Attack of the Pranksters

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Attack of the Pranksters!
An OU Warstory

Hello, and welcome to my very first warstory. However, while it's fairly common for first warstories to be fairly mediocre, I hope that mine happens to be above average in overall quality. Hopefully this happens because I am a good writer and a good battler, and I have an extremely unique battle to show all of you.

I consider myself a battler of many alts, and I decided it was time to use a new alt and make a run for the top 100 of the ladder or so, simply because that's something I do regularly (I have 4 top 100 alts as we speak). This battle occurred relatively early in this new run that I was attempting, as I encountered a mysterious man known as...


Ever heard of him? Well neither have I, and he only has 1050 points under his belt as we speak. However, I've learned not to underestimate someone because of their ladder points, because for all I know, this guy is Kevin Garrett in disguise and he's just trolling the bottom of the ladder right now. In retrospect, I don't think this guy was actually Kevin Garrett, but the fact still remains that his ladder points mean nothing and I went into the battle with the same expectation I always have on the Smogon ladder: a competitive match that where my greatest wits will be tested in order to win.

I hope you enjoy this battle as much as I did. Without further adieu, I present to you, the challengers:

Byrne's Team (under the alt of "Boom Boom Baby")

Robodust's Team

Maybe I'm just an ignorant and arrogant fool, but generally I don't expect a whole lot from players that are attempting to utilize Murkrow and Whimsicott in a serious OU team. You'll almost never see a top player using those Pokemon in their teams, and I know for a fact that my team is perfectly capable of handling anything they can throw at me. As you can see, my team utilizes sun, but it's still not really a sun team. I try to focus on getting sweeps with Darmanitan with this team. Even Venusaur isn't a sun sweeper, as it runs a tank set but has enormous speed and can revenge kill (and it screws Rotom-W over a lot). I know that Venusaur will easily stop any SubSeed strategies that Whimsicott will try to implement, and I feel as if I can definitely muscle through the rest of his team. I want Sun up immediately, so I just tap the left-most zone of my mouse and ready myself!

Battle between Boom Boom Baby and Robodust started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +29, -31
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Ninetales / Forretress / Jellicent / Venusaur / Terrakion / Darmanitan
Opponent's team: Murkrow / Dragonite / Heatran / Whimsicott / Haxorus / Hitmontop

Robodust sent out Murkrow!
Boom Boom Baby sent out Ninetales!
Ninetales's Drought intensified the sun's rays!

(100) vs.

My slightly offensive Ninetales stares a Murkrow in the eye that basically definitely runs a Prankster set with moves such as Taunt, Thunder Wave or Toxic, and Roost. It could be physically defensive or specially defensive with weird stuff such as Featherdance, or it could even be a Perish Trapper. The safest bet, however, is that it's simply a jester with a bag full of tricks and it's main purpose is to annoy the shit out of people. Regardless of the set, it's not going to like sun-boosted Fire Blasts. You're Eviolite isn't going to save yourself this time, and if he's smart and brings in Heatran for a boost, I can always fall back on my handy-dandy specially defensive Jellicent to save my silly non-predicting ass.

Start of turn 1
The foe's Murkrow used Substitute!
The foe's Murkrow made a substitute!

Ninetales used Fire Blast!
The foe's Murkrow's substitute faded!

The sunlight is strong!

(100) vs.

The jester pulls out the first trick in his mystical bag: a humorously shaped gray doll that enjoys taking insane beatings and leaving his master relatively unharmed. Murkrow only takes a measly 25% as he scouts out the manner in which my Ninetales likes to play: an offensive manner. Fuck those Ninetales that try to sit around and be defensive. News flash: 73/75/100 defenses with the second worst defensive typing available other than ice is not going to cut it. At least utilize a base 120 STAB move that's automatically boosted by your weather coming off of an at least workable 81 base special attack. Now I'm really not sure what the Satanistic bird is planning for this next turn, whether it's Toxic or another Sub or something weird like Perish Song. Regardless of it's actions, I'm throwing out another Fire Blast, because I like to take my mother's age-old advice: in the early game, go all-out offensive. Wait, maybe it was my sexist great-grandfather that said that. What am I even talking about anymore? On to the Pokemon!

Start of turn 2
Robodust called Murkrow back!
Robodust sent out Heatran!

The foe's Heatran is floating on a balloon!
Ninetales used Fire Blast!
The foe's Heatran's Flash Fire raised the power of its Fire-type moves!

The sunlight is strong!

