching in, while still applying pressure to the pokemon that is currently in.
A neat set to try out, as mentioned.

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 SDef/ 4 Atk
Brave Nature
- Substitute
- Curse
- Leech Seed
- Gyro Ball

On rain teams, this set can destroy entire teams. It plays around the assumption that people will only have HP Fire for Ferrothorn, which will be weakened in the rain, or Fighting moves which will mainly be Physical. With the combo of Curse and Iron Barbs, physical fighting types will be rendered useless after a couple of boosts. Ferrothorn can handle fast offensive threats with ease with this set due to its investments in Special Defense and Curse boosting its defense. It's also great because people will assume you're running a defensive set, which means they will give you opportunities to set up without even knowing!

Gengar @ Black Sludge
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

i'm really shocked that anyone didn't post it before because this set really wrecks in the current metagame. probably one of the best lurer around. basically, it's a perfect partner for mons like alakazam, reuniclus, tornadus and lati twins which really appreciate the burn of will-o-wisp on tyranitar, scizor, jirachi and other mons which think they can actually switch into gengar easily. definitely a set to try out sometime

I like running Taunt>Sub, messes with stall and you can Taunt CustapSkarm first turn then either burn it or what the skarm user goes into.
yeah taunt is a good option too. it deals vs custap offense as you already said and against stall in general as well.
Meloetta @ Metronome
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Echoed Voice
- U-turn

This meloetta set is very effective. Psychic is a nice stab. Focus blast is dangerous for heatran and ttar but the most powerful move is Echoed Voice.
Echoed voice gain power if you use it again after the first time. Well, metronome do the same thing but metronome+echoedvoice+stab is so so so so so strong. U turn is a volturn move to gain momentum and psychic+fblast is a nice coverage combo and a great use of Seren Grace =)

Mew @ Leftovers
Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 88 Atk / 168 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Gravity
- Blizzard
- Zap Cannon
- DynamicPunch

ax Mew is here guys! Gravity is a strong move that can boost your accuracy x1.67(if i don't miss lol). Blizzard became accuracy 100, zap cannon and dynamic punch about 84 % of accuracy. Zap cannon EVER paralize and Dynamic Punch EVER confuse. Boltbeam coverage + fighting is amazing an kill also Magnezone!

Mew @ Leftovers
Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 88 Atk / 168 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Gravity
- Blizzard
- Zap Cannon
- DynamicPunch

Gravity has always been a gimmicky move, and I feel that choosing Mew to use it is a good way to go. The Boltbeam coverage is excellent, and parafusion is pretty cool too. But in my opinion, putting Fire Blast > Dynamic Punch with max SpA would be more beneficial~ Presently, you cant ohko Scizor, Forretress, Ferrothorn, or Magnezone (at all). With Fire Blast, you have a fine chance to ohko each, and it works outside of Gravity more reliably than Dynamic Punch would. Im not saying its the perfect choice; while reliability is always good, the argument between the two moves would be reliability outside of gimmick + having max spA to hit things harder vs being walled by Ttar, Heatran, Blissey, and Kyurem-B (to some extent). Having gravity, though, lets a teammates Stone Edge not miss kyurem-b, and negates a Heatrans Balloon if it exists, meaning even without hitting all the threats Mew can still support.

Gravity is a pretty swell gimmick that a lot of different pokemon can abuse; Mamo to hit Skarm with earthquake, Terrakion to stop missing Stone Edges, and it makes stall a lot easier with Hazard support, making all pokemon susceptible to spikes and toxic spikes (bar steels for the latter), and having an offensive pokemon to set it up works just as well~

Crobat (M) @ Expert Belt
Trait: Inner Focus
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Nasty Plot
- Giga Drain
- Heat Wave
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Well, that could be considered a joke but it work perfectly. Trapped TTar, Tales and Heatran with a Dugtrio it's a GG. Crobat +2 Spatk is 478, not bad, with a speed of 394, to otspeed scarftoed and others scarfer like TTar(to clean with giga drain after others damages), magnezone(heat wave). Setupping? Easy. On Secret Sword of Scarf/specskeldeo, CC of Scarf/band Kion, Superpower of Scizor, Superpower of ttar. With this set he ohko ferrothorn, landorus-t, gliscor, scizor, rotom-w,forretress, skarmory who things that crobat is physical with brave Bird, u turn etc. No, this crobat is seriously dangerous in lategame with the amazing coverage of the banned Genesect(Ice Fire Grass).
I do like this, and it was one of the pokemon I tested that has Nasty Plot + Fire + Grass + Ice. Azelf can do the same thing, and you give up a little in speed, but I feel like you gain a lot in power.