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Hello, everyone! Welcome to another edition of Staff Interviews! For those of you who are unfamiliar, the Staff Interviews are basically a series of articles that highlight a particular global staff member who is chosen by the general populace. This month's staff interview features none other than global Driver Spydreigon! Anyhow, let's get started, shall we?
The alarm on my phone rang... ugh it's 8 am on a Friday. The sun basically punched through my window curtains, causing a slew of sunlight to seep through with ease, and I knew I just had to get up. If I didn't, I'd face Hell from Antemortem. After all, I did agree to take this interview off his shoulders since he said he wanted to see his favorite episode of American Horror Story, and God forbid he'd get interrupted in the middle of THAT. I knew it was time to interview Spydreigon, but it was a long way there, and I was not interested in traveling long distances on a lazy Friday morning.
After the absolute annoyance that was getting directions from Spydreigon himself (I got lost a few times; that was probably my fault, but he still sucks), I gave up and just headed for the biggest party in town since I was bored anyway, and, go figure, Spydreigon was there hitting on some chick. Not surprised in the slightest.
"I don't suppose you would be Spydreigon?" I said, rolling my eyes.
"Yep, yes I am!" he said cheerfully. I expected him to look kinda like Apollo Justice, of course, sporting the usual sunglasses and... unique hairstyle. Well, it's time for this interview to begin.
Hiya, Spy! Nice to finally meet you.
Same here.
So, first things first! I'm curious (as many of our readers are, no doubt), who is user: Spydreigon outside of PS? Do you consider yourself to be a studious individual, or just someone who likes to goof off a lot?
Well, I'm pretty much your average teenager outside of PS. I go to high school, attend a ton of parties, and play video games quite a bit. Even though I am Indian, I don't consider myself very studious (even though my grades are still fairly high). I just like to go out there and enjoy whatever I'm doing, no matter what it happens to be.
"…attend a ton of parties," he said. Lol, this kid must be quite a catch.
So, Spy, what kind of video games are you interested in aside from Pokémon? I imagine you to be the person who enjoys other RPGs as well as some FPS's!
Yeah, other than Pokémon, I'm a huge fan of the MegaMan and Phoenix Wright series. I've also been getting into Xenoblade and Smash Bros. recently, but other than that, I don't have much time for other video games. I've generally lost my interest in FPS's, but I used to be really into CoD and Battlefield; after a while, the series just became stale for me.
Interesting... I'm also (well, used to be) a big fan of MegaMan, but sadly, I don't play the games anymore. I haven't done so for years. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to try one of the games out again. Anyway! Let's talk about PS for a moment.
I quickly changed the subject, mostly because talking about MegaMan would make my eyes too misty from all of the nostalgia!
How did you get started? Was trying to find a place to "settle in," so to speak, an intimidating experience, or were you able to fit into certain rooms with ease?
A glint started to appear in Spydreigon's sunglasses as he prepares his reply...
I've actually been on PS for a lot longer than people think; I started out all the way back in September 2012 after seeing some YouTube videos about this place and figured I'd give it a shot. Things were a lot different back then. Lobby was the only room (trust me, it was a lot calmer than it is these days), and it was actually pretty easy to chat. I never really got interested in chatting though since I always seemed to break one rule or another (I wasn't exactly the best user), so I just stuck to battling.
I stuck around for a bit, but eventually, I got bored of BW OU, so I didn't log on in a while. Once XY came out, I realized that I wanted good Pokémon. I scoured the internet for good trading locations, and when I was checking Smogon for good Pokémon sets, I realized that PS had a Wi-Fi room that I could trade in. I went over there, started trading, and things took off from there. It was definitely intimidating at first, but once I learned more about the room and made a few friends, it was great.
So, let's expand upon that! When you were new to PS, did you ever aim to become room Driver—or higher—in Wi-Fi? Did you also aspire, at that point, to become global staff as well?
When I was first starting out in Wi-Fi, I actually didn't really care about rank all too much, because all I wanted to do was get the best Pokémon possible for my X version. Once X got boring, I decided to expand to other rooms to see if there was anything else I was interested in. Darnell introduced me to Scavengers, so I started hanging out there, and Vacate introduced me to Tournaments, so I began chatting there as well. I'll be honest; after a while of being in multiple rooms, I did aspire to become global staff, but I realized afterwards that helping out the community in whatever way I could provided a much better feeling then just worrying about the rank.
That's pretty awesome! So, Spy, I have a pretty important question for you. Obviously, you started out as a new user just like anyone else. Is there any advice you can possibly give for any users that aspire to be PS global auth, or even want to fit into PS?
Honestly, I would say: Don't worry about the rank. It's good to have goals, but don't make it your main objective. Just follow the rules and make the most of your time and good fortune will hit you naturally. We're all here to have fun, after all, so if you're not having fun, chances are you're not going to enjoy your time here on PS. The simulator is huge, and it's a great place to make friends, so just go out there and start chatting, because you're bound to find a group of people you fit in with.
He started to wave his hands in dismissal as further emphasis as to not worry about the rank. I could tell he was quite serious about this; after all, having fun on the sim is imperative.
Also, a few more things, going back to IRL stuff for a minute: Are there any career aspirations that you have in mind at the moment? If so, why do you choose that path? More specifically, what has gotten you interested in that specific field?
To be completely honest, I have no idea what kind of career path I'm heading for. My favorite subject is definitely biology after taking AP Bio, but I'm really not sure how going into medicine would be. I wanted to be a lawyer for the longest time until I found out how boring the job actually is, lol.
Heh, no worries, I'm sure you'll find your true calling soon! But it's been nice having an opportunity to meet with you, and good luck with that chick you keep hitting on, but going from her reaction, you have a ways to go until you get her number.
It was a pleasure speaking with you too! And don't worry, I had her number before you walked in the door.
Little did he know, the number that the girl had given him was fake. Well, at least he tried.
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