Tournament ZU in OMPL VII - Discussion thread


San Bwanna
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As many of you know, ZU is included in OMPL VII and the draft took place last night, the full results for which can be found here. You may use this thread to discuss which teams you believe have the best ZU players, which players should have definitely gotten drafted but didn't, what you consider steals and overpay, your predictions for ZU games, and anything else you'd like to say about the tour.

Below, you'll find the teams reduced to their ZU players/support with prices, to make targeted discussion easier:
EviGaro - 8.5k
Finchinator - 14.5k
TonyFlygon - 8k
RawMelon - 9.5k
rozes - 8k
5gen - 7k
Xayah - 6k
LPY - 11k
Megazard - 9.5k
Rayquazas are going to have a lot of trouble in the zu slot most weeks, expecting it for jolteons too in all honestly. They have solid players but not people incredibly knowledgable of the meta.
Week 1 games

Finchinator vs a fruitshop owner
czim vs LPY
RawMelon vs 5gen
Dj Breloominati♬ vs EviGaro

No surprises here in terms of lineups. Starting off with some very exciting games with czim vs LPY and Raw vs myself, but in all honestly I'm most interested in seeing what the other matchups bring in terms of team choices. Have fun everyone
Predictions inc

Finchinator vs a fruitshop owner Blalib is coming right off of finals in the most recent tour, and i have to say he's defs the favorite over finch, who likely won't have much building support for this tour
czim vs LPY Alright, i think this'll be the most interesting match of the week, czim v lpy is always an interesting match to watch, gotta give the slight edge to lpy bc favoritism, but this is going to be a good match between 2 incredibly consistent players
vs 5gen Rawmelon is incredibly nutty in this meta, no offense 5gen
Dj Breloominati♬ vs EviGaro i don't know either of these guys well enough as players to be able to predict, but i know neither of them really play this meta much
Week 2

Finchinator vs DurzaOffTopic
RawMelon vs a fruitshop owner
Dj Breloominati♬ vs LPY
Yami vs 5gen

Yami over Evigaro and Durza over czim makes things pretty interesting. I have not seen Durza play or build for ZU for some time so it'll be fun to see how he preps for Finch who brought stall last week and won. RawMelon vs afo is another great matchup considering both players are mains and have won seasonals. Moreover, both players tend to run bulky offense so for me this game should be relatively even. Then there's Dj Breloominati vs LPY. Dj's team last week looked familiar and it turned out that it was a LPY team, so hopefully Dj preps differently this week. On the other hand, LPY is one of the stronger players in the pool both in terms of building and playing and with the week 1 pressure out the way, he should be comfortable.
Finchinator vs DurzaOffTopic
finchinator is just here because he is finchinator
RawMelon vs a fruitshop owner two good players, but a fruitshop owner is better imo
Dj Breloominati♬ vs LPY its my personnal hl, go lpy
Yami vs 5gen 5gen is better imo, but yami has a chance to show his level
Somehow forgot to post the games for this week. Here they are:

Finchinator vs RawMelon
Dj Breloominati vs DurzaOffTopic
Evigaro vs a fruitshop owner
Xayah vs LPY
Week 4 games

TonyFlygon vs LPY
a fruitshop owner vs Xayah
DurzaOffTopic vs EviGaro
TJ vs Dj Breloominati

TonyFlygon vs LPY: I think this game will be the most interesting of the bunch considering Tony is a p good player from what I've heard and seen and LPY definitely has a chip on his shoulder this week imo. LPY always brings solid builds and after last week's loss will turn it up. That being said, I've been impressed with the mega rays' ZU prep so this should be a tight one.

a fruitshop owner vs Xayah: 4-0 ZU or bust

DurzaOffTopic vs EviGaro: Durza's been outprepping his opponents imo and that's been his biggest edge so far for me. Def has the fundamental skills to outplay if needed though. However, I think if the Jolteons bring solid teams as they have in weeks 2 and 3, Evi can give anyone in the ZU pool a good fight. Looking forward to this one.

TJ vs Dj Breloominati: TJ has great building support with RawMelon and after last week's game I'm doubtful towards Dj's ZU prep. Even though both players lost last week, TJ played more to his wincons than Dj did imo (and Dj threw out Bronzor and didn't make the aggressive doubles I felt they needed to).