(100) vs.
(100) (Flash Fire Boost) (Air Balloon)

Yeah well fuck this. Fortunately for me, I don't really care at all, because specially defensive Jellicent is a monster and can take on every Heatran that's ever existed. Even if this Heatbro is Specs, he can't 2HKO me with HP Grass/Electric, and I can easily stall out Overheats for a while and be just fine since Pringles has Recover. In case you haven't guessed, I'm going to go ahead and switch to Jellicent here.

Start of turn 3
Boom Boom Baby called Ninetales back!
Boom Boom Baby sent out Jellicent!

The foe's Heatran used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Boom Boom Baby's team!

The sunlight is strong!

(100) vs.
(100) (Flash Fire Boost) (Air Balloon)

So yeah, my team doesn't like Stealth Rock very much. Two Pokemon are weak to it, and only one Pokemon has a resistance to it, and he's a frail revenge killer anyway. Luckily, Forretress is a boss and can spin those away later hopefully since my opponent is clearly not concerned with including a spin blocker. Anyway, now I'm positive that my opponent is not running some crazy SpecsTran, which is really a pretty underrated set btw. Specs Overheat kills lots and lots and lots and lots of things. This isn't time to advertise shit though, this is the time to slaughter my opponent, and the best way to do that is to start chipping away at Heatran's HP with Night Shade and breaking that Balloon in the process for some possible later destruction.

Start of turn 4
The foe's Heatran used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Jellicent lost 122 HP! (30% of its health)

Jellicent used Night Shade!
The foe's Heatran lost 30% of its health!
The foe's Heatran's Air Balloon popped!

The sunlight is strong!
Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(70) vs.
(70) (Flash Fire Boost) (Air Balloon Popped [like yo sister's cherry])

Observe Heatran as his super effective hidden power's fail to even be a 3HKO on specially defensive Pringles. In the process, I busted a Balloon and totally have the upper hand since my Jellicent has Leftovers and Recover which completely trumps Heatran's utter inability to recover HP (unless he's using Rest for some bizarre reason). Luckily for me, Robodust has no normal types on his team, so I can safely spam Night Shade here, being able to rest comfortably knowing that something WILL be losing 100 HP in the next turn, whether it's Heatran or some other weird bastard that my opponent has in his ranks.

...Except that would be too easy. Wanna know what I think is a much better idea? Shooting out a Will-O-Wisp, because I highly doubt my opponent is going to keep Heatran in for this one-on-one battle. Even if he does stay in and try to hit me some more, I can easily Recover since he just can't scratch Jelly's surface. So, worst case scenario: he stays in, I take measly damage (in theory), I recover next turn. Best case scenario: Haxorus gets burned. Unfortunately, he probably won't be switching Haxorus in. I can hope, right?

Start of turn 5
Robodust called Heatran back!
Robodust sent out Whimsicott!

Jellicent used Will-O-Wisp!
The foe's Whimsicott was burned!

The sunlight is strong!
Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Whimsicott is hurt by its burn!

(70) vs.
(90) (Burned)

You know what I feel coming on? A strong sense of powerful, leafy vines attaching themselves to the mustache of my beloved Jellicent. These vines will then proceed to slowly sap the life from his potato chip-y goodness. I don't want this to happen, ladies and gentlemen, and luckily, it is easily preventable. Why? Well, my friends, it is easily preventable because I have a fucking Venusaur, and Venusaur doesn't take that shit. You see, here in Byrnetown, we stick up for each other, so when some dumbshit ball of cotton thinks he can stick his vines where Jellicent doesn't want them, we get kind of pissed off. So, Venusaur, show this bastard and Robodust's anarchist regime in general that we don't take that shit.

Start of turn 6
Boom Boom Baby called Jellicent back!
Boom Boom Baby sent out Venusaur!
Pointed stones dug into Venusaur!

The foe's Whimsicott used Leech Seed!
It doesn't affect Venusaur...

The sunlight is strong!
Venusaur restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Whimsicott restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Whimsicott is hurt by its burn!

(100) vs.
(86) (Burned)

Consider this a lesson learned, Robodust. When a bro has a Venusaur, don't try to Leech Seed his ass. Because if you try that, you're just giving Venusaur a completely free switch-in, which is definitely not something you want under any circumstances. The Venusaur I like to utilize is not the typical Growth sweeper, however. I'm running the set of true righteousness: Synthesis/Energy Ball/Earthquake/Sludge Bomb. This set gives me true revenge killing potential and long term availability through Synthesis which recovers 75% with sun up. In this situation, I'm feeling a Sludge Bomb, because even if Heatran wants to show his ugly face, I can just Earthquake his now-non-balloon-holding-self. And then there's the situation where Whimsicott stays in and gets hit with a Sludge Bomb. That's a nice situation too.

