Thanks to Thousand Arrows, Zygarde-10% is an extremely unique Pokemon that can break through typical checks to Ground-types such as Celesteela, Rotom-W, Skarmory, and Corviknight and remove their Ground immunity for the team. This allows it to completely excel against types such as Flying, Electric, and Fire and improve the matchup against Steel teams, as these types rely on Ground-immune Pokemon. Additionally, its good Speed tier allows it to outpace threats such as non-Choice Scarf Hydreigon, Urshifu-R, Keldeo, and Tapu Lele, and it has good offensive utility in Extreme Speed. Unfortunately, Zygarde-10% is very frail, limiting its ability to stay in on attacks like Celesteela's Heavy Slam, Skarmory's Body Press, and Rotom-W's Hydro Pump without taking heavy damage before KOing them with Thousand Arrows. While Zygarde-10%'s Dragon / Ground typing is menacing for an offensive Pokemon, it struggles to break through generally bulky Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Amoonguss, and Slowbro due to its only average Attack stat.
name: Choice Band (Ground)
move 1: Thousand Arrows
move 2: Outrage
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: Toxic
item: Choice Band
ability: Aura Break
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Thousand Arrows removes Ground immunities from Pokemon like Celesteela, Rotom-W, Skarmory, and Mandibuzz, making them easier to deal with. Outrage dents Pokemon like Pelipper, Appletun, Araquanid, and Celebi that are neutral or resistant to Thousand Arrows while providing valuable STAB coverage and helping greatly in the Dragon matchup. However, being locked into Outrage makes Zygarde-10% even more vulnerable to powerful attackers like Dragapult and bulky walls like Amoonguss, since it becomes unable to switch out for a few turns. Extreme Speed allows Zygarde-10% to revenge kill faster weakened threats such as Alolan Raichu and Barraskewda. It can use Toxic to lure in and cripple bulky Pokemon such as Slowbro, Hippowdon, Mandibuzz, and Galarian Corsola attempting to wall it in the long run. Maximum Speed investment allows it to outspeed Hydreigon, Urshifu-R, Keldeo, and Choice Specs Latios, while Choice Band is recommended to maximize its damage output and power. Zygarde-10% should be brought in through predicted switches or once a teammate has fainted, since it will likely take a lot of damage from powerful attacks such as Tapu Lele's Psychic, Nidoking's Earth Power, and Keldeo's Scald.
Teammates such as Excadrill and Mamoswine appreciate Zygarde-10%'s ability to make their Ground-type moves more spammable by removing the Ground immunity from Flying-types such as Celesteela and Skarmory. In return, Excadrill can KO Fairy- and Ice-types such as Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Alolan Ninetales, and Galarian Darmanitan, especially under Hippowdon's sand. Excadrill can also remove entry hazards with Rapid Spin to increase Zygarde-10%'s longevity and use Sand Rush to handle faster threats Zygarde-C cannot take care of. Mamoswine is also useful for defeating problematic foes such as Amoonguss and Tapu Bulu, outspeeding and picking off faster foes like Dragapult with Ice Shard and removing items like Heavy-Duty Boots and Eviolite from prominent Pokemon such as Blissey, Mandibuzz, Porygon2, and Galarian Corsola with Knock Off. Hippowdon can deal chip damage on foes by setting Stealth Rock and sand, and it can preserve Zygarde-10%'s poor bulk by switching into most powerful attackers such as Dragonite, Terrakion, and Bisharp. Gastrodon and Seismitoad both provide a valuable Water immunity against Urshifu-R, Dracovish, and Barraskewda. Nidoking is good for absorbing Toxic Spikes, setting its own, and using Flamethrower to KO Grass-types such as Ferrothorn and Tapu Bulu. The pair takes on Steel teams well because Nidoking has excellent coverage in Earth Power and Flamethrower, while Zygarde-10% can force switches with Thousand Arrows.
Other Options
Iron Tail is an option over Toxic to decimate Fairy-types such as Tapu Bulu and Clefable attempting to switch in. However, this makes it more difficult for Zygarde-10% to weaken bulky walls, and Iron Tail's low accuracy makes it inconsistent.
Checks and Counters
**Physically Defensive Walls**: Mandibuzz, Slowbro, and Amoonguss are all able to tank Zygarde-10%'s attacks with ease and punish it with Foul Play, potentially burning it with Scald, or putting it to sleep with Spore, respectively. Slowbro and Amoonguss are also especially hard to wear down due to Regenerator. However, walls don't like taking a Toxic from Zygarde-10% if they aren't immune, as they are then constantly worn down during the match.
**Ice-types**: Ice-types like Choice Scarf Galarian Darmanitan and Weavile can OHKO Zygarde-10% with their Ice-type STAB moves, while Avalugg can switch into it almost freely but risks taking a Toxic from it.
**Grass-types**: Zygarde-10% has trouble getting past bulky Grass-types such as Ferrothorn, Rillaboom, and Tapu Bulu, since they can take its STAB moves with ease and force it out with their own STAB moves. Tapu Bulu must be wary of Iron Tail, however.
**Faster Powerful Attackers**: Dragapult, Zeraora, and Choice Scarf attackers like Latias and Jirachi are all common revenge killers that can KO Zygarde-10%.
**Priority Moves**: While Extreme Speed is useful, it can only KO weakened threats. As such, Mamoswine's Ice Shard, Rillaboom's Grassy Glide, and Dragonite's Extreme Speed can all pressure Zygarde-10% into switching out or being KOed in order to switch to another teammate.
- Written by: [[Rotten, 491896]]
- Ground analysis by: [[Rotten, 491896]]
- Quality checked by: [[Decem, 362454], [Havens, 391540], [Harpp, 320110]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [Milak, 262594]]
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