Media Chainsaw Man (Spoilers!)


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With Season 1 of Chainsaw Man now in the books, and Part 2 of the Manga now fully underway, there definitely should have been a thread for this already so I made one!

Rules when posting:
  2. Try to avoid one-liners, I want to keep this thread going and not have it be boring.
  3. Make sure to keep everything appropriate (no angel devil copypastas please...)

Questions for Discussion:
  • What do you guys think of the way Part 2 is going? Do you like the new characters?
  • What are you guys excited for (inevitable) Season 2 of the anime?
  • Who is your favorite character and why?
I'll bite since I've become an extreme Chainsaw Man simp:
  • What do you guys think of the way Part 2 is going? Do you like the new characters?
I have been extremely surprised of just how much I liked the Part 2 characters, the only ones that seem kinda bland are the devil hunter's club but they at least are goofy and have Kobeni 2 in their ranks. Yuko's arc was very interesting in the way that she was Asa's first human friend in a long time and I like how her loss finally gave Asa a motive. Kiga/Fami is a bit weak as an antagonist but for now we haven't seen much of her motivations, so she might eventually rise up to the level of Makima.

Without a doubt the stars of the part are Asa and Yoru. I thought it would be nearly impossible to beat Denji in terms of making a relatable / compelling main character but Asa just feels like such a fun protagonist to follow. Her life is yet to show the same amount of tragedy as Denji had but she is getting there, and her cringe teenage awkwardness just hilarious enough to not feel annoying. Her developing relationship with Yoru is interesting since it both parallels Denji with Pochita and Denji with Makima, so it leaves readers to guess if Yoru is going to actually be the main viallain of part 2 or just be a smokescreen like with the gun devil. I also love her growing relationship with Denji, it seems like Fujimoto is aiming to build a romance between the two and for the moment it seems plausible.
  • What are you guys excited for (inevitable) Season 2 of the anime?
Resultado de imagen de don't give me hope

  • Who is your favorite character and why?
Denji. No need to elaborate more on this.
Chainsaw man is definitely one of the most popular new gen manga/anime rn and I think part 2 will just keep on raising the bar for it. Besides Denji, the part 2 characters honestly seem boring and don't have anything too outstanding compared to part 1 characters like power or aki. This will probably change though with the new chapters and things seem to be heating up. Honestly only thing I'm excited for in the part 2 anime is going to be Bucky the headless chicken being animated because he's just so awesome. As for favourite character, its gotta be Denji but a close second and third are the Angel Devil and Kishibe. And why Denji is my favourite is because he's such a fun character, hes so chill, and is just a likeable person in general. Definitely can be categorized as one of the best MC's in manga/anime.
I only read part 1 but I’d say my favorite character is Aki. Set on his goal to kill the gun devil despite that he have shown to care for his comrades. Although him an denji had a rough start eventually they grew closer many would say they are brothers. I like how he also was gonna give up his dream to kill the gun devil in order to make sure denji and power would be safe putting them first. Cool character and def my favorite.
i've been keeping up with csm every tuesday/other tuesday since part 2 started, began reading around may of last year i believe and omg it might just be one of my fav animangas
will keep most content after the anime events under spoilers (ended at Denji vs Katana Guy, where is gundevil cliffhanger etc) (looking back at this after typing all of it i included nearly none of the stuff from around that arc wow)
my first read through of it i was hooked and also half asleep as i read it almost exclusively at like 2-3 am so i retained nearly no knowledge lmao, after being attacked by the reading comprehension devil i just kept rereading and rereading and rereading and