Start of turn 7
The foe's Whimsicott used Tailwind!
A tailwind started blowing behind Robodust's team!

Venusaur used Sludge Bomb!
It's super effective!
The foe's Whimsicott lost 81% of its health!
The foe's Whimsicott fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Venusaur restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Robodust sent out Dragonite!

(100) vs.
(100) (Tailwind)

Score: 6 - 5 Byrne​

Imagine, for a moment, that you are in the home of the sexiest woman you can think of. For example purposes, let's try Jessica Alba. It's pretty much a unanimous belief that Jessica Alba is drop-dead gorgeous, and you just happen to be in her home. You wander into her bedroom, and she's under the sheets, just waiting for you. You have achieved your life-long goal: getting in bed with the most beautiful girl alive. You start running for her bed, when all of a sudden, a giant guillotine comes down and cuts off your genitalia, thus removing any chances you had with Jessica Alba. This is, in a very hyperbolic sense, what just happened to me right here. I slaughter the bastard Whimsicott, only to be met with a full health (thus, Multiscale is intact) Dragonite who happens to have Tailwind at his back. Now I see my opponent's entire intention with his team. He's not some scrub that uses Whimsicott for Leech Seeding and to be an "annoyer". He's using Whimsicott to get Tailwind up so his Dragonite and Haxorus can fuck people up with really strong moves and the like.

And I've totally fallen for it.

Now I just have to try and think about what I'm going to do here. Is the Dragonite going to start dancing and make himself super strong to go for this sweep? Or is he banded and ready to throw out some Outrages at my ass? Frankly, I don't want either. Let's just hope he's all special and just plans on using Draco Meteor.

No? Didn't think so.

Alright, my best option is to break Multiscale here. My Venusaur runs max speed and I bet his Dragonite doesn't. Since both Chlorophyll and Tailwind double the user's speed, the worst than can happen is a speed tie since we both have base 80 speed. The best that can happen is that his Dragonite is level 1 and has a moveset of Agility/Haze/Mist/Sunny Day. God, if that was the case, I'd be golden right now.

Start of turn 8
Venusaur used Sludge Bomb!
The foe's Dragonite lost 18% of its health!

The foe's Dragonite used Outrage!
Venusaur lost 301 HP! (99% of its health)
Venusaur fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Boom Boom Baby sent out Forretress!
Pointed stones dug into Forretress!

(100) vs.
(82) (Tailwind)

Score: 5 - 5​

Sweet mother of Christ please save me and my brethren from the outrage of this mighty Choice Banded beast. I'm actually kind of glad I didn't get a poison from Sludge Bomb, because I'd really like to burn it instead. However, it also would've been nice to keep chipping at it's health, because I'm deathly afraid of what this thing is going to do to me. As long as it doesn't involve spiked whips, I think I can at least take what he has in store for me. Right now, however, it's time to watch Forretress do his magic as he takes some Outrages while placing hazards. I'm aware of his Hitmontop who can spin them, but I also have Pringles who is totally immune to tops that like to rapidly spin.

Start of turn 9
The foe's Dragonite used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
Forretress lost 130 HP! (36% of its health)

Forretress used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Robodust's team!

The sunlight is strong!
Forretress restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(70) vs.
(82) (Tailwind)

Hmm, that's a tad more damage than I wanted Forretress to take. That's what I get for EV'ing practically EVERYTHING on my team in a specially defensive way. Am I an idiot? Perhaps.

This is irrelevant though, because Stealth Rock is now up, thus limiting his ability to slaughter me with Dragonite and the like. I really wish his Outrage could've ended after two turns, but I guess I'm not that lucky. Shall I put up some Spikes, or shall I use Rapid Spin? Spikes sounds pretty enticing, because fuck Haxorus. In retrospect, I probably should've spun here. But, there's never anything wrong with having a layer of spikes on the field.

Start of turn 10
The foe's Dragonite used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
Forretress lost 126 HP! (35% of its health)
The foe's Dragonite calmed down!
The foe's Dragonite became confused!

Forretress used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of Robodust's team!

The sunlight is strong!
Forretress restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Robodust's team tailwind petered out!

