Simple Questions & Simple Answers & General Resources (OU Edition) MK II

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So your looking to replace Virizion?

You could you SubSalac Terrakion, which appreciates the hazard support an greatly appreciates kingdra's ability to rape hippo teams. Nothing takes a hurricane though, which is concerning, but I haven't played w/o TornT yet so I can't really comment. You might want to put a scarfer somewhere since you really need that revenge killing speed (maybe Scarf Keldeo over Kingdra?)

So your looking to replace Virizion?

You could you SubSalac Terrakion, which appreciates the hazard support an greatly appreciates kingdra's ability to rape hippo teams. Nothing takes a hurricane though, which is concerning, but I haven't played w/o TornT yet so I can't really comment. You might want to put a scarfer somewhere since you really need that revenge killing speed (maybe Scarf Keldeo over Kingdra?)

well ive been looking to fix the entire team in general.

alright, i guess i could try terrakion. thanks!

and is there a revenge killer that doesnt require a scarf? i dont like the idea of being locked into one move and then being forced to switch or let it die.

is there anything else i can do to fix this team so i can get testing done before i do an rmt?
well ive been looking to fix the entire team in general.

alright, i guess i could try terrakion. thanks!

and is there a revenge killer that doesnt require a scarf? i dont like the idea of being locked into one move and then being forced to switch or let it die.

is there anything else i can do to fix this team so i can get testing done before i do an rmt?

Revenge killers that don't require a Scarf include Focus Sash Alakazam and also some Pokemon with powerful priority attacks such as Weavile and Mamoswine with Ice Shar, Scizor with Bullet Punch, and Breloom with mach Punch
Does Serene grace double Thunder's chance of breaking through Protect/ Detect to 50% under rain?

99% Sure that Thunder does not have any chance of breaking through protect in gen 5 like it could in gen 4 unfortunately. Not sure whether or not Serene Grace had an effect on that in gen 4. I'd assume no though.
How are the sleep mechanics different in Gen 5 from Gen 4? People seem like Gen 4 so much better but I never understood the huge change in the mechanics.
How are the sleep mechanics different in Gen 5 from Gen 4? People seem like Gen 4 so much better but I never understood the huge change in the mechanics.

So when a Pokemon is put to sleep via Spore or something its then on a counter that determines how long its asleep. Each time the message "fast asleep" is shown the counter goes down one. This keeps going until the counter hits zero and the Pokemon then wakes up. But if you switch out the counter resets completely. That's the basis of it.

You can read more on it in the Status Mechanics article

Hope this helped.
What are the best partners of Terrakion CB? (Sweeper with good coverage and staller which take damage for it).

I would try to build something with Terrakion CB :]
Always good to get a trapper to beat the Fighting resistances you could meet, like Ghost and Psychic types.
The stuff coming close to a counter to Terrakion in OU is probably Landorus-T/Gliscor/Skarmory.

Tyranitar can trap, and lure those pokemon to kill them with Ice Beam/Fire Blast. However the defensive synergy is not the best so you probably will need some defensive back up.
Celebi covers many of these weaknesses by resisting Grass, Water and Fighting. Scizor would be a big issue, so tossing HP Fire on Celebi would be mandatory.

Another issue, would be the pokemons who are just faster than Terrakion CB. Here again, Specially defensive Celebi does a great job at taking the attacks from the faster pokemons in OU.

This core being weak to Sun and Venusaur, you would probably need an answer to it. Building a FGW core starting by Heatran/Celebi gives you everything you need on the defensive side.

You got two pokemons left, you should add a Water pokemon as suggested, then probably a Dragon.

Now you got many fresh ideas to toy with, but you probably knew everything I said, afterall you're an accomplished French Team Rater xD

For instance something like : MixTtar/SpDCelebi/CBTerrak/Heatran/Rotom-W/ScarfLatios being one hell of a classic team.
What are the best partners of Terrakion CB? (Sweeper with good coverage and staller which take damage for it).

I would try to build something with Terrakion CB :]

Partners that are good for CB Terrakion are those that can handle physical walls such as Gliscor and Landorus-T. Special Attackers such as Rotom-W, Keldeo, and Latios are good in this sense. Another thing you have to remember is that Terrakion is checked by Mach Punch Breloom and Bullet Punch Scizor so you need to have a Pokemon that can handle these threats pretty well. Something like Zapdos or Thundurus-T can check these threats and also use HP Ice to dispose of Gliscor and Landorus-T. Another decent partner for Terrakion is something like Quiver Dance Volcarona who can take advantage of a Breloom or Scizor that has just revenged Terrakion and start setting up on them.
Also Scarf Keldeo is a huge threat to CB Terrakion; just thought I'd mention it. LO Latias is a good partner, but it makes you TTar / Zor weak so keep that in mind.
Is it possible to get an Ordinary Form Keldeo that knows Secret Sword, by trading one from BW2 into BW, doing the event in the Moor of Icirrus, and then trading back to BW2?

If the answer is yes, then it means that there is no reason to use Keldeo-R competitively, because Keldeo-R must know Secret Sword whereas Keldeo can either know or not know Secret Sword and can also exist in BW2.
Is it possible to get an Ordinary Form Keldeo that knows Secret Sword, by trading one from BW2 into BW, doing the event in the Moor of Icirrus, and then trading back to BW2?

If the answer is yes, then it means that there is no reason to use Keldeo-R competitively, because Keldeo-R must know Secret Sword whereas Keldeo can either know or not know Secret Sword and can also exist in BW2.
Yup, it's possible for ordinary Keldeo to have Secret Sword, so there is no competitive reason to use Keldeo-R.
thanks to everyone who answered my last question :)

for haxorus' lum berry dragon dance set, can dual chop or dragon claw be used over outrage? or would that be a terrible idea?
What's the reason why Smogon allows Wish on Blissey/Chansey?

I mean, I know there was a NYPC event that distributed a Chansey with Wish, but there's absolutely not known Chansey with good IVs/Nature in existance, making it impossible to have a legit Wish Blissey on wi-fi, or at least one capable of battling decently.
If we're supossed to simulate the actual game, then that kind of things should be taken into consideration (I think there was a thread about this a long time ago, but I can't find it, hence why I ask it here)
thanks to everyone who answered my last question :)

for haxorus' lum berry dragon dance set, can dual chop or dragon claw be used over outrage? or would that be a terrible idea?

Dragon Claw and Dual Chop can be used but to be honest, Haxorus is really used as a powerhouse to break holes in your opponent's team and the nuking power of Outrage is really what you need. Also, Lum Berry cures the confusion from Outrage so you do not have to worry about Confusion if you have not already used up the berry
Can someone explain to me why people say Haxorus is outclassed?

Garchomp does SD better
Mence/DNite do DD better
Kyurem-B/DNite do CB better
Mence does Scarf better

Haxorus has Superpower and beastly Atk without being weak to priority and SR so he needs almost no support. it also has both SD and DD and can also pull of a CB set. Haxorus isn't completly outclassed there are just a lot of pokemon that are better 80% of the time but Haxorus got some unique features that grant him a very viable niche in the meta game especially on DragMag teams.
Garchomp does SD better
Mence/DNite do DD better
Kyurem-B/DNite do CB better
Mence does Scarf better

Haxorus has Superpower and beastly Atk without being weak to priority and SR so he needs almost no support. it also has both SD and DD and can also pull of a CB set. Haxorus isn't completly outclassed there are just a lot of pokemon that are better 80% of the time but Haxorus got some unique features that grant him a very viable niche in the meta game especially on DragMag teams.

DragMag is that Dragon and Magnezone?
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