  • What do you guys think of the way Part 2 is going? Do you like the new characters?
as im writing this its tuesday but also a break week and the fact that the breaks and the frequent cliffhangers always kill me prob means im even more hooked onto part 2 than i think
the characters have always been one of my favorite parts of the series and part 2 delivers in that department imo, always lovely to see my baby boy Denji ofc
it's sad to see him fall into old habits every once in a while like when he thought about denying Fumiko and had a whole mock convo about it in his head but went ahead with licking the dead devil anyways, his dilemma about being chainsawman or choosing Nayuta n the dogs seems like heavy stuff too though he said he would choose both somehow.
Denji also just looks much more tired now, likely the result of his being a single father.
i hope he gets on with finding the Blood Devil in hell cuz this mans needs some more friends after part 1, Miri might also be possible homie material but they have conflicting views atm (Miri being fed csm church beliefs and Denji thinking they're nutjobs) it seems so idk. Yoshida i like a bit but is creepy and threatened him with the csm or family thing in the first place so i need Denji to get a restraining order on him fast. Asa seems to be the love interest rn but she has many ways to hurt him and thinks he stood her up bc of Nayuta, hopefully that is resolved
Asa is like one of my fav women in recent animanga, her character just feels right for a cringe socially awkward teen femcel and her interactions with Yoru and their powers are super fun
the weapon making with guilt empowerment coming from her fusion with Yoru as the War Devil are super cool and its cute how early on asa would add on "super" to her weapon names like that'd make it stronger lol. though the guilt making the weapons stronger worries me because the possibilities from what Asa might be forced to do with that power may mean she and us readers are in for a world of pain again ;-;
she's also lost her arm recently and things def have the capacity to get worse though maybe because Asa with Yoru as half of her brain is kind of a Fiend she could grow it back through blood shenanigans? im prob being too hopeful Fujimoto is kinda sadistic
yoru definitely has the capacity to do some evil messed up villain shit, especially after her power up which is exciting but also pretty scary cuz asa could be in for a load of hurt
Barem along with the rest of the chainsawman church seem pretty messed up and insane, they've got highschoolers fighting at the frontline most of the time and the weapon hybrids under their belt with the exception of Miri seem like they're just gonna stay crazy and evil, though i am looking forward to an eventual full fight involving them as their designs are cool af but so far we've only seen Miri turn after everyone else got Quanxi'd by Quanxi
Fami/Kiga terrifies me, maybe just because of her constant blank stares or how she has a primal fear, possibly multiple if Fire counts just at her disposal, or her relation to Makima after all of the stuff that happened in late part 1, or how even with the reveal of her plot to defeat her older sister Death we still don't know how she's going to go about all of it and it's insanely hard to read whether she's feeding us lies or not. as the brains of the csm church she would be responsible for the transformation and possible initial deaths of hundreds of thousands of followers which is terrifying, and it likely will not end here. if her "pawns" are reusable she has some insane destructive power on her side to call on whenever and could probably only be stopped by pochita or yoru when they're fully pumped with that sweet sweet human fear. she just scares me a lot
the Death Devil has been a character i've been looking forward to seeing for a long while and her reveal as the ultimate terror predicted by nostradamus was super hype but also scary; so much destruction and chaos has been caused by Fami in an attempt to kill her off as her arrival on Earth would probably have devastating consequences, but Earth might still be fucked by the time Fami preps Pochita and Yoru because of everything she's doing to prepare them for the fight in the first place. I fear that even after all of this that Fami could lose to Death despite the possibility for a jumping including all of her pawns (Falling and Fire so far), a powered up Yoru with weapons containing actual guilt and Pochita's devil erasure
Nayuta is a gremlin as expected from being raised by Denji, i hope she can stay safe cuz being raised a different way seems to result in a gooder Control Devil though still mischievous. super fun character just a lil angry at her for messing with the Denji-Asa/Yoru moment but can't have that too early ig
QUANXIII i love her sm she's such a badass, being an immortal hybrid and outliving all of your loved ones seems to be doing pretty bad for her tho following what happened to her crew in part 1 and the suggestion that she might be several centuries old (known as the first devil hunter) so this might've happened to her on multiple occasions, i just want happiness for her ;-; maybe she's already settling down with Fumiko idk
Katana Man coming back and on PS's side was unforeseen but kinda cool too, ik a rematch between him and Denji would be cool af but possibly for another arc as their hands are full fighting separate fights. he seems to already be sicking his goons on Denji as idk where else those multiple people armed with bats could've come from during the Fumiko date
I loved Yoshida in part 1 as he was smart about his fights, badass and i like his design/octos design! he's mostly the same in part 2 but after his threats to Denji and Nayuta my opinion on him has lowered quite a bit. still enjoy seeing him and glad he got out of the fight with powered up Yoru safely but i need him to stay tf AWAY from Denji and co.
buncha spoiler text wow
  • What are you guys excited for (inevitable) Season 2 of the anime?
I would LOVE to see a part 2 anime as i'm really enjoying it rn and the fight sequences in the anime, while not translating some cool panelling tricks as well are still pretty well done. with everything going on at mappa rn tho i think it'd be a while until we see it from them, preferably it would be passed down somewhere else or delayed a lot so the remaining employees can get some well deserved rest
  • Who is your favorite character and why?
i am indecisive and so i have like 17 favorite characters lmao. if i had to narrow it down tho it'd probably be Kobeni. cute and she's just like me fr!! relatable in being an absolute nervous wreck most of the time. her fighting is also badass af and she adds some good comedic relief to the series at times

that is all
Am I going crazy or is Chainsaw Man even harder to follow than usually?

Like I have no idea what's been happening since the whole Chainsaw Man Church thing. I tried reading Synopses but like, I genuinenly don't remember having ever read any of this. And I remember what I read very well usually. Apparently Asa lost her arm? And Fami is the leader of the Chainsaw Church? And... something has happened that now leads to some terrorists running around?

The international assassins arc was wild, sure, but with some explanation on the whole Santa Claus twist, it made sense. I have no idea how to make sense out of the Church arc. Apparently wars have also started now. And no matter how hard I try, I just can't remember these fanclub people. I found them annoying frankly, now they are just fading fragments in my memory

I loved part 2 and found it honestly better in many ways than part 1 until the Church arc. Now it's so incoherent and Asa missed out on a lot of pagetime. I am also starting to miss a clear message and emotional moments

idk, maybe I am just dumb

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