(41) vs.
(82) (Confused)

And the cursed Tailwind has dissipated, bringing his Dragonite back down to levels of human speed. Now he's way more manageable, and he also happens to be confused. The only real problem I have here is the fact that another Outrage might actually have a chance to slay my cute little sphere of iron will. If Forretress is gone, my chances might as well be gone, since he's my only steel type and only real chance against the mighty Outrages of the Dragon Gods. However, I don't know if my opponent is risky enough to test the waters of using Outrage while confused, so he may switch. The safest choice is probably to just use Volt Switch. I generally hate using this move since 99% of teams have a ground type, but this guy doesn't, so I'm either dying or leaving. Sounds like a fairly satisfying ultimatum, doesn't it?

Start of turn 11
Robodust called Dragonite back!
Robodust sent out Hitmontop!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Hitmontop!
The foe's Hitmontop is hurt by spikes!

The foe's Hitmontop intimidates Forretress!
Forretress's Attack fell!
Forretress used Volt Switch!
A critical hit!
The foe's Hitmontop lost 16% of its health!
Boom Boom Baby called Forretress back!
Boom Boom Baby sent out Jellicent!
Pointed stones dug into Jellicent!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Hitmontop restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(64) vs.

I'm kind of liking my chances against Hitmontop with my Pringles here. I mean, the worst immediate damage it could do is with Sucker Punch, which I can easily avoid anyway since I have plenty of non-attacking moves. I wouldn't be shocked if it had Toxic, but that's just a chance I'm going to have to take because I really just want to keep my hazards on his side of the field. I think he's going to anticipate a Will-O-Wisp, and, thus, a switch to Heatran is in order, so a Night Shade is probably my best bet here.

Start of turn 12
The foe's Hitmontop used Foresight!
The foe's Hitmontop identified Jellicent!

Jellicent used Night Shade!
The foe's Hitmontop lost 32% of its health!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Hitmontop restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(64) vs.

Oh what the hell. This is probably in the top 50 most frustrating plays I've ever experienced in my long Pokemon career, and it doesn't even involve any hax. In fact, it's one of the few plays conceivable where absolutely zero hax is even possible, because both attacks have perfect accuracy (Foresight can't even miss no matter what), and Night Shade can not possibly achieve a critical hit. Anyway, with those pointless facts out of the way, the fact here is that my opponent is going to get a spin off and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Frankly, this could be classified as rape, because my opponent is doing something I absolutely do not want him to do and I can not stop him no matter what I try. However, I can at least try to inconvenience him through the powers of floating fire, and a Will-O-Wisp can at least screw his Top over. I'm going to have to say goodbye to my nice rocks and spikes though :(.

Start of turn 13
The foe's Hitmontop used Rapid Spin!
Jellicent lost 21 HP! (5% of its health)
The foe's Hitmontop blew away Spikes!
The foe's Hitmontop blew away Stealth Rock!

Jellicent used Will-O-Wisp!
The foe's Hitmontop was burned!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Hitmontop restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Hitmontop is hurt by its burn!

(65) vs.

Take that, you little bastard. My hazards are gone, my Venusaur is dead, and my opponent still has a likely Tailwind user ready to set up a cyclone that will let Dragonite and Haxorus smash my brains out. Yet somehow I'm still happy because I just got a slight moral victory because Hitmontop has been emasculated. My plan of action now literally reverts to "winging it," as some people might like to say. When using a fairly offensive team like mine, this is a horrible situation to be in. By horrible situation, I'm referring to the fact that the momentum is by far not even close to being in my favor, and all I'm really doing is reacting to my opponent rather than him reacting to me. I really need to get this match switched up. However, switching out of Jellicent could still be dangerous, because I don't want any of my important Pokemon getting a Toxic, while I don't really care if Pringles takes one. I'll just keep Night Shading away so he can hopefully die.

Start of turn 14
The foe's Hitmontop used Close Combat!
Jellicent lost 85 HP! (21% of its health)
The foe's Hitmontop's Defense fell!
The foe's Hitmontop's Sp. Def. fell!

Jellicent used Night Shade!
The foe's Hitmontop lost 32% of its health!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Hitmontop restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Hitmontop is hurt by its burn!
The foe's Hitmontop fainted!
Robodust sent out Murkrow!

(50) vs.

Score: 5 - 4 Byrne​

The last time we saw Murkrow, he was being a little prick and drawing in Fire Blasts for Heatran to absorb. This time, I'm angry, and I'm not going to let the little bastard screw with me. Since I expect that he expects a switch, I expect that he will Substitute, and since I'm expecting this I'm going to Night Shade which will shatter his hopes and dreams. And by that, I mean it will shatter his Substitute and leave him emotionally hopeless. And by that, I mean he will be wide open and unable to really accomplish anything.

Start of turn 15
The foe's Murkrow used Toxic!
Jellicent was poisoned!

Jellicent used Night Shade!
The foe's Murkrow lost 35% of its health!

The sunlight is strong!
Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Jellicent is hurt by poison!

(50) (Toxiced) vs.

Oh screw you, you stupid bird. Frankly though, I don't really care if Jellicent takes a bit of poison at this point, because my biggest fear is those dragons, and Heatran doesn't bother me at all since Darmanitan and Terrakion easily dispatch of it one-on-one. Therefore, Jellicent is mostly useless besides his ability to use Will=O-Wisp, but he's slow and won't be able to get those off against the dragons anyway. At this point, Pringles is mostly being used as death fodder. Thus, it's time to start chipping away at this silly Murkrow.

Start of turn 16
The foe's Murkrow used Substitute!
The foe's Murkrow made a substitute!

Jellicent used Night Shade!
The foe's Murkrow's substitute faded!

The sunlight is strong!
Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Jellicent is hurt by poison!

(44) (Toxiced) vs.

Now is when prediction really comes into play. I feel fairly confident that this Murkrow has Tailwind. It seems safe to assume that his team's theme is to utilize Prankster Tailwind followed by incredibly powerful dragon sweepers to overwhelm the opponent. Since Murkrow has a very low amount of health, specifically in Night Shade KO range, I feel like my opponent should be using Tailwind, since optimally he wants to put up Tailwind and die so he has the maximum amount of turns for his dragon attackers. With this in mind, it might be smartest to do something other than killing this Murkrow, because if he throws up Tailwind and doesn't die, he's simply wasting turns that could be used to pound my team into mince meat. Since having Pringles as death fodder while my opponent is under Tailwind might be useful, I'm going to switch out to Forretress, simply because it would be very nice to give him some time to recover some lefties and have the ability to hopefully survive an Outrage and waste some Tailwind turns. At this point, I just need to be able to live through a Tailwind onslaught long enough to revenge kill his slow, yet brutal, sweepers.

Start of turn 17
Boom Boom Baby called Jellicent back!
Boom Boom Baby sent out Forretress!
Pointed stones dug into Forretress!

The foe's Murkrow used Taunt!
Forretress fell for the taunt!

The sunlight is strong!
Forretress restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(21) vs.

Robodust, you bastard, you've outpredicted me, and I don't know how he did it. Maybe he was expecting a Recover from Jellicent and he simply did not want that to happen. What actually happens, though, is that my Forretress can no longer put up Rocks that would've limited Dragonite's ability to come in and attack. However, I can still Rapid Spin, and if my opponent lays down some Tailwind, I can at least rest easy knowing that it won't die. Because I hope that Forretress can't do 15% to an Eviolite-boosted Murkrow with a non-STAB base 15 power move coming off of just 216 attack. That would be scary.

Start of turn 18
The foe's Murkrow used Tailwind!
A tailwind started blowing behind Robodust's team!

Forretress used Rapid Spin!
A critical hit!
The foe's Murkrow lost 9% of its health!
Forretress blew away Stealth Rock!

The sunlight is strong!
Forretress restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(27) vs.
(6) (Tailwind)

Thank God Rapid Spin didn't kill that thing. That would've made my situation even worse. Luckily, I got rid of the rocks, which helps my team out a little bit. However, the problem now is that I have to prepare myself for the Outrage onslaught. It's going to take physical, mental, psychological, and emotional preparation. I believe it's time to Volt Switch out to whatever my opponent thinks is his best throw-in.

Start of turn 19
Robodust called Murkrow back!
Robodust sent out Dragonite!

Forretress used Volt Switch!
The foe's Dragonite lost 8% of its health!
Boom Boom Baby called Forretress back!
Boom Boom Baby sent out Jellicent!

The sunlight is strong!
Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Jellicent is hurt by poison!

(it doesn't matter) vs.
(74) (Tailwind)

I know I said something about using Jellicent as death fodder earlier. Well, here's the time to use that death fodder. There's no way in hell Pringles is going to survive this Banded Outrage to the face, but luckily it's going to reduce his Tailwind time by a little bit. See ya later, Pringles.

Start of turn 20
The foe's Dragonite used Outrage!
Jellicent lost 251 HP! (62% of its health)
Jellicent fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Boom Boom Baby sent out Forretress!

Score: 4 - 4​

(27) vs.
(74) (Tailwind)

Yeah so...I'm not sure what my chances to survive are here, but they're probably fairly low. The upside is that after this turn, Tailwind is done, and even if Forretress dies, I can revenge kill this bastard...or at least try to. In the name of all that is holy, you must fight for our right to happiness, Forretress!

Start of turn 21
The foe's Dragonite used Outrage!
It's not very effective...
Forretress lost 98 HP! (27% of its health)
Forretress fainted!
The foe's Dragonite calmed down!
The foe's Dragonite became confused!

The sunlight is strong!
Robodust's team tailwind petered out!
Boom Boom Baby sent out Terrakion!

Score: 3 - 4 Robodust​

(100) vs.

Choice Scarf Terrakion is like my best friend in the entire world. If I'm Darmanitan, then Terrakion is like my bro that does everything for me. In this case, Terrakion is going to do something really nice for me: immediately threaten everything that is still alive on Robodust's team. Barring a Stone Edge miss, there's nothing that Robodust has that wants to take a Stone Edge from the Musketeer of Righteousness. Really, I'm just not afraid of anything right now. I have overcome adversity, and it's time to show this guy who's boss.

Start of turn 22
Robodust called Dragonite back!
Robodust sent out Heatran!

Terrakion used Stone Edge!
The foe's Heatran lost 55% of its health!

The sunlight is strong!

(100) vs.
(it really doesn't matter)

This bitch is on his last leg, and Terrakion is about to take his ass out. In order to make this turn seem longer through a text-standpoint, I'm going to write a little poem that talks about the upcoming destruction of Heatran by the hands of Terrakion.

And there stood Heatran, on the battlefield,
awaiting his fate

Terrakion raised his head, and willed on a pile of sharp rocks
to end Heatran's life



Yeah, it's a pretty simply poem, but it's deep, ya know? Kinda got some social commentary going on. Except not.

Start of turn 23
Terrakion used Stone Edge!
The foe's Heatran lost 13% of its health!
The foe's Heatran fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Robodust sent out Murkrow!

Score: 3 - 3​

(100) vs.

Hey, the score is tied now!

Hey, Murkrow is out!

Hey, a Tailwind is coming!

...Shit. Here's where my thought process gets complicated. Frankly, the last thing I want to do is to let Murkrow throw up a Tailwind while I kill it right after. This lets Dragonite or Haxorus come in with three turns to abuse, and I only have three Pokemon left. Frankly, all three of my Pokemon may or may not be OHKO'd by Outrage here, and I don't want to risk anything. I'm going to switch, and to the Pokemon that probably gives me the best possible chance of winning right now. The Pokemon that most sun teams see as utterly useless.

Start of turn 24
Boom Boom Baby called Terrakion back!
Boom Boom Baby sent out Ninetales!

The foe's Murkrow used Tailwind!
A tailwind started blowing behind Robodust's team!

The sunlight is strong!

(100) vs.
(6) (Tailwind)

The game might just end exactly the way in which it started. If I misplay or my opponent misplays right here, a win would be extremely easy for the opposing player. Let's see if you can follow my logic here.

This game all comes down to the number of Tailwind turns my opponent has with his full-powered Outrages. My Ninetales carries Will-O-Wisp, which would effectively ruin my opponent's strategy and give me the win. However...

Clicking Will-O-Wisp here might not actually be the best strategy. My opponent seems to be an intelligent player. So intelligent, that I'm sure he could infer that my Ninetales runs Will-O-Wisp, simply because it's a move that almost all of them run since it's their best answer to Tyranitar. If my opponent predicts that I have Will-O-Wisp, he could simply use Substitute, which wouldn't work, take the burn, and then die from the damage, receiving a free switch-in to a dragon with Tailwind up and an easy victory.

And so, I'm going to use the only move my Ninetales does not carry that will keep that Murkrow alive, and that is Sunny Day. I run Sunny Day Ninetales because it allows me to slaughter Politoed. Right now, it could end up being my saving grace. Really, it all comes down to whether he switches to a dragon or not right now. I pray that he doesn't, for that would waste a Tailwind turn and give me an opportunity to pull out a win here.

Start of turn 25
Robodust called Murkrow back!
Robodust sent out Dragonite!

Ninetales used Sunny Day!
But it failed!

The sunlight is strong!

(100) vs.
(74) (Tailwind)

Fuck. I definitely overpredicted. I thought way too hard about what would happen if my opponent thought equally as hard. I definitely should've just used Will-O-Wisp. But now, I'm going to have to accept that my opponent has a Choice Band Dragonite and two turns of doubled speed.

Start of turn 26
The foe's Dragonite used Outrage!
Ninetales lost 319 HP! (100% of its health)
Ninetales fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Boom Boom Baby sent out Darmanitan!

Score: 2 - 3 Robodust​

(100) vs.
(74) (Tailwind)

Oh look, the Pokemon that my team was built around finally comes out. At the darkest of times in this match. I'm going to have to let him go, because my only chance in this match is pulling off a miracle with Terrakion.

Start of turn 27
The foe's Dragonite used Outrage!
Darmanitan lost 352 HP! (100% of its health)
Darmanitan fainted!
The foe's Dragonite calmed down!
The foe's Dragonite became confused!

The sunlight is strong!
Robodust's team tailwind petered out!
Boom Boom Baby sent out Terrakion!

Score: 1 - 3 Robodust​

(100) vs.
(74) (Confused)

And here we are. Barring some unbelievable turn of events, I pretty much have a loss here. I can always pray that his Haxorus doesn't run enough speed to outspeed Scarf Terrakion under Tailwind and that I get a critical hit to get the 1-0 win though, right? Let's watch and bite our nails at the excitement as Terrakion wipes the floor and prays for a miracle when Haxorus enters the foray for the very first time!

Start of turn 28
Terrakion used Stone Edge!
It's super effective!
The foe's Dragonite lost 72% of its health!
The foe's Dragonite fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Robodust sent out Murkrow!

Score: 1 - 2 Robodust​

(100) vs.

Start of turn 29
The foe's Murkrow used Tailwind!
A tailwind started blowing behind Robodust's team!

Terrakion used Stone Edge!
It's super effective!
The foe's Murkrow lost 5% of its health!
The foe's Murkrow fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Robodust sent out Haxorus!

(100) vs.

Score: 1 - 1​

Start of turn 30
Terrakion used Stone Edge!
The attack of Terrakion missed!

The foe's Haxorus used Outrage!
Terrakion lost 324 HP! (100% of its health)
Terrakion fainted!

Robodust won the battle!

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.

Even with a neutral nature, Haxorus would easily outspeed a Scarf Terrakion with Tailwind up.

So what the hell is this guy running, some kind of bulky CB Haxorus?

Never have I heard of such blasphemy in my life, but Stone Edge would not have killed him anyway.

When I reflect on what happened in this match, I can say that the most important turn happened to be:

Start of turn 17
Boom Boom Baby called Jellicent back!
Boom Boom Baby sent out Forretress!
Pointed stones dug into Forretress!

The foe's Murkrow used Taunt!
Forretress fell for the taunt!

The sunlight is strong!
Forretress restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

(21) vs.

Robodust, you bastard, you've outpredicted me, and I don't know how he did it. Maybe he was expecting a Recover from Jellicent and he simply did not want that to happen. What actually happens, though, is that my Forretress can no longer put up Rocks that would've limited Dragonite's ability to come in and attack. However, I can still Rapid Spin, and if my opponent lays down some Tailwind, I can at least rest easy knowing that it won't die. Because I hope that Forretress can't do 15% to an Eviolite-boosted Murkrow with a non-STAB base 15 power move coming off of just 216 attack. That would be scary.

What makes this turn so special? Because it's the turn that stopped me from putting up rocks again. He no longer had Hitmontop, so they would've stayed. With rocks up, Murkrow would be KO'd upon entering the field again, thus preventing him from laying down any more Tailwinds, which would've given me an almost easy win.

It's incredible how one simple use of Taunt can change the outcome of an entire game.

Dragonite. Fuck you.
Robodust for having an extremely solid team that totally threw me off and destroyed me.

Darmanitan and Haxorus for being badasses yet only being on the field for one turn.
Me for being utterly outplayed pretty much from turn 1.

Well folks, it was an incredible match between two good players with good teams, if I do say so myself. There was some incredible predictions and some incredibly over-predictions that all led to an exciting, intriguing, and enlightening battle. I hope you all enjoyed the read!
Byrne said:
Oh what the hell. This is probably in the top 50 most frustrating plays I've ever experienced in my long Pokemon career, and it doesn't even involve any hax. In fact, it's one of the few plays conceivable where absolutely zero hax is even possible, because both attacks have perfect accuracy (Foresight can't even miss no matter what), and Night Shade can not possibly achieve a critical hit. Anyway, with those pointless facts out of the way, the fact here is that my opponent is going to get a spin off and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Frankly, this could be classified as rape, because my opponent is doing something I absolutely do not want him to do and I can not stop him no matter what I try.

Funniest thing I've ever read in a warstory right there

kudos for posting a warstory where you got outplayed on several occassions and beaten by a questionable looking team, Byrne. a lot of players would have been dicks about that but you've paid your opponent the ultimate compliment and in doing so, you've showed real character and made the warstory a million times better.

an excellent read, and thanks for giving me something to wake me up on a Sunday morning!
Thank you very much. I'm glad my hard work paid off in the enjoyment from at least one person!

EDIT: From at least two people now! It's really an honor to get such great feedback from a moderator. Thanks, Lee!
Works for me. Nice that the commentary didn't feel like it was written solely for the sake of being written. Felt fun and lighthearted, though some of the analogies I disagree with or just don't plain see the point of. Regardless, I now know that Murkrow is annoying. Lesson learnt. :)

9.5/10 (because I never give 10/10)
man, foresight hitmontop, what a bitch. i ran 2 ghosts on some of my stall teams just to keep my hazards up. >.>

great warstory though, 8/10
Great warstory man. It was nice to see a Prankster Tailwind team, and the commentary was well written. The format was also nice, although I would've preferred some kind of clear separation between the commentary and the battle, like bolding the battle or changing colour, but that's just me.

Kept me interested the whole way. Well done.
Yay, more people using the spdef jellicent set with night shade XD
Also good warstory, although the title sort of gave it away like a chick on prom night.
Yay, more people using the spdef jellicent set with night shade XD
Also good warstory, although the title sort of gave it away like a chick on prom night.

You're right. I really want to keep the surprise factor of what happens to me on turn 7 and when it's revealed that I'm totally screwed, so I changed the title.
I loved this so much lol. The commentary was amusing and your opponent's (no offense) team was incredibly weird yet strangely awesome at the same time.

I hope you do more warstories.
Very well-written warstory, you got quite a few chuckles out of me

(I especially liked the poem and [like yo sister's cherry] XD)

And its amazing how one misprediction (switching out on turn 16) can completely change the tide of battle...
So much personality in those comments~<3
I'd say, despite that 'oops' misprediction with Sunny Day for thinking too hard, both sides exhibited great thought processes and I enjoyed reading it, even with a loss!
9/10 and Disc'd~
A Warstory that actually interests me. Um. Wow.

A strange team with strange Pokemon that actually plays smartly with a goal in mind. That alone is one of the winning points of the warstory, in addition to that ever-so colorful commentary.

Now let's wait and see the OU ladder attempt failed versions of Tailwind + Banded Dragon teams.
I am Dark Arceus and I approve this WarStory!

Much better than some other warstories. Loved the teams. Question why is a Foretress on a Drought Nintails Team?

Overall really good. 9.1 / 10 (.1 is for 2 pranksters on 1 team)

Edit: This is a great example of a quality and good warstory compared to the other 2 out there.
Foresight on spinner are alway recommended, but almost never used. Nice to see someone actually follows the advise.

Forrestress isn't that uncommon in sun teams, or at least shouldn't. Fact, it won't survive fire anyway, sun or not, so it isn't much of a deal to play around. Same deal with Scizor.
This is really a superb warstory. I don't think I've read one that made me chuckle to myself nearly as many times as this one (and the rape allusion was fantastic). I really do look forward to reading more warstories from you!
Kudos man! I hope i could make a warstory like this one day...
Very nice comments, nice flow of the match, quite thrilling but the thing i like the most was your opponent's originality with the Tailwind strategy and yours to an extent(with your bulky Venusaur and stuff)!
That hitmontop was pretty interesting. I didn't know it could learn both at the same time. makes me wonder just how popular as a rapid spinner it would be if more people knew about this outside uu.

I liked this warstory though. Out of the ordinary, good plays on both ends, and good commentary.

10/10 :D
Fairly Unique teams, interesting battles, and phenomenal commentary. This is without a doubt one of the best warstories I've read in a long time. Looking forward to having this in the archive (after everyone posts their praise).
Fantastic warstory! Your commentary was excellent and explained your thoughts in detail. Thanks for livening up my night with some great OU action with two unique teams.
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